toonteller · 1 year
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Just experimenting with lighting :p
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lampseb · 5 months
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casting rain poni au
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maslosstuff · 1 month
Mermare Caspar
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revenant-coining · 2 years
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[ID: 2 rectangular flags with 7 equally-sized horizontal lines. colors in this order and reflected after the last listed color: light grey-blue, grey-purple, dark purple, black-blue. in the center of the first flag is a dark-blue circle. in the center of the first flag over the circle is a light grey-blue symbol. the symbol is a diamond with a small circle centered vertically, and above where it would be if it was centered horizontally. below the circle is a vertical line. there is a horizontal line below where it would be if it was centered inside the diamond. from the horizontal line is half of a pill-shaped oval, the other side connected to the diamond. End ID]
Mermare: a form of nonhuman tertiary attraction ( Alteraffectis ) that describes how a mer feels towards other sea creatures.
Etymology: mer, “mare” Latin for sea
Pronounced: mer mare (mer mare)
@oneofmanyarchives , @kiruliom , @alteraffectis , @radiomogai
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[ID: a pale yellow divider outlined in black. End ID]
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midnightfire1222 · 1 year
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Been awhile since I've made a seapony. Finally did and it's another of the Mane 6 and this time it's Twilight Sparkle (AKA Twilight 'Snorkel').
I don't know if anyone remembers but the way I like to do seaponies is to model their tails and markings after real-life fish. Twilight's tail and markings are based on the oscar cichlid fish.
Specifically this one: https://www.fishkeepingworld.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/The-Complete-Oscar-Fish-Care-Guide-Types-Diet-Tankmates-Banner.jpg
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lizzystoddard · 2 years
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Hey, everypony! It's time for a new adventure! Hear the thrilling love story of Hoofbeard and Jewel - a pony pirate and a mermare, separated by more than just the horizon - in a heartwarming time-limited blitz event, "A Mermare's Tale"! This special story is now live on the My Little Pony Game!
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princeleonstuff2 · 4 months
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zombiemollusk · 7 months
so i wanna talk about merna
merna was a little caterpillar kid who hatched from an egg, so named due to being the child of jana and mertreon; this naming convention becomes important later.
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incidentally, jana would later request to be my spouse, to which i agreed because why not, i'll marry almost anyone who asks me in this game, but in any case, this made merna my stepkid.
i raised the baby with love, etc. etc., got them up to rank ten, and eventually...
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...they became my first disciple, and so far the only one who's asked (the others i picked).
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they were uh. very dedicated.
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anyway, all's going hunky dory, when one day an incredible development happened:
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i didn't know followers could fall in love with each other at all (as opposed to just falling for me) until this happened, and i certainly didn't expect it to be my stepkid with my pet cat narinder.
i decided this opportunity was too good to waste, so...
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...and then...
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...voilà, weird lumpy baby!
remember what i said about my method for naming babies? well, guess what.
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that's right, the one who waits had a baby and i named it merder.
side note, merder would go on to be the first of my followers to request that i, you guessed it...
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...fucking murder someone. yeah, that's nari's kid alright, and i named them well.
anyway, back to the- what's this?
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merna has fallen in love with leshy! well, i'm not about to claim full monopoly on polyamory (i feel like there's a pun in there), and the first baby was so cute, so i had them make an egg as well.
before i continue, here's leshy graciously thanking me for getting him laid:
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anyway, mershy was born.
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so after tha- huh?
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unfortunately i didn't get screenshots of the next two, but in summary:
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that's right, everyone: my stepkid and disciple, merna, successfully turned the entire bishop pantheon into their harem.
and as i'm not one to waste an opportunity like this, i'd like to introduce you all to...
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...my collection of weird lumpy stepgrandchildren (plus merna wearing a lovely hat there).
and yes, i made them all disciples.
they would go on to have romantic adventures of their own, many of which being with their aunt/uncles/whatever-the-gender-neutral-word-for-those-is to my increasing horror, disgust, and endless amusement; mershy asked me, their stepgrandparent, for my hand in marriage once (i turned them down; i did say almost anyone; definitely not my own grandkid, blood-related or not); mermar did not ask for my hand in marriage but did ask for a wedding dress and a wedding suit to wear (the game wouldn't let me without marrying them so i didn't do that either, though weirdly enough they spoke as if i made the dress when they requested the suit), and merder became lovers and had a child with a follower who asked me to kill someone as a prank, because of course that's merder's type. but sadly this post is running out of space for images so i won't be posting pics of all that, and this post is about merna anyway.
now, i can't say they're perfect in love...
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...or as a parent...
