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pesterloglog Ā· 1 year ago
Porrim Maryam, Meenah Peixes
Act 6, page 5398
PORRIM: Let's stay in to+uch, Kanaya. Co+me lo+o+king fo+r me in yo+ur dreams any time yo+u like.
PORRIM: And be sure no+t to+ let that o+ne to+o+ far o+ut o+f yo+ur sight.
MEENAH: scrod dammit
MEENAH: kids got no respect for royalty these days and i about haddock up to here
PORRIM: Please. Yo+u aren't even mad. Yo+u just wanted an excuse to+ use mo+re fish puns.
MEENAH: merrygams stop bein such an astute judge a character
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barkarole-blog1 Ā· 7 years ago
@merrygams replied to your photo: @absylphe @kiilohaem @merrygams Oh Sorry Just Be...
Not Generally No But I Do So Love The Allure Of Defying Convention
Alright That Makes Sense It Just Looks So Wrong To Me?
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rustscope Ā· 7 years ago
thanks for the follow back, miss. m'name's scope. and yours?
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caederet-a-blog Ā· 7 years ago
> Karkat: Wake up.
Thereā€™s a beeping. Incessant.
Other than that, everything is quiet. Dark. You feel heavy.
Switch by Troll Will Smith is stuck in your head. You donā€™t want to open your eyes. Do you even have eyes? Probably not. You could stay here forever, just you and the void and Big Will. Just a hop and a clap, et cetera.
Thereā€™s a beeping. Incessant.
It starts to get annoying.
You grumble to yourself, thus realizing you have the ability to grumble. It falls on muddy ears. You have ears. External ones, not just for listening to Switch in your head on eternal repeat. They donā€™t work very well, do they. Thatā€™s disappointing.
Who are you, again? You donā€™t know. You know who Troll Will Smith is. Are you Troll Will Smith? No, dumbass, thatā€™s ridiculous. Troll Will Smith is far too humble to listen to his own music on eternal repeat while he floats heavily through the void.
Maybe you arenā€™t anybody. That would be okay.
Somehow it feels preferable to the alternative.
Thereā€™s a beeping. Incessant.
How long have you been here? Moron. Forever, obviously.
Itā€™s getting tiring. Is it? Are you capable of thought? Youā€™re made of black matter and wet clay, you think. Neither of those things are widely considered very intelligent. You grumble at yourself.
A new noise falls on your muddy ears. Itā€™s a voice. Familiar. You canā€™t make out what itā€™s saying. You listen closely in case it repeats. There, through the fog and the void.
ā€œChimeric,ā€ it says. Oh, thatā€™s you.
Damn it. You donā€™t want to be that guy. Can you try again?
ā€œChimeric,ā€ it says again.
If youā€™re Chimeric, you must have a mouth. You know that Chimeric has a mouth, along with a truly depressing freight of traumas and existential dread. You try to use your mouth to say, ā€œI donā€™t want to open my eyes.ā€ It comes out more like Iunwanniomff.
ā€œChimeric, can you hear me?ā€
You simplify your answer to ā€œYeah.ā€
ā€œCan you open your eyes?ā€
If youā€™re Chimeric, is that Kanaya? Something feels wrong about it, but that would make sense, right? All your information where Kanaya is concerned is mixed up in uncertainty, but. You should give your eyes a try, for her.
Itā€™s difficult, but it works. The world is bright. You focus with some effort, and your newfound pusher drops. Itā€™s not Kanaya.
No, itā€™s not Kanaya, because everything is wrong and you are Caederet Chimeric but who are you really if she isnā€™t there? When you need her? God, everything hurts and thereā€™s no Troll Will Smith playing out here in the Big World.
Mirach smiles down at you, explains that you lost a lot of blood but youā€™ll be just fine, you shouldnā€™t try to move around yet. You let your head fall back against the pillow and sigh.
You wish you could go back.
