rosesxandxthorns · 2 years
🍫 - lyndon x luna
🍫: To rub cocoa butter on my Muse’s tummy. @midnightsaboteur​
It was a running joke in the family that Luna and Lyndon had been done having kids after Marcus. Two was enough for them. But then they’d had Gabriel. And Zachary. Really she could easily blame it on the way the man smiled at her because there was something about how he looked over what he was working on with that same charming smile that just did it for her. Which was how they ended up with their fifth child on the way. One that Savannah was begging to be a girl. A sigh left her when she felt his hand on her stomach and she leaned back against he husband before looking at him in the mirror. “I do like when you do that.” She smiled when he took the lotion from her and started to rub some on her stomach. “This one better be a girl or Vannah is going to lose her mind.”
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chilicheerry · 7 years
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Pixiv expression meme:Luna So I tried expressions. I'm pretty happy with them! Link to original photo: https://goo.gl/images/v5iXcD Idk if it worked. But I just took a screenshot and cropped it Btw I always draw on either my phone or tablet, on MediBang
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notcelxamber-blog · 9 years
☯ ☽ ★
text memes [✦]
☯ for an adoring text
[ AJ → Sunyoung ] i really think you have a very good taste in music[ AJ → Sunyoung ] that’s why we’re best buds you know 
☽ for a sleepy text
★ for a dumb meme or inside joke text
[ AJ → Sunyoung ] hey hey sunyoung you think i’ll become popular if i post this video online?[ AJ → Sunyoung ] multimedia file attached.  
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hoggywartyornot · 11 years
♤ ❈ ۝
♤ … to being dragged into your party games
        "Fred, what is this—" someone shoves a strange hat on her head. "Why is it all dark? Fred? Where am I? Oooh, sparkles."
❈ … to finding out that yours is in charge of setting up the fireworks
        "You’re setting up the fireworks?" Luna looked at him, grinning. "I’m sure they’ll be fantastic, Fred."
۝nbsp;… after meeting your parents/siblings
               “Your brothers are so tall. And your mum is really nice. I really like your dad though. He’s really interesting.”
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rosesxandxthorns · 2 years
📖 - barnaby x luna
📖: To read to my Muse’s baby bump. @midnightsaboteur
Ophelia was already tucked into bed which was usually the perfect time for Luna to start looking at scripts even though she was out of commission for a little bit. Filming for the Bond film had wrapped just as it was starting to be come too hard to hide her growing belly and she was happy to be home with her family where she could relax. Though her favorite thing to do was tease her husband that they were never too far from Elijah especially now that filming was beginning for the Ravenswood spinoff. It took her a moment to realize her husband was reading aloud while laying close to her before she stated to laugh. “Barnaby are you reading episode run downs to our baby?” 
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rosesxandxthorns · 4 years
Nice pants, can I test the zipper? - Barnaby x Luna
There was no holding back her laughter at Barnaby’s words and Luna turned her back to the mirror to look at him. “That’s the line you’re going with? Come on babe, you’re a writer there have to be better ones in your head.” Walking closer to her husband she let her hands rest on his chest. “Lets try another one and maybe I’ll let you get me out of these jeans, even though I just put them on.” Really sometimes he had amazing pick up lines but that one was not his best.
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rosesxandxthorns · 4 years
"Come here, I need to grab your butt." - lyndon x luna
"God you’re so charming. How can any one resist you?” Luna rolled her eyes before she stood up straight and closed the oven. ‘If you like my ass so much when I bend over you should be coming over here.” The redhead pointed out as she looked over her shoulder at her husband. That smile he gave her was honestly the reason she kept wanting to have babies with him. No one ever had a smile quite like his. “How about you come over here and kiss me?”
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rosesxandxthorns · 4 years
👶 ~ Gallahan x Luna
Send 👶 for my muse to admit to yours that they’re pregnant.
@connectedstrangers the winter girls just don’t shut up so it got long
Honestly Luna hadn’t been surprised when Ivy had doubled up the protective spells around the shop. Her sister had gone full mamma bear when Tobey was born and no one could really blame her for that. Magic tended to bring out the crazies and none of them wanted the little boy hurt. But what Luna didn’t understand was why she kept being blocked from doing things in the shop. She was a witch, they were her original spells that her sister just added to so why the hell was she having trouble helping some of the lagging plants along? Yes sometimes it left her a little wiped out but she always took care of the things in the green house and the last thing she wanted was her ingredients to die just because she’d screwed up.
Walking out of the green house she confronted her sister who was sitting behind the counter with the baby in her arms. “What spells did you do? I can’t do anything in here anymore and it’s not like I’m doing something dangerous.”
