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kitsun369 · 1 year ago
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cheese-water · 2 years ago
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he is the only funny person on the damn app
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thatsbelievable · 4 months ago
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lovesickletters · 9 days ago
💜𝒮𝒽𝒶𝒹ℴ𝓌 ℳ𝒾𝓁𝓀 𝒞ℴℴ𝓀𝒾ℯ | ℒℴ𝓋ℯ𝓈𝒾𝒸𝓀 ℒℯ𝓉𝓉ℯ𝓇💜
The long awaited next installment in the series is here! Thank you for the wait, and enjoy my loves 💜
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(Item Description: A familiar blue seal in the iconography of an eye, that stares at you, unblinking. The letter itself is decorated similarly, with shimmering, shifting blue eyes against the black paper backing that you’re not entirely sure aren’t blinking at you out of the corner of your eye.)
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Heeeey~! Welcome back! I see you’ve been waiting around for this one, what has it been, a year since the last one? Witches, you must be desperate! Well lucky you, your ever gracious puppet master is here to indulge you~ there’s no better way to kick things off (and end with) than with me, right sweetiepiedearestloveofmylife? (Revelations and all that mess~)
What, I hope you’re not thinking of reading any of those other lowlife cookies’s pathetic wittle wove poems? I mean, HELLOOO?? Why spend your precious time with those losers when you could be spending it with me? Seriously, while I can admire your dedication, your dedication is BOOORING. Stop wasting energy on those dullards, least of all that TRAITOR, Pure Vanilla, when I’m right here!
And speaking of whom, don’t you DARE show him this letter, or I’ll need to have a veeery friendly chat with the both of you, one. on. one! Got that? Yes? I’m so glad we could come to an understanding! Well, I’ll be seeing you around VERY soon~ byyye for now!
Your puppeteer, Shadow Milk Cookie
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revvethasmythh · 10 months ago
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"I reached out a lot." "I know." "But you still got me through."
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egophiliac · 11 months ago
Do you still play cookie run?
I do! I kind of pulled away from the fandom a while ago, but I still play it regularly (gotta do the guild runs!) and really enjoy it. :> I love...Abyss Monarch...
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I've tried some of the spinoffs, but I'm not really into kingdom-building or match-3 games, so Ovenbreak is the only one I've really kept up with. can't wait to see Ananas and Pitaya have a big kaiju slapfight tomorrow! FRUIT SIBLINGS SMACKDOWN YEAH
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patrothestupid · 2 months ago
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sealbee101 · 10 months ago
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…uhhmmhghh…hey gusy hey……there’s this game called cookie run kingdom its soo cool guys……it’s really really swag guys it has cookies runniing
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mic-check-stims · 5 months ago
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The the cheat
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claypigeonpottery · 3 months ago
the postal strike is over, so I can begin to ship pottery again!
if you have an order that needs shipping, I will contact you either today or tomorrow.
unfortunately the postal workers were ordered back to work, which… just essentially made the strike useless. and really, it seems like Canada Post was just holding out for that to happen. they knew the strike would be ended for them so they didn’t have to change anything 😑
it’s a very conflicting feeling. I get to have my ability to ship parcels/make money back, but I’m so disappointed that the union didn’t get a better deal
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kitsun369 · 1 year ago
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shybasementkid · 17 days ago
someone should tell the beasts that what they feel is called hating yourself. someone should tell they beasts that you can't lie to others to be happy. you can't just stop caring enough to be happy. you can't cause enough destruction to be happy. you can't laze your way through life to be happy. you can't isolate yourself enough to be happy.
you can't self-destruct yourself to the point of genuinely being happy.
even if the world is a cesspool of deceit. even if you don't matter in the grand scheme of things. even if nothing around you lasts forever. even if joy had seemed inevitably lazy. even if you've been seen as being able to take anything.
even if all of the bad you think about the world is true, hurting yourself and everyone around you isn't helping it. there's always hope. there's always a light at the end of the tunnel. you will be okay.
