troublingconcerns · 1 year
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Ahhh that time of year
My art fight btw :-)
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reminiscentbelle · 2 years
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mutluu93 · 7 months
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Hey, Have you entered this competition to win $250,000 MemeFi Giveaway (5,000,000 $MEMF tokens) yet? If you refer friends you get more chances to win :) https://wn.nr/c3K4RSQ
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dvicen3 · 8 months
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iris-sistibly · 7 years
Encantadia what happened to you?
Credits to my bessies who gave me the idea to post this 😘
The many rant-worthy sh*ts of Encantadia 2016-2017:
These are my thoughts on Encantadia 2016-2017 so far and why I seem to be uninterested lately.
The Amihan-centric first season
-This is where all the shits began. Back in 2005, the story revolved around the four sisters who conquered their differences and saved Encantadia against Hagorn’s forces and became the most well-known and well-loved guardians of the four elemental gems. Now I’m not gonna be biased and say that the first season of the original trilogy didn’t have their own fair shares of Amihan-centricness, and it is unavoidable since Amihan was the queen during the first season so a huge chunk of the story revolves around her character. BUT the original book DID NOT FORGET that there are other main characters in the show and they had the chance to tell everyone their story, each of the sang’gres were given the spotlight, they had their own struggles, and showed how they overcame it and grew to become the pillars of Encantadia. That was the very reason why the original sang’gres were loved and recognized equally and became such effective quartet of heroines. The biggest mistake this new version has ever committed was making Amihan the center of the story, and while it’s not bad to give Amihan’s character a lot of scenes since like I said, she was the queen in book one so naturally her character will be involved in so many things that happened in the first book, but they focused on Amihan’s story way too much to the point that it downplayed the other main characters ESPECIALLY Alena who was almost always MIA. It got to a point when I almost forgot that she still exists in the story, and while I know that her character went missing for some time in the original story, gurl it didn't take too long for her to come back. Jusko! Antagal bumalik ni Alena sa version na 'to mga bes! Danaya was way too dependent on Amihan back then instead of Danaya being Amihan’s anchor and shoulder to lean on when she needed it the most, that role was given to Ybrahim when the YbraMihan love team rose to fame, and as much as I love YA, I couldn’t help but feel sorry for Danaya’s character to be downplayed in such a way that she [almost] ended up becoming Amihan’s sidekick. The writers say that there are four main characters in the story, but for me, there was only one. I love Amihan, but Encantadia is not just about her story or the love story of Ybrahim and Amihan.
The inconsistent storyline, The Unforgivable Plot holes and Plot fillers
A. Lira, the so-called savior of Encantadia
-I remember before that Cassiopeia mentioned that Lira will become the savior of Encantadia and will become queen in 2005, Lira wasn’t the typical hero, but what made her “savior” is that she was the one who mended the broken relationship of the sang’gres, she was the one who made the sisters realize that family is more important than anything, she saved Encantadia by saving the sang’gres, she united all of them together (which also paved way for the gems to become one again) and faced their common enemy, Lira became queen but relinquished the throne in exchange for a peaceful life with Anthony in the mortal world. But it was crossed out in this new version, sure Lira became the sisters’ conscience at some point of the story, but her story especially in the first book told the viewers that she was a clumsy little sang’gre, the irony of her character was interesting, and while her lack of understanding in the world of Encantadia was understandable except for those times when she kept getting herself in trouble because of her...carelessness (the original Lira was mischievous, but way smarter). The story in the 2016 version never highlighted how she became Encantadia’s hero. Lira's presence in Pirena and Alena's character redemptions weren't as emphasized in comparison with the original storyline. Pirena redeemed herself after choosing to kill Hagorn and succumbed to Ether’s curse as a consequence in order to save Mira. Alena solely redeemed herself by choosing to let go to heal herself from pain, it was more on the sisters’ choices to redeem themselves and although at some point Lira became their guide, this little heroine focused more on shipping her parents way too much than reaching out to her Ashtis or coming up with “mischievous” ideas to bring the four of them together. There were a handful of scenes but it didn't say much. She seriously could have used her playful character to come up with something to make the sisters realize how much they still love each other despite their dispute. Lira was like, “Ashti, come on team up with your sisters to fight the baddies” instead of making them realize that hatred will give them nothing but pain and suffering, which would have eventually led to Pirena and Alena’s self-realizations, like hello? Alena was alone most of the time and found comfort in Awoo, Lira could have used her persistence to help Alena find her way back to her family. Lira is a very wise kid, she was the eye-opener to everyone, she think and act the way she did because of the many struggles she went through, but in this new version, she turned into a forever fan girl of her mom. She wasn’t even given the chance to step out of Amihan’s shadow. And in the end, it was Amihan and Kahlil who saved Encantadia and brought the evil Hathoria down, in contrast to the sisters fighting together with the Sapirians, mandirigmas, and other encantados who by the way would have joined the battle because of Lira’s efforts (remember in the original series? Lira was the one who convinced the other encantados like the barbaros and adjantaos to join them in the war against Hagorn), Lira’s weapon to save Encantadia was her heart, Lira was the symbol for unity, that was the very reason why I loved her character as much as Amihan’s. In this series, Lira was a hard-core shipper of her parents and DanQuil, she clinged on her mother way too much, and forgot that she had an entire realm to save.
