#metal is a femboy yeah it came with the cuteness
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squeiky · 2 years ago
SO Amy rose is like, “oh my metal sonic why do you keep looking at my bow do you want it?” And he’s all 🥺 so she gives it to him and he wears it.
I think after awhile he realizes the goth girly within him because pink and black metal sonic is so much cooler than pink pink metal sonic
(which is fine on its own and I do think he changes to full pink coats every once and awhile- but for the most part it’s just pink and black.)
Because I think I let the cutesy “Amyness” overrun Metal’s coolbot swagger, when in reality the two atheistic should be consuming eachothers essence.
So yeah he’s goth girly swagger (aka pastel goth!)
And I added eyelashes to his sunglasess eyes.
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palaceofpassion · 3 years ago
Breaking Ren 1.
Reposting this again, cause I’m almost done with the finale.
Ren being force feminized into a cute little femboy trap~
“Mr. Arc, Ms. Rose.” Came the stern voice of Professor Goodwitch, her piercing blue eyes gazing down on the two leaders. “Going forward, I hope that I won’t have to call you in anymore, am I clear?” Her stern voice caused the two students to shudder.
“Yes Ma’am!” Came the dual replies of Jaune Arc and Ruby Rose.
As the door closed in front of them, the two slumped in unison.
“This sucks.” Ruby’s voice breaking the silence.
“Tell me about it…” Jaune stood up straight, stretching his back, “I can’t believe we had to sit through another lecture because of Nora and Yang.” His normally goofy tone serious, frustration eking out.
“Tell me about it! And the others don’t help at all!” Ruby threw her arms into the air in frustration, the two of them now on the move back to their dorms.
They had once again been lectured due to the trouble that their teammates, specifically Yang and Nora had caused.
“Tell me about it, Ren just let’s Nora do what she wants, and Pyrrha, I love her, but she can’t handle Nora’s craziness.” A soft growl leaving his throat, his eyes glancing down to Ruby.
“I KNOW! Blake doesn’t bother helping with Yang, and Weiss gives me trouble because I can’t keep my older sister under control! It shouldn’t be my job! But apparently being a leader means we have to take all the flack for our teammates.”
“Coco doesn’t have to deal with this, her teammates are so well behaved! And why isn’t Cardin or Sun here? Their team’s always cause trouble! Why aren’t Nora or Yang here either way!?”
Several students watched as the duo made their way through, still in their training gear.
Glynda had held them back after combat class, neither had the chance to eat and both were still drenched in their own sweat. They were obviously tired, but had to deal with a several hour lecture on why they need to keep their teams under control, this had become an all to common occurrence.
“I dunno Jaune, but it’s getting annoying! I’m still hungry but the cafeteria is closed, now I just want to take a shower and go to sleep.”
Jaune grunted his response, he felt the same way, feeling his stomach grumble he resigned himself to a hungry night. Soon they made their way to their doors, “Night Rubes, good luck.”
“You two Jaune.” He watched as she made her way into her room, as soon as she entered he heard a crash, and a seriously miffed Ruby.
Resigning himself to a similar fate he made his way into the dorm. His teammates were still awake, Nora jumping on her bed, Ren sitting and meditating, and Pyrrha staring at him a worried and warm look on her face.
“Hey.” Was his only response, he should have come up with something better, but he was just tired.
Pyrrha looked as if she was going to say something, but then Nora interrupted her.
“Hey fearless leader! What took you so long!?”
Jaune stared at her, an incredulous look on his face. She couldn’t seriously be asking that, fuck, she was Nora of course she was. He wanted to say something but relented, no matter what he told her nothing would happen or change.
“Look, I’m just tired… I’m going to take a bath and go to bed.” Pyrrha got up and handed him his clothes and a towel.
He gave her a warm smile, one that she returned in kind. “Thanks Pyr.”
“You’re welcome Jaune.” He looked at his other two teammates one more time and relented.
Turning around he made his way into the shower, turning on the water he shivered, realizing that all the hot water had been used. He growled, today was just not his day. Taking off his armor he let it drop the floor with a thud.
