#metzler verlag der klassiker auf deutsch btw
yugiohz · 1 year
Just wondering but do you have any more lit theory recs? Or texts you think are like, basic readings? I had several literature modules in uni but they were ass and gave us No theorical base for analysis 😭 also it's fine if they are German/in German, I'm sure many of them will have translations into English
most intro books for literary theory are very easy to read as they're usually conceptualized for undergrad students, I think a classic one in english is terry eagleton's intro to literary theory? (I have a different one but i forgot which one i gave to it to a friend lol but in my experience, most are very accessible)
for narratology theories
Aristoteles' poetica if you wan to know how very early narrtology was theorized (a lot of fundamental concepts were conceptualized back then)
Barthes for authorship discourse (or others there's so many but Barthes is a good starting point)
Genette for narrative discourse
and then you have literary theory and criticism, but there is a LOT and not everything might interest you and worth a read, so I'd suggest just skimming some and only reading the ones you're interested in, I enjoy Bakhtin (Carnival, Laughter, dialogism), Kristeva (abjection), semiotics in general (saussure etc.), and post-structuralism is sth I'd also recommend
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