elodiekimchi · 2 years
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🌿 Dylan & Theo
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verendxs · 17 days
Victor's Respite
The clash of steel and the sounds of ripping flesh echoed for miles around her. Merenwen stood in the Fields of the Fallen, daggers poised to strike. Blood... There was so much blood, the air was saturated with the smell of it. That familiar metal tang that she could barely tell apart from the dirty weapons being brandished from the opposing fighters. Enemies of Uthaurm. Her enemies.
Screams of pain and death filled her ears, and she did her best to drown it out as her blade found its target: the throat of a Mandethian slave. She hated every agonizing second of the bloodbath, but in the Fields, it was kill or be killed, and she would not lose her life again. Merenwen spun on her heel and slashed again, taking out another nameless face. She'd long since lost count of how many fell at her feet.
With the space around her open, she whipped the air around her into a violent cyclone. The wind tossed bodies about like they were nothing, mixing dead and living and flinging them into the distance. She used the air to push a path through the battlefield, making straight for the northernmost cave leading to Victor's Respite, where she could wash away her sins and leave this mess behind.
Bodies flew at her to try and stop her escape, but they were flung away with ease. Her parting gifts to them were bubbles that sucked the oxygen out of the air around their heads. They squirmed and gasped for breath, and Merenwen didn't wait around for them to suffocate. She pressed on towards the cave and ducked inside, leaving her cyclone at the entrance to rage and die out on its own.
The damp walls inside were decorated with red and white whorls of a substance Merenwen couldn't readily identify. Was it ink? Chalk? Bodily fluid? There was no way of knowing, but not knowing didn't stop her from tracing one of the patterns with the tip of her finger as she walked down stone stairs and then up again. When she saw the sun at the end of the staircase, she practically dashed for it.
Victor's Respite was covered in green grass, a stark contrast to the wastelands that were the Fields of the Fallen. A sparkling lake spread out before her, nestled into the mountains. A solitary tower stood close to the cave's mouth, and it was there that she headed first. Within was a single monument with names and kill counts carved into them. She touched it with every deadly piece of her, everything she'd used to kill, and her numbers soared higher, her name glowing silver as they did.
Merenwen's stomach dropped as shame rose like bile in her throat. She turned from the monument and made for the lake. Its water encompassed her as she waded deeper and deeper, swallowing the redness and dirt and sweat that she scrubbed from her body. "Oh Goddess, Salva'sah... please forgive me for the atrocities I have committed today." The wind picked up around her, rippling the water. Had anyone else heard her, they might tell her that there was pride and honor to be found in making it to Victor's Respite. Merenwen dunked her head beneath the lake. Zenos would tell her that...
But to her... in her heart... he would have been wrong.
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quickreaver · 2 years
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Pinch-hittin’ time, baybeeeee! For the lovely Merenwen76, I hope your patience is rewarded! I’m a sucker for a tattooAU, and from your fave fic list, seems you are too? Belated happy holidays! (This art was created for the SPN-J2 Xmas exchange on LJ, and inspired by one of Merenwen’s fic recs, non_tiembo_mala’s ‘Upon a Painted Ocean’. I was torn between this and one of your own fics, Sandy, but the muse of ink and needles beckoned me!)
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petraforgedyke · 2 years
DIIMRE AU masterpost
because it's my tumblr and i get to scrawl on the walls in pencil, and I like being able to find things.
and on account of it being au for our dnd campaign, obviously featuring characters by @lunellum, @geekinthelowlands (Gat), @wingedyera (Yukon), @merenwen-luinwee (Ranee), and @sleepthiefblog (Monmon)
Coffee Shop AU
Comics Convention
Tea Time
Different Perspectives
Early Bird
Band AU
Road Trip
Smooth Sailing
Gay Bar AU
People Watching
League AU
Merchandising Opportunities
In Your Own Time
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resoan · 6 years
merenwen-luinwee replied to your post: Dragon Age Zine Theme
I’m down for collaborating with a codex page! :D looking forward to seeing what you guys come up with.
Thanks for the interest! I’ve noted you in my list and will contact you as soon as I can! <3
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merenwen-gallery · 6 years
Tags Updated
Hellow! The Girls and Boys tags are uptated! :3
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xiphosuras · 5 years
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Dungeons and Dragons: two characters having a meaningful, heartfelt conversation about a dramatic turn of events while some idiot behind them sets a book on fire.
Felt like drawing something from a recent D&D session run by @merenwen-luinwee :) Featuring @papigrim ‘s tabaxi monk Telinga and the triton paladin Zealos, who belongs to lidl_delerium
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sirgarrowman · 5 years
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Commission for  merenwen-luinwee
Thank you!! Your girl is such an cool character to draw, love her❤❤
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elodiekimchi · 2 years
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verendxs · 17 days
The Empty Night
You saw what?"
