#melissa's house and cooking
maraczeks · 2 years
abbott elementary s2 thread pt 2
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blackswnns · 1 month
"come right on me, I mean camaraderie" 😸
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godshivered · 2 years
The way I know in my spirit that Ava bought Melissa that pink shirt because her current hyperfixation is fashion and more importantly peoples skin tones and what looks complimentary on them. She’s dressing that woman up like her own personal Italian barbie and I love that for them
ok fashion being ava’s hyperfixation definitely works, i think tiktok too… when she’s in the zone she’s in the zone and it’s just all she wants to do. plus she’s so enthusiastic about it and gets genuinely excited to make videos for janine and barbara 😭
but ok fashion, yes, and so of course that’s why she and ashley get along right off the bat. i’d love to see her have an episode where maybe janine’s getting ready for her and greg’s first date, and maybe she asks ava for help picking what to wear? and we could get to see ava’s closet and her whole process while she’s like eagerly explaining to the camera — and after that, janine starts to borrow clothes from ava more often.
plus in melissava world, ava would definitely enjoy coordinating outfits with melissa and shopping for both of them. and imagine the couples costumes
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fallingfor-fics · 2 months
Meetings in Secret- Melissa Schemmenti x Reader
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Pairing: Step-Aunt Melissa x Step-Niece Reader (not blood relatives!!)
Word count: 11.6k DAMN this a whole book, if it does well i may make a part two
Warnings: fooling around with your step-moms sister, mild smut, fingering, grinding, some angst, drug and alcohol usage
Summary: You are 21 in college and meet Melissa at a family party and continue to run into her. You fall into a loop with her and she keeps dissapearing.
this was def not based on true events
Friday nights were always your favorite since you started college, and now you are freshly twenty-one meaning you prepare yourself all week for Friday nights. You and your friends would go out, have a blast, come home, and crash. Then you would do it again the next weekend. They were almost sacred nights now. So when you got a call from your step-mom saying her son's graduation party was on friday, you held in a displeased groan. Of course you said you would be there and dreaded the event. You did your hair and makeup, leaving your hair down and light makeup since it was mainly outdoors. You wore a simple skirt with a nice tank top and headed home just as it was about to hit seven. 
When you arrived you took a deep breath and grabbed the card you got for your step-brother then headed inside. You could hear the music as soon as you got out of your car and your eyes went wide. There were a ton of cars parked in the front of the house and you heard the roar of chatter. Wafts of barbeque and beer came your way as you walked into the kitchen. 
“Oh Y/n! I'm so glad you made it!” Your step-mom, Mary, said with a smile and came to give you a hug. “Your father is outside on the grill and Jude is outside with his friends.” she went back to cooking and you nodded.
“It smells great in here, what time did everyone get here? Sorry I'm a little late.” 
“Oh it's fine people started arriving at five but they’ll be here all night.” she laughed. You looked out the window to see tables set up under canopies, with lights dangling all around, a balloon arch graced a window, and there was a large speaker playing music. Your jaw opened slightly, they didn't even go this big for your high school graduation. You turned back to Mary with a smile.
“That's a lot of people.” 
“Yeah so we are trying to keep the inside off limits, unless it's for the restrooms.” she quipped in response as she bounced around the kitchen. You went outside and said hi to your dad before going to congratulate Jude. 
“I got this card for you, Congratulations!” You said with a smile and he gave you a hug. 
“Thanks Y/n.”
“Your mom really went all out.” you laughed and he nodded.
“Yeah I don't even remember some of these people, but hey mom’s letting me have a few beers so I can't complain.” You laughed before heading back inside to see if Mary needed any help. 
After a couple more hours, people were dancing and mingling like crazy, drinks were flowing and people were either gossiping at tables or dancing by the speaker. You had to admit you were having a pretty good time, you had been hanging around your dad or just chilling by yourself for most of the night, but you were enjoying the people watching, and the juicy rumors people were chatting up. Your step mom called everyone in for a shot and your head started to hurt from the thought of that many people in the kitchen. You had also managed to avoid any introductions and didn't want that to change. You felt better with the drinks you had in your system and had already done a shot or two with Jude when no one was looking. Only the people that actually wanted a shot came inside, thank god, and you stood outside of the circle of people around the kitchen island where your stepmom was pouring the shots in these tiny plastic cups. Your dad yelled a salud to Jude and everyone cheered as they downed their shots. After that most people went back outside but a few hung around for another. When most cleared out of the way, through slightly fuzzy vision you saw a woman standing at the counter, red hair draped across her shoulders in smooth curls, and eyes that sparkled in the dim lighting. An angel- you thought to yourself. You looked away when you realized you had been staring and went to pour yourself another shot.
‘Oh do you want a glass of wine or a cocktail instead?” Mary asked from the sink and you shook your head. 
“Nah thats okay im good with this and the beer selection isn't bad.” you said politely and she laughed, clearly more tickled due to her wine buzz she had going on. You took another shot and figured that was enough for now and went to the bathroom. As you were coming out you ran into your other step-brother, Anthony, who was older than you by a few years. 
“Oh hey how’s it going?” you asked and he nodded. 
“Not bad just got here. I was actually looking for you, you know I owe you for that time we smoked here fourth of july so I brought some stuff if you wanna come to my car?” he asked in a hushed tone and you looked around. 
“Your mom still doesn't know you smoke? I don't think she will care. I mean Jude is shitfaced right now.” you said surprised and he shrugged. 
“I guess. Come on I dont wanna risk it with the nosey neighbors and we are already being hella loud.” he pleaded and you nodded. You walked to his car, his cousin joining as well. He was parked under a tree and you got in the passenger seat, grabbing the lighter from the door and handing it to him. He gave you the joint to start up and you did, passing it to him as you looked out the window. 
“So what happened with you and that girl you were seeing? The crazy one with the boyfriend?” you asked Anthony as his cousin nodded and handed you the joint from the back seat.
“Yeah, you're still seeing that girl?” she asked, leaning forward and he shook his head. 
“Nah I ended that, I didnt wanna mess with that situation anymore.” he replied and you took a drag before handing it to him. 
“What about you Y/n? You got a man?” his cousin, Ariel, spoke from the back and you laughed, 
“No, I'm focusing on school right now.” you smiled and they nodded. You stayed and talked with them a while longer before you guys decided to head back to the party. You sprayed yourself with perfume and washed your hands when you got inside and paused to look at your reflection. You had a good crossfade going and started laughing as you thought of the fact you were going to have to spend the night now. You rolled your eyes before heading back to the kitchen.
Soon it was just you, Mary, another woman that was rather gorgeous but slightly older than Mary, and Ariel. 
You smiled as you sipped on some water and talked with Ariel, your back to the patio door. You heard it open and didn't think anything of it until you felt someone come and stand next to you, her arm pushing into yours as she rested her hands on the counter. 
“Hey Mary, can you make me another drink?” she asked with a cute smile that made your heart stop for a second. Okay maybe it was also the substances in your system but you caught your breath and turned back to Ariel. 
“It's the angel.” you whispered to yourself.
“Hey Melissa, can you make it yourself?” she chirped and you raised your eyebrows. Mary saw and laughed, causing Melissa to turn and look at you. Her smile softened at the sight of you and she stood up straight, looking over your appearance. 
“And who is this beautiful young woman?” Melissa asked and you hesitated to speak, the wave of nerves almost suffocating you. 
“That's Y/n, Christopher's daughter. You met at the wedding but Y/n is always away at school for any of the parties we have here.” Mary answered as she started to make Melissa’s drink. “Y/n this is my younger sister, Melissa.” you nodded now vaguely remembering her. Your dad and Mary got married right before you left for college so you didn't see much of her family.
“Oh I didn't even recognize you, you have changed so much.” Melissa said with a smile and you weren't quite sure if that was a good thing or not. 
“Well I grew my hair longer and stopped dying it. I also cooled it with heavy makeup.” You rambled, the drinks in you allowing your tongue to roll words right off it at a rather impressive speed, for your current state at least.
“I see. You have such beautiful hair sweetheart.” she said with excitement in her voice clearly a result from some drinks. She moved her hand to run her fingers through the ends, her fingers grazing your back through it. You felt a chill travel up your spine and your cheeks grew hot. 
“Thank you, but you have the most beautiful hair I have ever seen.” you said softly and she smiled. 
“Awe thanks hon.” she rubbed your back then grabbed her drink from Mary. “Are you coming with us girls to go shopping tomorrow?” she asked and Mary looked up with a smile. 
“Oh yeah Y/n I wanted to ask you but I got so busy cooking. We would love to have you. We are just going to hit up some shops in town.” Your step mom said sincerely as she took a sip of her wine. You felt Melissa looking at you and you met her glance for a second. Her eyes were firm yet dazzling. You felt as if she was challenging you, but not threatening, rather observing your response and demeanor. You nodded with a smile and Mary cheered and Melissa's satin lips curved into a cocky smile. 
The next day you got up early to shower and get dressed, you wore denim shorts and a baby tee with sneakers and did some light makeup. You had slept in your room that was right across from the guest room, which you learned Melissa was staying in and you struggled to sleep with that fact circling in your head. This encourages you to wake up and get ready though. Because now you had a reason to get put together before you were seen by her in your pajamas with your hair a mess. 
You step out of your room and see Melissa sitting in the kitchen, her back to you and Mary sat next to her with a cup of coffee. You took a breath and walked up to them with a smile. 
“Good morning.” You said to them as you got a cup of water. 
“Morning sweetie.” Mary chirped, Melissa looked up at you with a smile and muttered a greeting before going back to her phone. 
It wasn't until you all went to load into the car that you realized you were a seat short. You offered to ride in the trunk but Mary refused. 
“I think we can all fit if we squeeze.” Ariel muttered and you sighed. Melissa turned to you with a smile. 
“You can sit on my lap if you need to hon.” she said casually in her rough and seductive voice. Your cheeks grew hot and it took every muscle of restraint to decline the offer. I mean you had to give yourself a pat on the fucking back at the willpower you had to say no to this. You knew it wasn't right to say yes since she was just offering to be nice and you respected her too much. You shook your head and laughed. 
“Um I'll just take my car, and follow you up.” you said moving to grab your keys. 
“Oh ok thanks for doing that.” Mary said and you nodded, “Go with her, Melissa, so she's not alone and so we all fit comfortably.” Mary ordered, gesturing to Melissa to walk to your car.
“Is that okay with you?” she asked and you nodded in shock. She walked up to you and grabbed the keys from your hand. You allowed her, not saying anything and just smiling. “I'll drive if that's ok.”
“Go right ahead.” you said and you walked to the passenger side. The car ride went fast, Melissa asking you about school, and you asking her about work. You learned she taught at an elementary school and that thought only fueled the butterflies. She said what you were studying was cool and that also made you blush a bit. You knew you couldn't keep thinking this, but it was hard. She was very affectionate, I mean they all were, but she would alway place hands on your arm or back and she always held eye contact. You were confused from all the signals getting crossed. Of course you knew she was just being nice, but you couldn't help the way your mind wandered about her every time you would lock eyes. 
You split off to go shopping with Ariel and met back up with the others for lunch. Melissa sat next to you and you smiled up at her, she had her hair down but was wearing a casual yet very flattering sundress that had thin straps. You didn't notice any bra straps which made you think she either wasn't wearing one or had a strapless one on. As if she was reading your mind, she let out a sigh and her hands went to the fabric on her chest. 
“I got one of these stupid sticky bras and the damn thing is falling off.” she muttered to the table and you all laughed. Your step-mom went on to share her own experience with those heinous creations and Melissa continued to mess around and you once again turned your focus away from her. 
“Oh my god, should I just take it off.” she laughed turning to you and you laughed along. 
“Just go to the bathroom and fix it.” you suggested, her knee was pressed to yours and you couldn't help your eyes accidentally glancing to her chest for a second. 
“I mean look at that.” she said, holding the top of her dress out for you to see her dilemma. You felt your chest tighten and you panicked inside. The Schemmentis were all very open and close with each other, and you loved to be able to be a part of it all, but this moment had you wanting to drift away in a gust of wind to never be seen again. You couldn't help it and you looked down quickly before nodding and looking away. 
“Yup yeah that sucks.” you said as you took a sip of your water. By the time you all got home you were ready to go back to campus and see your friends. You said goodbye to everyone and drove an hour back to school. Before you left Melissa gave you a hug and you felt her soft hands around your back, one resting on the exposed skin of your waist from your cropped shirt. Her hands were warm along with her skin which was silky soft and radiant. You cleared your head and quickly got into your car to leave. You only had a few more weeks of school, and wanted to hang out with your friends as much as possible. 
The next Friday you and your friends took a trip to Philly a few hours away to visit another friend that you hadnt seen in awhile. They had mentioned this popular gay club you and your friends wanted to check out so of course you agreed to go with.
“Yeah I guess it's owned by a famous drag queen, it's in Milwaukee though it's just so far and not worth checking out ya know?” Your friend said to you in the uber on the way to the club, no one wanted to be sober tonight so the Uber was necessary. Your hair was down and you were wearing a little black body con dress with sequins on it and some cute black heels. Currently you were reapplying your lipgloss since the pregaming rubbed some off and you needed to look good tonight. You arrived at the place and you and your friends all cheered when you got inside. The place was two stories, with the second floor being balconies that looked down onto the first that had a large dance floor and of course the bar. 
“Follow me!” your friend said and you all grabbed hands as you moved through people. You noticed the crowd was full of all kinds of people. Some were younger, some were older, but everyone seemed to be having a good time. You were led upstairs where you found another bar, and then booths and high tables placed around under the colorful lighting. You all went to the bar and ordered some drinks, you noticed all the tables up here were full and your friend suggested you go dance. You all agreed and finished your drinks before going back downstairs. You took a second to have another shot and as you were walking to catch up to your friends you saw through the tables of people, on the other side of the room, flaming hair and a glowing smile that erupted with laughter sitting in a booth. You realized who it was and your heart stopped as you admired her. You wondered if you should say hi or just sneak away, as you pondered, one of your friends came up to you. 
“Come on, Y/n” she said and you turned to look at her muttering an apology. You looked back up at Melissa and she was sipping her drink, she must have felt your relentless stare because she looked up and before her eyes landed on you, you were walking downstairs with your friend. Melissa caught a glimpse of you walking away and saw the shine of your hair and furrowed her brows. She assured herself it was just someone else but she couldn't get the image of you out of her head. She walked over to the bar and got a beer, taking it over to the balcony. She leaned over it looking down at the mass of people dancing and her eyes darted through the group. There were so many people squished together she felt her eyes sting as she focused looking through them, searching for your smile. Finally she smiled when she saw you and your friends pulling each other to the dance floor, thankful she wasn't crazy after all. The lights swirled around your face and you danced freely but with elegance to the music. Things slowed down as drinks started to flow and you smiled at the feeling. Time slowed for Melissa as well while she watched you dancing in the haze of smoke and music, your friend moved up behind you and you pressed against her, grinding to the beat and laughing as you did so. Melissa felt her breath catch and her smile grew. She admired your beauty and confidence mixed with your overall humble attitude. The innocence you wore underneath all of that was pulling Melissa in and she took a sip of her beer when she felt her throat going dry. When she looked back down, your friends were coming back from the bar down below, empty shot glasses left in your place at the counter. You kept dancing with your friends and Melissa felt a twitch of jealousy in her. Her brow raised slightly and she sucked her teeth with a smirk. She couldnt peel her eyes away from you, your hips, your face, the way you moved up against your friends, it all enchanted her. 
You smiled and laughed while your friend put her hands on your hips and you both moved along to the music. It was already hot in the room with the amount of people there, but you felt your face heat up even more all of the sudden and you opened your eyes fully and slowed your dancing a bit. You felt eyes on you and something drew you to look upstairs. Immediately bright green eyes were locked on yours. Your hips didnt stop moving as you stared up at the woman, She was smirking at you and you hesitated in reacting. You were fairly tipsy by this point and you had all smoked before coming so when your eyes landed on her you were rather stunned. You couldn't help but smile at her, a sheepish and regretfully seductive smile that caused her to smile back in return. Your friend turned to push her back against you and you instinctively did so, your hips once again moving in sync. Melissa watched in envy from above and sipped her beer, giving you one last glance before walking away. 
You snapped out of your haze and stopped dancing, casually enough to not raise concern, and then said you were going to the bathroom. Your friends nodded and you went upstairs. Fueled by alcohol-induced confidence and of course delusion, you looked for Melissa in the large circle of people. You spotted her table from earlier and you saw her sitting with three other women. From a distance you watched, observing to see if any of these women could be with her. That's when you realized… Melissa was at a gay bar. Which meant one of two things, her queer friends invited her, or Melissa didn't just like men. You knew she had been married and divorced to one but didn't think anything of it. Your heart started to beat faster and you let out a breath, now unsure about going up to her. What good could that do? While you pondered Melissa had seen you standing over by the bar alone and made her way over to you. 
“You really shouldn't be alone hon.” a raspy voice chirped from behind you and your head snapped to look at her.
“I was just up here looking for the bathroom.” you said and she nodded, gesturing you to follow her. By how quickly she took you to the bathroom your senses pointed towards option two of your possibilities for Melissa being here and you sighed to yourself. Melissa held your hand as she led you and you smiled as you kept up with her. When you got out of the bathroom Melissa was waiting outside it, leaning up against the wall of the hallway that was semi-secluded from the rest of the loud music and voices. You smiled at her when you got out and you took advantage of your current situation and looked at her with a grin. She raised a brow and you sighed. 
“So.” you paused looking up at her, “What are you doing in a place like this?” The words dragged out of your mouth but somehow managed to be quick enough that you couldn't properly phrase the question and you made a face at your choice of words. She scoffed with a smile and crossed her arms casually. 
“I could ask you the same thing.” she said softly and you nodded.
“I'm just here with my friends for the weekend.” you said shrugging and she pushed herself off the wall to step closer to you. You looked in her eyes and she tucked a strand of hair behind your ear.
“Why are you really here Y/n?” she said with confidence and you felt your knees go weak. 
“I told you, my friends brought me.” you replied and she shook her head.
“Come on. Be a good girl and tell me what I want to hear.” she said getting serious and you almost melted right there. You wouldn't believe what just came from her mouth. This woman you had met twice, and oh yeah, who was also your step..aunt? You swallowed and she smirked. 
“My dad didn't tell you I like girls… well, women.” you slurred out a bit with a sly smirk and she tilted her head at you.
“I get the feeling you didn't tell him.” you looked at her plainly and laughed, shrugging it off and she stepped closer once again. You felt your back hit the other wall and you couldn't help a small grin. 
“My family doesn't know, I'm very private. I'm not currently seeing anyone. I am as clean as a whistle. I like all women but have a soft spot for redheads.” you rambled out, your eyes softening at the last part as you winked. You would be the first to admit you were fairly drunk at this point. 
“Anything else you wanna know? Oh, I'm wearing black lace panties.” you muttered as you teased her and you went pale when you realized what you said. Embarrassment took over and Melissa just smiled at you with a cocky and mysterious smile. You didn't say a word and just turned to walk away, but she grabbed your arm and pulled you into her, her hands cupped your face and she kissed you softly but with a desire so strong it made your stomach flip. You kissed her back, running your hands through her hair and pulled away with a sigh to catch your breath. Your eyes widened when you realized and you looked down shaking your head. 
“I'm so sorry.” was all you said before walking away to find your friends.
“Damn did you throw up or something?” One said from their spot at the bar. You laughed and shook your head. 
“No, I ran into a friend.”
Your friends were growing tired and you were all about ready to head back. As you were closing out your tab your friends ordered the Uber and used the restroom. You signed the check and thanked the bartender, putting your card back into your purse. The Uber came and you left with your friends. 