“Says the girl that locked up a demon.” Ivy sighed before smiling at the baby. “Auntie Luna does stupid things.” Looking at her sister she shrugged. “I didn’t do anything special. I just made it so people who want to do harm can’t come in here and you can’t do things to hurt yourself. It’s the same thing I have at home and that I did when I was pregnant. But it should only be for dangerous things unless you’re being attacked and need to protect yourself. It for draining spells.”
She frowned. “But nothing I do here is that draining. I’ve done it for years and never had an issue and it’s not like anything has changed. It’s the same spell and I’m the same person and-” Luna stopped for a moment as she looked at Tobey. “Oh shit.” 
Ivy gave her a confused look before looking at her baby for a moment. “Is something wrong with him?” Concern was clear in her features as she looked the baby over before turning to her sister again. “What?”
“It’s protecting a baby.”
“What?” Ivy repeated.
Luna shook her head. “Your spell it’s protecting a baby it’s why I can’t do anything here. It’s stopping me from doing anything draining. It’s protecting a baby. My baby.” She was still for a moment before her attention moved to the stairs to the apartment as Gallahan came down them. 
“I did the sage thing Ivy told me to do. I can’t say I like that part too much but it’s done.” He smiled at the two redheads before letting out a small laugh at the look on their faces. “Is everything alright?”
Slowly Luna nodded. “Everything’s fine.” There was a pause as she tried to put her thoughts in order before speaking again. “I think I’m pregnant.”
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rosesxandxthorns · 4 years
🔫 ~ Frank x Luna
She’d never had a gun pointed at her before and honestly Luna wasn’t sure what she was supposed to do. Having someone come into the shop right before closing was usually reserved for Frank or people trying to butter off their pissed off spouse not to try and rob the place. “Look I don’t even have much in here.” The redhead tried to open the register but hit the wrong button which only made her hands shake more. Where the hell was Frank anyway? It was a Friday night he should have already been in the shop irritating her but this was the one night he decided not to show up. God this was probably all him anyway. Some sly way to get more money from her.
“Open the fucking drawer.” The man snapped as he leaned over the counter and held the gun closer to her face. “I don’t care how much you have I want it.” 
Nodding she finally got the drawer open and started to pull out the money when her eyes flicked up towards the man, but it was what she saw over his shoulder that made her pause. Frank had just started to push on the door but seemed to pause when he saw what was happening. The bell above the door would give him away but she watched as he reached up and held it in place before stepping inside. Looking back down she gathered up the money in her shaking hands and just before she could move to hold it out to the ban a shot rang out. Luna flinched at the spray that hit her and she dropped the money before slowly reaching up to touch her cheek.
“That’s my money.” Frank looked down at the man now crumbled in front of the counter before his attention shifted back to Luna. “You might want to call 911 since there’s a body in your shop.” 
“You shot him” Luna said in a small voice as she looked at Frank. “You shot him.”
He shrugged before putting his gun down on the counter. “He was pointing a gun at you. I was being a good samaritan.”
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rosesxandxthorns · 5 years
💬- "I've heard that you were Daniel Walden's whore when he was married to another woman, Luna"
Send 💬 + a rumor and my muse will react to it.
”Yep. We had sex all the time before we met.” Luna nodded before her smile slowly grew. “It’s like people don’t pay attention to time lines. I mean he was already in the process of a divorce before I started working for him.”
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rosesxandxthorns · 4 years
❝ Whiskey is a breakfast staple, anyone who says otherwise is fucking lying. ❞ - Barnaby
“No I don’t think that’s true.” Luna shook her head as she grabbed a yogurt for Ophelia. “Whiskey is a breakfast staple for writers with a drinking problem and a deadline.” She corrected before walking to the table where the little girl was patiently waiting for her breakfast. “Guess who gets to come to set with Mommy today while Daddy takes a shower so he stops smelling like a seedy dive bar?” She kissed the top of the little girls head before looking back over at her husband. “You need some real sleep Barn, believe me they aren’t going to flip out if you ask for a little extension if you need it. The show got renewed and the last book was a hit. I’m pretty sure you have a little pull, now stop day drinking.”
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rosesxandxthorns · 5 years
◈ - Barnaby x Luna
Send a ◈ for a first kiss between our muses.
Maybe it was a problem how much Luna enjoyed being around when Barnaby worked on his book because she knew that there was no hiding how much she enjoyed it. Getting the part of Evie had been huge for her not just career wise but because she loved the books and knowing that he was working on number three just made things more fun. Leaning over his shoulder she shook her head. “Nope. That wont work. You’ve already made it a point that Cal is taller so if he has her backed up against something while they’re talking you can’t throw in that she looked up at him half way through the conversation. It’s not like she’s been looking at his chest the whole time.” Taking the laptop from him she put it on the table before grabbing his hand and pulling him towards the wall.