Staring down he felt his lower half twitch, with all the stress that his team, mostly Nora, had caused him, he hadn’t gotten the chance to relieve himself properly.
Once he removed his clothes he moved into the shower, originally he wanted to stroke one out, but with how cold the water was he could barely concentrate. It didn’t stop him from staying hard though, his frustrations grew when he heard a crash followed by Pyrrha’s voice, “NORA!”
Quickly turning the water off before he could even start to clean himself, he wrapped his towel around his waist, making his way out his eyes shot open.
His Guitar, the one that had been a gift from his sisters was in splinters on the floor. “Wha… What happened to my guitar?!” His normally kind voice filled with anger, causing the others to look at him in shock.
No one answered, but he already knew, his eyes shot to Nora. She stared at him like a deer caught in the headlights.
If he had been any less angry at this point, he would have noticed the way that Pyrrha eyed him, hunger in her gaze.
“Nora! What the hell happened?!” His voice commanding, he didn’t see Pyrrha shiver in an odd sense of delight.
“N...NOthing! It was an accident I swear!” Nor was panicking, she hadn’t meant to smash his guitar, she’d never do anything like that on purpose! But the look in her leaders eyes caused her to an unusually high amount of fear.
“Damn it! It was a gift from my sisters!” His eyes were dilating, and his pulse quickening, anger rising he made his way towards Nora, who started to sink back into her bed.
Though, before he could get any closer Ren stood in his way. Their eyes meeting, the silence that ensued caused a sense of tension that could be cut with a knife.
Ren was the first to break the silence, “Jaune, she didn’t do it on purpose, don’t yell at her.” His voice was stern, but this just just incensed Jaune further.
Yeah that’s how it always was, he wouldn’t help keep her under control, but the moment someone tried to discipline her he’d get in the way. Jaune felt his anger rise, he was tired, he was frustrated, he was angry, and he was god damn horny. His temper rising he glanced at Nora who shrunk back.
Once more he sized up Ren, he noticed something he never did before, Ren was awfully slim, his waist was similar to Weiss, but his hips were closer to Pyrrha’s. A sinister thought came to Jaune’s mind.
Closing his eyes he started to chuckle, this didn’t sit well with any of the other three, Nora watched on in fear, Pyrrha in worry, and Ren with a sense of nervousness. “Okay… okay… you don’t want me to discipline her, I get that. You don’t want to help keep her calm, I got that. So…”
His right hand suddenly grabbed the back of Ren’s head, his left shooting down to his waist reaching behind grabbing onto his ass. Squeezing he saw Ren wince in pain, “If I can’t discipline Nora, then I’ll discipline you. Starting from now on Ren?”
Everything was silent, no one could quite believe what Jaune was doing, “You’re going to be my bitch.” The shock on the other’s faces was audible. Before anyone could reply, Jaune smashed his lips into Rens, forcing the smaller boy back. His right hand leaving Ren’s head, now grabbing onto the other cheek, he squeezed and massaged.
There were a few things that Jaune hadn’t noticed before, Ren smelled really good, he had an incredibly feminine figure too, and a pretty face. His ass, which was normally covered by loose fitting clothing, was actually pretty big. It was nice and plump, so much so that Jaune couldn’t help himself. Pulling his right hand back he gave Ren’s ass a heavy and powerful slap.
Ren tried to pull back from Jaune’s advances but couldn’t, his lips parted when Jaune slapped him allowing Jaune’s tongue to invade. He continued to struggle, feeling the invading tongue assault his mouth, he didn’t know when but Jaune was clearly stronger than him now.
He began to panic, having to rely on his training and semblance to keep from completely freaking out. Though a stray thought entered his mind, why weren’t the girls helping?
Nora had no idea what was going on, one moment she messed up and was about to get scolded, the next Jaune-Jaune was assaulting her Renny, normally she would have put a stop to that, but she couldn’t move. Her body was incredibly tense, and the shock was too much for her.
