#messi is a wasted potential after he spent most of his footballing career in the best league as its best player
meowmeowmessi · 1 year
is it just me or does psg act like dont even care messi (and mbappe too) is on their club?? even the fans are kind of ignoring them it feels (also mbappe will be the next messi, i dont kind theres any doubt about this)
not caring about messi makes sense tbh: they want him for the revenue he brings and his brand, not his football; fans hate him bc they're racist + he gagged their country in the wc. as for mbappe being the next messi,,, 💀💀 if you're talking about the wasted potential thing then maaaaybe, but tbqh, still nowhere near messi bc he doesn't have as high a ceiling as prime messi did (if i say he doesn't have that much potential to waste i'll get shot by his tiktok supporters but it is what it is). for instance: messi carried an absolutely shambolic barça squad to the ucl semis all on his own, but mbappe doesn't have that kinda juice as we have seen time after time in pissg. if he'd gone to rma earlier, even if he dropped generational stinkers like he's been doing lately, he'd get carried like ronaldo did— but messi needs coaches that're a different typa gravy to unlock his magic. and this isn't a dig at leo: it's at the incompetency and mediocrity he's been submerged in for a majority of his post pep era career
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jack-katz · 6 years
Name: John David Katz
Nickname: Jack
Birthday: December 18th
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Place of Birth: New York, NY, USA
Places Lived Since: Washington, DC; Chicago, IL, USA; New York, NY, USA; London, UK
Current Residence: Hackney Wick, Hackney, London, UK
Nationality: American
Parents: Benjamin Katz & Mary Katz (née Doyle)
Grandparents: Eliezer Katz & Ruth Katz (née Geller); John Doyle & Niamh Doyle (née Murphy)
Aunts & Uncles: David Katz, Ava Aoun (née Katz); John Doyle, Sean Doyle, Michael Doyle
Number of Siblings: One - Daniel Katz
Relationship With Family: Jack is on very good terms with his family and especially his parents who’ve always supported him throughout his career. They’ve rarely been the type of parents to scream or shout, but they convey their disappointment in ways that can break their children’s hearts. He used to be closer to his Dad’s family because of proximity, but since moving to London it’s been easier to go back and forth to Connemara to finally really get to know his Irish grandparents and uncles.
Happiest Memory: The bow he took at the end of his first school performance.
Childhood Trauma: None, aside from some sadly expected bullying whenever he moved to a new city that was usually targeted at his lankiness, love of the arts, and Jewish heritage.
Height: 6′0″
Weight: 160 lbs
Build: Slim, usually bordering on just plain skinny but he has been known to build up some lean muscle either for a role or because he’s made a sudden sweeping decision to get into better shape.
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Usual Hair Style: It varies depending on what stage of growth it’s at. When trimmed short, it’s fairly neat and looks good. It grows fast, though, faster than he can usually keep up with so it starts to get curly and out of control usually every couple months and he’s yet to figure out how to really get it under control. Sometimes the stars align and it looks good on its own, but most times he just wakes up with a really bad hair day and decides it’s the day to go to the barber.
Eye Color: Green
Glasses? Contacts?: No need for them currently, though his eyesight has definitely gotten a bit worse over the last couple years
Style of Dress/Typical Outfit(s): Very casual unless it’s something someone else picked out for him. A lot of graphic tee’s and old flannels and jeans that only fit properly with a belt and some pretty beat up sneakers. The belt never matches the shoes and he has two sweatshirts he tends to wear - dark navy and black so it can be hard to tell which one is which. He’s anything but a fashion icon, though at the very least he does his laundry on a decent schedule so his clothes are always clean - just not always very stylish.
Typical Style of Shoes: Sneakers about 90% of the time, hiking boots and flip-flops often when on vacation, and occasionally loafers for fancy events.
Jewellery? Tattoos? Piercings?: No tattoos or piercings. Whenever he gets a great idea for a tattoo he always seems to have a role coming up and doesn’t like to take any bodily risks around that time.