“You have to picture yourself doing it right?” Luna leaned against the wall and looked up at him with a smile. God she really did love those glasses. “You established that they’re practically touching so even without writing it people are going to picture Evie looking up at him but if you put in half a page into their argument that she finally tilts her chin up.” She looked straight forward before poking Barnaby in the chest. “She would have spent the whole time just looking at his shirt.” Shrugging she looked back up at him with a smile. “Then you get the argument and Cal doing what everyone loves when he-” But before she had a chance to finish he’d already leaned down and kissed her. Wrapping her arms around his shoulders Luna went up on her toes to kiss him back.
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rosesxandxthorns · 4 years
❝ You, me, PJ’s, pizza, bed. The PJ’s are optional. ❞ - Lyndon
It wasn’t easy getting all of the kids to sleep around the same time but on nights when they managed to do it Luna was always happy. There was alone time guaranteed when they were asleep. “Pjs are always optional Lyndon.” She smiled at her husband before wrapping her arms around his middle as she leaned close to him. God she loved this man and the fact that he smiled at her the same way he did the first time he kissed her just made things so much better. “You order the pizza and I’ll get us some wine. We can have a date night.” Going up on her toes she pressed her lips against his before grinning. “It has been a little bit since we were able to have one of those.”
That was what happened when you had three small children, things tended to be a little harder to plan. But she wouldn’t give their kids up for anything. 
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rosesxandxthorns · 5 years
🍃- Barnaby x Luna
🍃 - Have my muse pose tastefully for your muse’s art project 
It was hard not to giggle as Barnaby’s fingers lightly dusted over her skin. Really it wasn’t the first time she’d helped him with a scene but this was the first one where he was blatantly writing about her and not Evie. She had been teasing him for months about how any sex scene he wrote now would be seen as being about her, this was just further proof of it. “You know you’re going to have to tame this scene when you put it into the show.” Luna tilted her chin up so her nose brushed against his. “Barn are you going to kiss me or do I have to wait until you’ve figured out how to write out exactly how my skin feels for the book? Wait I’m sorry… how Cal thinks Evie’s skin feels.”
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rosesxandxthorns · 4 years
✴ ~ Frank (Specifically kissing Ivy)
send me ✴ for my character’s reaction to seeing yours kissing someone else
Luna had lost track of time and was focused on taking care of some of the plants in the greenhouse and didn’t realize how late it was until she realized the sun was going down. She frowned as she turned off the water and brushed her hands off on her jeans as she headed towards the door. The best part was that it connected to the back of the shop. It was Friday which meant Frank would be coming in for his weekly visit. She closed up the greenhouse and walked into the front of the shop only to stop short when her gaze landed on Frank and Ivy. Fury rushed through her as she slammed the door to the back closed. “Ivy!” The redhead snapped and her eyes narrowed on Frank as the younger girl pulled back. “Upstairs. Now.” She pointed at the stairs before she looked at her sister when she tried to respond. “No. Get up there. Now. We’ll talk in a minute.”
She barely waited for her sister to start up the stairs before she started yelling. “Get the fuck out of my shop Frank. Our agreement was very clear you don’t touch Ivy ever. You had no right to go anywhere near her. Jake owes you the money and I’m working that debt off but you fucked that by touching her. So get out of my shop and do not come near my family again, do you understand me? If you come near my shop or go looking for my brother I’ll go right to your wife, but not just that. Oh no. I’ll go to the cops, I’ll go to whoever I have to, you stay the fuck away from us.” The entire time she was speaking she’d moved closer to him before giving his chest a shove. “Get out.”
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rosesxandxthorns · 4 years
'You belong to ME' ~ Frank x Luna
Send ‘You belong to ME’ and watch how my muse reacts.
Hadn’t she texted to say she couldn’t do tonight? Luna was pretty sure she had and yet when she looked through the front window of the shop Frank had parked his car and was coming inside. Yeah she was still working off Jake’s debt but that didn’t mean she couldn’t move nights right? Maybe he had decided to ignore it because she mentioned having dinner plans? It just seemed like a good idea at the time, that way he wouldn’t come over thinking she was just trying to annoy him. But he didn’t look happy as he came inside and locked the door behind him. “What the hell is that about? Did you not get my message? I asked if we could do this tomorrow.”
It wasn’t until he spoke that the confusion left her features and irritation replaced it. “Excuse me? I belong to you? Go fuck yourself Frank.” Yes it wasn’t the smartest thing to do to mouth off to the guy her brother was in debt to but she sure as hell wasn’t going to be spoken to like that. “I don’t belong to anyone and even if I did it sure as shit wouldn’t be you. How about you go home to your fucking wife you low life... I belong to you. Get out of my shop.”
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