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y como olvidar cuando Menem apareció en Jimmy Neutron
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Ahí va el Capitán Beto
El mono Juan se preparó para este momento desde su mas tierna infancia en la selva misionera. De gurí tuvo sueños persistentes que salía despedido de la Tierra en una nave impulsada por fuego pero como era un mono no se lo dijo a naides El tiempo pasó hasta que un día llegó al corazón de la selva una expedición de viejos científicos embarcados en viajes espaciales para seleccionar al futuro…
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Ínfulas de dictadura
Un asesinato en Córdoba muestra mano de obra de la dictadura genocida actuando, al tiempo que referentes del gobierno quieren dar impunidad a genocidas. Diputados de la dictadura Señas de dictadura Imagen: El Tribuno de Tucumán.
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Javi inauguró el busto de Menem y dijo que fue el mejor presidente de la historia. Por ley, ahora toca el de Cristina. Alejandro Borensztein Humor político Antes que nada, vaya un pedido para todos los periodistas y medios que insisten en denunciar al mafioso del tabaco y a los empresarios prebendarios de Tierra del Fuego. A ver si nos entendemos de una buena vez: los curros del tabaco y de…

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Informe Político: Análisis Comparativo de Estilos Políticos de Carlos Menem y Javier Milei
Abstract Este informe político examina detenidamente los estilos políticos y comunicativos de dos figuras destacadas en la política argentina: Carlos Menem y Javier Milei. A través de un análisis académico y riguroso, se desglosa la ascensión de Carlos Menem en la década de 1980 y su impacto en el peronismo. Además, se compara su estilo político con el de Javier Milei, un político contemporáneo…
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Tengo que escupir en algun lado para despejar la cabeza
Algunas cosas que dejo como disparadores para algun otro momento o para nunca, para no tenerlas flotando en la cabeza
y/o recordarlas como delirio.
Mi quiebre no fue el encierro de la pandemia, mi quiebre por alguna extrania razon fue sentir, tener la intuicion de tener chatbots que
nos van a sobropasar en el paso del tiempo. Al encierro estoy acostumbrado.
Entender que hay una realidad material, el metadiscurso de su pensamiento, lisa y llanamente lo entiendo como pensamientos que invaden mi cabeza,
no es algo que pueda controlar, es estar horas haciendo nada y pensando en todo, a esta altura del partido, ya no se si es un tema de internet, identidad o lo que corno sea.
Ese metadiscurso, es para mi la realizacion de lo alienado que estoy y separado de la realidad material concreta, por ahora no encuentro mejor definicion.
El pensamiento desde un punto de vista productivo esta cada vez mas destruyendose desde esa auto realizacion dentro de la alienacion.
Prefiero descargar esto, para no seguir almacenandolo en la memoria a corto plazo.
Cada vez entran menos cosas
Soy la carne que normalizo la miseria de fines de los 90.
En esa burbuja de promiscuidad, violencia, y encierro habitar es un hecho anarquico.
En el fondo seguro somos varios hacinados por la basura de los 90.
No hay politicas de izquierda, y derecha, sino identitarias que son transversales a todos los espacios.
El feminismo, y el movimiento LGBTQ+ hicieron mas por la politica que todas las instituciones que venimos arrastrando.
La biopolitica es la autorealizacion de la mierda que nos toco por ser parte de este circo
Todos somos experimentos sociales, sintomas del tejido social cristalizados a traves de la identidad.
La locura es una ruptura de ese tejido, la realizacion del absurdo, el cerebro no queriendo ser mas mutilado en
comportamientos arbitrarios.
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My advisor preferring wine with his pizza 🤝 me preferring a capuccino with mine
People staring at either of us in disgust and disbelief (apparently pizza and beer are an indissoluble marriage (?))
#meanwhile somewhere in the shadows sits Carlos Saúl Menem having pizza with champagne#if you know you know#silly hours
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todo el mundo sabe del tropo de que no hay negros en argentina pero el otro día vi a uno decir que en argentina no hay musulmanes TUVIMOS UN PRESIDENTE SIRIO
#que si menem no era musulman... porque se volvio catolico para entrar en politica#y tuvo lazos con musulmanes toda la vida
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How did toy production work in Argentina before the 90s? Would love to read the cool things you've found!
I didn't find out anything really deep or complex lol but i was always curious about the way Strawberry Shortcake gets localized in Latin America- she's known as Frutillita in some countries which i always found odd because strawberries are only called frutillas in argentina, uruguay and maybe some other bordering countries. Latin American translations are usually made in a "neutral" spanish more influenced by México and northern latin american countries, so having a foreign cartoon character named like the local word for strawberry was weird.
But whatever the point is i found out before the 90s the way foreign toy lines worked here is that Argentinian toy manufacturers bought the rights to produce toys for a certain franchise and then made their own products independently from the og ones, so Argentina had its very own My Little Pony or Strawberry Shortcake lines with their own original characters and concepts and products. thus Frutillita, argentinian strawberry shortcake.