Unique Mannerisms/Physical Habits: When he gets really nervous or anxious he tends to drum his fingers on his leg or together to try to get out some of the nervous energy.
Athleticism: When it comes to genuine contact sports like rugby and American football, Jack isn’t that good. Running based sports, however, he’s not that bad at, though he only likes to play for fun. He enjoys soccer/football and actually doesn’t mind going for runs when he’s trying to get in shape. In high school he’d sometimes just show up to the soccer field during practice times and play around until the coach got mad at him for not being a real player and kicked him off the field. Theater was always his main focus in high school, anyway.
Health Problems/Illnesses: None, aside from potentially very high cholesterol in his future.
Level of Education: Most of high school completed but no diploma.
Languages Spoken: English fluently and natively, Spanish almost fluently from middle school and high school classes, and some Hebrew and Gaelic he picked up from his parents. Also bits of conversational vocabulary from a handful of languages in places he’s visited like French, Italian, German, Czech, and Japanese. He’s very, very good at picking up languages through context and immersion, but he hasn’t taken real classes or spent long enough in each places to really learn the language beyond basic conversational things.
Level of Self-Esteem: It varies from day to day but can be sadly very low during slower times in his career.
Gifts/Talents: Acting is truly a talent and one that Jack possesses as much as he tries to insist it’s really not that hard; artistic ability like drawing and painting which is less polished than acting but still a natural gift; the ability to pick up on languages very quickly; singing and dancing talent that is perhaps not absolutely outstanding but naturally good and can be improved with lessons leading up to a show.
Mathematical?: Not really, as Jack’s passions have always lied more with humanities and creative outlets.
Makes Decisions Based Mostly On Emotions, or On Logic?: Emotions, or he’d probably have his high school degree right now.
Life Philosophy: Do what makes you happy.
Religious Stance: Jack would call himself a Catholic but also considers himself a bit agnostic but never would consider himself to any point have been an atheist. He also enjoys learning about Judaism from his father and father’s family, even if he never had a bar mitzvah or went to Hebrew school. He did receive the Catholic sacraments up through Confirmation but his mother was never terribly, terribly adamant about him being brought up Catholic and she always encouraged him and his brother to explore Judaism and other religions as well. His parents, though both dedicated to their own religions, were very liberal and open as both people and parents so they encouraged a very open attitude in their sons toward religion. If Jack ever had more time and energy on his hands to really dive deep into religion and his personal beliefs, he might, but it’s not something he feels particularly inclined to do at this point in his life.
Cautious or Daring?: Daring in his creative exploits and travels, but cautious in basic day to day activities and interactions.
Most Sensitive About/Vulnerable To: Criticisms about his work.
Optimist or Pessimist?: He’s optimistic for other people and pessimistic about himself.
Extrovert or Introvert?: Introverted, bordering on ambivert.
Current Relationship Status: Single
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Past Relationships: 
Eloise Pelletier - his first girlfriend in middle school. The relationship lasted a month, but they were each other’s first kiss and have remained friends to this day. Eloise is now an accomplished stage actress and aspiring director.
Riley Huizar - his high school girlfriend. The two started dating around homecoming his sophomore year and stayed together for about two-and-a-half years, but Riley dumped him after a series of disappointments including: he missed their second anniversary for an audition, he missed a long-planned nice dinner date to attend a stand-up show, and she learned he wasn’t going to get his diploma. It was a messy ending that came when they were both drunk at a friend’s house and the two never spoke again afterward.
Lillie Piasta - dated for two out of the three seasons Jack was on SNL. She was one of the female writers for the show who was a few years older and Jack never quite realized that the reason she never seemed older was because she was pretty immature. She dated younger men fairly consistently and people tried to warn Jack that after a couple years of the whining and tantrums from the woman who, for all her humor, had been born with a silver spoon in her mouth and been spoiled her entire life. Even though she’d been working longer than Jack she expected him to pay for everything and wanted lavish gifts that he caved to at first but stopped after realizing it was a waste when she never used or wore anything. Lillie was fired from SNL shortly before Jack chose to leave to pursue a movie career, and she wanted to move with him to London but he wasn’t ready to move in. She dumped him at the airport before he left.
