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mezoterapiveprp-blog · 8 years ago
Estetik Dermatolojide ve Antiaging Tedavilerde Glikolik Asitin Önemi
Medikal Cilt Bakımı ve Antiaging Tedavilerde; GLİKOLİK ASİT,kimyasal peeling etken maddesi, mezoterapi ürünleri ve dermokozmetik ürünlerin aktif bileşeni olarak birçok alanda karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Glikolik asit; glikoz esaslı şeker asididir. En küçük moleküllü Alfa hidroksi asit (AHA) olma özelliği ve düşük pH seviyesi onu çok daha önemli kılmaktadır; bu özellikleri sayesinde dermise etki etmesi oldukça kolaydır. Glikolik Asit, antiaging tedaviler kapsamında daha çok leke, akne, gözenek, scar tedavilerinde, ince kırışıklıkların tedavisinde, keratosis ve pigment bozukluklarının tedavisinde oldukça yaygın bir şekilde kullanılmaktadır.
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Glikolik asitin en çok kullanıldığı alan, kimyasal peeling uygulamalarıdır; % 10, % 20, % 35, % 50 ve % 70 lik formları bulunan Glikolik Asit Bazlı Kimyasal Peeling uygulamaları mevcuttur. Medikal cilt bakımı kapsamında % 50 ve % 70 lik formaları tercih edilmektedir; bu tip kimyasal peeling ürünleri mutlaka uzman hekim kontrolünde uygulanmalıdır. Genellikle 15 günlük tedavi periyotları ile, toplam 4-6 seanstan oluşan tedavi protokolleri şeklinde uygulama yapılır. Akne, leke, skar ve gözenek tedavisinde oldukça başarılı sonuçlar elde edilir. Glikolik Asit Bazlı Kimyasal Peeling Ürünlerinin konforlu ve verimli sonuçlar sunması ürünün kalitesi ile doğru orantılıdır, pH dengesinin korunması da son derece önemlidir; uygulama verimliliği açısından kısmen nötralize edilmiş, tamponlu kimyasal peeling ürünleri tercih edilmektedir.
Kimyasal Peeling Tedavilerini desteklemek ve sonuçların devamlılığını sağlayabilmek adına glikolik asit bazlı cilt bakım ürünlerinin düzenli günlük kullanımı oldukça önemlidir.
Piyasada bu kadar çok cilt ürününün olduğu günümüzde, izokozmetik ve amenokozmetik cilt ürünleri arasındaki temel farklılıklar iyi anlaşılmalıdır; Medikal Cilt Bakımı amenokozmetik cilt bakım ürünlerinin kullanımını gerektirir.
Amenokozmetik Cilt Ürünleri; epidermiste ve dolaylı olarak dermiste etkili olurlar: Retinoid, Alfa-Hidroksi Asit, anti-eritematöz, pigmentleyici ve beyazlatıcı ürünlerdir. Bu ürünler cildin gençleştirilmesinde kullanılan daha agresif ama daha hızlı tekniklerin hazırlanmasını, korunmasını veya değiştirilmesini mümkün kılar (mekanik, fiziksel (lazer) ve kimyasal soyma işlemleri)
Ürün Portföyümüzde yer alan; Exfolderm®alanındaki en yeni ve en ileri amenokozmetik ürün serisidir. Exfolderm, sırayla kollajen ve glikozaminoglikan sentezini uyaran çok özgün aktif bileşiklerle (AHA bitki ekstraktları, flavonoidler, organik güneş kremi) özel olarak formüle edilmiştir. Bu ürün serisi akne, leke, kırışıklık, hiperpigmentasyon ve diğer estetik bozuklukların tedavisi için idealdir.
Exfolderm®Profesyonel Kimyasal Peeling Solüsyonları ve Kimyasal Peeling Tedavilerini Destekleyici, kırışıklık, hiperpigmentasyon, akne ve ciltteki diğer estetik bozuklukların tedavilerine yönelik krem ve jel formunda cilt bakım ürünlerinden oluşmaktadır.
