mxchineherald · 2 months
[Send 👤 and I will write more about an NPC in my muse’s life]
Viktor's mother, Anya, worked many jobs throughout her time raising him. When Yugo was still alive, she worked as a scrap sorter at the local yard near the fissures, then at the pools. After the loss of her husband and Viktor's father, she gradually shifted to working at night, returning to her old, pre-marriage job in the lanes brothel. Viktor worked hard to send whatever spare money he had her way after he became assistant to the dean, though she stopped accepting the gold when she disappeared just after his 24th birthday.
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11thsshadow · 1 year
Send me ‘💍’ for our muses to wake up married after a night of heavy drinking
Dark wasn't sure where he was, the room around him didn't seem familiar. He was pretty sure he hadn't seen this room at all. The last thing he remembered was himself and his husband on the TARDIS and a single bottle in his hand.
Fuck. He sighed as he finally looked down at his hand, noticing a new piece of jewlery that hadn't been there before. A ring, he'd similarly never seen before. Even if he had, with how showy it was there was no way he would have worn it.
It was, however, a very River ring. Dark then looked over at River, watching and waiting for River stirr. When he finally did he rose an eyebrow.
"River, what the hell kind of drinks did you give me last night?" He didn't sound remotely angry, sounded amused even, if only a little miffed. "I'm amusing you brought us here? Nice ring selection, love."
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inxumerable · 1 year
Send 🏠 for our muses to get trapped in a haunted house together (River for Constantine, you can choose verse ;3 )
Haunted houses weren't his usual schtick but if someone paid for his services, handsomely at that, who was he to say no? When you worked by yourself it was easy to get rid of things and get out. Ghosts were childs play compared to the demons he exorcised on a weekly basis.
This one was a cheeky bastard, though, locked the door behind him as soon as he came in.
"Right, you're gonna be a nasty piece of work aren't ya you little bugger?" John sighed heavily and lit a cigarette, and he was doing so he realized someone else was in the room. "Oh bloody hell, so much for being alone. Listen, leave this to the professionals, yea? Don't want ya to break a nail hunting ghosts."
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notdrifting · 10 months
BAR FIGHT | with @melodyxriver | cont. from here:
River wasn't surprised to see her husband in a fight, especially not that version of her husband. She was surprised that it was in a bar however. She thought about just sitting back to watch the show before thinking better of it. "Sorry boys. I'm afraid that it's time for me to be taking my husband home." She said brightly as she grabbed her husband with one hand while resting her free hand on the gun holstered at her hip.
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the man ducks barely in time to avoid a punch that could very easily knock a fella out -- too focused on avoiding the ruckus to realise she was making her way to him it is only when she grabs on to him that he realises
"now, now, my dear wife. i was simply making some new… friends." he grinned, looking at her.
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xinflesh · 1 year
“ i’m going to drain every ounce of your blood. nice and slow. like you deserve. ” (paraverse or castlevania au)
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"Excuse me? You'll do what?" Johnny rose an eyebrow. He didn't know who this was but he certainly wasn't going to let them close to him. "I don't know who you are, but I'd like to see you try. I don't like to use my abilities, but I will if you make me."
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jynxd · 9 months
26. What is their favorite snack food (Jinx)
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Small detail meme | accepting
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26. As stated in the previous ask, Jinx loves the fish. As such, her favorite food is dried fish. Most of the time she has some readily available and on the go. However, she does have a sweet tooth and will snack on any sweets she comes across.
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smolcuriouskitten · 1 year
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Closed Starter for @melodyxriver Never say Never!
Roxie was so sick of her sex related questions, she was going to rip her hair out. Always asking about how it can be pleasurable, how it can be fun and whats the explosion at the end people keep talking about. She was so tired of it all, she decided to set aside some money to get her an escort to end all of the BS because if she had to explain how much better sex was than whining about it, she would punch her.
So Roxie asks to get out for a bit in favor of 'good time' and Rockelle honored it. Confused but when was Roxie normal about asking to be out? Roxie did mumble something about an skort that was coming later or whatever she said. "When did you ship something? I didnt get any packages." Rockelle asked confused as Roxie as leaving out the door. "You-" Roxie let out a deep sigh. "I said escort! ESCORT. You are about to have a huge package later, have fun walking!" She said and rushes out which Rockelle scrunches her nose. "The hell is an escort?"
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runes-menagerie · 1 year
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Reference Page
This is a post full of links to help all the mobile users access the content on my blog. This blog is a side blog to Melodyxriver.
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Rules About the Mun Muse list Headcanons
Plot Ideas Memes (muse specific memes) Opens (none yet)
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myrkrlokison · 2 years
⛓️ (from any verse you want)
| x | @melodyxriver
Myrkr wasn't sure how much time has passed since he'd been gods knew, where. The hours melted away between the sessions of inflicted pain, only to reemerge with no recollection of what caused him agony in the first place. Due to the nature of his wounds, he was unable to free himself; he must've been forced to use his magicka to heal himself before his captor was gone, thus he was reduced to nothing but a simple, mortal man each time he was left alone.
He had no idea why he ended up here, and he had no idea who captured him. All he knew was that every noise made him tremble in his shackles, his heart wanted to jump out of his ribcage, and his stomach turned with extreme anxiety. Whoever did whatever to him, he feared it; he feared it so much that his body had it's natural reaction by now, and he always wanted to flee, to no avail.
His cell was dark and silent save for the noises he and his chains had made. His neck was secured to the wall with a collar, as well as his arms as he was forced to kneel on the ground in a dark room. He was, most of the time, alone, and whenever his captor visited, he only knew by his own distressed sobbing and the still lingering pain in every inch of his body. He couldn't remember what was being done to him, but he suspected that his captor attempted to kill him at least once - and must've realised that he couldn't be permanently killed. By now, his black shirt was stiff with dried blood on his front and on his back. His own dried blood. He was nothing but entertainment; a toy to pass time with.
