#mewgulf gifs
a-father-of-light · 2 months
I've been thinking about this topic for awhile and I need it to live anywhere else except my head. Amen.
This is not a deep dive into any of these actors, their sexuality and real life relationships with each other. It's just, have you ever watched two people together and you're like: "yep, they want each other" 🤣😅 or, "yep, that boy is thirsty af" 😌. Like, my guy, you're not fooling anyone.
I don't even ship them, it's just entertaining to watch.
1. Fort wants Peat. Period. That boy isn't even trying to hide it and honestly, I respect it.
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2. Boss finna kiss as much of Noeul's body as the producers will allow. I can't read Noeul, he just seems down. Down for what? I can't tell.
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3. One thing about Zee is, he's gonna lick someone's son. Zee had a whole one-sided crush on Saint. 😅
I don't know what's going on between Zee and Nunew, and I don't care to know (it's none of my business). However, Nu gives "match my freak/crazy" energy around Zee.
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4. Max and Nat mutually want each other. What can I say?
5. Billy with both Seng and Babe. Billy is like Zee, if the job entails kissing someone's son, he'll be there, and he'll do the job well. 😉
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6. Billkin sometimes looks ready to risk it all for PP. - I know the rumours about their alleged relationship but for what it's worth, I don't actually believe it. This is not a comment on the nature of their relationship. I just think that sometimes Bill looks ready to ruin the friendship. 🤣😌
7. I don't know what's going on between Mile and Apo (and again, I don't need to know) but I feel like Mile would donate his artery if Apo needed one. Oddly, it doesn't seem romantic. He just appears to have a sincere admiration and love for Apo. Almost brotherly, almost friendship, but in a "I wanna lick your face" kinda friendship.
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8. Fourth and his one-sided crush on Gemini. Cute.
9. Joong with both Nine and Dunk. Joong does not have to be told twice to kiss Dunk! It's cute and kinda funny sometimes.
10. Man didn't need the director to yell action. He stayed ready to kiss Ben.
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11. I feel like I'll burn for this, but... Nanon had a thing for Ohm. I don't even think I can put a name to said "thing", but it was there and I can't believe I'm the only one who clocked it because no one talks about it.
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12. Gun's former crush on Off.
13. Mew's unreciprocated feelings for Gulf; which he'd probably deny today because of whatever happened between them.
14. Frame and Ryan. Honestly, get it boys.
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15. Bruh... Mos and Bank. They aren't shy about it either
16. Highkey, all of Jeff's co-stars had a thing for him, and who can blame them. 🤣
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itsanidiom · 6 months
Fave OG Actor Pairing
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MEWGULF! I mean...I guess MewGulf count as an OG pairing now, huh? It's been like 5 years. For real though, TharnType / MewGulf got me through the pandemic. They also set the standard for fanservice in the industry at the time (and perhaps went too far if we're being honest ^^;). I still pop on a compilation video every now and again lol.
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Them 🥺
1) Xicheng
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2) Fengqing
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3) Namjin
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4) Ranwan
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5) Mewgulf
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6) Larry Stylinson
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7) Yizhan
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8) Wolfstar
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9) Aralas
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10) Sterek
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absolutebl · 2 years
Do you think firstkhao will stay free agents following the eclipse or will they pair brand?
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Oooo, what a question. (Asker is referencing this post I did on GMMTV & Thai BL Pair Branding) 
I think I've said (or at least intimated) before but I think, in part, it's not up to them but their agents/agencies. If they score a massive sponsorship deal, and by that I mean a major advertising campaign, modeling gigs, commercial work, etc... then they'll stay co-branded for a while (see OffGun). I'm thinking large fashion brands (as opposed to seaweed and face wash). 
But if their sponsorships are tied to product placement and only for the duration of the series (and fan meets after, say 3-6 months), then no, they wont say a couple. My feeling is the actors are good friends and willing to do what will work (like Ohm & Nanon) but would rather keep separate brands, and thus options for more varied projects going forward. 
I think the fact that both of them had pairings before that didn't really work out has to influence both their decision around this, and that of their team.
Frankly, I haven't seen anything to suggest they're getting (or taking) larger (outside of GMMTV) offers in this regard. Considering what the fashion corps have liked in the past, these two don't have the look they're after. (No offense, I adore them, I'm talking purely mercenary visual commodity market here.) 
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There's a reason MewGulf did so well in sponsorship and it has to do with the way they look in term's of modeling, height, complementary bone structure, body type, and aesthetic trends. FirstKhao both trade on cute (boy next door approachable), MewGulf were HWAT. But also, when TharnType were on promo there wasn't such a glut in the market, and the local economy was a lot more vibrant with reserve funds. They weren’t up against the KinnPorsche phenomena either... MewGulf were the phenomena of their day. FK are not. The market only funds what it is focused on at the time (that seems to still be KP right now) and that focus is pretty limited and short sited. And it has a very short attention span (usually less than a year). 
I would loved to be proved wrong, glares and stupid expensive watches, perfume makers, and fashion houses. 