Glikolik Asidin, kozmetik dermatolojide en çok tercih edildiği alanlardan bir tanesi ise estetik mezoterapi uygulamalarıdır. Glikolik Asit, akne, skar, leke, çatlak ve ince kırışıklıkların tedavilerinde, Glutatyon, Retinoik Asit, Minaral Kompleks ve Vitamin Kompleks ile kombineli kullunılmaktadır. Özellikle mikroiğneleme cihazları (dermaroller, mesoroller dermapen, cosmopen vb.) ile bu tür mezoterapi ürünlerinin uygulanması tedavinin verimliliğini arttırmaktadır.
Glikolik Asit, küçük molekül yapısı ve düşük pH seviyesi sayesinde epidermisi arındırma, hasarlı dokuyu uzaklaştırma, dermiste kolayca etki gösterebilme, kollajen sentezini uyarma, dokuda rejuvenasyon sürecini başlatma, pigmentasyon bozukluklarını düzenleme özelliklerine sahiptir. Bu nedenle, glikolik asit estetik dermatoloji uygulamalarında en çok tercih edilen etken maddelerden bir tanesi olmuştur.
Sağlıklı ve mutlu günler dileğiyle
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sherobeauty-blog · 8 years ago
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dns derma roller, 192 needles. whatsapp: +86-15167154353 #dnsroller #dns192 #dns192pin #dermastamp #dermapen #dermaroller #skinroller #skincare #microneedle #mesoroller #titaniumdermaroller
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wanderingnewyork · 6 years ago
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Looking down #Guernsey_Street from Mesorole Avenue in #Greenpoint, #Brooklyn. https://www.instagram.com/p/BwkKsG4JAMM/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=rb093wtwk709
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alexandrathevanguard · 2 years ago
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The DERMIDA® Dermaroller is a very high quality dermaroller, which is manufactured in an elaborate process with real stainless steel surgical needles. They are very robust and effectively prevent painful skin wear during microneedling. The 192 fine needles easily penetrate the skin without exerting strong pressure. The previously applied serum can be particularly gently applied to the skin.
#microneedling #mesoroller #needlingpen #medical #medicaldevice #dermatologist #doctor #skincare #beauty #antiaging #dermapen #dermaroller #plasticsurgeon #plasmolifting #needling #dermapen #plasticsurgery #healthyskin #facial #prpmed
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dailyspecials · 5 years ago
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tvshopmarket · 5 years ago
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Gold Derma Roller Titanyum 540 İğneli ÜRÜNÜ İNCELE: https://www.tvshopmarket.com/u24664/kisisel-bakim/kisisel-bakim/gold-derma-roller-titanyum-540-igneli.html HAKKINDA: Orjinal Steril poşetinde ilk sizin açacağınız ürün gelecektir. Yüz ve Saç içindir diğer bölgelerde kullanılabilir. Dermaroller Titanyum 540 İğneli üzerinde onlarca çok ince iğnelerin bulunduğu silindir şeklinde bir cihazdır. Uygulamasının esası bu silindirin cilt üzerinde gezdirilerek binlerce mikro-deliklerin açılması şeklinde olur. Aynı zamanda "mesoroller" veya microneedling" isimlerini verilebilir. Cilt üzerinde açılan deliklerin oluşturduğu mikro-travmalar sayesinde o bölgenin kendini onarmasıdır ve vücudun kendi kendisini yenileme sürecini başlatmasıdır. Gold renkttir. #roller #dermaroller #goldroller #ciltbakımı #ciltbakimi #güzellik #saç #kişiselbakım #tvürünleri #tvshopmarket
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fortismed · 6 years ago
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Cocteil para Dermapen,mesopen purificante para tratamientos de acne. Aparatosbelleza.com Ingredientes activos: Arctium Lappa L. root extract (Burdock root), Salvia Officinalis, Lamium Album Flower, Panthenol, Methionine TOSKANI Purifying Cocktail es una solución eficaz de mesoterapia para reducir las imperfecciones en la piel grasa y propensa al acné. Gracias a su rica composición, Purifying Cocktail equilibra la secreción de aceite y sebo en la piel y previene la proliferación de bacterias que causan las manifestaciones típicas de la piel del acné. Para obtener mejores resultados, este producto puede usarse con dispositivos que aumentan la penetración de ingredientes activos en la dermis, como electroporación, ultrasonido, mesoroller y mesopen. Indicaciones: Seborrea adiposa Piel grasosa,acne. #belleza #beauty #dermapen #cocteil #Madrid #Majadahonda #acne #gratis #oferta #regalo #tratamiento #piel https://www.instagram.com/p/BvoqlM_gon3/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ndqpiz761885