Now, steps echoed down the corridor towards his cell and he was whimpering out of fear already. Myrkr shut his eyes and turned his head away, trying to pretend he wasn't even there, but it was impossible. He knew whoever came, came here for one reason only. To hurt him again.
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angelic-din-mortem · 3 years
melodyxriver liked for a starter.
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Winter...he...HATES...winter.  Not was it that there was snow or lack of sun, but it was cold...and dry, leaving him to feel like a human being mummified by the world each time he leaves his shop, while also being turned into a popsicle. 
Button sleeves up, pants rolled up a bit, flip flops on, whatever bare skin was exposed was dry and cracked, even covered in Band-Aids and wrapping here and there, while doing his best to hide his tattoos. Working on his computer as he checks in some new books he got for the store, the bell of the door gently rings, making him tilt his head as he listens for a moment before going back to work, wondering if he had a customer in the harsh blizzardy day. 
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( @melodyxriver - maleverse)
Kylie made it up to the treehouse easily, climbing in through the floor and looking around with interest as she had never been inside or even seen a house inside a tree before. After a moment she noticed she could see Kumiko from one of the windows, giving her a small wave with a look that could almost be described as a smile on her face.
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11thsshadow · 1 year
My muse is being held in solitary confinement and hasn’t seen anyone for weeks. Send ⚠ to find them
Dark knew they would put him here. It was a familiar cell, similar to what Canton had put him in, but this time he was properly locked up. Literally cut off from the universe. Hadn't even had a scrap food brought in.
"Fuck what does a bloke have to do get even a fucking crumb here?" Dark muttered and kicked one of the walls. He didn't care if he couldn't be heard. Somehow, some way, he was going to track down the person that had put him here.
And the the door opened.
"About fucking time! You can't just bloody well leave me in here and starve me." Dark growled. "I've seen stormcage treat their prisoners better."
He tried to look up to see who it was, but the light was blinding. "Hello, are you listening to me?"
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inxumerable · 1 year
🔐(prison)+🪢(handcuffs) ;3 (whichever River you want)
"Well what a nice comfortable position we've found ourselves in." Jack chuckled. They were in a small cell, no beds or anything really. Just two people, cuffed together in one of the highest security places to be.
"Although, I can't say I remember being cuffed to someone else" Jack grinned over the man next to him. "Last nights a bit of blur, mind telling me how we ended up here?"
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melandreia-aa · 5 years
An Unexpected Encounter II Closed Started
Yes, Mel donated to charity. No, that did not mean that she was willing to invest in whatever ridiculous idea someone came up with just for the money. Of course the second part of this wasn’t common knowledge to those entrepreneurs and such who sent her invites to various parties. She rarely went, but sometimes there was free food. This was one of those times. 
She had listened to the usual presentation from a man in a black suit telling the crowd of men and women dressed in elegant evening gowns and suits about the big idea that would change the world. He had been very persuasive in his speech but she still needed to think about it. She also needed the bathroom. She left the big crowd and walked down the nearest hallway, trying to find the restrooms. She didn’t find them but she did come across... a woman? Yep, a woman. A woman who was seemingly, picking a lock to an office. She raised an eyebrow and approached. 
“What are you doing?” she asked curiously, more intrigue than suspicion in her voice.
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withloveandtimedear · 4 years
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"You always could see past my smile." Jack chuckled, his voice thick with emotion. He cleared his throat, blinking the tears from his eyes. "But no. Everything is not alright."
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jynxd · 10 months
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NAME :   Bli
PRONOUNS :  They/Them
PREFERENCE  OF  COMMUNICATION :  Discord! I am usually around more frequently there and its easier!
NAME  OF  MUSE(S) : Jinx, Silco, Ekko (only counting arcane muses in this case)
EXPERIENCE  /  HOW  LONG  (  MONTHS  /  YEARS? ) :  since 2013
BEST  EXPERIENCE :  I've had so many amazing experiences in my years. I think I've just really enjoyed meeting everyone, espcially meeting @melodyxriver (who now puts up with for real now.) But with this fandom, Its just been being here! I've never felt more connected to any sort of characters before than now.
RP  PET  PEEVES  /  DEALBREAKERS : I think the only major peeve I have is that if I am putting in the effort to type 3+ paras, I expect more than just a one sentence response. Other than that I don't have a lot of peeves.
MUSE  PREFERENCES  FLUFF,   ANGST  OR  SMUT :  Large preference to Angst, but Fluff is fun. Smut situationally
PLOTS  OR  MEMES :   Both for sure. I love plotting possible dynamics and themes. This is also how I connect with muses and ask things I don't know about them. At the same time, memes are very good for ice breakers as well working with plots relating to what we were discussing! I will say that as much as I love plotting, my brain doesn't always think of starters well lolllll
LONG  OR  SHORT  REPLIES :   I can do both, however I am primarily someone who writes novelias (4+ paras.) I don't ever expect anyone to match completely
BEST TIME TO WRITE :    Afternoon- evening. Sometimes I get last minute ideas before bed. Morning in rare blue moons.
ARE  YOU  LIKE  YOUR  MUSE(S) : With Jinx, definitely. There is a lot similarities that I have with Jinx and she comes so naturally to me. Ekko and I both very introverted and share some mental things. Silco I probably have the less similarities with but I just connect to him extremely well!
TAGGED  BY  :   stole from @knifvd TAGGING  :    anyone who wants to do it :P
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