#mercat Sant Antoni
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'Intrinsic Warmth': Collector's Edition
Here is a masterpost of all 'Intrinsic Warmth'-related content: a small portion is stuff that I've written, probably in response to a question/ask, but the majority is content that I... haven't actually produced! This is so so self-indulgent because I love everything here like a firstborn son. Oh my goodness. I’ll put this on the ‘other’ section of my masterlist for reference, too.
me prattling on
The Influence of 'One Day' on 'Intrinsic Warmth', an essay-that-I-didn't-mean-to-be-an-essay about how 'One Day' by David Nicholls impacted IW (in more ways than just the shamelessly-stolen concept, lol)
'Intrinsic Warmth': The Musical, a compilation of all the songs people have related to 'Intrinsic Warmth' in my comments (I've added the full list below with extra comments + context for each song)
'intrinsic': The Fic Playlist, an actual IW playlist (!!!) made by ao3 user redromeow
'Sunday September 7th, 2014', a true gem of a fanfiction of my own fanfiction (ohmygod); Satoru's perspective of the beginning of IW's Chapter 19, written by ao3 user late_night_secrets
'Intrinsic Warmth': The Musical: The Context and Comments = Comments you guys made when you recommended the songs :DD
Please, Please, Please Let Me Get What I Want / The Smiths
"So, for once in my life / Let me get what I want / Lord knows, it would be the first time" -- Hebi's yearning hours
Haunted / Taylor Swift
"Stood there and watched you walk away / From everything we had / But I still mean every word I said to you / He will try to take away my pain" -- just IW in its angst era
"Come on, come on, don't leave me like this / I thought I had you figured out / Something's gone terribly wrong / You're all I wanted / Come on, come on, don't leave me like this / I thought I had you figured out / Can't breathe whenever you're gone / Can't turn back now, I'm haunted" -- Chapter 15, 2010 (Gojo + Hebi on the roof)
Don't / eAeon ft. RM
Lyrics that are very Hebi and Gojo. I particularly like: "Please, don���t leave this place / There’s no place like this elsewhere in the world, after all / Please don’t break us / Then our one heart will be divided"
look at me / george
Lyrics that are Gojo being in his feels whenever he sees Hebi (in IW's angst era specifically)
You're on Your Own Kid / Taylor Swift
"I wait patiently, he’s gonna notice me / It’s okay, we’re the best of friends" -- Chapter 14, 2009 (the first year after they graduate) Hebi is yoyok coded. Lol.
Remember the time / Michael Jackson
It fits IW v v well (it does)
Something about us / daft punk
"I need you more than anything in my life / I want you more than anything in my life / I'll miss you more than anyone in my life / I love you more than anyone in my life" -- Chapter 12, 2007 (right after Geto left). It is them.
Good enough / xdinary heroes
A song that matches the tone of their relationship
La gent normal al Mercat de Sant Antoni / Manel
I couldn't find this on Spotify! I've put it the original 'Common People' on IW:TM, but here's a link to the actual song that I got recommended; it's Hebi and Gojo.
Last Kiss / Taylor Swift
Specifically in Chapter 16, 2011 (the one with the Kiss and Breakup). Yikes.
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In Sobremesa verzamelde Sergio Herman niet alleen zijn favoriete gerechten van Ibiza (hallo zeebaars met citroen en croque ibérico!) Hij tipt ook zijn favoriete adresjes. Van authentieke viswinkeltjes tot de beste plekken om te proosten. Snel opslaan, dit lijstje!
Can Caus
“Een belangrijk adresje voor mij als chef. Bij Can Caus maken ze hun eigen kazen en worsten en echt alles wat ik tot nu toe van ze heb geproefd is zeer lekker. Bovendien verkopen ze mooie olijfolie en eenvoudige, maar goede wijn. En mocht je geen zin hebben om zelf te koken: ze hebben ook een restaurant waar je prima eet.”
