#memory unlocked: you hate samuel hayden
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nejackdaw · 3 months ago
Coming right back at ya for the ask game 👀
How about 🪐(name 3 good things going on rn), 📚 (last thing in your notes app), and 🍦(three good things about a character you hate - I love asking this one whoopsies)
💞💞💞🌹🌹🌹 ty!!!! This got long so I'm adding a cut lol
Hmmm, three good things. Well, I'm almost done with The Color of Revenge, which is a recently (in English) released followup to the Inkheart trilogy!!!! My parents gave me the set back when I was, like, SEVEN (it was written for an older audience, but I was at a high school reading level so most of my books were) and Inkspell and Inkdeath were INCREDIBLY formative to me. I'm 23 and it's still my favorite book series. I reread it last Nov/Dec and I have been WAITING for TCOR to be translated to English. I'm almost done with it! I've never read it before but it still feels like coming home :) I've also started watching Vox Machina (the show, not the campaign version) and ouagh. Forgot Taliesin never misses with the characters. Idr the last time I wanted to binge a show but I watched all of S1 in like three days. AND as a third thing I've made a ton of progress on the baton display!!! For someone who wasn't a crafts guy beforehand I've been loving the whole ordeal
Last thing in my notes app 🤔 it's either some half incomprehensible reminder or like. A wip idea lemme go check hang on. APSNOANSOANS OKAY SO ACTUALLY IT WAS A THOUGHT I HAD THAT I WANTED TO SHARE WITH MY ROOMIE BUT THEY SAID THEY WANNA WATCH VM TOO SO I CAN'T SPOIL PERCY'S BACKSTORY TO MAKE THE OBSERVATION. IT'S KINDA KILLING ME CAUSE IT'S A GOOD ONE. (Head in my hands) They gotta watch VM bro I gotta tell them
Three good things about a character I hate 🤔 okay NEVERMIND I had an ENTIRE response drafted about "idk if I even hate any characters" but
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Okay so obviously I lost the plot a little editing the meme I kinda forgot what I was making it for it's FINE. I haven't played Doom in forever man. Fucking. Hayden. Don't even ask me about his lore from Doom Eternal the only thing I remember from watching Jack play it is that I fucking Pavloved myself and now whenever I eat pizza rolls I wanna watch Doom. Three good things about Hayden, who I barely remember aside from the fact he's a little bastard 🤔 mad scientist is one of my favorite genres of guy, so like. He's got me there. There's so much wrong with him I want to study him. I want to shrink him and shake him violently in a jar. Iirc him and his research are the ENTIRE reason the game happened. Like I think it's touched on more in the sequel but I watched Jacksepticeye play it in I think the Covid year so like. Idr. Like what the hell, man. Kinda obsessed with the way he stands by his work and his research. He's surrounded by blood and corpses and humanity itself is at risk of being wiped out and he's like "okay, but hear me out--"
A second thing would have to be the like. Man idek how to describe the weird fucking relationship he has with the Doom Guy in 2016. Basically you're a rat in his maze and he's doing simultaneously beneficial to you + iirc bad for you beneficial to him experiments (argent energy suit upgrades) but ALSO you have to do what he fucking wants for the most part, and your interests are BARELY aligned. Like you guys want the same person dead is about where it starts and ends. I just. I'm fucking chewing on it. I spent the entire office visit cutscene thing judging his office decor and trying to shoot him (I could not fire the gun.)
