#mercey writes
merceyca · 12 days
Hold Tight
Andrew and Neil accidentally crash Abby and Wymack’s carnival date.
The fairground was rife with people and noise. Andrew had warned Neil that this would be the case, but the screaming, the music, the crowds; it all had Neil wondering what the appeal of a day at the fair could possibly be.
The day itself was drawing to a close, the sky turning a deep orange and fading to purple at the edges. Andrew had flown in that afternoon, and when Neil picked him up from the airport he happened upon the flyer for the Palmetto State fair.
Although, after spending ten minutes there, Neil came to the conclusion that they should have just had an easy night at home. Murder, She Wrote reruns were a better alternative to this.
Andrew caught him by the shoulders, yanking him out of both his thoughts and the warpath of an ice-cream-wielding toddler. Neil checked himself for stains, but he remained unscathed.
‘Those jeans are designer,’ Andrew informed him.
Neil shook his head, smiling. He opened his mouth to respond when a familiar voice called, ‘Neil! Andrew!’
They both whirled to see Abby hauling Wymack over by the hand. She was beaming, her hair free from its customary ponytail and whipping around in the breeze. Wymack appeared to be reevaluating his life choices.
Neil met Andrew’s amused look with an identical one of his own, allowing Abby to catch him in a hug when they met them halfway.
‘I didn’t know the two of you were coming here tonight,’ she said fondly.
‘The warning would have been nice,’ Wymack added, less so.
Neil fought the childish urge to stick his tongue out at him. Living in the dorms with just Robin was beginning to have an effect on him.
‘We didn’t intend to crash your date,’ Andrew said, sending a meaningful look down at Abby and Wymack’s joined hands.
‘And what noble reason do you shits have for being here?’ Wymack returned.
‘Candy floss hunting,’ Andrew said at the same time Neil said, ‘Breaking in my jeans.’
‘They’re designer, you know,’ Neil continued when Wymack cast his eyes heavenward.
Abby laughed at their antics. ‘Have you tried any of the rides yet?’
‘Er, no.’ Neil tried to think of how best to skirt around the topic of Andrew’s acrophobia, but Andrew beat him to it.
‘I sustained a head injury in last week’s game,’ Andrew lied. ‘No roller coasters for me. So sad.’
Abby frowned. ‘A head injury? In which quarter? We watched the whole game.’
‘You must have blinked,’ said Andrew. ‘I’m going to line up for food if you want to take him on something puke-inducing before we eat. Coach?’
Wymack sighed but seemed to accept that his date had been crashed. ‘Yeah, take the kid on that death trap you pointed out earlier.’
‘The one you said would put your heart to the test?’ Abby asked.
Wymack huffed. ‘We’ll meet you by the tables.’
‘Are you sure?’ Neil asked Abby. ‘If you don’t want to—’
He trailed off when he saw that Abby’s green eyes were alight with excitement. She clutched his arm. ‘Come on, Josten. Don’t chicken out on me now.’
Neil couldn’t help but laugh as she dragged him across the fairground. The years between nurse and striker fell away, and suddenly they were both kids, nervously boarding a ride called The Crazy Coaster that allegedly spun as it sped over the tracks.
Abby’s joyful squeals accompanied the swoop in Neil’s gut at every drop, making him laugh harder. They took the first two dips facing forwards, but the biggest one was coming, and their carriage was turning.
‘Oh, god. Oh, god,’ Abby gasped, her hand fumbling for Neil’s. ‘Neil, we’re backwards.’
Neil managed a hysterical, ‘What do you want me to do about it?’
Abby finally caught his hand and gave it a firm squeeze. Neil held tight to the woman who had patched him up so many times he’d lost count, who kissed his forehead and cheered him on at every game, who brought him on this stupid ride and showed him that surrendering your control to wheels and cogs and gravity could actually be fun.
The two of them shared a pair of frenzied grins as Abby said, ‘Here we go,’ and then they were falling.
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anchanted-one · 2 years
Legend of Lightning Chapter 59. Pen Pal
Mercei Tanniels gave her body a good stretch after waking up. She shrugged her shoulders around, turned her hips, squatted down, then stood on her tip toes while raising her hands as high up as they went.
She then relaxed, and went for a drink from her canteen.
“Okay then, my little Jedi friend! Let’s see whether you tossed and turned last night!” She accessed her probes’ feeds to see what Vajra’s night had been like. She tutted sympathetically when her expectations were confirmed. “This won’t do at all, will it, little boy? That’s four whole nights you’ve gone without a wink of sleep. And your last real meal was a week ago.” She listened through the audio recorded by a few probes that she had planted close enough to hear him. Lately, all she heard was pleas for forgiveness and a fervent desire for death. “Someone’s on the precipice. Running away didn’t help, did it?” She lay back on her bedroll. He wasn’t going to last much longer. Deprivation was taking its toll on the lad. Not that it was any of her business. Her mission was to observe. That’s what it had been for months now. Far too long. She’d had long jobs before, but this was the first time she’d had to observe someone for this amount of time! Her tracer byte informed her that every one of her mails had been opened, but not once had there been any reply. She wondered if she’d be forgotten out here.
Surely someone was missing her out there? She sighed theatrically. No one did, of course. Not Watchers One or Two; not Keeper, Kaliyo, or Vector… and certainly not one of the greats of the Empire.
