#mer asra x reader
The Little Jellyfish (Asra) - Chapter 1: So hold my hand
Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Multi, Other
Fandom: The Arcana
Relationship: Asra Alnazar x Reader
Characters: Asra Alnazar, Reader, You
Additional Tags: MerMay, MerMay 2020, Mer AU, mermaid au, Alternate Universe, AU, Mer Asra, Jellyfish Asra, Merperson Asra (The Arcana), human reader, Reader-Insert, x Reader, gender neutral reader, male reader - Freeform, Female Reader, no specific pronouns used for reader, Frozen (Disney Movies) References, First Meetings, Movie Night, Frozen movie marathon, Sleepy Cuddles, Couch Cuddles, Cuddling & Snuggling, One (1) forehead kiss, Mer Asra learns about the human world, Little Mermaid Elements, Eventual Romance, Eventual Smut, Eventual Sex
Words: 1,949
Merpeople weren’t real, they were simply stories told throughout the centuries to entertain people. They were myths, legends, folklore, or at least, that’s what you thought. So when you saw a person in his birthday suit stumbling around the beach near your house, your first thought "wasn’t omg what if that’s a merperson that just got legs and that’s why he’s falling over like a toddler?" No, it was "holy shit is he drunk out of his mind?"
This is the first part of a series for MerMay 2020! Each part will be a separate story featuring a mer!love interest x human!reader. There will be 6 stories in total, one for each LI! Full disclosure, each one will end in fishy horizontal tangos👀
(Chapter title from "Little Talks" by Of Monsters and Men)
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Chapter 2 ▶️
Series Masterlist
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Merpeople weren’t real, they were simply stories told throughout the centuries to entertain people. They were myths, legends, folklore, or at least, that’s what you thought. So when you saw a person in his birthday suit stumbling around the beach near your house, your first thought wasn’t omg what if that’s a merperson that just got legs and that’s why he’s falling over like a toddler? No, it was holy shit is he drunk out of his mind? Though since it was the middle of the day and there hadn’t been any parties nearby last night it quickly shifted to oh my god he’s either on drugs or bat shit crazy. You tried ignoring him, but it was difficult watching him stumble around like a newborn foal, especially with the adorable pout he had every time he tumbled back down onto the sand. You sighed, grabbing a towel and heading outside, silently praying that you wouldn’t grow to regret this decision.
“Hey…” Vibrant purple eyes snapped to yours, the pure wonder and awe swimming in them surprised you, he looked like a kid set loose in a candy shop. If this was a cartoon he’d have literal stars in his eyes. Seriously what the hell is up with this person? You took in the rest of his appearance, pointedly avoiding anywhere below his waist. A white tattoo of an unfamiliar symbol rested right above his heart, a stark contrast to his golden brown skin. The sun shining favorably upon him almost gave him the illusion of actual gold. White fluffy curls danced around his head in every direction, almost like a cloud had descended from the sky just to rest upon his head. He was so gorgeous he couldn’t possibly be real. What the literal fuck. This was just getting weirder and weirder.
“Um… are you okay?” Your eyes finally drifted back to his, shocked to find he had been checking you out as well. Your cheeks grew warm, but you couldn’t blame it on the warm weather. Clearing your throat and avoiding his intense gaze you hold the towel out to him. He tilted his head curiously. “You, uh, you should cover yourself. This isn’t a nude beach so you’ll probably get in trouble.” His soft lips parted as he finally spoke.
“Oh, right, forgot about that.” His voice itself sounded like the world’s most beautiful song, yet what he said was the stupidest thing you’ve ever heard. Who in their right mind forgets they can’t be nude in public? Your heart sank. Maybe he wasn’t in his right mind… You swept your doubt under the rug, he obviously needed assistance and you were determined to see this through. Besides he seemed harmless. He took the towel, long slender fingers brushing against yours. You jumped, his fingers were freezing. Worry settled heavily in your chest. You were no doctor, but it was definitely not a good sign he was cold in the middle of one of the hottest days of the summer. “Would you like to go to my house?” You spoke before you could even weigh the pros and cons of that kind of offer. He blinked. “I could give you some proper clothes to wear until you can get your own.” You offered your hand to him. He stared at you for a moment, thinking over your offer. His curious expression broke into a wide smile as he took your hand. You helped him up but refused to let go of his hand, trying your best to transfer some heat into the icy limb. He did his confused little head tilt again and your heart skipped a beat. It's not fair that he's so other worldly hot and so goddamn adorable. “Your hands are cold, I’m just trying to warm them up.”