The battle around them raged on. Merenwen stood back to back with Zenos, blowing enemies into prone positions so they could be more easily stabbed. Zenos took the briefest of pauses to turn to look at his comrade, and she was busy burying her dagger into the heart of a Nilaian soldier.
"I said... I saw kids!" she shouted.
"There shouldn't... be children in the Blood Rites."
"Exactly!" Merenwen blew a massive gust of air in front of her, clearing the ground as bodies flew into the weapons of the ones advancing behind them. "I'm going to find them, Zenos. I'm going to make sure they get to Victor's Respite." She risked being branded a traitor, but she didn't care. Zenos simply nodded; he understood why she felt she had to do this.
Merenwen broke away from her friend and began carving her way through the battlefield. Men and women met her blades indiscriminately as she hunted through the fields, heart racing. Just as desperation gripped her, she caught a glimpse of a tiny body weaving its way through larger ones, a broken spear clutched in its little hands. She blew more soldiers out of the way to uncover the child, and he pointed his spear at her, all trembles and fierceness in his face. Tears stung her eyes.
"Boy, listen to me. You need to go north -- that way -- towards the cave!" Her voice was hoarse from shouting. The boy, no older than eleven, stared at her blankly. Merenwen hurried to him and knelt down, throwing up a barrier of wind to keep people from stumbling back into them or charging them outright. "Are there more of you? More children?"
"Y-Yes... Two more," he said, his voice shaking violently. "They're hiding under bodies."
"Do you know where?" The boy whistled a unique little tune, and two female heads poked out from beneath a pile of fallen soldiers. They hurried over to the boy, marred by scratches and dirt and blood. "Good. Come with me, I'll get you to safety." Merenwen's barrier of air extended outwards, and she led the children towards Victor's Respite. Most stayed out of their way, and the ones that didn't, she cut down without mercy.
As she ran, the world fell away around her. The noises of the battlefield turned to echoes and slowed reverberations. Merenwen stopped running. She spun around, only to see the children lying in a heap on the ground. The ground collapsed until there was nothing but her and those small, lifeless bodies. She tried to move towards them, but they got further and further away with every step.
"You failed them," said a voice.
"I did what I could..." answered Merenwen in a trembling voice.
"You... FAILED." "They died because of you." "They will never know freedom." "Because of you." "Because of you."
Merenwen looked around. Moonlight streamed through the cracks in the curtains. A blanket was over her legs, and a chill ran through her arms. She was home, in bed, tears streaming down her face. She pulled her knees towards her chest and hid her face, cheeks burning with shame.
She remembered the three children from the Blood Rites. Remembered they bore the mark of Mandeth, and remembered wanting so desperately to free them. She tried to get them to Victor's Respite. Tried with all her might to carve a path through all those soldiers, one safe enough for them to run through... but there were too many. They were only kids, and they'd fallen behind and got caught up in the fray.
"I couldn't save them..." Her voice was hoarse. How much had she been screaming in her sleep? "I'm sorry..." But who was she apologizing to? There was no Thax or Zenos at her side to comfort her like there would have been in those days. There was nothing... but the emptiness of her home.
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wrasslehetlibrary · 8 years
SFW Saturday drabble!
Relationship: Charlotte/Sami Zayn
Author’s Tags: Drabble
Word count: 100
Rating: General Audiences
Author: merenwen
Most don’t get why Charlotte keeps using her old boots but Sami does. Sami understands even from a different path.
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samwise-writes · 6 years
Merenwen Lavellan
Merenwen Lavellan – Rogue (Dual Wield) – Elf
5’3 – dark red hair – green eyes – green Dirthamen vallaslin
Only child
She is strong in her morals – she has a very strong sense of what is wrong and right.
She wants to help everyone she can. She didn’t even wait for Cassandra to ask her to help the Inquisition. After she saw the breach she cut Cassandra off and asked “How do I help?”
Very thoughtful person, which often means she’s very quiet. And she has the bad habit of overthinking things. She agonizes over decisions she’s made and decisions she will have to make constantly.
While she is terrifying to behold in battle, and is an incredible fighter, she actually prefers to do healing – which she is equally good at. She helped Adan as often as she could in Haven, and then spends a good number of her spare hours she has at Skyhold helping the healers.
She is Bi as fuck
She was in love with another elf from her Clan, Nell, who died at the conclave.
She is really put off by Cullen at first
She has a difficult time trusting anyone, eventhough she wants to trust people.
She didn’t really fit in with her clan, she often would spend time on her own apart from everyone else.