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...but i still couldn't ask for a better, more memorable first disciple of the game.
here's to you, merna. please keep being you for as long as i play the specific save file in which you reside. 💖
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craftingcreatures · 1 year
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Some sketchy concept stuff that I'm posting because I liked it but couldn't be bothered to refine it into an actual artwork.
These submarine behemoths are the Mermares (Clade Euhippocampiformes), secondarily aquatic descendants of the domestic donkey. The group first appeared around 29 million years post-cataclysm, in the late Nerian stage of the Diluvian period. They evolved from an animal called the Seabra, a descendant of the Donkey which adapted to exploit a niche with, thus far, zero competition - that of a large marine herbivore.
On earth, marine ecosystems are notable for the distinct lack of vascular plant life, a condition caused by a number of factors - most notably the osmotic stress caused by the saltwater. Most photosynthesis is carried out by algae. On Spero, however, things are different. Because Spero's oceans were generated relatively recently, from extraterrestrial ice particles, there just hasn't been enough time for erosion and the water cycle to deposit dissolved minerals in the water. As a result, Spero's seas are made of freshwater - a much more tolerable condition for most plants, and thus the diversity of marine vascular plants is much, much higher than on earth. Also, due to the flatness of the flooded landscape and lack of any real tectonic features, enormous swathes of the seabed lie within the photic zone, less than 200 meters from the surface. Thus, endless expanses of marine grasslands - the "seagrass prairies" - extend from the shore, often for hundreds of miles before the water finally gets too deep for photosynthesis to occur.
All of this plant life is an extremely attractive prospect for herbivores, and it was likely what drew the ancestral Seabra to forage in shallow coastal meadows in the first place. But as the oceans got deeper and life adapted, the Seabra had to adapt in kind - their hind legs rotated backwards to act as a pair of propulsive flukes, their forelimbs developed into steering flippers, and their nostrils retreated to sit on their foreheads.
One notable feature of the Mermares is hyperphalangy, a condition where the fingers have too many bones. It's very common in large marine tetrapods in Earth's history - whales and dolphins, Ichthyosaurs, Plesiosaurs, and Mosasaurs all exhibited hypoerphalangy to some degree - and seems to be associated with the specialization of the limbs into flippers. We would expect to see similar patterns in marine lineages on Spero. What's unique about the Mermares, however, is the sheer number of extra phalanges in the finger; at least fifteen in the shorter-finned species, and more than thirty in the longest-finned forms. And because Mermares - being equids - only possess one digit per limb, the result is a single long chain of flat, squarish bones which, in some cases, can reach over forty feet long - the longest arms ever to exist.
These ridiculous appendages produce a lot of drag and are merely adequate for steering and stabilization. So why do the Mermares have them?
The answer is that they're weapons. And particularly devastating ones, at that.
Mermares use their flagellating flippers as bludgeons, against both predators and conspecifics. The flippers are connected to powerful neck muscles and can be swung forward with impressive force; combined with a well-timed twisting of the giant horse's torso, the huge flippers can impact hard enough to shatter bone and pulverize flesh. The flippers themselves do not escape unscathed, and older individuals often have scarred or mangled flipper-tips from numerous battles over the years; but it's a small price to pay for survival.
When not being used against their enemies, the flippers may be folded back against the sides of the animal to reduce drag, or used as props to keep the animal's belly up off the seabed when feeding. Mermares spend up to 18 hours per day grazing, using their long neck to crop aquatic grasses and other vegetation in a wide arc without moving their bodies and occasionally dipping up to the surface to breathe. Mermares are keystone species in the seagrass prairies; as hindgut fermenters, they are not as efficient at processing plant matter as ruminants like goats, and produce large amounts of nutrient-rich dung which acts as fertilizer for the meadows and helps keep the environment productive. The dung also acts as food for a variety of fish and invertebrates.
Let's look at some of the Mermare's diversity, shall we?
Drepanarion (center right) One of the smaller Mermares, Drepanarion nonetheless grows to nearly 12 meters (39 feet) long. It is immediately recognizable by the bold black-and-yellow striping on the heads and necks of the stallions, and by the tall, narrow nuchal crest which extends from the withers and makes the stocky body look even more powerful. Unlike most other Mermares, which live in small groups of less than ten individuals, Drepanarion can be found in herds of over a hundred in the seagrass prairies of the Savanian (41 - 50 million years post-cataclysm). These nomadic throngs graze patches of seagrass nearly to the roots before moving on, giving the ecosystem time to regrow before returning in a few years' time. Drepanarion exhibits the most extreme sexual dimorphism of any Mermare, with stallions being both larger and more brightly coloured than mares; during the annual rut, males will fight each other in brutal bludgeoning matches to establish dominance and secure mates. To this end, they have some of the most extreme flipper anatomy of any Mermare; though not especially long (indeed, they have the shortest flippers of any derived genera), each phalanx bone has a protruding bony tubercle on the anterior edge which extends into a keratinous knob. These knobs both protect the flipper during combat and focus the force of the blow into a smaller area, dealing more damage.
