#melssa chase
tuthemurphy · 6 years
Making Christmas Perfect
Author’s Note: If you’ve read my chapter story, “A Lucky Kiss”, you will probably know this will be my second Christmas-theme story, and also the last one for the year. I’m posting the full story right here, and if you want to check that out on Fanfiction, here’s a link to it in a one-shot series called “Milo and His Friends”: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13134561/2/Milo-and-His-Friends Enjoy! And Merry Christmas!
I’m suck for the title though :v
It was a snowy day for Danville, but the Christmas spirit wouldn’t stop getting hotter.
And to make money in the holiday, Cavendish found a job as a salesman of a clothing shop. He hoped to get something special to buy for his beloved partner – Dakota.
Well, he was assigned to.
Three minutes ago...
“Sir!” Cavendish spoke to Mr. Block on the temporal transporter behind the curtains of the shop, “Why do you have to assign me to protect the pistachios inside a... clothing shop?”
“Well, isn’t that obvious?” He laughed before saying his reason, “No one would suspect your action when you’re working as a salesman, Kooperdink.”
“It’s Cavendish, sir,” He sighed.
“Whatever! Now listen!” He began to tell the mission, “There’s a pistachio truck which will come to your area in about ten more minutes. And to protect the pistachios, you must take the chance when the driver isn’t paying attention to his truck, take the wheel and bring it back in time to me. Get it?”
“Yes, sir!” He obeyed promptly, “And the sooner I finish this, the sooner I will come back to Dakota for Christmas Eve, right?”
“Depends on how well you’ve finished it,” Block said, “I don’t want you to bring back an empty truck or a disaster. Remember the motto: Don’t let any pistachio fall!” Then he cut off the call.
Cavendish put the temporal transproter inside his pocket, dressed as a salesman and worked.
He was no expert in the job, but the more he had done it, the more interesting the job grew on him. And seeing the happy smile in the customer’s expression, he couldn’t feel happier. For instance...
“Excuse me, sir!” A young girl came upon the old man.
“Yes, young lady. What can I help you?”
“I want that Santa Claus. I want that Santa Claus!” The girl kept repeating those words and pointing to the short, Santa-themed dress which Cavendish in no time had figured out.
“Oh, I see,” Cavendish then gave the girl a lift to where she pointed, “Here, you can get it.”
The girl was really happy to touch to the dress she wanted. Her mother was impressed and also delightful.
“Thanks for the happiness you gave to my daughter,” And the mother sure was a nice person as well, “How much is this cost?”
“9.50 dollars, ma’am,” He announced.
The woman looked inside her pocket. Her expression turned worried, “I’m really sorry. I don’t have an extra dollar.”
And Cavendish probably wouldn’t let a small thing come bigger to the manager. Besides, it’s Christmas, what the heck?
“That’s okay!” He took the money pleasantly, “You can say it’s a Christmas miracle.”
“Well, thank you, sir!” The woman said, then whispering to her daughter “Come on, Anna, thank the man!”
“Thank... you!” The young girl slowly said it, and Cavendish nodded, “You’re welcome.”
And the young mother-daughter left the store temporarily managed by an experienced time traveller.
But... to be honest, they looked kinda familiar to him. The orange hair of the mother reminded him of the girl he knew, and even though they didn’t wear the same hair style, the tone was still very spot-on! And the young mother’s blue eyes as well.
“Maybe I’m just imagining...” He thought.
It was the time he saw a glowing blue light in front of the store. He knew that sign: it meant that there was time travel smell.
And Cavendish had no idea whether he was imagining or the events he saw made so much sense when combining them together.
Meanwhile, Dakota was driving “the outdated lemon” to the clothing shop. He was told by Cavendish in a text message that he would have something surprising for the man, and all he needed to do was driving there.
“I wonder what the surprise would be...” The more Dakota thought about it, the more excited he was.
After an hour of selling all the clothes, and socks, and hats and many more, the target he had been waiting for had finally come.
A pistachio truck parked in front of the shop, almost blocked his entire view to the scene outside. Later, a man who was just about late twenties or early thirties came out from it and walked into the shop.
Cavendish secretly reported to Mr. Block, “Sir! The cat is out of the bag.”
“Good!” He spoke from the microphone on the temporal transporter, which was connected to the small headphones he was wearing, “Now, he will go inside the restroom nearby. And that’s the time you steal the truck and bring it back here, and by here, I mean 2175! Now get going!”
The phone call was cut once again. He then took a look to the shop once more. He saw the driver had a white skin, round eyes and holding a backpack. The young man came in front of him, “Hello, sir!”
“Yes!” He asked an usual question, “What can I help you?”
“I saw this sweater right here,” he pointed to the jacket he wanted. And coincidentally, much to Cavendish’s surprise, it was the same kind the little girl wanted earlier.
The man continued, “And I want to buy it to my daughter.”
Cavendish almost gasped, felt surprised to the point that he had forgotten his mission since when he couldn’t know.
“She’s a perfectionist and you know...” He laughed, “The mother and the daughter.”
“This young adult is talkative,” Cavendish thought., “But he has something very close to me, I can feel it.”
“But... should I take this truck from him?”
The young man continued, “Like something my elders always say, ‘Pleasure from a job isn’t from the skill and the achivement we’ve got. It’s about how much that job means to us and how much it will give to the one we love.’”
