#melissa mccall x reader
specialagentlokitty · 2 years
Melissa x Teen!reader - you’re family
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So if you won’t write this, I totally understand. Could you do parental Malissa with a reader who is part of Scott’s pack but their parents are abusive (or just horrible) and Scott brings the to his house to ask his mom if they can help reader? - @theafterofnevermore 💜
Sitting on the curb, you sighed as you looked at the bag next to you and your busted phone on the road in front of you.
Getting up, you grabbed the phone and pocketed it before grabbing your bag and walking aimlessly around the empty streets.
There wasn’t many people out at this time of night, which made harder to find a place to eat, but you found a small diner that was still open and ordered some food while you sat in the booth at the far back.
The waitress brought over your food, and she frowned a little bit as she looked at you.
“Are you alright? Do you want me to call anyone for you?” She asked gently.
“I’m okay… I Uhm… I don’t know any of my friends numbers off by hand… sorry…” you mumbled back.
She just smiled at you and shook her head.
“No that’s fine, do you want some help cleaning that cut on your cheek and your knuckles?” She asked.
You shook your head.
“No I’ll be fine…”
“Alright darling, let me know if you need anything.”
She walked away and you nibbled at your food, simply getting lost in your mind as you tried to figure out what your next step would be.
No doubt your parents would call the sheriffs department tomorrow claiming that you ran away, so you had to find one hell of a place to hide.
Sighing, you pushed your half eaten food away and placed some cash on the table before slipping out the door once again.
Pulling your jacket across you a little more to beat the breeze, you started to aimlessly wonder around, ignoring sounds of someone driving past.
You stopped when you noticed the bike stop not far in front of you, and you were getting ready to run when you realised you knew who it belonged to.
Walking over, you stuffed your hands into your pockets and watched the driver to his helmet off.
“You’re driving around pretty late Scott, what’s up?” You asked.
“I was actually looking for you.” He replied.
“Huh? Why?”
Scott pulled out his phone and showed you the last message you had sent to him, asking him if he could pick you up straight away.
Putting his phone away, he gestured to the back of the bike.
“I’m sorry I took so long, I was sleeping. I checked my phone when I woke up to get a drink and came straight out to find you.”
“It’s fine, can you just take me to a motel or something?”
He handed you his helmet and waited for you to climb on the back of his bike.
“I can bring you back to mine if you want? I can set up the spare room for you.”
“I don’t want to intrude Scott it’s fine.”
“Nope, you’re coming to mine, motels aren’t safe, and it’ll waste your money.”
“Do I even get a say in this?” You sighed.
You just sighed and waited for him to get to his house before you climbed off his bike and handed the helmet back.
He gestured for you to follow him, and did.
He led you upstairs to the spare room and showed you where everything was and he leant against the doorway as he scowled a little bit.
“What happened this time (Y/N)?” He sighed.
“Nothing, forget it Scott. It’s fine.”
“It’s not, look my moms gonna be home any minute, she can help.”
You shook your head and crawled into the bed.
Scott sighed and left, he wasn’t going to make you let his mom help, but he still told his mom about what had happened so she knew you were in the house.
When you woke up the following morning, you quickly changed and made your way down the stairs to the kitchen.
It wasn’t the first time you stayed at Scott’s house after being kicked out, he was like a brother to you, so he always took you in.
“Morning (Y/N).” Melissa smiled.
“Morning Melissa, is Scott awake?”
“He had to go to work, but he said he’d be back later.”
You nodded your head and sipped from the cup she had given to you.
You weren’t really paying attention to Melissa while she wondered about the kitchen, you were too busy trying to rub the dried blood from your hands without her noticing.
When she placed something in the table, you looked up at her.
“Can I see?” She asked.
You held out your hands towards her and she got to work on cleaning them.
“What did you do?”
You didn’t reply.
“That’s fine, you don’t have to tell me. They’re alright though, just a few small cuts, can I look at the one on your face?”
You nodded and she walked over, carefully inspecting the wound on your face and cleaned it up.
“It shouldn’t need stitches, but if it reopens I’ll have to stitch it up is that okay?”
“Yeah… thank you…”
Melissa binned everything, and put the medical box away before she came over and sat next to you.
“The sheriff called here earlier looking for you.” She said.
“Did you tell him I was here?” You asked quietly.
“No, I didn’t. But he’s going to realise you’re here eventually.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll leave in the next hour. I don’t want you to get in trouble.”
You got up to leave but Melissa quickly stopped you.
“No. That’s not what I mean.” She laughed softly.
You turned to face her and frowned a little in confusion.
“Scott and I know that your home life isn’t good, and I don’t want you being taken back there, so Scott helped me write this up. If you want to stay here you just have to sign it, and then they can’t take you back, okay? You’re old enough to make your own choices, and this states that both you and I agree you’ll stay here.”
You took the paper from her and read it over.
It was simple, but it was a written contract none the less.
Looking at Scott’s mom, you tried to find the words to say to her.
“I wouldn’t be bothering you?” You asked her.
“You’re never a bother (Y/N), you know I like having you here. And with everything going on right now, I’m sure both you and Scott would love the company.”
You quickly nodded your head.
You would much rather stay here then go back home or live on the streets, so you quickly scribbled your signature.
“I swear I’ll help with shopping and dishes and I’ll do everything you ask!”
Melissa laughed a little and set the paper aside.
“I just want you to have fun and enjoy yourself.”
She opened her arms and you quickly ran to hug her, letting all your fears and worries melt away.
You knew Stilinski wouldn’t force you got go back home, and that the paper was essentially just to stop your parents demanding him to bring you back home.
“Now, I’ve got the day off, so let’s go get you some new clothes and stuff to decorate your room.”
You were practically bursting with excitement at the thought of being able to decorate and finally wear what you wanted to wear.
Melissa couldn’t help but smile at you, you were always like her child, she did everything to take care of you and try make you feel better.
She was going to be the mom you deserved, and her and Scott were going to show you the happiness of a family
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ilovewriting06 · 8 months
Hello friend, I wanted to know if you can make one of Scott McCall, where is he married to Isacc's younger sister, Scott and Yn are celebrating Scott's birthday party, so after the party they have a hot moment, smut, a few weeks go by and Yn discovers that She's pregnant so she tells Scott then the others.
Tanks and your work is amazing 😻.
I hope you enjoy it Anon!
Scott chuckles at my enthusiasm before pushing me away from him, and ultimately off the bed. I squeak when I hit the floor causing Scott's head to pop over the edge, "Shit! Sorry! You okay?"
I fake pout and sniffle, "No, you hurt my feelings."
He rolls his eyes before getting out of bed and stretching. From my position on the floor I get a wonderful view of his toned abs flexing and I can feel myself start to drool from the memories of last night.
I jump when Scott snaps his fingers in my face, "Ay, get your head out of the gutter, I'm too worn out from last night." I roll over to push myself up as I scoff, "Some alpha werewolf you are."
I don't get a chance to crawl to my feet when I'm picked up like a ragdoll. When I'm set on my feet I come face to face with a smirking Scott, "How's that for an alpha werewolf?"
I roll my eyes and walk towards the bedroom door as I speak, "10 outta 10 for strength. Sadly, strength doesn't help your endurance or performance."
I'm walking down the stairs of our two story house on the outskirts of Beacon Hills when I hear Scott squawk and run out of the room, "What's wrong with my performance?!"
I walk to the kitchen deciding to ignore him but that plan is thwarted when I'm caged against the counter as Scott looks down at me with a raised eyebrow, "If I recall, my performance was just fine last night."
I bite back a smile as I deadpan, "Sure." I go to wiggle out of his hold but his arms tighten, "Nuh uh, don't sure, me. Those noises you were making last night tell a very different story."
I finally smile and peck his nose, "You're right, you're performance is perfect." I pause and watch him smile before I sigh wistfully, "If only your endurance was too."
I dart out from under his arm but he catches me by the waist, "You listen here you little twerp, my endurance is just fine, when I'm not hungry."
I relax in his hold and spin around to face him, wrapping my arms around his waist, "So, what you're saying is that if I feed you, you'll fuck me?"
"Please don't."
I spin around and squeal before tackling Isaac, "Izzy! You made it!"
He chuckles, "Of course I did, couldn't let my brother-in-law celebrate his 25th birthday with only one Lahey, that's just boring."
I hear Scott scoff, "Excuse you, she's a McCall now, has been for almost two years now, thank you very much."
I step away from Isaac in time to see him roll his eyes, "Whatever, she was a Lahey first. Anyways, you mentioned food." He directs the last part at me and I chuckle, "Yes, yes, come on wolfies let's go get breakfast."
They both groan as Isaac says to Scott, "She's hanging out with Stiles too much." I turn around and scoff, "There is never too much Stiles, he's literally the only one that knows how to keep dipshit over here from doing something stupid. I'm married to him and I still don't have the best luck with talking him down from doing something dumb."
Isaac rolls his eyes, never having liked Stiles too much, and Scott pouts, "It's my birthday, you aren't supposed to be mean."
I pat his cheek before walking to the fridge, "What do you two want for breakfast?"
"Hey, it's my birthday, so I get waffles!"
"Yeah, and I just spent 13 hours on a plane to come wish you a happy birthday, so I want pancakes!"
I groan remembering why Melissa's house almost fell to the ground when all of us were still living there.
I smile and pull Stiles into a hug when he walks through the door. He chuckles and sways us side to side, "Hey, Y/N/N."
I place a kiss to his cheek as I pull away, "Hey, Stiles. Where's Lyds?"
He rolls his eyes before looking towards the door, "Last minute makeup touches so she's 'presentable' or something, I don't know with her sometimes. She doesn't listen to me when I tell her she's beautiful without makeup."
I snort and grab his hand dragging him to the kitchen, "Well, since you're hear I need your cooking expertise."
When we get to the kitchen he raises and eyebrow, "Alright, what's wrong? We went over all the plans for this yesterday so something else is wrong."
I shake my head before playing with my fingers, "You know how Scott has wanted a baby for awhile?"
He nods before his eyes widen and he whisper shouts, "You're pregnant?!" I shake my head and shush him, "No, but I need you to do me a favor."
He crinkles his nose, "I mean, I'm flattered really, but you're like my little sister sooo..."
I can hear the sarcasm so I smack the back of his head, "Would you shut up and listen?"
He nods and actually focuses so I put on my best smile, "I need you to let Isaac stay with you tonight."
Stiles' mouth drops and he scowls, "No, no, absolutely not. He can't stand me, I can't stand him, we have like this silent agreement. Besides even if I agreed Lydia would have to agree and more importantly so would Isaac. Also, why the hell do you want him gone so soon after him getting here?"
I give him a look and his eyebrows furrow as he thinks about it before realization spreads across his face, "Aw, ew, that's just gross! I didn't need to know that."
I put on my best puppy eyes and pout, "Please, please, please! You'll get the title of godfather and best uncle, I swear. Not to mention this is the only birthday gift I got him, well, planned for him and it wouldn't be fair to force him to wait a week until Isaac leaves for his birthday gift, plus I'm ovulating right now." I really regret agreeing to Isaac's rule of no sex while he's in the house and I really regret getting Scott to agree to it too.
Stiles groans before nodding, "Okay, okay, you get Lydia and Isaac on board, then I'll agree."
I nod before yelling, "Isaac! Come to the kitchen for a second!"
Not even two seconds later Isaac comes bounding into the kitchen before stopping and sneering at Stiles, "Stilinski."
I roll my eyes before filling with pride as Stiles ignores Isaac and just looks at me. I turn to Isaac and clasp my hands together, "So, you'll be staying at Stiles and Lydia's tonight."
Isaac snorts, "As if, I'd rather stab my eyes out with a toothpick than stay with Stiles."
This time Stiles speaks, "Oh shove it, Scarfboy. I wouldn't have agreed to it if she wouldn't have asked me. I actually listen to what my sister has to say, maybe you should try it."
Any pride I had felt slips away and I groan because I know where this is going.
"I'm sorry, did you just call her your sister?! Listen here you no good, dirty rotten, son of a bitch, she's my sister. Has been for 23 years and last time I checked she didn't even know who you were until she was 14! Stop trying to steal my sister just because your mom died before you got one!"
Stiles' jaw tightens as my mouth drops, "Isaac Daniel Lahey, that was out of line, and you know it! What is wrong with you two, you've been after each other's throats since you met?"
By this point Scott is now in kitchen with wide eyes but I'm more interested in finding the real issue between these two.
Isaac is the first to answer, "He just swept in and stole you away, you were all I had left and he almost stole you away from me."
My mouth drops open but I'm surprised when Stiles' anger dwindles slightly, "Dude, that was never my intention! Yeah, I claimed her as my pseudo sister but that's because we spent so much time together. One of two things was gonna happen, we were either gonna fuck, which, ew, no offense Y/N/N, or become like siblings!"
I nod agreeing with Stiles because that is exactly what happened, "He's right, we bonded because we're both humans in the world of werewolves, kanimas, and banshees."
Isaac scoffs, "That bullshit, really? The only humans?"
I scowl and now my anger is flaring up, "Yes! Stiles and I were always left behind because we weren't as fast or as strong as you. Which to an extent I can understand, but Isaac, you shut me out. You got these super cool powers and we got away from dad, but after that, you just pushed me away!"
Isaac's eyes widen, "That isn't true!"
"Yes it is, and you know it, I can see it on your face! Not to mention you ran away to London when things got tough! When I needed you most you were thousands of miles away, and fuck if that didn't hurt!"
Isaac falters before he responds in a softer voice, "But...Allison."
I stiffen and I feel a hand on my back and I realize Scott had moved over to stand by me at some point. I huff trying to remain calm, "Yeah, well you weren't the only one that lost her, we all did. She was Scott's first love, Lydia's best friend, and like the older sister I always wanted, and Stiles." I take a deep breath before moving closer to Stiles and grabbing his hand squeezing it in reassurance, "God, Isaac, Stiles blamed himself for her death for months. You have no idea how much he went through, yet you still treat him like shit over some false assumption he stole me away or something, and I've heard you on more than one occasion imply that he had something to do with Allison. Even though I know you don't believe that."
I take a breath and I can physically see Isaac's face soften at the mention of Stiles blaming himself for Allison's death. I move back over to Scott needing the stability he offers me before speaking again, "Listen to me Isaac, I love you with all my heart, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel that same love for Stiles. Hell, I have the same love for Lydia too, it's the love between siblings. But you have to believe me that I didn't replace you, I just added to my family, but you were never, ever replaced."
I glance at Stiles to make sure talking about Allison hasn't affected him too bad before turning back to Isaac as he visibly relaxes. I think we all tense up slightly when he pulls Stiles into a hug which has Stiles looking at me as if he has no idea what's going on. I shrug just as clueless as him before I hear Isaac whisper, "Jesus, Stiles, that wasn't your fault. I-I thought you knew that, but I should have known your guilt complex wouldn't allow for that."
I sniffle and hold back happy tears before turning to face Scott, "I'm sorry we had such a big fight on your birthday."
Scott's eyes widen as does his smile, "Are you kidding me?! Babe, this is the best birthday gift ever!" I hear Stiles snort slightly at that comment before him and Isaac are hugging it out again.
I look up as the sound of high heels make their way to the kitchen before Lydia stops in her tracks with wide eyes, "What the hell did I miss?"
I smile and look around at the family all packed into the living room. Noah and Derek are talking about only god knows what, Liam, Isaac, Scott, and Stiles are crammed on the couch as Scott and Liam help the other two boys get to know each other a little better. Lydia and Melissa are currently in the kitchen helping with last minute preparations, oh crap yeah that's why I'm out here, "Who's in charge of grilling?"
With that all the men accept for Derek and Liam jump up and I roll my eyes, "Okay, no to literally all of you except Noah. Literally don't know why I even asked."
The boys scoff in indignation and I raise an eyebrow and look at them, "Scott you burn everything, Isaac you literally burned water, I'm not trusting you with a grill. I turn to Stiles and smile sympathetically, "Stiles, oh darling Stiles."
Stiles narrows his eyes, "I feel like I'm about to get made fun of." I shrug before saying, "Stiles, I don't trust you with fire. Don't get me wrong you're a hell of a cook, but I don't think grilling is for you. You'd burn your eyebrows off somehow, and trust me, you'd look even worse with no eyebrows."
He rolls his eyes before slumping back onto the couch and muttering, "Bitch." I roll my eyes and Scott smacks him with a throw pillow, "That's my wife, be nice."
I kiss Scott's cheek and grab the pillow, "Thank you for defending my honor but it's fine, it's normal. He calls me bitch and I call him asshole, dick, bitch, dipshit, idiot, bastard, stupid, bitch ass pu-" This time I'm cut off by Stiles, "Alright! We get it, you call me every name in the book of insults. I love you too."
I snort before turning back to go into the kitchen with Noah following behind me.