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circuscl0wn · 2 years
Me after seeing Mew Suppasit give MewGulf shippers a reality check
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He said seek some psychiatric care 💀💀😭😂. I’m sorry but that GEEKS😂. I don’t particularly care for the man since I’ve never fully watched Tharntype, but more BL actors might need to do this. No matter the sexual orientation of an actor their private life is there private life so it should never be looked at as more than just acting.
Additionally there shouldn’t even be contracts that tell them to do fan service in the first place. There’s so much I’ve been wanting to say about the BL industry and this situation just exemplifies my thoughts…
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boysthatlove · 2 years
Of course this is what I think about right before I have to go to work.
But from Boss and Noeul's recent live, Boss mentioned wanting to work with Noeul again in future projects and to tell you the truth, in addition to their off screen chemistry, episode 4 and episode 6 solidified their CP.
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I do believe they will always be each others' love interest in BLs or a same sex couple in lakorns. We have seen in before with Mew and Gulf, and Max and Tul. This is Boss and Noeul's first role and we don't know where their end goal is or where they will end up, but I do believe that building their confidence and acting skills or even practicing music, will get them to where they want/need to go.
But I also want us to remember that guys have been notorious in going through the BL pipeline to get enough recognition as stepping stone and there is nothing wrong with that.
I do believe that they will be each others' lives for a very long time.
Am I obsessed, yes, yes I believe I am.
Till next time.
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vodkacottoncandy · 2 years
About The Toxicity of MewGulf vs MewTul
Listen guys,
I might be a new Waanjai, but I am not new in shipping and fandom. What currently happen on Twitter, Tumblr, Youtube where people are harassing Mew and Tul about their relationship, then proceeded to harass Gulf as well for just existing is the most stupid and random fan war I've seen in years.
Here is the thing,
being a shipper is believing that they are actually together. However, the concept of shipping itself could vary, because some call themselves shipper because they see the pairings are cute, but can move on to other pairings if they are bored. Some call themselves shipper as well when they wholeheartedly believe that a pairing is real on and off screen. The similarity between the two is that both kind of shippers do not know them in real life.
At the end of the day, we are just fans who gain knowledge about them through media being presented to us by the artist and their team. We don't know what happen behind the scene, we are not their friends, we are just spectators who can only make assumptions (not facts) from those materials.
These celebrities are humans, their life doesn't revolve around pleasing the audience, they also have family and friends that they need to interact with. This is where we draw the line.
The problem with this stupid feud is the inability to understand our place. We don't get to dictate Mew, Gulf, or Tul how to live their life, if you dislike their content or their art, then you can simply leave. It is embarrassing for people to harass those people for things we know nothing about. We get all these ideas through comments and Instagram stories, we didn't even breathe the same air as them. We are NOT allowed to judge and make conclusion on what they are doing.
If you believe that Mewtul is real, then good for you. If you believe that Mewgulf is real, then it is also good for you. If you believe that none of them are together, then cool, go you.
As I said, if you dislike one or another please just avoid it, interact with the contents that you do like instead. Keep your opinion on yourself, and let them live their lives like how they let you make these theories about them. It is okay if we remain respectful, there is no harm in shipping or making shipper theories, what is NOT okay is when you start shoving your theories down their throat, forcing them to follow your narrative.
I hope we can go back to how the fandom used to be, stay on our lane, and supporting them like how fans should be. Stop harassing celebrities for shipping, it is rude and disrespectful.
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negrowhat · 1 year
What are your favorite couples that has had the best chemistry?
Hello Keni! Sorry for the late reply! You mean like on screen couples right? Hmmmm. I'll name a few!
PayuRain (I need more BossNoeul) from Love in the Air.
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TharnType (Sorry MewGulf stans ruined them) from TharnType 1 and 2.
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NubsibGene (Deehup can you PLEASE give me more KaoUp) from Lovely Writer.
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CaiReel from Gameboys 1 and 2 and the Movie.
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Hao Ting and Xi Gu (It's the way Wayne and Chunchih are glued at the hip and have still left us hanging at the same time) from History 3: MODC.
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Seo Joon and Ji Woo from To My Star 1 and 2.
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WinTops (Don't even get me started on JeffGame) from Ingredients the Series.
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Yoo Han and Yeon Woo (Fans ruined them too) from Color Rush.
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There are literally so many couples whose chemistry literally knocks my socks off, but I'd be here listing couples all damn day tbh.
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kerrikins · 1 year
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Sometimes it feels a bit like they flew too close to the sun and inevitably had to fall back to earth.
Perhaps that is dramatic (well, no, it IS dramatic), but I will allow myself a moment to grieve now that we finally have closure - closure brought to us by the two of them rather than the company that is/was supposed to represent and protect them.
I was anticipating this for awhile now, but the confirmation still hurts, mostly because I see so much lost potential. Their incredible chemistry, their bond, the fan base, the way their star was just rising at an incredible rate - all of that splintered into pieces. IMO the company has been affected too and for the sake of their other artists I hope they find a way to be successful.