She was a whisper. A wraith. The only thing close to attention she’d gotten this past year had been Vajra’s ‘gifts.’ At this point, it had to be pure habit. Or a game that he found hilarious.
It’s almost time to go pick up today’s package soon. Hmm. I wonder what he’ll write this time?
After that first letter several weeks ago, they’d started trading notes everyday. Some jokes, some stories, some banter, and perhaps most surprisingly, some truths. She had confided a few personal secrets in him that she never dreamed she would tell anyone. Like the story of Darth Jadus, and her fear what he might be up to. Or her lingering fear that the Dark Council would punish her eventually for daring to defy a Sith. She had even admitted to liking these exchanges. And he had shared a few things about his people. He’d even given her permission to call him by his name.
Details which she would sink into the depths of her mind once the mission was over, so that she wouldn’t betray them even under the most cutting-edge kinds of mind-control or brainwashing. She owed her mentor a great deal for the gift he’d given her, rendering her the perfect secret-keeper.
His letters, all folded neatly and stashed away in her pack, would remain her treasured possessions for the rest of her life. She wondered if he would also keep her letters.
She penned today’s message to Vajra.
‘Morning, Vajra. I’d ask if you slept well, but I know you didn’t. You’re getting worse. I’d like to meet you face-to-face. You need help, and strange though it might sound, I want to give it to you. I’ve gotten to know you quite well in our time together, and I feel like the Galaxy does need people like you. How about a real meal? My ship’s parked nearby. We can go anywhere you want to in the Galaxy. I’ll buy you a meal, and maybe help you onto the road to recovery. Maybe I can even help you find a quiet corner to live out your days in peace, away from all the Angrals out there. Believe it or not, it’s unreasonable to blame yourself. Or for anyone to blame you. You’re not a god, you’re a teenager. Please think about it? I’m looking forward to meet you in person. Love, Mercy.’
She re-read her letter a few times before G0’s alarm brought her to her feet in a near-panic.
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vatt-world · 1 year
taste high ceilings houses in desert art collections desert art u have to talent right brain left brain hidden connection between unconnected things tender merceis u look for events .. and character makes choices expressses insight character life changes positive or negative scene is a action in one place .. argument - kitchen - garage - highway - its over teasing insults - calm down - begging/leave slaps /physical fight turning point - change sequence - three scene - quit job in midwest .. job scouts -mother call
new york city story of morality / corruption
Day 2 story and meaning realization life is suffering
story and setting Time and place my dinner of andre story is set in forces of nature -- mother earth social conflicit - govt personal conflicit
inner conflicit
setup in los angeles - no gala be specfic about setting
world of the story in specific detail then u can avoid cliches
create a world that is knowable
four kinds of research -- research of memory/personal experiences -- locked in closet -- imagination -- bits of pieces of life and put hidden connection see in newspaper.. what happened in 5 yr old at 25 yr old
how do lovers meet she has broken car she is drunk and helps her meet cute scenes principle genres
die hard - ending scene out smarts him
acts of god bolt of lightining kid
MENU MOVIE chef is killer emily is killer
ear to the wall of the society
Day 3 four levels of character character - car .dress what does he do etc
day 12 stories work step outline - negative turning point scenes ..inciting incidents subtext until u can write it down write down text and subtext outwardly what they r doing inwardly they r feeling color choices for characters groundhod day
through a glass darkly bergman
politcal drama vs rom com in casablanca
jack warner - producer casablanca resolution scene - uses line 7 sub plots humanity plot redemption plot give character entrances-- setup in casablanca cuts to grasp cup angle changed shots collide long close shots image system .. characters are in prison characters must escape character is running towards wall
day 13 tilt hat -- im incharge compositional intrepret subtext is it to shoot compositional expression of the subtext is to intrepret what the characters are feeling inwardly in the subtext see how the shot is composed-- expression of the power struggle in favor of major in subtext they have contempt airport ritual he is acting in french in casablanca movie judy wilson will sell tickets casablance black man / white man as friends star lighting on the star three dimensional
u are man of honor .. i trust you rick rick likes ugadi he hides letters he lets him sit from his choices ,, u can see he trusts him
mcguffin a thing that gives the power.. and that everybody wants north by northwest rick has the letters--letters of transit passports of freedom cannt be canceled
its all nonsense
who should sign this letters hitler? logic vs feeling
there are holes in the story
knock on the wood song
linking dialogue they use someone else words to say ur thing.. to create connection cynism of society
rick is america
why dont u return back to america? rick its a combination of all three
inciting incident of the subplots german take the best table climax of ugadi subplot.. he is arrested rick wont help him
day 14
star lighting.. shadows on the back
lasso is seprated from actress with a light
they invite the camera inside them
there is 30's sec hold on character
inciting incident of lovers
once u say it … it feels like fate
……. humanity plot --rick throws a paper bad guy to good guy
rick is the weaker one
get into middle range// head resonance keep text is far
adding harmonies lyrics to existing melody what happens next to the song all the lovely people pyscho ..bowings from this twlight soundtrack bernard Twilight Zone-Bernard Herrmann's wrecking crew -- good vibrations
i miss you i miss you on this side
Don't wanna let you out my head Don't wanna let you out my head
Just like the time that I met you I thought it would last Said that you love me now it will never last Just like the time that I met you I thought it would last Said that you love me now it will never last forever
It's cold outside u were the best thing in my life Why you walk out my life?
