#mexican symphonic metal band
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breedsblood · 11 months ago
Blind Hex - Dystopia - Live Streaming with Songs and Thongs
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daisyachain · 2 months ago
I do have the clubber’s temperament. The problem is, I discovered it late. I did not come up in the club and I don’t know its ways, even if I connect with it on a more intuitive ways
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summerville-man · 6 months ago
Have I slept yet? No, but I now have a new favorite Mexican Symphonic Folk Metal Band
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metalshockfinland · 2 years ago
NEONFLY + DRAGONY Join Forces for Headline Tour in Mexico
[Photo by Paul Harries] UK alternative metal act NEONFLY is thrilled to announce the band’s highly anticipated return to Mexican soil. After a successful debut in the country last year, NEONFLY is ready to be back as headliners, bringing their electrifying energy and infectious melodies to their dedicated Mexican fanbase. In May 2022, NEONFLY had the privilege of supporting Dutch symphonic…
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Marcela Bovio, the Mexican singer, violinist, songwriter, and vocal teacher, who is currently a member of the Dutch symphonic death metal band MAYAN, is undergoing treatment for cervical cancer.
Known for her melancholic, emotional voice and her other work with bands like STREAM OF PASSION, AYREON, THE GENTLE STORM, THE GATHERING and MAIDEN UNITED, Bovio revealed her cancer diagnosis in a social media post last month.
She wrote: "Dear friends, you may have notice I've been very quiet lately on social media. And a few of you know this already, but a lot of you don't so I thought I'd just publish this here. Be warned, it's heavy news... I have cervical cancer, and I'm currently undergoing treatment for it. It's been a nerve-wrecking journey so far, it's very hard to put my head around it and accept it; but it's getting easier every day and I think an important part of it is to just put it out there. I'm also very lucky to have family and friends that have provided me with an incredible amount of support.
Marcela continued: "I'm happy to say that so far the treatment has gone quite ok and I haven't felt very bad physically. The prognosis is also very positive, so I hope in a few months I can be free of this thing and share some good news with you!
"I can't wait for the day I can climb back on a stage again and sing for you. In the meantime, good vibes are much appreciated"
Bovio, who has lived in the Netherlands for more than a decade, has also pursued a solo career in recent years, having released the "Found!" EP in 2015, followed by two full-length albums, 2016's "Unprecedented" and 2018's "Through Your Eyes".
In a 2018 interview with Lyrical Spell Magazine, the now-40-year-old talked about how she first started singing and eventually got involved in the heavy metal genre.
"I've loved singing ever since I can remember," she said. "I don't think I was inspired by someone in particular or at least not that I can recall.
"When I was in my teens, I started listening to rock, heavy rock and metal. I think it was through friends that I initially came in touch with this kind of music. I then started listening to this radio show called 'Distorsión' that aired in the middle of the night on Sunday. I discovered a lot of fantastic bands there like THE 3RD AND THE MORTAL, CELESTIAL SEASON and THE GATHERING. I loved how emotional metal was, how all kinds of feelings like extreme anger and sadness could be portrayed without making compromises. I was hooked."
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gothmusiclatinamerica · 6 years ago
Short review of the 2018 album Laments by Mexican gothic rock band Godless Procession, analyzing the band and, in particular, this album’s symphonic metal turn.
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womenofmetal · 3 years ago
Aryem is a symphonic metal band created by composer and bassist Diego Heero Maaginen in Mexico City. Our line-up has Karen M-dozza (Vocals), Diego H. Maaginen (Composer & bass), Javier Díaz (Guitars) and Luis A. Echegollen (Drums).
Through the explosive combination of a full symphonic orchestrations and the characteristic power of a heavy metal band, Aryem explores the diversity of emotions and avatars owned by human experience, from the spirit's greatest beauty to the deepest and darkest corners of the soul.
We build a unique, theatrical and epic sound which narrates stories and shares passion and energy. The group uses styles and harmonies from various regions of the world, from mexican folk music to the rythms and scales of the middle east.
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raylouiephotography · 5 years ago
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The Dutch/International symphonic death metal supergroup, Mayan at ProgPower USA XX lineup last year. We have Mexican singer, Marcela Bovio and Italian soprano, Laura Macrì doing the clean vocals to the growls. Shot on a Sony AR3 with a 50mm f1.8 with Lightroom CC editing. ©︎2019 Ray Louie Photography All rights reserved. All photos are available to share on social media. Please credit me and don’t crop or edit pictures when sharing. . . . . . . . . . @mayanband @marcelabovio @markepica #MaYaN #MaYaNBand #SymphonicDeathMetal #symphonicmetal #nuclearblast #marcelabovio #epica #epicaband #metal #streamofpassion #femalesinger #femalemetal #metalwoman #dhyana #bands #metalmusic #progpowerusa2019 #centrestagetheatre @progpowerusa #PPUSA #ProgPowerUSA #ProgressiveMetal #CenterStage #BringingTheBestToTheUS #htbarpinsta #BestMusicShots #ChasingTheLightArt #MusicPhotographer #MetalPhotographer (at ProgPower USA) https://www.instagram.com/p/B20kzA-A0XT/?igshid=457pbbs4ko05
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fallenangelnightmares · 8 years ago
If you're bored of the same music, look these bands up and give them a listen.