Natasha Laris - dated for one year after Jack officially moved to London. Jack was a guilty pleasure fan of love at first sight stories but never quite believed it could happen. He still doesn’t think love at first sight is real, but he believes sparks at first sight are real and stronger than he ever anticipated since he met Natasha. The two met  through a friend at a fundraising party Natasha had organized on behalf of a charity she worked for. It wasn’t ultra ritzy like a lot of other fundraising galas Jack had been to or heard about, but still elegant and enjoyable. Natasha just had a way of making everything elegant and enjoyable. Jack doesn’t remember asking her out because he believes the nerves caused him to just black out for the thirty seconds it took to ask and receive a positive response. They both fell pretty hard and fast but it was over the holidays when they both had some downtime and real time off. Then life picked up again. Jack had filming commitments, Natasha had a lot on her plate helping to run a decently sized charity with hardly enough staff. They saw each other when they could, but it only got more difficult over the months to find extended time alone together unless they were away on vacation - of which they only went on two brief ones as that was all they could manage. By the next Christmas, while struggling to figure out how they were going to spend the holidays after promises to meet each other’s families, they realized it just wasn’t feasible. It wasn’t just the holidays that weren’t feasible, but being together at such a busy and overworked time in their lives. Jack has only seen her once since they broke up, a couple years later - with a boyfriend who he was told by a friend worked a 9 to 5 office job, weekends off and the opportunity to work from home, and had a set amount of vacation time to use at his own discretion. It was the only time he ever envied an office job.
Primary Reason For Being Broken Up With: Forgetfulness, not committed enough, and his schedule was too hectic.
Primary Reasons For Breaking Up With People: A hectic schedule.
Ever Cheated?: No, it’s something he doesn’t understand.
Been Cheated On: No.
Level of Sexual Experience: Experienced even if he might not seem it. He lost his virginity in high school to Riley and since then has always had a healthy, active sexual relationship with whatever girl he’s been with. Since breaking up with Natasha it’s the longest he’s ever gone without having a girlfriend, but between Riley and Lillie there was still enough time that he had a couple short flings and some one-night stands that were usually enjoyable even if not serious. He sees the benefits in fun in both long-term relationships and short flings. After Natasha he went through a lengthy dry spell of his own volition but for the last four years has mostly just had flings that last anywhere from a single night to a few weeks and are always fun. He does know in his head how many women he’s slept with but it’s not something he’d ever like to broadcast and only his closest friends who’ve known him for years know the extent of his sexual experience and exploits.
Story of First Kiss: Eloise and Jack both lied to their parents and said play practice lasted a half hour longer than it actually did so they could spend time together alone behind the school theater. For twenty-nine minutes all they did was hold hands and talk until Eloise heard her dad’s truck around the corner. Jack snuck in a quick kiss and went to sleep that night on cloud nine.
Story of Loss of Virginity: Riley’s parents were always far more trusting of Jack than he ever expected them to be and would constantly leave Riley and Jack alone together at the house while they were out at work or going out on dinner dates. Jack didn’t push Riley at all, though he was ready whenever she was. She let him know she was ready when she pulled out a whole list of things that needed to happen beforehand, as was her way with most things. She was going to see an OB-GYN that specialized in adolescent care, look into birth control and whether there were options that were safe for a sixteen year old (though she’d already done her own research and knew the pill was the best option), and regardless of whether she went on the pill or not, Jack needed to buy some condoms. Jack was so nervous about the condoms he made his friend Avi go in and buy them, mostly because he was always more confident than Jack. Despite all the strict rules and guidelines and plans in the months leading up to Jack and Riley actually having sex, the night itself was still kind of special to Jack and he quickly became even more comfortable with buying his own condoms after realizing what all the fuss was about.