I get like this every time On those times when it felt like just you and me just you and me.. 'Cause I remember every time On those times that felt like you and me you and me … Do you ever think of me?
I still have my hopes up I still have the messages you read, mmm
Don't wanna let you out my head Don't wanna let you out my head
Just like the time that I met you I thought it would last Said that you love me now it will never last Just like the time that I met you I thought it would last Said that you love me now it will never last forever
Why you walk out my life? (My life)
I get like this every time On those times when it felt like just you and me just you and me.. 'Cause I remember every time On those times that felt like you and me you and me … Do you ever think of me?
road not taken robert frost road not taken robert frost
Two (round lipS) (pause) roads diverjed in a yellowWOOD ( w connect shorter), And SOrry I COuld(front) not TRavel(v) BOTH (front) And be ONE(round/froward) TRaveler, LOng I STOOD(r/f) And LUoked daown ONE(roundlips) as FAr as I KOULD(R/F) To WHEre it BENT in the undrGROWTH; no glottal/round for o
Then TOok the OTher, as JUst (s sound) as FAir (open/front), And HAving(open/front) perHAps the BEtter claim, BEKAuse it was GRassy and wanted WEr; Though as for that the PAAassing there Had WORn(open) them REally abOUT the SAme,
And BOth(open/front) that MOrning EQually LAy In LEaves no(roundlips) step had TRodden black(h). Oh, AI kept the fihrst foranother(rsound) DAY(dipthong)! Yet knowing(no ing) how waay leads on to waay, I doubted if I should ever come back. no questioning
I SHAll be TElling this with a SIgh SomWEhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverjed in a wood, and I— I took the one less traveled by, And THAT has madeall the difference.
any new openings,please let me know.
C It's been so hard since you quit my love E7 Unanswered questions left to solve C Don't wanna let you out my head F Dm7 Don't wanna let you out my head c
Just like that time that i met you I thought it would last forever E7 you said you love me Put no one else above me Said you trust me Looked me in my eyes said that you wILL always love me but it faded like the sunset the pain is real now i wish we never met
F It's cold outside E Dm u were the best thing in my life C E7 I feel like this every time C E7 'Cause I remember every second with you i cant stop thinking of you thinking of you Dm7 Cmaj7 Did you really forget all we had? bittersweet melody
C I still have my hopes up E7 a girl like you comes once in a lifetime C E7 once in a lifetime
c It's been so hard since you quit my love E7 Unanswered questions left to solve C Don't wanna let you out my head F Dm7 Don't wanna let you out my headc
Just like that time that i met you I thought it would last forever E7 you said you love me Put no one else above me Said you trust me Looked me in my eyes said that you wILL always love me but it faded like the sunset the pain was real now i wish we never met
F It's cold outside E Dm u were the best thing in my life C E7 I feel like this every time C E7 'Cause I remember every second with you i cant stop thinking of you thinking of you Dm7 Cmaj7 Did you really forget all we had? bittersweet melody
From the day I met you I knew I won't forget you Saved me from a nightmare You made my dreams come true We went well together I thought that we would last forever Thought that you would break my heart nah nah nah never From the day I met you Put no one else above me Said you trust me Looked me in my eyes said that you wILL always love me Now our loves burning away like cigerttes Watching our love fade away like the sunset
plugg mic dont need i neel more pharsing it out enhance it
anatomy ah over keyboard lift left arm put hand in back of neck turn around tap diaphragm roll front look up into sky hands across
stretch to side wuliby wuliby fill air.. stomach
hold chin ..move head back tongue in back teeth
wo way forehead massage with fingers
shimmy bounce //// pillow pelvis roll to side fours roll to ball side stretch neck massage massage layrnx laughter
// laptop repair
0 notes
legobiwan · 5 years
Hello! Greetings from Russia! I've just read your fiction Undoing dichotomy, and I really can't even fully describe how I love it! And I'm so inspired that I want to translate it into my native language - Russian. But I'll do it only if you will allow it. So, I'm writing you to ask for your permission. I'll be very happy if you will agree - it'll not only help me to practice my language, but also will allow fans in my country to know about you work. Thank you in advance!
Hello from America, my friend!
I would be honored to have a translation of “Undoing Dichotomy” in Russian, that would be wonderful (and super-cool!) Please be sure to credit me as the original author and link to the original story and my tumblr. Please also share the link with me as I will definitely include it here and on ao3!
Thank you thank you! This is super-exciting!
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aftgficrec · 3 years
Are there any more fics with Andrew as a bartender? Also thanks for ur work I appreciate it
There are, friend! Enjoy, and don’t forget to check out the previous recs! - S
Also see…
‘still’ here
‘monsters at night’ here
‘This Modern Love’ here
‘Take This Heart (Put Yourself In It)’ here
‘Ultraviolence’ here
‘take yourself home’ here
‘The Foxhole Club’ series here
‘Speak easy to me’ here
‘He's such a surreal Phenomenon’ here
‘late nights’ here
The Twelve (ish) Dates of Christmas by eloquence_and_melancholy [Rated G, 11036 words, complete, 2021]
Allison sets Neil up on a variety of blind dates that all take place at a bar where Andrew works.
christmas fluff au
tw: blood
Bright Lights Make You Shine And I Can't Get Enough by Fox_Fan13 [Not Rated, 4966 words, complete, 2021]
Andrew wasn't planning on working at The Foxhole, but after seeing a help wanted sign and a hot boy, he couldn't resist. Having money to pay rent and bills is one thing, and being able to watch a show was just a wonderful bonus.