Butcher Babies (American heavy metal) 
Once Human (American melodic death metal)
Icon For Hire (American pop rock)
Demona  Mortiss (American synth rock)
Picture Me Broken (American hard rock)
From Ashes To New (American rap rock)
RED (American rock)
I Am Empire (American rock)
Gemini Syndrome (American alternative metal)
Kamelot (American power metal)  
Between the Buried & Me (American progressive metal)
The Sorrow (Austrian extreme metal)
The Agonist (Canadian extreme metal)
Noturna (Brazilian Gothic metal)
NEXX (Japanese visual kei rock)
Cryptic Abyss (Australian groove metal) 
Marmozets (English math rock)
ETH's (French heavy metal)
Elyose (French Gothic metal)
Seduce The Heaven (Greek melodic death metal)
Rammstein (German industrial metal)
DIV (Japanese oshare kei metal)
Power wolf (German power metal)
Annisokay (German post hardcore)
Rentrer en soi   (Japanese visual kei rock)
Yousei teikoku (Japanese dark wave)
Stream of passion  (Mexican progressive metal)
Ram zet (Norwegian avant garde metal)
Seremedy (Swedish melodic death metal)
Eluveitie (swiss folk metal)
Lyriel (German folk metal)
Silent Hell (Taiwanese heavy metal)
Deligma (Tasmanian electro metal)
Breakdown of sanity (Swiss metal core)
Jinjer (Ukrainian metal core)
Infected rain (Moldovan nu metal)
Origa (Russian new age)
Revamp (Dutch progressive metal)
After forever (dutch symphonic metal)
Angtoria (Swedish symphonic metal)
Forever slave (Spanish Gothic metal)
Tezaura (Czech neo Gothic metal)
Seether (south African hard rock)
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louisonurmark · 5 years ago
International Singer- Marcela Bovio
International Singer- Marcela Bovio
Marcela Alejandra Bovio García (born October 17, 1979 in Monterrey, Nuevo León) is a Mexican singer, violinist, songwriter, and vocal teacher, who is currently a member of the Dutch symphonic death metal band MaYaN.
In 1995 she joined Hydra, a Mexican metal band, singing and playing violin. In 1999 they released an EP called “Bosquejo”. After leaving them, Bovio co-founded the Mexican…
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madeinpop · 6 years ago
Made In PoP™ ǁ eventi Rock in Veneto dal 6 al 12 Dicembre 2018 ǁ stagione 16
Ciao Made-In-PoPpers, le luminarie annunciano l'avvento di un periodo ricco di mangiate e feste, voi avete trovato la vostra carica di rock'n'roll?!? CHECcO & LoRIS «Sostenete la Musica, Andate ai Concerti» ► Made In PoP segnala ◄ Ω SABATO 8 DICEMBRE 2018 Ω Csa ARCADIA via Lago Tovel 18 ZI SCHIO (Vi) torna il party BEAT OUT, giunto al quinto appuntamento, con una doppietta live della madhonna, infatti suoneranno le band tra le migliori del panorama italiano NEW CANDYS (FUZZ Club) psych-r&r e BEE BEE SEA (Wild Honey Records) garage-punk. prima e dopo i concerti frizzanti e danzerecci djset con la miss JULIE (Soundchoke/Iguana Eventi) e CHECcO MERDeZ (Lamette party/Shyrec). https://www.facebook.com/events/253481642181421/ ► SETTIMANA ◄ ► GIOVEDÌ 6 Dicembre ᴥ Sala MONTEVERDI via Torino 6/e MESTRE (Ve) ore 17:30 secondo appuntamento HYBRID MUSIC "Musica: da passione a professione" tema odierno tra indipendenza e tour internazionali, interverranno APPINO (Zen Circus) FERNANDO (New Candys) e Andrea BIAGIONI. ᴥ COCKNEY London Pub via Garibaldi 9 CORREZZOLA (Pd) da Berlino il combo multietnico KUHN FU che mescola psych/jazz/blues /avant-garde. ᴥ La SCALETTA Pub via Monte Grappa 8 CARMIGNANO di Brenta (Pd) appuntamento blues con il Claudio BERTOLIN Trio featuring Giulio Campagnolo. ᴥ HOPS Pub