#metzli: 009.
ohwynne · 5 months
@muertarte replied to your post “[pm] Leila tell me what happen to Aria. Are you...”:
[pm] It is a difficult world that we have to be in. Am sorry there is not much to do about it. Do not worry about me. [user is not fine]
​[pm] I am sorry too. [...] If you're back, would you teach me some moves for fighting?
I will worry a little. Ireland is not a kind place.
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santos-emilia · 4 years
9, 21, 42, 45, 98 Have a bunch of rand9m numbers. *didnt even look at the list*
009. Do they believe in happy endings? In a way, she does. But at the same time she knows there is no such thing as full happiness. She has a good life with her husband, she got her happy ending there. But at the cost of not knowing her daughter and a lifetime of nightmares. 
021. How do they display affection? Emilia is rare to display affection in the public eye. So much of her life has been documented on camera for all of the nation to see, she wants to keep something for herself. The most she gives to the public is holding hands with her husband, perhaps under his arm with her arm around his waist, but nothing more. More often than not, public displays of affection are shared glances from across a room, or a smile offered here or there. 
In private, she can often be found curled into his side or with her head on his chest or in his lap. She is much freer with her affection when it’s just the too of them. She’s known to turn on music and pull him away from his books and thoughts to dance. She’s always there when his nightmares come to surface, there to assure him he’s okay and to hold him until he goes back to sleep or decides to get up.
042. What is their greatest achievement? Emilia will tell you her greatest achievement is the glory she brought to District One. However, her greatest achievement comes in the form of the teenager she often watches in the District market, the same girl she brings gifts to once a year, the same girl everyone believes to be dead. 
045. Does your character have any chronic medical conditions? Physically, Emilia is in top health. Mentally is another story. She suffers from post traumatic stress disorder as a result of her games. She also struggles with recurring bouts of depression. 
098. Does your character like animals? Yes, Emilia has a dog named Metzli at home, but there’s not an animal she has encountered that she doesn’t like. 
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