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mogaidori · 1 year ago
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Playing - Don't say "lazy" - Cover, Afterglow
Meowstimmic Raana Kaname icons!
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solstice-eclipze · 2 years ago
♡ ~ Meowstimmic galaxy pride flag
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Galaxy flag made by me! Term not coined by me.
⤷ "A xenogender related to meowing as a stim."
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Add credits if galaxy flag is reposted.
All hate will be deleted. Antis DNI.
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the-xenogender-painter · 11 months ago
This is a genuine question, how do you assign xenogenders to a post? Do the xenogenders just come to mind when you read the post or do you use a generator of some sort?
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this ask has been painted with the xenogender meowstimmic!
(to answer your question: I just literally choose whatever pinterest decides to show me on my feed :D so, it is pretty much random but i’m not using a generator because there are far too many to put into one little generator lol. I used to choose xenos that were related to the post but I stopped because I felt like that wasn’t really adding a lot to the post)
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sanriopupwife · 9 months ago
Headcanon Arthur Morgan from Red Dead Redemption 2 and we can adopt everyone you want - Your gracious husband
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(YAYYYYYY MORE BABIES <- has issues)
Arthur Morgan from Red Dead Redemption 2 is intersex, transfemneumasc, raspberrystimmic, sillybodiment, cutebodiment, meowstimmic, catbeaniegender, sweatercomfic, gigglestimmic, cumascian, xenoboy, bimboboy, b♡y, digiboyluvsic, softstaric, idol boygirl, lovebeing, lovefluid, idolgender, starryxic, stargender, bubblegender, eepygender, sleepygender, sillygirlgender, catnipgender, aroflux, aceflux, spring aromantic, uranic, and saturnic.
It prefers the pronouns it/shi/hymn/pink/color/soft, and shi uses masc, fem, or neutral terms.
Soft has autism, ADHD, depression, social anxiety, chronic pain in colors back, wrists, and legs, and PTSD.
ps: I'm gonna make you regret your fuckin words >:3
also ps: fag
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unclewileys-bahblog · 24 days ago
you make kpop introject packs you say 👀 may we request a level 2 jungwon from enhypen? sexual alter / sexual protector if you're comfortable with that
Level 2 ENHYPEN alter pack.
note; oh my gosh im so excited i love ENHYPEN
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Name: Yang Jung-won, Jun-seo, Yeong-su, Caden, Eddie
Titles: The Boy With Cat Features, The Kitty With The Cutest Eyes
Age: 20-23
Gender: Transmasculine, Demiboy, Agrocutecatgender, Meowstimmic, Catlovegender
Pronouns: He/him/his, They/them/theirs, It/its/itself, Paw/paws/pawself, Cat/cats/catself, Kit/kitten/kittenself, Kitty/kittys/kittyself, Mew/mews/mewself, Meow/meows/meowself, Love/loves/loveself, Heart/hearts/heartself
Sexuality: Sapphic, Pansexual
Species: Human
Ethnicity: Asian
Roles: Sexual alter, Sexual protector
CisIDs: cisKorean, cisHuman, cisHighEmpathy, cisHypersexual, cisADHD, cisAutistic, cisOLD, cisAmbivert, cisSoftVoice, cisSoothingVoice
TransIDS: transWeedAddict, transCatEars, transCatTail, transCatPaws, transYellowEyes, transSandpaperTongue, transNPD
Paraphiles: Celebriphilia, Cheirophilia, Haemotophilia
Other Labels: Proship, Norwegen Forest cat therian
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- Mod Eddie
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revenant-coining · 3 years ago
Nya, Nyaw, and Meow Stimmic
[pt: Nya, Nyaw, and Meow Stimmic /end pt]
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[IDs: 2 rectangular flags with 5 equally-sized vertical lines with a thick line on the left and right. colors in this order from left to right: grey-purple, blue, light green, pale yellow, light green, blue, grey-purple. in the center of the flag is a pale yellow speech bubble outlined in grey-purple. inside the speech bubble is grey-purple text that reads: "nya" /End ID]
[IDs: 2 rectangular flags with 5 equally-sized vertical lines with a thick line on the left and right. colors in this order from left to right: blue-green, green, light green, pale green, light green, green, blue-green. in the center of the flag is a pale green speech bubble outlined in blue-green. inside the speech bubble is blue-green text that reads: "nyaw" /End ID]
[IDs: 2 rectangular flags with 5 equally-sized vertical lines with a thick line on the left and right. colors in this order from left to right: dark blue, blue, lightish blue, pale blue, lightish blue, blue, dark blue. in the center of the flag is a pale blue speech bubble outlined in dark blue. inside the speech bubble is dark blue text that reads: "meow" /End ID]
Nyastimmic || Nyawstimmic || Meowstimmic
request by anon
Nyastimmic: a gender related to saying “nya” as a vocal stim.
