#merch. it just wasnt action figures. they made do with fandmade zines and stuff instead
keithsautism · 1 year
omg I had no idea that dreamworks bought voltron from bobby at WEP . Apparently theyre also developing a live action film? Sorting out casting and stuff. Looks like its probs a few years away though. Really sad that Bobby is co-producing tho :( I hope the trademark transfer to dreamworks didnt give him a hole into it to fuck it all up.
A film would pull in more older fans as well.. itd be more likely to be targeting older audiences as well, like the transformers films are different to the animated series I imagine.
I wonder if theyd keep or advance the representation there was in VLD. Because there was so much backlash about later seasons and WEP seemed to not understand what the demographics of the fans actually was. Bobby thought it was all young boys and their dads watching it, but it turned out to be teenage girls.. I wonder if theyd make a transformers-type live action but targeting that girl/gay demographic that latched onto VLD? There'd be a niche for it. People would go insane over it
Kinda doubt it tho. There would also be a lot of backlash from older fans of the original series if paladins were lgbt+, which is probably what the vocal fans would be screaming for. Its probably already a big ask for boomer fans if allura is black or brown and not looking aryan. Imagine how hard theyd shit themselves if keith was gay in canon
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