B. Cassiopeia’s incompetence
-This is probably one of the biggest plot holes in the entire show. That episode made the viewers believe that it was an accident, unintentional, blah, blah, blah. No, it was just Cassy’s stupidity. She knows and she’s fully aware that the Etherians are evil, being able to live during their reign, she had her own doubts about Avria’s peace-making act, she knew that Ether has been keeping a close eye on her, and yet she failed to grant protection to the island to prevent intruders from finding them. But what really frustrated me is the fact that she failed to realize that she just spread information to a fake Danaya, the sang’gres have a chance to win against the Kubur, they even would have figured out that monster’s weakness even without her, the youngsters have very limited skill and power, and if she sees them as the next generation who would be the protectors of Encantadia, wouldn’t it be more appropriate for her to save them first?
C. The epic fail adventures of the seven guardians
-An interesting subplot that had so much potential, but was completely WASTED! It was supposed to be their time, their chance to share their journey, but their story was cut short and ended in the most disappointing, nonsensical way for WHAT? Finding a missing goddess and her missing weapon? I mean come on!
D. The promised “character developments” for Lira and Mira
-I hated the fact that they promised character developments for Lira and Mira, then crushed our hopes for these two by killing them off. If the writers and DMR were up to something, I don’t think killing them was necessary, it’s already bad enough that Amihan died in the show. I would have loved to see an angsty side of Lira, how much she changed since her mother's death and maybe Mira missing the best friend and soul sister she knew? I don't fucking know! Just make their story interesting.
Lira's character almost felt like...one-dimensional, I wish they explored [more] of her grieving/hurting side and then through the help of Arianna aka Amihan in another woman's body, she will find healing and become stronger, wiser and more mature sang'gre. Mira on the other hand was quite complex in the first half of the show, I feel sad that she didn't really have a huge role to play in the second half of the show. After Pirena's redemption, and the closure between her and Anthony, I feel like there was nothing left for Mira to tell. Honestly, she was more fit to be the crown princess of Lireo, and Lira is more suited to take over Sapiro.
Moreover, I did not see how Lira and Mira evolve from immature diwanis to being sang’gres, I wanted to see their transformation from being girls to women, I wanted their story to be just as great as the four sang’gres. I don’t know what the hell they're up to, but this season is more older sang’gre-centric than a balance between the stories of the current and future guardians. Major plot device they say? I’d say it’s their lame way of getting people’s attention because the sarkosi plot did not work.
D. The golden hourglass-whatever-the-fuck
The concept of the existence of the golden hourglass in the 2016-2017 version didn't make any sense. If they were gonna bring back that thing and the Etherians, then why not bring back Etheria altogether? And I mean re-telling of Etheria 2006 with Mine-a, her sister Amihan, Cassiopeia, her twin and Adhara as the main characters. Not only will we get to know more of their characters, the golden hourglass will also have a more significant purpose, and it would have paved the way to a much better or even epic storytelling in what would have been the 2017 version of Pag-ibig Hanggang Wakas.
E. The sarkosi plot
-Like I said this is probably the reason why they had to come up with a major plot device, because this is the REAL EPIC FAIL in this story. Amihan was given the prize to create her own destiny which turned out to be a curse. Now here’s the thing, if Ether is able to resurrect a thousand-year-old Etherian using her power and the brilyante, then why can’t Emre do the same? I know this was necessary for Kylie to leave the show without Amihan’s story being left hanging, but still, seriously? If Emre is the god of life, shouldn’t he have granted Amihan another shot at life without her going through some shit and be a sarkosi or “create her own destiny?” And why did it take so long for that to happen? Then Arra would have had more time to improve, and if Amihan was given that extraordinary privilege, then why didn’t Emre allow her to go back when Amihan asked him? Pinahirapan pa siya jusmiyo. And in addition to that, I’m just not buying the Ybriana romance because it seems forced. There was no real relationship build up between Arianna and her (Amihan's) family because they had to rush the storyline because of the time lm Honestly, this would have been an interesting subplot if they:
1. Chose a much better and much deserving actress
2. Focused on Arianna/Amihan's journey rather than the plot fillers (Finding Haliyah and the Memfes side stories to name a few).