Everyone is playing an aggressive game of football in the backyard, with Lydia as referee, while Melissa and I clean up in the kitchen. I glance out the window as Isaac tackles Stiles to the ground before Stiles flips him the bird as he pushes himself off the ground.
I snort as Melissa hands me another dish, "I think those two are going to get along just fine." Melissa hums in agreement before asking, "So, when were you going to tell me you were trying to get pregnant?"
My mouth open and closes like a fish as I look at her, "W-what? H-how did you even know that?"
She smiles, "I accidentally pulled up your record the other day and saw all the tests you had done, I didn't look at the results though. I didn't want to overstep too much."
I blush and play with the dish towel I'm holding before leaning on the counter, "I wasn't sure I could have kids, that's why I had all the tests done. Scott's wanted kids ever since we started dating but infertility runs in my family and I wasn't sure if I could even get pregnant. I told him before we got married and he said he didn't care and that we could adopt but I could see how much he wanted one of his own."
Melissa frowns and dries her hands before laying one on my shoulder, "Oh, Sweetheart, what did the doctors say?" I feel a small smile tug on my lips, "They told me I'm perfectly healthy and shouldn't have any trouble whatsoever with conceiving. That's, uh, that's actually his birthday gift from me."
Her eyes widen before she squeals quietly, "I'm so excited! I've been wondering when to expect a grandchild but I didn't say anything since it wasn't really my place." I chuckle as I lean into her, "Well, I have a feeling you won't have to wait much longer."
When the door closes and everyone has left I turn to Scott with a smile, "So, how was your birthday?"
He grabs me by the waist and pulls me into his chest, "Well, Stiles and Isaac becoming friends is by far the best birthday gift ever."
I wrap my arms around the back of his neck and play with the baby hairs on his neck, "You haven't gotten your gift from me yet, lover boy."
He smirks and hums, "Does this have anything to do with why you sent Isaac home with Stiles and Lyds?"
I blush suddenly feeling nervous before clearing my throat, "Well, that's part of it."
He raises an eyebrow while smirking, "And what's the other part."
I suck in a breath as butterflies dance in my stomach, "I went to the doctor and I had some tests done, just to be sure." His hands tighten on my waist and I can see the confusion and concern on his face, "Are you okay?"
I smile and nod, "Yeah, I just, I think its time we throw out the condoms."
His eyes widen before his smile does but when he processes what I said he's cupping my face, "You can get pregnant? They said that?"
I nod wrapping a hand around each of his wrists, not to pull him away but just to feel him, "Yeah, they said my chances of getting pregnant are high, and I'm actually ovulating today sooo..."
I'm cut off by a kiss and when he pulls away he laughs, "I lied, this is the best birthday gift I could ever ask for!"
I smirk, "Well, what are you waiting for? Let's get to the fun part."
"Oh god, Scott!"
At the moan of his name he sucks my clit into his mouth as his fingers pump in and out of me faster. I whimper and grab his hair pulling him closer, "S-so close."
Right as I'm about to drown in ecstasy he pulls away. I whine and try to pull him back to where I want him but he ignores me and makes his way up so he is directly above me.
He leans down and captures my lips in a sloppy kiss and I moan as I taste myself on his lips. I feel him shift ever so slightly above me before my eyes are rolling back as he enters me in one go. The groan he lets out is the most beautiful sounds I've heard, up until he rasps, "Fuck, Baby, I forgot how good you feel without a condom."
I thrust my hips up and arch into him as he moves getting faster with each thrust. I mewl as he leaves kisses up and down my neck, "Faster."
He growls lowly against my neck before moving faster than humanly possible and it has me screaming his name. "Oh, fuck, don't stop!"
On a particularly hard thrust I whine out his name as my nails rake down his back, no doubt leaving quickly healing scratches. The one thing I complain about when it comes to his werewolf powers is that I can never mark him like he does me. When I told him he just shrugged, chuckled, and then told me that in a few months he'd have a ring on his finger that would get the message out loud and clear that he was taken.
When he figured out I was genuinely sad about it he surprised me by getting my name tattooed on the inside of his left wrist. That was my best birthday gift I ever got.
I'm brought back to the moment when Scott mutters, "So close, you want a baby, I'll make sure you get it." I moan as he circles my clit urging me towards my high.
I arch my back, digging my nails into his shoulders as I cum with a shout of his name and within seconds he's falling over the edge and spilling inside me.
When he collapses beside me he brushes hair off of his forehead before asking, "You think it'll take?"
I smile and shrug, "I don't know, but the doctor told me that if we really want to get pregnant we should have sex at least once a day."
He growls and rolls us over before smirking, "Oh, don't you worry, that won't be a problem. Any chance we get, I'm fucking you until you can't see straight."
It's been about a month since Scott's birthday party and true to his word, if we had even five minutes alone he was filling me with his cum. Even with all the trying I haven't shown any signs of being pregnant, no nausea, no weird food cravings, no extra tiredness, not a single sign.
Every day that passes I get a little more disheartened and wonder if the doctors got it wrong, if I really couldn't have kids. I never brought up my worries to Scott because he was convinced it would happen soon, and I didn't have the heart to discourage him.
I'm currently home alone standing in the kitchen when the front door opens and Lydia comes swooping in, "Hey, Y/N/N."
I smile and look at her, "Hey, Lyds, what's up?"
She slumps onto a barstool at the island before groaning, "Nothing, just the usual, period cramps and mood swings. Poor Stiles thought I was going to break up with him last night because I was so bitchy."
I snort, "That'd break his poor little heart, especially since he's got that engagement ring still stashed in his sock draw."
She laughs and shakes her head, "Nope, he moved it. I don't know where to but I think he has a suspicion that I found it. I'm just proud of myself for not looking at it."
I laugh as I slather mayonnaise on a piece of bread when Lydia grimaces, "Geez, is your period coming? Last I checked you only used a little bit mayonnaise, not a whole jar."
I roll my eyes before I falter a little bit, she's right about the mayonnaise and when I think about it, my period should have came last week, but it didn't. I feel my heart flutter at the thought before blocking it out and turning to Lydia, "I dunno, maybe."
She nods before getting up and rummaging through the cabinets, "Oh my god, really Y/N/N?" I turn to look at her and see her holding up a bag of dill pickle chips, "These things are an abomination."
I groan and roll my eyes, "No they aren't, besides, I like them. They have just the right amount of vinegar."
Lydia narrows her eyes and looks me up and down before humming. I furrow my eyebrows before it hits me, I don't like vinegar, in fact I despise it. I can't help but think that this is it, these are the signs I've been looking for and I completely overlooked them.
Lydia grabs a granola bar before turning to me, "Anyways, I came over to see if I could borrow that book we found the other week in that weird witch's hut."
I nod and hum, "Yeah, sure, it's in Scott's office on the second row of his bookshelf on the right side of the door when you walk into the room. I think it's the fourth book in." She stares at me in amazement, "Sometimes I forget how good of a memory you have."
She's there for about another thirty minutes before she heads back down the street towards her and Stiles' house. As soon as she's out the door I run up the stairs taking two at a time until I burst into Scott and I's bathroom.
I rummage through the cabinet until I reach the pregnancy test that was laying, buried, in the back. I look at the box as I take a deep breath reminding myself that there is still a very strong possibility that it'll be negative.
I tap my foot impatiently as I wait for the timer to go off. The house is completely silent except for the sound of my foot tapping on the tile and my quiet pleas, "Please, please, please, be positive. Please be positive."
When the timer goes off I turn it off before bracing myself that there's still a chance that it's negative. Even though I was so impatient for the timer to go off I stand in the bathroom staring at the test for another two minutes before I finally get up the nerve to look at it.
I take one last deep breath before grabbing the test and flipping it over and I can't help the excited scream I let out when I read the words on the small screen, Pregnant, with a little 3+ under it.
I sit on the edge of the tub in surprise, I can't believe it, all this time I was stressing about whether I could get pregnant or not, I was, pregnant.
Wait, if I'm pregnant, why hasn't Scott heard the heartbeat? I grab my phone and breath a sigh of relief when the great powers of Google say that a babies heartbeat usually isn't heard until 5 1/2 weeks, which means I more than likely got pregnant on his birthday or right after.
Oh my god, Scott! I have to tell Scott!
I run down the stairs grabbing my keys before stopping and thinking this through, okay, its 11:30 Scott's lunch break is at 12:30 and he always comes home even though I've usually already eaten. He has to be back at Deaton's at 1:30 which means he'll have time to process the news before he goes back to work.
I hang my keys back up before making my way to the couch and turning on the tv, okay, I only have to wait an hour, it's not that long.
This has been the longest hour of my life.
By the time 12:30 rolls around I've paced through the whole house about fifty times and when the front door clicks shut and I hear Scott yell for me I can't help it, I shriek.
Before Scott has a chance to brace himself I've tackled him in a hug. He holds onto me as he chuckles, "Well, someone's glad to see me."
I mumble into his shirt but he pulls me away with confusion and amusement on his face, "What?"
I chuckle as my cheeks hurt from how wide my smile is before I repeat myself, "I said, I'm pregnant."
His mouth drops and he stutters, "Wha-what?"
I run into the living room grabbing the test off the coffee table before running back to him and handing it to him. He looks at it and his eyes widen even more, "Three weeks? My birthday..."
I nod and chuckle, "Yeah, your birthday."
The surprise leaves his face and before I know it I've been swept into his arms as he laughs, "You're pregnant! We're having a baby!"
I chuckle and agree with him before he shouts, "Best birthday gift ever!"
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chloe-skywalker · 6 months
Not My Decision - Stiles Stilinski
Stiles x reader sister
Derek x reader-ish
Warnings: none
Word count: 1,085
Requested: TW imagine the reader is Stiles sister and u get into an accident and Derek turns u into a wolf and Stiles goes against ur wishes and u get pissed at him for doing so and Peter actually takes care of u - @cokecola4211
Authors Note: I enjoyed the concept behind this request, it was ajoy to write. Maybe a Part 2?
Teen Wolf Masterlist
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“Help!” Stiles yelled out carrying Y/n into the hospital. She was covered in blood and therefore so was Stiles.
“Stiles what happened?” Melissa asked as she called a team over with a gurney.
“Just please help her.” Stiles pleaded as he placed her on the rolling hospital bed. He had to watch as they rushed into emergency surgery. Scott had come running in after he had parked the Jeep for his friend. They Both sat down in the waiting room. It didn’t take long for the others to hear about what happened and soon pretty much the entire pack were in the waiting room.
Melissa came out a few hours later with a sad expression. “She’s stable for now.”
“For now?” Stiles asked with extremely worried eyes.
“I don’t know how long she’ll stay stable for.” She hated having to tell Stiles that his sister was basically dieing. Two kids she’s known their whole lives and practically considered her own at times.
“Mom?” Scott stood up with eyes that begged his mom to not say what he thought she was going to say.
“Its not looking good, hunny. I’m sorry. We should probably call your dad, Stiles.” Melissa bit her lip in solace that they’d probably all have to say goodbye.
“What if I could help? The bite.” Derek spoke up, he was very close to the female Stilinski. They were really good friends and if he was being honest he had a bit of a crush on her. Maybe he could save her.
“No. That could still kill her.” Scottt shook his head protesting, not liking the idea at all.
Derek shrugged his shoulders, trying not to show how much the possibility of Y/n dying affected him. “I’m just suggesting. It would be better to try then do nothing and lose her anyway.”
“That’s not what she would want.” Scott argued back. Truthfully he didn’t know if Y/n would want it or not but she would make comments about how it'd be hard being one would make life. Wasn’t that enough? “Stiles, you know that.”
“Do it.” Stiles didn’t care at the moment what anyone thought. He just couldn’t lose his sister.
“No Scott.” Stiles turned his head to look at his best friend. Stiles glanced down for a second before he continued. “I know it’s not what she’d want but I don’t have a choice. We don’t have a choice. Plus she trust’s Derek…”
Stiles knew Y/n probably wouldn’t want the bite, not without real thought put into it. But there was more of a chance for her to live. If they don’t do it, she dies. If Derek at least tries she might live.
“We have to try. I can’t lose my sister, Scott.” Stiles pleaded with his eyes.
“If the bite doesn’t take, then we still lose Y/n, Stiles.” Scott tried one last time, but truth be told Scott did think it was worth a shot. Y/n was like a little sister to him, he didn’t want to see her die either.
“At least we tried, because Scott we’re gonna lose her anyway if we don’t.” Stiles stated before turning his attention back to Derek. With a nod he stated. “Do it.”
“Follow me.” Melissa nodded at Derek and he followed her.
It was around 45 minutes before they came back out of the room. This time their faces looked more relieved.
“She's stable and improving.” Melissa smiled, happy to be sharing good news.
“The bite worked?” Lydia questioned the older wolf. Hoping she didn’t have to bury another friend.
Derek nodded with relieved eyes. “It worked. I can sense it. Feel it.”
After all, she was his beta now.
“Good. Good.” Stiles nodded, running his hands through his hair.
“You know she might be pissed.” Lydia looked to Stiles with a knowing look.
“Oh she’s going to be pissed.” Peter stated tauntingly, although he too was glad the girl was going to live. She didn’t treat him like the others.
“Then at least I made the decision that saved her life.” Stiles knew he made the right decision. But he really just hoped she would eventually forgive him.
Eventually everyone went home to get some sleep. Derek stayed and eventually Mr.Stilinski showed up. He showed up just in time when Y/n woke up. He was in there for a while before he asked Derek to come into the room. Which really made Stiles nervous.
Derek left the room not long before their dad did. The two shook hands and Derek left the hospital. Stiles was finally told by his dad that he could go see his sister. For a while the two siblings just sat in silence. Till Y/n spoke up.
“I’m different now. You made that choice for me.” Y/n stated looking down at her hands placed on her lap.
“I didn’t have any other choice.” Stiles stated back. Y/n nodded in understanding and Stiles was grateful that she did. But he still had a bad feeling.
“I need a break Stiles.” Y/n said looking at him with eyes Stiles couldn’t dechirer.
“What do you mean?” Stiles asked, confused, now sitting up in his uncomfortable hospital chair.
“I’m going to stay with Peter and Derek for a while. I already talked to dad about it.” Y/n explained biting her lip. It wasn’t an easy decision for her to have made but she needed space right now, and she needed Derek to help her learn to control her new abilities. Peter too, oddly.
“Y/n-” Stiles tried to interject but Y/n shook her head.
“I need time to adjust Stiles. To get used to my new life, the changes to my body and mind.” Y/n told him hoping he’d get why she was doing this. Why she had to do this. Y/n loved her brother but this? She needed time. “I also need time to understand your choice for my future. To calm down and be able to control myself. I don’t want to get angry at you and hurt you. You're my brother, we’re closer than close Stiles. We alway have been. But right now, I’m afraid I’m gonna hurt you.”
“Ok” Stiles couldn’t say anything else. She was angry at him and was afraid she’d hurt him because of her anger. Anger at him for the choice he made for her. Even though she was pissed, she was still protecting him.
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renjunniex · 1 year
Thank You, For Being You
Isaac Lahey x Fem! Reader
Omega Part 1 | Omega Part 2 | Shape Shifted | Ice Pick | Abomination | Venomous | Frenemy | Raving | Party Guessed | Fury
Prompt: With Jackson out of the van, he's become impossible to deal with.
a/n: okay guys I won't lie, I looked over this chapter but wasn't very through so there's probably a few mistakes sorryyyyy
Stiles and Scott had sent you back home so they could talk to Sheriff without raising any suspicion on you. That proved to be pointless since when you got back home you ended back in the car, heading to the police station. Only you weren't going by yourself, you were with Melissa and she was not happy.
You two had reached the police station and other than the occasional questions to see if you were involved, Melissa was silent. Not like she needed to say anything to convey her anger, she was practically dripping in it. Walking into the police station didn't make it better either because down the hallway there was Scott and Stiles, sitting in an interrogation room being informed of the new restraining order against them.
There was a silence between everyone in the room when Sheriff had finished his list, only for his son to be the one to break it, "What about school?"
"You can attend classes while attempting to maintain a fifty foot distance."
"Okay, what if we both have to use the bathroom at the same time and there's only two stalls available and they're only right next to each other?" He was met with nothing but a look of irritation from his father, "I'll just hold it."
They were finally let out of the room and now you were witnessing Stiles and his dad going back and forth while you passed by with Melissa and Scott in front of you.
"It's not just this," She had turned him around, "Although, a restraining order is a new low that I didn't think that you would reach quite this soon. It's everything on top of it." By now you had zoned out for a bit since it was all directed at him that is until she got to the punishment.
"Then no... no Stiles."
"What, no Stiles?" You hadn't even realized the boy was behind you until you heard his voice.
"No Stiles! And that goes for you too!" She pointed at you. Your eyes widened as you raised your hands.
"What!? What did I do?"
