#mennism?? how do they even spell this shit?
tesla1026 · 7 years
Surprisingly there are a bunch of guys pissed that there are women only showings of Wonder Woman
I'm sure they are just terribly upset and disappointed over this so I suggest the following to make it up to them. We need to have a men only showing of the new movie that I'm kickstarting called "Mennisim and You". It'll have all sorts of top billers listed on the marquee and I promise you it'll be right up some sort of alley. We'll promote it the forums on sites like 4chan, advanced auto parts, and whatever pick up artist site is hip these days. We'll take over the concession stands and offer a free Wendy's double baconator with every ticket sold. The popcorn will have beard hair, just like nature intended and we'll have a beer fountain of bud, not bud lite. Once everyone has their complimentary burgers and beer and are pleasantly seated we dim the lights and start the show. Even the previews have been curated for their viewing pleasure including gems like Rocky 12-1/2, Hot Tub Time Machine 3: Naked in Time, and the directors cut of a random Adam Sandler movie. Then we roll the opening credits which is a montage of white men talking about the day to day oppression they face in modern American Society. My favorite clip in this montage is a 40 year old man holding his face in his hands, presumably holding back tears, whispering "rompers for men???" At this point they should be emotionally connected to the story about to unfold. This is when we barricade the exits, turn the lights on for about 5 minutes so they can panic, then turn to the rest of the film which is basically 7+ hours of a diverse cast made up of historians, anthropologists, and sociologists explaining the evolution of the patriarchal society and the struggle of women through the ages. Special attention will be given to stories and experiences of women of color, queer woman, disabled women, women in poverty, and a bonus section called "no means no, you fuck head," will round out the main film. After "Mennism and You" has finished we end the evening with a marathon of Xena Warrior princess. Partially because they need to see more examples of strong female leads in tv, but also because I love Xena.
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