F. The lame and unconvincing love triangle
-I just feel so bad for Ru and Joross, these gentlemen are really working hard to cover up the lacking which Arra’s supposed to provide. I’m sorry but I consider this more of a plot filler than a subplot.
G. The poor characterization of the supposedly interesting characters
-Ariana: I wanted to kill her so badly when she let Lira die. Just when she needed to be Amihan-mode the most. Kapal pa ng fez para umaligid kay Rama ‘king ina, there was neither guilt nor trauma in her, she never thought of apologizing to Ybrahim and admit her short coming, in other words punyeta.
-Muyak: disappointed that she didn’t even felt that urge or desire to seek justice for her beloved Lira whom she looked after eversince she was a baby, I liked her when she was a lambana, but now—I’m not so sure.
-Pao Pao: what have they ever done to his character? He was such a joy when he was a little boy, so brave and the purest of heart. He was downplayed so badly that it seemed like he came back to the world of Encantadia just because. And btw, this may be an unpopular opinion but Pao being romantically linked to Lira is cringey af. Boy looked up to her as an "ate" or a big sister when he was a kid and I prefer that they stay in a sibling kind of relationship. He can crush on Luna/Deshna but Lira? No, just no.
-Avria: Ngl, I stan the Herans of Etheria and I really love how Etheria '06 told the backstory of our evil queen bitch, and I wish they did that in her 2017 counterpart. Eula Valdes was absolutely breathtaking, it's just that Avria's story wasn't giving.
-Alena in the earlier episodes: From Gabbi's pabebe acting to her being MIA in the first half of the show. But in all fairness, she was the only character who actually had the best character development in the show as a whole.
-Memfes: He's Ybrahim's counterfeit, that's it. No real purpose, and I actually find it ridiculous that the reason why he pursued Alena was because he wanted to make babies with her and like...bring a new and improved version of Adamyans into the Enca-world like wtf? Who thought of this?
Moreover, why did they had to make him the "Ybarro" that Alena would have married in a heartbeat? A Memfes and Alena love story would have been possible, if they wrote Memfes as his own character. Someone who doesn't remind Alena of her ex-lover in their younger years, someone who has a clear backstory, a clear purpose, and someone who can give Alena the love she rightfully deserves.
-Hagorn: they just turned him into an all out psycho, this would have been the perfect time to redeem his character and see his good side. But RaquiMin is returning so…
-Odessa, Juvila & Andorra: SAYAAAANG! For the record, Rochelle did well in playing Andorra but it was a wrong move since it gave out another plot hole in the sarkosi storyline, because if Andorra exists inside the body of Agane, why the hell was it difficult for Ybrahim to believe that Amihan is [probably] inside Arianna's body?
As for Odessa and Juvila, idk their presence were just meh. It's sad that they literally have no purpose in the show apart from being Avria's minions, well they are but sis...they're Herans...HERANS! I expected MORE. It's just sad that all throughout the show they just faded into the background, almost non-existent.
-Haliyah: Again, another character who was added just because. Her story was there just to answer the question of Lila Sari's true identity which also answered the question about her connection with Amihan. But in all honesty, I feel like this character could have given more.
The Endless introduction of nuisance characters and their REALLY BAD choices of actors
Arra San Agustin (Ariana)- I know I've been trash-talking her acting performance but come on, I'm sick and tired of the excuse that she's new to the industry. A lot of the cast members are new as well, and they kept improving week by week. I didn't see any.
Well, it must have been overwhelming for her to fill-in such a huge role, but the casting department could have chosen a much more experienced actress who could nail the character. I care more about seeing Amihan through Arianna than Arianna subconsciously trying to be Amihan like what Arra has been doing.
Jinri Park (Juvila)- Probably the second most cringe-worthy cast member. Miss Ma'am is Korean so she's not fluent in Tagalog, she's no Conan Stevens (dude was awesome btw) but talking in En-chan would have made her less cringey but alas! That along with her cringe-worthy performance turned Juvila, a badass heran into a big joke.
Lance Serrano (Memfes)-I don't get why he's in the show.
Valeen Montenegro- a good actress with a flop character.
There are so many other things I can add but these are all I think that are necessary to point out, hopefully Mine-a’s return will redeem the show, because at this point of time, I’m so done with the usual “soap writing.” The twists are clearly shocking and unexpected, but what came after the twists were truly disappointing, introducing of new characters and re-introducing old characters especially pivotal ones should be given to actors who can give what the viewers want and not just a bunch of pretty faces. We are no longer in July 2016 when the show is just starting, we are on the near-end of the saga and this is Encantadia, I don’t settle for less when it comes to this show. I expected so much in this season but they took everything I have rooted for and gave me some really uncool storyline and torture me with some lame performances. Everything is just disappointing, where’s Kylie when the show needs her the most?
P.S. I want Lira and Mira back too.