Carretera San Miguel, Santa Gertrudis
Mercat Nou
“Als we in de stad zijn en Ellemieke gaat shoppen, ga ik altijd naar deze overdekte markt. Je vindt er letterlijk alles wat je nodig hebt om uit dit boek te kunnen koken. Zelf koop ik hier standaard een paar flessen met caldo voor de paella, die is steengoed.”
Carrer de Castella 30, Ibiza-stad (Eivissa)
Pescadería Sant Joan de Labritja
“Een klein en sympathiek viswinkeltje in een oud dorpje. Het assortiment is beperkt, maar alles wat er ligt is top. Mooie octopus, kraakverse schelpjes. Ik kijk eerst wat ze hebben en bedenk daarna pas wat ik ga maken.”
Plaça Espanya 2, San Juan Bautista
Bar Anita
“De meest authentieke bar van Ibiza ligt in het hart van Sant Carlos. Als je in de buurt bent moet je er zeker even heen om een aperitief te drinken en een tapa te eten, al is het maar omdat de tijd hier sinds de jaren zeventig stil lijkt te hebben gestaan.”
Lugar Barri San Carlos, Sant Carles de Peralta (San Carlos)
Es Torrent
“De allereerste keer dat ik op Ibiza kwam, was ik totaal onvoorbereid. Ik had geen idee waar ik heen moest, laat staan waar ik moest eten. Via de eigenaar van het hotel waar ik sliep kwam ik bij Es Torrent. Het was mijn eerste eetervaring op Ibiza en nog steeds is dat mijn favoriete plek. Alleen al de weg ernaartoe: je rijdt een berg af en ziet in de verte een kleine baai, de zee, het strand en dat idyllische terras. En dan dat eten: je belt van tevoren om door te geven wat je wilt eten, maar wat je ook bestelt: de vis is kraakvers, alles is uitgepuurd en even eenvoudig als smaakvol. Ik kom er nu 21 jaar en nog steeds is het mijn favoriete plek van het eiland. Ik ga er regelmatig lunchen en blijf als het even kan de hele middag zitten: want als er één ultieme sobremesa-plek op Ibiza is, dan is het wel Es Torrent.”
Cerretara Sant Josep-Eivissa, 07830, Sant Josep de sa Talaia
Camí de Balafia
“In dit grillrestaurant van drie zussen zit je in een prachtige tuin. Alles wat van hun grill komt is smakelijk, maar eigenlijk kom ik vooral voor hun enorme kommen met tomatensalade met zoete ui. Zo simpel, maar zo lekker dat er geen enkele andere salade tegenop kan. Ook zeer smakelijk: hun aardappelschijfjes met aioli. Die laatste wordt gemaakt van met de hand gesneden knoflook.”
Lugar Venda de Balafia de Dalt 25, Sant Joan de Labritja
Bar Costa
“Bij deze klassieker eet je de lekkerste Ibéricoham. Alles is er nog precies zoals het vroeger was, en juist dat maakt het zo mooi.”
Plaza de la Iglesia, Santa Gertrudis
Restaurant Can Pilot
“Gemoedelijk, authentiek en altijd vol locals. Bij Can Pilot wordt alles op open vuur gegrild. Ik kom er al jaren en al die tijd is er nog niets veranderd – en gelukkig maar.”
Carretera Eivissa a Sant Antoni, Sant Rafael
Somm wine shop
“Santa Gertrudis is een van de mooiste dorpjes van Ibiza. Het zit vol leuke winkeltjes en restaurantjes. Altijd als ik er ben, is deze wijnwinkel een vaste stop.”