“Thank you.” He flashed his blinding smile again. Yeah, he’s definitely going to be the death of you. The both of you walked in silence, it was quite peaceful really. Until cold arms wrapped around you. You shrieked and jumped away from him. His eyes were wide, but he refused to look at you. Instead choosing to stare sadly at his hands, like they were at fault. “I apologize-”
“It’s okay!” You quickly cut him off, not being able to stand him looking like a kicked puppy for another second. “You just surprised me.” You opened your arms in invitation. It only took a second for him to throw himself into your arms, practically tackling you. The force nearly toppled you over but you managed to keep the both of you on your feet. He nuzzled his head against yours.
“So warm…” He whispered. You laughed, trying to suppress your shivers. It felt like hugging a block of ice, this definitely isn’t normal. You speed walked back to your home as fast as you could with a half naked person clinging to you. As soon as you got in the door you freed yourself from the handsome stranger’s embrace, a soft whine escaping him as you hurried to get him clothes and blankets. You returned to him with the large pile, dumping it on the couch as he watched you with curious eyes. He hadn’t moved from where you left him. You gestured him over and he came immediately, nearly tripping over the end table.
“I got some warm pajamas for you and some blankets so you can keep warm. Do you feel sick?” You inquired. He merely shook his head and went to grab the clothes from the couch. “Wait! You’re still covered in sand.” You smacked your head, how could you forget that so easily? “My bathroom’s down the hall so you can rinse off.” You pointed in the direction. He didn’t move, just staring at you. “Do you... do you need help with the shower?”
“Yes…” He sheepishly mumbled. You grabbed the pjs and then his wrist, guiding him down the hallway.
“It’s okay! I’ll show you how to work it.” You set the clothes on the counter and showed him the shower, demonstrating how to turn it on and off and how to change the temperature. He paid full attention to your mini lesson, very interested in the shower and how it worked. Once you felt confident he knew what he was doing you left him to his own devices. Making your way back to the couch you took a glance at the time. Oh it was 6 PM already. You headed towards the kitchen, deciding to make some Chicken Noodle Soup. It would quickly warm the mysterious stranger up and hopefully help with whatever was wrong with him.
As soon as you poured the soup into two bowls soft footsteps came down the hallway. You turned to smile at him as he entered the kitchen, trying to hold back a laugh. His hair was somehow even puffier now. Without thinking you reached out to feel how soft it was. Your hand gently drifted through what you swore could’ve been a real life cloud. A pleased sigh broke you from your trance. Embarrassed you pulled your hand back as if you'd been burned. He pouted while you quickly changed subjects.
“I made us some lunch." You carried the bowls over to the couch, setting them down on the table. You patted the other side of the couch, motioning him to sit next to you. As he sat down you realized the irony of what he was wearing. You had grabbed the first pajamas you could reach, which just so happened to be Frozen themed pajamas. You laughed, earning another curious stare from your beautiful companion.
"Why are you laughing?" He was confused but your good mood must have been infectious, for he was smiling along with you.
"Your skin is ice cold and I gave you Frozen themed pajamas." You snorted at the sight of blue snowflakes and Olaf scattered all over the white fabric while his brows furrowed.
"But… those clothes are not made of ice?" He questioned. He can't be serious. You observed his lost expression. Holy shit he's serious.
"Frozen is a movie about-"
"What's a movie?" He asked. You blinked, processing what he had said.
"You're… you're not from around here are you?" You wondered aloud. That would explain why he didn't seem to understand anything. It was a flimsy excuse but it was the best you could think of. A musical laugh brought your attention back to your guest. His eyes were mischievous, like he knew something you didn't.
"That is correct. I'm from a very different place than here." He didn't elaborate.
