#merman emporio
Since Stone Ocean is a prison break chapter what if mer! Jolyne was captured in an aquarium and teams up with several other captive mers in a bid to break out and escape back into the sea 😂
I’ve actually been treating Green Dolphin as a “rehabilitation center”, mostly because I could NOT figure out how to have Pucci be a hostile force while ALSO having Weather be a supporting mer in Jolyne’s group.
Each member of Stone Ocean is in rehabilitation for separate reasons:
Anasui was going to be euthanized because she would randomly attack humans and human vessels, pulling apart the occupants and leaving them to drown — when caught, she expressed that it was out of a desire to “see what makes a human tick”. If Emporio hadn’t immediately attached himself to her, Anasui would have been killed. Now she lives in the same enclosure as Weather and Emporio, though she needs to be corralled off to the side when Emporio and Weather have their check ups.
Weather is there because he actually needs rehabilitation. He was attacked mercilessly by his twin brother — though Weather was larger than Pucci, he was taken by surprise and Pucci nearly killed him in the ensuing battle. He washed ashore and was rushed to Green Dolphin in critical condition, barely making it through the night. Seeing as his amnesia made him rather docile, Weather was placed with Emporio in hopes of having the young fry switch guardians so that Anasui could be put down without consequence — this had the opposite effect. Emporio decided that the 3 of them were now a family pod, the fry’s mind electing Weather as the pod Protecter and Anasui as the pod’s Caretaker.
This little group lives in an ambiguous time bubble rn, but at this time, Ermes is currently fighting a false ID of herself and is seeking to find revenge for her sister after she was murdered senselessly by black market fishers — he was accused of being a human hostile mer that attacked several human vessels, a smear campaign that he believes was done by the same fishers that killed his sister. Ermes is being held in solitary, but once she proved to be rather amicable and friendly towards humans, she was allowed to be placed in the same tank as Weather and Emporio. Once again, this was done with the hopes that Ermes would take over the role of pod “Caretaker” — instead, she’s become another “Protector” member of the pod, instinctively trading shifts with Weather to “keep watch” at night.
F.F is a junior researcher/caretaker, and one of the VERY few humans that Anasui will tolerate (mostlybecause she’s trying to needle information about Jolyne out of them, but also because Emporio really ended up liking them). F.F. helps keep the enclosure clean as well as communicate whatever the mers need to the other staff members; F.F. gets fully adopted into the pod by Ermes after she warms up to them, evolving into F.F. being one of 2 staff members to ever manage to get in the water with Anasui and get out unscathed.
Jolyne, as I’ve mentioned in another post, has a very positive view on humans. Her mother was quite close with them, and Jolyne, by virtue of being a Joestar, works closely with the Speedwagon Foundation, resulting in her offering herself up for either public exhibitions or “hands on” research with newer scientists. On one of these visits, a junior researcher makes the mistake of releasing her into Anasui’s tank — there’s a lot of hissing and posturing from Ermes and Anasui, but Emporio immediately takes a liking to her and she’s subsequently adopted into the pod. When Green Dolphin eventually makes the plans, Jolyne’s the first mer they go to when they finally allow Emporio and his pod out “into the wild” (really just a giant, secluded section of ocean thats been marked off from the greater bay) — F.F. is the one who checks up on them regularly.
this is all a bit “W.I.P”-y rn
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What would Jolyne and the Stone Ocean gang be like as mers?
Okay, so I HAVE watched Stone Ocean this time around!!
As per the rest of the Joestar line, Jolyne has a split caudal fin. Like Jonathan Joestar, Jolyne has a rather large sail fin, though she has an additional set of smaller sail fins on either side of the main sail - like her father, Jolyne is almost unnaturally large for a female mer. Jolyne's main colour is deep green, like Joseph, but her yellow striation is much more muted and thinner than his. Similarly, her fins are that same muted yellow, speckled with toxic looking purple and pink -- don't be fooled however, she is not toxic nor can she emit the same electric shocks that Joseph can. She has two stripes of pale skin beneath either eye, and three pale spots up on her forehead between her brows. Her shoulders and back are covered in these same pale spots, and are strangely uniform in size, position, but vary widely in her skin shade. She offers herself up to Green Dolphin Rehabilitation Center for mer-biology students to have a safe, hands on showcase of a live mer — this is where she meets the Gang.