In the end, Melissa gave her punishment saying she would be in the car after she had come to the conclusion that all this was because of Scott's dad. "I'm the worst son ever," Scott claimed leaning against the wall. Stiles had sighed slumping against the wall as well.
"Well, I'm not exactly winning any prizes either."
When you had gotten home, you were laying in bed just trying to sleep despite everything going on. However the buzzing of your phone was very distracting. You finally had enough of the constant disturbance to your attempts to sleep. Grabbing it, the light blinding you slightly, you read the texts from a surprising party.
This is Derek
Come to the station tomorrow
Great, now you definitely weren't getting any sleep. How did he even get your number? It must have been Isaac, who else could it have been? You closed your eyes, forcing yourself to fall asleep as if it was the last thing you would ever do.
The next morning you found yourself in the one place you never thought you would be back to, the abandoned station. You also never thought you'd be back because Derek, of all people, demanded you to. You let out an unsure sigh as you walked down the rickety stairs for the second time. You could hear the voices of Derek, Erica, and Isaac discussing the full moon.
"Oh my, these look comfortable," you could see Erica picking up chains as she spoke.
"You said you were gonna teach us to change whenever we wanted," Isaac said.
"There hasn't been time," Derek replied as he shuffled through the chest of what was essentially medieval torture devices.
Isaac wasn't in the least bit pleased with his Alpha's answer, "But if you have to lock us up during the full moon, then that means you're alone against the Argents."
"They haven't found us," the Alpha sang walking away.
"Yet! So how about we forget the Kanima?"
"We can't! There was something about the way Gerard looked at it. He wasn't afraid... at all. I don't know what he knows or what he's planning. But I'm sure about one thing, we have to find it first."
"My, my, I always seem to walk in during these big speeches of yours Derek," you bounded your way down the last few stairs catching the three werewolves' attentions.
"(Y/N)? What are you doing here?" The curly haired werewolf didn't realize but his voice made you shiver slightly.
"I was actually just wondering that exact thing," you turned your glance to Derek, "What do you want Derek?"
"You're a Nymph."
Your eyes widened but then your face flipped to confusion, what did that have to do with anything? "Okay, and what about it? How do you even know?"
He pointed to your bag, "The book you held up the last time you were here, your eyes and from what Erica and Isaac told me you did at the school."
You kissed your teeth, "Okay so is that all you called me here for? Just to tell me that you knew?"
"I need something from you."
"No." Your words had cut through the air without any hesitation. Derek tilted his head from irritation, "I know you don't like me-."
"You're right, I don't."
"This isn't for me, it's for them."
You took a pause and then nodded, acknowledging his statement, "I'm not sure if it's true or not but there's a spell that's rumored to have been created to reduce the abilities of werewolves. It was mainly created for purposes like the full moon. Do you think you could find it?" His words made you hesitate, still you gave him an unsure nod, "I think so, I'll need some time though."
Derek nodded in understanding, "Thank you."
"Yeah, sure. I've got to get to school." You turned and made your way towards the stairs trying not to look at Isaac on your way out.
When you got to school you met the boys at the library where they were waiting for you and Allison. She had shown up only moments after you did. You saw her slowly walk through the aisles before coming to the point where only one shelf remained between you three and her.
She slid her tablet through the shelf allowing Scott to take it and start to look over the scripture. "It's everything Lydia can translate. And trust me, she was very confused." Scott looked through the books towards her, "Yeah, what'd you tell her?"
"That we're part of an online gaming community that battles mythical creatures." Allison and Scott shared a small laugh as you smiled.
"I am part of an online gaming community that battles mythical creatures," Stiles said with awkwardness.
Allison stood shocked, "Oh. Great."
Your hand flew to your mouth to snuffle your laugh that was on the verge of coming out and Stiles gave you a raised eyebrow before glancing at the dark haired girl with a straight smile.
"Okay does it say how to find out who's controlling him," Scott asked.
"Not really. But Stiles was right about the murderers." Queue the spastic boy's small yell of victory. "It calls the Kanima a weapon of vengeance," Allison continued, "There's a story in there about this South American priest who uses the Kanima to execute murderers in his village."
"Alright, see? So maybe it's not all that bad," Stiles remarked.
Allison countered back almost instantly, "Until the bond grew strong enough that it killed whoever he wanted it to." You nodded quickly, "So bad, very bad."
Stiles agreed with you, "All bad, all very, very bad."
"Here's the thing though, the Kanima is actually supposed to be a werewolf. But it can't be..." You looked over the Omega's shoulder reading the text, "Until it resolves that in its past which manifested it."
"Okay if that means Jackson could use a few thousand hours of therapy, I could've told you that myself." You scoffed at Stiles' words, "Seriously, that dude is all sorts of messed up."
Allison raised her head slightly, "What if it has something to do with his parents? His real parents." Scott turned to you and Stiles, "Yeah, does anybody actually know what happened to them?"
You could almost see the flicker of light that turned on in Stiles' eyes,
"Lydia might."
"What if she doesn't know anything," Scott acknowledged the possibility. You rocked your head side to side in thought, "Something tells me Lydia knows a lot more than she lets on."
"Well, he doesn't have a restraining order against me, so I'll talk to him myself." You looked at Allison, "He doesn't have one on me either. Do you want me to come with you?" She quickly denied your offer, "No my mom is watching the cameras practically every second, we don't want to draw suspicion."
Scott drew a blank, "Okay, what do I do?"
"You have a make-up exam, remember," She reminded him.
Scott looked over at the two of you for back up, which he never got as shown by the two in sync nods, "Seriously, you desperately need to raise your grades," you added on. The couple went on to have their moment, until Stiles interrupted it with pushing his head through the shelf. After Allison had shoved him back, all four of you went on about your days the best as you could.
Stiles had set out on a mission to get information out of Lydia, Allison was on her way to try and talk to Jackson, Scott went to take his make-up test, and you were trying to not run into a certain tall werewolf.
All morning it felt like he was just everywhere and since you weren't assigned any sort of task you were practically forced to notice. Every hallway you went down, every corner you turned, he was there. It was beginning to irk you. You finally had to come to a stop at your locker and you could already feel that it was a bad decision.
"Hey, beautiful. Been looking for you."
You sighed, slowly closing your locker shut and coming face to face with the same boy who you've been trying to avoid. "Hi, Isaac," he gave a slight pout at your response, "What, no smile? I thought you would be happy to see me." His attitude made you sneer, "Don't play games with me, Lahey. I'll smack you." Your feet slammed into the floor as you walked away, heavy with anger.
"Okay, okay, too much. Seriously, (Y/N), wait up."
Your response didn't slow him down, in fact, it sped him up. Isaac had jumped forward in front of you, blocking you from leaving.
"Please just talk to me, I'm dying sweetheart," he pleaded.
You stopped and gave him a once over, your arms crossed, "You look fine to me." He groaned out of frustration, you turned once more heading for the opposite direction even if that meant being late for class. "Also, don't call me sweetheart, you don't get the privilege."
He, once again, dashed in front of you finally placing his hands on your shoulders, "Okay, okay, look I know you're still upset at me. I get it, okay, but can we please just talk. We have a killer lizard on the loose, I feel like that's a serious issue."
Your eyes narrowed as you realized what he was actually here for, "You're trying to get me to tell you who it is."
"So, you guys do know."
A scoff traveled out of your mouth with such power it was comedic, "Of course we do and I'm not telling you. Now, will you stop following me?"
"I can't, orders."
"See, again with the orders! This is exactly why I'm mad at you in the first place! Not to mention, you kissing me out of nowhere," you exclaimed. The hallway had pretty much cleared out by now, leaving just you two plus a few skippers.
Isaac's face scrunched up slightly, "What, you're mad because I kissed you?"
Out of reflex your hand shot out, punching his shoulder, "That's all you got from that?" When you didn't receive an answer, just a look of expectation you continued to gripe, "I'm not mad you kissed me. I'm upset because it's messing with my head."
"But you kissed me back," he argued, cluelessly.
You wiped your face out of irritation, "Yes, I know. But-"
A panicked gasp left you as you felt the familiar heat of your eyes glowing and one thought enter your mind.
"(Y/N)? What's wrong?"
Without much thought or care you shoved passed Isaac, sprinting towards the locker room. You could hear the calls of your name coming from the boy who was now also following after you. It didn't stop you though, nothing did until you got to the locker room door. You threw your body's weight at the closed door, slamming through to see Allison on the floor and Scott throwing Jackson around.
You crouched beside her grabbing her shoulders to gain her attention, "Hey, are you okay?" She nodded shakily and you secured your arms around her in a tight hug.
By now Isaac had arrived coming into the battleground that was the boy's locker room. You saw his head quickly travel from the two fighting boys and then to you, unsure of what to do.
He didn't need to think any longer as Jackson had thrown Scott back through the other door and into the hallway. Allison and you had finally gotten off the floor and rushed out the same door. You found Stiles and Erica already trying to separate the two. Erica had a death grip on Jackson where as it took you, Stiles, and Allison to keep Scott from going back for Jackson.
Isaac was just behind you and Mr. Harris had turned the corner yelling to try and break up the fight. "Hey! ENOUGH! Enough."
"What do you idiots think you're doing? Jackson! Calm down!" Harris had turned to the Omega, addressing him, "Mr. McCall, you wanna explain yourself? Stilinski? (Y/N)?" He had looked to you finally for answers but you couldn't give him any, from the lack of ideas for a lie and the lack of breath you had from trying to hold back Scott.
You felt Isaac gently place a hand on your waist, giving you some much need physical and emotional support.
"You dropped this." Everyone had looked behind them to see Matt holding Allison's tablet out to Scott, which was intercepted from Mr. Harris. "You and you," he started pointing at the two boys who had been fighting, "Actually, all of you... Detention. 3 o'clock."
After school hours had arrived and the whole lot of you were entering the library for detention. Stiles, Scott, and you had sat at one table; Allison made her way to another just across from you, Jackson and Matt followed her lead. You felt a presence next to you and when you turned you were met with the eyes of the blonde werewolf. You rolled your eyes going back to keeping your attention on the two boys across from you.
You heard the sliding of a chair coming closer to your table and then another body had joined you. Isaac, who had given you a slight smile, did nothing but keep his attention on you.
"We can't be in detention together. I have a restraining order against these tools," Jackson motioned to your two best friends.
Harris had replied back with an undertone of sass, "All these tools?"
"No, just us tools," Stiles answered gesturing to him and Scott.
"Fine. You two, over there." Scott and Stiles moved up to the front table leaving you behind with the Beta wolves. You let out a huff and slumped slightly in your chair. Then Mr. Harris started to make is way to the library's front desk, turning his back away from you. When you saw an opening you quickly and quietly slid out of your chair and into the one right next to Scott.
The werewolf was rocking his body out of anger and pounded his fist onto the table, "I'm gonna kill him." Stiles pointed at the boy, "No, you're not. You're going to find out who's controlling him and then you're gonna help save him."
You cocked an eyebrow, your arms crossed, "But you're more than welcomed to kill the one controlling him, to release your rage."
"No," Scott turned his head back to you two, rapidly shaking his head, "You were right, let's kill him."
"Oh, no," Stiles sighed.
You fixed your posture and changed the subject to try and ease the mood, "So, why were you with Erica?" Stiles gave you his signature sarcastic look, "Really, why were you with Isaac?"
"I asked you first."
"Fine, she caught me in the hall, she might know what happened to Jackson's parents." You nodded satisfied with the answer and with the ease you could start to feel come off Scott. "Now you."
Your eyes snapped up, "What?" Stiles scoffed a laugh, "Why were you with Isaac?" Scott had glanced at you, curiosity in his eyes, he clearly wanted to know as well.
Mumbled words left your mouth as you casted your gaze onto the table. Stiles cupped his hand over his ear mocking you, "I'm sorry, what was that?"
"He found me in the hallway, he didn't want me to be mad at him anymore," you mumbled once more.
Both boys had looked at you in confusion, "The Lydia thing," Scott asked. You shook your head slowly as Stiles had slid his hands onto the table in a questioning motion, "Then what are you mad at him for?"
"He kissed me," you whispered.
There was a tick of silence before Stiles ended it, "Okay forget Jackson, kill Isaac." You groaned, "Stop, you guys, I'm fine. Just confused is all."
"No, no. He doesn't get to just do that after everything he's done and just expect you to be okay with it. He can't play with your emotions like that," argued Stiles. Scott hadn't said anything yet, just had slid his hand into yours and squeezed for comfort.
"It's okay, we'll deal with that when we don't have a killer lizard and a controlling freak to deal with," you concluded.
You three sat in silence for a little while and then ideas started to flow, "Hey." You and Scott both looked at the boy across from you, "What if it's Matt? I mean this whole thing comes back to the video, right?"
"He is kind of a creep," you agreed.
"Danny said that Matt was the one who found the two hours of footage missing," Scott argued.
"Exactly! He's trying to throw suspicion off himself," Stiles exclaimed still within a whisper.
Scott looked back to Matt before going back to Stiles, "So he makes Jackson kill Isaac's dad, one of Argent's hunters, and the mechanic working on your Jeep?"
"Because..." Stiles' gaze was on the table, "He's evil." You snorted a soft laugh as Scott argued again, "You just don't like him."
"I don't blame him," you added, "he used to always give me these weird looks when he first joined the team."
"That guy bugs me. I don't know what it is," Stiles leaned back in his chair, still observing the odd boy, "Just look at his face." You three looked back to see Matt offering Jackson chips. To which led to the Omega giving Stiles an unconvinced look, "Any other theories?"
You heard Jackson start to make noises of discomfort, followed by Matt and Mr. Harris asking if the boy was alright. Jackson left claiming to just need water and Harris followed closely behind. "No one leaves their seats."
When the door closed behind them, without a word, you three did just what you were told not to do. You got out of your seats and rushed right back to where Isaac and Erica were sitting. Stiles sitting next to Erica, Scott across from her, and you next to Scott, with Isaac on the end.
"Stiles says you know how Jackson's parents died," Scott concluded.
"Talk," demanded the boy. She put her pen down, closing her book and starting her story, "It was a car accident. My dad was the insurance investigator and every time he sees Jackson drive by in his Porsche, he makes some comment about the huge settlement he'll be getting when he's eighteen."
Stiles interrupted, "So not only is Jackson rich now, but he's getting even richer at eighteen?"
"There's something so deeply wrong with that," Stiles commented to which you all agreed. "Yeah, try the word morbid, maybe," you added.
"You know what? I could try to find the insurance report in my dad's inbox. He keeps everything."
Scott McCall, please report to the principal's office.
Scott, you and Stiles shared an incredulous look as the boy left for the office, "That cannot be good," you said. Isaac and Erica gave you both odd looks and you raised your hand stopping their questions, "It's a long story."
Erica went back to searching her dad's records, Stiles basically hanging over her shoulder. You turned your attention to the leather jacket wearing boy, who's stare was completely on the table. He directed it to you once you had moved the chair you were using closer to him. At this point you both were inches apart. Isaac leaned his head down slightly so that you were closer to his ear as you talked.
"Why did you follow me," you asked, your finger tracing imaginary circles on the table. His knee nudged yours under the table, clearly trying to get your eyes to look at him, which had worked.
"Because I was worried about you."
You took a sharp breath from shock, your eyes widened slightly. When you gained your composure back you replied, "Isn't that supposed to be my line?"
He breathed of soft chuckle, "I'm serious, sweetheart. You had me worried."
"I told you not to call me that," you said.
"Really, I don't remember that," he had a soft smirk resting on his face.
You scoffed, "Yeah, whatever." His smirk didn't disappear, "You're cute when you're flustered."
You shoved him, "Shut up, you're being dumb. We're in a serious situation, you know?"
"If it's so serious why have you been focusing on me instead of those two over there," he pointed over to the two teenagers who were snooping through emails.
You clasped your fingers together resting your chin on your hands, "Because I'm trying to figure out what your game is."
"My game?"
"Yep, you stopped me in the hallway, you followed me to the locker room which landed you in detention with me, so what's your angle?"
He shrugged leaning back in his chair, arms crossed, "I told you, I was worried. Plus why would I not want to spend time with my favorite girl."
You raised your eyebrows, "Your favorite girl? Didn't realize I meet the qualifications for that title."
"You always did."
Your conversation was cut to a halt when the library door opened with Jackson and Mr. Harris in tow. You looked over to your best friend when you saw an odd look on his face.
"Look at the dates."
You perked up, "Oh, you found it." The responses you got were two nods as Erica began to read the reports, "'Passengers arrived at the hospital DOA. The estimated time of death 9:26 p.m., June 14, 1995.'"
Both yours and Stiles' expressions fell, "Jackson's birthday is June 15th."