She loves to read, always brings a book with her wherever she goes – Varric was outraged when he found out that she had never read any of his books (Generally she stuck to more theoretical and practical texts things she thought could help her hone his skills and mind. – after her and Cullen become closer at Skyhold she starts reading all of the martial and strategic books he has in his office. Cassandra also gifts her several poetry anthologies and romance novels that Merenwen is delightedly surprised with how much she loves them. She also later forces Cullen to read her a few the poems from the anthology much to his initial embarrassment)
She gets overwhelmed by large amounts of people very quickly – the Winter Palace was a nightmare for that reason.
She often puts people before herself, and will, the majority of the time forget to take care of herself because of it – she’s a huge hypocrite when it comes to Cullen, a fact he points out at every opportunity
Dorian once asked her why she is often quiet, her reply was “I only speak when I feel what I have to say can add to the conversation.”
She is thirsty for knowledge. She forces Dorian to teach her to read, write and speak Tevene, and she learns extremely fast – a fact that Dorian takes full credit of, of course.
It is only after their first month at Skyhold that Merenwen actually begins to feel comfortable with her friends. She starts to become less distant, warming up to the others and even at times teasing them. She is seen smiling more often.
She does not want to return to her clan after everything is over and done with
When she overhears two soldiers talking about how Cullen has missed a meal AGAIN, she starts anonymously sending meals to his office.
In her clan they have a tradition where every year on a certain day, if you have feeling for another person you use the day to make your intentions toward them known (kind of like Valentines day I suppose), but in the two weeks leading up to the day you leave a bushel of elfroot in places that you know they will find – sort of like a secret admirer note so they know someone is thinking of them. – because Merenwen knows no other way to go about confessing her feelings, she begins leaving elfroot on the Commander’s desk, sneaking in and leaving it there, beginning two weeks before the day. Cullen loses it after the fourth day because “who in the Maker’s name is LEAVING ELFROOT ON MY DESK?” and starts leaving his office under false pretenses and coming back in shortly thereafter to see if he can catch the culprit. He finally catches her on the sixth day and she has to awkwardly explain why she’s been leaving elfroot on the commander’s desk. He’s left speechless and she understand that as a rejection. She apologizes and leaves. She proceeds to avoid him as much as possible after that.
After Merenwen returns from her next trip out of Skyhold she finds a bushel of Elfroot on her pillow and a note.
She smiles even more freely once her and Cullen get together
She tried chocolate at the winter palace for the first time and she cried because it tasted so good.
After hearing Cullen sing following Haven, she tried at every opportunity to try to get him to sing again. She failed.
She actually has a lovely voice. She learned part of the Chant of Light because she know how important it is to Cullen, so that she could sing it to him when he wakes up from nightmares.
She is closest with Dorian, he often speaks more than she does, but that’s what she enjoys. He doesn’t expect her to constantly have something to say. And even where they do share a silence, it is not awkward. Dorian often starts reading in her room in the evenings while she reads and answers letter and requests. They’re happy to just share in each other’s company.
She wanted to kill Dorian’s dad when she found out what he did, but still encouraged Dorian to talk to his father, because she felt that even if Dorian didn’t forgive his father, he had a lot he still needed to say to the man after what he did, and the only way he, himself, could heal was by getting it all out.
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ao3feed-charlynch · 5 years
Summary: After the Smackdown invasion of Raw Charlotte approaches a battered Becky with rising emotions.
Author: merenwen (ayebydan)
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fyx-ation · 6 years
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Waiting for patch and haven’t posted much lately, so here’s a screenshot dump.
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blauweeikels · 6 years
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My half of an arttrade I did with @merenwen-luinwee! I drew her some Stucky for my FrostIron! Check out her art too!!
Support me on Ko-fi
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xiphosuras · 8 years
Pluto, Betelgeuse, Hercules, Bode’s Galaxy aaaand Comet!
Alright! Pluto: What time is it right now where you are? 
It’s just over half past nine PM!
Betelgeuse: What’s something you can never forget about? 
Mmm I guess a lot of important moments in my life, I know my trip to Korea last summer will stay with me for a while. Also science and animal facts, they tend to stick, as do all the mistakes/embarrassing things I’ve ever done unfortunately.
Hercules: Favourite instrument? 
The two instruments I’ve played are the recorder and descant recorder, though I really like the sound of the violin. I also have a soft spot for the bassoon, which my oldest cousin plays :)
Bode’s Galaxy: Have you ever had a secret admirer? 
If there were any, they’ve succeeded in staying hidden :P
Comet: What’s your big dream? 
Writing/drawing and releasing an at least moderately succesful comic book or series, and having fans of my stories/creations c:
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