"Okay. Well it's probably better to just show you instead then." You turned on the TV and put the movie on. His violet eyes were glued to the screen as soon as the opening sequence started playing. He paid no mind to you as you wrapped the both of you up in a large fluffy blanket. His eyes only strayed when you handed him his bowl of soup. His eyes stayed on you, observing how you ate your soup before copying what you did. He hummed pleasantly as he devoured the warm food. You tried your best to focus on the movie but it was honestly more entertaining to watch him and his reactions to it instead.
The farther you got into the film, the closer the two of you got. By the end he was pressed up against your side as he cried onto your shoulder. You held him and patted his curls in comfort. As the credits rolled you were both practically cuddling.
"It's over?" He asked, disappointment laced through his voice.
"Yeah it's over. But there's a second movie!" He perked up at that.
"Can we watch that movie too?" He gave you puppy eyes. Even if you wanted to it felt impossible to say no to that face.
"Of course! It wouldn't be a Frozen marathon without the second one!" He happily hugged you. You hid your blush by starting the next film. His attention immediately focused back on the screen, but his arms stayed wrapped around you. You didn't complain, settling your head on his shoulder. You noticed he had grown warmer. He wasn't as warm as a person normally should be, but he wasn't freezing anymore. He felt more lukewarm than anything. Despite that though he felt so comfy. You imagined this is what cuddling a cloud felt like. The softness of him against you was like a siren's song lulling you to sleep. The events of the movie faded away as you succumbed to the gentle lullaby. Soft white locks tickled your face as you realized you were hearing a lullaby. Your new friend was quietly singing along to the movie, voice soft and sweet as you felt his song pull you deeper into the inky abyss of sleep. The last thing you could recall was something soft pressing gently against your forehead.
You awoke slowly, wiping the sleep from your eyes as you remembered the events of yesterday. You searched for the gorgeous stranger but he was nowhere to be found. The only trace of him was a conch shell left where he had been sitting the night before. It was as white as his hair with the same strange symbol as his tattoo carved into the smooth surface. You examined the shell’s beauty, wondering if you'd ever see him again. Your heart sank as you realized you never got his name, let alone a way to contact him. So it was not likely. It seemed that the movie night would be your only encounter with the mysterious person.
Oh how wrong you were.
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Fun fact! The Frozen pjammies in the fic are based on pjs I have irl😂
Also Frozen is one of my favorite movies so ofc I'm going to put it in a fic if given the opportunity🥰
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Chapter 2 ▶️
Series Masterlist
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bazzpop · 5 years
Julian hc masterlist (not including polys or main 3/6)
🍋 contains nsfw
Dom!Asra and Dom!Julian 🍋
Reversed!Julain fluff and 🍋
Apprentice gives Julian leeches as a romantic gesture
Messing with Julian’s hair
Julian with a very subby m!apprentice 🍋
Julian losing his voice (sequel to the sick hc)
JulianxMC expecting a baby
Apprentice proposing to Julian
Accidentally forgetting Julian’s and Lucio’s birthdays
Asra and Julian with a shaking apprentice when worried
Pirate Julian meeting mer!reader
mer!Julian 🍋
mer!Julian meeting pirate!reader
Pirate!Julian rescues mer!reader
Pirate!Julian with a siren!reader
Julian celebrating the apprentice’s birthday
Fluff/domestic fluff
Faust (and other snake friends) startling Julian
Julian’s old house hc
Dom!Julian x reader exhibitionism 🍋
Reaction to MC being pregnant
Julian scared of thunderstorms
Taking care of Julian after he gets a sunburn
Plague days angst
Idle things Julian does
Julian eating out MC 🍋
Lazy morning
Taking care of Julian’s back pain
Julian scared of thunderstorms
Interrupting Julian’s bath 🍋
Julian in a corset 🍋
Scruffy Julian
Julian taking care of sick MC
Messing with and taking care of sleep deprived Julian
Barista Julian
Julian and brundle
Teasing Julian 🍋
Julian catching MC masturbating on his bed 🍋
Julian’s nurse squad thing lol
Ghost!MC looking after Julian
Julian wearing earrings
Deep morning voice hcs 🍋
Desperate dom Julian after no nut Nov. 🍋
Birblian angst
Werewolf Julian
Domestic marriage/relationship again
Plague safe sex crack lmao
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ao3feed-thearcana · 4 years
by goldgalaxytea
Merpeople weren’t real, they were simply stories told throughout the centuries to entertain people. They were myths, legends, folklore, or at least, that’s what you thought. So when you saw a person in his birthday suit stumbling around the beach near your house, your first thought "wasn’t omg what if that’s a merperson that just got legs and that’s why he’s falling over like a toddler?" No, it was "holy shit is he drunk out of his mind?"