That was the last time you saw Melissa for months.
 It took a couple days but after your kiss with Melissa you were able to eventually shove it away in the deep dark depths of your brain. You were currently at a work event for the organization you were interning at, and the event was at a nice history museum in Philly. It was a more formal event and you decided to just stay the night in a hotel instead of driving back. You were wearing a very simple yet elegant dress and some smaller heels. Due to your anxiousness you arrived early and decided to drop your stuff at the hotel first. The office made the reservation and covered the hotel expenses, so your room was rather fancy. It was on the top floor of the hotel and had a large king bed and a chaise lounge that sat in front of a large window that overlooked the city. You gasped at the sight and held in a scream at how gorgeous and amazing this was. You looked at your watch and saw it was almost time to head out so you fixed yourself in the bathroom mirror, and then grabbed your phone and purse before heading out. 
You got there fifteen minutes early, and walked up the steps of the museum looking around at all the dimly lit architecture that graced the outside walls. You gawked at how magnificent and intricate it was and continued to do so as you made your way in. There were signs pointing you where you needed to go and eventually you saw some of your coworkers. You mingled with them for a bit and grabbed a glass of champagne from a passing waitress as you waited for your boss to arrive. 
“Oh Y/n, you see that group of people over there? Those are the investors we are trying to impress tonight.” one of the other interns whispered to you and you looked over in the direction she pointed. You saw a bunch of people in suits that definitely looked the part and raised your brows. 
“Wow, they are the real deal. Too bad we can't talk to them.” You laughed. 
“Who says you can't?” you heard your boss chime in from beside you and you looked at her with a smile. 
“No one really, just myself.” you replied and she nudged your arm. 
“It's all about networking darling, and anyone can network.” she smiled and then walked to the front of the crowd. 
Did you want to fuck your boss? Yes of course you did. She was brilliant. However at this point in time you knew better, and you needed this job. That didn't stop her from flirting with you, and she actually did flirt, it wasn't in your head. Only reason you know that is because even your friends at work thought so.
After her speech was over you were free to walk the museum, you decided to go checkout the best exhibit they had-- the planetarium. This was always your favorite part of museums and with how fancy this one was you knew it had to be pretty astounding. You decided to go to the bathroom before you went to the exhibit, and as you stopped to read the map on the wall to see where the closest one was, you saw people out of the corner of your eye. Naturally you glanced at them before looking back at the map. However, you recognized a face and you felt your cheeks grow warm, you slowly looked back over out of fear you could be right, and your eyes went wide when you saw the familiar glow of red hair. You watched as Melissa walked slowly, looking at some boring historic artifacts, arm hooked in the arm of… a man. You held back the disapproving glare that tugged to appear on your face and you decided to just turn back around. You decided to stare at the map until they had walked by. Eventually you lost track of how long you had been there, checking your phone to see it was definitely not longer than three minutes. You exhaled and before you could go to turn around you felt a hand on your back, stroking your hair. 
“Hey Y/n.” you heard a velvety voice mutter your name and you felt a ping in your chest. Turning to face her with a smile, you fidget with your watch and look around for the man that was accompanying her. 
“Hi.” you let out, your eyes locking with hers. You looked over her and your chest grew numb as your eyes traced over her curves that were gracefully accentuated by her dress. 
“What brings you to a place like this?” she asked with a grin and you laughed at her mocking question. 
“I could ask you the same thing. We have got to stop meeting like this.” you joke with a light blush on your cheeks as you smile. Trying your best to play your role as a perfectly normal college kid who did not kiss a step relative at a gay club. 
“Looking for the bathroom I presume?” she asked and you nodded, slightly embarrassed. “It's that way.” she said and you nodded in realization. Soon the man she was with came from one of the staff only doors and came to stand next to her, a hand on her back.
“Hey, thanks for waiting.” He said to her before looking over at you with a small smile.
“No, problem I was just catching up with Y/n here she is my sister's stepdaughter.” she said with haste, “Y/n this is Clint he works here at the museum.” she said and you nodded. 
“Nice to meet you. Clint.” you said enunciating the ‘t’ as you looked at Melissa. 
“To clarify I actually own part of the museum not just a regular employee,” he said casually and You saw Melissa's eyes flicker to yours, she was reading your face for a reaction and her eyes softened as she listened to this preppy douche talk about himself, she felt embarrassment creep up on her as she watched you watching him. How could she stand here in front of an intelligent and beautiful girl like you with her arm linked to a man that was barely in Melissa's league and even she knew that for certain. “What brings you here?” he finally asked. 
“I'm here for a work event.” you nodded and he had an “ah-ha” look on his face. 
“Ahh yes, you’re with Smith Archives right?” he asked and your lips flattened. 
“Yup, I'm interning there.” you replied politely and Melissa furrowed her brows. 
“Wow hon that's a long drive home.” she asked with more concern laced in her voice than she intended and you just looked down. 
“I'm staying the night, they put me up in a hotel a few blocks from here.” Her face relaxed and you saw a mischievous twinkle in her eyes for a second before you cleared your throat to break the silence.
“Well it was nice seeing you but I have to get going. Good to meet you, Clin-t.” You said quickly before smiling and turning to head in the direction of the bathroom. The slight sting of jealousy trickled in your head and you rolled your eyes at your own reactions to everything. 
The exhibit was beautiful as you expected. The giant dome was lit up with the night sky and you sat in one of the seats, staring up at them as the soft sound of a narrator explained the astronomy facts. No one else was in there so you got to enjoy it in peace. Amongst the stars you zoned out, thinking of Melissa and convincing yourself this will all pass just like last time. You felt your head hurt from the stress and you took a deep breath. You sat there for at least two rounds of the little speech and were debating on staying for one more before you flinched slightly at a voice from behind you.
“Magnificent isn't it?” you turned to see your boss, Vivian, standing with her arms crossed as she looked around. You stood up and leaned on the backs of the seats. 
“Yeah it is, I'm surprised we are the only ones here.” you muttered as you looked over her frame. Vivian was gorgeous, but her mind, it was her mind that was so brilliant it never failed to reel you in, the way she spoke, and carried herself often left you in a haze. She was so humble and reserved yet gave you just enough to leave you on your toes. She had long dark gray hair with white sprinkled through it, despite only being forty-eight. She had strong cheekbones and piercing brown eyes that were so inviting yet intimidating. 
“Yeah well everyone is at the Dinosaur exhibit.” she laughed and you let out a soft giggle. 
“That makes perfect sense. Did we have any luck with the investors?” you asked and she didn't answer she just turned to look at you with a smile. 
“I want to ask you something Y/n.” she said softly as she walked past you to stand closer to the front of the dome, her head looking around at the stars in front of her. 
“Yeah what's up?” you asked, trying to appear normal. She turned to look at you and you smiled. 
“You know, you are very good at your job,” she paused and you felt your heart stop- oh god were you getting fired right now? “And I really value having you here but there is just one small issue. It is hard for me to help you get the most out of this position when you look at me like you want to fuck me.” Your eyes went wide and your jaw dropped.
“What?” was all you could croak out and she smiled, a soft laugh leaving her lips. 
“Its okay Y/n, I know you don't mean to, and I can't blame you,” she said, gesturing to herself and you laughed awkwardly, “but this brings me to my question.” she started and you nodded for her to continue, you were unsure if this situation could get any crazier so why not. 
“Are you able to get over this little infatuation or do I have to fulfill your fantasy in order for you to move on?” The words left her lips all too quickly and you felt your knees buckle as you leaned on the seats, she walked over to stand in front of you and you smiled up at her. If this was really happening you knew you had to take the opportunity. She stood over you and raised a hand to tuck hair behind your ear. The gesture made your heart ache and you were suddenly reminded of Melissa. You knew nothing could ever come from either of these situations, but your cons were longer for hooking up with Melissa than they were with Vivian. Melissa was never going to do the things you wanted her to and you had accepted that in this moment and allowed yourself to give in to pleasure. Vivian leaned down and hummed waiting for a response. 
“No one will know?” you asked with a smile and half lidded eyes as you looked at her, standing to meet her face to face. 
“Where’s the fun in telling?” she scoffed and you smirked, she moved a hand to brush a thumb over your lips and her other moved to rest on your waist. Just as she was about to lean in to kiss you, you saw movement behind her and you backed away, she did the same. Standing away from you nonchalantly. She relaxed when she saw it wasn't a coworker but you tensed up further when you saw Melissa standing there with a face full of confusion and shock. She didn't know how to feel and could only identify the jealousy she felt burning in her chest. 
“Sorry to interrupt.” she laughed bitterly, before turning and walking out. You watched as she left the dome and you looked down. 
“Did you know her?” Vivian asked and you nodded, “Hmm, ex?” she asked and you shook your head. 
“No, it's complicated.” was all you said. Though you were surprised, that's what Vivian's first guess was.
“Well whoever she is, the way she was looking at you really reminded me of the way you look at me.” she laughed and your eyes snapped up to hers.
“Really?” you asked and she nodded. You looked at your watch and saw that the event was technically over. “I have to go Vivian.” you said with a shaky voice from the anxiety coursing through you. 
“Go ahead Y/n. we can always pick up where we left off another time.” she winked and you ignored the small flutter in your stomach as you said goodnight, placing a kiss to her cheek, and then leaving the exhibit. You practically jogged down the hall, you looked all over and couldn't find her, the last place you looked being the front of the museum. You slowed when you saw her standing on the curb. You walked over and took a breath before coming to stand beside her. You didn't say anything and she looked at you.
“Was that your boss?” she asked and you nodded which earned a scoff from Melissa and you rolled your eyes. “I see you do have a type, though she looked a little too old for you.” she joked with a slight sting behind her words that fueled your own jealousy.
“Where is your date, Flint?” you asked with a smile and she sighed.
“Clint, and he is pulling the car up.”
“Where did you, uh, meet him?” you asked and she crossed her arms, both of you not looking at one another. 
“I met him on a field trip here, this is only our second date.” she spoke softly and it set off a signal in your brain. She seemed more mellow than usual, she seemed unhappy and all out of pep. You thought maybe she was just tired but didn't want to ask. You decided to bite your tongue and not make any more remarks about the topic. Soon you saw a car in the distance pulling around and knew you didn't have much time.
“Melissa.” you said and she looked at you.
“Yeah hon?” 
"Who were you with at the club that one night?” the simple question came out rather judgemental and you looked down.
“My friends from work. Why do you ask sweetie?” she said and you felt your heart swell at the pet name. You felt your cheeks grow hot and she sensed your nerves. She knew you wanted to ask her something else and just couldn't find the push you needed. “I date whoever I want, hon.” she said casually, leaning closer to your ear and you furrowed your brows. She gestured around and you realized what she was alluding to and you nodded. 
“What did you really want to ask me?” she said and you looked down.
“I can't, not now, as much as I want to.” you said softly. You both turned to look at one another and Melissa smiled. 
“What’s there to lose?” she said and your eyes met hers, she could see the desire lit within your gaze, she knew exactly what you wanted. Now it was up to her to decide, she had you at her fingertips and she wasn't going to let this chance pass by.
“Who says anything has to happen sweetheart?” she said assertively and you just smiled. Clint came pulling up and you looked at Melissa. Clint got out of the car to open her door and she put her arm around your waist gently and looked at him with sympathy. 
‘Hey Clint, I'm actually going to take Y/n back to her hotel room. She isn't feeling too well and I want to make sure she gets there okay.” You didn't say anything and just hid the smile that crept at the corners of your lips.
“Oh ok I can follow and take you back to your place after?” he offered and she shook her head. 
“No, that's okay, i'll take a taxi. Have a good night thanks.” She looked at you with a smile and you grabbed your purse. 
“I'm driving this time.” you chirped and she laughed, grabbing your hand and walking to your car. The ride to the hotel was so tense you thought you wouldn't make it there without the car breaking down from the sheer weight of it. Your legs were spread slightly and your dress was riding up. Melissa tried to keep her gaze under control but you eventually caught her looking and smiled. Your cheeks flushed and you looked out the window. The wind coming in from the cracks of the windows chilled your face and made your cheeks grow rosy. The slight humidity in the air was comforting and you couldn't help but smile as you looked out at the streets. Soon you were arriving at the Hotel and you felt your chest tighten as you got out of the car. 
“This is a very nice hotel.” she said as you followed her in and you laughed. As you walked through the lobby you spotted the bar and looked at Melissa. 
“Are you tired?” you asked and she shook her head. 
“Want to get a drink?" you said, gesturing to the bar. 
After two hours of talking and nursing a few beers as well as two cocktails and a shot, you and Melissa moved to just drinking water, and went to sit on the patio. You sat facing each other on the couch, your knees tucked up and your elbow resting on the back of the sofa. You and Melissa were talking about all kinds of things, getting to know each other, and joking around together. It was one of the best nights you’d had in a while, where you were truly having fun and getting to just exist in the moment. 
“Ugh do we have to go to bed? I could sit here talking all night” you stated simply and she smirked. As if she did it herself, you felt your throat dry up and you went to grab your water, taking large sips you felt a drop trickle down from the corner of your mouth and down your chin. Melissa let out a shaky breath and you set the glass down looking at her. She raised her hand to your face slowly, not taking her eyes from yours. 
“What do you want to do sweetie?” she said as her thumb wiped the water off your chin and you felt your chest go hot and your breathing grew shallow. You decided there was no going back now and you smiled. The drinks were flowing and you felt fuzzy, the kind of tipsy you usually only got from wine. 
“What I want to do isn’t appropriate.” you muttered with a grin, tearing your eyes from her and looking down into your water glass. 
“If you are gonna say things like that Y/n, say them with confidence.” she quipped and you looked up at her with big eyes that soon turned hazy. 
“Why were you on a date with Clint?” you asked as you were told to, your back straight, and your voice clear. 
“I have needs. I know he was an idiot.” she said simply.
“How many women have you been with?” you said swiftly and she looked down and then sucked her teeth.
“I don't think you want to know.” she shrugged and you furrowed your brows.
“I've never been with one.” you said looking at her with a shy gaze and her smile softened. She knew from the moment she first saw you that there was a sweetness in you and she could tell by your body language and the way that her words affected you that you were inexperienced and searching for the right woman's touch.
“I know hon.” she nodded and you felt your cheeks heat up again at how easily she saw right through you. The air grew thick as you admired each other and you looked over her face in awe. 
“Why did you kiss me that night?” The question left your lips softly but with speed, you didn't regret asking it though. 
“Do I need a reason?” she said with humor and you moved to sit closer, your knees touching hers.
“Why won’t you kiss me now?” you said with confidence, and you held the same challenging look on your face that Melissa had months ago. She smiled and looked you up and down slowly, your skin melting under her fiery gaze. Your core tightened and your eyes darted between hers. 
“Do you want me to, baby?” she said softly with a teasing tone and you felt your heart swell. Her hand moved to play with your hair as she looked in your eyes. Her eyes searched yours for the answer and you felt the weight of her gaze cause the rise of tension and lust to float in the air. You could feel your cheeks tingle like pricks of a needle on your soft skin. You nodded and she raised a brow, waiting for more. 
“Yes, I want you to kiss me.” you practically shouted with a laugh and she didn't hesitate to grab your waist and pull you in, her lips devouring yours as a hand moved to grasp your jaw. You moaned into the kiss and pushed your chest against hers as she moved her other hand from your hip to grab your ass. Her hand then slid under your thigh to hook under your knee and lift it to her hip, causing your core to press against her as you moved to straddle her. You felt a fire erupt in your core at the action and you swear her skilled mouth caused you to almost climax there and then. The heat between the both of you was so strong with one strong gust of wind you would have set the whole hotel ablaze. You moaned and she pulled away from the kiss, admiring your glossy eyes and puffy lips with her own lips being slightly pink around the edges. 
“What else do you want me to do?” she said out of breath and you just pulled her back in for a kiss, you let her tongue roam your mouth and find a pattern with your own. Your stomach grew hot and you felt your core tighten around nothing. You answered her question by grabbing her hand and moving it between your legs and she groaned into your mouth, causing a wave of arousal to wash over you. 
“God honey you are soaked for me huh?” she muttered between kisses and you nodded, she kissed along your neck as her hand moved your dress up and slid her hand into your panties. You moaned as she moved her fingers over your clit and pleased you with precision you weren't surprised by.
“Fuck Melissa- I want you so bad.” you whined out and she pulled away, removing her hand and grabbing yours. 
“Come on baby.” she said as you stood up and walked back inside, you headed to your room and the moment you got in the elevator Melissa was pushing you against the wall, her hands roaming your body as you tangled your hands in her hair, and moaned against her lips. The sounds you made echoed in the small area and only spurred Melissa on. The ding chimed loudly to alert you of your arrival and you broke away from her, digging in your purse for your key as you stepped out. Melissa kept an arm around your waist as you walked to your room, which you couldn't unlock due to the nerves and drinks in your system causing you to miss the slot. Melissa grabbed it from you and did it with ease and you smiled at her.
“Thank you.” You opened the door and led Melissa inside, shutting the door behind you and locking it. 
“Holy shit this is a nice room.” she said looking around and you nodded. When she turned to face you again, you were taking off your heels and pulling your dress off over your head. Her eyes grew heavy with lust and she walked over to you, cupping your face and pulling you in for a kiss, she backed you up to the bed and she pushed you back. You climbed up and sat against some pillows, your legs spread. She watched and bit her lip as she admired your frame. She took her own shoes off and hesitated. 
“Fuck you are gorgeous. You sure you want this baby? Once I fuck you, we can't go back.” she said firmly and you nodded eagerly. She slipped her own dress off and you felt your breath hitch at the sight of her. Her body was gorgeous, absolutely perfect. You wanted to feel her skin under your fingertips and trace her curves for the rest of your life.
“I want you more than anything I've ever wanted.” you said with a lovestruck voice and she smiled. 
She came up and straddled you, immediately kissing you again with force, her teeth sinking into your bottom lip earning a surprised and throaty gasp from you. She looked down at you and moved her hand to cup your center. You admired her as she rubbed circles on your sensitive core. Her eyes were sparkling, and her lips were turned up at the corners in a smirk. You moaned into her kiss as she continued to move her hand. Her thighs laid over yours and the warmth of hers around you felt like heaven. She pulled away to breath and you looked each other in the eyes, her hand came out of your panties and to your lips, she brushed her thumb over your lip and you looked at her with doe eyes. Your hands rested on her ass, and she looked down at you with a smile. 
“Open.” she said softly and you didn't hesitate to open your mouth and allow her to slip two fingers in. You sucked on them not tearing your eyes from hers as your tongue did circles around them. Melissa pulled them out of your mouth slowly before allowing them to return to their spot on your clit, your warm saliva touching your slit caused you to groan and Melissa kissed your open mouth, her tongue diving in and swirling around yours, finding a rhythm as you kissed back, you rocked your hips into her hand, causing her arm to press against her own center. Your hands squeezed her ass and nudged her towards you gently, she arched into you, her chest against yours as she continued to kiss you roughly. Without warning she slid her fingers into you and you let out a loud moan into the kiss and she smiled, pulling away to hover just above your mouth, your lips almost touching as she curled her fingers inside you, deep and rough. Your brows furrowed and your mouth opened as you rocked against her fingers. 
“You liked that baby?” she whispered in her deep voice and your stomach fluttered. You nod with a smile.
“Don't stop please.” you whine and she giggles.
