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Character List Entry #6
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「 Iris Hien Clark 」
Kembaran Rose. Kembaran yang terpisah benua, tapi akhirnya bertemu kembali. Lahir di gereja. Memakai kacamata anti-radiasi. Individual yang tidak banyak bicara juga selalu berpikir rasional. Kesukaan mereka banyak yang berbeda, namun mereka bisa sepakat akan beberapa hal, seperti saat waktunya bekerja-sama (walau kadang berantem juga-).
Tidak seperti Rose yang punya banyak kenalan juga teman, teman Iris bisa dihitung jari, salah satunya Zeta dan Alia.
Iris dan Rose sendiri pernah terpisahkan akibat suatu insiden, semenjak itu Iris tetap tak menyerah tuk mencari Rose.¹ Iris tak lupa tuk menulis surat-surat (walaupun tak dikirimnya dikarenakan saat itu ia tak tahu keberadaan Rose). Lalu usahanya tersebut berbuah hasil setelah salah satu kenalan (?)nya memberi informasi keberadaan Rose yang waktu itu nama belakangnya sudah diubah.
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Rose's twin. A twin who was separated by a continent, but eventually reunited. Born in the church. Wearing anti-radiation goggles. Individuals who do not talk much also always think rationally. Their likes differ a lot, but they can agree on some things, like when it's time to work together (even if they fight sometimes-).
Unlike Rose who has many acquaintances and friends, Iris' friends can be counted on the fingers of one hand, including Zeta and Alia.
Iris and Rose had been separated due to an incident, since then Iris still did not give up looking for Rose.¹ Iris didn't forget to write letters (although she didn't send them because at that time she didn't know Rose's whereabouts). Then her efforts paid off after one of her acquaintances (?) gave information on the whereabouts of Rose, whose last name had been changed at that time.
¹See more in 'Not Giving Up' chapter
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Metanoia Parea Settings [1]
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250 tahun yang lalu, terjadi ledakan energi misterius yang besar, mengakibatkan sihir tiba-tiba muncul begitu saja di seluruh dunia. Begitu juga dengan monster-monster. 140 tahun yang lalu, terjadi insiden ''Megmerí katastigi", di mana monster-monster banyak membunuh manusia, menyebabkan kekacauan di seluruh Megicósmos.
Hal itu juga diperparah oleh sekelompok penyihir (yang berbeda-beda element sihir, dijuluki 'para penyihir Igritium' yang melakukan 'revolusi dunia' (atas dasar ego), yang diikuti oleh para penyihir lain di seluruh Megicósmos. Segolongan masyarakat percaya bahwa hal tersebut terjadi karena Tuhan marah atas tindakan mereka. Beberapa tahun kemudian, para penyihir muda yang memiliki kesadaran dan tekad tinggi atas kekacauan tersebut, bersatu, dan berusaha mengembalikan kedamaian seperti semula.
Waktu maju, di masa depan, tepatnya tahun xxxx, tahun di mana kedamaian dunia dengan para penyihir mengendarai sapu terbangnya seperti biasa.
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250 years ago, there was a huge mysterious energy explosion, resulting in magic suddenly appearing out of thin air all over the world. And so did monsters. 140 years ago, there was a "Megmerí katastigi" incident, in which monsters killed many humans, causing chaos throughout Megicósmos.
It was also exacerbated by a group of witches (different elements of magic, nicknamed 'the witches of Igritium' who carried out a 'world revolution' (based on ego), which was followed by other witches throughout Megicósmos. A segment of society believed that this happened because God was angry at their actions. A few years later, young witches with a strong sense of awareness and determination over the chaos, banded together, and tried to restore peace to its original state.
Fast forward to the future, the year xxxx to be precise, a year where the world is at peace with the witches riding their broomsticks as usual.
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Karena takut di doxing lah suatu saat, kan dia idol coy
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Nama tempat😟
Kek nama² kota (walaupun akhir nya kebanyakan (kek nya) jadi referensi sampingan aja🚶) di #metanoiapareaworld, selain ambil dari palette color, juga mikirin kota nya itu inspirasi nya dari tempat rl apa aja🥴
Juga kek sekolah² nya, akademia, referensi dan inspirasi nya sebisa mungkin dekat dengan elemen² asli rl
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Ann: Do you take constructive criticism?
Danish: Not without crying
Prompt rambles #4
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Kerja sambilan sekolah, mengoleskan minyak urut ke badan, sama menyelamatkan dunia
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Dah di roasting pun waktu habis takeover kemarin wkwkkw
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"The moon is beautiful tonight, right?" - person A
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Found this pcrw, and thought early Halloween pcrw why not
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Azz waktu pertengahan Lyceum academia sudah mulai merokok, tapi karena temanan sama grup sableng juga sama Luna, mulai dikurangin nya (maksud nya tidak sesering seperti dulu)
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Akhir nya 10 chara dah ter-reveal 💃
Jujur mau up Danish sama Ann bersamaan minggu lalu, tapi ada kerjaan rl mendadak, dan baru bisa lanjut di up minggu ini🧍🚶
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Character List Entry #10
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「 Ann Zainisa 」
Salah satu murid di Lyceum Problicae academia. Anak yang baik walaupun terbilang cukup tegas jika mengesampingkan umurnya, sedikit berkebalikan dengan kakaknya, Keisha.
Ann sendiri merupakan teman masa kecil Danish. Ia terkadang merasa bahwa dia (Danish) seperti protektif terhadap dirinya. 'Apakah karena ia seorang cewek?', demikianlah batinnya suatu hari saat melihat Danish. Pada kenyataannya Ann merasa hal tersebut tidaklah terlalu perlu dilakukannya.
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One of the students at Lyceum Problicae academia. A good child although quite assertive if you ignore her age, a little opposite to her sister, Keisha.
Ann is Danish's childhood friend. She sometimes felt that he (Danish) was protective of her. 'Is it because she's a girl?', she thought one day when she saw Danish. In reality, Ann didn't feel that it was necessary for him to do that.
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Character List Entry #9
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「 Danish Cana 」
Anggota termuda dari klub jurnalistik Problicae akademia, klub Meraki. Klub Meraki bukan tanpa sebab merekrutnya meskipun usianya belum genap 15 tahun, dikarenakan sifatnya yang selalu penuh keingin-tahuan atas apapun yang bisa ditanyakannya saat ini. Dia juga selalu membawa buku catatan (notes) yang mana dia juga sambil mencatat apa saja yang menarik perhatiannya.
Danish selalu juga terlihat bersama Ann. Bukan karena apa, karena mereka teman sedari kecil. Ia terkadang merasa bahwa dia harus menjaga dan menghibur Ann karena Ann seorang cewek. Pada kenyataannya tidak demikian.
| EN version |
The youngest member of the Problicae academia journalism club, the Meraki club. The Meraki club did not recruit him without reason even though he is not even 15 years old, because of his nature which is always full of curiosity for anything he can ask at the moment. He also always carries a notepad in which he takes notes on anything that catches his attention.
Danish was always also seen with Ann. Not because of anything, because they were friends from childhood. He sometimes felt that he had to look after and comfort Ann because she was a girl. In reality, this was not the case.
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