Words: 1949, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of This ship will carry our bodies safe to shore
Fandoms: The Arcana (Visual Novel)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Multi, Other
Characters: Asra (The Arcana), Reader, You
Relationships: Asra (The Arcana)/Reader, Asra (The Arcana)/You
Additional Tags: MerMay, MerMay 2020, Mer AU, mermaid au, Alternate Universe, AU, Mer Asra, Jellyfish Asra, Merperson Asra (The Arcana), human reader, Reader-Insert, x Reader, gender neutral reader, male reader - Freeform, Female Reader, no specific pronouns used for reader, Frozen (Disney Movies) References, First Meetings, Movie Night, Frozen movie marathon, Sleepy Cuddles, Couch Cuddles, Cuddling & Snuggling, One (1) forehead kiss, Mer Asra learns about the human world, Little Mermaid Elements, Eventual Romance, Eventual Smut, Eventual Sex
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solani-and-ashe · 6 years
Current Queue-Normal
I’m actually going to be closing requests soon what with tumblr shut down of porn lmao- This blog will still be running, but A) I need a break due to mental health B) Sob backlog 1- Asra/Magician- sequel to his run in with the devil 10% 2- Mer Asra 3- this time with tentacle 0% 3- Magician/Reader/Asra 3 way double the Asra double the fun 40% (Discord gift) 4- Apprentice/Lucio- 30% (Discord gift) 5- Vampire! Julian and Vampire! Asra x nonbinary AFAB reader 0% 6- threesome between julian, lucio, and the devil, DP and nipple play on Julian-0% 7- Sub f!apprentice x dom!Nadia x dom!Lucio. Menge trois with public humiliation, breeding kink- 0% Not Started Yet and on the backlog 8- Fae!Asra Training his pet/ dressing them up/getting pet drunk/collar gifting/The good old classic trapped fae lover dark shit 9- Shifter!Nadia A/B/O- knotting reader 10- Mer!Asra- F!Reader getting up to things before birthing 11- Mer or Fae Asra (will likely be darker Asra) 12- Fae!Asra/Human Pet- possessive Asra 13- valdemar + @ask-the-plagued-apprentice 14- Naga!Asra but Fluff 15- Naga!Asra sequel 16- Julian/f!MC fluff/smut Monster my choice 17- Demon!Valerius with an inexperienced magician?             18- Dragon Asra/Julian w/ their human GF 19- Birb!Julian/Reader
20-Fae!Asra/F!Reader 21- Sounding w/ OC(Artisan) and Lucio 22-Valdemar/F!Reader 23-Devil/F!Reader/Valdemar- cum stuffing/breeding 24- Vampire!Nadia/Reader- Feeding inner thigh, trance 25-Demon!Valerius/Reader- hyper possessive (based on HC list)
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This ship will carry our bodies safe to shore - Masterlist
Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi, Other
Fandom: The Arcana
Relationship: Asra Alnazar x Reader, Nadia Satrinava x Reader, Julian Devorak x Reader, Muriel x Reader, Portia  Devorak x Reader, Lucio x Reader
Characters: Asra Alnazar, Nadia Satrinava, Julian Devorak, Muriel, Portia  Devorak, Lucio, Reader, You
Additional Tags: MerMay, MerMay 2020, Mer AU, mermaid au, Alternate Universe, AU, Mer Asra, Jellyfish Asra, Merperson Asra (The Arcana), human reader, Reader-Insert, x Reader, gender neutral reader, male reader - Freeform, Female Reader, no specific pronouns used for reader, Frozen (Disney Movies) References, First Meetings, Movie Night, Frozen movie marathon, Sleepy Cuddles, Couch Cuddles, Cuddling & Snuggling, One (1) forehead kiss, Mer Asra learns about the human world, Little Mermaid Elements, Eventual Romance, Eventual Smut, Eventual Sex
Words: 1,949
Completion Status: Work In Progress
This is a series for MerMay 2020! Each part will be a separate story featuring a mer!love interest x human!reader. There will be 6 stories in total, one for each LI! Full disclosure, each one will end in fishy horizontal tangos👀
(Series title from “Little Talks” by Of Monsters and Men)
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★The Little Jellyfish (Asra)★
Chapter 1: So hold my hand
Chapter 2: ???
