#memorable scenes
poetzproblem · 1 year
Poetz, I'm going to adjust your game a bit that'll probably make you embarrassed and uncomfortable. I'm doing most memorable sex scene. And you have many great ones to choose from but I'm going with 'I Can Put on a Show'. You have the high school animosity paired with the maturity for them to act on it. Even though you do it from Quinn's POV, I've always imagined all the emotions Rachel is processing. Love the idea of her getting the epiphany, "Damn, she was so hot in that uniform."
It only makes me a little embarrassed since I never think my sex scenes are all that good. But that one was definitely fun to explore exactly because I got to revisit some of their high school dynamics in a happier, safer environment for them. I think it was probably very cathartic for both of them to let that play out the way they did.
And yeah, Rachel definitely had that epiphany.
Also, just for you, have a moment from Rachel's pov:
The moment Quinn disappears into the Berry’s spare room, Rachel rushes into her own bedroom, anticipation bubbling low in her belly as she throws open the door to her closet and hastily shuffles through the perfectly preserved remnants of her questionable teenage fashion choices. She’d seen the way her girlfriend’s eyes had glazed over when she’d spotted Rachel’s old skirts yesterday. That along with the knowledge that Quinn had been secretly fighting an attraction to her back then had inspired so many possibilities on ways to revisit those memories in healthier ways. 
There’s no question in Rachel’s mind of which skirt she intends to don for this little activity of theirs. She quickly grabs the yellow and black plaid that had been one of her favorites back in freshman year—the same one Quinn’s attention had lingered on yesterday—and a matching soft yellow sweater that thankfully hadn’t been thrown out. There’s a brief moment of regret that it doesn’t have a bumblebee sewn into the front, just to give Quinn the full Rachel Berry Experience, but this will just have to suffice. 
Tossing the clothes onto her bed, she rummages through her dresser drawers in search of any appropriate accessories to the ensemble. She squeals in triumph when she not only finds a yellow headband but a pair of yellow and black argyle socks.  “Perfect,” she mutters to herself, throwing them onto her mattress next to her outfit before eagerly stripping out of her current clothes. She pauses for a moment at her underwear, considering, before she decides to strip them off as well. She has a feeling Quinn will appreciate the easy access and she knows she certainly will. A heavy spike of arousal zings through her, and that’s without even thinking of Quinn in her uniform. 
She’s not completely disconnected from the less fond memories of that uniform. She has a complicated relationship with the red, white and black of their alma mater for numerous reasons, not all of them related specifically to Quinn. But when Quinn had mentioned that her mother still had her old uniform—well, the rush of heat that had overtaken her at the image of Quinn in that skirt had not been the least bit unpleasant. 
Rachel tosses her discarded clothes onto the closet floor, unconcerned with neatness for the moment, and grabs a pair of Mary Janes before she closes the door again. She reaches for her skirt first, tugging it up over her hips, relieved when the zipper closes without incident. (Her workout regime really has paid off in the best of ways.) She pulls the sweater over her head, and although it seems a little more snug around her breasts than she recalls, it still fits comfortably enough. The socks and shoes come next, and after quickly brushing her hair, she slips the headband into place, eyeing her reflection in the full length mirror. 
Okay, the Catholic school girl thing that Santana occasionally teases her about is not entirely undeserved. “Were these skirts always this short?” she wonders out loud, unsuccessfully attempting to tug the material down another inch. While she suspects her breasts have actually gotten fuller since she was fifteen, she knows she hasn’t gotten any taller. Laughing, Rachel shakes her head. “No wonder Quinn was so enamored with this look.” It makes her legs and ass look fantastic. All in all, Rachel is very pleased with the effect.  
The sharp knock at her door tells Rachel that the object of her musings has arrived, and her heart begins to race with excitement. She can’t wait for Quinn to see her. She can’t wait to see Quinn.  A second impatient knock sounds at the door. 
"Open up, Berry. What did I say about keeping me waiting?"