vicolo Castello 7 ROVIGO concertino semi-acustico per i PSYCODELIC TRIP  crossover/stoner. ᴥ LA MOSCA BIANCA pub via Dosso 33b PORTO VIRO (Ro) artigianali opere musicali folk roots per LA BOTTEGA del COMPENSATO. ᴥ VECCHIA CENEDA Osteria via del Fante 37 VITTORIO Veneto (Tv) showcase acustici alt/indie per MIK e Ryan DOYLE dei dublinesi MY UNCLE STOAT. ᴥ POMOPERO via Castelletto 84 BREGANZE (Vi) sound sexy, provocante e retrò per il duo The DEAD LOVERS (UK/Germany). ᴥ SGAB Underbar via Pusterla 63 BASSANO del Grappa (Vi) ritornano le sonorità mexican-grunge de EL CUENTO de la CHICA Y la TEQUILA. ᴥ Osteria AI PRETi interrato Acqua Morta 27 VERONA dall'Ucraina la giovanissima cantante e scrittrice JERRY SPRINGLE voce e ukulele. ► VENERDÌ 7 Dicembre ᴥ Osteria NÒVA via Ca'Mori 51 ESTE (Pd) per festeggiare il quarto complenno del locale, ci saranno, in versione duo, The JOHNNY CLASH folk outloaw da Bologna. ᴥ BISTROCK via Rometta 13/L San MARTINO di Lupari (Pd) dal North Carolina il bravissimo ed emozionante MATTHEW PAUL BUTLER. ᴥ Circolo NADIR piazza Gasparotto 10 PADOVA i caleidoscopici UNIVERSAL SEX ARENNA approdano qui con il loro energico live, dopo aver recentemente aperto ai Flaming Lips. ᴥ GREENWICH pub via Sant'Andrea CURTAROLO (Pd) in attesa della pubblicazione del nuovo disco, suoneranno qui ACAJOU stoner/wave. ᴥ MULINO FURYOSO via San Giovanni 28 CARMIGNANO di Brenta (Pd) torna il rock al Mulino, suoneranno i DEAD AFTER WEEKEND punk'n'roll sing-a-long. ᴥ GRIND HOUSE via Longhin 37 PADOVA release party per i PERPETUAL FATE alternative/metal, a festeggiare con loro WINTERBREED symphonic metal e CAPENORTH emo/punk. ᴥ HALL via Nona Strada 11b PADOVA torna in Italia il popolare cantautore folk MICAH P. HINSON, a presentare il recente album. ᴥ SPIKIZY via Zuccherificio 41 BADIA Polesine (Ro) sta diventando uno dei nostri locali preferiti, pochi concerti ma ottimi, stasera in solitaria  ANDY MacFARLANE ex-leader degli Spamabilly Borghetti, Hormonauts e R&R Kamikaze. ᴥ ALTROQUANDO Osteria Musicale via Corniani 32 SANT'ALBERTO di Zero Branco (Tv) questa sera sul palco I SOGNI DI DICKENS (indie/posr rock/Treviso) e NOVA sui PRATI NOTTURNI (post rock/prog/Vicenza). ᴥ EDEN Cafè via XV Luglio TREVISO sound sexy, provocante e retrò per il duo The DEAD LOVERS (UK/Germany). ᴥ KRACH Club via Madonna 3 MONASTIER (Tv) qui a presentare il loro nuovo disco i NICESPARE alternative rock + Dj Dondi. ᴥ HOCH HOLLE via S.Andrea PADERNO del Grappa (Tv) energico e vigoroso alternative rock per i GUMMY NIPPLES che ritornano sulle scene. ᴥ OUTSIDER Pub via S.Cassiano 72 QUINTO di Treviso (Tv) i ritmi in levare dei venexiani SKA-J . ᴥ HOME Rock Bar via Fonderia 73 TREVISO dal Belgio arrivano INTERGALACTIC LOVERS, rock con sfumature electro, a presentare il nuovo disco "Exhale". ᴥ Osteria AL PONTE corso Trentin 20 San DONÀ di Piave (Ve) pop  stravagante e stralunato per AURORO BOREALO che si esibirà qui stasera. ᴥ MORION Laboratorio Occupato salizada S.Francesco de la Vigna VENEZIA si esibirà qui il combo nu-soul funk PCKT. ᴥ Centro Sociale RIVOLTA via Fratelli Bandiera 45 MARGHERA (Ve) serata Trivel con ospiti KAOS ONE & dj Craim, faranno loro spalla gli hardcore SLANDER per l'ultimo show assoluto, 4 ROOMS FAMILY e da Roma i RAKE-OFF hc. ᴥ NOVAK Club via Castellana 59f SCORZÈ (Ve) BINTARnacht Underground Metal fest con le band KANSEIL (Tv), The FALL of ROME (Vr), GATES of DOOM (Ud) KORMAK (Ba) e SELVANS (Pe). ᴥ VIAROMA17 via Roma 17 DUEVILLE (Vi) uno degli ultimi live al ViaRoma prima