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lovwe-archive Ā· 7 years ago
merrygams replied to your post: im alvways mobile because thats the only vway ill...
Im Always Mobile Because Im Always At Work
mobile club.
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windicksy Ā· 8 years ago
merrygams replied to your post: theres something really creepy about that you...
Dont Do This To Me
its some shit in blade runner youd see plastered on a big digital screen while a bunch of a cars fly around and its obscured heavily by smog and somewhere in this city someone is looking for someone whos probably been murdered
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relatoliva-blog Ā· 8 years ago
@merrygams @astronomicalgallows
even more followers!! helloooo, its a pleasure to m33t you!!
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9utlaw-blog Ā· 8 years ago
@femmesombre @merrygams @cutesylust Hell9 every9ne! My name is Kankri Vantas, and apparently I am the Signless? Anyway, h9w are y9u and what d9 y9u d9?
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pesterloglog Ā· 1 year ago
Meenah Peixes, Kanaya Maryam, Porrim Maryam
Act 6, page 5398
MEENAH: aw snapperfish its popo merrygams and maryam lookalike kid
MEENAH: water you ladies glubbin about over here
KANAYA: Nothing I Was Just Leaving
MEENAH: oh yeah where to
MEENAH: back into your meteor right cause thats where im headed
MEENAH: cant get through the door tho
MEENAH: can i get your password
KANAYA: Pardon Me
MEENAH: come on
PORRIM: Meenah, what are yo+u do+ing? Do+n't hassle her fo+r private info+rmatio+n. It's rude.
MEENAH: im being nice about it
KANAYA: Are You Actually
MEENAH: im fuckin smiling aint i???
KANAYA: Well I Was Going In There Anyway
KANAYA: I Wont Give You My Password But You Can Follow Me I Guess
KANAYA: But You Can Only Remain As Long As Im Escorting You
MEENAH: da fuck
KANAYA: Because I Dont Trust You
MEENAH: aw man
MEENAH: but im cool
MEENAH: you should wise the fuck up and start thinking im cool
KANAYA: Youre Right With A Sales Pitch Like That I Would Have To Be An Imbecile Not To Crave Your Company
#Human Sarcasm
MEENAH: what you got against me maryam clone
KANAYA: I Think Youre Probably A Sociopath
KANAYA: Ive Given Enough Of My Time To Such Characters In The Past
MEENAH: you got me all wrong girl
MEENAH: what i gotta do to make you my frond maryam the sequel
KANAYA: My Name Is Kanaya!
MEENAH: aight aight kanaya it is
MEENAH: some day ill come up with a good fish pun way of saying that
MEENAH: thats how you know our shit will be TIG)(T
MEENAH: just lead the way ill be well behaved and win you over
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barkarole-blog1 Ā· 7 years ago
@merrygams replied to your post: Oh Wait Shes Naked
I Had An Apron On
But Arent You Supposed To Wear Something Underneath The Apron!
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voidwizerd-archive Ā· 8 years ago
comes online for a few seconds just to say @merrygams a furry for cryptids is a blurry now you know
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caederet-a-blog Ā· 7 years ago
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seascollector-blog Ā· 8 years ago
@merrygams @lawradia @yagillcondy @acultomance @midnightgrimoire
Nameā€™s Vwitrex (Vitrex). Wvhat can I do for you.
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lovwe-archive Ā· 7 years ago
merrygams replied to your post: vwhats it called vwhen you have too many useless...
Digital Hoarding
this sounds better.
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nova-regula-blog Ā· 8 years ago
merrygams replied to your post: I feel like Iā€™m being watc)(ed.
Do Something Funny And See If Anyone Notices
Do you mean funny as in comedic funny, or somefin strange funny?
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greenhivegynotrope Ā· 8 years ago
@merrygams said: She should be friends with kan because kan will make her tons of clothes and also jade squad
((I am super open to Jaeyde making a new friend! Jade Squad forever.))
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