The third thing would have to be the actual fact that I dislike him so bad. Usually I might not like a character, but like. The fucking "YOU" reaction I immediately had when I remembered he exists isn't something I get for any other ones. Like I took his little self serving bastardism PERSONALLY. ESPECIALLY at the end of the game. I literally watched Jack play Eternal because I wanted to know if we got to kill Hayden. Like. Points for getting me to feel so strongly negative about him. I wish he was still flesh and blood so I could wrap my hands around his neck and squeeze ya know. Fucking Griffin style
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haydenmarin · 5 years ago
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( samuel larsen | cismale | he/him ) ——— well well, if it isn’t hayden marin coming out of apartment 5.1. i always think of the sweet smell of nicotine clinging to worn leather, the vibration of bass through your rib cage, and the bittersweet freedom of giving up when i see them, don’t you? anyway - i heard the twenty five year old moved out to new york seven years ago to go to school and become a baseball player. that must’ve gone nowhere because they now work as a club owner; maybe that’s because they’ve a tendency to be calculating, libertine and sarcastic. i guess they could’ve been someone… — [ pepper | 23 | est | she/her ]
heyo all, i’m pepper, twenty three, she/her pronouns, and i’m always late dfkjdfkj as you can see, like i literally had everything prepared beforehand i don’t know how i’m still late... honestly rip. a bit about me i guess, i am still waiting for fergie to come back from her hiatus (because no song goes as hard as fergalicious, that’s a fact), i still don’t really understand what tiktok is and i’m okay with that, i’m  addicted to pinterest and atm i’m really craving some fries. okey doke, now that that’s over with i’m super excited to PROPERLY introduce you to my trash son hayden!  here are some stats on him, here is his pinterest board, and here is his playlist! down below is hayden’s bio which is hella long sdkjdskj i’m so sorry i wrote up a short form but i liked his full bio better. if you read absolutely ANY of it i love you okay.
Hayden was born and raised in Santa Barbara, California where he happily spent most of his childhood by the beach. He was raised solely by his mother, Rosie Marin, who did her very best to bring him up on her own despite his father’s purposeful lack of involvement. Rosie owned a small local bakery (aptly named Rosie’s) that she and Hayden lived above. Hayden’s childhood was peppered with memories of waking up to the scent of fresh bread, pushing up onto his tiptoes to ice cupcakes, and of course, always being the most popular kid in his classes because his mom brought the best snacks. Hayden and his mother had just nearly enough to get by most of the time, but Hayden grew up very loved and very happy. His mother made sure of that at the very least.
Unfortunately, Rosie was diagnosed with lung cancer when Hayden was just ten years old. She fought hard against the disease for two hard years before she unfortunately passed away when Hayden was twelve. In all honesty, Hayden has never really quite gotten over his mother’s death. At the time his mother was quite literally all he had. He never knew his overly religious grandparents (who disowned Rosie for having a child out of wedlock) and he had no aunts or uncles that he knew of. All he really grew up with was his mother, and watching her die for two years was incredibly hard for him, and after her death he felt that for the first time in his life he was truly alone.
To everyone’s surprise, but especially Hayden’s, after his mother’s death his father got into contact with him through his godmother who Hayden was staying with at the time. Shockingly enough despite his total absence for majority of Hayden’s life, Hayden’s father wanted to take Hayden in. Hayden was very much against it, considering he had never met his father and was reasonably rather upset with him for abandoning both him and his mother. However, Hayden’s godmother thought that living with his father would be best for him, not only considering that it may be Hayden’s last chance to have a relationship with a parent but also because Hayden’s father, Raphael, was very well off. So despite his (very vocal) protests Hayden was then sent to live with his father, which quickly became a very sour arrangement.
It became very clear very quickly that Hayden’s father wanted nothing to do with him. He spoke to Hayden only when necessary, seemed to forget his son was there most of the time, and left on business trips near constantly. Eventually Hayden learnt (through some rather sneaky eavesdropping) that the only reason his father had taken him in in the first place was to please Hayden’s stepmother. Apparently, Cheryl, or ‘Cherry’ as she insisted everyone call her, was practically begging Raphael for a baby, and seeing as Raphael had very little time or desire for having a child he decided that having a twelve year old around was better than an infant. Hayden was hurt to learn the truth about his father’s desire to take him in, and even attempted to run away in a fit of anger. But he was very quickly found by some of his father’s security and brought back to his father’s expansive home before he could get very far, and every attempt following the first resulted in much of the same thing.
Eventually Hayden gave up on running away. His father was rarely home long enough for Hayden to demonstrate how much he loathed him anyways, and within the walls of his father’s home Hayden was at least clothed and fed. He resented his father and longed to run away back to his godmother’s home but unfortunately his father’s home was a long way away from Santa Monica.