'Cause when you love someone (You open up your heart) by foxyroxi [Rated G, 5209 words, complete, 2021]
Neil smiled bright like the sun, then he leaned in and placed a kiss on Andrew’s forehead, then on his lips.
Andrew knew he was home, and he knew he wanted to spend the rest of his life with Neil in a small town in Colorado.
rabbit hearted by moderatelymothlike [Rated T, 13924 words, incomplete, last updated April 2021]
"Congratulations. On the game. Earlier," Andrew says, going for offhanded and landing just south of that. He watches Neil pick up the glass too closely to persuade anyone of his indifference.
Neil looks at the opaque liquid within the shot, like if he stares long enough, it'll tell him a secret. "Coward," he remarks casually, still examining the glass. It's said in the same tone one might say thank you, or oops, or okay.
Andrew raises an eyebrow. "A harsh judgment, considering you haven't even tried it yet."
Andrew meets Neil again, after some years. Maybe this time things will work out better.
tw: implied/referenced self harm, tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: implied/referenced alcohol abuse
All of This Turbulence Wasn't Forecasted by interstellarflowers [Rated T, 25385 words, complete, 2021]
Neil moves to the Big City for a change of pace. He's Tired, paranoid, and in need of a room - one with a roommate!
Andrew is Tired, angry, and *also* in need of a roommate!
(Cloudy days, tall buildings, and general animosity ensue)
tw: violence, tw: depression, tw: nightmares, tw: panic attacks, tw: implied/referenced self harm, tw: nonconsensual drug use
Do, Do, Do by Mercey [Rated E, 2172 words, complete, 2020]
‘Picking fights again, are we?’ Andrew asked.
Neil’s lips quirked. ‘It gets your attention, doesn’t it?’
‘I’m not sure whether to kiss you with my fist or my mouth.’
‘Well, I know which one I’d prefer.’
‘Close your damn head,’ Andrew muttered, and crushed his lips to Neil’s.
Or: what happens when a noir nerd decides to write Andreil smut.
Lemonade by trubenblack [Rated T, 2234 words, complete, 2020]
Andrew just wants to go through one day of work without a dumb customer.
Neil just wants to annoy the cute bartender.
tw: scars
Pieces of Ideas for Works by Paradoxolotl [Not Rated, collection, last updated Nov 2021]
Chapter 3: Snapshots and Whiskey Shots [1004 words]
Neil is a photographer. Andrew is a bartender. Neil wants to take Andrew's photo. Andrew wants to take Neil apart.
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whatdoesshedotothem · 3 years
Friday 3 November 1837
8 40
snowing at the time I got up and damp and small rain afterwards and wrote to ‘Mr. Mckean Yorkshire District bank Halifax’ and sent it by George (for £35.8.0 payable at York to William Oldfield Esquire and £50 for myself) on his going to Wheatleys’ to fetch Mangnall back – and F35° and breakfast at 9 55 in about ½ hour – then out – in the outbuildings – fair before 10 and the men (masons) and Robert + 3 and 2 masons James and Mark Sharpe at the low wall against the road – and Amos and Robert Sharpe began the blacksmiths’ shop and John Sharpe and Abraham Murgatroyde were at the walling above the front stable end door – and Edward Waddington at the laundry drying closet and flue of adjoining room – Booth here – Firth the glazier and his man here about farmyard water pipes – and 2 of Merceis’ men putting in the old china closet and west tower windows – George brought Mangnall back from Mr. Wheatley’s with a letter from Mr. Wheatley warranting the horse sound – came in for a few minutes to tell A- this – then determined to turn out the younger pony with Felix and both did run out for an hour or 2 in the afternoon not out till late after my return from Hipperholme quarry about 3 for somehow my order for turning them out had been misunderstood – Mawson came between 12 and 1 to say he thought of taking the Railroad (Leeds and Manchester) and should be glad if I pleased to give up the Stump X Inn at mayday! I merely said I should be glad of his bettering himself – I would not stand in anybody’s way unnecessarily – I would speak to Mr. SW. and hear what he said was customary on these occasions, and should probably be much guided by his opinion – I must of course think of myself as well as M- M- would not guess what passed in my mind and which I sat with A- at luncheon and told her – not quite handsome in M- to get me to lay out so much money for him and then leave the place? mais n’emporte – he said he could get me a good tenant – John Willey of Drighlington aetatis 40 or thereabouts – M- insinuated that if he found the tenant, he would be answerable for him – but I took no apparent notice of this but came away – A- rode to Cliff Hill after the servants dinner – John Booth returned this morning – better but not comfortably well – on leaving A- at 2, off to Hipperholme quarry – saw so nice a trough nearly done for Hilltop, told Booth on my return I would it come here – back about 3 – out about – came in at 6 ¼ - wrote and sent by John Booth tonight Bank order on the Yorkshire District Bank for £35.8.0 payable as above and just wrote a line or two to say that the order was in discharge of bill for wine received on the 26th ultimo and sent the order directed to ‘William Oldfield Esquire York’ George brought me from the bank this morning the order for £35.8.0 and £50 (ten in gold – forty in notes) offered Abraham tonight to engage him for the next 3 months at 10/. per week or 2/6 per day the gardener to keep account of his time – dinner at 7 10 – opened the hamper of new marsala to get one bottle for dinner – A- had letter from her sister It took me till near eleven writing copy of answer