della chiusura sarà quello degli ottimi bolognesi ARTO oscure orchestrazioni cinematiche strumentali. ᴥ CA'BRUZZO via Monte Cavallo LONIGO (Vi) Associazione VOYAGER organizza serata omaggio a LELE musicista scomparso 5 anni fa, ci saranno le band in cui ha suonato e tutti gli amici. ᴥ CENTRO STABILE di CULTURA via Leogra 4 S.VITO di Leguzzano (Vi) serata dedicata agli artisti locali con il polistrumentista GIUSEPPE DAL BIANCO con tre concerti diversi, per i progetti che lo coinvolgono. ᴥ KITCHEN Teatro Indipendente via Edilizia 72 VICENZA alle 21 ci sarà la presentazione del nuovo disco "Roots" per il trio JASIFE musica strumentale da loro ribattezzata meltronic. ᴥ Auditorium VIVALDI via Monte Oro CASSOLA (Vi) ore 20:30 presentazione ufficiale del nuovo disco per Damien Mc FLY cantautorato folk. ᴥ Bar dalla CATE piazza Sport MARANO di Valpolicella (Vr) serata dedicata ai duo, suoneranno, al debutto, i BITUBO, poi APEROL NOISE e gli ospiti, da Bologna, TESTADEPORCU per loro intenso jazzcore. ᴥ FAbemolle borgo di Madonna di Pol PASTRENGO (Vr) serata dedicata all'heavy sound con le band VETRIOLICA noise/sludge e DRABIK thrash/industrial. ᴥ COHEN Pub via Scarsellini 9 VERONA a presentare il suo nuovo disco sarà qui il cantautore genovese Beppe GAMBETTA. ᴥ Osteria S'CIAVINARO via Pertini 15 VOLPINO di Zimella (Vr) glam rock tra lustrini ed assoli per i FALLEN ANGELS. ᴥ JACK the RIPPER via Nuova 9 RONCÀ (Vr) in versione one/man/band ENRICO MANTOVANI eclettico cantautore folk/blues. ᴥ Colorificio KROEN via Pacinotti 19 Zai VERONA il recente fenomeno esploso su YouTube, THE ANDRÈ, stasera in colorificio. ᴥ Osteria Ai PRETI interrato Acqua Morta 27 VERONA stasera qui The BUSTERS Crew e il loro punk folk per pirati. ᴥ SPAKEMOTUTO Festival Ingiazà via Oberdan 8 CEREA (Vr) presso l'area EXP versione invernale di questo fantasico festival, suoneranno SIYLIT (death trash) ARTHEMIS (power metal) e i granitici TYTUS (Ts/Tv) heavy rock. ► SABATO 8 Dicembre ᴥ BANDALARGA Bistrot via L.Basso 6 FELTRE (Bl) dalle 18 reading musicale di Andrea GASPARINI che presenta il proprio libro "Coràio" accompagnato alla fisarmonica da Andrej Pintar. ᴥ VENETO FRIENDS GRANTORTO (Pd) dalle 12:00 manifestazione di due giorni di raccolta fondi a supporto delle comunità venete colpite dall'ondata di maltempo ad inizio novembre, svariati artisti di daranno il cambio per raccoglire quanto più possibilie oggi e domani. https://www.gofund.me/manage/emergenza-veneto/ ᴥ BAHNOHF Live via Sant'Antonio 34 MONTAGNANA (Pd) Fuzz(O)ramA night con le band RAÌSE VI/post-HC The TURIN HORSE TO/noisecore e HYPERWÜLFF BO/sludge. ᴥ Circolo NADIR piazza Gasparotto 10 PADOVA data finale del lungo ed intenso tour degli HIT-KUNLE con il loro travolgente tropical rock. ᴥ RICKY’s Pub via Commerciale 12 ABBAZIA PISANI di Villa del Conte (Pd) fa tappa qui il minitour di presentazione album dei MYOWNSIN alternative/crossover, con loro i DIRTY MEAT CAGE hard/funk/strum. ᴥ CARICHI SOSPESI vicolo Poertello 12 PADOVA al circolo culturale suoneranno i PUNKAMMERMUSIK,ovvero la versione trio dei FRIEDRICH MICIO, set acustico e di sperimentazione e teatralità. ᴥ HALL via Nona Strada 11b PADOVA VenetoJazz presenta una nuova rassegna del NU Fest con protagonista le sperimentatore audio/visivo teutonico ALVA NOTO, in apertura il duo PILIA/PUPILLO (In Zaire/Zu /molto altri). ᴥ Cso DJANGO via Monterumici 11 TREVISO Salva-LESDER #2 evento benefit per sostenere lo Studio di registrazione LESDER travolto dalla piena de La Piave, daranno il