A Social Person?: Not really.
Most Comfortable Around: His family and closest friends, of which there are about a handful between the USA and UK.
Oldest Friend: Toby Hartman, his best friend from NYC who lived next door to the Katz’s first apartment in the city. He’s currently a doctoral candidate at NYU who lives with Daniel Katz in the two-bedroom flat Jack owns in NYC.
How Does He Think Others Perceive Him?: Jack thinks others perceive him as having an equal number of failings as accomplishments and thus is just a mediocre human being who just happened to be in some largely broadcast shows and movies. He knows his family has high opinions but thinks the public doesn’t have a very high opinion, mostly because he only focuses on the negative reviews of his works. 
How Do Others Actually Perceive Him?: Jack Katz is an accomplished young man who maybe got lucky that he was int he right comedy club on the right night, but it wasn’t luck that he was funny enough to catch the right people’s attention. Everything since then hasn’t but just luck but has also been a testament to his talent and willingness to do whatever and move wherever for his work. Even if he’s not flashy with his money, he’s no doubt made quite a bit.
Life Goals: Do work that makes him happy and that others find enjoyable, maybe even inspiring.
Dreams: Travel to every country in the world, become fluent in a new language, write a full script, direct a movie, perform in a Shakespeare play, finally learn to cook at least one decent dish, own a restaurant, and many others that come and go with the days that pass.
Greatest Fears: Forgetting a line during a live performance.
Most Ashamed Of: There were a couple jokes Jack tried out during his early days in comedy that crossed a line but thankfully never even made it to a real set. He just tried them out on his family, and their response was enough for him to hope no one ever learned of those jokes he thought up when he was younger and more inexperienced. There are also many minor mishaps that have occurred during rehearsals and conversations that, though not necessarily shameful, are very embarrassing and he tends to remember as being more extreme than they really were.
Secret Hobbies: It might not be that secret, but Jack really enjoys video games. He’s not as good as he wishes, but they’re fun.
Crimes Committed (Was he caught? Charged?): None, aside from some truancy.
Night Owl or Early Bird?: Night owl
Light or Heavy Sleeper?: Heavy sleeper
Favorite Animal: Dogs
Favorite Foods: Anything greasy
Least Favorite Food: Iceberg lettuce
Favorite Book: “Audition” by Michael Shurtleff
Least Favorite Book: “The Catcher in the Rye”
Favorite Movie: Pulp Fiction
Least Favorite Movie: The Emoji Movie
Favorite Song: Empire State of Mind by Jay-Z & Alicia Keys
Favorite Sport: Soccer/football
Coffee or Tea?: Coffee
Crunchy or Smooth Peanut Butter?: Smooth
Type of Car He Drives: N/A, he’s never had a car and doesn’t have a license
Lefty or Righty?: Lefty
Favorite Color: Green
Cusser?: Yes
Smoker? Drinker? Drug User?: Smokes when he’s drinking sometimes and others he’s with have cigarettes; drinks daily, though not to excess daily; occasionally uses drugs but usually just pot
Biggest Regret: Passing up on some more serious drama roles in the past
Pets: None
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abdicatedarchive · 3 years
ass-ignments pt. 1 || willow and marshall
𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐍: med school class // spring 2021.
𝐅𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: willow x marshall.
𝐃𝐄𝐓𝐀𝐈𝐋𝐒: willow and marshall receive unfortunate news that they have a long semester ahead of them
Willow put her books down in class. She was happy to be in med school, but why oh why did she have to be back so close to Hastings. Hopefully it had all been long enough. Long enough that no one cared who her mother was anymore. It was a cruel joke that this was the place she got the most scholarship money too, and worst of all she was back at home. Not that she didn't love her doofus of a dad.... or her siblings. It was just hard to be back here. Where it all happened. Around the whispers in the store. That she would have to do her residency at the hospital she was born at. Tend to people who had talked about her family. It made her unbelievably angry at the world. But as always, she dressed for the occasion, buying nice things for herself whenever she could. There was something about her old lifestyle that was so hard to give up. As she sat down, Willow looked over to see who would be sitting next to her for the rest of the semester. It is a small town after all, everyone always ended up back here. It was impossible to escape as she saw the face of Marshall Wake. It was strange seeing him in this kind of academic setting, away from his friends. He almost always had someone with him. Those friends had been attached at the hip, they were always whispering or laughing together. Most times she thought it was about her as she walked by. So she said nothing to him, and opened up her laptop.