A-‘s answer about Landymere stone – would consider the matter and let the S-s’ know before saying anything to SW. – mention price of Listerwick wheel – they have an estimate of wheel 42ft. diameter and 3ft. breast for their Saddleworth mill = £446 including fixing – observation that they might another estimate or 2 useful – mention the rent of my Hilltop farm, and rate of valuing 20DW. buildings thrown in at 50/. = £50 two good cottages £5 – observation on the difference of the Scotch and English way of pronouncing Latin being in the pronunciation of the vowels a, e, I – not in the prosodic quantity of the syllables – on this point no scholar in doubt told A- Messrs. Hemingway and son of Southowram met me returning from the quarry and offered 6d. per ft. deep (i.e. 1 square yard 1 ft. thick) for the stone or 4/6 per yard super – (James Bentley offered 5/. per yard super) told them I would tell Miss W- of their offer – from 10 ¾ to 11 ¼ wrote all the above of today – finish day – then reading the newspaper and looking into the Quarterly Review that came tonight with the other periodicals – till came upstairs at 12 at which hour F37° - left A- downstairs just finishing her letter to her sister
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Do, Do, Do
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/31XBrea
by Mercey
‘Picking fights again, are we?’ Andrew asked. Neil’s lips quirked. ‘It gets your attention, doesn’t it?’ ‘I’m not sure whether to kiss you with my fist or my mouth.’ ‘Well, I know which one I’d prefer.’ ‘Close your damn head,’ Andrew muttered, and crushed his lips to Neil’s.
Or: what happens when a noir nerd decides to write Andreil smut.
Words: 2172, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of I think this is the beginning of a beautiful AU…
Fandoms: All For The Game - Nora Sakavic
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Neil Josten, Andrew Minyard, Allison Reynolds, Seth Gordon, Renee Walker, Dan Wilds
Relationships: Neil Josten/Andrew Minyard, Seth Gordon/Allison Reynolds, Neil Josten & Allison Reynolds
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Noir, Jazz Age, Hand Jobs, POV Neil Josten, Alternate Universe - Bar/Pub, i love noir so yeah, jazz bar that andrew owns, neil's the pretty little shit who keeps picking fights, established andreil, allison and neil are such a power duo, allison also has a crush on renee in every universe
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/31XBrea
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foxsoulcourt · 4 years
Chapters: 10/? Fandom: All For The Game - Nora Sakavic Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Neil Josten/Andrew Minyard, Kevin Day & Neil Josten, Kevin Day & Andrew Minyard, Neil Josten & Original Character(s), Andrew Minyard & Original Character(s) Characters: Neil Josten, Andrew Minyard, Mackenzie Josten/Dinah Hatford/Mary "Mack" Dinah Wesninski (OC), Kevin Day, Aaron Minyard, Nicky Hemmick, Matt Boyd, Renee Walker, Allison Reynolds, Dan Wilds, David Wymack, Abigail Winfield, Betsy Dobson, Dorian Landler (OC), Stuart Hatford, Helena Lebedev (OC), Rada Lebedev (OC), Lola Malcolm, Tristan Landler (OC), Sheena (All For The Game) Additional Tags: sister fic, Josten sister AU, Angst, Canon-Typical Violence, Andreil, Gun Violence, Mild Language, Explicit Language, this has literally no purpose, i just really like badass women, and the aftg universe, Neil Josten is a Little Shit, he will send Mack to an early goddamn grave, this was fun to write, I hope it's fun to read, Post-Canon, Wesninski sister, Sibling AU, established andreil, I get way too invested in Mack's story, I'm not sorry, this is just an excuse to write Neil as a woman, the Jostens have big bastard energies and I love them for it, Gang Wars Summary:
‘You’re alive.’ It wasn’t what Neil had wanted to say, but the words seemed to spill from his lips and he couldn’t take them back. His sister scoffed. ‘So are you.’ Her eyes were sharp. ‘Fuck knows how.’
 Neil Josten's sister, Mary "Mack" Wesninski, isn't as dead as he'd once thought and—to his ultimate displeasure—she's got plans. Andrew's going to kill him. He just narrowly avoided one mob war.
Bookmarker's Notes:
What if Neil had an older sister? Who he thought had died? But had NOT + wanted to reconnect w/her brother? Even when it will upset his life? And they might want to stay connected? Even if it's complicated? And this all takes place in Neil's sophomore year...so like right.after.canon? And that means Neil + Andrew are still figuring out what they've got going on between them? Even though they know it IS a thing? Which is interesting enough, but...what if you fall in love with this original character so much that you really want to see her + her life unfolding in every chapter?
If you read the first couple chapters of this fic + that happens to you too, welcome to the club! This is a such a great story line by @m-ercey. (Plus there's a 5 hr playlist you can listen to while you read!)