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djkervynmark · 6 years ago
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Sunday, Feb. 10, 2018 @ 6pm LOVE @ LYFE VALENTINE'S CELEBRATION!!! @ 3 Dollar Bill 260 Mesorole Street, Brooklyn, NY Special Guests: Mark Francis and DJ Beloved Featuring: Kervyn Mark & Duce Martinez https://www.facebook.com/events/428763187689857/ https://www.residentadvisor.net/events/1214708 #LYFEparty#whereistheparty #nycparties #nycparty #nycpartylife #nycpartyplanner #nycpromoter #nycdotgram #nycmusic #nytimes #nypost #nydailynews #nyparty #nynightlife #nyparty2019 #nychousemusic #girlsnightout #girlsnightoutnyc #breakdancingnyc #newyorkdancing #nydance #nydancer #nyfashion #nybloggers #party #nightclubbing #nightclubsnyc #edm #edmny #edmnyc (at 3 Dollar Bill) https://www.instagram.com/p/Btjhmmyg0WH/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=h7gtpbb1t9
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phamios · 4 years ago
DARSONVAL DRS 540 Beard derma roller titanium for hair growth mesoroller for face machine skin care Microniddle needle roller
DARSONVAL DRS 540 Beard derma roller titanium for hair growth mesoroller for face machine skin care Microniddle needle roller
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alphabotox-blog · 4 years ago
Surface Whitebox – 1 box 3 items (White+Cream+Serum)
How does Surface Whitebox work?
Surface Whitebox is a safe treatment that can be used in the comfort of your own home, without the need of a medical professional or any needles. Use the mesoroller included to apply the solutions yourself.
What are the benefits of Surface Paris Whitebox?
Even looking, flawless, skin complexion
Dark spot elimination
Radiant luminous looking skin
What do I receive…
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wanderingnewyork · 6 years ago
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Looking eastward along Mesorole Avenue from Eckford Street in #Greenpoint, #Brooklyn. https://www.instagram.com/p/BzuFUYEJV9M/?igshid=1391mvmquc27n
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alexandrathevanguard · 3 years ago
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Dermaroller with real needles - Real safety - Real added value!
The DERMIDA® Dermaroller is a very high quality dermaroller, which is manufactured in an elaborate process with real stainless steel surgical needles. They are very robust and effectively prevent painful skin wear during microneedling. The 192 fine needles easily penetrate the skin without exerting strong pressure. The previously applied serum can be particularly gently applied to the skin.
#dermaroller #mesoroller #mesotherapy #microneedling #dermida #needlingpen #microneedlingtherapy #microneedlingtreatment #microneedlingfacial  #microneedlingpen #lipinjections #fillersinjection  #mesotherapy #skintreatment #skintreatments  #prpmed
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digitalsparks · 5 years ago
Fungal Acne – The Fastest Way to Treat Fungal Acne
Whether in adolescence or adulthood, acne is a disease that affects a lot of people. We know that these lesions are very common in oily and mixed skin on account of excess sebum and some hormonal factors. But in addition, there is another reason that can cause the problem, as is the case with fungal acne.
What is Fungal Acne?
According to the doctor, fungal acne is a type of acne that generates lesions similar to ordinary-the most common one that appears in those who have oily skin, only the pimples arise because of a fungus rather than bacteria. Usually, the fungal has no pustule, that typical pimple with pus, it is formed by small papules (polka dots) that create an irregular texture and can itch at times.
The Causes of fungal Acne?