or you can tell them to stop killing people idk that seems cool too
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dilutedconfusion · 10 months ago
The idea of Kid being called a punk, damned punk, etc. as a child because he was indeed a little orphan punk who probably got into fights for survival purposes (or because he just likes to fight), stole things because he was homeless/poor, and had a loud overly confident personality due to the fact that he survived in a hostile environment is probably why he decided to make punk his whole brand. What once was an insult became a right of passage into the person he is today. Which is why accepts himself in his entirety no matter what. It’s why he wants so desperately for those he cares about to feel the same way about themselves. Kid was never the boy and now man who got what he wanted. He was never the person who thought life was about nothing but pleasures and joy. He knows it rough but he accepts it. He accepted the pain that people threw at him and decided to swallow it down as the truth. But just because he can be defined as a punk doesn’t mean he is less. Kid himself can give the word punk a new definition, a new meaning. Which to him probably means being fearlessly unique and unwavering to those that defile you in this difficult life. So I wish to anyone who likes Kid as character to feel the same way about themselves. If others judge you for who you are, lean into yourself without shame. Change the meanings of the words that haunt you. Fight battles not because you are too weak to dodge them but because you deserve the privilege of letting yourself believe you can win. Be a damned punk and be a good one.
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burningcheese-merchant · 6 months ago
I recently, while watching an anime, saw a scene that was SO burningcheese core that I had to tell you about it. What could wound a warriors pride more than a fight your opponent throws? That's what infuruated him in canon, after all. But what if it was a fight purposefully interrupted by a third party to ensure your opponents downfall? Picture Spice and Cheese going blow for blow, exchanging hits strong enough to make the earth split. And just when they're about to collide in the worst way yet, a Spice Commander gets the awful idea to "help" their leader. They tackle into Golden Cheese's side, grab ahold of her wrist, halting her from plunging her spear. A single second her attention is completely diverted, but it's far too much already. Burning Spice's eyes fill with an insurmountable dread in that precious second as it dawns on him he can't stop his swing's momentum. An axe that should've be parried now turns into a fatal blow. As the dust settles, and wild spices all around gawk at the golden sovereigns crippled form now cratered in the earth, the only expression the Lord of Destruction makes seems to be of horror, as even his own equal is ripped from him.
This hurts so bad, but fits so well 😭😭😭 Imagine the Spice Swarm is ecstatic and cheering, gathered around their fallen nemesis. She's been defeated! The master can reclaim his power and glory! He shall shower us all with praise for helping him!
But... no. Instead they see him fall to his knees, axe slipping from his grasp and falling to the ground with a loud clang, abandoned and forgotten in the bloodstained dirt. They see him take her into his arms, trembling, and hold her close to his chest, even gently grabbing her head and holding it against his Soul Jam - why, one can only hazard a guess. Did he want her to feel for herself how much his heart ached, listen as it shatters to pieces in the hopes that she's spurred to rise and act and help him put them back together again? Was it some misguided, feverish notion regarding the Soul Jam's power; did he hope that physical contact with the missing half, especially so close to the half that's sitting on her forehead, would somehow resonate with and heal her? Did he just want to hold her, cradle her, feel her skin pressed against his - not by way of exchanging blows like they had been, but by a gesture meant to give comfort, to inspire a sense of warmth and safety and... affection?
(Was this the only way he could show his love and affection for her without falling back on violence, which has long since become the only way he knows how to express himself? Was this the only way he could admit his feelings for her without words, because talk is cheap - and even if it wasn't, even if he actually still believed words have value, he's incapable of them now, for the sight of her has made his mouth run dry and rendered him speechless? His thief, his bird, his prey... his beloved, his goddess, his heart, his equal, his other half, struck down not through his own personal merit, not fair and square, but through a slimy little coward's unwanted meddling?)
The Spice Swarm's cheers begin to die down as they watch on. Grins fall from faces; weapons raised high into the air are once again lowered. Their master isn't sharing in their laughter. He isn't joining in their cheers, their joy. He's just sitting there, holding onto the Soul Jam thief, rocking back and forth (what for? To try to rouse her? Or is it a half-baked attempt at self-soothing?), his head lowered and hair obscuring his face, thus leaving his expression a mystery...
...Until he looks up again. Slowly, but surely, turning his gaze back to his warriors. His lips are pulled back into the most visceral, hideous snarl they've ever seen. His eyes glow brighter than the sun itself, alight with mad fury... and they're filled with tears, tears that are now streaming down his cheeks, dripping from his chin.
The crowd falls completely silent. None dare make the slightest movement, none dare make the smallest noise - for if they do, it will make Burning Spice take immediate action, and unleash divine punishment the likes of which the world has never seen, even on the darkest days of his past rampage across the world. They must delay the inevitable for however long they can.
Anger on its own is destructive, a prime catalyst for the suffering of so many, a poison that kills both its target and whoever wields it... but anger born from grief is so, so much worse.
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roboyomo · 1 month ago
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i don't know why. Made this anyway www
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A discord server
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Shadow Milk Cookie should not be in a discord server! Seems like he's gloating, again.
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