A zipping sound was heard as Harris began to close his bag. Everyone around began to follow suit in getting up and grabbing their things when they were interrupted with the man chuckling, "Oh, I'm sorry. Yes, I'm leaving. But none of you are. You may go when you're done with the re-shelving. Enjoy the rest of your evening."
There was a collective groan as the door to the library closed, Mr. Harris on the other side of it. You all sluggishly each grabbed your own stack of books and scattered around. Eventually Scott came back and Stiles, Allison, and you all gathered towards the boy to relay more information to each other.
"It means he was born after his mom died by c-section. They had to pull him out of her dead body," Stiles explained.
"That's gotta take the cake when it comes to childhood trauma," you murmured, sliding a book back onto the shelf.
"So was it an accident or not," asked Allison. Stiles shrugged slightly as he answered, "The word all over the report is 'inconclusive'."
"Then his parents could have been murdered," questioned Scott.
"If they were, then it falls in line with the Kanima myth," Stiles said, "You know? Seeks out of kills murderers."
You had turned back, facing the group as Allison continued to glance at Stiles, "But for Jackson or the person controlling him," she asked softly. Almost out of complete quiet panic Scott said, "We have to talk to him. We have to tell him." Even with the sounds of you three's protests Scott didn't listen as he left the aisle.
Not even a minute later and you could hear crashes, ceiling and electrical falling everywhere. Stiles had grabbed Allison pulling her into him as concrete crashed by. Before you could even register everything, Isaac had come into your aisle wrapping one arm around your waist and the other cradling your head as he did the same thing, pulling you into his chest, away from the falling construction.
Once it was safe to do so Isaac released his grip on you, his hands now cradling your face, "Are you okay," he asked urgently scanning you over to look for any signs of harm. You gave him a shaky nod, your focus and eyesight blurred from the overwhelming situation. Then a crash was heard once more, breaking both of you out of your bubbles.
Scott had been pushed by a half-turned Jackson and back into your aisle. You slowly unraveled yourself from Isaac and crawled over to the trio, in between Stiles and Allison. Now in your line of sight was Jackson at the chalk board. His body was facing away from it, his arm stretched out as he began to scratch at the board. Once his message was complete he jumped out through the window.
You all slowly walked towards the board in shock. Stiles turned his head and rushed in a different direction. "Hey, hey, hey, hey!" He had Erica in his arms as she grunted and gasped for breath, shaking.
"I think she's having a seizure."
Allison had gone to Matt making sure he was alive, while you three were with Erica. You could see Isaac in the corner of your eye and he was clearly in distress.
"We need to get her to the hospital," you said supporting her body the best you could with Stiles. "Derek," Erica interjected, "Only to Derek."
Scott spoke to Allison and rushed over to the other aisle, "Hey, Scott!" Stiles' attention was back on Erica after his panicked yell. You looked at Scott as he made his way back, picking up Erica.
"I'll stay with her, go." He nodded gratefully before rushing out, Stiles right on his heels.
Isaac made his way towards you and you spoke once more, "You should meet them there, they might need your help." The boy shook his head, "I can't just leave you after everything that just happened."
"I'll be okay, go." He hesitated, before nodding his head and following the same path the boys had just taken.
Once you and Allison were sure Matt was gonna be okay, you parted ways. You had once again reached the hide out of the newly formed Hale pack. You could hear voices talking as you reached the bottom of the stairs and walked to the train car.
Inside you saw a exhausted but okay Erica, laying in the arms of Stiles. Isaac and Scott stood to the side while Derek sat nearby the girl as well. "Good, she's alright," you let of a sigh of relief, getting all their attention.
Derek had gotten up leaving the car, Scott following close behind. You couldn't lie, it peaked your interest, so after making one final glance over the blonde girl you left the car as well and reached the duo.
"You know who it is."
"You just wanted Erica to confirm it, didn't you?"
Derek nodded at the question.
"I'm gonna help you stop him. As part of your pack," Scott stated, giving you a look, you nodded at your best friend in agreement.
"If you want me in, fine. But we'll do it on one condition. We're gonna catch him, not kill him."
You made eye contact with the Alpha, "We do it our way."
a/n: another chapter doneeeeee! yay! I hope you guys enjoy and let me know what you think!
taglist: @somiaw @vvicaddiction @mushroomelephant @breadbrobin @traumverloren-anderswelt @fandom-princess-forevermore @vanessa-boo
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ineedmorefanfics2 · 2 years
can i please get prompt number 8 with derek hale?
thankyou so much 🫶🏼 #followercelebration
Heads up! This fanfic was edited after posting!
8. “I want to go home to my wife.”
Warnings: Angst, Blood (Happy Ending)
A/N: So this was SUPPOSED to be done a couple of days ago, but I didn’t like it and I redid it like 7 times lol. Also Derek is based off of season 6 Derek if that makes sense? Anyways, thank you so much for the request and I really do hope you like it!
Derek hissed, stumbling over his own two feet as he trudged up the path to Scott McCall’s front door.
The bullet wound in his chest was leaking yellow smoke, and every movement felt like agony.
“Scott!” He called, throat raspy. “Scott!?”
Derek’s breathing became heavy, the wound hot and throbbing. He could feel the wolfsbane flowing through his veins, like gasoline that had been lit aflame.
His head swam and his vision blurred, his brain a scramble. His mind had been on autopilot since he came to on the cold forest floor. He had woken up covered in blood, with scorching pain enveloping his body and no recollection of what happened. Adrenaline forced him to stumble his way to the closest friend for help, nose catching the closest scent.
Derek’s thoughts drifted to you, eyebrows furrowing in worry. Where are you? Were you with him when he was shot? Are you safe and sound at home? He shivered at the thought of you being hurt, or worse.
He needs to find you, he needs to make sure you’re okay.
Derek turns to leave but looses his footing, losing his balance as he practically falls into Scott’s front door, a loud bang echoing throughout the dark neighborhood as his body collided with the white painted mahogany.
The door opened, Derek slumping inside as Melissa let out a startled shriek. “Derek!?”
She bent over, a gasp leaving her. “Scott! Scott get down here!” She grabbed the lapels of Derek’s jacket, doing her best to drag him inside as footsteps pounded down the stairs.
“What’s going on? What’s wrong?” Scott asked, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.
“He’s hurt, help me get him on the couch.” Melissa spoke, grabbing ahold of Derek’s arms.
Scott ran over, grabbing ahold of his legs as the two lifted him onto the couch.
“Derek? Derek can you hear me?” Melissa asked, shaking him gently.
Derek blinked, wincing in pain and grasping his head. “Y/N?”.
“No Derek, it’s Melissa and Scott. Can you hear me? I need you to tell me what’s wrong.”
Derek shook his head, sweat soaking his brow as he frowned. He sniffed the air, searching for any sign of you. His mind was consumed with the thought of you, unaware of his surroundings. “Where’s Y/N? Where’s my wife?”
Scott looked at his mother before turning towards Derek. “Derek, I don’t know.”
Derek tried sitting up, crying out in pain as he moved. “Where am I? I have to…” He trailed off.
“He’s disoriented.” Melissa noted. “Something is definitely wrong.”
“I want to… I want to go home to my wife.” Derek demanded. “I need to go home to my wife.” He tried to get up but Melissa was quick to push him down.
“Derek you’re not going anywhere until we figure out what’s wrong. I don’t think you understand what you’re saying right now. Do you know where you are? Can you understand me?”
Derek let out a growl, trying to push her away to no avail. He shook his head in an attempt to clear it, but before he knew it his eyes were closing and he passed out.
“Derek!?” Melissa yelled frantically, fingers finding his pulse point. “He’s got a pulse but it’s slowing.”
“He’s bleeding.” Scott pointed, gesturing to the blood barely visible from behind Derek’s leather jacket.
“Scott, go grab the first aid kit.” Scott ran off as Melissa gently pulled Derek’s jacket off. Without the black leather in the way, she could see the large blood stain spreading through his white t-shirt.
Scott handed her the first aid kit and she was quick to grab a pair of scissors, cutting Derek’s shirt and peeling it away from his skin.
She gasped at the yellow oozing wound. “Please tell me you know why it’s doing that.” She turned towards Scott who nodded his head.
“It’s yellow wolfsbane, we have to burn it out.”
“There’s a small torch in the junk draw.” She pointed and Scott was quick to grab it.
“I’m going to need you to hold him down.” She warned.
Scott nodded, grabbing ahold of Derek’s shoulders. “Ready.” He spoke.
“Here we go.” Melissa turned on the torch, taking a deep breath before holding it above Derek’s wound.
Derek woke with a start, his face morphing as he let out a pained roar that practically shook the house. He knocked Scott away from him, squirming as he tried to get away from the hot flame.
“Hold him!” Melissa yelled. Scott pushed Derek down once more using all of his strength, preventing the older wolf from thrashing as Melissa continued to burn the wolfsbane.
Derek slumped as Melissa finally pulled away, eyes blinking sluggishly as he panted.
He took a minute to get his bearings before letting Scott help him sit up.
“What happened?” Scott asked.
Derek’s mind cleared as the pain faded, his healing abilities kicking in now that his wound was free of poison. Memories flooded him and he took a minute to adjust before he spoke. “Hunters happened.” Derek responded. “I need to find Y/N,” He groaned as he stood. “I need to find her now.”
“Slow down.” Melissa chastised. “You almost died less than two minutes ago, you’re not fit to be going anywhere in the condition you’re in.”
“I need to find her, you don’t understand.”
“Why don’t you explain what happened?” Scott suggested. “I can’t help you if I don’t know what’s going on.”
Derek sighed, glancing at the front door before he nodded. “Y/N and I were looking for a rogue omega near the high school when a group of hunters showed up.” He paused, scowling at the ground. “They blinded sided us. I didn’t smell them, I didn’t hear them, nothing. It’s like they came out of nowhere.”
“I didn’t know what was happening until they shot me.” He winced. “I told Y/N to run but she didn’t listen.” Derek paused, eyebrows furrowing as he tried to remember.
“She grabbed onto me and was practically dragging me with her. I remember falling and somebody was screaming and then I blacked out. When I came to I guess I came here.” Derek finished.
“I’ll call the pack. We’ll find her Derek.” Scott assured, putting his hand on Derek’s shoulder for comfort.
“No need to.” A voice spoke, causing the three to look up. You stood at the front door, Malia and Stiles behind you.
“Y/N.” Derek sighed. You were covered in dirt and blood, t-shirt ripped and leaves tangled in your hair.
“You’re okay.” You cried, making your way to him, hands wrapping around his shoulders as you squeezed him.
He squeezed you back just as tight, ignoring the slight pain in his chest as he gave you a soft kiss on the forehead. “I was so worried about you.”
“Me? You were the one bleeding out. I left you for two seconds and you were gone. I thought…” You trailed off, breath trembling slightly.
“I’m okay.” He assured. “We’re both okay.”
You nodded, giving him one last squeeze before gently pulling away.
“What happened out there? How’d you get away?” Derek asked, hand going to your cheek as he looked you over once more.
“It wasn’t easy. Those hunters were unlike any we’ve been against before. They were smart, covered their scents and their tracks. Barely made a noise either. It was thanks to them I got out of there alive.” You said, gesturing to Malia and Stiles. “If they hadn’t come to back me up I don’t think I would’ve made it.”
“Where are they now?” Scott asked.
“Down at the station. I called my dad and he brought some back up. Cops came just in time to see those assholes shoot at us. A bunch of adults shooting at high school kids? Yeah, they’re not getting out of jail anytime soon.” Stiles said smugly.
“We had just started to track down Derek when we heard his yell. We came over right away.” Malia added.
“Are you okay?” Melissa asked, eyes falling to the bullet holes in your shirt.
You smiled softly at her worried expression, lifting your shirt up. “All healed. They only had one wolfsbane bullet, which I assume was for the omega. They were stupid to use it on Derek.” You practically growled before taking a calming breath. “Thank you by the way, if you and Scott hadn’t been there to save him I…I don’t know what I’d do.”
“Of course, I’m a nurse it’s my job. Not to mention you’re both like family. It’s the least I could do.” Melissa nodded, squeezing your hand reassuringly.
“Definitely not the first time Scott’s saved my ass from a wolfsbane bullet. Remember?” Derek asked, nudging Scott who let out a laugh at the memory.
Stiles let out a gag. “Oh god, don’t remind me. I still can’t get over that bone saw. I can’t believe you wanted me to cut off your arm.” He shuddered.
“I don’t even want to to know.” Melissa sighed.
“I’d like to know.” Malia spoke, causing the group to laugh.
“Did you end up finding the omega?” Melissa asked once everyone settled.
You and Derek shook your heads. “Didn’t have time to. We’ll start a new search tomorrow. I think it’d be better if we got some rest first, especially you.” You stated, nudging Derek in his side.
“We’ll come with you.” Scott said. “So hopefully next time you won’t show up dying at my door at two in the morning.”
“Yeah, I’d like to avoid that.” Derek nodded.
“Why don’t you all stay here tonight?” Melissa voiced. “It’ll make me feel a lot better.”
“I call Scott’s bed!” Stiles cried, racing up the stairs with a protesting Scott at his heels.
“I want the floor!” Malia yelled, chasing after the two.
Melissa laughed at their antics before turning towards you and Derek. “The couch is a pullout, blankets and extra pillows are in the draw underneath the tv. Eat anything you’d like, I have to go grocery shopping anyways.”
You hugged her gently. “Thank you, Mrs. McCall.”
“Please, call me Melissa. And seriously, anytime.” She smiled, bidding goodnight before she made her way up to her room.
Derek grabbed the blankets and pillows while you pulled out the couch. Scott came back down with a change of clothes for both you and Derek, courtesy of him and his mom.
It wasn’t long before the two of you were settling into bed, Derek’s head on your chest with his arm around your waist and your fingers combing through his hair.
“I meant it you know.” You spoke, voice barely a whisper. “I don’t know what I’d do if I lost you, Derek.”
He lifted his head, eyes meeting yours. “You will never lose me.” He grabbed your hand, thumb brushing over the two rings that sat on your ring finger. “For better or worse, in sickness and in health. I am with you forever.”
“Is that what I signed up for?” You teased, letting out a soft laugh as Derek rolled his eyes with a grumble.
You smiled softly at him, heart beating loudly in your chest. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” He replied, the arm around your waist tightening ever so slightly.
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if any of my babes die in this new teen wolf movie I will personally punch Jeff Davis in the face
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s0urw00lf · 1 year
Buried deep in Pt.3
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Ngl y’all I have no idea where I was going with this so bare with me here and this took me 2 hours. Also this picks up literally right after the last chapter
Of course she didn’t know that, all she knew was the scream was very powerful. Y/n ran towards the room the scream echoed from and was met with sheriff stilinski and Scott who was roaring at who was supposed to be their teacher. She looked over and saw that stilinski had been stabbed in his shoulder causing her to gasp. Scott ran at Jessica with y/n right behind him orange glowing in my eyes and around my hands. Scott clawed at her and she dodged it then used some force to push him back sending him to the other part of the classroom into a pile of chairs causing blood to spurt out of his mouth. It angered y/n seeing her brother be tossed carelessly and the orange began to glow lighter. Y/n threw her hand out, making the woman fly back into the chalkboard. Y/n kept her up against the wall as she threateningly walked forward. Scott and Lydia both looked at the girl in surprise. “You hurt my friends, and.. you hurt my brother” y/n said, feeling miss Blake’s power fighting back against hers, but y/n didn't falter. Just then she saw stiles reach the classroom and her hold broke. Miss Blake did the same to y/n as she did Scott, and used a table to close the door shut so tiles didn’t enter. Sheriff picked up his gun and aimed it at the woman’ “There was a girl, years ago we found her in the woods,” the sheriff said.
Y/n fought trying to gain her balance back as her eyes had gone blurry. She hadn’t been paying much attention until she heard an ear-splitting cry. She looked up and saw the most horrendous creature, making her eyes go wide as the creature broke through the window and took the sheriff with him. Y/n was still having trouble balancing herself. “Scott, stiles” she called out breathily. They both looked towards the girl “I can- I can’t get up” stiles and Scott ran to her but she looked at both of them “Lydia, help Lydia” she said.
Both boys looked at each other, Scott nodded and got up to help the whimpering girl. “I’m sorry” y/n whispered to stiles. “For what?” He asked, bringing her head to his chest. “I had her, I had her and I got distracted” she said tiredly with tears in her eyes. Stiles shook his head also teary eyed “no, no it's not your fault, you did what you could and that's all i'd ever ask of you” he said kissing her head before helping the weak girl up. Scott came over to hug his sister, “were you ever gonna tell me?” He asked softly. “1. I didn’t know, it happened after I left during the meeting. 2. Even if I had you wouldn’t have believed me” she said jokingly, too tired to be upset. Scott shook his head and put one of her arms around his neck to help support her. “You need some rest, no more powers until you’ve rested” Scott commanded, y/n groaned about to argue, but stiles cut her off “that’s an order” he said. Y/n looked at both of them in disbelief as she sighed and dropped her head.