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themildestofwriters · 5 years
Tagged by @please-have-mercey~!
nicknames: You guys have nicknames? Eh, oh well. I think the closest thing I have to a nickname is Vena which is just a shorten of Advena and I think it’s really cute and I love it. My Argentinian friends call me that and it warms my heart!
zodiac sign: Pieces 
height: I dunno. Somewhere around the 6′ mark? I toll and I like lording it over folk.
hogwarts house: Slytherin
the last thing i googled: “sonovabitch” to make sure I got the spelling right for the ask I answered a few ago.
favorite musicians: Not much a fan of favorites. Couldn’t say.
song stuck in your head: Country Roads, but the Hebrew version (I blame @alyssumlovesthecosmere).
following: 395 don’t judge me
followers: 108 lovely, lovely people who I absolutely adore and holy shit I need to think of a way to thank you but I have no fecking idea!!!
do you get asks: I have a few in my asks right now but it’s not common. I love any ask I get though so pls send more!
amount of sleep: I didn’t sleep last night. Wished I could sleep nine hours. Probably only get four.
lucky number: 3 and or 9 due to my birthday being 03/03/1999 (3*3=9???)
what you’re wearing: Clothes.
dream job: Writing and writing and more writing because I love writing and yeah... I just really wanna make people happy with my writing and give people hope ‘n stuff.
dream trip: I dunno.
instrument: Played bass in high school, stopped when my teacher ruined it for me by sucking all the passion out of it.
languages: Yes.
favorite songs: I’m not a fan of favorites. Couldn’t say.
random fact: The two toes next to my thumb toe are webbed!
aesthetic: Is this my aesthetic now or what I wished my aesthetic was? I’m gonna do the second because I like looking on the bright side where I have money to spend on aesthetics! Uh... filled bookshelfs, the hum of my speakers, the gentle glow of a screen, the slow blinking of the caret on an empty word document, the cool autumn air, rain on a tin roof, robes and dresses of every colour, scrawled notes in worn notebooks.
I tag... @randomestfandoms-ocs, @awalkinwonderland, @lnevada, @sunlight-melodies, @aliyamirat, @deepestbelieverstranger, @deleriousfromcoffee, @delerious-wordsmith, @jujeburnsides and...??? Anyone else who wants to!
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merceyca · 3 years
Chapters: 15/20 Fandom: All For The Game - Nora Sakavic Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Neil Josten/Andrew Minyard, Kevin Day & Neil Josten, Kevin Day & Andrew Minyard, Neil Josten & Original Character(s), Andrew Minyard & Original Character(s) Characters: Neil Josten, Andrew Minyard, Mackenzie Josten/Dinah Hatford/Mary "Mack" Dinah Wesninski (OC), Kevin Day, Aaron Minyard, Nicky Hemmick, Matt Boyd, Renee Walker, Allison Reynolds, Dan Wilds, David Wymack, Abigail Winfield, Betsy Dobson, Dorian Landler (OC), Stuart Hatford, Helena Lebedev (OC), Rada Lebedev (OC), Lola Malcolm, Tristan Landler (OC), Sheena (All For The Game) Additional Tags: sister fic, Josten sister AU, Angst, Canon-Typical Violence, Andreil, Gun Violence, Mild Language, Explicit Language, this has literally no purpose, i just really like badass women, and the aftg universe, Neil Josten is a Little Shit, he will send Mack to an early goddamn grave, this was fun to write, I hope it's fun to read, Post-Canon, Wesninski sister, Sibling AU, established andreil, I get way too invested in Mack's story, I'm not sorry, this is just an excuse to write Neil as a woman, the Jostens have big bastard energies and I love them for it, Gang Wars, Neil gets the chance to come out to his family, this is mostly wholesome i promise, okay that last tag’s a lie, have fun, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Implied/Referenced Suicide Summary:
‘You’re alive.’ It wasn’t what Neil had wanted to say, but the words seemed to spill from his lips and he couldn’t take them back. ‘So are you,’ his sister scoffed, her eyes as sharp as her tone. ‘Fuck knows how.’
 Neil Josten's sister, Mary "Mack" Wesninski, isn't as dead as he'd once thought and—to his ultimate displeasure—she's got plans. Andrew's going to kill him. He just narrowly avoided one mob war.
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anchanted-one · 2 years
Writer’s First Line
tagged by @jbnonsensework and @captainderyn​ . Thanks guys! This is a chance to go down memory lane. Sorry this is mostly swtor. I think I have a problem. A small one.
Tagging anyone who’s interested. 
edited slightly
Rules: post the first sentence of your last ten fics. If you haven't written ten fics, share as many first-sentences as you have.
I’ll be breaking the rules, since *I SUCK AT WRITING FIRST LINES*!
1. Children of the Storm, Prologue to the Records of Heroes Past.
The skies turned a pleasant shade of purple with the deepening dusk.
2. Book of Storms, Legend of Lightning
“Hold!” Lieutenant Taura Serris screamed at the top of her lungs. “HOLD, DAMN YOU! REINFORCEMENTS SHOULD BE HERE SOON!”
3. Book of Respite: Chapter ?: The Informant
Book of Respite is my book 2, which will be an anthology about my other leads. So although they’ll be one book, they’re each a separate story.
This one isn’t out yet, but it will be someday soon. I love how it’s come out; it’s a brief story about Cipher Nine set a short while before she’s dispatched to Hutta for the SWTOR Agent’s prologue (Okay this is crazy... just as I hit ctrl+v, one of the most badass Naruto Shippuden themes started playing on Youtube (’Martyr’). This is destiny. This chapter was meant to be written!)