Carrer Venda de Can Llàtzer 9, Santa Gertrudis
Bar Can mestre
“Elke ochtend rijd ik er speciaal voor naar het dorp: ensaimadas. Deze spiraalvormige, zoete broodjes van gistdeeg komen oorspronkelijk uit Mallorca, maar tegenwoordig zie je ze in heel Spanje. Het zijn een beetje de koffiekoeken van de Balearen; ook veel supermarktjes verkopen ze. De smaak is misschien niet super bijzonder en je kunt zelfs de gist nog goed proeven, maar de mystiek zit hem voor mij in de structuur. Het deeg is namelijk extreem luchtig en fluffy. Over de herkomst van ensaimadas is trouwens niet iedereen het eens. Daardoor is niet helemaal zeker of ze nou een Arabische of Joodse oorsprong hebben. Ook gaan er verhalen over het gebruik van reuzel in het recept: dat zou zijn begonnen toen de Spaanse kerk het gebruik van varkensproducten afdwong, als onderdeel van de verbanning van de Joden en Arabieren. Gelukkig is de smaak van ensaimadas stukken neutraler dan de geschiedenis. Ik eet de mijne ’s ochtends bij Bar Can Mestre in Es Cubells. Altijd volgens een vast ritueel: ik doe eerst mijn boodschappen en bestel vervolgens een café cortado. Daar neem ik standaard een ensaimada bij. Eenvoudiger wordt het niet, maar ik ken geen betere manier om de dag te beginnen.”
Carretera San Jose, Es Cubells
By Favorflav Photo by Thomas Sweertvaegher
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¿Cómo descubrir joyas ocultas para la fotografía artística en Barcelona?
Muchas ciudades cuentan con una historia brillante, una cultura diversa y hermosos edificios, pero Barcelona, como uno de los lugares más coloridos y liberados de Europa, es un verdadero paraíso para los fotógrafos. Mientras miles de fotógrafos se apresuran a fotografiar objetos obvios, miles de otros lugares fascinantes permanecen intactos y merecen ser fotografiados. La fotografía artística en Barcelona ofrece oportunidades únicas para capturar estas joyas ocultas, donde ninguna imagen puede simplemente representar una ocasión sin contar también una historia.
Por qué Barcelona es el sueño de un fotógrafo
Barcelona en particular seguramente tendrá algo que ofrecer para aquellos con un entusiasmo infinito por tomar fotografías. Aparte de estos dos gigantes, la ciudad tiene muchos lugares interesantes de los que la gente probablemente aún no haya oído hablar. Si uno sabe dónde buscar y a quién preguntar, el arte y los puntos de vista son increíblemente personales y se pueden encontrar en cualquier lugar de la ciudad, lo que la convierte en un destino perfecto para los entusiastas de la fotografía artística de naturaleza.
1. Conoce el barrio de Gràcia
A menudo descrito como el barrio gitano, Gràcia es un laberinto de bares, pequeñas tiendas y atractivas plazas. Al caminar por esta zona, se sugiere detenerse en los murales brillantes, la arquitectura curiosa y otros tipos de arte callejero que supuestamente reflejan el espíritu poético de esta ciudad. También es un lugar favorito para El fotógrafo en la naturaleza, que captura la combinación única de encanto urbano y belleza natural que Gràcia tiene para ofrecer.
2. Visita los parques menos conocidos
Aún se puede visitar Güell, aunque es posible que desees explorar parques menos conocidos, como los Jardines de Tamarita y el Parque del Laberinto de Horta. Estos son algunos de los secretos mejor guardados que albergan algunas de las plantas más raras y exóticas y los hermosos paisajes que aún se pueden ver detrás de una jungla de cemento.
3. Captura las complejidades del Barrio Gótico
Cuando se trata de fotografiar Barcelona, las calles y la arquitectura del Barrio Gótico se considerarían las más fotogénicas. En cuanto a la fotografía, hay que apuntar a retratar facetas interesantes, incluidas puertas bonitas, juegos de luces y sombras interesantes y patios de la zona que darían un aspecto muy antiguo.