Once they got home y/n crashed out for almost 2 days. She had only woken up because she had gotten a very bad feeling. As soon as she was aware she was talked into a vision.
She’d been in the middle of the woods, just walking mindlessly. Until she soon came to an abnormally huge stump, where she waited hours and hours, before snapping out of the vision. When she came to her senses she looked at her surroundings and realized she was really at the stump, she looked up at the moon and felt a surge of power. All of her senses had been heightened, she felt stiles close by, she followed the trail and was led underground where she felt several others who were all panicked. Y/n rushed towards them and just in time caught the collapsing ceiling. The orange aura surrounded the entirety of the place creating a shield strong enough to keep the failing in place. Y/n who wasn’t in her normal mind began muttering something over and over. Everyone in the room began to look at each other in surprise while Allison and stiles looked at her, one loving gaze and one of pure shock “oh my god” Allison muttered.
Everyone looked at her as if they were saying ‘what?’ Allison's shocked face had begun scaring stiles “hey what does ‘oh my god’ mean? Is it a good ‘oh my god’ or is it a bad ‘oh my god’” he asked. “She’s a protector witch” she said “one of the most powerful when protecting those she loves” she said smiling. Just then y/n screamed, making everyone cover their ears. Y/n had been connected to Scott and right at the same time they had become just that much more powerful. The place they were in slowly began to rebuild itself as everyone watched in amazement, before the girl fell to her knees her mom and stiles rushed forward, Melissa checked her pulse and felt her daughter’s burning skin. “Is she okay?” Stiles asked what everyone was thinking. Melissa shook her head “I mean she’s burning up but her heart is beating strong” she said looking at her daughter. Just then y/n shot up “Scott” she said, everyone looked at her in confusion before Isaac asked “what’s wrong with Scott?” Y/n looked at him and smiled proudly “he’s a true alpha now”. At that moment Stiles' phone rang, he answered it immediately “Scott” he said, y/n didn’t really feel like straining her ears to hear Scott on the other line. “Yeah we're okay, we're all okay” he said looking around at his friends. “How about you? You okay?” He asked. “You think you could come get us?” He asked. “Great okay, and you bring a ladder, '' he said, looking around, making everybody laugh.
They waited for about 20 minutes before Scott showed up with a ladder as requested, everyone climbed out. Even y/n with a little help from Isaac and his werewolf strength. When y/n got up she was a bit wobbly but was caught off guard by Scott hugging her tight to which she immediately returned. “I felt you helping me,” he said. “Well I couldn’t just leave my favorite sibling hanging could i?” She said smiling. He pulled away and looked behind her, making eye contact with stiles. He looked back at her and said “rest. I’m assigning stiles as your guardian to make absolutely sure you get it” he said. Y/n laughed and rolled her eyes throwing her hands up in defeat as everyone made their way to their homes.
Y/n was now lying comfortably on her bed right next to stiles as he leaned to give her a kiss on her forehead. “Thank you,” he said. She looked up at him in question” for what” she asked. “You saved us, you saved me, my dad, your mom, Scott, Derek, Allison, Isaac, and chris. You saved us and nobody’s thanked you yet.” He said gazing down at her with loving eyes. “So I'm saying this on behalf of the pack, thank you” he said before caressing her cheek and leaning down to press a kiss to her lips. She smiled and giggled as he pulled away “now go to sleep” he said. She didn’t need to be told twice as she closed her eyes and allowed the world of sleep to consume her
I started at 12:44 am
Ended 2:09 Am, you do the math
Anyways hope you enjoy the lest chapter of this little mini series
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aloneatpeace · 10 months
  Cosmic Chaos
Chapter 13
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Reaching Lydia house, you ring the bell her mom opens the door and wide smile grace her face “hey y/n. thank god you’re here” she pulls you into the house.
“This is stiles, my friend can he come in?” you ask while pointing at stiles, who nervously wave at Natalia.
Natalia frown finally seeing the male beside you “honey y/n and a stile here for you” she calls out.
With a nod you walk towards Lydia room stiles following you, Lydia who was in a dazed state perked up when she sees you walking with a small smile on your lips with stiles behind you.
You sat down next to her while stiles awkwardly shift in his feet “what happened I can’t find the queen Lydia here?” you ask.
She opens her mouth only to close and open like a fish her eyes losing focus, you glance at stiles with tilt of your head.
Stiles come towards you both “Lydia something happened last night. What happened?”
Lydia looks up to him with a furrowed eyebrow “who are you?”
You swallow your laugh stiles seems consider introducing himself but stops with a pout on his face.
“Lydia are you alright, you seem out of it. what did you see?
“Something... like a mountain lion?” stiles voiced slowly.
“A mountain lion...” she repeated making you curious stiles shoot you look made you conform what you’re thinking.
“Are you sure you saw a mountain lion, or are you just saying that because that's what the police told you?”
“A mountain lion...” Lydia says again in dazed making you frown.
“You didn’t get hurt, did you?” you place your hand on her shoulder and again that happened.
And something happens. You can see her and Jackson at the shop and then the creature, it is stalking them.  The blood, the dead body Jackson and Lydia screams, the werewolf growling and snarling, they both saw the werewolf.
“What's going on?” stiles ask you once he see the dazed look on your face.
“A mountain lion...” she mumbles not knowing you just see that, singing you take her hands in yours.
“it’s going to be alright, don’t worry about it” you squeeze her hand making her look at you intensely a small smile on lips now you turn to stiles “stay with her.”
Stiles eyes widen “where you are going?”
“To check on Jackson, I’ll be right back” you answer before walking away “I text you later” you called out.
First you experienced this what a…. vision? with grams now with Lydia but it already had happened…what you saw was what happened last night. But how though it doesn’t make sense why you’re seeing all these if it happened with bonnie it would be making sense but with you. You don’t come from ancestor of witches; your family line doesn’t have a single witch. What you know about your family is that they were normal people, your left you because she doesn’t know how raise a kid at age 20.
But you don’t think about that at all. In fact, your fine with the truth. Right?
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You knock on Jackson house front door after a couple of you hear Jackson cursing murmuring something.
Jackson opens the door with a piss offed look ready to cuss out derek but pause when he sees you standing on his doorsteps.
“What are you doing here?”
You cross your arms Infront of you “what I can’t check in my friend?”
Jackson frown when he sees your offended look “we are friends? Since when?”
“When I tripped you on 5th grade when you insulted stiles” you roll your eyes “are you not gonna invite me in?”
Jackson silently moves aside letting you in, Jackson watches you look around his house “are you going to tell me why you’re in my house?”
“I heard what happened last night, I thought I could check on you.  Lydia said she saw a mountain lion” you confessed.
Jackson sigh sitting down on sofa “why do you care so suddenly?”
“Maybe the fact that you saw a dead body and it could be traumatizing for teen” you said thinking back how you saw Laura body at the woods. Jackson huff making you sigh and sit next to him “you are jerk there is no denying in that but still you’re my friend.”
  You turn to glance at Jackson “so how are you, Jackson?”
Jackson hunched a miserable look on his face “I don’t know…...there was lots of blood….and that’s thing seems so huge” he glances up to see that he has your attention focused on him “the thing seemed more…...clever…it is stalking me kind of.”   
That when you see the marks on the side of his neck “what happened? Did you got hurt?”
He touches his wound shrugging “No. I don’t remember how exactly I got it. funny how you and the crazy dude worried about my wound.”
“Who?” you frown thinking who else that person might be “wait…was he tall dark hair, pale with leather jacket with a permeant scowl on his face.”
Jackson gives you creeped outlook at your perfect description of derek “Yeah, do you know him?”
“Yeah, that’s derek hale. He can be creepy and an asshole.”
Jackson, give you amused smile “glad I’m not the only one on your list.”
you and Jackson stay silent for a moment “can I ask you something?” he asks, and you nod “what juices does scott take?”
“What? Why do you wanna know that?” you tilt your head at the strange question “I don’t do their groceries; he does like orange though” you answer.
Jackson groan hands on his face murmuring your name in an annoyed manner “go home now.”  
“Did I tell you; you’re jerk?” you huff standing up walking to the door to leave.
Jackson let out laugh “I will see you in class” he calls out leaning back on couch.
“Yeah, take care Whittemore.” 
As you step out the house you were taken away by someone so suddenly with yelp that jackson inside the home look at the door and call out your name but gets no response. He goes to his room take out a phone and sends you text just in case.
you collect yourself when you feel no longer moving blinking you shake your head glancing down, you look up to see derek stand Infront of you.
You smack derek on his chest making him look where you hit without any change in his stoic face “A waring, a warning alright. What if I throw up you asshole, in leather jacket” you brush past him.
Derek sigh “why are you here?” he walks up to you.
“How do you even know that I’m here?” you question him.
“I caught your scent after I was done talking to Jackson” he answers and stop walking when he sees you stop as well glancing at him with weirded out, look on your face. “What?”
You shake your head “nothing sometimes I forget you’re a dog.”
“I’m a wolf, a werewolf gets it right” he said with low snarl.
You nod “yeah and I’m a unicorn and I’m hungry not the best combo” you start walking with derek by your side suddenly you pause turning to him “were you threatening Jackson?”
“What? No, I was just talking he saw the alpha” derek said frowning when he sees your disappointed look.
“I may only know you for a couple of days but that enough. You can’t go around threat people let alone a teenager who is traumatized enough.”
His frown quickly changes into anger snarling at you his eyes changes “Well I can’t just ask him if he and the alpha had evening chat at the store, can I?”
You walk closer to him “you behave like this and expects scott to help you, it’s not going to work like that derek.”
Derek eyes glow dims slowly turning back to normal as he gazes at you, sighing you turns and walk away derek curse softly watching you walk away.
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When you reach home, you were surprised to see Issac sitting on grams porch with grams beside him. “What are you doing here?”
Issac smile at you nervously “we have project together, I texted you the due day is tomorrow, so I thought …”
“Oh…. I’m so sorry I totally forgot about that Danny also told me you looked for me sorry for making you wait” a guilt smile on your face, you glance at your grams who watch the scene with a grin on her face “did she troubled you?”
Grams feigned a hurt look turning to you “I did no such thing I was just asking why a young other than scott and stiles was here looking for you.”
You cross your arms “are you saying I don’t have any friends beside them?”
“I didn’t, you did” she shrugs her shoulder.
Issac was watching you both with a longing look and smile as you both playfully fight “come on Issac, let get this done.”
You lead him towards your room and starts doing your work, during that time you both talked getting to know each other better. For what it felt like eternality you finally get it down leaning back you sigh “that was exhausting”
Issac let out a laugh while closing his laptop “you tell me” Placing away his things he leans back with you as well resting his back on the bed.
You turn your head to side to look at him “so how is everything with you?”
“Good” he said briefly not wanting to talk too much in case he makes you annoyed if he talks to much but the genuine curiosity about wanting to know about him relaxed. “I’m thinking about trying out lacrosse.”
“Yeah, I remember you and Camden playing back then” you said softly.
Issac's chests tighten the mention of his brother, the emptiness, void in his life that will never be filled. Your hand raised to console the boy stop in midair when you remember the ability you have, something makes you hesitant you wanted to console him get know him without any help of whatever you have.  
“I’m sorry if I upset you, that wasn’t my intention” you murmured softly, and he knows that to.
“it’s alright, I’m surprised that you remember him” he half smile on his face.
Frowning you rest your chin on your palm pulling your knees to your chest “why are you talking like that?”
His smile slipped at your words did he make a mistake again was he also a disappointment to as well. 
“You’re talking about yourself as If you aren’t worth remembering like you don’t deserve it anything regarding your life doesn’t matter.” you explain after seeing the puzzled look on his face “don’t do that, I don’t know what made you think like that but that not true okey, you might fell I’m lying because we just really started talking few days ago.”
Somehow the pissed off look on your face amused him he understands what you’re saying it is comforting to see someone getting pissed off for him not at him.
“Did you know that I wanted be your friend, but stiles scare me…not scary, he was obnoxious” he said slowly seemingly in a daze.
“Oh” you give him sad smile but pause “…. wait did you just called stiles obnoxious?” you asked leaning forward with a playful glare making him grin you shake your head at him.
“Sorry…. don’t tell him that?” he requests his posture now relaxed not all cautious around you know. “I wanted try out but I don’t think I make it?” 
You tilt your head to side “oh trust me you will get it just need some hard work” you said while inspecting him playfully.
He narrows his eyes at you a teasing smile on his lips “you sure?”
“Mmmm Hmmm, coach said there is a shortage in player and why not give it a go” you press your lips together leaning back glancing at him.
Issac mirrors your position “do you think he would like that?" his voice just above whisper, after his brother death he never really talked about him out loud.
“I don't think I know he would be happy for you” you said with a smile “and I’m sure he and your mom be proud of how far you come” you state sincerely.
The tenderness in your words made Issac inside warm like how on the cold winter a cup of homemade hot chocolate would.
“Wait I remember I have something for you” pulling yourself up you move towards your table and take out some printed copies. “Got it”
You sit on your bed and pat the side beside you inviting him to sit next you, Issac watches you shuffle the paper and arrange them neatly and hands them to him.
“What is this?” he asks looking through the paper “is it...?”
“Yeap. This cheat sheet of paper has every important note and question and answers we study.” you give him a lopped grin “sometimes you have to work a little smarter not harder.”
“That’s why you always have good grades than scott and stiles” he hums looking up to you.
You playfully roll your eyes “Not only that stiles mix up exams even if I corrected him a hundred times and scott doesn’t study at all” you poke at his chest “And you better do your part and if you still didn’t get it ask me alright?” you chided him.
“I will” he gives you wide smile agreeing with you.
“You got your custom for the Halloween party planned?” you ask as you walk him out.
Issac frown tensing a bit “No, I don’t plan on coming.”
“Well, if you change your mind text me, a little fun won’t hurt anyone”. You said not really pushing the subject as he seems to be tense in his place.
“I’ll see you in class, bye y/n” with that Issac leaves.
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allisonslover · 1 year
chapter two: the dead parent club!
word count: 2.5k
content warnings: language, slight references to nightmares and a car crash but nothing too graphic
It was late in the night, an alarmed Max after bursting into his cousin's room to see if they had both heard the ear-splitting noise from outside. They could rule Melissa out as the culprit, the nurse after leaving for a late night shift not too long ago.
That was what led the pair to creep into Jade's room, grimacing as she stirred, the light from the hallway shining into her room. They were most definitely going to have a riot on their hands in the morning, the girl always being moody until she got a coffee in her at the best of times. They were already mentally preparing for the scolding they were about to get for waking her up but desperate times called for desperate measures.
Max and Scott squabbled silently, both backing away from the bed as they fought over who would wake her. Max smiled triumphantly, tilting his head after shoving his cousin ahead of him. If someone was going to be beaten with a pillow, it wasn't going to be him. He had learnt that lesson too many times to make the same mistake.
Jade woke with a jolt, scream muffled by her pillow as she screwed her body in on itself, trying to make a shield to protect her from the splinters of glass that were flying through the car.
"Calm down, it's just me!" Scott whispered gently, flicking on the lamp on her bedside table in hopes of bringing her back to her senses. To be fair, that was their fault; they should have known not to wake her so suddenly, especially when she was suffering from nightmares so frequently.
"Sorry," Max muttered sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck anxiously as he flopped onto the bottom of the bed, getting a light kick as he sat on her feet. Yeah, thinking back on it, it wasn’t a great idea.
"What the hell is wrong with you two? What time is it?" she asked groggily, burying her head back into her pillow as her heart rate eventually slowed to a normal place. God, what was it with people sneaking up on her? It seemed to happen too often, making her on edge even when she was asleep. It was like the twins couldn't catch a break recently. Well, they could never really catch a break to begin with, it was just getting worse lately.
"It's only twelve," Scott shrugged nonchalantly as if he was usually up at this time on the first day back to school. He had tried to get to sleep, honestly he had, but the nerves and excitement made him restless, no matter how many meditation podcasts he listened to (and trust him, he had listened to a lot of those, even the ones with white noise, brown noise, pink noise, the whole shebang).
"You better have a good reason for waking me up at this godforsaken hour, or I swear, I’m gonna crack up," she hissed furiously, voice muffled from her face still being delved into the pillow. She refused to move from the warmth and comfort of her bed until she was given an explanation she deemed compulsory, although she could gradually feel the sleep start to slip from her body.
"I think there's someone outside, we heard a bang," Scott rambled, eyes widening for emphasis. If she could hurry up and come with them before an intruder broke in, stabbing them all in the process, it would be a great help. "We want you to come with us."
"Remind me, how does this affect me again?" she queried, recoiling away from the bright flashlight that was being shone directly in her eyes. She was seriously going to kick them down the stairs one of these days. The four walls of her jail cell would finally give her some peace. Hey, she might even be able to get some sleep!