Rachel rolls her eyes at her girlfriend’s impatience, but she can’t deny that the commanding note in her voice is doing things for her. Just the thought of Quinn barking out orders in that uniform—
She shivers visibly before she draws in a calming breath and wills herself to get into character. Setting her face into a serious expression, she opens the door. "Really, Quinn? It would behoove you to practice your patience as well as your scales."
The words are out before Rachel has a chance to fully take in the vision before her, but when she does, her mouth goes instantly dry while parts further south do the exact opposite. She’d somehow forgotten just how that uniform had looked on Quinn up close and in person. The sleeveless top shows off her wide shoulders and strong arms. One hand is propped on her hip in a familiar pose, and the position stretches the fabric tight across her breasts. Was the top always that tight? Quinn’s enticing curves are obvious even under the WHMS insignia, and Rachel can immediately tell that her girlfriend isn’t wearing a bra. Her fingers itch to go exploring despite the rough polyester fabric. Her gaze dips even lower to the short red skirt that clings to Quinn’s hips. The pleats do almost nothing to hide the entire length of Quinn’s smooth, muscled legs from her view.  
Rachel’s fingers tighten around the doorknob as she struggles not to simply throw herself at Quinn and kiss her breathless. There’d been a small worry niggling at the back of her mind that the vision of Quinn in this uniform would bring back enough bad memories to dull the attraction she feels, but apparently that’s not an issue at all. (In fact, she’s suddenly worryingly aware that the remembered meanness might actually add to the overall appeal of the fantasy, but she’s not willing to unpack any of the potential psychological implications of that at the moment.)   
"I…I like your sweater," Quinn stutters out, endearingly awkward for just a moment—enough to remind Rachel that this isn’t the same scared, defensive girl who’d worn this uniform in high school. 
The words are achingly familiar, and Rachel’s heart takes flight at the memory of their very first meeting.  She smiles when she realizes that Quinn is clearly appreciating everything she’s seeing as much as Rachel is. Oh, this is going to be so much fun. 
Lifting a hand to her chest, she slowly drags it down over her breasts and watches hazel eyes follow the motion with delight. "Why, thank you, Quinn. And may I say, you look very,” her hungry gaze drags over her girlfriend again, a dozen adjectives jumping forward in her mind: gorgeous, powerful, sexy, ridiculously hot, but she settles for, “spirited in your uniform." She somehow manages to keep a friendly smile on her face when all she really wants to do is drop down to her knees and find out exactly what’s under those pleats. "Do come in," she invites, opening the door wider and gesturing for Quinn to come inside. 
Her eyes fall helplessly to the enticing sway of Quinn’s hips as she saunters into the room, and her entire body ignites with arousal. Cheerio Quinn Fabray is in her bedroom, and Rachel Berry fully intends to fulfill every single one of her teenage fantasies.
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cevansbrat0007 · 2 years
For this: I have to say the family moments first, specially the funny ones bc they bring me a lot of comfort and hope (sometimes I dream about having a big family too, even if it's this chaotic ksksks). I'm always re-reading that drabble where poor Bibi enters the bedroom when they're doing the dirty (her being mad at Andy is just too much 😭😭😭); the whole "Cookie" saga; the dinner when they ask when they're gonna have boobs; the "daddy, don't be a hero" fic; Katrina coming out to Andy; the fic where all FOUR of them walk in the bathroom when Andy and reader are trying to have some alone time kskksks
But some things couple related too: their first date - love love that one! It's a fic I'm always going back to as their story progresses bc it's like looking back and realizing "fuck, they were meant to be from the beginning. Literally, she could've fled the city but there was no way they could've been apart." You created such an amazing world for them that I can't even imagine them not being together. 💗
I also love the fic where they're having a picnic and encounter that racist prick (the old man). I really loved how you displayed the situation in a very layered manner: like, that man really didn't think he was being a dick while still "praising" them both (veiled racism at its best), his wife didn't agree with him but well, she married him and probably at a young age so there's no way she doesn't know her husband 🤷‍♀️ From all the fics about racism you wrote, this is the one that I liked the most, it's very realistic ♡
I'm sorry it's taken me a couple days to respond to this, but I really appreciate your feedback. I'm so glad that you've fallen in love with Andy and Reader, as well as their little family. While I still have yet to feature RoRo in her own fic (it's coming), I've definitely tried to give each of the Barber kids their own individual personality. Sometimes cute and funny, other times ridiculous. And in KitCat's case (Daddy Lessons), serious.