“I wouldn't dream of it.” she pushes into you harder and faster and you feel the heat in your core grow hotter, a tight feeling forming in your sensitive and deprived cunt. She stayed hovering a mere inch above you as she moved her hips slowly and her fingers moved hard and fast. You rocked your hips into her faster and she looked down at you with a devious smile. She watched as your face contorted with pleasure and your eyes went glossy as you grew closer to your release. You moaned as you felt your legs press together and your back arched into Melissa. 
“Fuck, im going to cum.” you moaned into her and she smiled, finally kissing you again, this time slowly and tender. Her soft lips wrapping around yours gently and her fingers shoved into you caused quite the contrast and you felt your chest flutter from the contradicting emotions. Your brows furrowed and you squeezed around her.
“Cum for me baby, be a good girl and let it all out.” she said softly and your eyes snapped shut as you came around her fingers. You let out a loud moan as your legs tingle and you twitch under her slightly. You rode it out on her fingers and she pulled them out of you, bringing them to her mouth with a smile. You watched in amazement as her plump lips wrapped around her fingers coated in your flavor. 
“Fuck you are,” you paused looking up at her, the dim lighting around her caused her to glow, her hair cascading around her face that was dewy from the things she had just done to you. Her lips were pink and her eyes were full of mischief and lust. She looked stunning, she was stunning. How could you put into words how incredible she was. She raised a brow waiting for you to finish with a smile on her face. “Ethereal.” you finally said and she looked at you with a more serious gaze, trying to detect any underlying emotions you may have been disguising. 
“Well you aren't so bad yourself babe.” she laughed and you shook your head gently, still in your hypnotic state as you stared at her.
“No, I'm serious Melissa. You are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid my eyes on.” you said with a serious tone and her smile faded as she looked at you. After a moment she looked down and sighed. 
“Thank you, hon.” she said as she moved off you and got off the bed, you watched her with confusion and your eyebrows scrunched together when she reached for her dress. 
“Woah hey, did I do something wrong?” you asked getting up to walk over to her and she quickly shook her head.
“No, not at all. You’re a wonderful girl Y/n, but we can't be doing this, I want you but you are young, and I don't want you to..” she paused, her hand going to her forehead and you looked down as you realized.
“Fall in love with you?” the words left your lips quietly and she looked at you up and down with sympathy. 
“I'm sorry I didn't think any of this through. I'm going to go, before anything else happens.” she said looking for her shoes and you shook your head, walking to stand between her and the hall to the door. 
“I know I'm young but I'm not some high school virgin that's gonna fall in love with you because we sleep together.” You scoffed and she shook her head. 
“No you’re not, but you have never been with a woman or been in a serious relationship with one, and I cant have this be your first.” she said, grabbing her purse. You stepped closer to her and she used all her strength to keep her eyes on yours. 
“Is this not what you wanted though?” you asked sharply, gesturing between you and she looked down. “You didn't want to see me naked, on display for you?” you asked as you moved to take off your bra. 
“Y/n-” she started, not looking at your body and you laughed as you slid your panties to the ground while you looked her in the eyes. 
“Tell me this isn't what you wanted. Tell me that you weren't dreaming about me after we kissed that night, that I didn't cross your mind while you touched yourself, that you didnt want to fuck me in that museum while my boss watches. That you don't want to touch me right now.” you said stepping closer, now only a foot from her, she looked into your eyes and let out a sigh.
“I-” she couldn't get the words out. Melissa was usually so quick-witted and good with words, but with you it was hard, and in this moment it felt impossible. You looked at her with a smirk, reaching to grab her hand, you placed it on your chest and she kept her eyes on yours. Slowly and effortlessly, you slid her hand over your breasts and down your stomach. Her breath hitched in her throat as she looked at you. 
“Fuck me.” she muttered under her breath, deciding to say fuck it and bringing her other hand to your waist, pulling you into her and kissing you with heat and aggression, she dominated the kiss and her nails dug into your hips as she kissed you with a desire strong enough to cause you to slam against the wall behind you, you moaned from the feeling, and she pulled away.
“Lay back on the bed baby.” she ordered and you nodded, moving to the bed once again. After many orgasms later you both eventually fell asleep, naked and tangled in the sheets, Melissa's warm body pressed against yours all night. 
A loud ringing song woke you from one of the best sleeps you have had in a long time. Annoyed and groggy you lifted your head to see what it was, you saw Melissa reaching for her phone and the noise stopped, but she brought it to her ear as she moved to get up out of bed. You watched her frame move gently around the room and she gathered her clothes from the floor and chaise. 
“Yeah I’m fine.” she said in a soft tone and you tried your best to hear who was on the other side. You heard a lower voice but couldn't quite make it out. “Mhm. Oh um, I can't go to brunch today but lets rain check.” You furrowed your brows as you turned to lay on your side and propped your head up on your hand, your naked body lay exposed aside from the sheet barely covering your cunt and one of your breasts. Melissa turned and saw you were awake and smiled at you as she looked for her shoes once again. “Oh dinner? Look Clint I have a busy day maybe next weekend? Ok yeah, bye.” She hung up and you raised your brow with a smile. “I'm gonna shower.” was all she said as she put her hair in a bun and took her undergarments into the bathroom with her. 
Your lips flattened into a disappointed expression and you looked around the hotel room at the mess you two made. Sheets were scattered around along with your own clothes. You got up and looked in the mirror, you had a bruise on your hip and you smiled at it. Thankfully she avoided leaving hickeys. You walked over to the bathroom and gently moved the handle to see if it was locked, it moved down and opened and you smirked. You shut it behind you and looked over at the shower. It was a large walk-in shower with glass walls and a built-in shower bench. A towel was thrown over the panel of the door, just barely blocking your view of Melissa's wet and naked body. As you put your hair into a bun, you walked over and opened the door, stepping in and coming up behind her, your arms coming to rest on her hips as your lips placed kisses on her shoulder. 
“You sleep okay?” you asked and she hummed as she turned to face you, turning you towards the water so you were wet too. 
“You did so good last night baby.” she praised you with a velvety voice as her hands roamed your body, she grabbed the body wash and put some in her hands, lathering it and placing her hand on you once again. She went over your arms and shoulders, turning you around to get your back as you washed your face, her hands moved over your hips and that's when she saw the bruise. 
“Oh hon, did I hurt you.” she said with a sympathetic yet teasing tone, her fingers moving to trace it gently, sending a chill up your back. You looked over your shoulder at her, placing a kiss to her soft lips and smiled. 
“No, I had a wonderful time.” you answered and she moved her hands to trail up your stomach and over your breasts. You turned to face her and cupped your hands to her cheeks and pulled her in for a kiss, you felt her wet breasts press against your chest and you moaned into her mouth, she took control, pushing you against the shower wall as her tongue moved around your mouth. You groaned and your hands moved to squeeze her ass and pull her into it, her knee came to sit between your legs and you pressed your core into it. Melissa pulled away swiftly and you opened your eyes, she was stepping out and grabbing her towel with a sinister smile. 
“Finish up baby, I'll be here when you get out.” she reassured you and then grabbed her things and walked out of the bathroom.  You stood in shock, hot and bothered as the water grew colder on your skin. You did as you were told and washed your hair as you tried your best to hurry. When you got out of the bathroom, Melissa was dressed and fixing her hair into a ponytail, perfectly curled pieces falling to frame her face. 
“You know my boss said I could use the hotel for another night if I wanted.” you quipped looking at her seductively as you walked to your suitcase and got out a change of clothes. Melissa didn't say anything, she just got up and walked over to you. 
“I had a great night, and you are.. Amazing.” she started and your lips turned down slightly.
“But?” you said with a scoff and her brows pushed together.
“But it was a one time thing.” she said and you shook your head, you dropped your towel and started to put your clothes on as you argued back.
“Oh fuck off with that Melissa, there is no reason two adults cant have sex every now and then. Guess what we fucked last night and im not in love with you.” not yet at least your subconscious chirped and you rolled your eyes.
“I know, but like I said last night it's wrong of me to let this happen. I’ll see you around.” she said before grabbing her purse and heading out of the door. You stood in disbelief and put your shoes on, grabbing your phone and purse and heading out after her. You caught up to her and grabbed her arm.
“Let me drive you home.” You said and she looked at you for a moment.
“Fine, but I'm driving.” she said and you walked to your car giving her your keys. You sat in silence before grabbing your phone and texting your boss. You told her you wanted to stay another night and she liked the message before sending a witty response that made you smile. Melissa saw but didnt say anything and just kept her eyes on the road. She lived close so the drive was short and you walked her to her door. 
“Come see me tonight while I'm still in town.” You said as she opened the door. She turned to look at you and you smiled. 
“I cant.” 
“You absolutely can.” you quipped and she tilted her head.
“I shouldn't.” 
“Why not? Give me one good reason.” your tone was light, but your eyes didn't leave hers as she looked at you. 
“Your dad is married to my sister. That's my best reason, I'm sorry hon. Get back safe.” she said before shutting the door and leaving you on her porch. You felt your cheeks grow hot in frustration and heading back to your car, driving out of her neighborhood. You didn't know where to go so you just drove around, looking at the beautiful architecture of the city, you found a cinema and decided to go see a movie. 
By the time the movie ended the sun had just started to set and you looked for a place to get dinner. An idea popped into your head and you smiled, pulling out your phone. You texted Melissa asking her to go to dinner with you since you were alone in the city. However you felt your chest sink when she read the message and never answered. You scoffed and chewed on your lip. You didn't understand why Melissa even slept with you in the first place if she didn't really have to desire to. I mean were you bad? Screw this, you headed back to your hotel and decided to drive home.
The truth was Melissa was the one afraid of falling in love with you. She loved your personality and she felt butterflies all night while you two talked, fooled around, and slept together. However she was terrified of someone finding out and her sister, or your dad finding out and being uncomfortable. She figured she would just cut it off now and she wouldn't go to any parties if she knew you were going to be there. She wouldn't go back to the museum, and she would sit at the club every weekend, sifting through every crowd, looking for your smile. 
She did that for months. Just like when she kissed you, she created an unforgettable memory with you, then disappeared. Leaving you to get over the experience and pretend it didn't happen. 
This time it took a couple months to fully get over your night with Melissa. You would dream of it constantly. If you closed your eyes in the shower you would see her. If you went out you would look around the bars for her. You even stopped masturbating because you could only ever finish if you thought of Melissa. Eventually, with time you rarely thought of her. Some rare and rough nights she would plague your dreams, kissing you, fucking you, saying she loves you. Those nights you would wake yourself up and not go back to sleep. On the more lonely nights though, you would stay asleep, stay in the perfect illusion your mind created and wake up in a funk that would last a week. 
You were home for winter now and knew you were going to see Melissa at least once. You started mentally preparing ahead of time, and just hoped you would be able to be normal, but when you heard she was coming to stay for a few days you almost decided to just leave. Having no place else to go did pose a challenge, but you were worried about what those days would bring. She was coming to stay over for new years and you knew this setting was going to teach you a great lesson on self-control. You only hoped things wouldnt be awkward forever, and you hoped that your heart wouldn't fall out of your chest and into her hands upon your first glance.
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vampiresbloodx · 4 months
Trigger warnings: legal age gap, Dom!Melissa x sub!reader, vaginal fingering, teasing, dirty talk, fluff, mommy k*nk.
Older!gf!Melissa schemennti has had a long day, a long week, and just wants to be with you, snuggled, all warm and cozy, in her favourite sweater (that happens to belong to yours but is now hers) as you wear her tank top she only wears at home and it drives her insane seeing you in it with nothing underneath. It's like you're tempting her, and of course, she's falling hard for it.
She can't help it around you, her heart thumps harder in her chest than any other person has caused it to beat this fast, no one's been like you. Ever. She feels special. Lucky even.
Melissa is all giddy thinking of you, kissing you, cooking for you, seeing you before class starts, etc. No matter what time of day it is, if she's in the mood or not, Melissa will always be happy to see you.
When you tease her wearing her favourite tank top, walking around her house in that and underwear, her mouth practically drops open, she feels dirty watching you, her cheeks burning as they are red as a tomato, brighter even. You catch her staring and smile at her, knowing exactly what you're doing to her, she raised an eyebrow at you, gesturing at you.
"wanna explain to me, baby?" She asks, putting her hands on her hips.
"hmm, dunno what you're on about."
You reply, twirling around on purpose so she sees everything.
She huffs, nodding, walking towards the couch as she sits, spreading her thighs.
"c'mere, I know what you need."
And of course, you follow, almost stumbling and falling into her lap. She doesn't mind. Catching you.
Unexpectedly, she presses her hand against your pussy, even if it's covered she can still feel how wet you are, she chuckles hearing you whine.
"mommy" you muttered, staring at her with a pout.
"yes?" She teases, slowly rubbing her fingers along your clothed clit, loving the way you gasped.
"please" you whined.
"please what?."
"please fuck me, I need you."
As much as she wants to torment you as you do to her, she can't resist you, and she definitely can't deny you. Melissa is already parting your panties to the side as she slips in her finger that goes in easily. God. Her breath catches in her throat as she feels you clench around her, she hasn't even started, yet you're this worked up, begging for more.
"mommy, fuck-" you whimpered, grinding yourself on her hand.
"yeah, just like that, fuck yourself on my fingers, go on" she encourages softly, pressing her lips to your neck as she sucks on your skin, leaving a fresh mark.
She feels your body shake and tremble as more whines and moans come out of your mouth, she kisses you more roughly, pressing her body into you, she wants to be close to you, feel you against her. As she watches you come, she whispers sweet praises in your ear, as your world feels lightheaded, but perfect.
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janeyseymour · 7 months
Personal and Professional- pt 3
Part 1. Part 2.
An anon asked for this! There's a backyard barbecue being held, and you're a bit hesitant because no one has seen you as the alternative woman that you are outside of school. They also don't know about you and Melissa.
WC: ~2.3k
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Janine is organizing a backyard barbecue at Barbara’s house for the Abbott crew- and you are less than thrilled to be excited. It’s not that you don’t like your work crew, because that isn’t true; you’re dating one of them. It’s that you really would rather not have everyone commenting on your body and your… tasteful markings.
“C’mon, hun,” Melissa says softly as she lays with you that night. “I think it’ll be fun to let our hair down.”
“I really would rather not,” you sigh. “No one knows about my tattoos, and no one knows about us.”
“The tattoos aren’t a big deal- I think they’ll like to see that you aren’t as buttoned up as you like to play. And they don’t have to find out about us,” she smirks. “I can keep my eyes and my hands to myself when I want to- just like I do at school.”
“You came into my room today and ate me out during prep because you were too horny to focus on grading your kids’ last assignments,” you tell her.
“It takes two to tango,” she shrugs. “It was good though, wasn’t it?”
You push her off of you. “Shut up.”
“All I’m saying is, I can control myself if that’s what you’re worried about for this barbecue,” your girlfriend tells you.
So begrudgingly, you find yourself at this barbecue for the fourth of July. The redhead and you drive separately so as not to give anything away, and you arrive there far too quickly. When you pull up to the kindergarten teacher’s house, you’re impressed. You can smell the food cooking, you hear the music playing from the backyard, and you can hear your boisterous girlfriend already laughing it up with her work wife. You head into the fenced area after taking a deep breath.
“About damn time!” Melissa teases you as she winks from the pool. “I was starting to think you weren’t gonna show!”
She’s saying this to you playfully, but she really was worried you weren’t going to pull up to the party, especially since you’re arriving an hour later than her.
“I’m here, I’m here,” you chuckle nervously as you wrap your thin cardigan around your body subconsciously.
“Well what are you waiting for?” the redhead heckles you. “Grab a drink, and come on in!”
You know she absolutely loves to see you in your bathing suit, and she’s going to drool when she sees the tattoos that dance around your hips and ribcage. She won’t be able to contain herself.
“I’m actually good right now,” you chuckle. “But I’ll grab a drink. Mel, you want anything?”
“Just another beer,” she tells you.
Everyone else looks at you like you’re crazy for only asking the redhead. “Uh… anyone else?”
And that’s how you essentially become beer girl for the day. Finally, Barb has had enough.
“For the love of all things holy, Y/N,” she throws her arms in the air. “Let loose a little and show some skin! You have to dying in all those clothes!”
“I’m really okay,” you say softly as you wipe a bit of sweat from your brow.
“Sweetheart, if this is about body insecurities,” the kindergarten teacher tells you, although her words are a bit slurred at this point. “No one is going to care what you look like in a swimsuit.”
“I bet yo’ tasty ass looks a lot better in a bikini than it does in all your buttoned up outfits that match Barbara’s energy,” Ava comments.
“I’m not always buttoned up,” you roll your eyes. “I just like to maintain some sense of professionalism when I’m with coworkers.”
“You think we give a shit about professionalism?” your boss smirks. “I go out clubbin’ every weekend and see half the Abbott parents out too. Janine and Greg were out at a hookah bar and were grinding up on each other. I’ve seen Barb and Melissa get absolutely hammered at PECSA!”
“And I am known to have a few too many aperol spritzes from time to time!” Jacob cuts in.
“Come on, baby boo, show us what youse made of!” Ava goads you.
You take a deep breath before opening your eyes again. “You really wanna see what I look like outside of school?”
Melissa’s eyes widen and her brows creep up her face. You don’t shed any clothing, not yet- but you do open your bag and pull out your different jewelry. You expertly take out the clear stud in your nose to exchange it for a hoop. Your earrings are all put in. Even though it’s just a small change, you look like an entirely different person to them- all except Melissa, who loves seeing you like this. She licks her lips subconsciously.
“Damn!” Ava grins. “We got ourselves a hot little alt girl!”
You roll your eyes at that comment. “Give me a few minutes to go change, and I’ll come in the pool.”
The hostess gives you directions as to where the bathroom is, and you thank her before heading inside to change. You do before throwing your big ripped up band t-shirt overtop of your figure. If you’re going to stun them all, you might as well go all out. You tie your hair up into one of your messier buns before making sure that your ‘slut strands’ (because that’s apparently what the baby hairs that don’t make it into the bun are called) look as though they’re supposed to be there before heading back outside.
Your secret girlfriend’s eyes go wide as you make your way into the fenced in area. You swear you see the smallest droplet of drool escape her mouth as her eyes stay trained on you. 
“Happy?” you ask your work friends.
“We’d be happier if you took off the hot t-shirt,” the principal smirks as she sips her seltzer. 
With a roll of your eyes, you peel off the shirt, revealing all of the tattoos that you have.
“You have tattoos?” Janine is mesmerized.
You shrug as you slowly start to make your way into the pool. “Young Y/N mistakes.”
“They look amazing though! I’ve always wanted a tattoo, but I’m too scared that it’ll hurt or get infected or that I’ll-”
“You just have to find something that means something to you and brace yourself. And then it’s just simple aftercare. Not too bad at all.”
“Are we really gonna ignore the fact that our good little teacher is secretly an alternative hottie with a body?” Ava gestures to you wildly. “Like, damn girl. I knew you were fit, but I didn’t know you was gonna look like-”
“Enough,” you cut her off as you grab a float and situate yourself on it. You push yourself so that you’re close to Melissa, and she hangs off of your raft. “I don’t need my boss objectifying me.”
But she doesn’t get the hint- she never really does. And you can see the way that your girlfriend is getting more and more aggravated. Silently, you nudge her with your foot and shoot her a look, telling her to cool it.
You spend the afternoon in the pool before it’s time to start cooking some more food. Gerald comes out to take everyone’s orders, but you absolutely insist on helping to cook with him. It only seems right since they’re hosting, and you quite like to barbecue.
So you climb out of the pool. You can practically feel Ava’s eyes on you as your sun kissed skin glows. You wrap your towel around your body, and she’s immediately booing.
“Show that body, girl!” she tells you.
“I’m going to be grilling,” you roll your eyes. “I ain’t trying to barbecue myself.”