★??? (Nadia)★
Chapter 1: ???
★??? (Julian)★
Chapter 1: ???
★??? (Muriel)★
Chapter 1: ???
★??? (Portia)★
Chapter 1: ???
★??? (Lucio)★
Chapter 1: ???
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Masterlist - The Arcana
★Canon Characters★
► Couples:
► Multi:
► Various:
► General:
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★Original Characters★
► Couples:
► Multi:
► Various:
► General:
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★Reader Inserts★
► Couples:
Muriel x Reader
Possessed Heart
While on the hunt for Lucio - you, Muriel & Morga manage to capture and arrest his Courtiers. That is, all but one. Fortunately you find them quickly. Unfortunately they already have something wicked planned.
► Multi:
Asra x Julian x Nadia x Reader
A Steamy Hideaway 🔞
You and your lovers - Asra, Julian and Nadia - need a break after the events of the masquerade, so you all take a trip to the hot springs to relax. Though the water isn’t the only thing that’s steamy.
► Various:
Love Interests x Reader
This ship will carry our bodies safe to shore 🔞
This is a series for MerMay 2020! Each part will be a separate story featuring a mer!love interest x human!reader. There will be 6 stories in total, one for each LI! Full disclosure, each one will end in fishy horizontal tangos👀
Worlds Collide
You live underground in a world made of metal, but things change when you fall into a world of grass and skies where everything is upside down. Luckily for you though, there’s someone to help you from falling into the sky.
► General:
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solani-and-ashe · 6 years
Regular Queue
As you know, these were put on hold for october so i’ll be working on these as I get to them once again. 1-4 have a ‘old request’ priority- the rest came later. As I didn’t update in a while, if you see your request missing just ping me <3 1- Asra/Magician- sequel to his run in with the devil 10% 2- Mer Asra 3- this time with tentacle 0% 3- Magician/Reader/Asra 3 way double the Asra double the fun 40% (Discord gift) 4- Apprentice/Lucio- 30% (Discord gift) 5- Vampire! Julian and Vampire! Asra x nonbinary AFAB reader 0% 6- threesome between julian, lucio, and the devil, DP and nipple play on Julian-0% 7- Sub f!apprentice x dom!Nadia x dom!Lucio. Menge trois with public humiliation, breeding kink- 0% Not Started Yet and on the backlog 8- Fae!Asra Training his pet/ dressing them up/getting pet drunk/collar gifting/The good old classic trapped fae lover dark shit 9- Shifter!Nadia A/B/O- knotting reader 10- Mer!Asra- F!Reader getting up to things before birthing 11- Mer or Fae Asra (will likely be darker Asra) 12- Fae!Asra/Human Pet- possessive Asra 13- valdemar + @ask-the-plagued-apprentice 14- Naga!Asra but Fluff 15- Naga!Asra sequel 16- Julian/f!MC fluff/smut Monster my choice 17- Demon!Valerius with an inexperienced magician?             18- Dragon Asra/Julian w/ their human GF 19- Birb!Julian/Reader
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solani-and-ashe · 6 years
 From Monster Fucktober 2k18 Day 16: Gargoyle!Asra/Apprentice Fluff and Smut Day 17: Dragon!Lucio x F!Apprentice-Consent and Loving Day 18: Naga!Asra* Day 19: Werewolf/OC (Gaia req) Day 20: Werewolf!Muriel- Soft to ruff ;D w/ breed kink Day 21: Were!Asra/F!Reader/Were!Julian
