honorhearted · 6 months
@melpomeneprose liked for a short starter!
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Benjamin's head ached and the taste of iron filled his mouth, his lashes fluttering once a boot pressed down painfully onto his injured shoulder. "You might as well k.ill me," he said, his voice a low rasp. "Everything I know, I'll take with me to the g.rave."
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symphonyofmalice · 2 months
(Time/world travel AU, ie Elphaba in the late 18th century and deeply confused… Elphaba Thropp ~ melpomeneprose)
((tarot card meme)) @melpomeneprose
Ten of Swords (//oof) UPRIGHT: Painful endings, deep wounds, betrayal, loss, crisis REVERSED: Recovery, regeneration, resisting an inevitable end
France was dying. Or it was being gloriously reborn, depending on whom one asked. While the Fête de la Fédération celebrated the anniversary of the revolution, a completed constitution was still nowhere in sight. Uprisings and turmoil bubbled everywhere.
The vampire Nicolas had not concerned himself with these events- he hadn't expected to survive to see their aftermath. Driven by his own internal war, he had danced onto his funeral pyre, built to rival any of the holiday bonfires of his youth. When his senses returned him to a body still marred and burned by flame and ash, the first thing he saw was a strange woman.
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curseconsumed · 1 year
'This isn't you.'
from here.
( From: Benjamin Tallmadge to Clara / melpomeneprose )
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"What isn't me?" Clara asked, her chin stiff with annoyance. "With all due respect, Mr. Bolton, you seem under the impression that womenfolk are forthright in our mannerisms -- that we haven't developed a universal need to conceal our true desires, for fear of losing inheritance and marriage proposals." Her lips curled into a simper. "Not that I'm overly concerned, of course. I'm not so sure I want to be tied to the same clotpole day in and day out. "
Irritably, she flicked open her fan, cooling herself amidst the back gardens. "Even so, I find it puzzling how after only a fortnight of acquaintance, you seem to think you know precisely how I would or should behave." Clara sneered, her green eyes glittering. "In my experience, a man only presumes so much once he's gotten inside my mutton. What's your excuse, hmm? What makes you believe you know me?"
In truth, Clara was perplexed by John's behavior. There had been a man h.anged earlier in C.hatham S.quare -- a beastly r.ebel, at that -- so she couldn't even begin to understand why Mr. Bolton seemed so displeased with her attendance.
"It was a h.anging, not a scandal," she coolly said, deciding to cut off any further speculation. "The man committed t.reason against the Crown. You've claimed to be a staunch l.oyalist, sir, so speak true: are you so green that you'll recoil at the sight of necessary bloodshed?"
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seafoamseashell · 2 months
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@melpomeneprose asked: Just wanna say how cool I think your blog is. 💜 also I write an Ariel that is a mix of Halle’s portrayal and the og book. So: 👍
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This means a lot to me. I feel self conscious about my writing, especially when I try to write non-Disney plots. I know I'm not the most popular, but I'm really happy some of you support a black Ariel into the multiverse.
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❝ The c.ops? They're the dirtiest f.uckers. ❞
From here.
(from Eponine to Enj: melpomeneprose)
Enjolras winced, clutching at the cut to his side, but nodded heavily. "They surely seem like they are." He groaned. "Our rally was peaceful until they showed up, but that's usually how it is." He grimaced as he moved to sit down before looking up at the girl with a pained frown. "I don't think I know your name, but I know I'm in your debt." He made to extend his right hand to her to shake only to realize it was streaked with blood. He shakily pressed it back against his wound before awkwardly extending his left hand.
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avinkusprince · 6 months
@melpomeneprose // starter call.
"Who is Dr. Dillamond?" The question emerges in a rare moment, alone with Elphaba. Their circle is the same, and all his friends at Shiz were her friends first, but somehow it can never be just the two of them, without those friends. Maybe its the class timetables, or maybe it's chance. Or maybe it is the powers that be, in their wisdom, keeping the young married man away from a woman whom he finds terribly, awfully fascinating. (He never thinks of acting on the interest, of course. Out of sensibility or cowardice, who can say?) But those powers fumble today, leaving Fiyero and Elphaba the last two of their picnicking party on the grassy bank of the canal, and so he asks it, knowing it may be too bold. "Crope mentions him sparingly, but shuts up when I ask who that is. I asked Boq and he was just as skittish. So... I'm asking you, since I know you don't mind being a little shocking, and I figure that you'll tell me the truth. So who is he, and why the taboo?"
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audaciiaearchive · 9 months
"Good morning, Major. I received your letter last night...you wished to see me as soon as possible, I take it?" Not that Conall would've ever denied such a request from John Andre, of all people. Lately, he's found himself more and more infatuated with the man. Whether or not that's a good thing, he's yet to decide. Even still, he steps inside and shuts the door behind him.
Normally, Conall would make some quip about how busy he is, had it been anyone else, but John isn't just anyone else, is he? "You'll forgive me if I don't exactly look my best right now, but I did have a meeting right before this, and, ugh, you know, I've been doing this for quite a long time, and even I can only stand to listen to the same men drone on and on about one thing before it drives me mad. You, however, are a delightful breath of fresh air. Now what is it that you wished to discuss?"
