#mentioned koolish
pomellon · 1 year
you might have answered this but what is the nature of the relationship between punznap in the centaur au? is it romantic or platonic or some mix of the two?
It's romantic, but can be seen as a mix of the two! I think I've mentioned it before but the centaur au, and honestly most of my aus, is a huge poly soup.
Most of the creatures in the au are not monogamous like most humans tend to be. Centaurs will usually have between 1-3 romantic partners, mostly since they come as a package deal with their life partners, and demons like to form tight loyal packs of romantic and intimate partners. So Punz and Sapnap are most definitely more than platonically involved!
Their relationship is a bit confusing for both of them when it moves into a more intimate and romantic direction because they don't really talk about it or make it official. Since they share an empathic bond they do know they pretty much feel the same about each other, but the reason they keep dancing around it is Karl.
Punz has no clue how demon relationships work but he's fully aware Sapnap has a boyfriend that he's desperately searching for. While Punz also has a partner that he's separated from, he's convinced himself he won't see Foolish again, meaning the other centaur isn't an obstacle to Punz and Sapnap's budding relationship. Karl is tho, because Punz doesn't know if Sapnap will lose interest in him when or if he finds him.
He eventually grows frustrated enough not knowing where they stand, having been in a similar situation with Foolish before he was taken, and just asks Sapnap what they got going on. Sapnap is then quick to assure him that their relationship won't change at all when Karl rejoins the picture, officially confirming he and Punz and in fact romantic partners too.
And to clear up the other relationships in the au! Punz is of course also romantically involved with Foolish, and eventually casually with Dream. Sapnap is deeply in love with Karl and casually dating George and Dream, mostly because I like to make George aro leaning and Avians (Dream) tend to have many casual partners instead of strictly settling down with just a few. Foolish and Karl also become romantically involved as they travel together, and poor Sam pretty much has big fat crushes on Dream, Punz, and Foolish that he doesn't know what to do with.
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rutadales · 14 days
certified koolishhead here to tell u they moved into a new house in NC in march. foolish has since been back and forth to LA with the roomies several times and karl is a bit of a rarity on stream these days anyways so not too many moments but foolish still mentions ending stream to hang out with him sometimes. also today foolish jokingly referred to their hangout as a “playdate” and i think there’s probably a kink joke in there somewhere so koolish gay sex alive and well in my book o7
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thw first time I've truly been free to use this screenshot. grazie mille Moss ti amo
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pomellon · 1 year
Let me talk about Punznap in the centaur au :D
When Punz arrives at the farm Sam becomes his caretaker, most because it was Sam's idea to rescue the centaur so Dream put him in charge to nurse Punz back to health. 
Sapnap doesn't have much to do with Punz until a couple of weeks in when Sam grows concerned that the centaur still can't stand up. The werecat eventually figures something might be wrong with Punz's hooves, so he turns to Sapnap for help since he's the only other creature with hooves on the farm.
Punz and Sapnap click almost instantly because of two reasons:
The first being that they're both naturally empathic creatures. Sapnap is an empath demon, he feeds on other creatures' emotions, which makes him very sensitive to what the people around him are feeling and experiencing. Meanwhile centaurs are able to sense and read emotions of creatures through physical touch, as well as push their emotions through others to communicate, mostly with animals.
The humans who captured Punz were quick to shut this communication down and punish the centaurs for it, believing it to be a kind of mind control. Because of this Punz has not tried to communicate with Sam or anyone else on the farm in this way, but the moment Sapnap touches Punz, getting ready to help trim his hooves, a connection is formed.
The second thing that brought them together is that they both have someone they miss dearly. Punz's someone of course being Foolish, who he believes he will never see again, Sapnap's being his boyfriend Karl who's been missing for a while before Punz arrived.
They're both startled at this, but don't immediately look further into it, Punz still being distrusting of most people around him and Sapnap not wanting to push his boundaries. Sapnap is curious though so keeps visiting Punz to explore their connection. This eventually leads to Sapnap being the one who can communicate with Punz the best, since Punz still doesn't know their language fluently. Thanks to being able to feel each other's emotional range and reactions they're able to slowly understand each other, which helps Punz learn the language better, and the two spend more and more time together.
Sapnap struggles a lot with his friends trying to help and comfort him, pitying him the longer Karl is missing, but Punz doesn't know his history. He knows Sapnap is missing and longing for someone, but he doesn't pressure him about it unless Sapnap brings it up himself. Likewise Sapnap knows Punz isn't just missing someone, but a whole life he was ripped away from, and just like Punz he doesn't pressure him about it unless Punz feels the need to talk about it. They relate to each other and become each other's comfort.
Both of them struggle to sleep without their partners, and while Sapnap can easily sleep in Dream's or George's bed he doesn't want to worry them, so he sneaks out to sleep with Punz instead. Punz never questions him, just lets him cuddle close and enjoy the company. 
They quickly become best friends and sparring partners as Punz heals, bickering and bantering a lot, but know exactly how far they can push each other without going too far. They have full trust and a growing love for each other, one that don't break in the slightest when they're reunited with Foolish and Karl, who has grown a tight bond of their own <3
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pomellon · 1 year
What’s the koolish height difference like in the dragon au? :3
I want to imagine that they were originally the same height but after Karl’s crystallization he can use Foolish’s toe beans as a mattress or something XD
They were really close to the same height originally, foolish just being a teeny bit taller :D
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But yeah if we count Foolish's leviathan size it's closer to this XD
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I should mentioned that Foolish don't look the same when he takes his true size btw! He would definitely look older and more worn out if that makes sense, big and longer scales, spins, fins and horn!
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