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kathangencanto-blog · 7 years
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From Lance Serrano's IG...
MemAleBarro? Hahaha!
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zarahjoyce · 7 years
Please let Memfes be a key figure in the fight against Etheria
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troublingconcerns · 4 years
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Has this been made yet?
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fiifiadinkra · 5 years
Naasei - Memfe Mpadie (Prod by Kin Dee)
Naasei – Memfe Mpadie (Prod by Kin Dee)
Naasei – Memfe Mpadie (Prod by Kin Dee)
    Naasei serves us with a classic Highlife song titled ‘Memfe Mpadie’. Produced by Kin Dee.
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“You aren’t very good at this, you need more practice.” -Greg
His eyes glaired up at the other as he pulled his mouth off the others cock, coughing softly and rubbing his throat. “..You keep shovin your damn dick in my throat, so I can’t suck it properly!”
The blond snapped, his collar and chains chingled. The boy was completely nude and had a cat tail buttplug on and bruised ankles. Kenny’s head pushed back a bit to catch his breath.
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gorky299 · 7 years
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researchkraft19 · 4 years
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escolademusicasabra · 4 years
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Profissional da Arte e isolamento social Veja de que forma o isolamento social impacta os profissionais da arte: como a maioria está lidando com a pandemia e seus projetos futuros e quais são os profissionais mais afetados pela paralisação. https://sabra.page.link/Memf #sabra #institutounimedbh #vallourec #sicoobcredicom #semedbetim #unimedbh #betim #novalima #MaestroMarcioMirandaPontes
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iris-sistibly · 7 years
4R’s: Encantadia Season 2 (May 3, 2017 episode review)
Episode 206
Sisters Vs Sisters
Pirena lost consciousness after deflecting Odessa’s arrow with her own bare hands, apparently the bows were enchanted which could either kill or knock someone unconscious, Pirena woke up only to find herself tied up. Hagorn left the matters to his Mashnas, Asval was still mystified as to how Pirena got through the barriers, Alena and Danaya emerged from the earth (through Danaya’s gem) and attacked the camp, a battle ensued between the sisters and the Etherians, Odessa died in the hands of Danaya. In retaliation, Andora used her power and forced the sisters to fight each other, the remaining Mashnas and Etherians watched in delight as the sang’gres kill each other. Fortunately, a group of Adamyans led by Memfes came and rescued the sang’gres, the Adamyans are immune to Andora’s mind control powers, the Adamyans and the diwatas made it back to Lireo safely. As a reward for saving them, Danaya initially wanted to hand Memfes a bag of gold but the latter refused and was already contented to know that his beloved Alena is safe, Memfes kissed Alena’s hand before he left which surprised everyone including her sisters and began teasing her, even Muros, Aquil and Imaw couldn’t help themselves.
Saving Devas
Emre and Cassiopeia successfully made it to Devas’ entrance where they were hindered by Ether, Emre used the de-jar against the evil goddess and warned him that if she does not let them through, Emre will kill her. Ether let him be, afterall her poison has already spread through Emre and Cassiopeia’s bodies, Keros faced the two and taunted Emre. The latter knew he no longer have the strength to fight him, he vowed to return and fight them, but first, he and Cassiopeia must get the antidote for Ether’s poison.
The Attack in Lireo (again)
Mine-a gathered weapons that will be used for their battle against Lireo, on her way back, she encountered a man and a woman—Amarro and Lila Sari, the former recognized her and immediately paid her respects to Mine-a which puzzled the latter, Amarro and Lila Sari sensed that Ether must have wiped out Mine-a’s memories like what she did to Lila Sari, Amarro revealed that Mine-a is the former queen of Lireo and her daughters are the sang’gres she fought a couple of times. In exchange for giving answers to Mine-a’s questions, Hara-Durye agreed to help the two enter the camp without Hagorn noticing. Mine-a returned with a chest full of weapons, when everything was set, they immediately left. When everything was peaceful and quiet, Amarro and Lila Sari began searching for Deshna. The young Hathor was being guarded by Hagorn’s soldiers, however, Deshna found a way to escape, she was determined to leave her father for good.
Fire works lit the night sky which the Lirean guards mistook as someone or some place holding a party, Manik knew it was the other way around, he began searching for Ariana and forced her to leave with him but was stopped by Hitano and Aquil. Manik really have no intentions of hurting any of them and just wanted to leave with Ariana, nevertheless he revealed that the enemies are planning to attack the kingdom. The diwatas prepared for battle, the new guardians were finally given permission to fight, Imaw volunteered to help the engkantados escpae. The Lirean soldiers met the Etherians at the palace’s entrance, through Juvila’s powers, Hagorn, Mine-a and Andora made it effortlessly inside, now the the three infiltrated the palace, it was now time to do what they have to do. The sisters dreaded the idea of facing Mine-a once again, nevertheless they have their duties and responsibilities, afterall they are not just daughters of Mine-a, but they are also daughters of Encantadia, the sisters agreed not to hesitate to kill Mine-a if needed.