loro contributo TWO BIRDS ONE STONED, VETTORI, HOPE You're FINE BLONDIE, IL DALLAS, Fabrizio PALADIN e il progetto electro del Captain AMA, con il supprto di SHYREC, THREE BLACKBIRDS, Groove Studio e EEVIAC artworks. ᴥ Osteria da TOCCHETTO via Risorgimento 27 MONTEBELLUNA (Tv) concerti della madonna per IL LABIRINTO DI ALICE prog-rock e ALABASTRUM prog-metal. ᴥ CORNER LIVE via Ungheresca Nord 115 RAMERA di Mareno di Piave (Tv) serata alternative/indie con doppia presentazione disco per MIK e i dublinesi MY UNCLE STOAT. ᴥ HOCH HOLLE via S.Andrea PADERNO del Grappa (Tv) all'osteria da Miki arriva LO STRANIERO, band de La Tempesta, psycho-indie-pop ᴥ NASTY BOYS via Pellicciao 4 TREVISO rockabilly con una spruzzata di blues per SANDYBILLY & the WILDONES. ᴥ NOVAK Club via Castellana 59f SCORZÈ (Ve) festa per i 15 anni d'attività dell'etichetta Go Down records che festeggierà con le band NO-IR, VIRTUAL TIME, CUORE MATTO, A FOREST MIGHTY BLACK, JAHBULONG, MONGOOSE e i leggendari NOT MOVING + djset. ᴥ ARGO 16 via delle Industrie 27 MARGHERA (Ve) per il progetto di innovazione socioculturale Voci Sparse si esibiranno VIN MARTIN, LUNA & BEPPE, PLAIN, Bruno SPONCHIA e i RACCONTI di DONNE ASSENTI. ᴥ REVOLVER Club via JF Kennedy 39 San DONÀ di Piave (Ve) sonorità estreme death metal con i leggendari NAGLFAR (Svezia) più SCHAMMASCH (Svizzera) e ANOMALIE (Austria) ᴥ MAMO Bar via Carlo Porta 14 LONIGO (Vi) ore 12:30 pranzo a base di risotto e a seguire punk rock old style per LUIGI & i Suoi AMICI. ᴥ PATTINODROMO Comunale viale Arturo Ferrarin 67 VICENZA dalle 18 doppio incontro di roller derby per The ANGUANAS che siferanno le austriache FEARLESS e le bolognesi BONE-CRUSHING, prima, durante e dopo party rock'n'roll. ᴥ Circolo COSMOS contrà dei Burci 27 VICENZA qui a presentare il suo recente disco la brava ANNABIT cantautrice electropop. ᴥ BOCCIODROMO via A.Rossi 198 VICENZA dalle 18 La Profezia (teatro) Sottopelle ritual art Night con performance estreme e i concerti degli HIEROPHANT (Ra/death metal) e dei SEPOLCRO (Vr/death). ᴥ Bar ASTRA contrà Barche 14 VICENZA dalle 19 live dei LADY UBUNTU post-pop stralunato carico di ironia, passione e surrealismo. ᴥ Circolo MESA via L.Da Vinci 50 ALTE di Montecchio Maggiore (Vi) thrash nite con i concerti per i toscani SOFISTICATOR e i venexiani MERCILESS ATTACK. ᴥ The FACTORY via Garibaldi 37 CASTEL d'AZZANO (Vr) serata PUNK-HC che vedrà impegnate le band A PART of US melodic HC/Vr, ROUND7 HC old school/Vi e STANIS melodic HC/Bolo. ᴥ COHEN Pub via Scarsellini 9 VERONA in collaborazione con Blues Made In Italy sarà ospite Stephanie OCEAN GHIZZONI che oltre ad esebirsi sul palco, esporrà 12 opere dedicate a New Orleans. ᴥ JACK the RIPPER via Nuova 9 RONCÀ (Vr) combact folk tra storie e stornelli per I BRIGANTI del FOLK. ᴥ Bar the BROTHERS via Olimpia GREZZANA (Vr) la voce potente e graffiante di LISA MANARA e la sua band. ᴥ INCOGNITO Music & Dinner via Gorizia 9 CEREA (Vr) musica surf con il massimo rappresentante del genere in Italia, SURFER JOE e la sua band per un live di Gran Class. ᴥ SAMBOROCK via Roma 58 San BONIFACIO (Vr) presso gli scantinati delle scuole elementari suoneranno le band I RESTI d'ARCADIA (folk/rock) WE ARE NOT ALONE (post rock) e KIOWA (stoner/sludge). ᴥ SPAKEMOTUTO Festival Ingiazà via Oberdan 8 CEREA (Vr) presso l'area EXP seconda e ultima serata con i concerti per POWERSOLO donkey punk dalla Danimarca e ROLANDO BRUNO cumbia trash dall'Argentina. ► DOMENICA 9 Dicembre ᴥ CA'BOTTONA via I° Maggio 18 COSTERMANO