Mercei Tanniels always took pains to arrive forty minutes before any meetings.
4. Book of Respite Chapter ??: The Poltergeist
This one’s about my Jedi Consular.
Devel Nirol always got picked last. 
5. Eternal War Part 1: Arcann’s War
The low hum of the Silver Pilgrim's Hyperdrive was as familiar and comforting to Arro as that of his Lightsaber.
6. Eternal War Part 2: Mission Scorpion
The bunker was nestled in the bowels of the Undercity.
7. Eternal War Part 3: Phantoms in the Ether
My mental health took a nosedive as I was writing this, so I abandoned it in favor of a full rewrite, which is Records of Heroes Past. You can still read this, but neither it nor its sister part ‘Wrath of the Dead’ will be updated. Not to mention, it will take a long time for me to reach this point in the rewrite. 
It was evening on the newly resettled patch of land on Ossus.
8. Eternal War Part 4: Wrath of the Dead
Jaesa meditated in the Force Enclave in Odessen. Something was calling her, something whose voice teased the outside edges of her hearing, and her gut told her it was highly important. But all her inner eye could see, for miles and miles, was an ocean, dark and deep, stretching out infinitely in all directions. It frightened her, but her resolve held.
9. Deciphered Diaries
This is from a one-shot for my Cipher Nine in both Eternal War and Records of Heroes Past universes. It’s set around the time of the Prequels. It ‘unveils’ my Cipher Nine, but at this point I’ve told everyone who’d listen who she really is, so it shouldn’t be a surprise.
Archivist’s notes: This cache of datafiles was discovered by the Jedi many years ago, in the abandoned command center of a military Outpost, of the planet named “Odessen”.
10. Shikar Company--The Exiled Hunters
This one is... A CLONE WARS FANFIC!!!!! How crazy is that?! Well... not very, since it’s behind Record of Heroes Past on my list of priorities. But still, this is a hint of what I have in store. Sorry for making this such a long exchange instead of one line, but it felt more appropriate. 
From Chapter 1: the Shame
“Aahhh… Welcome, my dear. At last you’ve arrived.”
“Dooku,” Sumana hissed. Her men surrounded both herself the cornered Count, who looked quite content to let himself get hemmed in.
“I admit, you knocked me off balance back there. Remarkable! I did not know there were Jedi quite like you. That controlled rage, that walk along the razor’s edge between Light and Dark, one which I thought was too blurred to see. Oh well. Forgive me, my child. But it ends here.”
Sumana shook her head in disbelief. “Is this your idea of a surrender?”
“No, my child. It’s my farewell. Captain Shikar? Execute Order Sixty-Six.”
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vatt-world · 1 year
taste high ceilings houses in desert art collections desert art u have to talent right brain left brain hidden connection between unconnected things tender merceis u look for events .. and character makes choices expressses insight character life changes positive or negative scene is a action in one place .. argument - kitchen - garage - highway - its over teasing insults - calm down - begging/leave slaps /physical fight turning point - change sequence - three scene - quit job in midwest .. job scouts -mother call
new york city story of morality / corruption
Day 2 story and meaning realization life is suffering
story and setting Time and place my dinner of andre story is set in forces of nature -- mother earth social conflicit - govt personal conflicit
inner conflicit
setup in los angeles - no gala be specfic about setting
world of the story in specific detail then u can avoid cliches
create a world that is knowable
four kinds of research -- research of memory/personal experiences -- locked in closet -- imagination -- bits of pieces of life and put hidden connection see in newspaper.. what happened in 5 yr old at 25 yr old
how do lovers meet she has broken car she is drunk and helps her meet cute scenes principle genres
die hard - ending scene out smarts him
acts of god bolt of lightining kid
MENU MOVIE chef is killer emily is killer
ear to the wall of the society
Day 3 four levels of character character - car .dress what does he do etc
day 12 stories work step outline - negative turning point scenes ..inciting incidents subtext until u can write it down write down text and subtext outwardly what they r doing inwardly they r feeling color choices for characters groundhod day
through a glass darkly bergman
politcal drama vs rom com in casablanca
jack warner - producer casablanca resolution scene - uses line 7 sub plots humanity plot redemption plot give character entrances-- setup in casablanca cuts to grasp cup angle changed shots collide long close shots image system .. characters are in prison characters must escape character is running towards wall
day 13 tilt hat -- im incharge compositional intrepret subtext is it to shoot compositional expression of the subtext is to intrepret what the characters are feeling inwardly in the subtext see how the shot is composed-- expression of the power struggle in favor of major in subtext they have contempt airport ritual he is acting in french in casablanca movie judy wilson will sell tickets casablance black man / white man as friends star lighting on the star three dimensional
u are man of honor .. i trust you rick rick likes ugadi he hides letters he lets him sit from his choices ,, u can see he trusts him
mcguffin a thing that gives the power.. and that everybody wants north by northwest rick has the letters--letters of transit passports of freedom cannt be canceled
its all nonsense
who should sign this letters hitler? logic vs feeling