👏🏻 Hm…seems like Emre has already answered our prayers eh, I haven’t forgotten what they have said that another gem keeper is going to perish and I think it will definitely be Ariana, I may sound really mean but her character has to go. They failed to develop Ariana as Amihan and Arra failed to deliver anyway, it’s about time to free Amihan’s ivtre. I wouldn’t be shocked if Ariana dies this week, with all honesty, I don’t care that much. The show has been killing a lot of characters lately so bakit hindi nalang sagarin? Total annihilation? No probs, they already did that during the seven guardians’ arc so I’m already prepared for the possible (sapantaha ko lang bes) deaths of Ariana, Muros, Aquil, and even Memfes. At this point I’m already used to character deaths so…whatever.
💚Pero in fairness naman to that Alena-Memfes scene, mej kinilig ako ng slight. Good job at Gabbi for making that scene work, I gotta say Lance did fairly well, not what I was expecting but at least it’s not that malamya compared to Arra’s so-called acting. Love that team Lireo still knows how to take some things lightly and still haven’t forgotten to smile even if it’s just for a little while.
💎Hm…what else? Oh yes, yes I am actually excited at Mine-a vs her daughters scene! I doubt they’ll be able to "kill” Mine-a (they can’t really kill Mine-a since she’s an ivtre) but if it’s possible that would be so fuckin’ epic, just imagining the sang’gres’ faces are priceless, and then Mine-a will break free from the spell, return to Devas and gather back ups so that psycho Hagorn will be killed. Hahahahahaha!
🤔I am frustrated at how Emre did not use the de-jar to kill Ether when he had the chance, that’s incredibly stupid, or if killing a god isn’t possible, then why not banish her somewhere, or turn her into a stone or whatever? Come on seriously?
🙄Wala na talaga akong aasahan kay Arra, until the end she has proven that she does not deserve her role and she does not deserve to be a part of Enca’s cast ensemble. I hope Mulawin does not make the same mistake Encantadia did and although I don’t have any plans of following MVR’s story because I never watched the prequel, I wish them all the best, still deciding which show will I make a review—will it be Jennylyn’s My Love from another star or Impostora which is by the way one of my favorite GMA shows because it starred Iza and Shine back then, although I am crossing my fingers that the network will also come up with new and original shows, preferably a psycho-thriller like La Vendetta, I miss seeing shows like that on Philippine TV.
Best performer/s for this episode: Sanya Lopez 🍃 Gabbi Garcia 🌊 Glaiza de Castro 🔥
Rating: 7 out of 10💎s  
Credits to: GMA network via YouTube and Dailymotion @GMAEncantadia (Encantadia’s Official Twitter account) @GMANetwork (GMA’s Official Twitter account) @GMADrama (GMA Primetime series’ Official Twitter account) Encantadia 2016 (Official Facebook page) www.encantadia.com.ph (Encantadia’s Official Website)
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alvaromatias1000 · 5 years
Estatística de Crédito Ampliado ao Setor Não Financeiro
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Há muitos anos tenho somado a relação crédito/PIB à relação dívida mobiliária em poder do mercado / PIB para comparar essa soma com o funding gerado pelo M4 (agregados monetários e financeiros) mais o déficit do balanço de transações correntes. Conceitualmente, sempre se aproximam uma da outra, mas o importante é destacar o sistema financeiro nacional tem capacidade de captação de recursos e financiamento muito superior ao expresso apenas pela relação crédito/PIB.
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Finalmente, a Autoridade Monetária segue minha orientação! Talvez, graças ao meu ex-orientando, Fernando Alberto Sampaio Rocha, ter sido nomeado chefe do Departamento de Estatísticas do Banco Central… 
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O boxe do Relatório de Economia Bancária do Banco Central do Brasil 2018 apresenta a estatística de crédito ampliado ao setor não financeiro. Ele compreende:
as operações de crédito do Sistema Financeiro Nacional (SFN) – empréstimos e financiamentos concedidos por bancos e outras instituições financeiras –,
as operações de crédito dos demais setores institucionais residentes,
os títulos de dívida públicos e privados e
os créditos concedidos por não residentes (dívida externa).
A estatística passa a ser divulgada mensalmente pelo Banco Central do Brasil (BCB) a partir de maio de 2019 na Nota para a Imprensa – Estatísticas Monetárias e de Crédito e no Sistema Gestor de Séries Temporais (SGS). A série histórica tem início em janeiro de 2013.
A estatística de crédito ampliado ao setor não financeiro busca fornecer visão abrangente das principais fontes de recursos utilizadas para o financiamento dos setores público e privado não financeiros da economia brasileira.