del Garda (Vr) dalle 14 fiesta cumbia trash con ospite dall'Argentina ROLANDO BRUNO one/man/band che mescola cumbia con piccante salsa garage/psych. ᴥ PUNKY REGGAE Pub via Barbarigo 15 LIEDOLO di S.Zenone degli Ezzelini (Tv) dalle 17:00 aperitivo progressivo e sperimentale con gli ALABATRUM e i DREAM DOORS. ᴥ Cso RIVOLTA via Fratelli Bandiera 45 MARGHERA (Ve) dal mattino andrà in scena la settima edizione di VENYL fiera del disco, dalle 17 djset vinilico per Dj SHOCCA e il mitico ANtares COLOR. ᴥ GOTO STORTO via Villanova 8a TREBASELEGHE (Pd) live all'aperitivo per il power trio LITTLE BOY LOST stoner/punk e SO BEAST electro/psych/extravaganza. ᴥ RADIO GOLDEN Bar piazza San Martino 13 CONEGLIANO (Tv) aperitivo musicato dal tro capitanato dal cantautore Giorgio BARBAROTTA. ᴥ KRACH Club via Madonna 3 MONASTIER (Tv) dalle 18:30 aperitivo desertico con il live per BLIND MARMOTS stoner alcoolico. ᴥ GROOVE via Martiri Libertà 8 LUGO di Vicenza (Vi) aperitivo acustico in compagnia di Cesare MALFATTI (LaCRUS) e Chiara CASTELLO. ᴥ ARGO 16 via delle Industrie 27 MARGHERA (Ve) dalle 19 proiezione del film "L'Ultimo Uomo della Terra" (1964) a seguire i liveset per il duo EEviac/Merrich L'IMPERO della LUCE e il bravissimo BLAK SAAGAN ᴥ Osteria AL CASTELLO via Rossi A. 15 CHIUPPANO (Vi) aperitivo in collaborazione di Rosa Parks APS con la presentazione del nuovo libro di Davide TOFFOLO (3ARM) dal titolo "Il Cammino della Cumbia" + djset tematico. ► LUNEDÌ 10 Dicembre ᴥ REVOLVER Club via JF Kennedy 39 San DONÀ di Piave (Ve) evento hard&heavy con la superband The DEAD DAISIES (Motley Crue/Whitesnake/ThinLizzy/BadEnglish e altri) in apertura RAGIN'MADNESS. ᴥ OUTSIDER Pub via S.Cassiano 72 QUINTO di Treviso (Tv) per il live del lunedì ci saranno ALDO BETTO & LISA MANARA e il loro sound intriso di Africa. ► MARTEDÌ 11 Dicembre ᴥ monster o fuoco stasera? . ► MERCOLEDÌ 12 Dicembre ᴥ DIRTMOR via Pisa 13/m TREVISO ore 21, all'ombra del grattacielo andrà in scena la rassegna "Improvvisazioni Contemporanee" con gli artisti di avanguardia Luciano CARUSO (sax) con The MUSIC of CARLA BLEY ovvero Bruce DITMAS (batteria e percussioni) e Andrea MASSARIA (chitarra). ᴥ Osteria da FILO Santa Crice 1539 VENEZIA dalle 19 a presentare il nuovo disco "Bring in the New" il trio SAVANA FUNK ovvero Aldo Betto, Blake Franchetto e Yousssef Ait Bouazza. ᴥ SHERWOOD Open Live vicolo Pontecorvo PADOVA la splendida accoppiata SHOVI SHUVA ovvero MONEEK HONEYBIRD MIZRAHI e FOLAKE OLADUN affro-samba vibes per le due brave cantautrici. • https://telegram.me/madeinpop/ • https://www.facebook.com/Shyrec/ • https://www.facebook.com/threeblackbirdsfree/ • https://www.facebook.com/NewsletterMadeinpop/ • http://shyrec.bandcamp.com/
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rockbrary · 8 years ago
Hammerfall & Delain- A Sound to Witness Live
Hammerfall & Delain- A Sound to Witness Live
With denim on and battle vest ready to mosh, the Grove of Anaheim was swarmed by thirsty metal heads on Wednesday May 10, which also happens to be Mexican mother’s day in case you all missed it. Despite that, the mother of all power metal bands Hammerfall from Sweden and the symphonic metal band from Netherlands, Delainturned their amp volume knobs to 11. The Netherland’s band  Delain is female…
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coleepeay · 8 years ago
Newington – Choosing A Live Band – Don’t Make This Mistake
The sole goal of throwing a celebration is to celebrate an occasion with your near and darlings.