there are holes in the story
knock on the wood song
linking dialogue they use someone else words to say ur thing.. to create connection cynism of society
rick is america
why dont u return back to america? rick its a combination of all three
inciting incident of the subplots german take the best table climax of ugadi subplot.. he is arrested rick wont help him
day 14
star lighting.. shadows on the back
lasso is seprated from actress with a light
they invite the camera inside them
there is 30's sec hold on character
inciting incident of lovers
once u say it … it feels like fate
……. humanity plot --rick throws a paper bad guy to good guy
rick is the weaker one
0 notes
catching lightning
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3jlxN3P
by manya21
I wanted Neil and Andrew to dance on a roof in the rain like that scene in High School Musical 3 and this happened. Very self-indulgent and soft <3 Thank you to Mercey for the inspiration and encouragement to write this :)
Words: 3167, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: All For The Game - Nora Sakavic
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Neil Josten, Andrew Minyard, Nicky Hemmick, Aaron Minyard, Kevin Day
Relationships: Neil Josten/Andrew Minyard, Kevin Day/Aaron Minyard
Additional Tags: They dance on a roof, Alternate Universe - High School, Prom!!, Fluff, HSM inspired, Dancing in the Rain, Boys In Love
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3jlxN3P
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merceyca · 4 years
*Throws angst at y’all* *runs away*
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Raven Cycle - Maggie Stiefvater Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Richard Gansey III/Adam Parrish, Ronan Lynch/Adam Parrish, Richard Gansey III & Adam Parrish Characters: Adam Parrish, Richard Gansey III, Ronan Lynch, Noah Czerny Additional Tags: Adam and Gansey's first (and only) kiss, Pre-Canon, I had to make sense of the "don't break him" line, thank a 5am chat with my partner for this, Angst, this is just me writing prettily and making it adansey, The Raven Cycle - Freeform, adansey Summary:
Adam and Gansey have always had a strained friendship, but Gansey's anxieties about Adam and Ronan aren't exactly unfounded. Adam had broken Gansey once before, after all.
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merceyca · 4 years
Here’s the next (quite delayed) chapter!! I’ve officially been working on this fic for over a year... hope you guys enjoy!! <3
Chapters: 14/20 Fandom: All For The Game - Nora Sakavic Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Neil Josten/Andrew Minyard, Kevin Day & Neil Josten, Kevin Day & Andrew Minyard, Neil Josten & Original Character(s), Andrew Minyard & Original Character(s) Characters: Neil Josten, Andrew Minyard, Mackenzie Josten/Dinah Hatford/Mary "Mack" Dinah Wesninski (OC), Kevin Day, Aaron Minyard, Nicky Hemmick, Matt Boyd, Renee Walker, Allison Reynolds, Dan Wilds, David Wymack, Abigail Winfield, Betsy Dobson, Dorian Landler (OC), Stuart Hatford, Helena Lebedev (OC), Rada Lebedev (OC), Lola Malcolm, Tristan Landler (OC), Sheena (All For The Game) Additional Tags: sister fic, Josten sister AU, Angst, Canon-Typical Violence, Andreil, Gun Violence, Mild Language, Explicit Language, this has literally no purpose, i just really like badass women, and the aftg universe, Neil Josten is a Little Shit, he will send Mack to an early goddamn grave, this was fun to write, I hope it's fun to read, Post-Canon, Wesninski sister, Sibling AU, established andreil, I get way too invested in Mack's story, I'm not sorry, this is just an excuse to write Neil as a woman, the Jostens have big bastard energies and I love them for it, Gang Wars, Neil gets the chance to come out to his family, this is mostly wholesome i promise, okay that last tag’s a lie, have fun, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Implied/Referenced Suicide Summary:
‘You’re alive.’ It wasn’t what Neil had wanted to say, but the words seemed to spill from his lips and he couldn’t take them back. ‘So are you,’ his sister scoffed, her eyes as sharp as her tone. ‘Fuck knows how.’
 Neil Josten's sister, Mary "Mack" Wesninski, isn't as dead as he'd once thought and—to his ultimate displeasure—she's got plans. Andrew's going to kill him. He just narrowly avoided one mob war.
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merceyca · 4 years
Here’s some Renison smut/fluff for the soul. Enjoy!!
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: All For The Game - Nora Sakavic Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Allison Reynolds/Renee Walker (All For The Game) Characters: Allison Reynolds (All For The Game), Renee Walker (All For The Game), Neil Josten, Nicky Hemmick, Kevin Day, Aaron Minyard, Andrew Minyard, Danielle "Dan" Wilds, Matt Boyd, Seth Gordon Additional Tags: set in the smokies, Allison and Renee marvin gaye in the cabin, renison, emotional smut, blueridge sexy times, Allison "no fucking where i can hear it" Reynolds, Renee does something about it, I'm a wholeass lesbian and this is my first time writing wlw smut what, AFTG Girls Week 2020, AFTG Girls Week, Prompts were darkness kiss and foreplay so I had fun Summary:
‘So, it really is just you, Aaron,' Nicky said happily. 'The token straight.’ Aaron glared at him and pointed at Renee. ‘Hello? You forgot Renee?’ ‘No, he didn’t,’ Renee replied calmly. Allison gawked at her. ‘Renee?’ Renee shrugged under the scrutiny. ‘I’ve never been interested in men.’
This is my entry for day one of AFTG Girls Week (prompts: Kiss, Foreplay, Darkness)
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