Pyrrha was much the same, though, there was a growing fire in her body, this was hot. The way Jaune took command, and assaulted Ren, the way he said, no STATED, that Ren was going to be his bitch? She should be mad, jealous even, but she couldn’t help herself, this was the Jaune she knew he could be.
Jaune continued his assault, not letting Ren relax, his tongue pushed and pulled on Ren’s. Ren tasted pretty good if he was being honest, he felt Ren unconsciously moan with every squeeze, push and pull at his ass. Jaune felt his cock harden more under the towel, he couldn’t believe he was going to do this, but damned if someone was going to take responsibility.
After what seemed like an eternity he pulled away with a pop, Ren’s eyes hazed over, he wasn’t thinking straight. Jaune smiled as he removed his hands from Ren’s ass, grabbing onto the smaller boy he pushed him onto his bed, forcing him to sit. This caused Ren to sit down, his eyes staring up at Jaune.
Jaune smiled, his next action surprising everyone, especially Ren. “Pyrrha!” Her attention snapped towards him.
“Uh, y...yes Jaune?” He heard her hesitant, he couldn't’ blame her, but if anyone here would listen to him it’d be her.
“Pyr, grab my scroll, start recording, and make sure Nora can’t move.” Pyrrha was confused by his orders, though she loved the way he said it, that didn’t make it any less confusing.
When she didn’t respond he grew irritated, “Did I stutter?!”
The sudden rise in his voice caused her to panic, she grabbed his scroll put record on and made her way to Nora. Who was still in a daze. Pyrrha made sure to wrap her arms around Nora. She used her semblance to chain the poor girl down, a metal chain that they had used for training served this purpose.
She proceeded to record, using Jaune’s scroll confusion struck her, but that ended the moment that she heard a wet thud on the floor. Her jaw dropped, and drool escaped her lips, her eyes cast themselves lower as she finally got a view of Jaune’s penis. No that wasn’t the right word, it wasn’t a Penis it was a thick fat COCK. She swallowed hard as her throat grew dry.
Nora, hadn’t moved, she couldn’t. When Jaune dropped his towel her world came crashing down, a dark sense of dread filling the pit of her stomach.
Ren began to panic, he heard the thud before his brain fully registered what was going on. Before he could even register the sight his sense of smell was invaded. A sour, tangy, and salty smell invaded his nostrils, then he was hit with something. It was a powerful slap, smacking his face with a powerful thud. He felt himself still as he saw what was in front of him, it was a thick veiny cock, Jaune’s to be exact.
He swallowed hard and panicked, in the next moment he felt something hot touch his lips. Looking down he found the head of Jaune’s cock pressed up against his lips. He could smell it clearer now, it smelt like it hadn’t been cleaned yet, the must was strong. And he hated to admit himself, he felt his own penis grow hard. Though, no one would be able to notice.
He looked up at Jaune, who didn’t say anything.
Jaune placed his hand around his cock, he enjoyed the ensuing silence, the lustful look from Pyrrha, the stunned silence from Ren and Nora. Yes, this was good, there would need to be more of this.
He pressed the tip against Ren’s mouth again, he slid it across, allowing his precum to smear across his lips. “Ren…”
Ren took his eyes off of Jaune’s cock, just long enough to meet his, he felt the tip brush against his nose smearing a dollop of precum onto the tip.
“Ren, you know what I want you to do.”
Ren knew, but he hoped he was wrong, either way he wasn’t going to open his mouth. Though, this caused Jaune to become impatient. After a moment of silence he felt a heavy wet slap across his face. Jaune had just slapped him with his dick, before Ren could respond he was hit with another, this time from the left side.
“Open your mouth Ren.” Ren continued to defy him, though he had to wonder why he hadn’t put up more resistance. Then the thought hit him, he’d always stand up for Nora but never himself. Good, he could make use of this.
Using his free hand he grabbed onto Ren’s nose and pinched it close.
Ren tried to reach out to pull Jaune away, or to defend himself but the moment he did he felt a pressure on his own groin. Jaune’s leg had shifted to make sure that if he tried anything he’d be in pain himself. Ren did his best to hold on, but he could only last a minute before he needed air. Opening his mouth to breath he found it instantly invaded.