Therefore, choice of a Newington band when you decide to choose function Newington bands for hire is extremely substantial. This very choice has the ability to make or break your party. Like for instance, if you hire a symphonic music Newington band for the party celebrating your child’s birthday or a rock Newington band for your grandparents’ anniversary, then your celebration will certainly be kept in mind by all, however naturally for the incorrect factors!
After the Newington band for wedding event is selected, sit with them and choose the play list. Short the Newington band about any specific tracks you desire them to play and if at any specific time. If all these are done ahead of time, you can constantly eagerly anticipate a trouble free program which may be the most appreciated wedding of the season.
You can expect certain things from the wedding event Newington band that are not in any other Newington band’s play list.
These Newington bands play their music in accordance to the audience. When the visitors remain in a state of mind of discussion there will be a light calming music at the background while at the party time there will be fast numbers which will make the guests to shake their hips with the rhythm. You can anticipate them to play the favorites of the bride and the groom too.
If you are having actually a themed party, opt for Newington bands for hire. The Newington bands will play the music that goes best with your style, like Latino music with a Mexican themed party or Middle Eastern music with an Arabian Themed celebration.
With the right type of music on, your visitors will be injected with the theme and the pleasure will be a lot more than expected.
Though this technique might supply some entertainers services to your marriage party, whenever you want to produce minutes to bear in mind, your final option, a party Newington band, is far and away the perfect alternative.
There’s absolutely nothing at all rather like a live party and dance Newington band to bring life to a wedding event reception. The really leading wedding party Newington bands supply a great deal of personality and electrical energy to wedding ceremonies, making it interesting for everybody.
Newington in Kent Tessa Beard.
It majorly depends on exactly what the occasion of the party is, when it comes to picking a Newington band to perform for you and your guests. There are different Newington bands whose knowledges lie just at specific celebrations.
For example, wedding party Newington bands, Birthday party Newington bands, corporate party Newington bands who specialize on the stated occasions and prefer to play just in those celebrations. Newington in Kent Joan Powell.
Incase of an event like your parents’ anniversary, you can choose years Newington bands. As the name specifies, the years Newington bands perform tunes of a particular decade.
For that reason, when the Newington bands perform the ’60’s on their anniversary, it will resemble reliving the whole era for your parents’. Even for their pals it would be like going down the memory lane and revisiting their more youthful days. This is also a great choice if you are choosing function Newington bands for hire for a reunion party. Likewise, for a birthday celebration for your kid Kid’s Entertainer will be an apt option.
On the other hand, if you are considering Newington bands for hire in a reunion celebration, you need to go for a Homage Newington band or a years Newington band.
While the homage Newington bands pick a music icon or a famous Newington band and sings their covers, a years Newington band plays the music of a specific decade. Your high school or college reunion will be a sentimental one if the Newington bands play the music of Pink Floyd or the Beatles, whichever was on a roll during your student years.
There are different party Newington bands existing in the market and they differ on the basis of their category of music. It is you who need to select which type of music you want in your celebration and appropriately pick the Newington band that masters it.
The category of music varieties from pop, easy rock, tough rock, metal, combination, blues, rhythm & blues, live acoustic, oldies or punk or acid rock.
Do consult the location, logistical information like sound limitations or time limitations of any, likewise whether they have proper licenses to host live Newington bands in the very first place. If not, all your expenditures to book a Newington band and infact all your plans will go down the drain if you find that out in the eleventh hour and need to either change the location or cancel the Newington band completely.
The wedding location will need the accommodations ideal for the Newington bands wedding event.
For example, the Newington band will need ample room on the stage along with in the car park.
Most Newington bands have heavy equipment they need to fill and dump for your wedding event Newington band performance.
Newington in Kent Wedding Band Oxfordshire.
So you now have chosen yes I desire to opt for a Newington band for wedding but just how much is it going to cost you, I afraid not as cheap as the DJ however how typically do you get married, Hopefully seldom so this is going to be a wedding for you and you wish to remember it for all the right reasons.Newington in Kent Function Band Names.
Newington – Choosing A Live Band – Don’t Make This Mistake was first posted on at . ©2017 "Wedding Band Party Hire". Use of this feed is for personal non-commercial use only. If you are not reading this article in your feed reader, then the site is guilty of copyright infringement. Please contact me at [email protected] Newington – Choosing A Live Band – Don’t Make This Mistake
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emilytj8-blog · 8 years ago
Influential metal bands.