4. Descubra la fotografía callejera en El Raval
Quizás, el barrio más diverso de Barcelona sea El Raval. Se recomienda fotografiar a la gente en su estado natural realizando sus actividades normales en la ciudad, mientras que el arte dinámico que caracteriza a los postes es aconsejable fotografiarlo en cualquier momento. El uso de lo moderno y lo tradicional se puede combinar para crear fotografías muy buenas.
5. Busque mercados locales
El Mercat de Sant Antoni está vivo y lleno de colores, al igual que el Mercat de la Concepció. Según los fotógrafos profesionales, las mejores tomas incluyen puestos de venta, frutas y verduras, y gente para echar un vistazo a lo que la ciudad de Barcelona considera su alma gastronómica.
¡Lance su carrera artística en Barcelona ahora mismo!
Esta lente de una cámara revela que Barcelona es una ciudad que, en esencia, tiene una gran promesa artística lista y preparada para ser descubierta. Siempre hay personas en este proceso creativo que ayudarán a los apasionados a seguir adelante y documentar cada hermoso segundo. Así que no desperdicies esta colorida Antonio Blanco Photography y sumérgete en Fotografía Artística en Barcelona para comenzar tu viaje fotográfico hoy mismo.
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30/12/2023 - Drink
🇪🇸 Fabourit Casa Amatller, Barcelona
🥖🍫🥛 Hot Chocolate (€ 4.10, $6.10)
From the Chocolate Amatller store. It's in this small opening near Casa Batlo. Surprisingly, the BEST HOT CHOCOLATE in the whole trip. Great texture, good amount of chocolate taste and really nice WARM TOASTED BREAD.
With pics from their chocolate-only store.
Photos of Casa Batlo and Mercat de Sant Antoni
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The Deviants - The Deviants 3 Lp 1969 (1988) Drop Out Records -U.K. Tercer y último trabajo de los Deviants con portada molona antes de mutar en Pink Fairies sin Mick Farren. Aquí el cotarro lo lleva el guitarrista Paul Rudolph a nivel de composiciones y dandole un sonido mas hard rock a la habitual mezcla de garage y Psicodelia. Buscaba la edición española de 1979 pero me tope con esta a buen precio en el dominical mercat de Sant Antoni y contento con la compra 😎
#deviants #pinkffairies #lp #album #33rpm #mickfarren #thedeviants #punkrock #psych #rock #protopunk #vinylcollection #vinylrecords #garage #vinylcollector #psicodelia #nun #nuns #recordscollection #psicodelia #recordscollector #artwork
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Strolling Through Barcelona's Unique Markets: A Shopper's Delight in Spain's Vibrant City
Welcome to Barcelona, a city where creativity, culture, and commerce merge to create a captivating shopping experience. Prepare to embark on a delightful journey through the city's diverse markets, each offering a unique glimpse into the local way of life and the essence of Catalonia. From bustling food markets to artisanal treasures and vintage finds, Barcelona promises an unforgettable shopping adventure.
La Boqueria Market: A Culinary Wonderland
Commence your shopping escapade at the iconic La Boqueria Market, a paradise for food enthusiasts. Explore vibrant stalls brimming with fresh fruits, vegetables, seafood, and aromatic spices. Indulge your taste buds with local delicacies like jamón ibérico, empanadas, and freshly squeezed juices. Immerse yourself in the lively atmosphere as locals and visitors alike savour the culinary delights of Barcelona.
El Raval Flea Market: Unveiling Vintage Gems and Artisanal Charms
Discover the enchanting El Raval Flea Market, a treasure trove of vintage finds and artisanal creations. Unearth unique clothing pieces, antique furniture, retro accessories, and handcrafted jewellery. Engage with local vendors and collectors as you seek one-of-a-kind souvenirs that exemplify Barcelona's bohemian allure.
Mercat de Sant Antoni: A Local's Haven
Explore the beloved Mercat de Sant Antoni, adored by locals. This historic market embodies Barcelona's sense of community. Delight in the diverse stalls, offering fresh produce, clothing, books, and antiques. Immerse yourself in authentic Catalan culture and feel the vibrant pulse of the city as you meander through this cherished marketplace.