Dessa forma, permite aferir sua dimensão e a participação relativa de seus principais componentes, bem como padrões de complementaridade e de substituição entre eles. A estatística contribui ainda para análises comparativas do nível e do perfil de endividamento do governo, das empresas e das famílias.
Essa nova estatística está alinhada metodologicamente ao padrão definido no Manual de Estatísticas Monetárias e Financeiras e Guia de Compilação (MEMF), edição 20161, do Fundo Monetário Internacional (FMI), referência metodológica de melhores práticas para a produção de estatísticas monetárias e financeiras. A convergência ao padrão internacional, além de possibilitar a comparação internacional, favorece a consistência com outras estatísticas macroeconômicas, tais como fiscais, do setor externo e contas financeiras.
A estatística de crédito ampliado ao setor não financeiro é complementar às demais estatísticas de crédito divulgadas regularmente pelo BCB. Para essa nova estatística estão disponíveis apenas informações de saldos.
Não compõem o escopo da estatística de crédito ampliado, portanto, concessões, taxas de juros, spreads, prazos e inadimplência, cuja abrangência permanece restrita às operações de crédito do SFN.
Organismos internacionais vêm publicando estatísticas de crédito ampliado para diversos países. Um exemplo é a série trimestral divulgada pelo Bank for International Settlements (BIS) para 44 países. No caso do Brasil, as principais fontes utilizadas pelo BIS são as estatísticas de crédito do BCB para o SFN e as contas financeiras anuais, publicadas pelo Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE).
Nas estatísticas econômicas, crédito representa haveres, notadamente empréstimos e títulos, que compõem o ativo de instituições financeiras e demais unidades institucionais que ofertam recursos para o setor não financeiro de uma economia, o qual passa a ter passivo a ser amortizado.
Segundo o MEMF 2016, as estatísticas de crédito apresentam as mesmas três dimensões dos agregados monetários:
(1) setores tomadores de crédito;
(2) setores emprestadores; e
(3) ativos financeiros (instrumentos).
Tomadores de crédito podem ser todas as unidades institucionais do setor não financeiro da economia: governo federal, governos estaduais e municipais, empresas públicas não financeiras, outras empresas não financeiras, famílias e instituições sem fins lucrativos.
Os setores emprestadores de crédito podem ser definidos de forma restrita ou ampliada (Monetary and Financial Statistics Manual and Compilation Guide 2016. (https://www.imf.org/en/~/media/87F002A9CC784DF786797A6526A98D54.ashx). MEMF, item 6.115).
Na forma restrita, inclui-se basicamente o crédito concedido pelas sociedades de depósitos (instituições captadoras de recursos componentes dos agregados monetários). No Brasil, as sociedades de depósitos são: bancos comerciais e múltiplos, Caixa Econômica Federal, cooperativas de crédito, bancos de investimento e de desenvolvimento, BNDES, sociedades de crédito, financiamento e investimento, sociedades de crédito imobiliário, associações de poupança e empréstimos e companhias hipotecárias. Adicionalmente, as estatísticas regularmente publicadas incluem as sociedades de arrendamento mercantil, as agências de fomento e as sociedades de crédito ao microempreendedor.
Na forma ampliada, o crédito incorpora as operações concedidas por todas as entidades do setor financeiro, assim como aquelas provenientes dos demais setores residentes (governos, empresas não financeiras, famílias e instituições sem fins lucrativos) e não residentes. Estas últimas constituem a dívida externa.
Conforme a metodologia internacional, as séries devem ser consideradas em valores brutos, sem deduzir saldos apurados entre os setores institucionais tomadores/emprestadores. Como exemplo, a dívida pública mobiliária federal interna inclui títulos adquiridos por famílias e empresas, mas não estão deduzidos os financiamentos concedidos pelo governo a essas entidades.
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Entre os ativos financeiros, além de empréstimos e financiamentos, as estatísticas de crédito ampliado compreendem títulos de dívida e créditos comerciais. Créditos comerciais (trade credits) são operações de empréstimos entre empresas não financeiras relacionadas à produção de bens e serviços. Para instituições financeiras, créditos comerciais são recebíveis associados à venda de serviços financeiros. Eles, em geral, não acumulam juros.
Devido às limitações da base de dados, a estatística divulgada pelo BCB neste boxe não inclui os créditos comerciais concedidos por residentes.
Em dezembro de 2018, o crédito ampliado ao setor não financeiro totalizou R$ 9,4 trilhões, correspondendo a 138% do Produto Interno Bruto (PIB). Foi utilizada a série mensal de valores correntes do PIB acumulado dos últimos doze meses. Veja o Gráfico 1. Desse total, 56% são destinados às empresas (privadas e públicas) e às famílias e 44% ao governo geral (administração pública federal, estadual e municipal).