"Because it could be a murderer. And if I died you would miss me so much because I'm your favourite cousin," Scott argued his point, nodding along, giving Max a high-five behind his back when she sat up.
His short speech seemed to have worked, the girl begrudgingly forcing herself to her feet, slipping on a pair of trainers, glaring daggers over her shoulder all the same. The string of curse words she muttered under her breath showed she wasn't happy, yet she was coming with them, which was the main thing. "Scott, you're my only cousin," she sighed, throwing on a flannel shirt over her pyjamas. It was destined to be cold outside; spring in California was never the warmest.
Max shared a short-lived glance with his sister as she passed, discreetly nodding as he followed the pair out onto the landing. He wouldn't have woken her up unless he was genuinely worried that someone was outside.
"That's why you'd miss me the most, right, Max?" Scott slammed the door closed behind him. God, the twins wondered if sometimes he momentarily forgot that he had neighbours. What they were more surprised about was that the McCalls hadn't gotten a noise complaint yet. Hey, there was still plenty of time left for that.
"Sure, whatever helps you sleep at night," he rolled his eyes playfully, cracking his knuckles anxiously. He could already tell that Scott was about to quip back a sarcastic joke, their teasing cut short when another crash sounded from outside— this time a lot closer than the last.
The teenagers' eyes shifted nervously between the three of them, wondering who was going to be the sacrifice if it came down to it. Logically, it would have been Jade, considering she was the slowest when it came to running. Although, if she pushed one of the others back— every man for themselves and all that jazz—, she would probably have a higher chance of getting out alive.
Scott motioned for the others to follow him down the stairs, running a hand down the banister to maintain his balance. Jade shoved her phone into her jacket pocket, after grabbing it off her nightstand. She had seen too many horror movies to leave it behind; that was a rookie mistake that the characters made. What if they got kidnapped and needed to send someone their location? Okay, they would kinda be fucked, considering Melissa was the only other phone number that she had from this stupid town. Although she loved her aunt dearly, god the woman didn't have a clue how to use technology.
"Are you seriously going towards the noise?” Max hissed, mouth agape as he waved his hands about. See, this was a prime example of why he was going to start forcing Scott to watch horror movies. Whenever someone went to investigate, they always died, and that was a fact. In his opinion, he'd much rather hide under the covers and pretend he'd never heard anything until it went away. It seemed like the safer option— the less stupider one, anyway.
Scott shushed his cousin, tightening his hold on the wooden banister. He had to know what— or who— was outside, otherwise he had no chance of getting to sleep tonight. Grabbing the baseball bat that he kept beside his back door, he raised it up as if prepared for battle. He knew it wasn’t a weapon that would do the most damage, but a quick swing to the face or the groin and they’d go down like a sack of potatoes.
Jade held her hand out slightly beside her, ignoring the look that she received from her brother. It was merely an instinct by now, magic being a part of her since she was born. Even though her powers weren't working how she wanted right now, that didn't mean she wasn't going to try to help. Besides, it was only a backup plan, in case they really were being attacked. If all came to all, she could just fire as many spells as she could and hope for the best. It would be hard to explain that away, but it was the best plan she had right now.
The McCall boy and Pierce twins stampeded onto the patio, screaming as something fell from the oak tree that resided just outside of the patio, swinging in front of them. Hanging upside down from the tree was the one and only Stiles Stilinski.
Max and Jade hadn't seen him in roughly a year, the same amount of time they hadn't seen Scott in. After arriving at Beacon Hills, there hadn't been a lot of spare time to visit friends they hadn't seen in a while. There were more important things to do, such as planning a funeral for two thirty-four-year-olds.
Stiles had changed a lot, one of the only noticeable consistency’s being his terrible sense of fashion (which wasn't that big of a shocker.) Since his mom had died, he had kept his hair at a short-ish length because she adored it like that, but now he had a buzzcut, something that took it to a whole new level of commitment.
"What the hell are you doing!" Scott screamed at his best friend, firing the baseball bat to the ground in a temper. Thank the heavens his mom was at work or they would have been grounded before the spring semester had even begun.
"You weren't answering your phone!" Stiles shouted back, voice cracking halfway through his sentence. It took a second for it to register that there were other people with Scott, eyes finding the twins, who were awkwardly standing by the back door. "I completely forgot you were here, sorry!" he was fighting a losing battle by trying to untie himself from the tree, after getting his leg caught in a rope of some kind,. "Jade! Max! Long time no see, how have you been!"
He fell with a painful grunt, landing flat on his back like a starfish. Jade covered her mouth, pressing her lips together in an attempt not to laugh, while Max winced and held his back in pain. Apparently, he had an empath connection with Stiles, which was just his luck, considering the hyperactive boy was a walking ambulance.
Stiles continued to ramble on excitedly, brushing the leaves off his jacket. "I'm fine, totally didn't hurt, not at all. That was a stupid question, sorry, you’re obviously not gonna be fine. Hey, at least you're both members of the dead parent club now!"
They'd forgotten the boy had no filter and was as blunt as a pencil, but they knew he meant no harm. Scott kicked him in the shin, trying to communicate with his eyes that were dangerously dark.
Stiles hissed away from his best friend in pain, confused as to why he had gotten brutally attacked before realisation finally dawned. His hand flew up to cover his mouth, trying to take back what he had just said. It hadn't been done out of spite, he just sometimes started talking and didn't know how to stop the words from spewing out. "Oh my god, I said that out loud, didn't I?"
"It's okay. What are you doing here, anyway? It's really early in the morning," Jade pointed out, laughing lightly in an attempt to diffuse the tension that was strangling her like a blanket. There was a knife that seemed to be reserved for especially slicing through their hearts every time someone brought up Sean and Elizabeth.
"Oh, yeah! We need to go to the woods," Stiles tried to stay on topic for what he had originally drove over for, ignoring the bump in the road as his voice filled with excitement, eyes lighting up with devilment— something they had learnt was never a good sign, as it usually ended with them sitting in the sheriffs station.
"Why?" Max questioned sceptically, not wanting to be dragged into a dark forest the night before school. Their eyes met, a blush dusting both their faces. Jade and Scott both had razor-sharp eyes when it came to romantic gestures, not missing the small movement even in the darkness. They knowingly glanced at each other, taunting smiles tugging at their lips.
When they were younger, Stiles and Max had a thing for each other, and both Jade and Scott knew it. In fact, pretty much everyone knew it. Thinking back on it, she was ninety-nine percent sure she had heard Melissa and Noah betting on the kids love lives. Scott used to always tease Stiles over it— he still did, even to this day. Jade used to tease her brother, until one day he said he'd had a seer vision of her falling into a ditch and he was going to let the monster drown her. It had soon shut her up and kept her quiet from mentioning it again— until now. In her defence, she had only been nine!
"Ditch," Max whispered, lips barely moving as he hissed the singular word to his sister, who merely snickered.
"There's a body in the woods," Stiles averted his eyes from the boy's as he rocked backwards and forwards on the balls of his feet.
"A dead body?" Scott scoffed, confused about what was so special. Stiles’ father was the sheriff— they saw dead bodies all the time. Besides, if he wanted to see a dead body so desperately, he could pay a visit to the hospital morgue.
"No, a body of water. Yes, a dead body!" Stiles spat impatiently, already itching to get going. It was good to see that he hadn't lost his signature personality trait— sarcasm.
"Seriously? Screw this, I'm going back to bed," Jade groaned, head already starting to pulse with pain, a sign that a migraine was surfacing. This was too much thinking, too early in the morning.
"I'm getting to that, hold your horses. They only found half of the body," Stiles paused for dramatic effect, nodding reassuringly when their eyes widened in disbelief. They didn't know what on earth they had been expecting, it most definitely hadn't been that.
Max caved, hands on hips as he rushed forward to the baby blue jeep, Stiles following close behind him. "I'm in. This, I wanna see. Dibs on passenger seat!"
Sighing, Jade ran a hand through her hair, turning to her cousin tiredly. "We better make sure they don't get themselves killed."
"Yup," he chuckled, kicking a stray stone out of his path. "You trying out for the lacrosse team in school?"
During the summer, when the Pierces used to visit the McCalls, Scott and Jade used to love playing lacrosse together. Max, on the other hand, stood on the side, on his iPad or phone and screamed when a ball came within an inch of hitting him.
"I think I might, but I don't have any equipment or a kit," Jade trailed off, the two cousins' steps falling in line as they walked down the pebbly driveway. It was pitch black outside, the street lamps and stars in the sky being the only guiding light. It was surprisingly quiet; considering they were on the main road, there was only a rare car that passed by during the night.
"Coach usually has some spare," Scott waved a hand about, stopping to tie his shoelace that had come undone.
"Is Stiles coming to wake us up to go find dead bodies gonna become a regular thing?" Jade sighed, waiting for him to finish the double knot.
"Of course it is."
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specialagentlokitty · 2 years
Melissa x Teen!reader - mother to you
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Could I please request a Melissa McCall x orphan reader who is in the pack, struggles with depression, and Melissa notices the depression symptoms and helps the reader through an episode, with the reader not being used to maternal love and Melissa being that maternal figure? If that’s ok <3 - Anon💜
You had stopped by the hospital to check up on Stiles, you knew he’d come here earlier but you hadn’t seen your friend all day and you were starting to get worried about him.
“Mrs McCall, have you seen Stiles?” You asked.
The woman looked up and nodded her head.
“Yes, he’s fine don’t worry, he’s just sleeping right now.”
“Ah, okay. Can you let him know I left some work for him with his dad?”
“Of course I can.” Melissa smiled.
You gave her a small smile and stuffed your hands in your pockets as you awkwardly looked around before shrugging your shoulders a little.
“I’ll be going now.. thanks again…”
With that you walked away and Melissa frowned a little as she watched you leave.
Your hoodie was dirty, and you were trudging slowly out of the hospital, avoiding anyone that came a bit too close to you.
She didn’t see you for a few days, but Scott told her that you were doing well, though you were skipping some classes in school.
You were crashing in an abandoned building when you heard walking around, and you could see the lights from a few flashlights shining about the area.
“Are you sure they’re even in here?”
“Yes Parrish, I know (Y/N), they’re prone to this neighbourhood.”
Sighing, you picked up your bag and walked around from the boxes you were camping behind and raised four hands as you avoided the sheriffs gaze.
“We’ve been looking for you for hours.” Stilinski sighed.
“Sorry…” you mumbled.
He walked over and lowered your arms, guiding you out of the building and towards the car where he helped you into the back seat.
He spoke to Parrish for a moment before he walked back over and sat in the back of the patrol car with you.
“(Y/N) this is the third time in two weeks you’ve ran away from the home, Stiles told me you sent him and Scott a message saying that you were going to leave town in the morning.”
“Yeah.. and…?” You grumbled.
“Where were you going to go? Do you know how dangerous that is?”
You gave a small shrug and looked away, and Stilinski sighed as you looked at you.
You looked exhausted, like you hadn’t slept in weeks, you were covered in dirt and he heard your stomach rumble through the silence.
“When was the last time you had something to eat?”
Again you shrugged.
“Didn’t you eat at the home before you left?”
“No… they padlocked all of the cupboards and the fridge because kids kept sneaking food…”
The sheriff frowned but nodded his head.
“I’ve got to take you to the hospital for a check over, but we’ll figure something out while we start an investigation against your home, okay?”
“Yeah whatever…”
You were quiet the whole ride to the hospital, and you said nothing as Stilinski led you inside.
You lightly clutched the back of his jacket, letting him know that you hadn’t run away while giving yourself some comfort that whole you were holding his jacket he wasn’t going anywhere.
You weren’t paying attention to anything he was saying to the woman behind the front desk, you were too busy staring at the floor.
You looked up to the Sheriff and let go of his jacket so he could turn around and he placed a hand on your shoulder.
“They want to keep you in for a few hours, okay? I need to go because I’m still on duty but I’ll check up on you after my shift ends okay?”
You just nodded and watched as he left and the nurse smiled at you.
“Give me a minute I’ll find you a room. Is there anyone I can call for you?” She smiled.
You shook your head and waited for her to turn back to her computer.
When she had you slowly started to backup towards the entrance, and turned around only to freeze in your spot, face to face with Melissa.
“Were you really gonna leave without saying hello?” She chuckled.
You said nothing and she sighed a little bit.
“Noah told me he was bringing you in. What’s going on?”
Again you said nothing and she gestured for you to follow her so you did.
She quickly spoke to the nurse that was supposed to be dealing with you, and she led you to one of the empty rooms and let you sit on the bed while she closed the door.
She pulled the chair over in front of you and sat down.
“What’s going on? No one else might have noticed but I sure have. The messy clothes, uncaring attitude, you look like you haven’t slept for a few days at least, and Noah said he could hear your stomach growling in the car. What’s going on sweetheart? Talk to me.”
“There’s nothing going on… it’s fine…”
“Is it though? Because I know you like your clothes, I once watched you wash a hoodie straight away because stiles spilled some soda on it. Let me help you.”
You said nothing and simply turned away from her, laying on the bed as you stared at the opposite wall.
Melissa sighed, and you heard the door open and close, as far as you knew she wouldn’t be coming back any time soon.
A few minutes later the door opened and closed again and Melissa walked around, setting a small bag in front of you.
You looked up at her in confusion.
“I brought some dinner in, but I didn’t get a chance to eat it. It’s just some curry and some snacks as well, and I got you a soda from the vending machine. If you don’t want to talk that’s okay, but will you at least eat?”
You nodded your head and sat up, taking the food from her you grabbed the paper plates she had brought up and split the food in half, handing her half and taking half for yourself.
Melissa smiled to herself and sat down on the edge of the bed with you as you ate in silence.
“I’m.. struggling…” you whispered.
“With what sweetheart?”
“Everything I guess…”
Melissa nodded her head and set her plate to the side, shuffling around a little bit so she could face you properly.
She reached out and held out her hands and you furrowed your brows a little before slowly raising your hands and placing them in hers.
She gave your hands a gentle squeeze before smiling at you.
“It’s going to be okay, we’ve just got to take it one step at a time, okay?” She whispered.
“We?” You asked back.
“Yes, we. I’m not going anywhere, okay? Neither is Noah, Scott or Stiles. But if you don’t want the boys to know then just me and for legal reasons Noah, okay?”
You gave a small nod and she stood up, grabbing your bag she slung it over her shoulder and tossed the trash away before gesturing for you to follow her.
“Where are we going?”
“I’m taking you back to mine, I’ve been given the okay by the sheriffs department to so, if you’re okay with that?”
Again you nodded and followed behind her, you weren’t used to this.
You weren’t used to someone being so nice to you, so caring. She was acting motherly towards you, and you weren’t used to that.
Melissa of course knew this, and she wanted you to know that no matter what she was also going to be a mother figure for you, and she was going to treat you exactly like you were her own
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ilovewriting06 · 8 months
Permanent Fix
The sound of the bell makes me frown as my handsome, beautiful, and wonderful boyfriend pulls away from our impromptu make out session. I whine when he fully slips away, "No, come on Stiles. I can only take so much of this torture."
He raises an eyebrow with a smirk, "What torture? I haven't done anything to you."
I throw my head back against the wall maintaining eye contact with Stiles, "That's the point, Babe. You look so good today, like absolutely drop dead gorgeous, good. I don't know why, I mean I do, because you're hot, but I also don't, I don't understand what it is about you today that makes me want to climb you like a tree."
Stiles' face turns a dark shade of red as he chews on his bottom lip, "Babe, I swear, if you keep talking I'm going to do something that we'll both regret. I don't think your mom will take it well if we get busted for having sex in an empty classroom. Plus your mom scares me."
I lean forwards and rub my cheek on his practically purring, "You sure it's not my brother you're scared of, hmm? Are you scared of Mister True Alpha?" He lets out a shaky breath and grabs my shoulders holding me away from him, "Alright, okay, we really have to stop. You're brother has a super sniffer 3000, and can smell us"
I pout and whine again, "I have one too! And I can smell your arousal, and that absolutely delicious vanilla and cinnamon scent you have. It makes me want to do things, unholy things. Stiles, I have this really deep rooted urge to fuck you, and I don't know why, but it hurts. It's all I can think about."
His eyebrows furrow and he tilts his head to the side like he's studying every detail that I have before he steps back completely, "So, how long have you been a werewolf?"
I shrug with a confused frown, "I don't know, almost a year I think. Why?"
He narrows his eyes and hums before asking, "Is this the first time you've felt like that since then?"
I shrug again, "Uh, I have for the last few days, but it wasn't this bad, this time it's taking everything in me to not just shove you on the floor and ride you."
Stiles lets out a strangled noise before shaking his head slightly before asking another question, "Right, okay, and this time, do you like have an overwhelming urge to get pregnant. Like, I dunno...do you want a baby?"
