#messy shmuck of the lord
shallowseeker · 1 year
Castiel, shabby angel of the lord
Cas is not a fussy fashionista, because even Dean can’t get Cas to care enough about fashion or looks to “change up the digs.” 
The most we get out of Cas is brief fits of self-consciousness during his “force-fit myself into human shape” era (seasons 10-12)
in season 10, fixing his tie and neatening his hair to look more like a dad for Claire. And when Claire likes him better in the tie, he likes himself better in the tie.
in season 11, he's seen combing his hair self-consciously in the truck side mirror right before he goes in to interview a witness. (He's been striking out interviewing witnesses a LOT in that era. The nicer he tries to be, the worse it gets.)
Him fussing with his hair in season 11 is interesting to me, because it's also in season 11 that Dean harasses him about dressing better. Conclusion? MAYBE Cas is fiddling with his appearance due to Dean’s whining.
After season 12, he appears to give up and stops pretending so much to be human.
...and goes back to being more comfortably disaster angel.
Cas just doesn’t care.
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