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O Gráfico 2 mostra a participação dos componentes do crédito ampliado.
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Em dezembro de 2018, o maior componente foi o de títulos públicos, respondendo por 35% do total, seguido pela carteira do SFN (34%).
A dívida externa representou 22% do crédito total, enquanto o mercado de capitais e os outros empréstimos corresponderam a 6% e 2%, respectivamente.
O crédito ampliado a empresas e famílias atingiu R$ 5,3 trilhões em dezembro de 2018, equivalente a 77,7% do PIB (Gráfico 3).
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Considerando-se os seus componentes, predomina a carteira do SFN, correspondendo a 59% do saldo total (Gráfico 4).
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A segunda fonte de financiamento mais relevante é o crédito fornecido por não residentes, com 26%.
O mercado de capitais e os outros empréstimos responderam, na ordem, por 11% e 4%.
Em dezembro de 2018, o total de empréstimos de Outras Sociedades Financeiras atingiu R$ 92 bilhões, com 56% desse montante referente a consórcios, modalidade utilizada principalmente pelas famílias para aquisição de veículos e imóveis.
O crédito ampliado ao Governo Geral compreende recursos destinados para custeio e investimento da administração pública (não inclui empresas estatais). Situou-se em R$ 4,1 trilhões em dezembro de 2018 (60,6% do PIB). Sua maior parcela corresponde aos títulos emitidos no mercado doméstico (90%), adquiridos por residentes e não residentes. As operações de crédito do SFN representam somente 3% desse total.
As séries estatísticas de crédito ampliado ao setor não financeiro passam a ser publicadas pelo BCB a partir de maio de 2019. Elas foram construídas em conformidade com o padrão metodológico internacional e são complementares às demais estatísticas sobre o mercado de crédito no Brasil. São também consistentes com os demais conjuntos de estatísticas macroeconômicas (fiscais, do setor externo e de contas financeiras) e, nesse sentido, contribuem para a consolidação do arcabouço estatístico brasileiro.
Este Relatório de Economia Bancária 2018 apresenta também uma análise específica do crédito ampliado destinado às empresas, no Boxe “Crédito ampliado às empresas: comportamento e perfil”.
  Estatística de Crédito Ampliado ao Setor Não Financeiro publicado primeiro em https://fernandonogueiracosta.wordpress.com
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diwatang-sirena · 7 years
My Thoughts before Encantadia's Finale
Once again… Character death is the solution to make another “pasabog” moment.
Why am I not surprised?
My two cents goes to Arde actually being the sort-of hero in the end. He’ll end up betraying Ether for her “treachery”, and by combining his powers with Emre, they will both bring back Cassiopeia and all those who died unfairly back to life. Thus the start of the final war of Encantadia.
I’m still unsure what to make of Mira and Lira’s fates. If Cassandra is really going to make it in this requel, then I think at least Lira’s going to die. While I love Mikee, I don’t think she can nail the motherly role as of now. Perhaps they’re saving Cassandra for the final scene as an open ending, in a way that would imply of a second season for Enca.
I’m holding onto hope that the Super Twins will get to participate in the final battle. Sayang naman ang warrior outfits and their tagapangalaga statuses if they’re both going to stay comatose until the final episode, especially for Lira, who’s SUPPOSED to be the prophesied Hero of Encantadia.
For tonight’s episode, Ybrahim’s “treachery” is … I don’t even know what to make of it. It’s easy to point fingers, but in his defense, Ybrahim has prematurely lost most if not all his blood relatives (unless you count Asval, who probably has the biggest, well-deserved target on his back), his kingdom, and especially the ones he loved the most, which is Amihan and Lira. So it’s only natural that he’d become desperate to find a way to keep the only family he has left.
We’ve seen him pull this act before with the Spirit Gem in exchange for Kahlil. I don’t think we should be so surprised that he ended up being the one betraying the sanggres instead of Pirena, despite it being a stupid move and something Amihan and especially Lira would NOT be proud of.
I’m still hoping that he wises up and actually has a plan behind his “treachery”. Maybe he’s doing this to trick Hagorn into giving him the “lunas” not only for Lira, but also for Mira, and maybe disrupt Hagorn’s forces on the inside. Like how a true leader’s supposed to be. That would be some last minute development that I would love to see with Ybrahim, who seemed more and more useless as Book 2 went on.
But I’ve learned not to get my hopes up for good character development. Encantadia ‘17 has failed to reach my expectations in that field for some time, even during Book 1. Still, there’s no harm in hoping that they’re not just trying to rush things.
Here are the rest of my predictions for the finale:
1. Alena will become Queen of Lireo in Danaya’s stead, not only because she wants Danaya to be happy with Aquil, but also because she has proven herself worthy to take up the responsibility, as shown how level-minded she is during this whole disaster.