Encants Vells Market: Timeless Antiques and Hidden Treasures
Step into history at the Encants Vells Market, one of Europe's oldest flea markets. Marvel at the eclectic array of antiques, vintage clothing, and unique curiosities. Engage in the age-old tradition of haggling with vendors and uncovering hidden gems from various eras. The market's lively auction-style selling adds an exciting dimension to your quest for a special memento.
Passeig de Gràcia: Luxury and Design in Style
Indulge in luxury shopping along Passeig de Gràcia, one of Barcelona's most elegant boulevards. This picturesque street showcases prestigious fashion boutiques, high-end jewellery stores, and renowned designer labels. Admire the architectural beauty of the buildings while perusing the latest fashion trends and sophisticated creations from international brands.
Barcelona's markets offer a diverse and enriching shopping experience that reflects the city's dynamic spirit and cultural richness. From the gastronomic delights of La Boqueria Market to the vintage treasures of El Raval Flea Market and the communal charm of Mercat de Sant Antoni, each destination leaves an indelible mark on shoppers. Encants Vells Market adds to the allure with its timeless antiques, while Passeig de Gràcia showcases Barcelona's flair for luxury and design. Embrace the city's artistic creativity and vibrant character as you explore these exceptional markets, leaving you with cherished memories and souvenirs that embody the essence of this captivating metropolis. Happy shopping!
If you want your favourite products then check out our website
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Blog Post #2 Medieval Catalonia
Five streets that are dedicated to craftsmanship or trade are Carrer De Les Candeles, Carrer Dels Cotoners, Carrer Dels Mirallers, Carrer Dels Carders, and Carrer De Sant Antoni Dels Sombrerers. These streets were dedicated to specific work types such as candle makers, cotton workers, mirror makers, and more. Historically these streets were filled with shops divided by craft and craftsman that would be searching to sell their products. These streets all were very similar in building size and had narrow streets. The guilds were homes of the workers in this time which were organized by similar trade and expertise that ran the finances of trade.
The spaces were organized in a "Casa Taller" or house-workshop fashion where people would live and work in the same space. The lowest level had taller ceilings and wide windows and was used for the production of the craft (candles, mirrors, etc.) and the sale of the craft. The owner and family of the shop and space on the first floor would live in the space directly above the first floor and as the building went up the spaces would house lower members of the community. The wealthiest and most influential members of the guild would live above the shop and the spaces would progressively get smaller and more narrow for the members in the lower classes.
The craftsman work buildings in this area are much different to the more modern industrial production buildings of Barcelona. The buildings during the craftsman work time and the time of the guilds were built more traditionally with brick and more simple material whereas the more modern buildings are more unique and have different types of building materials. The spaces also differ and the construction methods are much different in both times. For example, the buildings during the guild time were built much more compact and less open compared to industrial buildings. The streets were also much more narrow and had cut edges in them so that chariots with horses would be able to navigate easier. The two periods of Barcelona were very different and the architectural elements demonstrate this very accurately.
There were four main places on the walk that are import to note in relation to the cultural meaning and symbolism that they represent. First off, Santa Maria del Mar is one of the most famous buildings in all of Barcelona. The church contains unique types of arches that are specific to Catalan gothic and gorgeous stained glass. It was built by the people of the guilds and the workers and this was represented through the architecture. The door of the church is quite large and on it there are images of the workers representing the hard work put into building the church. Located in the La Ribera neighborhood of Barcelona, El Mercat del Born was another very impressive landmark on the walk. In working condition the market was where craftsman would go and be able to distribute and sell their products. Today, it is known to be a museum and contain many important historical artifacts. For example, there were many remains that were found during renovation of the market showing Barcelona's past. El Fossa de les Moreres was one of the most unique locations visited and contains many different important historical elements that remind us of Catalan culture. The flame is always burning to represent when France defeated Catalonia in 1714 during the War of the Spanish Succession. After the defeat many were slaughtered and those that fought were buried underneath the bricks. It is said to hold 6,000 graves and is today a common site to visit and is a constant reminder of the oppression and difficulties Catalan people have endured. La Ciutadella Park is a very beautiful and historic park that was built by Philip V as a military base and fortress. The area was demolished and the park was built and now contains many different historical buildings and monuments that represent Catalan culture such as the Als Voluntaris Catalans.