When you’ve deemed that you’re dry enough thanks to the sun still out and your closeness to the grill, you unwrap yourself from the towel. Ava cheers. Why is she always around? Her applause quickly dies though when you reach for your t-shirt and pull it over your head.
You continue to help Barbara’s husband, making small talk with him, when he asks you something that entirely throws you for a loop.
“So, you and Melissa?”
You look at him as though he has four heads. “What about it?”
“The two of you together or what?”
“What are you talking about?” you feign shock.
“I see the way she stares at you,” he shrugs. “And not the way that Ava is… there’s something there, even if you don’t know it yet.”
“I think you’re crazy,” you lie through your teeth.
“Barb thinks there’s something there too,” he tuts. “And that was before you revealed yourself to be little miss alt girl. Funnily enough, that’s exactly Melissa’s type.”
You roll your eyes. “We’re coworkers.”
“That ain’t stopping your boss from flirting with you,” he chuckles. “All I’m sayin is-”
“Is the food almost ready yet?” Melissa calls from her place in the pool. “And will you grab me another beer, hun?”
You don’t make a move, and Gerald laughs. “She ain’t callin’ me ‘hun’. That one’s all you.”
“Almost,” you call back. “And you just want another Yuengling?”
You grab the beverage, opening it up for her before making your way back towards the pool. She’s in the middle though, so you peel your shirt off again and make your way in to deliver it her.
“Body-ody-ody-ody-” the principal starts dancing, making quite a few splashes in the water.
“Ava!” Barbara tuts.
You roll your eyes as you climb back out of the pool and make your way back over to the grill, not wanting to hear how your boss will respond to being scolded. 
Dinner is wonderful, it’s cleaned up, and then you find yourself back in the pool as the sun starts to go down and the moon starts to rise. Gerald comes out to light up the tikis that they have around the outside, and he waves.
“Alrighty, I’m heading in for the night, but it was wonderful to see you all again.”
“Thank you, dear,” Barbara blows him a kiss.
That leaves you and the rest of the Abbott crew to spend some time in the moonlight together. Somehow, the conversation leads to you and the less professional side that you’ve now shown them.
“So, when did you get your first tattoo?” Janine asks you.
“Three days after I turned eighteen,” you laugh as you float alongside your girlfriend. “Got my nose pierced the first weekend I went to college. My mom was so pissed.”
“Why?” Barbara of all people asks. “It’s an expression.”
“She hates them,” you roll your eyes. “Told me if I got tattoos and a nose ring, she’d kick me out of the house… she never did.”
Melissa chuckles. “Sounds like-”
“Sounds like what, Melissa?” Barb cuts her off with a raised eyebrow.
“Sounds like our generation,” your girlfriend states quickly. She’s thankful it’s dim, or everyone would’ve seen the panicked look on her face.
“Who carees?” Ava asks. “It’s fuckin’ hot. If I had known that you were hiding all of that under your stuffy attire, damn… I would’ve been hitting on you way more.”
“Which is why I wear what I wear at school,” you deadpan.
“I mean, really… my boyfriend and I would love to-”
“Enough,” your girlfriend practically hisses.
The entire crew looks to the redhead. “What’s got your panties in such a twist?”
“Just shut up. Stop talking about her like that,” Melissa tells your group. “Or else.”
“Or else what, Melissa?” Ava presses. 
“Or else you’re gonna have to deal with Y/N’s girlfriend,” the redhead snaps. “Who just so happens to be me.”
You press your lips together in a fine line as you look anywhere but where your friends are floating around the pool.
They all immediately start questioning both you and the second grade teacher.
“What do you mean she’s your girlfriend?” a chorus of voices ask.
Only Barbara smirks. “I knew it.”
Melissa looks to you as she pulls you and your float in tight. “That’s right. Y/N is my girl, and y’all better stop ogling her before I throw youse in with the wolves at the zoo.”
“Mel,” you roll your eyes at her threat.
“I’m serious!” she hisses as she points a finger at Ava. “I know a guy who can make it happen, and I won’t hesitate to use him if you don’t stop drooling over my girl!”
“Since when has this been a thing?” Jacob asks. “If I had known you swung that way, Mel Mel… we would’ve been at Woody’s this whole time!”
“And that is why no one knew,” she rolls her eyes. ���I’m past my days at Woody’s.”
“Well what about you, Y/N?” the middle school teacher asks. “You and me? Woody’s?”
“In your dreams, Hill,” you tease. “Maybe a more low key gay bar though.”
“So, when did this come about?” Barbara asks, quite interested. “I’ve been telling Melissa to go after you since you sauntered your way in- and that was before I knew you were a little alt girl- exactly her type.”
“Caught her at the grocery store one day,” Melissa shrugs. “We went out the next Monday… been together since.”
“It’s been, what? Four months?”
“Four months, two weeks, six days,” the redhead says casually. “And enjoying every moment of it.”
“Good on you,” Barbara cheers as she holds her drink in the air.
“So stop all your flirting with my girl, or there will be hell to pay, and I’ll make it look like it was an accident,” Melissa pointedly tells the group.
Ava puts her hands in the air in surrender before pursing her lips together. “What if both of you-”
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melagnes · 4 months
Heat in the Kitchen
Synopsis: After struggling to find a new apartment, you move in with Melissa. An intimate moment unfolds while cooking together when Melissa gently wipes sauce off your nose. Who knows what will happen next; after all, you were only roommates…
Pairing: Melissa Schemmenti x Reader
Word Count: 2.6K
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“Ughhh,” you sighed as you made your way into the breakroom for lunch. The weariness in your voice caught the attention of your colleagues, who turned their heads to look at you with a mix of curiosity and concern.
“Are you doing alright?” Barb asked, worry etched across her face. She set down her coffee mug, her focus entirely on you.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” you replied, though your tone suggested otherwise. You dropped into your usual seat with a heavy thud, next to Melissa, who was in the middle of consuming her salad. “It just sucks. My lease is up in my current apartment, and I’m scrambling to find a new place. It feels like there is nowhere to live right now. Every place I’ve looked at is either too expensive or already taken.”
Barb’s expression softened, sympathy evident in her eyes. “Oh dear, that sounds really stressful. I’m sure you’ll find somewhere soon,” she said encouragingly, though the uncertainty in her voice was palpable.
“Thanks, Barb,” you said, offering a small smile as you took a bite of your sandwich. An awkward silence settled over the room, with the other teachers unsure how to ease your concerns.
Melissa had been quiet, her fork suspended mid-air as she studied your face. You felt her eyes on you and turned to meet her gaze. “What, Mel?” you asked, curiosity piqued by her intense focus.
“Stay with me,” Melissa blurted out, her voice steady but her eyes betraying a hint of nervousness. “I’ve got a spare room you can rent. It’s nothing fancy, but it’s available, and I’d love to help you out.”
You stared at her, shock and gratitude mingling on your face. “Really? You would do that for me?”
“Yeah, hun,” Melissa said with a warm smile, her eyes softening. “That’s why I’m offering. You’ve been a great friend, and I’d hate to see you struggling.”
“Thank you so much, Mel,” you said, your voice filled with relief and excitement, even as you winced inside at her use of the word “friend” because you wished you were more.
“When can I move in?”
“How’s tomorrow sound?” she replied, her smile widening.
“Tomorrow works perfectly! This is such a huge help, you have no idea,” you exclaimed, leaning over to give her a quick, heartfelt hug. “Thank you, Mel!”
As you stood up to head back to your classroom, you felt a lightness that hadn’t been there before. Melissa watched you leave, a faint blush creeping up her cheeks. Barb, observing the exchange, couldn’t help but notice the tender look in Melissa’s eyes. She smiled to herself, hoping that living together might finally nudge both of you to acknowledge the feelings that had been simmering beneath the surface.
You walked down the hallway with a renewed energy, the dread of your housing situation lifting. Thoughts of packing and moving swirled in your mind, but underneath it all was a burgeoning hope that maybe, just maybe, this living arrangement would bring about more than just a place to stay.
The days leading up to your move were a whirlwind of activity. Packing boxes, organizing your belongings, and saying goodbye to your old apartment kept you busy and distracted from the nerves forming inside. You couldn’t help but wonder how living with Melissa would change things. Would it bring you closer together or drive a wedge between you? There was only one way to find out.
Finally, the moving day arrived. You loaded the last of your boxes into the car and took a deep breath before turning the key in the ignition. The drive to Melissa’s house felt unusually long, perhaps due to a mix of anxiety and the promise of something new. But as you pulled up to her house, a wave of calm washed over you.
With a determined breath, you knocked on the door. It swung open slowly to reveal Melissa, her face lighting up with a warm smile. “Um, hey… Welcome, I’m glad you’re here,” she said, her voice tinged with a hint of shyness.
“Thanks, Mel. I’m so grateful for you letting me stay here. Honestly,” you replied, feeling a surge of gratitude and relief.
As you stepped through the doorway, you couldn’t help but admire your new home. Melissa had a knack for creating a cozy and inviting space. “Mel, you have such a nice house,” you said, genuinely impressed.
“Thank you. I hope you settle in nicely. I’ll let you unpack your things, and I’ll make some dinner. How does that sound?” Melissa asked, a faint blush coloring her cheeks.
“That sounds amazing, thank you,” you replied with a smile.
You began to carry your boxes into the house, each step making the reality of your new living arrangement sink in. The house was a perfect reflection of Melissa—beautiful, warm, and welcoming. As you hefted a particularly heavy box, you caught Melissa glancing your way. Her eyes lingered for a moment, and you couldn’t help but notice her blush deepen. Your tank top was doing you justice.
After you finished unpacking, you made your way to the kitchen, where the tantalizing aroma of Italian cooking filled the air. Melissa turned around, a shy smile gracing her lips as she presented a steaming dish to you.
“I made lasagna,” she said, her voice tinged with excitement as she gestured toward the table,
You both took a seat at the table, your mouth watering as you eagerly dug into the rich, savory layers. Each bite was a testament to Melissa's culinary skills, and you couldn't help but feel a deep sense of gratitude for her effort and thoughtfulness.
“Mmmm, this is so good. You are seriously the best cook I know,” you complimented her between bites of the delicious meal she had prepared.
“Don’t inflate my ego, amore,” Melissa replied, her cheeks flushing for the third time that evening. The term of endearment slipped out so naturally that it made your heart skip a beat.
“You should teach me how to cook one of your dishes next time. I love to cook, I just don’t cook Italian that much,” you said, eager to share one of her passions.
“Oh, I definitely will, hun,” Melissa said, her smile widening.
As the evening drew to a close, the two of you settled into a comfortable routine. The initial nervousness began to fade, replaced by a sense of effortless companionship; living with Melissa was surprisingly easy.
Over the following weeks, your relationship with Melissa deepened. You found joy in the little things—sharing breakfast, chatting about your day, and laughing over silly jokes. Melissa’s presence was a constant source of comfort and happiness.
One evening, Melissa finally decided to teach you how to make one of her favorite Italian dishes: homemade gnocchi with tomato and basil sauce. The kitchen was filled with the fragrant aroma of fresh herbs, garlic, and simmering tomatoes, creating an inviting atmosphere that made the house feel even more like home.
“Alright, let's get started,” Melissa said as she showed you how to knead the potato dough and roll it into small, delicate pieces. She then guided you through shaping the gnocchi with a fork. “These little ridges help hold the sauce better,” she explained, deftly demonstrating the technique with her fingers.
Melissa was hypnotizing as she cooked, and you just couldn’t get enough. Her presence was soothing yet electrifying, a combination that made your heart race.
“Now, for the sauce,” Melissa said, handing you a wooden spoon and positioning you in front of the simmering pot. “It’s all about balance. We need to let the tomatoes, garlic, and basil meld together perfectly.”
You carefully added the ingredients to the pot, the vibrant colors and rich scents mixing beautifully. As you stirred, you became deeply focused, trying to get the consistency just right. So focused, in fact, that you jumped when you felt Melissa’s hands on your arm.
“You got a little somethin’ here,” Melissa muttered as she cupped your cheek.
You froze, taken aback by the sudden intimacy of the moment.
Melissa’s thumb slowly brushed the sauce from your nose, and you watched, entranced, as she brought her thumb to her lips and sucked the sauce off.
“T-Thanks, Mel,” you stuttered, feeling your heart pound in your chest. You both began to lean in closer, the space between you shrinking as an unspoken connection pulsed in the air.
Just then, the sound of pasta boiling over broke the spell. Melissa quickly moved to turn off the stove, muttering, “Damn pasta,” under her breath. You both laughed, the moment diffused but not forgotten.
The meal was a success, the gnocchi were soft and pillowy, perfectly coated in the rich, flavorful sauce. As you both sat down to eat, the atmosphere was charged with unspoken feelings. Each bite seemed to carry the weight of what had almost happened, you almost kissed Melissa, and Melissa almost kissed you.
“That was incredible, Mel,” you said, savoring the last bite. “You’re an amazing teacher.”
“Well, you make a pretty good student,” she replied, winking at you. “Maybe next time, we’ll get through a recipe without any sauce on your nose.”
You laughed, feeling a warmth spread through you at her teasing. “I’d like that. Maybe you can teach me to make your tiramisu next?”
“Oh, I see you’re aiming high,” she teased, leaning back in her chair. “I suppose I can share my secret recipe. But only if you promise not to get distracted.”
“Deal,” you said, grinning, though you knew it would be impossible not to get distracted by her captivating face—her full lips that frequently curled into a playful smirk, her vibrant green eyes that seemed to see right through you, and the way her fiery red hair framed her features so perfectly.
That cooking session was not the last of Melissa’s teasing. As the weeks went by, these cooking sessions became a cherished routine. Each of Melissa’s flirtatious comments made your bond stronger, while simultaneously driving you crazy.
“Hey, chef,” she called one evening as you were chopping vegetables. “Try not to chop your fingers off. I kind of like them the way they are.”
“Thanks for the vote of confidence,” you shot back with a smile. “I’ll try to keep them intact.”
“Good,” she said, her eyes glinting with humor. “They’re quite useful, you know. Especially for stirring sauce. Or… other things.”
You choked, feeling a blush creep up your cheeks at her suggestive tone. Melissa laughed, clearly enjoying your reaction, “What’s wrong Mia? Cat got your tongue?” she teased, using the affectionate Italian pet name that made your heart flutter every time you heard it.
Days turned into weeks, and the playful banter between you two only grew. The chemistry was undeniable, a magnetic pull that seemed to draw you closer with each passing day. You found yourselves sharing more than just meals and chores; you shared stories, dreams, and secrets. The connection between you deepened, and with it came a growing awareness of the feelings you both harbored but had yet to fully acknowledge.
One evening, you settled onto the couch to watch a movie. The room was dimly lit, the soft glow of the TV casting a cozy ambiance. As the movie played, you found your attention drifting away from the screen and towards Melissa. She was sitting close, her presence warm and comforting.
As the movie “The Parent Trap” played, you found yourself completely engrossed in the plot—totally not distracted by the redhead who looked strikingly like Melissa.
“Ha, she kind of looks like you Mel,” you chuckled as you glanced between the TV and Melissa sitting next to you.
“Huh, really?” Melissa inquired.
“Yeah, she’s sexy,” You glanced at Melissa with a smirk on your face.
Melissa rolled her eyes, “You're cute.” She playfully leaned in to kiss your cheek.
Just as her lips brushed against your skin, you turned to ask her a question. In that fleeting moment, your lips met in a soft, unexpected kiss.
Shock pulsed through you, momentarily freezing you in place. Your mind raced, trying to comprehend the suddenness of the situation. It was as if time slowed down, and all you could feel was the warmth of her lips against yours, the softness of the connection sending a jolt through your entire being.
For Melissa, there's a moment of surprise, her eyes widening slightly as she registers the unexpected contact. But then, almost instinctively, she responds in kind, her lips meeting yours in a gentle and tentative exploration.
The world seemed to fade away, the softness of her lips against yours sending a warm shiver down your spine.
Time stood still as the kiss deepened, your bodies pressed together heatedly against the couch. Your fingers tangled in her hair, while her hands grasped firmly at your waist. At that moment, all you could feel was her: the scent of vanilla filling your senses, the image of her fiery hair and green eyes etched into your mind. And for her, all there was was you: the aroma of lavender lingering in the air, the image of your raven-black hair and brown eyes imprinted in her thoughts.
When you finally pulled back, both of you breathless, your foreheads touched, and you whispered, “Did not expect that,” you whispered breathlessly when you finally pulled back, your foreheads touching. Your heart was pounding, and you could see the same intensity reflected in Melissa’s eyes.
“Well, I’ve wanted to do that for so long. Living with you has driven me crazy,” Melissa admitted, her eyes sparkling with honesty and desire. She cupped your face with her hands, her thumbs gently stroking your cheeks. “Every time we’ve cooked together, every joke, every look… I’ve been falling for you more and more.”
Hearing her words, your heart swelled with emotions that you had been trying to keep at bay. “I feel the same way, Mel. I’ve been trying to hide it, but living with you has made it impossible to ignore how much I care about you.”
Melissa’s smile was radiant, her eyes shining with happiness. “So, what do we do now?” she asked, her voice soft but filled with anticipation.
“Maybe we start by acknowledging what’s been happening between us,” you suggested, your hand finding hers and intertwining your fingers. “We’ve been more than just friends for a while now. Let’s see where this goes, without holding back.”
“I like the sound of that,” Melissa said, leaning in to kiss you again, this time with the certainty of mutual understanding and shared feelings. The kiss was tender, filled with the promise of a new beginning.
With their relationship now blossoming into something deeper, the dynamic between you and Melissa shifted. There was a newfound intimacy in your interactions, a sense of ease and comfort that only comes with true emotional connection. You found yourselves more attuned to each other's needs, and more open in sharing your thoughts and feelings.
One evening, as you were cooking together, Melissa stood behind you, her arms wrapping around your waist. “Remember what I said about your hands being useful for other things?” she murmured in your ear, her voice sending shivers down your spine.
You chuckled, turning your head to kiss her cheek. “Oh, I remember. And I’m looking forward to discovering all the other things they can do.”
Melissa laughed softly, her breath warm against your skin. “I’m glad you’re here, Bella. Every day with you feels like a gift.”
“Feeling’s mutual, Mel,” you replied, turning in her embrace to face her. “Here’s to many more days of cooking, and… whatever else we can come up with.”
You kissed her again, the taste of possibility on your lips. The future was bright, filled with the promise of love that had finally found its way into the open, ready to grow and flourish in the warmth of your shared home.
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mayskalih · 4 months
as promised, meet Melissa (Mel) and Luka.
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Luka - slightly arrogant hitman with a burnout, working for a major crime syndicate. 33 y.o. Afraid of blood, therefore carries around wooden sword and a bunch of poisons to avoid any blood spilled. Hobby - cooking. Loves cats. Hates loud noises and human-human interactions.
Mel - 30 y.o. clumsy woman. Thinks she works for big delivery corporation, in reality she's a lower-level manager at a major crime syndicate. Boss handler of Luka, i.e. passes him orders from above. Single, loud, likes to gossip. Can girlboss when needed (has black belt in karate but hides this info). Terrible with house chores, loves reading smut in public places (praise kink is her favourite).
Short comic about these two is in my drafts rn ..
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morgana-larkin · 5 months
I love your stories! Can you write one where Melissa and the reader are really good friends and Mel realizes the reader takes care of her in a way Joe or Gary never did. R helps her to cook, to clean, really listen to her… And then Melissa finally lets te reader fully take care of her one night. Please with a bottom Mel and a strap on to make everything better! Thank you ❤️
Hi! I’m so happy you’re loving my stories. I thought this prompt was so cute. While I see Mel as more of a top, I wrote it where she allows reader to top her for one time. Not edited in the slightest and I hope you like it!