The biggest cause of this acne is the fungus, called Malassezia, present in the skin of 90% of the population. Those who develop this type of problem, usually have genetic predisposition, excess oiliness-since the increased proliferation of fungi happens with increased production of sebum – or by the use of some products. Since Malassezia is a fungus naturally present on the skin of many people, this type of acne has no cure, but there is treatment.
Yes, it is possible to prevent fungal acne by practicing very simple and healthy habits in our daily lives: We have to maintain a healthy diet, follow a skin care routine, keep the oil under control and take good care of the hair, since it is the place where the fungi most proliferate. Another very important measure is the regular visit to the dermatologist, both to control the fungus, and to accompany the treatment of the disease.
Treatment for Fungal Acne
The dermatologist may suggest the use of anti-fungal creams that promote the formation of collagen to place on the face, every day, after cleansing the skin properly. The treatment of acne depends on the type and severity of acne that exists, but the basis is made up of:
Identification of trigger factors.
Regulation of the production of sebum to avoid an excess of it.
Clearing the pilosebaceous canal.
Daily skin cleansing.
Preparation of the skin.
Proper diet.
Avoid excessive sunlight and manipulation of acne lesions.
Use of appropriate non-comedogenic cosmetics.
From this is that you can start with the cosmetology treatment of acne. Topical products that can be:
Keratolytics, are those intended to undo the plug that has occluded the pore, have the function of dissolving, totally or partially, the stratum corneum of the skin. They are also used to promote the penetration of active ingredients into the skin as it decreases the thickness of the stratum corneum.
The most common in the treatment of acne are salicylic acid in varying concentrations, urea and Alpha-hydroxyacids (lactic, glycolic and mandelic acid).
Retinoids, benzoyl peroxide and azelaic acid are also used, as they have the ability to undo the plug that clogs the pore and are anti-inflammatory.
In dermatological treatment, these products are combined with topical antibiotics such as 2% erythromycin and 1% clindamycin. If these are cases with many lesions and inflammation, your doctor may prescribe oral medication combined with topical treatments, such as antibiotics, retinoids, and oral contraceptives. Exceptionally, laser intervention may be required to remove cystic lesions that cannot be eliminated by oral treatments, or to correct the resulting scars.
Fungal Acne Topical Treatment
Mild cases of acne can be treated in the cabinet with cosmetic products, and treatment is based on the application of:
Sulfur-based cleansing agents and creams with benzoyl peroxide. Through its application can eliminate comedones, reduce free radicals, eliminate Propionibacterium acne and normalize hyper-keratinization.
Acid peels and microdermabrasion to fine-tune the stratum corneum and eliminate residues.
Pulsed light treatments to remove stains from the inflammatory lesion.
Filled with depressed scars.
CO2 laser treatment for post-acne lesions.
The treatment of acne scars should be personalized, as there is no one that is useful for all cases. It is necessary to take into account the topography of the scar and characteristics of the patient. The best results are obtained with strong peelings, but in general they are used:
Beta Hydroxy Acids: Salicylic acid in concentrations of 15-20%.
TCA: trichloroacetic acid in different concentrations depending on the depth of the mark. It is preferable to use methods that increase the penetration of acid at a lower concentration, so that the risk of injury caused by peeling is minimized.
In mixed peels Jessner solution or 70% glycolic acid is used, which allows concentrations of TCA to 35%.
Apparatus for Scars:
Microdermabrasion with diamond tip.
Pulsed light.
CO2 Laser.
Home Remedies
Here are some tips you can follow to avoid excess sebum and clogging the pores that produce acne. We also give you some home remedies to remove acne naturally and effectively.
1. Diet Rich in Omega 3 and Zinc
Before you have to use acne remedies, you should know that taking care of your diet can be a way to reduce its appearance. Foods high in omega 3 fats have anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce acne. Introduce foods such as salmon, tuna, nuts or flax seeds into your diet.
Zinc-rich foods are also beneficial and are a good remedy for acne, such as yogurts, pumpkin seeds, lamb, beef and chicken. Instead, you should avoid or reduce the intake of dairy products such as milk and foods rich in carbohydrates, sugars or hydrogenated oils.