Hipposeidon (bottom left) First appearing in the early Imberian (50 million years post-cataclysm), Hipposeidon is the largest of all Mermares and, indeed, the largest animal ever to exist on Spero, with stallions regularly reaching over 24 meters (80 feet) long (mares are slightly smaller). Extremely large specimens may even reach 30 meters (100 feet), although this is rare. This ludicrous size - nearly rivaling even the mighty Blue Whale of Earth - is possible only due to the sheer abundance of its food. Hipposeidon appears at the height of the seagrass prairie's extent, and can pack away almost 900 kilograms (1900 pounds) of seagrass per day. This superlative food requirement has important consequences for Hipposeidon's behaviour; this animal is migratory. Seagrass prairies are extremely productive ecosystems, but nonetheless Spero is a seasonal world; as the summer growth gives way to the winter die-back, the greatest of the Mermares must migrate across the equator to seek out a continuous food source to fuel its immense bulk. In this way Hipposeidon experiences a perpetual summer, interrupted only by the biannual migration from north to south and back again. Female Hipposeidon are pregnant for about one year, timing the birth of the single large foal with arrival to the feeding grounds; the six-meter-long foal enjoys a long childhood nursing and playing in shallow summer waters, gathering strength before making the long swim across the barren tropical zone to pastures new.
Bathypegasus (top left) The last and possibly the weirdest of the great Mermares, Bathypegasus is the only member of the clade which is not a grazer. Instead, it is a specialist feeder on pelagic, free-floating ferns. These ferns are a seasonal bounty, growing in huge numbers in the tropical summers of the late Imberian (60 million years post-cataclysm), where the planetary ring system shades out large portions of the planet for half the year. A close relative of Hipposeidon, Bathypegasus has left its ties to the seabed behind, becoming a fast, powerful swimmer which spends most of its life far above the sea floor. Its flippers have adapted to be even more ludicrously long - the longest forearms of any animal, ever, with each one measuring nearly 14 meters (45 feet) in length and each containing at least 35 individual bones. No longer used to prop the animal up off the seabed, these whiplike flippers are narrow and streamlined and can be whipped through the water at speeds of nearly 20 meters per second (that's over 40 mph) - the most extreme weaponry of any Mermare, and used to great effect against predators. Bathypegasus, like Hipposeidon, is migratory, following the blooms of pelagic ferns across Spero's oceans. Thanks to this midwater diet it is the only genus of Mermare to survive past the mid-Imberian extinction, when rising sea levels and steepening coastal slopes caused the seagrass prairies to disappear. Bathypegasus finally died out in the Ultimoxerian stage, around 75 million years post-cataclysm, the last and weirdest of the giant marine horses.
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piosplayhouse · 6 months
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Quick paint over comparison of wwx (hippogriff/seapony) vs jyl (pegasus/seapony (mermare?)) but my iPad died before I could draw jyls wings and fins sorwy.. jyls cutie mark is a flower knot with a bell under it ^^ represents completeness and reunion. wwx's seapony form is fairly eel-like in that he kind of slithers through the water and he has gills to breathe with, and it's also completely useless on land. He also can't swim while in hippogriff form, so it's kind of an either/or thing going on there. On the other hand, the jiang ponies are built more similarly to marine mammals where they can hold their breath for extremely long periods of time but ultimately need to surface at some point, hence the layout of lotus pier. Their forms are also more adaptable and so they can still navigate on land in their mer forms (similar to how sea lions can kind of waddle around) as well as swim fairly strongly in pony form
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toonteller · 1 year
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Fish ppl go brr
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melabea · 3 days
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merfolk id pack!
includes names, 1stpp, 2ndpp, 3rdpp, genders, alterhuman flags, & other terms!