On another note: I got a cute Chessy one next with a cooking lesson involved. So stay on the lookout for that!
Allow Me
Warnings: smut, bottom Mel, top reader, lotta fluff
Words: 3.1k
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“Hey Lissa.” You tell her and sit down next to her in the break room and she looks up at you and forces a smile.
“Hey hon.” She says with a sigh.
“What’s wrong?” You ask her and she sighs again. She then goes on to explain what was bothering her and like always you listen carefully and closely to her. Knowing her for 2 years means you know when she wants advice and just someone to listen to her. Today it was the latter.
“So we still on for tomorrow or did you want to cancel?” You ask her.
“Of course we’re still on, why wouldn’t we be?”
“Didn’t know if you wanted to be alone this weekend.” You tell her gently.
“Hon, the last thing I want is to be alone.” She says and she realises she’ll be alone on Sunday.
“Do you want me to come over on Sunday too?” You ask her.
“Only if you want.” She tells you, trying not to let the fact that she does want you over but doesn’t want to inconvenience you.
“I’ll always be up to come see you.” You tell her and she smiles and blushes. Every Saturday, you come over and you both cook a meal together. Being Italian, Melissa at first didn’t let you help and did it all herself but then she slowly got you to do small things and now you do half each. Saturday was both you and Melissa’s favourite day of the week. It was not just because it was the weekend, but because you got to spend time alone together.
On Saturday you show up an hour early like always. You once told her you were out and if she allowed, you could be there an hour early since you were near her house. She accepted and now you always show up early.
“Hey y/n!” She greets you and allows you in. You walk inside and hand her the bottle of wine you got this time.
“You got my favourite?” She asks and you nod.
“Figured you could use the pick-me-up with the shitty week you had.” You tell her and she looks at you with glossy eyes.
“You didn’t have too, seeing you is already cheering me up.” She tells you and you blush. You’re aware of your crush on her, you’ve been aware for a year now. You feel butterflies every time she gives you a compliment or looks at you. The only reason you haven’t told her is because she was with Gary and now it seems she’s hooking up with the fire chief. You’re no firefighter and not a man either so you think you don’t have a chance with her.
You get to work on the meal and you see Melissa keeps glancing at you. “What?” You ask.
“Nothing, just, I notice how you help take care of me, you know. How you always listen to listen to me when I need to vent, or helping me cook and you always help with the clean up after. Joe and Gary never helped the way you do. It doesn’t go unnoticed.” She tells you and you look down and continue shopping up the peppers.
“It’s not a problem, it’s nothing.” You tell her with a shrug. She stops what she’s doing and walks over to you. She takes the knife from you and sets it down on the counter and grabs your hands and gets you to turn to face her.
“It’s not nothing hon. I really do appreciate it.” She tells you.
“Lissa, you were never taken care of the way you should have been. You should have been treated like the queen you are.” You tell her and she looks at you with adoration in her eyes.
“You always say the sweetest things to me y/n.” She tells you and you smile at her. She cups your cheek and you look at her surprised. The timer from the oven startles you both and you jump. You go back to what you were doing, your mind swirling with the thought that you almost kissed her and that would have ruined the friendship you two have. You got so distracted by your thoughts that you didn’t notice the looks that Melissa keeps giving you.
In Melissa’s mind, similar thoughts are swirling around. She almost kissed you right then and there. She has no idea whether you’re interested in her or not. She figured out that she has feelings for you about 5 months ago, 2 months after she broke up with Gary. She started hooking up with the fire chief to try and get her mind off of you but the more she hooked up with him, the more she wished it was you she was having sex with. She called it off with him about a month ago and she didn’t tell anyone. The only one who knew was Jacob as their roommates and she made him swear not to tell anyone.
Jacob comes home when you two are just about done cooking and comes in the kitchen. “Hey you two.” He says, he knows you come over every Saturday evening. He likes to go out and give you guys some privacy in the hopes that one of you will confess their feelings for the other. But so far that hasn’t happened.
“Hey Jacob, how was your date?” You ask him.
“It was good. Did I miss anything interesting?” He asks and you shake your head.
“I don’t know why you ask that everytime. Makes me wonder what you think we’re doing here.” You joke with him and Melissa snorts. Melissa is at the stove finishing up the cooking while you started on the dishes.
Melissa knows why he always asks, she questioned him about it a couple months ago and he told her. Melissa denied any possible evidence that you like her back that Jacob told her.
The 3 of you sit down and have supper and talk about anything that comes to mind. Then after you and Melissa do the dishes together while Jacob gets a show ready. You all watch desperate housewives and Jacob always makes sure to sit on the side so you two sit together. You end up falling asleep on Melissa and she stops breathing for a second. Jacob glances over at you and Melissa then gives her a look, she glares at him and he looks back to the tv with a smirk. She wraps her arm around you and pulls you closer and then adjusts the blanket that you’re sharing as it fell off of you a bit.
After the show, Jacob goes to his room and leaves Melissa alone with you sleeping on her. Melissa gently shakes you awake and you stir and slowly wake up.
“Hey hon. You fell asleep, are you ok to drive home?” She asks you and she can tell you’re not fully aware of what she said. But you still nod nonetheless and you stand up. You go to get your things but she stops you when she sees how sleepy you are. “Hon, why don’t you just stay the night? You seem like you might fall asleep at the wheel and you’ll be back here tomorrow anyway.” She tells you and you look at her.
“Your couch isn’t comfortable to sleep on with the plastic for longer periods. So I’ll just go home.” You tell her and she is worried you might fall asleep at the wheel.
“Then sleep in my bed with me. I have a queen so it’s big enough for 2 people.” She tells you and you freeze. Did she really just offer that you sleep next to each other?
“Are you sure?” You ask her and she nods. “Ok then.” You agree to her offer and she smiles.
And she’s glad that she offered as you stumble upstairs and you immediately fall asleep before getting ready for bed. Melissa gets you more on the bed as you fell asleep at the foot of the bed and then tucks you in. She gets ready for bed and then gets under the covers with you. She looks at your sleeping form and can’t help but place a kiss on your forehead. “Good night y/n.” She whispers and turns off her lamp. You both wake up to cuddling each other and then pull away from each other when you realise it. “Um, if you want I can give you some clothes to wear or if you want to go home and change and then come back here, you can do that too.” Melissa says, avoiding what just happened.
“If you don’t mind providing an outfit, I would appreciate that.” You tell her and she smiles.
“Ya I think I have something that’s your style and that’ll fit you.” She says softly and gets up and goes to her closet. It’s then that you get a look at her and your brain stops. She’s just there in a light shirt and short shorts as pjs, and you can tell she’s not wearing a bra. She walks back and hands you the clothes and you take it from her with a ‘thank you’. When you take them from her, you’re in perfect view of her cleavage and you think you saw the outline of her breasts through the shirt. Melissa caught you staring and she smiles. She went with the lightest shirt she has and the shortest shorts as well, hoping she’d catch your attention.
Your not fully awake brain yet thought it’d be ok to just change where you are and you take your top off. Only then realising that you’re just there in a bra and Melissa is staring right at you, mouth open and eyes wide. You just decide to fuck it and keep going. You take your pants off as well and Melissa breaks. She walks over to where you are, grabs the back of your head and kisses you. It takes you a second for your brain to catch up and when it does, you kiss her back.
She puts her hands on your hips and you put yours around her neck. She pushes you back and you walk into the nightstand. She goes down and kisses your neck and sucks on it. She goes to unclip your bra but then you push her down to the bed. She’s sitting at the edge of the bed and you straddle her hips and kiss her again. She goes to unclip your bra and you let her this time. You let it fall off of you and give her time to get a look at you and she smiles. You then pull her shirt off and you look at her. You look at her eyes and then remember what she said yesterday, that no one took care of her. You pin her shoulders down and she looks up at you.
“Hon, what are you doing?” She asks, she’s not used to being the one not in control, she’s usually the top.
“I’m going to make you feel good Lissa, and you’re going to let me take care of you.” You tell her and she looks at you with wide eyes. She thinks it over for a few seconds and then she nods. You smile and then you go for her neck. She moans at you sucking on her neck. You then leave a trail of kisses to in between her breasts and then you put a nipple in your mouth.
“Oh my god.” She gasps out, she feels slightly guilty that she knows Jacob is gonna hear her have sex again. Then you suck on her nipple again and the guilt flies out the window, as well as the thought. You suck and swirl your tongue around her nipple and your fingers play with the other one. She moans at the sensation and you put your mouth around the other one and do the same thing. She bucks her hips at you and you smile. You’re glad she’s enjoying this and you're going to prolong it too. You’re not going to rush it like most of the guys she’s been with probably did. You pull back from her nipples and then you go up to an ear and gently nibble on it and she hums, you do the same thing with her other ear and you get the same reaction. You kiss her lips and her hands go to your thighs and trails up but you stop her.
“I told you that I’m going to make you feel good, not the other way around.” You tell her and pin her hands above her head. You know she can easily escape your hold as she’s stronger than you but she makes no attempts to escape. “Now, keep your hands there, hold the headboard if you have too.” You tell her and she looks at you confused.
“I’m on the edge of the bed.” She tells you and you let her move up on the bed and place her head on a pillow.
You then lean down and place kisses on her thighs before pulling her shorts off. “You’re so fucking beautiful.” You say and you roam your eyes on her body. You place more kisses on her thighs and then one on her clit and she bucks her hips.
“Y/n! Please.” She whines out and you put your tongue on her clit and lick. She grabs the headboard for support, spreads her legs further apart and bends her knees to plant her feet flat on the bed. You then insert a finger in her and she gasps and then you add a second and she moans out loud enough that you’re sure Jacob heard. You start sliding them in and out of her and she starts breathing fast. You pull your tongue away from her clit and you lean closer to her.
“Do you have a strap?” You ask her while still fingering her. She nods and taps the nightstand. You open the drawer and you grab the strap and dildo that’s in there. You then pull your fingers out of her and she looks at you in shock before she sees that you’re taking your pants off then putting on the strap on. You crawl on top of her and kiss her lips. You put your hand between her legs and rub her clit. She bucks her hips and gasps into the kiss. You then remove your hand and slowly slide the tip of the strap in her entrance. She gasps and breaks the kiss. You then start kissing her neck and slide it in further. You then slide it all the way in and she gasps. “You ok?” You ask her and she nods. You then start moving slowly, you’re on your hands and knees on top of her and moving the strap in and out of her.
“Faster, please go faster.” She tells you and you obey. You might be the top but you want her to feel good and if that means going faster, then you’ll go faster. You go faster and she wraps her legs around you. You take her hands and interlace your fingers with hers. You continue to place kisses on her neck and she starts breathing hard and fast. The strap was rubbing your clit and you start to feel the build up too. You take one of your hands and go and rub her clit. She moans out and her legs start to shake. “OMG! I’m close, I’m so close.” She says and then she comes. You don’t stop though, you just continue going as if she didn’t and she grabs your hair with your free hand. You can tell the sensitivity is getting to her a bit.
“It’s ok Mel, take your time. I’m right here with you and I’m not going anywhere.” You tell her and kiss her forehead, you slow down on her clit a bit and her next orgasm is approaching. You’re holding yours in, you want her to come again before you do. Her legs start to shake again and then her orgasm crashes through her. You come right after her and you go to pull out but she stops you.
“No, keep going, please.” She tells you and you do. Her third orgasm hits and she screams out. “Ok, I can’t take anymore.” She says and you gently pull out of her. You take the strap off and then you run into the bathroom and come back out with a warm wet cloth and you clean her up. She thinks the warmness of it feels nice against her sensitive core. You’re so delicate when cleaning her up and she can’t believe how she got so lucky with you. She’s been the one taking care of people almost her whole life. And now she has someone who wants to take care of her and is very gentle with her. You finish cleaning her up and then you clean yourself up and bring the cloth back into the bathroom so it doesn’t leak on the floor. You come back and cuddle into her and let her body calm down.
After about half an hour of cuddling you both get dressed and go downstairs. You walk into the kitchen and Jacob is there sipping on a coffee and smirking.
“Good morning Jacob.” You tell him.
“It sounded like you guys are having a good one.” He teases and Melissa looks up at him and rolls her eyes.
“How much did you hear?” She asks him.
“Enough to know that you got satisfied more than you did with that fire chief you ended things with.” He says and you look at her.
“When did you end things with the fire chief?” You ask her and she glares at Jacob.
“About a month ago. When I realised I’d rather be with you.” She tells you and she hands you a cup of coffee along with a kiss. You sneakily grab her ass without Jacob seeing but her surprise yelp gives it away.
“Ok I’m leaving before I get more traumatised.” He says and leaves the kitchen.
Melissa will more than likely have to threaten him to make sure he doesn’t tell anyone what he heard but for now she just smiles at you and kisses you again.
Taglist: @esposadejoyhuerta
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pinkthrone445 · 5 months
-Let it burn to the ground- Part 4
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
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Pairing:Melissa Schemmenti x Reader
Gender:fluf, Mel being soft, soft, love, soft sex
Warnings:Mention about past trauma, fires, injuries, soft lovely sex, SMUT, soft smut for your sinful but delicate souls
Summary:Melissa lets the fire of love consume her when she meets the new chief of the fire station.
Your day out with your family, son and Mel ended better than expected.
-"Mama! Mama! MAMA!" - Your child screamed with excitement as you changed him
-"Yes baby?" - You asked as you took off his pajamas and put on his football jersey
-"Who is going to see the game today?" - He asked with a big smile moving his little feet excitedly
-"Me, your two aunties, your abu, your nana and Melissa" - You whispered, adjusting his socks
-"Melissa?" - He asked, lost and thinking for a few seconds-"Miss Schementti?" - He asked curiously and you nodded looking at his little face
-"It's that okay? I invited her" - You asked with a slight wrinkle in your nose, you were going to check with him if it was okay for Melissa to go, it was his game after all. But when you came home from work, your sister had already bathed him and he had fallen asleep after eating, so you didn't got the chance
-"Yes mama, I like seeing that you have new friends too, and I like Melissa... Besides, I want everyone to be there when they give us the medal! When we win! Or lose...they give us a medal anyways... But I want everyone there! "-He said excited, making you laugh and you hugged him after putting on his soccer shoes
-"You are the most perfect boy" - You whispered kissing his forehead-"Does your hair bother you on your face to play? Do you want me to tie it up?" - You asked and he shook his head smiling - "Okey then, go to the bathroom while I finish your breakfast" - You responded by getting out of bed where you were sitting and headed to the kitchen while he ran to the bathroom.
While cooking the scrambled eggs, you grabbed your phone and sent an audio message to Melissa
-"Good morning Mel, we will pick you up in like 30 min. Chris is excited that you will be there... And I'm exited about it too. See you soon"-You sent the audio and served breakfast for you and your child along with orange juice. The redhead send you a picture of herself using a Philly's t-shirt with the caption "ready to cheer", you smiled and send her a heart, putting your phone in your pocket. The little boy came running back smiling and sitting down in his high chair-"Did you wash your hands?" - You asked, and he nodded, showing you his hands that were dripping with water-"Good, but next time remember to dry too" - You laughed and sat down to eat together.
After eating, brushing your teeth and a quick stop at the bathroom again. You put your son in his car seat and drove to the redhead's house, honking twice to let her know you'd arrived. Almost immediately the redhead walked out locking the house with her purse on her shoulder, smiling more than you'd seen her smile on other occasions. She got in the car in the passenger seat and turned to look at your son
-"Hi Chris! Look!" - She showed him the back of the T-shirt she was wearing, the front was a regular Philly T-shirt, but the back Melissa had sewn the name "Christian" next to a No. 1. Your child screamed with excitement moving his little feet that were hanging very happily.
The interaction filled your heart with joy
-"Look mama! Look how cool!" - Your son clapped his hands and you laughed
-"That's very sweet, thank you Mel..."- You took her and and gave her a little peck making her smile-"When did you get the time to do that?" - You asked sincerely surprised and she laughed squeezing your hand gently
-"Last night as soon as I got home, after your CPR class" - She replied and you smiled at her thanking her again starting the car to go to the field where they would play.
As soon as all the children arrived at the camp, they were put to do warm-up exercises while the families settled in their places. Mel sat next to you smiling, your family hadn't arrived yet
-"Of all the sports in Philly and the great teams we have, why did you put it to do football?" - The redhead asked and you laughed looking at her
-"Before we moved he played soccer with his friends, his dad was the referee of a big fútbol team were we lived, Chris was barely a toddler back then but he loved playing with his dad and to this day he still likes playing football, I think somehow it makes him feel close to him... So he wanted to keep playing football here..."-You whispered watching them run
-"That's sweet"-Mel whispered looking at you
-"It's also very funny to watch them play, they spend more time on the floor than behind the ball, they look like mini drunk people" - You commented and the redhead laughed with you.
When the match started Mel rested her head on your shoulder and you held her hand without saying anything, making small circles in the palm of her hand, enjoying the silence and how natural it felt.
In the middle of the game your son had his body covered with so much mud that you could barely see the number of his shirt, you would swear that they would lie on the ground on purpose to look dirtier.
Before the halftime whistle blew, your child scored a goal and Melissa immediately stood up screaming with more excitement than you. When the kids were given a break, your son ran up to you with open arms giving you a big hug, excited because he had made a point, when he let go of you, he immediately went to hug Mel just as hard, before you could realize that he had smeared you both with mud.
-"Did you see me? I kicked like a rocket!" - Your son asked both of you, kicking in the air imitating the great asaña of previous moments
-"You were amazing kiddo!" - Mel encouraged him and he smiled a lot more
-"You are great baby, do you want to eat something?" - You inquired and he nodded but also pointed behind you
-"First I'm going to say hi to my abu and aunties!" - Your little one ran two steps up and you blushed at the sight of your sisters and mother, you hadn't realized they'd arrived
-"Hi mom, hi sis" - You said a little embarrassed - "She is Melissa... A friend..."-You whispered blushing and Melissa smiled as she stretched out her hand to your mother
-"Hi, nice to meet you all" - The redhead greeted cordially under the gaze of your family
-"Nice to meet you too" - One of your sisters replied and you looked at them
-"At what point did you arrive that I didn't see you? Why didn't you sit next to me as usual?" - You asked with a frown
-"Maybe you didn't realize we got here because your attention was on someone else..."-One of your sisters responded, staring at the redhead
-"We didn't wanted to interrupt your concentration" - Your other sister replied and you rolled your eyes. Your little one looked at them all, confused by the tension
-"Abu! Did you saw my goal? Did you like it?" - Your son asked, and you sighed gratefully that he had changed the subject of conversation
-"I love it baby, it was amazing!" - Your mother replied and your son smiled excitedly. While he entertained your family, you brought out the sandwich you had made and the orange slices for your little one. He ate while talking excitedly about the game and his teammates.
Mel took your hand gently and careful not to let others notice
-"Are you okay hon? You seem a little tense..."-she whispered, looking at you worriedly
-"Yes... They are a little bit much sometimes, sorry... I promise you this wasn't a plan to corral you into meeting my family. I knew they were coming, but I didn't think they'd care that I brought a friend. Sorry" - You apologized and she smiled
-"Everything is okay, don't worry" - Mel whispered
When the whistle blew again, the children returned to play the last part of the game. In the end, the children ended in a tie and gave their medals to everyone.
