#mellow x violetta
fumikomiyasaki · 9 months
🌆 for anyone you like! @twst-the-night-away
How about one date?
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Even if Leroy gave him some courage still he stood there with shaking knees holding a his sketchbook tight in his hands... he still wanted to attempt to ask Violetta out given he found a great place that might interest her but.... he never even had much courage to talk to her... let alone would he even survive this as a date... right he just didn't need to think it seems like a date... A deep breath escaped him as he stepped out of his hiding place and slowly walked up to her.
"D-do you have time or.... a-are you busy?"
"Oh Mellow... what is it?"
She turned around to him as his face had a hint of a blush on him and he put one arm behind his back shy... before handing her a sheet of paper.
"I-I wanted to give you this but also um... ask you if you have time on friday... there is this place I wanted to show you... g-given the stories you shared with me."
She looked back at the paper and also started to blush... it was a pretty sketch of herself he made... she hid a little behind it giving her answer.
"I would have time... and gladly g-go with you."
"Really? Then lets meet by my dorm that day."
The days past and on friday Mellow and her were walking through a pretty little forest with her following behind him.
"We are almost there just a little bit."
Eventually as he said they turned a corner and... the view to Violetta was almost enchanting... it looked just like one of those fairytale forrest lakes she often dreamed up in stories.... a beautiful sight with all these small flowers as Mellow shot her a small smile before looking away emberassed again... in and attempt to close the gap the two stood next to each other... slowly both had the same idea and reached the hand out to another holding it gently...
"I d-didn't want to outright say it but... I did have a crush on you for a while so I hoped... I could take you on this date and b-be less nervous telling you cause nobody would be looking at us and judge me... I... like you Violetta."
"I like you too... I just... was also unsure how to say it."
Both of them shot another a warm smile... soon they sat down with their sketchbooks on a blanket... seeing what they could draw... chatting amongst themselves ... it was comforting to have a break away from all the work and noises.... and Mellow was glad he finally had the courage to tell her how he felt.
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fumikomiyasaki · 2 years
🌆 Trying a new one ... where would Mellow take Violetta if he asked her out? 🌼
How about just one date? @twst-the-night-away
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Thanks to Leroys encouragement Mellow although stuttery tried to ask out Violetta to hang out together and got lucky she agreed... he invited her out to an art museum which thanks to the time they went didn’t have much people to bother them or be in the way of paintings, so they could just relax and look at some art.
“Oh this one was based on a Fairytale I remembered and loved... the technique is not bad.”
“R-right... I thought y-you might like it... t-there is also some of some nature in the o-other exhibit.”
In general he was glad that they both could use this shared hobby as means of communication, eventually both settled down in the nature exhibit and both took out their sketch books.
“I see so you just doodle people you see... why that?”
“I-I want to remember the p-people I met... mainly I just draw t-the people I like or am f-friendly with... cause this way I think of them...”
“I could never think about that given I avoid the most.”
“All m-my errands just get me around.... but... I do like your art a lot as well... I-I wish I could go out more aside drawing people but... I-I use such places like here as inspiration.”
“That is why you brought me here, you noticed my art block?”
“I-It was one reason.” He grew red and a little nervous. It was still hard for him to talk normally to girls he found cute so he tried his best...
“Guess I thank you then... I did enjoy this day.”
“Y-your welcome. I could always show you more places o-of inspiration.”
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