The taste came first, it was awful, it was musky, sour, tangy, and salty. The flavor alone made him want to gag, he could taste the left overs of Jaune’s pee, as well as the bit of precum. He wanted to say something, to do anything, but he couldn’t. Next came the sensation of having it in his mouth, it was huge, stretching his jaw to an uncomfortable degree. His tongue rubbing against the lower parts, he could feel the veins slide across it. He shuddered in disgust, this wasn’t something he ever wanted to do, and he absolutely hated it. More so when he felt it slide to the back of his throat, causing him to gag. Ren had never taken anything this big before, and it made him uncomfortable, so much so that he wanted to throw up, but there wasn’t any room for that!
Pyrrha’s eyes shot wide as she watched Jaune just slam his cock into Ren’s mouth. She watched him force himself all the way to the base. The fire in her core became more intense as she began to rub her thighs together, she should be helping Ren! But instead, she felt an intense desire grow in her, she needed Jaune to do the same to her, she should have been jealous but she couldn’t be, this was insanely hot. She just hoped that once he was done with Ren, he’d do the same to her.
Nora wanted to cry, she wanted to scream, but she couldn't’ find her voice, she couldn’t move. All of her normally strong nerves gave way, her body shook in fear, this wasn’t her fearless kind leader, this wasn’t her sister Pyrrha! What was going on?!
“Oh Shit!” Jaune wasn’t one to curse, but he was just so frustrated and tired. He couldn’t believe he’d done it, he shoved his cock all the way into Ren’s throat. He felt it clench around trying to force him out. He took a moment, just stood there, he enjoyed the heat coming from Ren’s mouth, the way that his tongue moved around struggling to push him out. God this felt good, it was exhilarating. His hands had moved to grab Ren’s head, he made sure that he wouldn’t pull back.
He felt Ren begin to panic, his breathing became tense and quick, he was running out of breath. Jaune smiled, he waited till the very last moment and then he pulled out. He watched as strings of saliva trailed from his dick to Ren’s mouth, he watched as his friend, no his bitch, cough as air escaped his longs.
“Jau Ne! You… why... !?” Ren could barely get the words out, he was trying his best to breath, to get air back in his longs, and not to vomit. The taste was still there, it was awful, it was far worse than the smell. He did his best to remain calm, to try to analyze the situation, but as he started to look back up it happened again, he felt Jaune’s pelvis smash into his face once more.
“Shit Ren, you’re mouth is so tight.” Jaune let out a soft groan, he once again stayed there, letting Ren's warm mouth envelope his throbbing dick. This wouldn’t be enough though, he would have to start moving soon, though he could enjoy it just a little longer. “You never talk, might as well make use of it!”
Jaune pulled out one more time, this time though he didn’t come all the way out. His dick was covered in saliva, he felt Ren’s mouth clench around it. He smiled as he looked at Ren’s lips pucker, “Shit you really do have dick sucking lips, they’re plump and ready.” Once more he thrust in with a wet smack.
Ren began to gag again, his throat was being violated so thoroughly, his mind was going numb. The taste was horrendous and the smell was getting to him, it was causing his body to stop listening to him. He felt Jaune enter his mouth again, only to pull out shortly after. He felt him repeat this over and over, he could hear the wet smacks from inside, he could taste the percum that started to drip out more fervently. Soon his eyes began to roll to the back of his head, he couldn’t stay conscious for much longer.
Jaune continued, everytime he pulled out, more saliva and a little bit of his precum began to gather. Ren’s lips were moist and wet now, a mix of his saliva and cum coating them in a nice gloss.
He began to pick up the pace, the sound of his wet smacking filled the otherwise silent room. He turned to Pyrrha who had slid her hands between her legs. Fuck that was hot, she was still recording and her attention was fully on his thrusting hips. She was watching his dick like a hawk, he’d have to reward her later. Turning his attention to Nora he could see tears forming, as she struggled against her bindings. Part of him felt awful, it tore his heart to see her that way. But, she deserved this, he was their leader and he would execute punishment.