This is nothing new or particularily exciting, a lot of countries still do this (especially big producers like Japan) but as a child of post-2001 Argentina (Whole economic crisis around free-market reforms and national companies being sold to the 1st world. You know how it is) this was all very insane to me. Like if you wanna buy a Licensed doll or toy in here that shit's gonna be 1. imported and therefore 2. in dollar prices which means that e.g. a basic monster high doll costs like half of my salary
On an entirely superficial level i'm mad we aren't getting cheaper, nationally-made, localized monster high lines with our own original argentinian monster high characters. But there's also the whole political and economical angle to it. It's kinda unexplainable to someone in the 1st world but it makes me sad thinking about the industries we lost... obviously there's still dolls and toys being produced and made in Argentina but there was so much more before the 90s (You Know) it's so sad looking back at it. Not only talking about toys obviously
This is less about toy production in particular and more about national industry in general but it was all fueled by me wanting a monster high doll really really bad. but you know how it is
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Something worth noting is that the constitutions of many Latin American countries were based in the US constitution, which was at the time seen as an example of a liberal republic. So yes, indeed, Argentina once had an electoral college for example.
And indeed that electoral college and restrictive voting laws (the República Conservadora of 1853-1916~) was used to suppress popular will (something like 1% of the population could vote). After the reforms by the UCR, universal male suffrage was achieved, the electoral college always voted proportionally to the popular vote (unlike the US where it's a winner takes all system), though afterwards there was decades of coups so there weren't many elections. Woman suffrage came with Perón and Evita, as well as the 1949 constitution that enshrined worker's and social rights (later repealed by the military dictatorship, though worker's rights are still guaranteed explicitly by the current constitution)
It was with the 1994 constitution when we finally stopped that stupid system and went directly with the popular vote. In any case, as I said, the electoral college voted proportionally to the popular vote so it was more redudant than anything. (I understand, though my knowledge there is limited, that Brazil and other countries had a similar history)
This all happened because like most constitutions, the Argentine constitution has been reformed multiple times. It started mostly as a copy of the US constitution which was a model at the time, but situations changed. Worker's rights, women's right, indigenous rights, environmental rights, changes to the procedure of state, the defense against our history of coups. Many things changed (and indeed the constitution and I argue the whole political system is overdue for a change) and they did by long popular struggle.
The United States remains the only country in the world with an electoral college. Many archaic and unequal things like the all powerful supreme court or the strange voting system in the United States simply aren't found in other such democracies because they changed. It's strange to pretend the United States is a paramount of democracy because their own model of democracy is actually very obsolete, and in fact doesn't even approach the ongoing developments in popular sovereignity in countries like China (which I don't have time to write about but they're very interesting) or indeed, other "average" democracies in Latin America, Africa, Europe, and the rest of the world. And yet democracies in general are having a hard time in responding to the needs of the people (which is natural given the state of class conflict) and there are some that are particularily ossified and not a model for anyone, such as the US and the UK. If you attempt to study or measure "democracy" by their standards, you're doomed to failure.
In the coming decades new ways of concieving the state and the "res publica" will emerge. From an outsider's perspective, the liberal capitalist model of the United States is hopelessly outdated and those who cling to it (like our own Milei) are walking fossils. There is a future for democracy but it will be very different from what we know.
#cosas mias#la verdad no puedo creer que tuvimos un sistema tan boludo y que le tenemos que agradecer a Menem que no está más#pero bueno así es
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Ya empezamos. Ayer a un compañero de laburo de mis viejos le quisieron dar una trompada adentro del laburo por llevar puesta ropa con el logo de la entidad pública para la que trabaja y diciéndole que es un planero etc
#Era un random de la calle para ser claro. Por suerte no es que a un compañero de laburo le dieron ganas de repartir piñas#Literal es Menem 2 esto!! Lo primero que se hizo pra justificar los recortes al trabajador estatal fue decir que ganan demasiada guita!!#Español#Argentag
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ya voté y me afane para mi carpeta de recortes
#HABIA 20 PARTIDOS DIOS MIO#siguiendo la tradición de mi papá que tiene boletas de MENEM y mas viejas aún#es lindo ver como evoluciona el pais rn base a las boletas de elecciones#.txt
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Diputados de la dictadura
Diputados de Milei visitaron a genocidas presos en una estrategia de los libertarios para darles impunidad a cambio de la plata que le aportaron en las elecciones. En el Congreso hablan de reuniones y de chats compartidos Visita a Astiz: diputados recibieron asesoramiento de abogados de genocidas Un letrado que interviene en las causas de lesa humanidad reconoció que mantuvo, al menos, una…
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Milei, o el regalo de Argentina para la mafia criminal del “Socialismo del Siglo XXI”
Javier Milei -Imagen archivo No están las clases medias de América Latina que por lo general son las que nutren las filas de partidos, organizaciones y movimientos políticos democráticos, habituadas a tropezarse con líderes furibundos como este que el domingo se impuso con un 32 por ciento en la intención de voto para alzarse con la presidencia de la República Argentina. Hablamos de Javier…

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#52 años#“Socialismo del Siglo XXI”#Chavez#Javier Milei#La Columna de Manuel Malaver#liberalismo#Los Kirchner#Menem#Perón#Politico "outsider"
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I love that instead of look up why Zephrah is Ojai (idk where ojai even is) i star making headcanons about bells hells being Argentinos
#critical role#critical role spoilers#cr spoilers#cr liveblog#aguante nacionalizar tu fandom#soy lo contrario a menem (?
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