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vyrulent · 1 year
starter call || @melpomeneprose ( carmilla )
Aleera slipped free of her hiding place, vampiric eyes burned bright at the sight of the other. How pretty, how alluring. Her smile was wicked as she appraised her with predatory gaze.
There was little doubt that Aleera had been made to be the rose that hid the viper beneath its leaves. The Count had made certain to create her as a beautiful predatory, one that men and women alike fell so easily to.
"Careful of where you walk...there are hunters and wolves in these woods."
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dynastymuses · 10 months
⭐ *flings my babies at you* / melpomeneprose
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MULTIMUSE MEME: Send a " ⭐ " and I will list muses I would be interested in throwing at yours, or potential muse combinations if you are also a multi.
any of these could be romantic/platonic
prince freidrich hohenzollern/edwina sharma
kate sharma/anthony bridgerton
jacquetta covington(oc)/anthony bridgerton
philip crane/eloise bridgerton (bc they are so cute in the books)
elisbeth barlowe (oc)/siena russo
jacquetta covington/any historical characters
maxwell dambury/any historical characters
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"Oh, I won't be hiding." --- Benjamin Tallmadge: @melpomeneprose
"You remind me of my father," Emma chuckled, "Actually, you remind me of me, which is pretty much the same..."
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She had her share of risk-taking and boldness, so she could only appreciate it in others. "Far from me to the voice of reason, if only because I wouldn't know where to start, but... be careful. From what I'm told some of the enemies you face respect no rule nor care about honor, if you provoke directly... remember it may make things harder for you personally later and you should be ready to kill on sight, or others may pay for the anger you provoked." It was the one thing she and her mother did not see eye to eye, but then, her mother didn't provoke the enemy; Emma, who had no intention of letting other people spill blood for her attitude, always made sure that ruthless people who would kill innocents to make her pay would die, no second chance.
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threecardtrick · 1 year
"Good sir, Cromwell, I'm tired. tired of being afraid. "
- from Anna of Cleves: @melpomeneprose
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He almost says: You have no need to be afraid of His Majesty. His tongue twists to: The temperaments of men here are different. He decides, finally, with: "What has made you afraid on this day, Your Majesty?" He wants to know. He must know. It is knowledge that keeps people alive.
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honorhearted · 11 months
[ FESTIVAL ] ~ from Lola / melpomeneprose
H.oliday m.eme
It was odd being out and about, doing mundane, everyday things as if there weren't a care in the world. Benjamin wasn't delusional enough to believe as such -- not yet -- but with a fresh layer of snow on the ground, and several children scurrying about with vibrant, gleeful giggles, he almost felt like his old self again.
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That afternoon, Y.ork City was having its annual winter c.arnival. He almost hadn't bothered attending, but once Caleb revealed how their mutual friend, Lola, had been speaking about it all week, Benjamin decided to surprise her with an invitation.
At present, the streets were dotted with food stands, tents with c.lairvoyants tempting passersby with their fortunes, and plenty of games and trinkets. Benjamin personally found it all rather s.inful, but for the sake of Lola's enjoyment, kept his mouth shut while they strode along the grounds.
"Did you want anything?" he asked her. "The whole point of this outing was so you could experience something enjoyable...so for once in your life, the phrase 'you can look, but you can't touch' need not apply."
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dynastymusesarch · 1 year
@melpomeneprose liked this for a one-two line starter {{&&dido&benjamin}}
❝i am sorry, i did not mean to bother you, i was just..❞truth was dido didn't know what she was doing on this side of london. surely poppa would not be happy. now she had bumped into this man.
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curseconsumed · 5 months
"As usual, you're overreacting."
from here.
(from: melpomeneprose - Benjamin Tallmadge to Clara)
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Benjamin stood there, in her bloody room, with one leg straddling her window sill, and yet he had the gall to tell her she was overreacting?
Clara bristled. "If you want 'overreacting,' then I will gladly create a scene, you...you carbuncle-arsed moppet!" she seethed. Jabbing a hand against her chest, she reminded him, "What you are asking of me is t.reason. I will not aid in your sneaking into my father's party! If you wish to spy on Major A.ndre, then you may do so of your own accord -- not my own!" Her lip curled. "I will never aid in the p.atriot cause!"
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withinycu · 1 year
@melpomeneprose {lord ruthven}
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"I do hope we aren't boring you, Lord Ruthven," Elizabeth said offering their guests her hand. "I worry our rustic entertainments don't compare to what you may be accustomed to. Perhaps I could interest you in a dance?"
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nomdepen · 9 hours
"Keep pushing, Pen, you and I are going to play a game."
(with bisexual undertones from Eloise @ Pen - melpomeneprose)
“Is that a threat? Are you threatening me, Eloise Bridgerton?” Perching her fists on her hips, Pen tried to suppress a grin. It was never truly easy to tell what Eloise had in mind, but Pen knew enough to gather that it was something undoubtedly mischievous. “Exactly what are the rules to this so-called game?”
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