My mouth drops and I let out a squeak, "A...what?! What the hell, Stiles?! Why is that important?"
"Just answer the question, yes or no."
My mouth opens and closes a few times and I shift on my feet for a few seconds before mumbling out the answer, "I...yeah, I-I guess, but I've always wanted kids, especially with you, but I guess you could say it's a little amplified today."
Stiles' eyes widen and he steps back nodding a few times, "Right, okay, yeah, so, we're leaving school, like right now." I furrow my eyebrows before allowing him to drag me through the halls and out to his precious jeep. He helps me in before running to the driver's side and climbing in.
I look at him and blink a couple times as he starts the jeep, "Not, that I'm complaining about the idea of going home and having sex, but I have a feeling that isn't going to be happening? And you left our bags in there."
He pulls out of the parking lot and glances at me, "Put on your seatbelt, and yeah I know, I'll just have Scott get them for us."
I quickly put on my seatbelt as I speak, "Won't he be suspicious as to why we skipped the last three periods of the day? And what are we telling our parents? Cause they'll be pissed we skipped."
Stiles lays his head back on the seat and nods, "Yeah, well I think they'll let us off this time and Scott's probably gonna throw a fit and almost puke when he figures out why we skipped."
I sit up and look at Stiles with a smile, "Are we going to have sex?! Did you actually let us skip school so we can fuck?"
Stiles snorts and shakes his head, "No." He hesitates to say something else and it has him kind of worried. "What? Stiles what's wrong? Am I dying? Are you mad because I admitted that I want to have your baby...well babies."
He shakes his head and lets out a deep breath, "No, I...god this is not how I expected my Tuesday to go. Y/N/N, I think you're in heat, or at least going into heat."
"What. the. fuck. Stiles Stilinski, I am not a dog, werewolves don't have heat cycles."
He doesn't answer as he parks the jeep but when I look up I notice we're at Deaton's. I level Stiles with a glare as he pulls me into the back of the clinic as I continue my previous argument, "Stiles, werewolves don't have heat cycles! I'm not in heat, nor am I going into heat either."
"Actually, werewolves can have heat cycles, but it isn't a common occurrence."
I screech and turn to my right to see Deaton holding a cat like some creepy ass villain from some 80's movie. Stiles who was surprisingly not scared by Deaton's presence, stops to stand in front of Deaton and pulls me to his side before gesturing up and down my body, "She's in heat. I don't know how, or why, but she is and I'm worried if we don't figure something out it'll get worse and she'll be in more pain than she already is."
I elbow him in the ribs and hiss, "What the fuck Stiles, you literally brought me to the vet?"
He ignores my comment and looks at Deaton as Deaton tilts his head in consideration before humming, "And what makes you think that Mr. Stilinski."
Without missing a beat Stiles answers, confidence in his words, "She wants a baby."
I step away from Stiles before growling, "Seriously! That's what this is about, and you had to share it with Dr. Doolittle? If you don't want kids that's fine but you don't have to do it in front of somebody, in fact I would appreciate if you would tell me that in private."
Stiles' eyes widen and he steps forwarding flailing his arms, "No! I mean yes, fuck, I want kids. I do, but something's off about you today. I've practically had to fight you off me all day and you're extra growly at literally anyone that even breathes in my direction." I go to object bit he continues, "You stabbed Scott in the hand for patting my shoulder, and then practically threatened to kill Erica because she sat by me for a whole two seconds to ask a question. And I thought you were just in a mood and horny, but, but then you said that I smelled like vanilla and cinnamon."
The more information he gives me the more confused I get, "What? You're mad because I think you smell like vanilla and cinnamon? I don't see what the big deal is, you smell like my two favorites things."
"That is the big deal, Y/N!"
Before either of us can utter another word Deaton steps in, "I think Mr. Stilinski has a valid argument." I stare in disbelief before he continues, "Perhaps it would be better if we sit down, this could be a long conversation."
"There are myths and legends that claim that when a werewolf meets their mate and they're mature enough their mate will carry a specific smell, usually consisting of two or more smells that the werewolf loves. In this case Stiles smells like cinnamon and vanilla to you while to Scott and everyone else he doesn't. To them he smells like sandalwood and citrus. They're only considered myths because there has been very little documented proof, only being a handful of cases. The chances of meeting your mate are extremely rare, close to a 1 in 1,000 chance."
I grab Stiles' hand and he rubs the back of my hand with his thumb as I ask, "What does that have to do with me possibly being in heat?"
Deaton smiles and continues, "Heats are as rare as mates simply because a werewolf doesn't go into heat unless they're with their mate. After meeting their mate a werewolf won't go into heat until their wolf determines that they're ready and that their mate is ready. Once the wolf decides that it's ready, the werewolf goes into heat. Usually the first few days of a heat cycle aren't bad but the longer the wolf goes without being mated the worse it gets and a lot of heat cycles can last for a month a time."
The room is filled with silence for a few seconds before I sigh, "Okay, I have so many questions."
Deaton nods his head for me to continue so I ask my first question, "So, I'm supposed to live in increasing agony for the foreseeable future, unless Stiles gets me pregnant?"
Beside me Stiles chokes on his spit as Deaton chuckles, "No, that is one way, but it's only a temporary fix. Once your child reaches about a year old your wolf will demand another and you'll endure more heat cycles until you're pregnant again. However, there is another way that's a permanent fix."
I run a hand through my hair, "What's the permanent fix?"
Deaton grabs a book off of his shelf before handing it to me, "You mate, but don't go into it lightly, it's a lifelong commitment. It's not like marriage, you can't change your mind and get a divorce, it lasts forever, or at least until one of you dies."
I flip through the pages of the book before looking back at Deaton, "How does it work? The whole mating part?"
Deaton points at the book before sitting down, "Everything you need to know is in there, the pages you need are marked. I assumed you would need it soon." The doorbell out front rings and Deaton stands again, "Read through it while I see to my patient and if you have any questions I'll answer them the best that I can."
As Stiles and I read through the marked pages my eyes widen as I get to the actual mating process. "I have to bite you?" Stiles looks at me and nods when I get to the next line, "You have to bite me?! How the hell does that work? You don't have pointy teeth, you have dull teeth."
"He does have pointy teeth, if the occasion calls for them." I jump and turn to the door to see Deaton walking further into the room.
"What do you mean?"
Deaton takes his seat in front of us before explaining, "Think about it, why did your wolf choose now to be the time to be mated? What's changed in the last few months?"
I narrow my eyes as I think about it but Stiles is the one that speaks first, "I did." I look at Stiles before looking at Deaton to see him nod in agreement, "You did, you embraced your spark. I do believe it was two months ago that you got a good handle on it, allowing you to perform a few docile spells and simple magic."
I lay my head on Stiles' shoulder and rub my cheek on his shirt and listen as Stiles pieces everything together, "My spark recognizes her as our mate, doesn't it?" I notice Deaton nod out of my peripheral before Stiles continues, "So, my spark will provide the bite for the whole mating process. It'll give me wolfy teeth until the bite fest is over."
I whine low in my throat as I look up at Stiles from where my head lays on his shoulder. From this angle the light shines just right on the side of his face that it looks like he's glowing, and his jaw line looks absolutely delicious. I can feel my wolf pacing inside demanding that we take our mate. For some reason now that I know what my wolf has apparently known the whole time, that Stiles is our mate, it makes the urge to fuck him ten times worse because all I can think about is all the different positions that we can try.
Stiles looks at me before looking at Deaton, "So, pretty sure she's slowly getting further into heat." I rub my face in his neck and wiggle closer as I fight the shift that begging to get out.
Stiles and Deaton talk some more but I'm not registering a thing they say. I gain some of my senses back when Stiles shifts and runs his thumb over my cheekbone as he looks in my eyes, "Hey Baby, come on we gotta go. I'll make you feel better I promise."
Once Stiles finally managed to snap me out of the sex filled haze I was in we went back to my house and made a few phone calls after packing for a week long trip. Now his dad, my mom, Scott, and the rest of the pack will be here in a few minutes so we can explain to them that we'll be MIA for a week.
Apparently when I was zoned out at Deaton's, Deaton explained that for the mating process to fully take affect it'll take 3-4 days of pretty much nonstop sex and apparently a ton of biting on my part. Something about the incessant urge to claim him or something, put the only one that his spark will allow to scar over is the mating bite, which despite popular belief can be anywhere on the body and not just the neck.
I jump slightly as the sound of my mom's car pulls into the driveway, followed by Noah's cruiser. I scoot closer to Stiles as my leg jumps up and down. The soothing hand on the back of my neck helps me calm down a little bit but I still feel jittery. Stiles and I had talked about what we wanted to do and we decided that we've loved each other since we knew what love was and we were always planning on getting married. Turns out the Sheriff had given Stiles his mother's engagement ring a few months ago and told Stiles to give to me when 'the timing was right,' Stiles had apparently already gotten it resized.
We had already been all in with each other for four years, only two of which Scott knew about, his stupid werewolf nose busted us, but we decided that doing the whole mating bite ritual or whatever you want to call it didn't really change anything. It just gave every supernatural creature the knowledge that we were mated and it gave my wolf reassurance that he was ours and we didn't have to have his child to keep him around. Seriously, what is my life?
By the time our parents walk in I'm practically sitting on Stiles from how close I was. They took one look at us and our nervous demeanor before Mom spoke, "Oh God, you're pregnant aren't you?" She turns to Noah and continues, "I knew this was going to happen."
I look between Noah and Mom before looking at Stiles and then back at Mom, "Actually, I'm not. Although it's not for lack of trying on my wolf's part. She's practically begging for a baby." At this moment I had never been happier for our parents to know about the supernatural because it made this conversation so much easier.
Within seconds Noah and Mom are sitting across from us when Noah looks at Stiles, "Is this a meeting to tell us you're planning on having a baby?"
Stiles' mouth opens and looks at me. I scowl, "Of course, the one time your speechless is the time I need you to run your mouth." I turn to Noah and shake my head, "No, not exactly, but we're going away for about a week."
Their eyes widen but before they can speak the slamming of car doors alert us that the rest of the pack is here. The front door opens as Scott practically sprints in, "Oh thank God, I though someone died."
The rest of the pack spill into the living room and pick various places to sit, stand, or lean against a wall around the room. When everyone's settles I take a deep breath and look at Stiles before turning to see everyone anxiously waiting, "Have any of you heard of werewolf mates?" As I was anticipating everyone looks confused before shaking their heads. "Okay, what about a werewolf heat cycle?"
This time Erica speaks, "Oh, my God! Is that why you smell like you're so desperate you'd fuck anything with a dick?"
I blush and sink further into Stiles as Scott, Lydia, Isaac, and Mom yell, "ERICA!"
This time Stiles is the one to speak since I'm sitting on his lap rethinking all of my life choices, "Okay, first of all, that's rude and second of all, yeah pretty much."
I frown and feel a mixture of anger and hurt as I look at Stiles before sliding off his lap and onto the couch before putting multiple feet between us, "So, you think I stink too? If that's the case what are we doing this for? You can't reverse it, it's permanent. Maybe you need to rethink your decision." Part of me knows I'm overreacting especially since Stiles can't even smell my arousal, but my wolf has like 80% of my control right now and she's butt hurt at the comment.
Stiles sits up straighter than a ruler before reaching out for me, "Baby, no, I don't need to rethink it, I want to do it. Trust me, I am more than ready for that level of commitment."
Mom cuts in this time with a suspicious lilt to her voice, "Okay, it's really sounding like you guys are planning on having a baby, or getting married."
At her statement we look at her and Stiles finally spits out what we've been trying and failing to say, "Okay, no to the baby part and kind of to the married part. Y/N/N and I have to go away for a few days because she's in heat and don't you fucking dare make any jokes about it because she has very little control right now and if she mauls you, that's your fault. Anyways, werewolves only go into heat once they've met their mate, in this case, yours truly," he enunciates that part by pointing at himself before continuing, "and the longer they go unmated the stronger and more painful the heat cycle gets. There are only two ways to resolve the issue, one is we have a baby, but that isn't a permanent solution because once the baby is a year old the cycles will start again until she has another baby. The second option is if we mate. Uh, I'm not going to go into details because those are some things I never, ever, not in a million years want to openly discuss with our parents and her brother, or anyone else for that matter. Let's just say, it's a very intimate tradition."
I grab the book of the coffee table and hand it to Mom, "The pages about it are marked if you want to fully understand but if you'd rather not get all the nitty gritty details all you have to know is on the first page that's marked."
Her and Noah flip to the first page and read it with Scott peeking from behind the couch. After a few seconds Noah look's scarred, Scott looks like he's about to pass out, and Mom just looks intrigued and a little nervous, "This says you have to give the mating bite to each other, but Stiles isn't a wolf."
I nod before crawling back into Stiles' lap, "He's not, but he is a spark. His spark recognizes me as their mate so in the moment his spark will provide the werewolf teeth that are needed for the mating process. From the looks on Noah and Scott's face I assume you got to the part as to why we have to be gone for a week?"
She slowly nodded before handing the book back to me only to be intercepted by Erica snagging it from her grip. Erica scans through the marked pages before whistling, "Yeah, definitely see why you gotta leave for a week. You'll be having loads of fun, multiple times."
I roll my eyes before walking over to her and taking the book out of her hands with a sigh, "Erica, can you not make jokes about it? It's something serious. Yeah, we get to have sex a lot, but it's a forever thing. It's not like marriage, we can't change our minds later and divorce, which even if it was it wouldn't happen, I've been in love with him since I was like seven so that wouldn't happen, but still. We'll be even more connected than we are now and it'll kill us to be away from each other for more than a day. I'll be able to feel his emotions, and he'll feel mine. It's going to take us a few days to balance everything and get used to the changes so it isn't all hot sex and love making there's other things we have to learn to balance out before I'll be in control of my wolf again. To be honest she's practically salivating at the mouth to beat the shit out of you because she thinks you're making fun of her or something."
Erica deflates a little and a small whine is barely audible as she apologizes, "I'm sorry Y/N/N, I can smell how stressed and nervous you two are, I was just trying reduce some of your stress." I smile and squeeze her bicep in a comforting manner before turning to everyone, "Okay, anyone that isn't blood related to us needs to scram. We need to go over the finer details with Mom and Noah, and Scott has to stay so if he passes out Mom can deal with it."
Everyone chuckles except for Scott who pouts, "I'm not gonna pass out, it's just gross. It's like helping my sister and brother plan on how to bone each other for the next week."
I roll my eyes as I usher everyone out, "Jesus Scotty, you aren't helping us plan anything it's just nice to have the support of my brother."
After everyone left and the only one's left were Mom, Scott, and Noah I make my way back over to Stiles before curling up into his lap finding that it helps calm the stupid wolf who is currently rolling around like an idiot with her tongue out.
After sitting in silence for a few minutes Noah clears his throat, "So, are you guys leaving tonight? If it gets as painful as the book says it was I feel like the sooner you left the better."
Well, that wasn't expected. Stiles looks at his dad with wide eyes before finding the words he's trying to say, "Y-you aren't going to try and stop us? We can't technically go anywhere without permission from you and Mel, but I was expecting you to try and talk us out of it."
This time Mom leans forward and shakes her head with a soft smile, "I read the first page and the way they described the pain of prolonged heat cycles I'm okay with it as long as Noah is. I mean, I know you two are sexually active." She's cut off by a dramatic gag from Scott who she rolls her eyes at before continuing, "I know you plan on getting married, I've seen the ring, and he asked me for your hand in marriage when he was ten and I gave it to him then so I'm not going to change my mind now. I'd sign the papers for you to get married tomorrow if that's what you wanted because Stiles is less than a month away from being 18 and you and Scott are only a few months younger than him so you're pretty close to 18 too. Add on the supernatural angle of it and there is no chance that either of you will split up. I knew that without even knowing about the whole werewolf mate crap. So if you want to do this I'll support you the whole way."
I sniffle and squeeze Stiles' hand as Noah sighs, "As much as I don't want my only child to grow up so fast, I agree with Melissa. Knowing you two you probably have somewhere to go and you two are pretty much married as it is, although I sense that Y/N will practically be living here wants you two get back, so there will be some boundaries which is really just one, please, for the love of God, no PDA in front of me."
I perk up at the permission to pretty much live with them before turning to straddle Stiles but before I can say anything to him I realize this position probably wasn't the best idea when I rub against his abs just right. I realize that any and all control I had was about five seconds away from saying hasta la vista and booking a one way ticket to the Bahamas and that if I plan to not break the no PDA rule we have to leave.
I stand and straighten my shirt acting as if nothing happened before grabbing Stiles' hand and pulling him up, "Okay, Mom, Noah, nice talk but I think it's time we go. We'll be staying at a private rental house type thing a few towns over, probably forty-five minutes away so if you need us, uh, I guess call me, but ONLY if it's an emergency."