So Hayden started to build a life for himself where he was, and that life started with school. Even without being the kid in school who’s mom brought the best snacks, Hayden was still quite popular in school, and for the most part that was due to baseball. Hayden had always played baseball, ever since he was young and his mother used to bring plates full of orange slices to his peewee games (the Marins had always been a baseball family. Screw football or hockey, if it wasn’t on a baseball diamond they didn’t care about it). Hayden also had the good fortune of actually being very talented. So when Hayden tried out for catcher on his high school team he got the position very easily, and was even bumped up to first string to boot. Although some of the upper year students weren’t particularly happy about a freshman making first string, a lot of the colleges were. Hayden’s talent was noticed and sought after from the time he was about halfway through his sophomore year, and his near prodigy level skill was even featured in some local sports magazines and the local newspaper. Despite knowing that the magazines likely wouldn’t have cared about Hayden’s skill if he wasn’t going to one of the most well known private schools in the state, Hayden’s ego still inflated a bit at the recognition.
For a few years that’s all Hayden’s life was. Playing baseball, hanging out and partying with friends, and occasionally having to deal with his father and stepmother when the situation called for it. It wasn’t the best life, and Hayden wasn’t exactly happy but it was all Hayden really had, so he did his best to make do with it. In all honesty at that point the thing that made Hayden happiest was his team. While Hayden’s home life was broken, his team helped him find the community he craved. Playing baseball and being part of a team made Hayden feel that he belonged somewhere, like he was wanted somewhere, and Hayden clung to that sensation gratefully.
But when Hayden was about halfway through his junior year things rapidly went downhill. You have to be a level 10 friend to unlock what happened there because I honestly don’t think Hayden has talked about it since the night it happened, but basically all you need to know is that a series of events happened one night that led to Hayden basically being thrown out of his home that very same night and disowned, full stop. 
Hayden’s only saving grace was that his father was too proud to let his son live on the streets. Raphael set Hayden up with his own apartment near his school, and paid for Hayden’s rent and expenses. However, he did so without communicating with Hayden even once, and it was very clear that Hayden had essentially been disowned. When Hayden was eighteen the money stopped, and Hayden moved out of the apartment. Hayden and Raphael haven’t really talked since.
Hayden got into university on a full baseball scholarship, despite all the chaos. He leaned heavily on his chosen family, his baseball team, throughout that difficult interim between being kicked out and graduating, and during that time he threw himself into baseball with such vigor and intensity that he impressed more than a few of the scouts circling around him. He ended up choosing NYU because it was the school that was the farthest away, and although Hayden didn’t want to be far from his hometown and his mother’s grave, he did want a fresh start away from his father and Cherry.
Hayden university experience was unremarkable but very significant to him. In fact, the fact that it was mostly unremarkable is what made it so special to him. For the most part, Hayden was pretty close to completely happy. He became captain of the baseball team his second year, made lifelong friends in his team and his frat, and eventually achieved his ultimate goal, getting recruited onto a professional baseball team in his junior year. Hayden graduated early with a degree in business, proud of his accomplishments, and finally feeling as if he was breaking through a barrier of tragedy through his life. He was finally approaching his happy ending.
But of course it didn’t last. Hayden played for the New York Yankees for almost two years, (and was damn good at it too) before he injured his shoulder in a game. The injury was serious enough that his future in baseball seemed to just sudden became nonexistent. In a moment, a split second really, all of Hayden’s dreams that he had just barely reached suddenly crumbled in his hands. Disappeared into fucking nothing. It was like god had it out for him. Hayden didn’t take it well.
After the doctor’s final diagnosis (a solemn gaze behind wire rimmed glasses, a fucking clipboard that Hayden wasn’t allowed to see, stainless steel, the smell of death, god Hayden fucking hated hospitals), Hayden stayed in New York because even if he wasn’t living out his dream, well he had nowhere else to go. He went on a bit of a bender though. Drinking, partying, drugs, girls, guys – you name it, Hayden indulged in all of his vices in an attempt to find comfort. Some friends he made through the years tried to get into touch with him (and some very notably didn’t) but Hayden never really did much more than go through the motions with any of it. ‘I’m fine’ quickly became an automated response, one he didn’t even have to think about, one he would give whether drunk or high or completely and utterly lost– Because he was. He was fine. Anyone who thought differently could get fucked.