Your son hugged you again, filling your shirt with mud
-"Mama are we going to the cinema?" - He asked excitedly and you nodded, it was a tradition at this point, every time he played an important game like this, you went to the movies afterwards-"Can everyone come? Mel and the aunties too?"- He asked, making puppy eyes at you so you wouldn't tell him not to that
-"Sure baby, but first we will go home to change the t-shirts, because you have clothes to change, but Mel and I have mud on our t-shirts and have no clothes to spare" - You replied and he nodded happily
-"Christian! Are you going with us to eat ice cream?!" - One of his teammate' kid asked your son and he looked at you smiling excitedly, asking without saying a word if he could go
-"You can go baby, but choose what you want to do, eat ice cream or go to the movies" - You answered and he sighed
-"It can't be both?" - He whispered sadly. Your sister looked at you knowing what you were going to answer, you were going to make him choose so he could learn a lesson, but what are the aunts for if not to fulfill whims?
-"Sis, why don't you and Melissa go to change while we take him for ice cream with the other kids? When he finishes the ice cream we'll go home and we all go to the movies. What do you think?" - Your sister offered and your son smiled from ear to ear excitedly waiting for you to say yes, you rolled your eyes smiling and nodded
-"We will see you at home" - You answered and kissed your child's forehead.
Once in the car, you and Mel agreed that you would lend her a t-shirt, so you went straight to your house.
When she arrived, Melissa began to look at the photos of the house, in most of them you were with your husband and your son, she knew that your husband had passed away, but the fact that he was still so present made her feel something that she did not know how to describe it.
-"Melissa follow me, I've got clothes in my room" - You muttered as you went upstairs and she followed. When you got to the room she sat on your bed while you went through your closet
-"Your room is gorgeous, smells like you" - Mel murmured and you smiled as you looked at her over your shoulder
-"Thank you... Do you like this one?" - You offered her a comfy shirt and a tank top, you knew her stile. She smiled and nodded taking the clothes off your hands.
As Mel changed, you took off your shirt too, but when Mel gasped, your face turned red knowing very well why it was
-"God! Honey..."-Her hand rested on your back and you couldn't help the way your body shook-"What happened?..."-Asked. On your back and shoulder you had a big scar from a big burn from a big fire, usually you left it covered but you felt so comfortable with her that you had completely forgotten about it
-"I'm sorry for showing this... I forgot for a moment" - You whispered and her soft hands caressed your arms standing behind you
-"Do you want to tell me how happened?" - she whispered in your ear and you sighed
-"One day an illegal factory caught fire and the station came to help but it was a difficult situation, as it was illegal, no one had plans of the place and it was in precarious conditions, plus we did not know how many people there were. When we thought everyone had left, we heard screams through the walls so we went back inside. When we found the person, the fire cornered us and the man who was there became desperate and tried to get out of the window, but when oxygen came in, a huge explosion was caused. I was working with my husband at the time and he threw himself on top of me to cover me from the fire and explosion... A part of my back was exposed to fire and I burned myself like this... Chris's dad didn't survive... I made it out alive but he didn't, I felt that a part of me also died there... And the scar is a big reminder of that"-You whispered trying not to get into the details because you knew you'd start crying and it would be hard to stop. Mel kissed your shoulder softly
-"I'm so sorry... How come I didn't notice this when you were at my house?" - she whispered, hugging you from behind, resting her bare chest on your back
-"Because I never took my shirt off, I only opened the buttons" - You whispered and she continued kissing your back and shoulder, tracing the edge of the scar
-"I'm sorry you went through that... You are so strong... You are a hero" - She commented and you blushed for the soft words and kisses- "You have been taking care of Chris almost alone... You have been taking care of everyone even putting your life at risk... You are amazing" - The redhead commented, and her hands caressed your abdomen gently
-"Mel... You make me blush" - You whispered with a nervous laugh, you felt so exposed
-"It's okay, it's just me... Nothing to worry about" - Her soft hands scratched your abdomen delicately-"You don't know how crazy you drive me... You are just perfect in every way" - The woman gave a small bite on the shoulder that had no scar and kissed the one that did have the mark. Her hands undid your pants and her chest clung tighter to you, brushing against her body making you shiver as you felt her standing nipples on you back
-"Mel, they could be here at any moment" - You whispered nervously
-"I'll fast, I promise... Besides kids eat slow, we have plenty of time... Just let me take care of you..."-she whispered in your ear making you shiver. She carefully took a few steps back walking towards the bed, making you sit up and she stood behind you hugging your waist and resting her chin on your shoulder-" Can I have a kiss? "-She whispered in your ear making you laugh softly, carefully you turned your head to kiss her over your shoulder, relaxing under her soft lips. One of her hands landed on your neck pressing gently making you sigh on her lips, when you opened your mouth the redhead took the opportunity to claim your mouth with her tongue, unlike the previous time, you let her dominate the kiss now. The redhead's free hand began to lift your underwear to sneak her hand inside gently, her fingertips brushing against your mount, resting on your outer lips made you feel electricity from your fingertips to behind your eyes. A sigh from the center of your interior came out of your mouth, it had been a long time since anyone had touched you with such patience and delicacy. You couldn't help but close your eyes and let your head fall back to rest on her shoulder, action that made her smile, she took advantage of the new position and kissed your forehead smiling. When a whimper left your mouth for the lack of movement she laughed softly. She carefully parted your outer lips to insert one of her fingers further in, gently caressing your cliroris, while with her other hand she began to play with your breast.
Your body tensed up a bit from the new or renewed sensations you were feeling and she came closer to you, sharing her body warmth with you, letting you feel her body throbbing against your back and her breathing a little heavier than normal
-"Relax, just enjoy, you are safe with me... If you want me to stop I will, just tell me to stop... Do you want me to stop?" - She whispered, caressing your cliroris, in gentle circles, you shook your head, placing your hand on top of hers, who was massaging your breasts to make her squeeze tighter. Mel smiled and ran her fingers over your inner lips, collecting your juices on her fingers and drawing different shapes around your entrance, you couldn't help it and started moving your hips at the same pace as her fingers.
Melissa leaned more on the bed and was almost sitting up against your pillows, settling your body on top of hers to have better access to your entrance despite your pants. You spread your legs further apart and one of your hands ended up on the back of her head so you could play with her soft locks in your hands.
Faced with the new position and comfort, one of her fingers easily slipped into you making you moan a little loudly, surprising you and her. The redhead started pumping in and out of you, pulling relaxed but needy sounds out of you. Your hand started playing with your free chest and you pulled her hair a little with your other hand. Mel tried to stick a second finger in and was met with a bit of resistance, but after a gentle, consistent press, she went in with ease making sure not to hurt you.
In the face of the new pressure, your walls began to hug her fingers and your movements became more erratic. The redhead quickened her speed, listening as the bed gently tapped and hit against the wall and your breath turned into short pufs.
Hypnotized by the way your breasts were retreating and your abdomen was contradicting, the redhead continued with surprising speed, your hand automatically went to your mouth to cover your moans but she grabbed it and caught it with her free hand
-"Don't get shy on me princess, you are doing so good" - Mel whispered in your ear biting your earlobe, at the praise your walls tightened to the maximum and a strong orgasm covered your body like a cloak, making you tense for a few seconds and then relaxing completely against the older woman's body while she kissed you deeply swallowing your moans. Melissa noticed how your body reacted to her words and praises, which she would take into account to explore next time.
She carefully pulled her fingers out of you and your pants making you whimper, delicately she kissed your sweaty forehead and you sighed, letting out a moan at seeing how soaked her fingers were with your juices, even her fingertips were a little wrinkled from how wet you were. Melissa smiled arrogantly at what she had accomplished and tap your mouth made you lick her fingers, groaning at how easily you opened your mouth to her and how you looked at her while you lick Her fingers.
-"Sis! We are home! Where are you?!" - Your sister screamed from downstairs and you looked at the redhead a little scared with her fingers still inside your mouth. This would be an interesting conversation to have with your family while you share your ride to the cinema.
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wordsarelife · 6 months
—invisible string
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pairing: isaac lahey x fem!reader
summary: the three times isaac and you realized that you were connected by an invisible string
warnings: none i think
note: just imagine kitchen and dining room of the mccall house being in different rooms please!!
1. when you guys met for the first time
isaac lahey did not expect anyone to jump to his rescue, let alone give him a home in a world where he had no place to go. maybe it was just because he always thought that he did not deserve that kind of care. and he had been right, right until he had met scott mccall at least.
the boy that had made it his mission to save isaac and bring him home with him. like a friend, or even a brother.
at first it was hard for isaac to face that it was just incredible kindness that motivated scott to do what he did, he didn't have a reason for it, it was not of any worth, no, actually, it was just nice.
"tell me if you need anything else" scott patted his shoulder, before he left the guest room, leaving isaac sitting on the bed.
"thank you" isaac muttered more to himself than anyone else, hiding his face in his hands and breathing out in relief. he was safe and he knew it.
when he came down to dinner later, scott was already setting the table. isaac turned his head to look into the kitchen, but there was no sight of melissa, just an unfamiliar girl, who was stirring a pot.
the first thing that he noticed were the amount of bracelets that covered your arms, they did not have any specific color, they were ranging from pink to brown to green and they nearly covered your entire arms up to the elbow.
you were also incredibly beautiful, as you were starring into the pot in deep concentration, not even noticing his eyes on you.
"isaac?" scott called and isaac turned his head, walking away from the kitchen and back into the dining room.
"where's your mom?" he asked, taking the glasses from scott and setting them down on the table.
"she had to take an extra shift" scott explained.
"okay" isaac nodded "who's the girl in the kitchen?"
"girl in the kitchen?" scott repeated laughing "are you trying to prank me?"
isaac shook his head, unsure if scott was joking or if he really didn't know that there was a girl in his kitchen.
"she's cooking" isaac shrugged and scott furrowed his brows, seemingly just now noticing the smell of warm and delicious soup that was hanging in the air.
"mom left us some soup" scott said "but i still have to warm it" he looked between dining room and kitchen in confusion. "girl in the kitchen" he repeated again, muttering to himself.
"i already warmed it for you" you said as you entered the room, under both boys surprised shrieking, the pot filled with soup in your hand. you set it down on the table.
"y/n" scott breathed, directing a hand to his chest as he sighed in relief.
"hey" you smiled, before you hugged the boy. "you must be isaac" you shook isaacs hand smiling "i'm y/n"
"what are you even doing here?" scott asked, before isaac was able to answer the greeting "i thought you weren't back for another week"
"well i got off a bit sooner, but thanks for beeing so cheerful about it" you laughed, walking into the kitchen to get a plate for yourself.
"is she a friend of yours?" isaac asked "and if so, why have i never met her?"
"yeah, she's stiles' younger sister" scott explained as he sat down and isaac followed his example "she was studying abroad for a year"
"stiles should be here any minute" you noted, taking a look on your phone as you sat down across from the boys. "but i think it would be alright if we began to eat without him"
"so you're back huh?" scott nodded "and the first thing you decide is to come back here.. wait, how did you even come inside?"
"oh" you laughed, filling your plate with soup "i came through the window"
"if that isn't the typical stilinski manner" scott muttered disapprovingly.
"i could come through your bedroom window and step onto your face if you would like that more" you said defensively, "i thought the kitchen window was a good alternative, not my fault you leave them open all the time"
"i'm sorry" scott rolled his eyes, deciding that it was no use to fight with you. "how have you been?"
"good" you smiled "look at these" you raised your arms, displaying the colorful bracelets "my kids made them for me before i left"
"your kids?" isaac asked, hesitantely engaging in the conversation.
"i trained a dance team" you explained "all the girls made me bracelets so that i wouldn't forget them"
"that’s cool” isaac muttered, before he quickly looked down when your eyes fell on him.
you smiled. "so scott told me you're living with him now, how's the mccall household treating you?"
scott chuckled at the motherly tone you were speaking in, always the protector.
"it's pretty fresh" isaac answered and felt a lot less uncomfortable when he looked up and saw you smile "but i really appreciate it"
"that's great" you laughed. isaac noticed you opening your mouth to maybe ask another question when you were interrupted by a sound upstairs.
a mere second later, stiles was walking down the stairs. "hey guys"
"could you both please stop coming into the house through the windows?" scott asked "it's weird"
"no it's not" you and stiles said at the same time. your brother smiled as you patted the seat next to you. "i made soup"
"no" scott corrected "my mom made soup, you just happened to break into my house and warm it up before i got the chance to"
"your mom... your house" you muttered "these are harsh words to throw at someone who's been practically saving your ass since middle school, scotty"
"yeah, aren't we all a big family?" stiles asked outstretching his hands in scott's direction, who looked unamused at the siblings chatter.
"yeah" isaac nodded.
"not you blondie" stiles hissed, quickly smiling again as he noticed scott's disapproving look.
"oh, how i missed you both together" scott sighed, continuing to eat, while stiles and you started a discussion about the ending of the most recent star wars film.
isaac watched amused how everything seemed to set back into place, your dynamic making it clear that the three of you were like siblings. deep down he wished that he had something like this as well, a friendship that could make all his sorrows disappear.
later when isaac was up in the guest room, unpacking a few things, there was a knock on his door. thinking that it was scott, isaac called the person in without looking.
"looks pretty comfortable" it was not scott, but you who was now standing in the door.
"uh, yeah" isaac answered unsurely, clutching his hand to the back of his neck.
"scott told me about derek" you said, catching him off-guard "and i just wanted to say that i know that he can be harsh sometimes, but he'll come around"
"thank you" isaac nodded, sitting down the last of his pictures.
"is that your mom?" you asked, walking closer to him. isaac nodded and you smiled "i think i have seen her before, i think she went to high school with my mom"
"really?" isaac asked suprised at your revelation.
"we met her a few times" you continued "my mom told me a few stories, they were friends i believe"
"huh" isaac huffed "funny"
"yeah" you smiled "it really is"
his body felt lighter at the warm feeling of familiarity that entered his chest. maybe, after all, the kind of friendship he was longing for wasn't so far away.
2. picking you up from the worst date of your life
the phone vibrated off the night table, but isaac caught it before it could hit the ground. he wasn't really awake yet, having gone to bed a bit sooner than normal. as he threw a look at his alarm clock, he noticed the time being well past midnight.
"hello?" his voice was hoarse, but it seemed like the person on the other end did not mind.
"isaac?" you asked and he sat up straight as he recognized your voice.
"yes, it's me" he could hear you cry into the phone "could you come and pick me up?"
he was already putting on his pants, before your voice had even come to the end of the sentence. "where are you?"
it took a few seconds for you to respond. "i'm at the school, i'm walking there now"
"are you alone?" isaac asked surprised, recalling the date with a boy from your year you had told him about just a day before.
"yes" you muttered into the phone. isaac walked out of the house and got into his car. "the date was horrible"
"i'm sorry" he said, unsure what he could answer instead, as he drove onto the street "i'll stay on the phone, okay? i'll be there in five minutes"
"i'm sorry for calling" you cried, the guilt lacing your voice "i probably woke you up, but i didn't know who else to call"
"it's alright, don't worry about it"
"no, it's not" he could hear you shake your head "i would've called stiles or scott, but they've gone on that stupid trip to who knows where trying to get this artifact"
"yeah, yeah, i know" isaac could already see the school coming closer "are you there yet? at the school i mean"
"yeah, i'm standing on the parking lot"
just a moment later, the car came to a halt and you opened the door, sliding into the seat next to him. you were wearing a black dress, one that was making you look even more beautiful than normally. your hair was flowing over your shoulders and your make up was ruined by the black mascara that was still dripping over your cheeks.
"hey" isaac said softly "you look beautiful"
you laughed, closing your eyes "i look anything but beautiful" you argued "thank you for coming, i would've walked home, but-"
he interrupted you before you could finish your sentence "-i'm glad you called"
"thank you" you said again and isaac just smiled, driving the car back onto the street. he pressed the radio, making the cd that was still in it start to play.
"paramore?" you asked susprised "i wouldn't have held you for a fan"
isaac laughed "i even went to their concert a few years ago"
"really? so did i" you gushed "which year?"
"me too" you laughed "who would've thought"
your sadness evaporated into thin air, as you continued to listen to the music, both isaac and you singing along to it softly, making you laugh at how terrible the both of you sounded.
isaac's body felt lighter at the warm feeling of familiarity that entered his chest for the second time since the both of you had met. maybe, after all, there was a much more important reason why your date had went the way it did. maybe something had changed.
3. discovering you were soulmates all along
you were following your brother and scott into the basement of the old church, careful not to trip over the ruins that were scattered all around.
isaac was close behind you, holding your hand to stabalize your walk.
derek was already down there, calling for the four of you to hurry up, which made you roll your eyes.
"it's not like i'm a werewolf who can run down there without getting hurt"
isaac grunted at your words, squeezing your hand.
when the four of you entered the dark room, derek was already leaning against the wall, arms crossed staring at you disapprovingly.
"i hope you didn't have to wait for too long" you smiled sarcastically and derek rolled his eyes, making a displeasured sound.
"what are we even searching for?" isaac asked as he watched scott and stiles walk through the room, looking around.
"anything" scott shrugged and stiles grimaced at his best friends words.
"to put it clearly" the boy said "we don't know yet, but i'll guarantee that you will as soon as it enters your hand" he patted isaac's shoulder, before he continued searching the room.
"fine" isaac muttered and you followed him to look at an old desk that was overflown by stacks of paper. silence flew over the five of you, as you continued sorting through the papers, only interrupted by isaac or you giggling when one of you would make a whispered joke.
"woah" scott's voice bounced off the walls and made all of you turn your heads at the mccall boy.
"what the—" stiles said, joining scott's side and looking at whatever it was that scott was holding in his hand. even derek had grown suspicious, lurking over the heads of both boys, before all three, scarily at the same time, looked up at isaac and you across from them.
"what?" you laughed uncomfortably, not enjoying your friends surprised staring. "did i accidently ruin a christian artifact again?" you asked as no one answered.
"again?" isaac asked you confused, you shook your head, silently telling him that now was not the right time to talk about your past mishaps.
"what is it?" you were slowly reaching the point were slight annoyance was ready to turn into anger. "can one of your start speaking?"
"it's a picture" derek said in typical derek manner.
"wow, thank you" you smiled sarcastically, before you crossed the room, snatching the picture out of scott's hand. your blood ran cold when your eyes fell on it and your smile died.
you looked up, watching isaac, then your eyes darted immediately back to the picture. you continued doing that over and over again.
"y/n?" isaac asked, unsurely. he had hoped that you getting the picture from scott would allow him an answer to your friends weird behaviour, instead you were now acting just as weird.
he stepped closer to you and without a word, you turned the picture and held it in his direction. it was a picture of the exact church you were in right now, taken in front of the alter.
there were two people, dressed formally, no doubt husband and wife, who were both smiling into the camera. isaacs eyes darted across the picture, searching for any kind of information, maybe this was just a joke.
"marlene and ian lawson" he read "june of 1847"
"this is a joke, right?" you asked. it had to be, because both people in the picture were looking like carbon copies of you and isaac.
"i don't think so" scott muttered behind you.
isaac's eyes were still fixated on the picture. using his finger, he gently slid over the woman's dress, the white gown easily slipping over the floor of the church. while she was looking into the camera, her husband was only focused on her, his smile so precious that you could read the love from it directly.
"it has to be" you insisted "isaac"
he looked up suddenly as his name rang out from your mouth. his body felt lighter at the warm feeling of familiarity that entered his chest. his eyes were crashing into yours and your look of anger was gone, softening your features.
"i don't think it is a joke, y/n" isaac shook his head "i think it's more than that"
isaac had never felt the feeling he was experiencing now, but it almost felt like a part of his soul was connecting to yours, intertwining them like two hands that had been searching for each other for a long time.
you furrowed your brows "you think this means something, something for us?"