His hips continued to piston back and forth, Ren no longer struggling against his thrusts. It didn’t take long, he had been ready to release a good while ago and had only held on to enjoy the feeling. It didn’t happen all at once, he felt his cum begin to splurge out of his dick, his hips continuing to move. Everytime he pulled out his cock was coated in his own semen and saliva, thick white webs stringing between the two Ren’s lips and his dick. When he felt the strongest pulse he pushed himself all the way down Ren’s throat, leaving his cock there forcing Ren to wake in order to not drown.
Ren felt sick, he felt Jaune’s seed spill down his throat and into his stomach. It was a disgusting feeling and it made his skin crawl, but a very tiny part of him found this exotic, his penis twitched in his pajamas, a small amount of precum staining them. He felt the hot thick fluid get stuck from time to time, forcing him to swall around Jaune’s heavy dick, something he seemed to enjoy. When he felt it stop, Jaune pulled out, he watched as thick webs of saliva and cum stretched and connected his mouth to Jaune’s still twitching dick. Ren hated the taste, but at least it was over.
It wasn’t over, Jaune was just getting started. He said Rene was going to be his bitch, so he was going to make him his bitch. Thankfully Ren was too tired to resist, and Nora had already cried herself into exhaustion, Pyrrha? Apparently she had just had her own orgasm, if her sudden janky movements were anything to go by. He’d definitely have to treat her later, she was being such a good teammate, unlike these two.
Jaune watched as Ren heaved for air, his chest rising and falling, then he noticed it the small stain on Ren’s pants. He began to laugh, catching Ren’s attention, “Alright, you ready for part two of bitch training?” The look of fear on Ren’s face told him that no, no he wasn’t ready.
Jaune grabbed onto Ren’s shirt, pulling it up over his head and tossing it to the side. Jaune pushed his exhausted teammate back, he watched as Ren’s chest rose and fell, he admired the view. Ren was far more womanly than most of the woman he’d seen. His waist was thin and he didn’t have an announce of visible muscle. Jaune couldn’t help but lick his lips.
Reaching to the end of Ren’s pants he pulled them off, only to pause once he saw Ren’s penis. A gleeful smile appeared on his face as he positioned himself between Ren’s legs. “Hahahaha! Hey Nora!”
Nora’s turned to Jaune, her eyes puffy and red, “You don't have anything to worry about, Ren wouldn’t have been able to satisfy you after all.” Her confusion ceased when she saw where Jaune was looking.
“Ren, this isn’t a cock.” Jaune smiled as he slid his hand against Ren’s penis, fully erect it only reached up to 3 inches, his testicals were small and smooth, and there wasn’t an ounce of pubic hair. “This Ren, this is a cock.” He pulled his now hard dick and slapped it across Ren’s pelvis placing it next to Ren’s.
Pyrrha made sure to record with increased interest, the difference was tremendous, Jaune’s was 4 times as large as Ren’s. She felt bad for her friend, she didn’t enjoy his humiliation, but she was getting off on Jaune’s commanding tone.
“Don’t worry Nora, I was planning on keeping Ren for myself, you don't have to worry bout this.” Jaune slapped his cock against Ren’s, a loud meaty thwack was the response. He watched Nora panic, good this was really her punishment.
Honestly, he hated that he was doing this, but his lust, and frustrations drove him over the edge. He didn't believe that the size of a man’s dick mattered, not in the slightest. But in this case it did, only because Jaune was going to turn Ren into his woman, he wouldn’t need it anyways.
Turning his attention back to Ren, he smiled leaning forward he placed gentle kisses into the crevice of Ren’s neck. “Don’t worry, you won’t need it, you’re going to be my bitch now Ren… no Lie.” He smiled as he heard Ren’s calm facade crack at the use of his first name. “No… Lian.”
Jaune’s hands traveled across Ren’s slender frame, he had to be as thin and soft as Weiss, this was insane! He had joked about it earlier, but Ren really did have a womanly figure, wide hips a big ass and a small waist. Pulling himself back up he pulled away, flipping Ren over and putting him in the middle of the bed.