Hayden bought the club on a whim. His time in the league meant he had more than a bit of money saved, and since the place was for sale and Hayden liked to party, he figured it was a no brainer. He’s owned the place for almost three years now, and it’s actually been surprisingly successful. Hayden’s status of ‘former baseball player’ was enough notoriety to get people to show up, and the fact that the place was actually more than decent kept them coming. Hayden treats the club like more of a hobby than an actual business, too busy with his extracurricular activities to have more than a passing interest in it but… it’s fun. And well. It’s not like he has anything else to do.
Hayden also moved into 5.1 on a whim just over three years ago, mostly to make sure there were people around him in case he happened to drop dead one day yk, a precaution. He lived by himself for a while before that while he was in the league and after his injury but honestly Hayden is a big extrovert, he hates being alone, and living by himself in the huge ass loft he used to own just made him feel more lonely. So he responded to the first ‘roommate wanted’ ad he could find and now here he is. He honestly has enough money that he doesn’t need to be there, but he likes the company so he’s sticking around. 
Hayden, is as the kids say… a fuckboi, probably
He is very loyal, like he cares a lot about his own but anyone outside of his circle he’s kind of indifferent to. Like he’s friendly, and almost pleasant but like… he does not really care about them yk, there’s a distinct lack of like sincerity in the way he treats his friends vs randos (or even ‘friends’)
Morally grey to the max
A very good liar, who lies often. Can be very manipulative but he doesn’t have a reason to be lately, so he mostly just manipulates business partners.
LOVES messing with people. It’s like crack to him
Very sarcastic
Will sleep with anyone he’s attracted to tbh. Bisexual, and very comfortable with it by now. Used to be kind of iffy with it when he was playing professionally, but now that he’s got no chance of ever being a pro again and the paps have pretty much left him alone he gives no fucks.
Actually pretty clever, hence the whole actually being able to own a successful business thing.
Might bake for the roommates of 5.1 if they’re nice to him and he’s actually really freaking good at it like he learned from his mom, and honestly baking highkey reminds him of her so he doesn’t do it too often. 
Lowkey his dream is to go back to santa barbara and run his mom’s bakery (his dad sold the place but hayden bought it back as soon as he had the money) but since he kind of considers himself a failure and disappointment to his mom at this point his bitch ass doesn’t think he deserves to yet, so he’s staying in new york for a while. 
Hates hospitals with a passion. Would rather die than go to one willingly. When Hayden is sick he just voluntarily suffers. 
Oh, and Hayden’s club is named Omnia and friends get in for free so feel free to hit him up for a good time.
i would love a bromance for hayden honestly that would be fun 
a godsibling! hayden used to be v close to his godmother so this could be fun too
someone who he has a bad influence on? someone who’s a good influence on him? 
one night stand! maybe they didn’t even realize they were going to be living in the same apartment complex at first but then they found out and it was like oh shit 
fwbs or ewbs
a secret fling could be a fun thing to play out!
a hateship. like they bicker all the time and they really wanna wring each other’s necks, just give me some good old fashion animosity.
someone who frequents his club maybe, perhaps he’s always kicking them out or perhaps they’re always partying together.
maybe an ex that he was dating during his time playing professionally (can be f/m/nb) that Hayden ended things with when he got his injury and moved to New York? Fun drama. 
Some friends from college would be cool too if anyone went to NYU.
omg that reminds me i have a headcannon that Hayden dated the first and only person he ever loved in college and they broke his fucking heart so if anyone wants to play that out and dive head first into some angst with me then lemme know. 
dolly = little sister he never wanted / soft spot 
kitty = work wife / flirtationship / friend from college
jac = ex fwb / ride or die 
art = bad influence / haaaave you met ted? 
juliette = good influence / in house nurse 
chris = bromance / friend from cali 
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