The first genre of music I became truly obsessed with was undoubtedly metal, after I inherited a love of the genre from my stepdad. From age ten or eleven, I’d listened to alternative bands like Slipknot, which I thought was the heaviest kind of music out there… The band most distinct in my memory would be Cradle of Filth. Hearing Her Ghost in the Fog when I was in year seven, from their album Midian (released in 2000), I was hooked on their dark and theatrical sound. Having an interest in literature, the band’s intertextuality in their songs was appealing. Not only was I hearing references to some of my favourite pieces of literature but I was introduced to more interests through the music. My interest in Erzsébet Báthory (Countess Elizabeth Bathory, otherwise known as Countess Dracula or Countess Bathory) came from Cradle of Filth, whom they used as inspiration for their 1998 album artwork Cruelty and the Beast, which depicts a sultry woman bathing in blood. The band was the epitome of all my interests from a young age for a considerable few years of my life, and I managed to see the band live two times, in Cambridge and London. The first time they were supported by Eastern Front, a relatively new black metal band at the time, who have succeeded and achieved so much in the years since I first saw them. I met the members of Eastern Front after their set, and before entering the venue I somehow met Dani Filth outside a Mexican restaurant where he was having pre-gig dinner with his family. I was only about twelve when it happened, so he was really friendly and took photos with me. The fact his daughter is a similar age to me perhaps gave me an advantage. The second time I saw the band was in London, where they were supported by Blind, Rotting Christ and Godseed. At this show they placed less of their classics and more recent tracks, whereas in Cambridge they mainly played their most popular ones. I went on to see Rotting Christ a few more times, at various gigs and Bloodstock Festival. Unfortunately, I haven’t managed to see Godseed since, but when I saw them Gaahl was their front man- another icon of mine from my first encounters with black metal.
I remember being recommended Gorgoroth by my stepdad shortly after discovering extreme metal, and acknowledging my sensitivity to animal cruelty, he told me not to watch their live videos as some of them feature goat/sheep heads on sticks. The first album I listened to was Incipit Satan, (released in 2000). As an introduction to black metal, I think it was a really good band to start off with. Gorgoroth are still one of my favourite bands, my favourite album probably being their 1994 release Pentagram. From Gorgoroth, stemmed my interests in more heavy bands, such as Akercocke, who I discovered again from my stepdad. I listened to Antichrist, their 2007 release album, and found the blasphemous, dark lyrics and musicianship stunning. I was fortunate to see Akercocke at Bloodstock in 2016, where they played newer tracks as well as some of the older ones, which I favour as they are very nostalgic to me. The songs which are particular favourites include Leviathan, Summon the Antichrist, Zuleika, Verdelet, Seraphs and Silence, Seduced and The Penance. There are undoubtedly so many more songs by the band which I love, but these have tucked themselves into a snug compartment in my memory. Many years later, Akercocke are still in my list of top favourite bands, and I’d absolutely love to see them again and look forward to hearing more of their music.
When metal was first fed into my music taste, I found myself listening to more contemporary releases. This is probably because when researching bands, the top results were often the most recent album release. But over time the older tracks began to emerge, and Cradle of Filth’s album Principle of Evil Made Flesh came to my attention, and the adoration I felt for this album and the sound of their older music actually put me off the more modern Cradle of Filth. The band lost their unique and poignant sound, for me they started to look and sound commercialised, and overly theatrical. I began to really enjoy the older black metal sound, listening to bands such as Emperor and Mayhem. The song Beyond the Great Vast Forest, a song released in 1994 by Emperor is especially memorable for me, and the entire album In the Nightside Eclipse holds great memories. A more symphonic black metal band I have fond memories of is the French group, Anorexia Nervosa. Though I don’t listen to this band any more, it was definitely a favourite for a considerable amount of time. Their song Sister September is most memorable to me.
Whilst death metal was always within my interests, until recent times I have never listened to much of it. The first death metal band I discovered was a Norwegian band named Gorelord, whose lyrics were particularly violent for a beginner. From what I discovered of them, they weren't very famous when I was into them. For a while I almost forgot about death metal, and the genre became dormant in my music taste. However, for the last year old school death metal has been in my headphones far more frequently. Bands such as Obituary, Autopsy, Death, Pestilence, Carcass, some of the most successful death metal bands have become my favourites. I am proud to say I have seen Obituary, Carcass and DTA (Death to All) live, which were all outstanding shows. But my love for death metal began in year seven, when I found bands like Cannibal Corpse and Dying Fetus finding a spot in my iPod. I loved the vicious and fast sound death metal has- as a moody pre-teen it was one of my favourite genres to listen to when I was feeling frustrated or anxious. Make Them Suffer was my anthem for a while, despite being the peaceful, veggie kid at school, this kind of music was always playing on my iPod.
There are far too many bands which influenced my current taste to include here, and soon I will devise a list of my current favourite bands- but for a piece about influential music, these were the first bands which came to mind without over-thinking. The main genres I’m listening to now are death metal and black metal, and a lot of IDM (intelligent dance music). Although my taste is ever-growing, metal will always hold a firm place in my heart, because I was raised with it. Too many memories are attached to metal, so it’s a genre/scene I will never stop being a part of.
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