Marshall tried his best to hurry to class. It wasn't exactly the smartest idea to go out for drinks the night before with the other coaches from Hastings Hall. Going out for a couple of drinks with those guys usually turned into a night of clubbing, and Marshall Wake was not going to turn down a good time. Fortunately for him, he was only a couple minutes late. This was the start of a new chapter in his life, and he wanted to make sure he didn't mess any of this up. He couldn't afford that. Going off the Brindleton those couple of years was great. He got to spend his last years of playing football with his best friend and managed to keep his grades in check, but knowing Matthew was pretty much alone in Hastings was a constant worry. Marshall had hoped his parents would at least stick around town for his brother's sake, but to no surprise, that wasn't the case. At this point, Marshall have practically given up on them. They had usually just thrown money his way as much as possible and nagged him whenever they came around for the annual visit. Of course now, there was no money involved, just the nagging. It was more than stressful, but that was Marshall's life and there wasn't really a way to get out of it. He exhaled deeply as he walked to the nearest seat. Had he noticed Willow sooner, he would have sat somewhere else, but there wasn't many open seats available to begin with. Willow Hobbes. Something about her just rubbed Marshall the wrong way. She just seemed like the typical snobby Hastings resident, even after that whole family scandal of hers. Fucking yikes. "Willow." he called out to her casually. "You're not saving this seat for anyone, right?" he asked as he already began to sit down.
Marshall Wake was one of those people that reminded Willow of all she had lost. The wealth and the status. He just sauntered into town and got in with the best people like it was nothing, all while she lost everything. It was her fault for ending up in the preps, and then being cast out. At least the queen bee's protected their own. Preps were so concerned with their image when everything happened that they completely shut her out. Their argument was that her whole family was a mess. Her brother was a doofus, her older sister was a messy party animal, and her parents did that. Well ... her mother. "All yours, it's not like they're permanent" said the girl as she turned her attention back to her phone. There was no need for them to talk. The professor stood at the front of the class, "Look next to you and you will see an up and coming doctor, and your closest friend for the rest of the semester. Working in a hospital is a team effort. You need to learn to be collaborative. Most of you have spent the last few years working on your own to be the best. Now it is time to share that with someone else. No trades. If you have a special case you can see me after class." Willow let out a huff of air. She had no valid reasons that she couldn't work with Marshall. If anything it would make a bad impression on the professor. She spiraled for the entire lecture, luckily there would be a recording posted later. As she packed up her things she turned to Marshall, "You better take this seriously" she said looking at him sternly. There was no way he was going to mess anything up for her.
"Fair enough, I guess." Marshall furrowed his brows at Willow as she focussed on her phone. He made a mental note not to sit near her next class. Maybe he was jumping the gun, but he felt like she was already acting stuck up. As if being seated next to him was such a hassle. To be fair, he didn't want to be around her either, but he wasn't going to be rude. This wasn't about her though, this was about getting his degree. He held back on rolling his eyes once the professor started up their lecture. If only he had made it to class earlier so he could sit somewhere else. Was he going to blame this on his coach buddies instead of taking responsibility for his poor decisions? Absolutely. They know Marshall won't turn down drinks, they were practically setting him up for failure. There was no way he was going to make a scene and demand that he work with someone else. He was always up for a challenge, and he always excelled in the end. Willow Hobbes was not going to be the downfall of his future career, yeah right. As he was packing up everything to leave, Marshall glared over at her. She was already making unnecessary comments, this semester was going to be a nightmare. Some people were shocked to find out how smart Marshall actually was, sometimes Marshall was surprised himself. But being successful mattered to him, failure was never an option. "Why wouldn't I? If anything, you should consider yourself lucky that you're working with me." he said with confidence. "But I won't be carrying you the entire semester, sweetheart."