Jaune climbed up after him, his fr… no his bitch didn’t move, instead he simply laid there. Jaune took the time to enjoy the rear view. His cock was hard, as he watched Ren’s prime ass. “Shit, you’re definitely better off as my woman Ren. That ass was made to fuck.” Ren had a fine ass, it was big and round, the kind meant to be pounded. He estimated it was probably bigger than Blakes, good thing too, Ren was far more attractive than Blake was anyways.
Jaune positioned himself behind Ren, pulling his bitch so that way his legs rested on Jaune’s lap. He slid his cock between Ren’s ass and began to position himself, moving his hips back and forth to get a good feel. He watched as his girth vanished in the crevice, “You’re ass is so fine.” He raised his hand into the air, Pyrrha’s breathing stilled as she prepared for what was to come, Nora panicked, Ren had no idea.
THWACK! THWACK THWACK! “MMMMPH!” Three powerful slaps, Jaune had hit Ren’s jiggling ass three times, each one causing vibrations to travel through his rear. Ren felt intense pain going through his body, he wanted to scream out in pain, but he couldn’t. His throat was still sore from being raped, he could barely swallow as it was.
“Damn, Damn that’s hot.” He did it again, and again, “This is an ass, that was made to spank! Lian! You were made to be my bitch!” THWACK! Jaune hit it again for good measure. “Pyrrha!”
Pyrrha’s attention snapped to Jaune, she had been too entranced by what was going on. “Yes Jaune~” Her tone was seductive, she had to have Jaune, oh god she needed him.
Jaune noticed it, and felt a chill down his spine, he stared at her and his heart fluttered, god she was amazing and he’d be lucky if she’d even consider him. Though, with the way things were going tonight, well that probably wasn’t too far off. He felt his nerves falter as he tried to think of a response, “Right… uh, right, get closer, I want you to record this, I’m going to turn really start the bitch making program now.”
Pyrrha sucked in some air, time to be straight forward, “Only if fuck me after.” There she said it! She watched Jaune for any change, she got none.
Her heart shattered into a million pieces, she felt tears start to form at the corners of her eyes.
“No you deserve to be loved, not fucked, I’ll make love to you. I’ll be yours only if you’re mine.”
And just like that, her mood did a 180, she pounced forward almost bowling Jaune over as she wrapped her arms around his sweaty form. Unlike Ren she loved the smell, she adored it and it drove her wild, his musk was intense and she needed it close up. Their lips met in a searing kiss, with a pop she pulled away, “Yes please!” Both smiled, staring at each other lovingly.
Nora felt dumbfounded, what happened, what was going on?! Why were they happy but she wasn’t! She needed to help Renny! But she couldn’t move, she didn’t have the strength.
Ren should have been happy for his friends, he really should have, but he couldn’t be the only thing he could be right now was in pain.
“Right, make sure to get this okay?” Jaune said as he smiled at Pyrrha, she nodded inr response with an equal smile on her face.
“Right, here we go Ren, time to make you my woman.” Jaune put the tip of his cock against Ren’s asshole, Ren in response tensed and tried to squirm, though he had no strength. He needed to pull away, but before anything could happen, before Nora realized what was happening, before Ren could protest, Jaune slammed his cock in with a loud smack. Jaune felt his pelvis hit Ren’s plump pillowy ass, cushioning the powerful thrust.
“Holy! Lian! It’s so hot, you’re going to melt my dick off!” The intense heat along with the clenching force of Lian’s ass. Jaune pushed his weight on top of Lian, forcing his body down and pressing him tightly against the bed. He reached forward his arms wrapping around Lian’s neck and head forcing him into a headlock. “Shit!” He began to move, SMACK SCHMACK SCHMACK!
Pyrrha began sliding her fingers through her lower lips again, she’d decided on discarding her lower pajamas and fully embraced the debauched show in front of her. She watched as her now boyfriend began to slam his bitch, she watched his hips pull back his thick fat cock pulling out of her friends ass only for it to slam back in less than a second later. She watched the way that his ass rippled with each thrust, the way that Jaune increased his pace, pounding their once teammate into the bed with force.