Additional Day 22: Demon!Valerius/Lucio (or OC) Day 23: oviposition!Vontron + goo kink???? I honestly have no idea who requested this but im just gonna... make it Lotor/Allura HA it was not v. clear Day 24: Body Horor McHanzo w/ side oviposition  A+++ Day 25: Mer!Valerius/Mer!Lucio Day 26: Fae!Valerius/Reader- Daddy Kink Day 27: Tentacles- Steve/Bucky MCU Day 28: Faun!Julian/F!Reader Day 29: Harpy!Julian/OC Day 30: eddie brock/venom x f!reader (prompt is alien but i mean venom is SO) Day 31: Devil/Reader- Prompt is demonic so this will b fun ;D
Working on non fucktober queue list
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solani-and-ashe · 6 years
Current request Queue
As listed by my desire to write them/how finished they are 1- Asra/Magician- sequel to his run in with the devil 0% 2- Mer Asra 3- this time with tentacle 0% 3- Magician/Reader/Asra 3 way double the Asra double the fun 30% (Discord gift) 4- Apprentice/Lucio- 20% (Discord gift) 5- Vampire! Julian and Vampire! Asra x nonbinary AFAB reader 0% 6- threesome between julian, lucio, and the devil, DP and nipple play on Julian-0%
Goblin King!Lucio DONE-POSTED Montag with Angst DONE-POSTED
Please Read the FAQ if you have request questions!
I AM STILL TAKING REQUESTS- I will be slower, as I’m no longer recovering from surgery and am back working but things still moving!
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solani-and-ashe · 6 years
Day 1: Lucio/OC- Tentacles (Mistook it as botanical oh well) Day 2: Plant!Julian/M!Apprentice Day 3: Vampire Valdemar*      Day 4: Ghost!Asra/OC Fluff and Smut Day 5: Doll!Asra* Day 6: Fae!Asra/HumanPet!Apprentice Day 7: Ghost!Julian* Day 8: Goo!OC- Gotta ask person for deets via Discord Day 9: Naga!Asra- Dark Day 10: Mer!Arsa/OC Day 11: Fae!Asra/M!Apprentice Day 12: Demon!Asra/OC- Aphrodisiacs Day 13: Arachnid!Valdemar- Day 14: Pripyat Beast(Body Horror)/Human Female- SFW! Day 15: My Choice- Werewolf/Omega!Apprentice Day 16: Gargoyle!Asra/Apprentice Fluff and Smut Day 17: Dragon!Lucio x F!Apprentice-Consent and Loving Day 18: Naga!Asra* Day 19: Werewolf/OC (Gaia req) Day 20: Werewolf!Muriel- Soft to ruff ;D w/ breed kink Day 21: Were!Asra/F!Reader/Were!Julian Anything with a * means I wasn’t given anything but the monster type and character, which is fine but fyi thats gonna mean it’s female reader on the other end lmao. Naga and Fae Asra were requested twice but they’ll both be different enough.
There are still ten days of requests open- as such, *THE REQUEST LIMIT HAS BEEN LIFTED!! If you requested before, you can request again! Just... limit yourself i guess? lmao.
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solani-and-ashe · 6 years
As listed by my desire to write them/how finished they are 1- Asra/Magician- sequel to his run in with the devil 10% 2- Mer Asra 3- this time with tentacle 0% 3- Magician/Reader/Asra 3 way double the Asra double the fun 40% (Discord gift) 4- Apprentice/Lucio- 30% (Discord gift) 5- Vampire! Julian and Vampire! Asra x nonbinary AFAB reader 0% 6- threesome between julian, lucio, and the devil, DP and nipple play on Julian-0% 7- Sub f!apprentice x dom!Nadia x dom!Lucio. Menge trois with public humiliation, breeding kink- 0%
I also had an ask for a continuation of a Montag/Reader fic I did- right now anon, its not planned and I’m trying to focus on the stand alones! So right now, im not sure if I will or will not.
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