After the War of the Spanish Succession the decrees of Nova Planta were set into place which were laws on Catalan people declared by Philip V. The set of laws had direct impact on Catalan language, institutions, political ability, and more. The Catalan people were extremely suppressed and were forced to learn Castilian as it became the official language at the time. Universities were taken down, courts and municipal groups were halted, and Castilian laws were imposted on the people. Universities were taken down, courts and governmental municipal groups were halted. Castilian laws were imposted in relation to tax and land and overall, the decrees of Nova Plants abolished many aspects of Catalan culture and forever changed the representation of Catalan in Barcelona. The Consolot de Mar is located in the center of the Gothic quarter of Barcelona. It was one of the most important institutional buildings at the time and dealt with regulatory and commercial issues. It was a court that played a vital role in maritime and commercial customs in Barcelona.
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Mercat de Sant Antoni
#sant antoni#mercat#mr.view#barcelona#barcelona city#dronephotography#sunsetphotography#aerialphotography#architecturephotography
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The big day’s here! The Mercat de Sant Antoni reopens after a major restoration and refit and they’ve prepared a weekend full of activities for you El gran dia ha arribat! El Mercat de Sant Antoni obre les portes de nou després d’un llarg procés de reforma i ho fa tal com es mereix, amb un cap de setmana ple d’activitats
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Barcelona’s Newly Renovated Market | Mercat de Sant Antoni Food Guide After years of renovation, the Mercat de Sant Antoni in Barcelona is back open for business!
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RECORDS - Els Tebeos / RECUERDOS - Los Tebeos
RECORDS – Els Tebeos / RECUERDOS – Los Tebeos
Podem estar als voltants de 1963. El meu pare, com molts altres obrers del Poble Sec i d’arreu, treballava totes le hores del món: feia torns, si hi havia una fira o una carrera o bous o futbol, anava a vendre gasoses, “polines” i el que fes falta. El que fos perquè no faltés el pa a taula.
Veient el panorama hom podria tenir la sensació de no haver gaudit de son pare. Jo no, Perquè ell,…
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#photooftheday #art_camera #shootermag #iphonesia #igers #ig_barcelona #bnwsouls #ig_andalucia #bnw_society #ig_photooftheday #webstagram #statigram #street #streetphotography #streetphotographer #streetphotographers #bcn #barcelona_black #bw #bnw_madrid #bwzgz #bpw_bw #bnwitalian #blackandwhite #monochrome #bnw_shots #love_bnw #mobilephoto #mobilephotography #movileart (en Mercat de Sant Antoni) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClG3-fnDHMu/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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30/12/2023 - Snack
🇪🇸 LIDL, Barcelona
Random Favourina Chocolate - milk chocolate was fine but the coconut version was bleh.
Photos of Casa Batlo and Mercat de Sant Antoni
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Mercat de Sant Antoni, Barcelona, 1955. Check this blog!
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Del 8 al 16 de maig de 2022
ITINERARI Dia 1. Vuit de maig. Sortida en vol Barcelona- El Caire. 16.25-20.25// Enllaç amb vol El Caire-Luxor 22.00-23.05. Trasllat a la motonau d’Acamar a Luxor on viurem 5 nits.
Dia 2. Nou de maig. Sortida en autocar a Dendera per visitar el Temple d'Hathor, deessa de l'amor i la fertilitat. A la tarda, visita als grandiosos Temples de Luxor i Karnak.