"i don't know" isaac shrugged "it could"
just watching you, was like flowing in warm water, the water never rose, it was always calm, safe from every storm.
your friends turned around, not quite understanding what the two of you were talking about, going back to their initial task of searching for clues, as you took the picture out of isaac's hand. you opened your bag, slowly pushing it inside.
"i will keep it for us" you assured, before you kissed his cheek, doing the same as the others and going back to work.
isaac felt something in him sink, not in a bad way. more like an anchor that was thrown into the water, making sure that the ship would not leave the harbor, making sure that he would never leave you.
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bobbin-buckley · 9 months
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Jenna Ortega Headcanons
Jenna Ortega x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Fluff and smut
-You both freaking love to cuddle. While sleeping, watching a movie, reading a book etc. you both find comfort in being in each others arms. If you need to get up for bathroom or water good luck girly cause she ain’t letting you go
-She can’t help but admire everything you do, even if it’s just you reading a book she’s so head over heels for you
-Loves to be kissed on her cheek, cause that’s where her dimples are. She’ll smile wide when you kiss her there, she claims it tickles so you continue to do it
-If you do a sport or are in band she comes to every game/concert she possibly can (if she’s not busy). If you write books she gets to help you or gets sneak peak of what you’re writing annnnnd gets to be the first person to read it
-If you don’t know how to cook she’ll teach you, (this girl makes amazing meals). There was one time you helped her cook something but you almost burnt the house down so she banned you from the kitchen.
-^^If you can cook she’s always willing to help and eat whatever you make! And tells you how amazing it is
-When she’s gone for acting she’ll call/facetime you every night.
-Jasmine and Melissa tease her about how she’s so in love with you
-Horror Movie marathons every Friday night. (If you hate horror movies you can hide in her chest or the crook of her neck)
-Comes home with your favorite food whenever she’s out
-At this point you both share the same clothes cause you love stealing each others
-The both of you can’t live without music, so you’ll share earbuds when listening to music together
-Has really good music taste
-You watch all her movies (especially when you miss her on the days she’s acting)
-She always mentions you in an interview
-She loves you so so so so much
-You always happen catching her staring at you with those eyes (that lovey dovey look)
-A switch but prefers to be top, loves to dominate you
-Likes vanilla sex but adds a little roughness to it (if you’d like)
-Has a pretty high praise kink, receiving or giving either works for her
“You’re such a good girl, taking my fingers so we’ll”
“I wanna see that pretty face when you cum..”
“Fuck darling, making a mess all over me”
“That’s it, let go..let go for me baby”
-It drives her crazy when you moan her name
-Praises your body every time you have sex and always asks for consent
“You have such a pretty body for a pretty girl, so beautiful darling…”
“I’m so obsessed with these thighs, so pretty..so kissable..”
“This okay?”
“Are you positive that you want this hunny?”
-Loves to experiment, if you’re up for it! Has a full box of toys she uses on you, to figure out what you like
-She has strap-on dildos to vibrators
-But boy does she love using the strap-on she owns, she has various sizes of dildos. She goes from smallest to biggest, longest to shortest and thickest to less thick
“Hmp…god..you feel so good baby and you look so cute taking my strap. Good girl..yes cum for me, cum all over this fucking cock”
-Loves to cover you in hickies, she wants everyone to know your hers.
-After sex is so gentle with her, she rubs your sore body before taking you to the bathroom to take a bath then get rest after.
First headcanons! I think I’ll have people take a vote when I post it!
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gweninred · 9 months
melissa schemmenti
mention of sex
just a fic based on s2e4 where melissa invites janine in her house to learn cooking.
It came as a shock to you when Melissa invited Janine to your house after seeing her make pork rinds with peanut butter. You'd never thought your wife would invite one of her colleagues. "What time? I mean, can I come? I need you to help me with my wine pairings. Zach gets embarrassed when I ask the clerk for the second least expensive bottle." Jacob jumped up from his seat, Melissa was gathering her things to go back to class. "Well, I couldn't think of a reason why you can't quick enough, so yeah, I frickin' guess you can, buddy." The redhead slapped his shoulder, then turned around to pick up Janines peanut butter ramen to throw it away. "Get rid of that!" She walks out of the room. "Whoa!" Janine threw her hands in the air. "Here, have some of mine so you don't starve today." You offered her the other half of your grilled cheese.
Later that day, the doorbell rang at your shared house. "Will you get that, honey?" Melissa asked, grabbing a few wine glasses from the cabinet. You walked to the door, and there were standing Janine and Jacob. "Hey guys!" They stepped into the house. "Oh wow." They looked around the house. Janine went to look at the wall full of pictures. "This is, uhm... It's Melissa." Jacob chuckled. "Oh, it used to be worse. When I hadn't moved in yet, she had plastic over her couch." You told them. "But don't bring that up, though; it sits deep." Jacob held up a bottle of wine. "I brought this. I think it's called a 'blend' because they just mix all the best wines together." You led your colleagues to the kitchen, where Melissa was. "Well, hello to you too." Janine went to give your wife a hug. "Hey. Did you bring the onion?" Melissa quickly turned away to avoid giving the other teacher a hug.
"Yeah!" Janine went to look in her bag. "That's a shallot?" Melissa held up the grocery. "A what now?" The brunette asked. "A shallot. I said, get an onion." You walked to the fridge to get a bottle of wine. "Oh, Janine thought it was an onion that was adorable and small like her, and who am I to shatter that illusion?" Jacob cut in. "Wine?" You asked. "It seems more like I need vodka right now." Melissa was annoyed. "Ooh! Now I get to patronize a local vendor. Brb!" Jacob pulled on his coat to get an onion. "I swear to god, if you get a white onion!" Melissa yelled at him before he shut the door behind him.
"So, what are we making?" Janine asked, you handed her a glass of red wine. "Pesto pasta." You told her. "And I only like it when Melissa makes it." You walked up to her, placing the glass of wine on the kitchen counter in front of her. "She's my cooking princess." You smiled up at her, placing a kiss on her temple. "Yeah, Y/n isn't normally allowed in the kitchen when I'm cooking." Melissa wrapped her arm around your waist, pulling you close to her. "So, Janine, you can start by peeling this garlic." She handed her a cutting board and knife. "Just cut into very small pieces." Janine hummed. "So, what's my job tonight, babe?" You asked, squeezing Melissa's waist. "Just make sure the pasta doesn't overcook." She slipped away from your grip to continue her cooking. "Okay, boss." You hopped onto the counter next to the stove, sipping on your glass of wine.
Around 45 minutes later, the table was set. Some scented candles were burning around the house (Melissa's favorites, white musk and warm vanilla). and the onion Jacob went to get successfully made into the pesto sauce. Another bottle of wine had opened after dinner, with Melissa telling Janine she did well for her first cooked dinner.
"If you spill wine on the couch, I'll sue you." Melissa tells her coworkers, as they take a seat in the living room, you are sitting next to your wife. "So I also brought these cards to get to know each other more." Janine is excited. A sigh escaped the redhead's mouth, and you poked your elbow in her side. "Okay, Jacob!" Janine grabbed one of the cards. "If you could invent anything, what would it be?" Jacob crossed his legs, thinking. "A time machine. You know I love history, so I'd love to travel back in time." He explained. "Crab the next card, Jacob." Janine told him. "Y/n, what is your favorite thing about home?" He asked you. "Oh! Easy, Melissa, of course." You smiled at her, her hand creeped up your back, rubbing soothingly. "You're sweet." She placed a kiss on top of your head. "Ahw." You heard from Janine. "When Terique and I were together, he always told me I-" Melissa cut her off. "No one is making you tell these stories, you know?" You grabbed a card. "Right..." The other teacher sat back, sipping her wine. "Melis, what is a secret you never told anyone?" You asked. Melissa placed her wine on the coffee table, thinking. "A secret I haven't told anybody." She thought out loud. 
Melissa turned to you. "You know my boyfriend before you?" She rubbed your arm. "Gary, the vending machine guy?" She nodded. "We were in a relationship, and we never had sex." She giggled. "Ever?" Jacob asked, his mouth agape. "Never," she confirmed. You lauguhed, feeling tipsy. "How did you keep that up for so long?" You asked. "And why didn't he, you know, how could he resit you?" You were confused as to how he could ever resist Melissa, in your eyes the most beautiful woman. "Well, maybe it was kind of me. Now I know I'm more into  women."She wrapped her arms around you to keep you close.
A few hours had passed, and you were now sitting on Melissa's lap sideways, your arm wrapped around her neck as she held you around your waist. Janine and Jacob had left around 11. Melissa gave the leftover to Janine so she could eat it tomorrow at lunch. You had been making out but felt quite tired. You kissed down Melissa's neck, but your kisses were getting sloppier by the second. "Let's go to bed." You mumbled against her neck. You were now a little more than tipsy. "Alright, hon." Melissa pulled you up, holding hands as you made it up to your shared bedroom.
"I couldn't imagine never having sex with you." You slurred as you two lay in bed. Your head is lying on the redhead's chest. "I would have sex with you right now if I wasn't this tired." Melissa giggled at your words, slightly massaging your scalp. "Goodnight, honey."
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oneofthetorturedpoets · 3 months
Casual (part 2/?)
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You genuinely thought you would just be able to have a one night stand with Melissa and move on, but one night turned into three and now you were having to return to your regular life, unsure of where you and Melissa stand.
You turn your car off, grabbing your bag before getting out. You pull your shirt down and prepare yourself for the day. You look up and see Melissa doing the exact same thing a few parking spots away from you, she turns her head, spotting you. You give her a shy smile and wave in her direction, she returns the smile and wave before shutting her car door. You both walk towards the school entrance, not saying a word. You manage to walk fast than her, beating her to the door. You grab the handle, pulling the door open for her. She slightly quickens her walk, muttering a thank you. You both walk towards the break room. The awkwardness eating you up inside.
"So-" You both start at the same time, you laugh.
"You go first" You glance over and see her nervous expression.
She looks over to you. "So" She smiles at you, making your heart speed up. "I had a lot of fun last weekend and... I'm just wondering if we can keep it between us? I don't want the whole school knowing my business."
You wanted the same thing, why should your dirty laundry be spread across the elementary school? "yeah, of course. I was thinking the same thing."
She pats your shoulder with a tight lipped smile. "Great."
You hear a knock on your door, Melissa walks into your class. "Hey, y/n" She walks over to you, setting a Tupperware in front of you.
You smile, knowing exact what was in the dish. "I've been craving this all month."
She nods. "I know, I made it the other night and forgot that I had it in my fridge."
"Thank you, Mel." You stare up at her, unknowingly driving her crazy. She squeezes her thighs together
She can't take her eye off you and neither can you. The eye contact goes on for longer than reasonable. "Do you want to come over tonight?"
She never invites people over to her house, except for Barbara. "Sure, yeah, that sounds fun."
"This is amazing- you are amazing." You say as Melissa runs her warm fingers gently up and down your arm. The light from the sun turning her hair into a fiery red.
She smiles at you. "Me too"
You roll over, snuggling closer to her. She wraps her arms loosely around your torso. "Y/n?"
you hum. "You've been an amazing friend and I don't want that to change."
You can't help the frown that forms on your face, luckily you were facing away from her. "You want to stay just friends?"
"well, yeah? I mean we haven't really talked about it, I just kind of figured. You know I'm not dating right now, I just need to let off some steam." She states, matter-of-factly.
You fight back your tears of disappointment. "Yeah, you're right"
"We can still have fun, I like the idea of having a friends with benefits relationship with you." You get up, trying to cover your naked body, you felt too vulnerable. "Hey, where are you going?"
You throw your shirt on. "I just think it's wrong to lay in bed with you if were just friends"
"We don't have to be 'just friends' though." Once your clothes are on you reach for the door but Melissa stops you. "Why can't we just keep it casual?"
"I'm just not that kind of person, Melissa. I thought you would've taken that into consideration before bringing me into your bed."
You haven't seen Melissa in two weeks, she went on a trip to visit some family and you didn't realize how much you crave to just see her, even from a distance. You know you left abruptly the last time you saw her but you wished she would've texted you while she was away. You get a notification that she posted on her instagram story, you click the notification faster than you'd like to admit. The post is a picture of a dish she's cooking in her kitchen. You look at the time she posted it and it said 'an hour ago'. You jump up, throwing on whatever coat you find and rush over to her house.
Once you pulled up to her house, you sat for a second, contemplating your actions. You weren't the kind of person to have a no-feelings relationship, especially when you already have feelings for her. Was it selfish of you to want to go with want she wants so you can have just a part of her? Before you knew it, you were already walking up to her door. You knock on the door. A few seconds went by... Then a minute... Then two. Maybe it was the universe telling you it was a bad idea. You defeatedly march back to your car, as you went to open your car door, Melissa pulled up next to you in her car. Your heart skipped a beat at the sight of her.
She got out, walking over to you. She admired the way your ears and nose were red from the winter winds. You pulled your coat tighter, shivering from the cold. "Y/n.. hey." She pulls you in for a quick hug. "Look.. I'm sorry for making you feel uncomfortable in any way, I should've talked to you about my intentions before sleeping with you. I really love being friends with you and I'm sorry if I screwed that up."
You shake your head. "No, I get it. I mean we're both great friends and maybe it would be fun to add some benefits to it" She smiles widely, excitement taking over her features.
"I'd like that..." She pauses. "Do you want to come in? I was trying out a new dish but fucked it up so I went out to buy some cheesesteaks. I got two, one to put away for tomorrow but if you're hungry, I don't mind giving it to you." You nod, following her up the path to her home.
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schemmentis · 6 months
Like I Can - Pt. 2
Pt. 1 / Pt. 3
Warnings: None
Word Count: 2.5k
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Mel…what are you doing here?” You ask, despite your phone still held to your ear. Barb hastily telling you to call her if you need her before she hangs up underneath your own speaking.
“What am I doin’ here? What the hell d'ya think? You don't answer your phone, Barb said you went home with somebody last night and she couldn't get a hold of ya. I thought I told you ‘bout not makin’ me think ya went and got yourself murdered, huh?”
You lower your phone from your ear. Your arms cross to match Melissa's own stance as she glares at you. “As you can see I'm perfectly fine; not that me goin’ home with somebody is your business anyway.”
“You had me and Barb worried sick!”
Your mouth opens to retort the redhead once more but you're cut off before you can speak. “Uh…hi.” Your date from last night is shyly speaking, her head peeking out from the doorway of your bedroom.
You watch Melissa's eyebrows raise as she realizes your date is still here.
“Shit.” You sigh again. The hand not holding your phone rubbing your forehead. When you'd been gearing up to argue with Melissa you'd momentarily forgot the brutal hangover you're fighting. Until now. This is too much to deal with at once.
Your manners override your hangover and annoyance with Melissa. Your hand drops away from your forehead, your focus turning to the woman of last night as she steps out of your bedroom. “I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you, I know we had a late night.”
With a smile she's waving your apology away. She looks ten times more put together than you feel. You guess she'd gotten dressed when she first heard Melissa, more than likely. “Don't worry about it. You know how to get a hold of me.” She says easily. She drops a kiss to your cheek before letting herself out.
You see the glare Melissa gives her silently as she passes her to leave. It makes you send her one of your own. Though it takes until the door is shut behind your guest before the redhead looks back to you.
“Don't look at me like that!” She says as soon as she notices.
You roll your eyes. “I'm not a teenager, Melissa. I don't have a curfew nor do I owe you notices of where I am or who I'm with.”
“You do when you got yourself with a stranger!” She counters, her hands briefly waving in front of her in her disbelief at your arguing.
“Whatever.” You grumble as your head pounds. You don't want to deal with a hangover and an upset Melissa and the sudden burning that old knife wound in your chest is suddenly doing. “As you can see; I'm fine. We can argue about the rest of the details another time.”
You expect her to leave after that. You're both far from calmed down or happy about the situation. Plus, you'd really like to go back to bed for a while until you hopefully feel a modicum like a regular human again. Instead, Melissa is stepping past you into your kitchen.
“What are you doing?”
Melissa sends you another glare over her shoulder as she blindly begins pulling out some of your cookware. You ignore the reminder that she knows your kitchen as well as her own without even looking. Even though you don't really remember the last time she was here.
“Sit down.” She says, like you're in her house. “I'll make breakfast.”
“I'm really not—”
“If you don't eat, the hangover is just gonna get worse. Sit down.”
Reluctantly, you sit at your small kitchen table. Normally, you’d be watching Melissa as she cooked. You usually did. Yes, because you were attracted to her. You could admit that much to yourself now. Though that was merely a bonus. Watching Melissa cook was as fun as watching her teach. Her passion couldn't be hidden when she did either. Plus, the way she could move with ease through every step of any recipe was always worth watching. It was her own kind of dance. Especially her knife work.
Today, you're pressing your head onto your arms on the table. Even without your kitchen light on, lit only by the natural light from your window, it's too bright. You jump after a few minutes when something cold pressed to the back of your neck. Your hand reaches for what is there, freezing when your fingers find the warmth of Melissa’s knuckles.
“Cold washcloth.” Her voice murmurs in explanation. “Might take the edge off before the food does the rest.”
She stood next to you for another moment or two. Your fingertips at her knuckles. Her hand holding the cloth in place. You hold your breath without meaning to, waiting for her to speak again. You don't let yourself look up at her. The knife in your chest feels like it's on fire. You don't think you could handle it turning if you looked at her now.
After a drawn out moment, her hand pulls away from beneath yours. She leaves you to hold the cool cloth to your neck as she steps back to your stove to finish cooking. You stay in your place, head buried to your arms, hand holding a cloth to your neck. You stay there until you feel your breathing even out again. Only then do you brace yourself and sit up, blinking at the light again. At least, the smell of bacon and eggs isn't making you nauseous now. It's only a minute later Melissa is setting a full plate in front of you, along with a glass of water and ibuprofen.
“Thank you.” You murmur as she takes the seat across from you. She hasn't made any for herself. You assume she's had breakfast already. You know better than to hesitate in eating even if she doesn't have food. You know she'd gladly stare you down until you ate anyway.
She reaches across the table, taking the now room temperature cloth that you had set down on the table in order to eat. She holds it between both of her hands, idly moving it around in her fingers. It's unusual to see Melissa fidget. You don't have a better word for what she's doing now. Fidgeting. Like she's nervous. You don't think you've ever seen Melissa Schemmenti nervous.
“How was she?”
You cough around a bite of toast, taking a sip of water. “What?” you'd heard her fine. You just aren't certain why she's asking at all.
“The girl.” Her head nods backwards toward your front door. “The woman.” She corrects a moment later, like she's heard herself and didn't like how it sounded. “How was she?”
You blink from over your fork of eggs at Melissa across the table. You'd made sure whenever you were her wing woman she thought you'd gone home with someone. Both to keep her from abandoning her own plans if she felt bad leaving you alone and to keep from letting her know you were alone. Partly afraid she'd think you lame or boring when you had first met. Partly to avoid her asking why once you knew each other better. Melissa had never asked you. Not one time how any of your dates were. Until now.
“Why?” You can't help blurting out. “I mean, you've never asked me about any of the others before.”
Melissa scoffs, briefly looking away from you before looking back again. “C’mon, Hon, I ain't stupid. You never went home with anybody else before.”
You stutter for a moment, a few different answers started and not getting past a syllable or two before you start again. “Yes, I did.” You finally say.
Melissa only raises an eyebrow at you. Silently daring you to lie to her again.
“What was all that don't get murdered lecture for then if you knew I didn't?”
She shrugs. Her fingers are still picking at the washcloth. “You didn't wanna talk about it. So I didn't ask. I played along. I figured if you ever felt like it you'd tell me.”