The only audible sounds were the creaking of the bed and the smacking of wet flesh. Jaune loved it, it was intense, and it was hot, he’d never felt this good before. He imagined how it would be to be in Pyrrha right now, how hot her folds would be. He wanted to be in her soon, now even! He continued to imagine he was fucking Pyrrha, his thrusts ecame stronger, faster, harder! He felt his body tense, he was about to cum. Pulling back he lifted Lian up by the head, still keeping him in a headlock. He pulled Lian onto his lap, bouncing her up and down forcing her to take his cock. Right her, Lian wasn’t Ren anymore, no she was his toy, his bitch, his fuck hole. He continued to thrust, forcing Lian’s legs open he gave Nora a good show, he watched in horror, fear, and possibly arousal. He let her see the way that Lian’s little dick flopped up and down, the way that his thick cock pulled in and out of her ass pussy. “Fuck, I’m almost at my limit!”
Ren had hit his far before Jaune did, the way that he felt Jaune press against him, he kept hitting his prostate causing a sense of pleasure to fill his body one he hated. He was mostly in pain, Jaune’s cock had split him open in ways he never wanted and it hurt. Tears formed at the corners of his eyes as he felt his penis splurt, he watched as Jaune brought him closer to Nora.
He felt shame, only his semblance preventing him from acting on it, he watched as his little splurts of cum splashed onto Nora’s shocked face. Then he felt an intense heat in his organs, Jaune released his seed once more, this time much more powerful than when he had buried himself in his throat. Ren felt the seme fill his intestine, the way it reached his stomach and caused him to bulge, that shouldn't’ have been possible, but he felt so full he watched his stomach inflate a little at the amount of seme invading his insides. He felt nothing but shame as Jaune pulled out, still cumming, leaving his ass a gaping mess. He watched as he covered Nora in his seed, the way her eyes glazed over at the scent. He watched as her face contorted into anger, fear, and something else he couldn’t place. He watched as tears formed on her eyes, she closed them and fell back, soft sobs escaping her lips.
Jaune smiled, this was a good punishment, he’d make it up to them later, maybe when he had them both tamed. But for now, now this would do. He grabbed Lian once more, tossing her onto her bed, he watched her asshole gape, his semen dripping out, most of it was still inside. He’d done a good job, he watched as Pyrrha scooted next to him, the Camera trained on Lian’s ass, then over to Nora.
“Mmmm, good job.” She said with a smile on her face, giving him a small peck on the cheek. “Thanks, couldn’t have done it without you.” He returned the gesture, grabbing the scroll from her hands he turned off the camera. “So… you wanna take this to the bath? I kind of really need one.”
Pyrrha thought on it for a second before nodding, the two of them made their way to both get cleaned, but to also have some fun, the door closing.
The next morning everything seemed normal, at least, it would have been. Nora was incredibly quiet, Pyrrha was incredibly happy, Jaune was incredibly confident, and Lian? Well she was dressed in one of Pyrrha’s school outfits, makeup on her face with minor touch ups to help show her more feminine nature. Jaune had fitted her with one of Pyrrha’s corsets, to help train her waist a bit more. He had also done her hair differently, putting it in a more girlish side ponytail one that came off the right side of her head. The best part was that she wasn’t wearing any underwear, he could take her whenever he wanted, on her penis was a small chastity lock that Pyrrha had made for her.
The team made their way out, Pyrrha and Jaune hand in hand, Ren and Nora quietly after them. They were greeted by Team RWBY, well by Ruby anyways. Jaune noticed the flush faces of her teammates, the way they wouldn’t look up. He heard a vibrating sound, and noticed a remote in Ruby’s hand. He smiled at her, and she returned it.
“I see ya had a good night, huh VB?” His smile grew.
“I can say the same about you CF.” They both started to laugh together, “I can see that that school is going to be great going forward.” She nodded in response and they led their teams onward to face the day.
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