My goal with Growing Pains has always been to tell the ultimate love story. Which, let's be honest, is a very ambitious endeavor. But I wanted to show just how committed Andy has always been to the Reader - even from their very first date. You're absolutely right in saying that she could have tried to flee the city after Merry-Go-Round Magic, but it wouldn't have worked. Because they were always meant to be together. And our Andrew Barber as we know him will never stop chasing his woman.
He is completely and utterly devoted to her. And she, him.
And as for your thoughts on the racist prick in Cool For The Summer, I really like how you unpacked the layers that I tried to weave in the fabric of that story. I wanted to demonstrate that Andy and Reader figured out how to be a team and fend off the bullshit (in all forms) pretty much from day one.
They're best friends, partners, and lovers. Forever.
Thank you again, my sweet, sweet friend for supporting my Growing Pains Series - as well as Andy and Reader's journey. I sincerely appreciate it. And you!
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sarcastic-salem · 2 years
This movie destroyed me as a child.
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Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey
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roosterbruiser · 1 year
Most memorable scene would definitely be in landslide when it's Bradley's bday and they go back to Virginia yk that whole chapter especially that first night when they're sitting and talking and then the proposal is just WOW
Filly running through the streets with a roman candle bc it's so innocent and pure UGH 😭
I love both of these scenes!
Faye + Bradley are just so mom and dad. they're endgame, they're everything, they're MORE than everything! I particularly enjoyed writing the scene where she has his birthday cake and she's singing to him by herself and telling him to make a wish. makes me a bit misty-eyed to think ab loving someone that much!
and yes, I was really tugging on the heartstrings with that Filly scene! and her dad watching her watch the kids--like she's so young but she's so old. where does the time go?
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loverhymeswith · 2 years
Okay, your most memorable scene, for me, is from a Heller fic, where they're in the hotel room, and Reader's like "Don't look at me like that" (paraphrasing), because she's stitching him up // helping clean his wounds (?) and he doesn't expect her to be so nice after what happened between them. JUST. UUUUUGH 💖💛💖. The way you write Erik lives rent free in my fucking head... Don't get me started, babe 😩
Ahhhhh thank you so much, Rey! 💖💖💖 This was from Don't Give Me That Look. I forgot how much I love this fic and I'm so glad this scene stood out for you! I miss writing for Erik!
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missameliep · 2 years
Dani, my dearest ❤️ I hope you're doing well
So, about the memorable scene of a fic you wrote... Can I mention several? 😁
The first one, hands down, is the entire dialogue of If I Fell. Every now and then I remember the scene of Elizabeth ashamed of her feet and Hamid trying to see it and offering to show his feet. It cracks me up every time 🤣🤣🤣
Part 2 of Under A Different Light is also fantastic. I love the moment when Hamid talks about perfumes. The attraction between them is so tangible, even though nothing actually happens. It's a beautiful work.
Lost In Translation has three scenes that I adore: Hamid asking about curse words in Portuguese and mentioning how much Turkish and Russian have vast options in profanities 😂 and Elizabeth showing Brazilian memes to Hamid. That scene is just wonderful. And they look through her phone gallery, which means a lot in terms of how comfortable she feels around him.
Last but not least, Somewhere In Time. The whole story is beautiful, but the part by the end when Hamid and Elizabeth finally talk and he remembers everything 💕 that scene lives in my mind rent free.
You're super talented, my dear. Thank you so much for dedicating time to write all these beautiful stories and I hope you don't forget that you bring joy (high quality entertainment ofc) to your readers ❤️
Awwww Lori!!! Sua querida!!! Você não imagina como ler sua ask me fez sorrir ❤️❤️❤️
That scene from If I feel is one of my favorites too. It was such a silly idea and the fic was basically written just to fit that dialogue lol
Thank you so much for sending it my way and telling me about your favorites. It means a lot!