Abyssal, Alkali, Allur, Bay, Brim, Brine, Brooks, Cecaelia, Cloud, Coastal, Coral/Coralie, Cordelia, Delilah, Dooriya, Flood, Gale, Irv, Jubilee, Lake, Mari/Maris/Marina/Marine, Maritime, Mere, Merrick, Misty, Oceana, Pollyanna, Riverine/Riviera, Seashore, Seaside, Seawater, Serena, Shore, Siren/Syren/Syrin, Storm, Summer, Sylph, Thalassa, Themis, Tide, Whirlwind, & Windstorm
1stpp: (xi/xe/xy/xine/xyself)
abyi/abye/aby/abyine/abyself, ba/be/bay/bane or bine/bayself, bri/bre/bry/brim/bryself, bro/brook/bry/bron/bryself, clo/cloud/cly/clone/clyself, coa/coast/coy/coan/coyself, cor/coral/coray/corine/corself, flo/flood/flooy/floine or floodine/flooyself, la/lake/lay/laine/layself, mari/marine/mary/marine/maryself, mer/me/mery/merine/meryself, oc/ocean/oceany/ocine/oceanyself, ri/rive/rivery/rine or riverine/riveryself, sea/se/seay/seaine/seayself, shor/shore/shory/shorine/shoryself, si/siren/sireny/sine/sirenyself, storm/storme/story/stormine/storyself, thalassic/thalassi/thalassy/thalassine/thalassyself, ti/tide/tidy/tine or tidine/tidyself, whi/whirl/whirly/whine or whirline/whiryself, & wi/wind/windy/wine or windine/windyself
2ndpp: (xou/xour/xours/xourself)
abyss/abyr/abyrs/abyrself, bay/bayr/bayrs/bayrself, brim/br/brs/brself, brook/br/brs/brself, cloud/clour/clours/clourself, coast/coar/coars/coarself, coral/cor/cors/coralself, lake/lakr/lakrs/lakrself, marine/mar/mars/marself, maritime/mar/mars/marself, me/mer/mers/merself, ocean/ocear/ocears/ocearself, rive/river/rivers/riverself, sea/sear/sears/searself, sea/seashore/seashores/seashoreself, seaside/seasir/seasirs/seasirself, sea/seawater/seawaters/seawaterself, sho/shore/shores/shoreself, siren/sir/sirs/sirself, sto/storms/storms/stormself, thalassic/thalassir/thalassirs/thalassirself, tide/tider/tiders/tiderself, whirlwind/whirl/whirls/whirlself, whi/whirl/whirls/whirl, wind/wir/wirs/wirself, & wind/windstorm/windstorms/windstormself
3rdpp: (xe/xim)
aby/abyss, bay/bays, brim/brims, brook/brooks, cloud/clouds, coast/coasts, coral/corals, flood/floods, lake/lakes, marine/marines, maritime/maritimes, mari/times, mer/mers, ocean/oceans, river/rivers, sea/seas, seashore/seashores, sea/shores, seaside/seasides, sea/sides, seawater/seawaters, sea/waters, shore/shores, siren/sirens, storm/storms, thalassic/thalassics, tide/tides, whirlwind/whirlwinds, whirl/winds, whirl/whirls, wind/winds, windstorm/windstorms, & wind/storms
genders: (all terms are links)
merfolk, mereic, mermaidcore, sirenish, merlikic, merblood/merfolkblood, sirenblood, mermonster, sirenmonster, autimeric/autimerfolkic, autisirenic, merplayful, merpuplayful, merplaymate, mergender, phosirenial, merive, gendermerpup, & merenvic
alterhuman flags: (all terms are links)
mermaid constelic, siren, merfolk alterproxy, siren alterproxy, mer/merfolk linosus, & mermaid kin
other terms: (all terms are links)
merfolk 4 siren/siren 4 merfolk, queer mer, mer privawor, siren privawor, merforial, mercollector/merhoarder, merspesque, miscemer/miscemerfolk, merchronal, sirenvior, mervior/merfolkvior, merinurvesi, aldermermic, merane attraction, & mermare attraction
banner made by us!
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unidot · 2 years
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I scribbled a mer Pearl design some time ago and they perfected it so I had to draw them
(Also thanks @fernshawart for giving the mer Pearl idea)
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butchcinna · 2 years
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"[Too slow, small thing...]" MerMar AU got me by the neeeeck ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ...
Fun part of MerMar AU: Mermaids! Not fun part of MerMar AU: I need to learn how to draw wet things and ocean n stuff (´。_。`)
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leukiel · 1 year
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¿Qué quieres de mí?
¿Jugar conmigo? ¿Amarme? ¿Odiarme? Sé honesta y anuncia tu sentir.
¿Para qué me has buscado? ¿Para alimentar a tu ego o para mermar tu soledad? ¿Para engrandecer tu vanidad o para anestesiar tu dolor?
El ser humano, en su mayoría, siempre busca a un alguien con una intención distinta con la que se presenta. Somos desleales a nosotros mismos... O leales a nuestras perversiones. Somos crueles con el prójimo. Somos vacío infértil.
Dime a qué has venido.
Si la razón es buscar atención, puedes irte. En este teatro, en estas butacas, no hay nadie actuando... Más que yo.
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lizzystoddard · 2 years
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Proceed through the special blitz limited-time story “A Mermare’s Tale” and get all these amazing rewards! Get them now in the My Little Pony Game!
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