God, Marshall Wake might have the smuggest face on the whole planet earth. She remembered her friends thinking he was so cute, but honestly ... Willow was more team Charlie if she had to pick from that group of boys. Maybe even Bryce on a day she was really self loathing. "I don't know how you're going to carry me all semester while you're double fisting at the bars with the coaches, darling" said Willow, smirking at him. She had been working a late shift at the diner when she was in dropping off fries for her bartender friend. If she had known Marshall was in her program, she would have hidden even more than she did. At the sheer sight of anyone from her high school years she ducked for cover. It was one of the reasons she preferred the late shift. The worst people that came into the diner at those hours were Delilah and her little friends, and honestly they weren't too bad if you gave them a family discount. "I'll consider myself lucky to be working with you when I see blood sweat and tears of yours going into our assignments" she said, turning her nose up at him, rolling her eyes. She handed him a piece of paper with her number on it, "text me when you're ready to schedule" said Willow, reluctant to release the numbered paper to him.
Marshall was visibly taken back by Willow's comment. For a second there, he had questioned whether he brought up what he did last night. But he remembered seeing her at the bar, mainly because one of his coworkers talked about her for a second as she passed by. He brought up how unfortunate it was that she was a Hobbes because she was just so hot, as if she was simply wasted potential at this point. It sucked that people were still bringing up her family when that incident happened years ago, but it wasn't surprising. Marshall never really entertained it though. He was aware of his social standing in town, and how his friends were practically the only reason he was let off easy. "I'm really flattered that you're keeping tabs on me. Never knew you were so interested." he smirked right back at her as he spoke. Marshall grabbed the piece of paper and looked at the number, "I mean I'm right here. I'm ready to make schedules when you are, unless you have somewhere to be. I wouldn't want to cut into anything, even though this is a top priority of mine and I'd hope the same for you." He was basically messing with her at this point, but he couldn't help it.
"Listen up, Marshall Wake. My intention is never to flatter you, and just a reminder that this is a strictly professional relationship" she said with a sneer. Willow was not amused by his flirty nature at all, it felt like it was all to make fun of her. She sucked her teeth before answering, "It's just as much a priority of mine as it is for you. We can meet for a half hour before class and around an hour after class. If we have projects we'll plan accordingly. Does that work for you? Or is that too much for your social calendar?" she said making strong eye contact with him. She wasn't backing down from anything, not for him. This was going to be a very long semester, that was for sure.
Marshall couldn't help but roll his eyes after hearing Willow speak. It almost got a laugh out of him. As if he'd want anything further from a professional relationship with her, he didn't want that to begin with. She seemed like such headache already. "Well let's not flatter yourself now. I guess I should make it very clear that I'm not interested, so sorry." he said with a sarcastic grin on his face. Sure her attitude was unbearable, but Marshall couldn't help but poke fun while he could. He narrowed his eyes down at Willow, making sure not to break eye contact. "Works perfect for me." Marshall was no stranger to having a lot on his plate, but now there was a certain fire under him. He was going to show Willow Hobbes just how determined he was.
Willow knew she was hot. Even with everything going on with her family ... her hookup life didn't really stop. Her dating life took a sudden halt, but people still liked her for her beauty. Getting away for college had been such a dream, her life resumed again. Being stuck back here was such a low blow for her ego and for her dating life. "No need to apologize, you're not my type" said Willow, matching his sarcastic grin. This boy had probably never been turned down in his life. "Sounds like a plan" she said, keeping her nose turned up as she put on her bag and headed out, rage fueling her. She was going to be very prepared for their next meeting even though there was only the syllabus to look at. //END
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