Her head tilts slightly toward her shoulder. “And I meant it when I told you to always tell me you got home safe. You don't have to go on a date with a stranger to get murdered, y’know.”
Your eyes roll to your ceiling, biting the eggs from your fork in lieu of answering.
Melissa sighs, her hands planting onto the kitchen table with fingers still grasping the cloth. “You didn't answer the question, though. How was she?”
“Mel, I don't want to get into it.”
“So she was either really good or really bad.”
“Stop,” you groan. “You know I hate getting into the details. I never wanted to hear about yours and I don't want to talk about mine.”
“I never got why.”
“Why what?”
“Why the details of my dates and all bothered you so much. You ain't a prude. I've definitely made you laugh with a dirty joke or two before. You didn't mind hearing about Barb and Gerald.”
“Barb did not get into details and you know it.”
“She told you plenty for ya to fill in the lines!” She retorts. “I could barely say a guy's name and you'd practically plug ya ears.”
“I just don't need to know that!”
“You don't gotta tell me details. But was she good?”
“Melissa! Why does it matter?”
“It just does! If you're gonna finally have some dates then they better be treating you right and to a damn good time!”
“Or what,” You start as you get up to put your dishes into the sink. “You're gonna get your bat?”
“Maybe I would. I'd have to set straight whatever woman isn't pleasing you right.”
You swallow the sudden lump in your throat, rinsing your plate to buy yourself time before you have to face her again. When you begin to turn you slow in your movements. Melissa is standing behind you.
Her eyes quickly find your own as your back presses into the edge of the sink counter. Her hands rest on the counter at either side of you, trapping you to the spot though there remains a bit of space between you.
“She did take care of you, didn't she?”
It takes you a long beat to be able to answer. Melissa’s eyes are locked onto yours. Her seriousness etched into her features. Her perfume lightly hitting your senses when you inhale through your nose. If she took a step forward she'd be pressed against you, a step and a half she'd be pushing you back into the sink.
Your fingers itch to release the sink and grip her forearms. Your chest aches for you to admit the truth, consequences of the confession be damned. Your lungs burn as your breath shortens.
“She was fine.” You finally manage to answer.
“Fine.” Melissa echoes. She shakes her head. “You deserve better than just fine, Y/N.”
Daring her to be better than just fine is on the tip of your tongue. You manage to hold it back. “Maybe next time.” You mutter.
As quickly as you ended up so close, Melissa steps back again. “Next time I'm your wingwoman and not Barb. Unless you're really looking for somebody to go to church with.”
“Maybe.” You repeat. “I'm really not looking for a bunch of dates or one night stands.’
Melissa raises a brow but smirks at you. “Oh, so I gotta really play cupid, huh? Find you somebody to stick around?”
“No, no. Really. I'm fine with how things are now.” You lie quickly. You're not. The feeling of your chest constricting the longer Melissa teases you about this is proof enough. Still, you're more fine with how things are than if Melissa made good on what she's saying she'll do. Or worse, if she knew.
“Alright, alright. I'll stop messing with ya.” Melissa says, taking pity. “You still look a little like death warmed over so I won't push too much. Today, anyhow.”
“Thank you. For having mercy and for breakfast.”
She waves your thanks away. “It's what I'm here for. Did you record housewives? We can watch that. I know it puts you to sleep and I can catch up.”
You don't have the energy to keep dodging or arguing, so you gladly agree. You end up leaning heavily into Melissa's side on your couch. You drift even as Melissa loudly criticizes someone on screen, her hand waving at the television before her arm lands around your shoulders to keep you at her side.
“You didn't scare the poor girl, did you?” Barb asks softly as Melissa settles into her seat next to her in the break room. She saw her friend in the morning but decided to wait until lunch to ask her about checking in on you. A Monday Morning wasn't the best time to ask Melissa much of anything.
Melissa scoffs as she takes the lid off her container. “Please. I couldn't scare Y/N if I tried.”
“I meant her date.”
“Who cares if I scared her?” The redhead says as she stabs a fork full of pasta. She rolls her eyes at the look Barb gives her. “No. I didn't scare her but Y/N said she ain't lookin’ for anythin’ anyhow.”
Barbara blinks a moment. “Well. It sure seemed she was last weekend.”
“She scratched the itch. Must be fine for a while now.” Melissa says.
Barbara does her the courtesy of not pointing out how frustrated she sounds. Melissa ensures the courtesy is bypassed though as she continues.
“I asked how she was and Y/N just said it was fine.” Melissa says after swallowing her bite, the irritation slowly spreads across her features and creeps into her voice. Her fork stabs a little harder. “Just fine, you believe that? I dunno why she'd settle. She could snag any bimbo in any bar any day of the week.”
“Y/N is hardly interested in bimbos.” Barbara says evenly. Calmly piercing her salad with her own fork as she watches Melissa from the corner or her eye.
“Well that chick from last weekend didn't look Ivy League.”
“Melissa, please.”
“What? You and I both know she could do better.”
“Better as in with you?” Barbara says as casually as anything else.
“Yes!” Melissa answers instantly. A moment later what Barbara said catches up to her. Her hand freezes mid fork stab, the prongs pressing into the plastic of her container.
“I mean, no!” The hand not gripping her fork lightly slaps Barb on the shoulder. “Why would you even say that?”
“Because it's what you meant to say.” Barbara answers matter of factly.
“It is not!”
“No? Then why are you suddenly so concerned with who Y/N takes home? You were ready to storm over there with your bat when I told you.”
“You said she didn't answer!”
“And you didn't know that when you told me if her date was still there you'd chase them out with your bat and a promise if they did anything to hurt Y/N you'd call one of your guys.”
“I—” Melissa stutters, suddenly tossing her fork into her container. She shoves the lid on and all but throws it back into the fridge. “You don't know what youre talkin’ ‘bout, Babs.” She grumbles as she storms out of the break room and back toward her classroom.
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janeyseymour · 3 months
Love Thy Neighbor, Family Matters- pt 1
Love Thy Neighbor (FINISHED): Part 1. Part 2. Part 3. Part 4. Part 5. Part 6. Part 7. Part 8. Part 9. Part 10. Part 11. Part 12.
Love Thy Neighbor Oneshots: Ousted. Title Change.
Two Families Become One (FINISHED): Part 1. Part 2. Part 3. Part 4.
Summary: It's been almost three years since you and your wife got married. Ellie wants a dog or a new sibling- and she is nothing if not determined.
WC: ~2.8k
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Melissa Schemmenti is your wife. Your wife. And Ellie is now officially a Schemmenti too. Legally, she’s Melissa’s daughter. Life could not be better. With those two by your side, you know that you’re going to be set for life. After everything that you’ve been through, you’re finally settling into this new married life with the redhead, your job is as steady as it’s ever been, your wife could not love you and your little girl more (you can practically hear her correcting you that Ellie is both of yours now), and Ellie is blossoming into a beautiful little lady. With your sweet soul and Melissa’s strong outlook on life, the now nine, almost ten year old is beginning to have thoughts and opinions of her own and can stand her ground. While you and your wife sometimes wish that she wasn’t trying to stand her ground against the two of you, you couldn’t be more proud.
But now with Ellie growing older, she isn’t as afraid to tell you and her mother exactly what she wants and needs in order to survive.
“Elizabeth,” you sigh as you cook dinner, Melissa’s arms wrapped around your waist. “For the millionth time: we are not getting a dog. You do not need one to survive."
“I do!” the not so little girl protests. “I need one so bad! It gets boring being the only one who wants to run around!”
“We take you to the park almost everyday,” the redhead sighs. “You have plenty of fun with the other kids there.”
“I have plenty of fun playing with Carter’s dog!” Ellie states. “Come on! I think it would be so fun to have a puppy to play with, and it would teach me responsibility! Please, moms!”
“You are already plenty responsible,” you tell your little girl, turning to gestures at the way that she’s already set the table without either of you having to ask. “And we do not have room to house a dog! We barely have room for the three of us.”
“Then I want a baby sister,” the nine year old rebuts.
Both you and Melissa pause at that statement. “What?”
“I told you when you guys were getting married that I either wanted a puppy or a baby sibling,” Ellie says. “It’s been years.”
“Two and a half,” you say slowly.
“Years,” your daughter stresses. “If we can’t get a puppy, then I want a sister.”
Your wife looks to you. Clearly, you’re going to have to talk about all of this later.
“If we don’t have the room for a puppy, what makes you think we’re going to have room for a new baby?” Green eyes meet young ones that match yours.
“You two have also been saying that we’re outgrowing the apartment and want to buy a house. If we did that, we could get a dog, and you could have another baby!” Ellie looks extremely proud of herself for that solution to the issues she was presented with.
“El,” you sigh as you turn off the burner. “Have you been listening in on mine and Mom’s talks lately?”
Your daughter turns sheepish at that. “Maybe.”
“You’re such a troublemaker,” you run a hand over your face. If she heard that conversation, only the lord himself knows what else she’s heard. You just pray she hasn’t heard you and Melissa engaging in more adult activities.
“Maybe,” Ellie shrugs. “But you love me, Momma.” She runs across the room and engulfs you in a hug, as if that will butter you up. And it absolutely does.
“You’re lucky,” you chuckle softly as you kiss the top of her head. 
She’s growing, and she’s only going to continue to grow- you don’t have to lean down as much to hug or kiss her anymore. One of these days, she’s going to be towering over both you and Melissa. But for now, she’s still you’re little girl. And in all honesty, even if and when she is taller than both of you, she’ll still be your little girl. 
“Momma and I would love you even more if you stopped leaving your socks all around the house,” Melissa teases. “If we ever got a dog, you wouldn’t be able to do that anymore.”
“I’ll start picking them up when we get a dog then!” Ellie responds cheekily.
It’s later that night, once you and your wife are positive that Ellie is asleep, that you turn to her.
“Don’t look at me like that,” Melissa sighs.
“Look at you like what?” you chuckle as you pull her into your side.
Emerald eyes meet your own. “I’ve seen this look before, and it always means you’re going to give into what your daughter wants.”
“Our daughter,” you tell her pointedly. “And I- I don’t know. She’s kind of right. We have a decent amount of savings- enough to get a nice house with a yard for her to run around in… and whatever else we might want.”
“You’re really thinking about getting a dog?” the woman groans. “Babe. I don’t want to constantly have to carry a lint roller with me to get the fur off of me.”
You just shrug. She doesn’t seem to understand that you’re actually leaning more towards maybe bringing another life into this world.
“If you want to move,” your wife takes a breath. “We can look into it.”
“Really?” you ask hopefully.
“I mean, we are outgrowing the apartment,” the redhead sighs as she begins to lazily draw patterns on your thigh with her fingertip. “And I think it might be nice to be able to barbecue without Pat always trying to steal a burger off of me.”
You laugh at that. “Tomorrow. Right now, I just want to watch trash television with my wife.”
“Real Housewives is not trash!”
It’s about a month later that the Schemmenti family is officially moving out of the apartment complex that you’ve built your little life in. You’re moving into a stunning townhouse in Walnut Hill with four bedrooms, a deck, and a beautiful sunroom. The only thing that’s missing is a backyard, but even then, it’s a residential street, and there’s a park nearby. It still isn’t far from Abbott- you could easily walk to the school if necessary. It’s not far from Center City, and there are Septa stations all around you if you didn’t want to take the car.
It takes another few months for the three of you to settle into your new living space. There are touches and pieces that make it all your own, and you genuinely couldn’t be more thrilled.
Ellie loves it here. Despite not having a private backyard like the three of you had hoped for, your daughter is free to run around with her neighborhood friends, and the amount of children roaming your house at any given moment is a different change of pace.
But there’s still something missing. Elizabeth Schemmenti is determined that she is going to convince you and her mom to either get a dog or have another baby- preferably a sister.
The little girl takes it as far as using your work computer to create two separate PowerPoints in attempts to convince you. She sits you and Melissa down one night to present them.
“Moms, before you tell me no, just… hear me out?” She’s picked that phrase up from the redhead, who raises a brow.
“Elizabeth, we are not-”
“I said hear me out!” Your daughter whines.
You just take a deep breath and set your hand over your wife’s, a silent plea to at least listen to the girl. You both agreed that giving your girl a voice was important in her upbringing. At your silence, Ellie smiles. She taps a few keys and clicks the mouse a few times before turning the laptop towards the two of you. And in big bold letters are the words, ‘Why We Should Get A Dog’.
For a now ten year old, a rising fifth grader, her arguments are solid. You’ll have to sarcastically thank her former fourth grade teacher for helping to raise a child who is a solid argumentative writer. She has an opening, lists her reasonings, actually rebuts a few of the points both you and your wife would have made if she had given you the chance, and then closes. If she were to join the debate team in high school, you wouldn’t be shocked in the slightest.
“I’m very impressed, little girl,” you praise her gently. “You clearly put your heart into this presentation.”
“So does that mean we can get a dog?” Ellie asks hopefully, and she’s bouncing on her toes. For a split second, you remember a five year old Ellie doing the same thing as she tried to convince you to let her have ice cream on a night where she wasn’t meant to.
You glance to Melissa and shrug your shoulders with both brows raised, your bottom lip being worried between your teeth.
“Mommy,” your daughter says right back, and- oh, she’s good. She doesn’t call Melissa by that name anymore, feeling as though she’s outgrown it, but she’s bringing it back right now. And it almost works on the redhead.
“I- I don’t know. Momma and I would have to talk about it. And even then, I’m not so sure getting a dog would be a great choice.”
Your daughter nods along thoughtfully for a few seconds before reaching back for the computer. She again taps away at it for a few seconds before facing the screen towards the two of you again. This time, the screen reads, ‘Why Momma Should Have Another Baby’.
Her presentation is very similar to the first one, but you can tell that she wants this one more- and you didn’t think that was possible. Her arguments are even stronger than her pleas for a puppy, there’s passion in her voice, and you know in your own heart that she’s appealing to your own desires- ones that you had made offhandedly as you continue to watch your little girl grow into a not-so-little girl.
Melissa is stone faced through the entire thing, but you can feel the way that her hand unconsciously shifts to lay on your stomach.
This presentation only makes you think about how much you would love to have another child running around- one that would have Melissa from the start, have Ellie as an older sister. To have a child that has unwavering support from both parents from the start, without any rocky story like Ellie does with her absent father, would be… it would be wonderful.
This time, when your daughter is finished presenting, Melissa shifts to look at you the way that you looked at her over the dog situation.
“Momma,” Ellie looks to you. Her puppy dog eyes are strong as she launches herself at you to cuddle. “I really would love to have a little sister. I mean… you and Mommy aren’t going to be around forever, and I want to have someone to be with me throughout my life.”
She then turns to your wife. “And Mommy, I know you and Aunt Kristen have your moments, but you love her more than anything. I want someone like that in my life.”
“That isn’t true,” Melissa chuckles, although she does nod along. “I love you and Momma the most in this world.”
“But after us,” Ellie exasperates. “Please. Just… think about it?”
“About which one?” you ask your daughter curiously. “Because if we are going to do one, we can’t do the other. So… which one would you rather us think about?”
“Baby,” is the ten year old’s immediate response. “I want a baby sister.”
“You know that if Mommy and I have a baby, there’s a chance it could be a boy,” you laugh as you kiss Ellie’s head.
Your daughter shrugs against you. “I guess having a little brother wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world.”
So that night, curled up in bed, you and your wife begin to discuss the idea of adding another child to the family. Ellie’s really sold it to you, and now you just have to get Melissa on board with the idea.
She, of course, has her doubts and trepidations about it. You do everything you can to squash those feelings.
“Baby,” you whisper as you hold her close. “I know that it makes you nervous, but… you’ve raised generations of kids at this point. You’ve done wonderfully with El for the past five years, and you’re only continuing to be a wonderful mother to her.”
“I’m… I don’t know,” Melissa sighs softly. “I mean, I can be a mother to Ellie girl, but what if I fuck up the kid we have together?”
“I fucked up with Ellie constantly,” you admit through a small chuckle. “We’re going to continue fucking up when it comes to El. But we’re going to do it together and get through it together.”
“Yeah,” your wife concedes.
“When we were getting serious, we did talk about having a baby together,” you tell her through a yawn. “And if you really, really don’t want to, we don’t have to. But I think… I think we could do it.”
Melissa just hums and kisses your head. “I think… it isn’t off the table. I would have to look at our finances and all of that, but… give me a bit to think on it?”
You nod into her as you turn to fully hold her now. It’s becoming clearer and clearer to your wife that you’re on the brink of sleep.
“Get some sleep, mi amore,” she tells you softly. “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
That night, you dream again of your future. You so clearly see yourself in a hospital bed holding a newborn. Melissa is at your side with tears running down her face, telling you how proud of you she is and that your little girl is beautiful. Ellie is curled up on your bed, looking at the baby with big, loving eyes as she thanks you up and down for giving her a new baby sister. She’s begging you to hold the new baby.
It feels so real that when you wake up because your only daughter is climbing into bed with you that your heart aches. How much you wish that dream was real life. You roll out of Melissa’s arms and pull Ellie into your own, kissing her head a few times.
“Need Momma cuddles?” you whisper.
“Momma cuddles,” your daughter repeats sleepily as she curls up into your figure.
The conversation of expanding your family isn’t brought up for a few days, and then a few weeks, and then a month.
But one day in August, Melissa asks if you’ll go out to dinner with her.
“Yeah,” you smile. “We haven’t had a date night in a while.”
“I know,” your wife chuckles softly. “We’ve been so busy giving Ellie a great summer.”
“I can ask my parents to watch her tonight.”
“Barb and Gerald are already coming over at five to keep an eye on their beloved niece.” You feel a gentle kiss being pressed to the side of your head. 
“You’ve had this planned for a while?”
The woman you married more or less shrugs.
“Auntie Barb! Uncle Ger!” Ellie beams when they come into your home.
“Baby girl!” your coworker sweeps your daughter into her arms. Gerald ruffles the girl’s hair with a smile.
“You be good for Barb, yeah?” you chide your daughter gently.
“I always am, Momma!” Ellie chirps.
“She always is,” Gerald chuckles.
“We’ll be home by nine,” Melissa tells the two of them before grabbing your purse from the couch and guiding you at the door.
Once the two of you place your order and receive your wine, Melissa pulls out a few pieces of paper from her purse, handing them over to you. For a moment, a sense of dread fills your soul. The last time you were handed papers when you weren’t expecting was when Jared served you divorce papers.
“Look at them, hun,” your wife encourages you with a soft smile. “I think you’ll like what you see.”
So you begin to thumb through them. The redhead presents you with your combined finances, a few papers with suggested doctors to go through for artificial insemination, a list of Lamaze classes the two of you should attend if you do indeed have another baby, and the last paper is a list of names for both boys and girls that she favors.
You look to her with tears in your eyes. “Really?” you ask hopefully.
“Really,” Melissa smiles at you, tears now blooming in her own eyes. “The whole being a mother thing terrifies me, but… if I have you by my side, I figure, what can go wrong?”
TAGS: @schemmentis @thesapphictimelady @marvel210 @itisdoctortoyousir @morgana-larkin @thesamesweetie @doesthatsuggestanythingtoyou @marvels--slut @gwennybriggs @megamultifandomtrashposts @lemz378 @http-sam @melissaschemmentisbranzino @imaginesmultifandoms @sexysapphicshopowner @lilfartbox1 @maybe-a-humanbean @imlike-so-gaydude @sapphicxrat @a-queen-and-her-throne @sunsol-22 @notinmyvocab @melanielaufeyson @dvrkhcld @cosmichymns @sasheemo
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