Nyawstimmic: a gender related to saying “nyaw” as a vocal stim.
Meowstimmic: a gender related to saying “meow” as a vocal stim.
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revenant-coining · 2 years ago
hii :3 ♡ am trying to reach 300 genders .. currently at 291 .. so heres my gender and if you know of any labels more pls dump them /nf : masc ,, masc in a fem/neu way ,, fluffy ,, meows ,, voids . - pup
here ya go ! i looked for masc, / msac fem / masc neu genders that weren't connected to other things. but if u are interested in those radiomogais min (link), fin (link), and neu (link) tags would be good to look at !
Gold / Aur (link): a masculine gender element.
Megender (link): masculine gender or gender masculinity;
M-gender (link): any masculine gender identity.
Mingender (link) (shortened to MIN) is an umbrella term for all genders which are masculine in nature (MIN).
Masc fem:
Femasc / Femmasc (or Mascfem) (link): being feminine and masculine (and/or masculine and feminine); feminine masculinity; masculine femininity; masc+fem (and/or fem+masc).
Mascfem(me) (mascfem or mascfemme), mascufem(me), femasc or femmasc (link): someone who is both fem/femme and masc; being masculine and feminine; a folk that experiences masculinity and femininity; a masculized and feminized person; an effeminate and virile folk; a xaemel gender; a gender identity comprised of femininities and masculinities.
Phœmian (phœbian + artemian) (link): describes someone who is mascfem-aligned [simultaneously masc(uline)-aligned and fem(inine)-aligned]. This includes partially lingendered folks, those who are connected to androgyny (with or without actually being lingender), someone whose gender experiences are similar to lingendered people, etc. A subset of sollunarian.
Femmasc / Mascfem (link): a gender identity based on both masculinity and femininity. it is not necessarily feminine or masculine in nature, just connected to both in some way. the specific definition mainly depends on the user.
Liliac / Femsculine (link): Liliac is an ideobinary identity that describes a combination of femininity and masculinity. Femsculine it's completely unrelated to man/male and woman/female.
Macs Neu:
Neumasc (link): a neuter masculinity; a masculine neuterness; neugender + mascgender(/manugender); possessing both masculine and neutral gender qualities; a neutromasculine presentation; an intercidogender/centrigender of neutrois(/centrois) and masculitrois(/masctrois); a gender combination (genderpotion/shuffler) of neu. and masc.; a neutramasculinity (masculigender-neutragender); multitude or ambitude of niaspec/ningender/nideogender (niabinary/nideospec/nideobinary) and miaspec/mingender/mideogender (mideospec/mideobinary/miabinary) or N-gender and M-gender.
Genderfluff /  Fluffgender (link): an aesthetigender that is light, soft and fluffy or related to fluffiness or fluffy things. It can make one feel warm and fuzzy inside. It could also mean having an attachment to pastel femininity, as well as fluffiness. Fluffiness includes fluffy pillows or plushies as well.
Genderfluffy / Fluffygender (link): an aesthetigender or noungender related to fluffy/soft textures and/or objects. This can include pillows, fluffy plushies, and fluffy animals like bunnies, or just fluff and softness in general.
radiomogai fluffy search (link)
Meowstimmic (link): a gender related to saying “meow” as a vocal stim.
Meowstimmic (link): a gender related to the vocal stim “meow”! Can be related to neurodivergence but not necessarily.
Meowlexic (link): a lexic gender related to the word meow.
radiomogai's theme: void tag (link)
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revenant-coining · 3 years ago
nyawstimmic, nyastimmic, meowstimmic, owostimmic, uwustimmic, awawastimmic?
they'll be posted right after this!
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fuzzyoctoplushie · 2 years ago
Meow :3
♡ ~ Meowstimmic galaxy pride flag
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Galaxy flag made by me! Term not coined by me.
⤷ "A xenogender related to meowing as a stim."
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Add credits if galaxy flag is reposted.
All hate will be deleted. Antis DNI.
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