Dia 3. Deu de maig. De matinada, opció de vol en globus i esmorzar posterior. Anada a la Necròpolis de Tebes, les Valls dels Reis i de les Reines, vista del temple de Hatshepsut. Visita del Temple de Medinat Habu (dedicat a Ramsès III) i d'Amenofis III (aquest precedit pels 'Colossos de Memnon' que trobarem enmig del camí i del no res). Salpem amb la motonau cap a Esna. A la nit, pas per l'esclusa d'Esna i seguirem en direcció a Edfú.
Dia 4. Onze de maig. A Edfú, trajecte en calessa cap al temple d'Horus, el deu falcó. Retorn a la motonau i sortida cap a Kom Ombo. Aquí, excursió a peu cap als temples dedicats als deus Haroeris (deu falcó 'vell') i Sobek (deu cocodril). Breu visita a una exposició de cocodrils momificats. Retorn a la nau, navegant cap a Aswan. Nit a Aswan pensant en Cleòpatra i Marc Antoni.
Dia 5. Dotze de maig. Visita a Abu Simbel (el nom significa 'muntanya pura'). Retorn a la ciutat d'Aswan (que es troba a 234, 47 quilòmetres) . A la tarda, passejada en faluca pel Nil. Veurem l'illa Elefantina i l'illa de Kitchener (vistes sobre el Mausoleu de l'Agha Khan). Nit a Aswan sota les estrelles egípcies. Opcional: visita a un poblat de la Baixa Núbia.
Dia 6. Tretze de maig. Abandonem la motonau on hem viscut quatre jornades. Sortida en autocar cap al port per fer un trajecte en llanxa cap a l'illa de Philae. Visita de la presa d'Aswan. Més tard, trasllat a l'aeroport d'Aswan en direcció al Caire. Ens instal·lem a un hotel cairota on viurem tres nits.
Dia 7. Quatorze de maig. Visita a les Piràmides de Djedefre, Khefren i Micerí (L'home tem el temps, i el temps, tem les piràmides, proverbi egipci) i l'Esfinx de Giza : 5 000 anys, pel cap baix, ens observen. A la tarda, visita al desert de Saqqara on trobarem la piràmide escalonada de Zóser. Som al gran cementiri dels nobles. Nit al Caire, on l'aire és groc, on regna la sorra.
Dia 8. Quinze de maig. Visita d'El Caire: Al-Qahira, 'la Victoriosa' , tot i que els egipcis l'anomenen Masr, com en diuen també d'Egipte. La ciutat més gran d'Àfrica i del Pròxim Orient, 8 milions d'habitants, 16 en tota l'àrea metropolitana. Anirem al Museu d'Antiguitats Egípcies o Museu Egipci, on resta encara el tresor de Tutankamon mentre no el traslladin al Gran Museu Egipci que s'ha d'inaugurar al novembre, en commemoració dels 100 anys del descobriment de la seva tomba. A la tarda, passejada pel barri copte: l'Església Penjant o Església ortodoxa copta de Santa Verge Maria, construida sobre una porta de la fortalesa de Babilònia, el baluard romà; l'Església de Sant Sergi, on la llegenda diu que la Sagrada Família es va exiliar fugint d'Herodes; la Sinagoga de Ben Ezra, del segle VII, la més antiga d'Egipte. Més tard, visita de la Ciutadella de Saladí que conté la Mesquita de Muhammad Alí, del segle XIX. Després, anada a El Caire fatimita, zona fundada al segle X com a recinte reial per als califes fatimites. Finalment, i si encara som vius, compres al tradicional mercat Khan El-Khalili que bull d'activitat des del segle XIV. Retorn a l'hotel.
Dia 9. Setze de maig. Trasllat a l'aeroport per al vol de retorn. El Caire-Barcelona 11.05-15.25. Tornarem, però ja no serem les mateixes persones...
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