F.F was super fucking hard to think for because they're a fucking plankton in canon - I wanted to make them a cuttfish mer, but I've settled on making them a human! They meet Jolyne through a mer rehabilitation program; Jolyne's mother is pretty close with humans, and as such, Jolyne has a pretty postive connection with them and offered herself up for an exhibition. F.F. was one of the students who came through and studied Jolyne's body, striking up a conversation when they were left alone with one another.
Ermes is a mer as well, submitted to Green Dolphin after being falsely ID’d as the mer that attacked a human vessel. She's on the bigger side - definitely bigger than your average mer, but smaller than Jolyne. Her main colour is a deep orange, and her back is a dark pink-purple, peppered with bright pink rosettes similar to leopard spots. She has a few bony spines poking up on either side of her sail, 6 in total, 3 on either side. Ermes has a 4 finned split tail, and usually uses her tail like a battering ram when in a fight. In addition to her 4 split tail and sail, she has only 6 extra fins on her body — two pelvic, two lower anal fins and two fins on her arms. She becomes friends with Jolyne when they’re both in acclimation tanks to be released back out into the ocean, both agreeing to become pod and return to visit the others every so often.
Weather Report is a slim mer — he has lived in the Green Dolphin rehabilitation center for about 4 years now. Lost a majority of his fins to his brother when they fought in the wild and was picked up by the facility to help him recover when he washed ashore, bloodied and near death and almost fully amnestic. He’s mostly recovered now, but his fins are nowhere near as fluffy and full as they used to be and will probably never be. Weather’s body is spilt dark black blue and pale white blue — his topside is the darker half and his underside is pale. At his peak, his fins used to be rather thick and fluffy, almost akin to super sized Betta Fish — now they’re thinner and more wispy, and about half their original length. Weather’s sail is still rather tall, and he holds all of his fins completely out because he likes to stretch out. His fins start dark at the base and become iridescent white at their ends, reflecting brilliant colours when viewed at the right angle. He’s still in physical therapy for his injuries, but can mostly move without pain. Weather is also the adoptive parent for Emporio, working alongside Anasui to raise the fry. This “co-parenting” led to Weather wanting to court Anasui, though he’s mildly miffed to note that she’s fixated on Jolyne.
Anasui is a ceacelia mer — I can’t decide if I want them to be a cuttlefish or an octopus so just know that they’re a ceacelia. I think she’d be overjoyed to have so many arms; more limbs to pull things apart with! She’s currently in Green Dolphin Rehab alongside Weather Report, acting as another stand-in parent for Emporio — unlike Weather, Anasui is there because he’s a genuine threat to humans. He was going to be put down until Emporio imprinted on him, so now Anasui is considered a permanent resident of Green Dolphin until further notice. His crush/fixation on Jolyne started after he watched her interact with Emporio for the first time, and her hissing at him for being hostile towards the human staff is the only reason he’s started forcing himself to be “nicer”. She is currently unaware of Weather’s affection for her.
Emporio is a young mer that was born into captivity at Green Dolphin Rehab — he has the potential to be released into the wild seeing as his adoptive parent are two wild-born mermen. Because he’s still a fry, Emporio doesn’t have a fully developed sailfin; his sail is very small and the spines are quite soft allowing the sail to collapse easily. He naturally has the instinct to swim underneath Weather or Anasui, burying himself beneath Weather’s thick fins and trying to do the same to Anasui’s limbs — young mer are naturally anxious when not riding beneath their parents fins, and some of the biologists theorize that this is why Weather has taken to swimming around with permanently flared fins. Emporio’s colours haven’t fully settled in, so he’s a strange grey-sand colour with white stripes going down his body from hip to tail — theoretically when he gets older, he might settle into a blue-grey colour but at this stage in his life, it is impossible to tell. He also gets sleepy quite easily so he’ll sometimes hitch a ride on top of Weather’s back, or beg both of them to lay with him in the nest.
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