2. Continuing from #1, if Alena truly will become Queen of Lireo, she will most probably not end up with Memfes, at least not in this season. While I’m all for Alena being single, if AleMemfes is really the direction they’re going, I think Alena will still reject Memfes because at this time, she’s still secretly pining over Ybarro. But it’s possible that she’ll ask Memfes if he’s willing to wait for her until her heart is fully over Ybarro and is open to love another. That, and when her Queenship is over.
3. If Cassandra will exist in the requel (otherwise, what would be the point of Cassiopeia taking a strand of Lira’s hair?), then she will most likely be the next Queen of Lireo after Alena. At this point, I highly doubt that Lira will become queen, even though I would’ve loved to see that.
4. The next-in-line for Hathoria’s throne could go to either Mira or Deshna (if either of them are brought to life). But I remembered Cassiopeia telling Mira that she will not become Queen (although that was initially because of Anthony), and I believe Deshna would’ve chosen to have a peaceful, rural life.
With that said, I have a feeling that it would be Pirena’s second offspring that would become the heir, possibly with Azulan as the father. He/she could be one of the protagonists of the new season, if it pushes through. He/she might also end up becoming some sort of Kylo Ren (Star Wars) in the story.
5. As for Sapiro’s heir, this could go both ways. One thing I’m pretty sure of… I don’t think Lira’s going to become the Queen of Sapiro, although that would’ve been nice to see as well.
If AleBarro becomes canon (please don’t), then obviously Armea will be conceived and will become the next Queen of Sapiro, just like the original.
If Amihan returns for good (NOT as Ariana please), then she will most likely marry Ybrahim and become Queen of Sapiro. She’ll probably give Lira the sibling/s she’s always wanted, and that sibling will become the new heir of Sapiro. Or the reason they conceived again could be in memory of her. Why do I feel like their next kid/s would end up being twins? Would love to see another sibling rivalry for the throne, though not as harsh and intense as Pirena VS Amihan.
If Cassandra exists, since she is Ybrahim and Amihan’s biological grandchild, then it’s very possible for her to live with them in Sapiro. It could follow Etheria’s plot with Cassandra living in Sapiro and Ybrahim initially wanting her to become his heir instead of Lireo.
6. The true Amihan will return (PLEASE. IS THIS SO HARD TO DO?). Emre could be the one who’ll return her back to her original self. I have a feeling that the Wind Gem would become key to her return. Or if Raquim really comes back, he’ll be the final ticket to her memories coming back full-force. In the spur of the moment, Ariana (Arra) will transform into Amihan (Kylie) again in the midst of the war, and she’ll be the one who’ll end Hagorn once and for all.
Of course, it’s most likely that Kylie won’t do any fighting scenes for her baby’s sake, so it’s possible that her “transformation” will happen after the war or by the final scene to surprise the viewers. That or they get a stand-in for Amihan’s fighting scenes, but with Kylie’s close-ups.
Please don’t let us down for the last time, DMR/Emre.
7. Danaya and Aquil get married, but will have no offspring yet. Yes, I know they had one by the end of the original run, but I don’t know, i just feel like they wouldn’t have one yet. This could become one of their issues if the second season pushes through. Danaya will become the Queen’s official advisor, the right-hand woman like she was when Amihan was Queen. Aquil will become a Mashna again along with Muros, or maybe become a spy for Lireo.
8. Lilasari will die, and it’s either Hitano or Amarro who will die with her. I’m betting more on Hitano dying for her. I feel kinda bad for him though. It seems more like Lilasari doesn’t love him anymore, especially since she’s been in Amarro’s company for so long, which would be the second rejection he’s received. And after all he did to be with her and Deshna again…
9. Emre and Cassiopeia will become the highest Bathalumans of the realm, becoming some sort of King and Queen in Devas. No offspring here. Arde will either still be in-charge of the dead or be killed alongside Ether. The snake finally dies and we’ll never have to hear her voice ever again, although it’s still possible for her to return on a second season.
10. Hagorn will die, but not before repenting all his sins. I still want a redemption for him like he did in the original, for the sake of his daughter/s, and to finally let go of the hatred that has haunted him his whole life. ……………..
That’s all I can think of for now. Despite my predictions, I personally don’t have that high of an expectation for the ending. But it doesn’t hurt to hope (oh wait, it actually does. But whatever). Even with the crappy Book 2 story, I still would want to check out Season 2 should it push through. There’s still so much that could be done, so much potential untouched. This would be the perfect time for them to rest, meditate on it, and rethink a more fool-proof storyline and hopefully more world-building and character development.
Oh, and while they’re at it, hire better actors too. I don’t mind newbies, but at least give them time to do more workshop. The audience does not have enough patience to tolerate another “Ariana” in the story.
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