2. Daily Cleaning Routine
As we discussed, acne is caused by a plugging of the follicles due to excess fat and dead cells that occurs in the pores. Therefore, one of the remedies for acne will be to maintain a good daily cleansing that helps keep the pores clean.
To do this you must perform a gentle cleansing of the face daily and finish with a Facial Tonic that helps keep the pores closed. It will also be important to perform an exfoliation once or twice a week, as it will help us remove excess dead skin cells that can end up clogging the pores and producing acne.
3. Aloe Vera
Aloe vera has multiple benefits, so it’s no wonder it’s another one of the natural acne remedies we can use at home. This plant helps us fight the infection that causes acne and reduce inflammation. To use it you need to remove a little gel from the same sheet and apply it on the face or the area where you have acne. This will also help reduce the appearance of marks or scars produced by acne.
4. Honey Mask
Honey is another of the most effective acne remedies. Thanks to its antibiotic and moisturizing properties it helps fight and reduce acne. You can use applying honey directly to the acne area or create a homemade mask.
At home you can easily prepare a homemade mask of honey and yogurt. It is enough to mix a tablespoon of honey with another tablespoon of yogurt and apply it to the area affected by acne. Leave it for 10 minutes and then gently rinse with a cloth or towel.
5. Chamomile
Chamomile is also an effective anti-inflammatory, and helps remove acne and inflammation it produces. You can use it as a cleansing tonic in your cleansing routine. To do this put to infuse two sachets of chamomile in a cup of boiling water for 10 minutes. Let the infusion cool down and then wet a wipe or cotton swab to apply to your face after your daily cleansing ritual.
6. Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is another of the best acne remedies you can use at home. Apart from being a powerful scrub for its high acid content, it turns out to be an effective antibacterial product that will help you remove acne and reduce its marks.
You can use it as a tonic by mixing and removing the same amount of apple cider vinegar and water. You can apply it to acne-affected areas with a cotton swab after performing your cleaning routine.
Fungal acne is the most common skin disorder and you can prevent it by using above mentioned tips and home remedies. I advise you to visit a dermatologist if you are facing the severe type of acne and don’t use any medication without proper medical guidance.
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lokmanhekimsite · 6 years ago
Dermaroller 1 mm Saç Bakım Masaj Aleti
Dermaroller 1 mm Saç Bakım Masaj Aleti
Dermaroller 1 mm Saç Bakım Masaj Aleti Dermaroller 1 mm Saç Bakım Masaj Aleti Yorumlar
Dermaroller 1 mm Saç Bakım Masaj Aleti kullananlar, yani tüketicilerin Dermaroller 1 mm Saç Bakım Masaj Aleti kullanıcı yorumlarısayesinde ürün hakkında geniş bilgiler edilebilirsiniz. Siz de Dermaroller 1 mm Saç Bakım Masaj Aleti hakkında yorum yaparak deneyimlerinizi paylaşabilir, diğer müşterilere…
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ccafreda-blog · 6 years ago
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electric microneedling mezoroller , mesoroller https://www.instagram.com/p/Bqub1pcFbcU/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=13wrabn2wwecy
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djkervynmark · 6 years ago
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LOVE @ LYFE VALENTINE'S CELEBRATION!!! @ 3DB 260 Mesorole Street, Brooklyn, NY Special Guest: DJ Beloved Featuring: Kervyn Mark & Duce Martinez https://www.facebook.com/events/428763187689857/ https://www.residentadvisor.net/events/1214708 #LYFEparty#whereistheparty #nycparties #nycparty #nycpartylife #nycpartyplanner #nycpromoter #nycdotgram #nycmusic #nytimes #nypost #nydailynews #nyparty #nynightlife #nyparty2019 #nychousemusic #girlsnightout #girlsnightoutnyc #breakdancingnyc #newyorkdancing #nydance #nydancer #nyfashion #nybloggers #party #nightclubbing #nightclubsnyc #edm #edmny #edmnyc (at 3 Dollar Bill) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtRZXwDhtzP/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ikeuee4ejfcz
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