That reminded him something though. He had skipped the night with his partner to get this mission done. But while he was doing it, he didn’t realize how much pleasure he had, even though it’s not his main profession. It was simple, but he had got to meet customers, and different backgrounds, and the fun he had with the young girl just then.
And right at that time, it was a young man having a small conversation with him, and made him realize how fun it was to do a job that wasn’t his accomplishment. He made him realize, no matter what you’re doing, a job is all about how it means to us ad how much it will give to the ones we love.
How simple and irony it was! And the young man requested, “Opps, I need to go the toilet for a while. Can you help me pick that up while I’m doing it.”
“Of course!” He said a sentence to assure the man to go the toilet. He could hear a door broken though.
Cavendish was now confused. He had to pick between the truck and the job he had been doing for all these years but didn’t seem to find any fun of it, or the job he had to do for a day but the important thing was everyone happy and he didn’t regret anything.
“Oh...” He thought again, “How could I be so selfish. It’s Christmas and I’ll go with Dakota.”
And the mic spoke to him, “Cavendish! Grab that truck!”
He didn’t reply though, “Hello? Cavendish! Now’s your chance! If you don’t grab it, you-“ and finally he cut off the call by himself.
He knew it was the chance for him... to do the right thing. He grabbed the same red jacket from earlier, packing it carefully right before the young man came back from the restroom.
“Oh, that was refreshing...” He commented, “How much is it?”
“9 dollars and a half,” The British man said, happily smiled.
And the young man was able to give him enough of it, and keeping for himself one dollar spare.
“Well, I gotta go. See ya!” The backpack boy said goodbye to Cavendish.
And again, he reminded him of another person that is very familiar to him. But he couldn’t remember who that was with his messed up mind, apparently.
It was 10 p.m. and the shop had closed. The manager of the store didn’t forget to thank him for what Cavendish had done.
“Well, Balthazar Cavendish, I can’t be happier for what you had done to the shop,” the manger, who was a young woman with dark purple hair, and a slightly Spanish voice, “And to pay for your hard work, here’s your salary. Hope you’ll work for us long!”
“Thank you!” He took a short look to the pay he had got, before revealing, “Well, dear miss, as much as I love to work here, well... I don’t belong to this place.”
“Oh... but why?” She said but thinking something else, “I’m glad you’ve figured that out.”
“To be honest, miss,” He said, “This is a far lower job than my main priority. But when I worked here, I feel like I’ve had a lot of fun, even more than my professional job. But still, it’s time for me to find a pleasure for my own job, and I’ll be completed,” And immidiately, Cavendish left without a goodbye to the young manager.
“Merry Christmas!” She said to him, and finally feeling relieved that all the things were following to the plan.
Outside the shop, he immidately met Dakota, who was about to receive a surprise.
“Hey, Cavendish! Haven’t seen you for all evening. Where have you been?” Dakota asked.
“Hey there, Dakota!” He greeted, “It’s a funny story but... I’ve been working for the night and I’ve got a bit of money for us.”
And that was his surprise. Dakota was speechless for this, but then able to say something out, “Oh... Cavendish...”
“Yes, it’s hard to believe,” Cavendish revealed, “But I’ve got some money for us and since...” he then got infuriated, “I don’t know WHAT I SHOULD BUY FOR YOU, I think I will let you decide by yourself.”
“Wow!” Dakota expressed, “It’s hard to believe you’ve done this, but the way you let me to buy all the stuffs instead of giving me something, now that’s a classic Cavendish!”
“I know,” The Brit man smirked, then embracing his partner, saying.
“Merry Christmas, buddy!”
“Merry Christmas, Cavendish, Balthazar!”
“And let’s both play Mega Man after this...” Cavendish muttered, and he could sense Dakota agreeing, nodding on his shoulder, in a snowy weather that couldn’t stop the sweet moment of two time travellers, who will always be together side by side, forever!
It’s my world and we’re all living in it!
Scene cut to a group of young adults and a pharmacist in their time vehicle parking behind the shop.
“Ahhh!” Melissa said, entering one of the backseats, “All the things act properly!” And of course, she carried her daughter along inside the car as well, “Come on, Anna!”
“Dad is waiting, and we’ll tell him how much fun we had.”
And next, Milo entered the window seat next to the driver of the vehicle, saying with some laugh coming along, “And we’ve finally got rid of the bad future, right Doctor D?”
Heinz Doofenshmirtz, who had been responsible for the time travel part, announced, “Yes, yes we have!” then he pointed to Murphy’s lover, “Oh, there she come!”
And Amanda entered to a backseat next to Melissa, who was sitting on the one to the left. She informed, “I guess we can call this a time and space Christmas!”
Milo quickly changed from frontseat to backseat, and sitting besides his wife, “I see things happen in there. You’ve done pretty well.”
“Thank you, Milo! Time travel sure is an easy task!”
“Now that’s my perfect wife,” He stated, “She finished things pretty well,” before giving the girl a kiss on her cheek, a very thing Amanda had done to the boy since their middle-school years.
Then he turned to his best friend, “And Melissa, too!”
“I know you will be flattered,” She smirked, “No need to say!”
Doof announced, “Alright, enough chit-chatting. Fasten your seatbelts and we’ll kick some time travel jump!”
And the gang prepared for another time jump, and their next adventure from the future.
Author’s Note: Milo, Melissa and Amanda are around early 30, and I didn’t specify their ages in the story for a reason! And Anna... well, consider that’s how I name Melissa’s daughter in the future (she’s 5 years old in this story)
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