To me it sounds like Bible didn’t entirely close the door but either way this chapter has come to a end and it’s time to move to a new one. Looking at MewGulf and other pairs perhaps it’s for the best.
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My BibleBuild, my VegasPete - for all its ups and downs this last year has been amazing, and I will continue to follow both of you forward. Here’s hoping for nothing but the best. 💙🖤
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Okay ya'll I'm a sucker for some good storylines and chemistry and yes. Yes I do watch BL's as an asexual woman. Sue me. Anyways, this one right here.
I binged watched the shit out of it.
Love in the Air.
I think, as a story written by Mame (who has written some pretty problematic stories *cough* Tharntype (which I love mostly for MewGulf) *cough*) but this one really wasnt problematic.
There were a couple of odd/questionable scenes but for the most part, the storyline made sense and flowed smoothly from start to finish.
Boss who plays Payu is literal perfection and somehow has gotten up there with Jeff Satur for me.
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And Fort who plays Prapai is adorable and I just want to adopt him as my son.
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My favorite character in the series however is Sky. Sky who acts aloof and distant even with his friends because of past trauma (pretty messed up trauma that unfortunately does happen in the real world) and I just love how they don't brush off his trauma. I have watched so many shows featuring BL couples and straight couples, where they briefly show a character with trauma and never properly address, deal with or show that character with trauma. But with Sky. You can see it in his mannerisms. He is almost always clutching something with his hands or making himself as small as possible. He keeps himself busy so he doesnt fall into a depression over his trauma. Even after he finds himself a partner who cares for him he tries to take control over the situation because he never had control over anything in his past. What I also love is how he handles being touched when not aware of it. The very subtle flinches or eyes widening until he recognizes the person touching him. It's just very well done. Also major props to his partner for respecting his boundaries and almost never doing things to Sky that Sky himself doesnt explicitly say he wants done.
Also side note. The only person he seems to put the most trust in is Rain (one of the other main leads and his best friend) and so he seems to be the most comfortable around Rain, with touches and just hanging out.
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Anyways, enough spoilers. If you are a follower of this blog and also enjoy a good story with amazing chemistry and are above the age of 18. I highly recommend Love in the Air.
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itsanidiom · 2 years
Getting to Know Your BL Mutuals
tagged by @negrowhat​
Simple, answer the questions. @ some people. Include the tag 'g2ky BL mutuals 2022' on your post so we can find everyone's answers!
What has been the BL that took you by surprise this year?
Love In The Air for two reasons! 1: it’s M*ME and you always gotta be worried about the content she’s delivering (^^;) And 2: In this post-MewGulf era I was worried about chemistry especially after I gave Don’t Say No a chance and instantly regretted it I’m not being a hater I just really don’t feel JaFirst are giving sorry that’s just 100% my pov. So yeah, I was VERY PLEASANTLY SURPRISED by the couples in this BL and the insane amount of chemistry the actors have~
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What has been the BL that you felt a bit disappointed with this year?
Check Out the Series for sure 100%...I thought it was gonna be smutty trash and it didn’t even deliver on being that lol...the series was just a big advertisement for random products disguised as a show...the pilot episode was good tho I guess...
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What has been your favorite BL this year?
KinnPorsche ~ No one be surprised it was the gay mafia drama I have been waiting for all my life. Before that it was History 3: Trapped. I have a type.
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Favorite BL couples (not just of 2022)?
VegasPete, KinnPorsche, PrapaiSky, PayuRain, ZSYxGSD, YixKonDiao, TharnType, JackxZhaoZi, JJYxCSW, (there’s 100% more I’m forgetting lol)
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If you had to suggest a BL for someone what would it be?
Semantic Error
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What's your non-BL favorite for this year?
The Devil Judge
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I know it came out last year but I only watched it this year 😂 also it’s like one step away from being a bl...LET THEM KISS
So who wants to go next? Tag as many or as few people as you want.
No tags we die like the couple in the first 5 minutes of UWMA ( T u T ) 
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kennyomegasweave · 4 months
People are insane in the BL sub on Reddit because what do you mean there's several comments saying MewGulf in a post about pairings with no chemistry? Like please.
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Just say you hated TharnType/Mew (but not Gulf for some reason 🤔🤔🤔). But to say they had no chemistry? Come on y'all.
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bi-myslf · 3 years
The horny holy trinity
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fujoshiangelkisses · 3 years
Every time I see these stairs
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Baker Boys 2021
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Don't say no
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greenamber197 · 3 years
There are many things I hate about TharnType but Mew's acting definitely isn't one of them. The emotions on Mew's face in the scene when Type tells Tharn about his date with Puifai! This is a masterpiece, especially the second when he almost, almost breaks down and you can see his desperate struggle. And then he quickly puts on a brave face, trying to be a good, supportive friend, although he is barely holding himself together.
You are amazing, sir. This is exactly how you capture (and break) the hearts of the viewers with your acting.
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