Wishing you a great week!
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vampibutch · 2 months
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picking LINT off the SOFA????
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glazedcroissant · 15 days
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I've been reading @post-it-notes7 heart and soul series once again, and I wanted to make some more fanart! As such, doodles:
Read their fic here!
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golswia · 1 year
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peaceful??? FRAGILE-
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arcanegifs · 1 month
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Arcane Gif Requests: anon ↳ ASSCANE LEAGUE OF LEGENDS: Caitlyn's 🍑
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poetzproblem · 1 year
Quinn and Santana talking on the way to faberry wedding in DB and Quinn signing the book for Finn are pretty strong ones for me
Apropos, since the book-signing is the thing that started the series. I had a very clear picture in my mind of Finn standing in that line and Quinn looking up to see him there, this guy that she and Rachel had stupidly fought over in high school, ultimately knowing that she was the one to win it all in the end. (Not that Rachel is a prize to be won, but you know, it's Quinn. She's totally thinking that.)
And oh, the limo scene. That was also so very clear in my mind. We were in the tail end of season 3 and the ridiculous wedding arc and Quinn's accident, and I got the bright idea to write the Faberry wedding around the flashbacks. That was originally intended to be the third and final installment in the series - a trilogy in actual chronological order. That decision obviously didn't stick. But I did love Santana's voice in that scene, the perfect combination of snark and genuine supportive best friend / maid of honor.
Thank you for sharing.
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drew-but-rvb · 1 month
"Heat signatures... In a desert 😑"
(My favorite scene but it's a manga panel)
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sarcastic-salem · 2 years
“The spirit of Christmas is either you’re good or you’re bad and get punished, and burn in Hell.” -The Ref (1994)
I am so glad I decided to watch this. Long story short — a Xmas Eve break in turns into a family therapy session. A dysfunctional family and dark humor. Just be aware that these characters tend be a little rightwing as for some reason they don’t believe in divorce.
Otherwise, definitely worth a watch if you’re looking for a funny, unconventional holiday movie.
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roosterbruiser · 1 year
Most memorable moment in your fic? Don't judge but Jake eating Filly out for the first time in SS
Cos what if I said I had the best orgasm I've ever had reading that chapter 😶
judge you? no way! I commend you! this is such a high compliment to me! and I honestly agree--I think this scene was so much fun to write + it's just so Jake and Filly. it perfect captures their relationship and who they are as people!
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korn-official · 1 month
Jonathan Davis peak acting career
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missameliep · 2 years
For the Fave Scene Tag Game - in Rainy Days esp there are several:
1. The most notable are the parallels between the conversation Liam and Riley have about her being in a secret relationship with him during the Engagement Tour, and the conversation about Riley being in the middle of a political crisis during the Unity Tour. Both times Liam asks if she has regrets and both times she tells him she's had none.
2. Also where they're discussing his own doubts about his ability to rule, and Riley instills confidence in him.
3. Hana figuring out IMMEDIATELY that Riley is pregnant
4. Riley telling Liam there should be some royal decree for a free day that every Cordonian must devote to their spouse 😂😂
5. Liam cradling his daughter in his arms near a Christmas tree!! 🥺🥺
I still have to explore many other fics but Rainy Days itself had so many gems.
Awww @lizzybeth1986 this ask made my day!!! I'm so glad you enjoyed Rainy Days. It was my only attempt in writing for Liam and those scenes you mentioned are some of my favorites too ❤️
The first part is my favorite, I really liked to go there and explore what were his thoughts when he is left to deal with the mess after the bombing and a divided country; and I know PB only comes up with those tours around Cordonia to solve anything but... there was an attack and King Liam would have difficult choices in his hands. I didn't want to linger too much in those issues because that was a secret Santa gift but oh well... Sometimes prompts and inspiration get you to different places... I guess...
Thank you for this lovely feedback, Lizzy! I'm glad you enjoyed it ❤️
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