Before they have time to answer I give them a quick hug and kiss on the cheek before patting Scott on the shoulder and booking it out the door as I yell, "I'll be in the jeep. Stiles make it quick, I beg of you."
Not even ten seconds after I get in the jeep Stiles is running down the stairs and flinging his door open and climbing in. No words are spoken as he starts the jeep and takes off down the road.
I take a deep breath and nod, "Okay, I see why you said we had to leave school early. I want to apologize in advance because I can't promise that there won't be ripped clothes once we get inside and I want you to know that I really, really love you and I want to do this. I want to spend forever with you and I really want to see that ring now."
He chuckles before grabbing my thigh gently, and somehow it grounds me instead of working me up even more, "I actually have the ring with me because I was thinking that maybe we could go ahead and start planning a wedding. Assuming you want to."
I smile and grab his hand, "Is this you asking me to marry you? In a very untraditional way?"
"Maybe, do you want me to ask you to marry me?"
I nod once and answer without hesitation, "Yes."
He chuckles and squeezes my leg, "Okay then, Y/N light of my life, the woman I want to spend eternity with, will you marry me?"
I squeeze his hand even tighter accidently as excitement courses through my veins, "Yes. Absolutely, si, ja, oui, and any other way you can say yes. I've dreamed of marrying you since you kissed me under the slide in second grade. God you were a good kisser back then for only being 8, but damn you've upped your game, in the last two years since all this bullshit started."
I smirk at the blush that climbs up his neck and spreads across his cheeks, "So, how long till we get there because I'm not going to lie the thought of having sex with my fiancé is making this feeling worse and I am desperate."
He groans and shudders, "About ten minutes but I can make it in five."
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jpnriikicore · 1 year
── super shy
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paring stiles stilinski x mccall!reader, word count 1k, genre fluff, authors note ngl this is my fav writing piece i've done so far 🫶🏻( masterlist )
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your standing on the bleachers during a lacrosse practice before tonight’s game. as your a photographer for the year book club you decided to take a few pictures of the lacrosse team for the page that was going to be dedicated to them.
you zoomed your lens in on one player in particular, stiles stilinski. he was talking with the coach - well, more like arguing which wasn’t unusual for the two. you snap a few pictures of him. truth be told, you had a crush on stilinski since fourth grade finding the boy's humor and sarcasm charming.
as he gets back into line to continue to practice he notices you and waves at you. you back away from the camera shyly waving back at him.
you sit down on the bleachers searching through your bag to find a different lens. you were too busy with finding the lens that you completely ignored the sound of someone walking up the bleachers.
"you coming to the game tonight?" his voice slightly startled you as you look up at him. he knew that it was a stupid question. you came to every single game, but he got to nervous and just asked the first question that came to his mind.
he was always incredibly nervous in front of you. either he’s to shy to talk to you which like never happens when talking with anyone else. if you asked everybody else in the school if stiles was talkative or not they would reply that stiles never shuts up. or he would ramble on about the most stupidest topics. well, he believed that it was stupid, but you didn’t you find it to add to his charm and personality.
"yeah!" you nodded looking up at him.
"stilinski!" coach yelled grabbing the attention of the two teenagers.
"see you there," he pointed finger guns at her. she smiled at the playful action. "i-i gotta go get back to practice." he pointed with his thumb behind towards the field.
"yeah, okay. see you at the game stilinski."
luckily, stiles wasn’t on the bench anymore and actually got to play. you sat down on the bleachers next the sheriff and your mom, melissa. like normal game day your wearing braids with red ribbons and a red sweater due to the cold weather with the number '11' on the back to support your brother.
you bought your camera to take a few more pictures. though you tried to take pictures of all of the players fairly for the yearbook you couldn’t help, but notice that the majority of the pictures you took was of stiles. you put your camera down to focus on the game happening in front of you. you looked over to the scoreboard taking notice that beacon hills was winning a few points ahead.
stiles glanced over at you and now is completely emerged about the thought of you. his mind wasn’t focused on the game by any means. you looked too alluring making all his interest go on you. the wind moves a few pieces of your hair that managed to get loose from your braids that exposed '24' painted in red on your cheek. it was a small subtle thing, but it made butterflies irrupt in his stomach.
he managed to get his focus back on the game after getting snapped back into reality by scott. he threw the ball into the net scoring the last point for beacon hills to win. while the other players celebrated he searched for you in the crowd that formed on the field.
you snapped a few more pictures of the players celebrating after the win before packing up your camera equipment which lead to you being one of the last ones to get off the bleachers. you walked through the crowd trying to find your brother to tell him congratulations.
stiles found you first though rushing up to you lifting you up from the ground spinning you around. in shock a few giggles escaped your mouth. a rush of excitement and adrenaline filled stiles as his body reacted before his mind could comprehend what he was doing. he kissed you.
"do you want to go on a date with me?" the words slipped without him thinking by the time he realized it was too late to backtrack his question. he swallowed nervously waiting for your answer.
"i would love to." you nodded, smiling up at him. you held his hand as you walk to the parking lot to your truck. you could tell your brother congratulations once he got home.
you chuck your camera equipment in the passenger seat through the rolled down window of the drivers seat. once you turns around to face stiles once again he trapped you between his body and the truck. his hand resting on the truck and the other carefully cradling your jaw. he leans in kissing you yet again. you melted into the kiss wrapping your arms around his neck pulling him closer. you could definitely get used to this.
"can i see the pictures you took?" he mumbled against your lips.
"yeah." you nodded reaching for the bag that sitting in the driver seat and unzips it getting the camera. you turn to him as you turn the camera on handing it to him. a bright smile paints his face.
"seems like you have a crush on someone." he teased, playfully pushing his shoulder on yours. you looks down in embarrassment kicking the small pebbles in the parking lot with you shoe.
"i've had a crush on you since fourth grade." you admitted lowly.
"i've had a crush on you since we met in the sandbox."
your face lit up at his confession. one night could truly change everything. at one point of tonight you was just childhood friends now you planned on going on a date next friday and kissed twice within the span of five minutes. what you believed was unrequited love for so many years turns out not to be as unrequited as what you believed.
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wordsarelife · 6 months
—invisible string
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pairing: isaac lahey x fem!reader
summary: the three times isaac and you realized that you were connected by an invisible string
warnings: none i think
note: just imagine kitchen and dining room of the mccall house being in different rooms please!!
1. when you guys met for the first time
isaac lahey did not expect anyone to jump to his rescue, let alone give him a home in a world where he had no place to go. maybe it was just because he always thought that he did not deserve that kind of care. and he had been right, right until he had met scott mccall at least.
the boy that had made it his mission to save isaac and bring him home with him. like a friend, or even a brother.
at first it was hard for isaac to face that it was just incredible kindness that motivated scott to do what he did, he didn't have a reason for it, it was not of any worth, no, actually, it was just nice.
"tell me if you need anything else" scott patted his shoulder, before he left the guest room, leaving isaac sitting on the bed.
"thank you" isaac muttered more to himself than anyone else, hiding his face in his hands and breathing out in relief. he was safe and he knew it.
when he came down to dinner later, scott was already setting the table. isaac turned his head to look into the kitchen, but there was no sight of melissa, just an unfamiliar girl, who was stirring a pot.
the first thing that he noticed were the amount of bracelets that covered your arms, they did not have any specific color, they were ranging from pink to brown to green and they nearly covered your entire arms up to the elbow.
you were also incredibly beautiful, as you were starring into the pot in deep concentration, not even noticing his eyes on you.
"isaac?" scott called and isaac turned his head, walking away from the kitchen and back into the dining room.
"where's your mom?" he asked, taking the glasses from scott and setting them down on the table.
"she had to take an extra shift" scott explained.
"okay" isaac nodded "who's the girl in the kitchen?"
"girl in the kitchen?" scott repeated laughing "are you trying to prank me?"
isaac shook his head, unsure if scott was joking or if he really didn't know that there was a girl in his kitchen.
"she's cooking" isaac shrugged and scott furrowed his brows, seemingly just now noticing the smell of warm and delicious soup that was hanging in the air.
"mom left us some soup" scott said "but i still have to warm it" he looked between dining room and kitchen in confusion. "girl in the kitchen" he repeated again, muttering to himself.
"i already warmed it for you" you said as you entered the room, under both boys surprised shrieking, the pot filled with soup in your hand. you set it down on the table.
"y/n" scott breathed, directing a hand to his chest as he sighed in relief.
"hey" you smiled, before you hugged the boy. "you must be isaac" you shook isaacs hand smiling "i'm y/n"
"what are you even doing here?" scott asked, before isaac was able to answer the greeting "i thought you weren't back for another week"
"well i got off a bit sooner, but thanks for beeing so cheerful about it" you laughed, walking into the kitchen to get a plate for yourself.
"is she a friend of yours?" isaac asked "and if so, why have i never met her?"
"yeah, she's stiles' younger sister" scott explained as he sat down and isaac followed his example "she was studying abroad for a year"
"stiles should be here any minute" you noted, taking a look on your phone as you sat down across from the boys. "but i think it would be alright if we began to eat without him"
"so you're back huh?" scott nodded "and the first thing you decide is to come back here.. wait, how did you even come inside?"
"oh" you laughed, filling your plate with soup "i came through the window"
"if that isn't the typical stilinski manner" scott muttered disapprovingly.
"i could come through your bedroom window and step onto your face if you would like that more" you said defensively, "i thought the kitchen window was a good alternative, not my fault you leave them open all the time"
"i'm sorry" scott rolled his eyes, deciding that it was no use to fight with you. "how have you been?"
"good" you smiled "look at these" you raised your arms, displaying the colorful bracelets "my kids made them for me before i left"
"your kids?" isaac asked, hesitantely engaging in the conversation.
"i trained a dance team" you explained "all the girls made me bracelets so that i wouldn't forget them"
"that’s cool” isaac muttered, before he quickly looked down when your eyes fell on him.
you smiled. "so scott told me you're living with him now, how's the mccall household treating you?"
scott chuckled at the motherly tone you were speaking in, always the protector.
"it's pretty fresh" isaac answered and felt a lot less uncomfortable when he looked up and saw you smile "but i really appreciate it"
"that's great" you laughed. isaac noticed you opening your mouth to maybe ask another question when you were interrupted by a sound upstairs.
a mere second later, stiles was walking down the stairs. "hey guys"
"could you both please stop coming into the house through the windows?" scott asked "it's weird"
"no it's not" you and stiles said at the same time. your brother smiled as you patted the seat next to you. "i made soup"
"no" scott corrected "my mom made soup, you just happened to break into my house and warm it up before i got the chance to"
"your mom... your house" you muttered "these are harsh words to throw at someone who's been practically saving your ass since middle school, scotty"
"yeah, aren't we all a big family?" stiles asked outstretching his hands in scott's direction, who looked unamused at the siblings chatter.
"yeah" isaac nodded.
"not you blondie" stiles hissed, quickly smiling again as he noticed scott's disapproving look.
"oh, how i missed you both together" scott sighed, continuing to eat, while stiles and you started a discussion about the ending of the most recent star wars film.
isaac watched amused how everything seemed to set back into place, your dynamic making it clear that the three of you were like siblings. deep down he wished that he had something like this as well, a friendship that could make all his sorrows disappear.
later when isaac was up in the guest room, unpacking a few things, there was a knock on his door. thinking that it was scott, isaac called the person in without looking.
"looks pretty comfortable" it was not scott, but you who was now standing in the door.
"uh, yeah" isaac answered unsurely, clutching his hand to the back of his neck.
"scott told me about derek" you said, catching him off-guard "and i just wanted to say that i know that he can be harsh sometimes, but he'll come around"
"thank you" isaac nodded, sitting down the last of his pictures.
"is that your mom?" you asked, walking closer to him. isaac nodded and you smiled "i think i have seen her before, i think she went to high school with my mom"
"really?" isaac asked suprised at your revelation.
"we met her a few times" you continued "my mom told me a few stories, they were friends i believe"
"huh" isaac huffed "funny"
"yeah" you smiled "it really is"
his body felt lighter at the warm feeling of familiarity that entered his chest. maybe, after all, the kind of friendship he was longing for wasn't so far away.
2. picking you up from the worst date of your life
the phone vibrated off the night table, but isaac caught it before it could hit the ground. he wasn't really awake yet, having gone to bed a bit sooner than normal. as he threw a look at his alarm clock, he noticed the time being well past midnight.
"hello?" his voice was hoarse, but it seemed like the person on the other end did not mind.
"isaac?" you asked and he sat up straight as he recognized your voice.
"yes, it's me" he could hear you cry into the phone "could you come and pick me up?"
he was already putting on his pants, before your voice had even come to the end of the sentence. "where are you?"
it took a few seconds for you to respond. "i'm at the school, i'm walking there now"
"are you alone?" isaac asked surprised, recalling the date with a boy from your year you had told him about just a day before.
"yes" you muttered into the phone. isaac walked out of the house and got into his car. "the date was horrible"
"i'm sorry" he said, unsure what he could answer instead, as he drove onto the street "i'll stay on the phone, okay? i'll be there in five minutes"
"i'm sorry for calling" you cried, the guilt lacing your voice "i probably woke you up, but i didn't know who else to call"
"it's alright, don't worry about it"
"no, it's not" he could hear you shake your head "i would've called stiles or scott, but they've gone on that stupid trip to who knows where trying to get this artifact"
"yeah, yeah, i know" isaac could already see the school coming closer "are you there yet? at the school i mean"
"yeah, i'm standing on the parking lot"
just a moment later, the car came to a halt and you opened the door, sliding into the seat next to him. you were wearing a black dress, one that was making you look even more beautiful than normally. your hair was flowing over your shoulders and your make up was ruined by the black mascara that was still dripping over your cheeks.
"hey" isaac said softly "you look beautiful"
you laughed, closing your eyes "i look anything but beautiful" you argued "thank you for coming, i would've walked home, but-"
he interrupted you before you could finish your sentence "-i'm glad you called"
"thank you" you said again and isaac just smiled, driving the car back onto the street. he pressed the radio, making the cd that was still in it start to play.
"paramore?" you asked susprised "i wouldn't have held you for a fan"
isaac laughed "i even went to their concert a few years ago"
"really? so did i" you gushed "which year?"
"me too" you laughed "who would've thought"
your sadness evaporated into thin air, as you continued to listen to the music, both isaac and you singing along to it softly, making you laugh at how terrible the both of you sounded.
isaac's body felt lighter at the warm feeling of familiarity that entered his chest for the second time since the both of you had met. maybe, after all, there was a much more important reason why your date had went the way it did. maybe something had changed.
3. discovering you were soulmates all along
you were following your brother and scott into the basement of the old church, careful not to trip over the ruins that were scattered all around.
isaac was close behind you, holding your hand to stabalize your walk.
derek was already down there, calling for the four of you to hurry up, which made you roll your eyes.
"it's not like i'm a werewolf who can run down there without getting hurt"
isaac grunted at your words, squeezing your hand.
when the four of you entered the dark room, derek was already leaning against the wall, arms crossed staring at you disapprovingly.
"i hope you didn't have to wait for too long" you smiled sarcastically and derek rolled his eyes, making a displeasured sound.
"what are we even searching for?" isaac asked as he watched scott and stiles walk through the room, looking around.
"anything" scott shrugged and stiles grimaced at his best friends words.
"to put it clearly" the boy said "we don't know yet, but i'll guarantee that you will as soon as it enters your hand" he patted isaac's shoulder, before he continued searching the room.
"fine" isaac muttered and you followed him to look at an old desk that was overflown by stacks of paper. silence flew over the five of you, as you continued sorting through the papers, only interrupted by isaac or you giggling when one of you would make a whispered joke.
"woah" scott's voice bounced off the walls and made all of you turn your heads at the mccall boy.
"what the—" stiles said, joining scott's side and looking at whatever it was that scott was holding in his hand. even derek had grown suspicious, lurking over the heads of both boys, before all three, scarily at the same time, looked up at isaac and you across from them.
"what?" you laughed uncomfortably, not enjoying your friends surprised staring. "did i accidently ruin a christian artifact again?" you asked as no one answered.
"again?" isaac asked you confused, you shook your head, silently telling him that now was not the right time to talk about your past mishaps.
"what is it?" you were slowly reaching the point were slight annoyance was ready to turn into anger. "can one of your start speaking?"
"it's a picture" derek said in typical derek manner.
"wow, thank you" you smiled sarcastically, before you crossed the room, snatching the picture out of scott's hand. your blood ran cold when your eyes fell on it and your smile died.
you looked up, watching isaac, then your eyes darted immediately back to the picture. you continued doing that over and over again.
"y/n?" isaac asked, unsurely. he had hoped that you getting the picture from scott would allow him an answer to your friends weird behaviour, instead you were now acting just as weird.
he stepped closer to you and without a word, you turned the picture and held it in his direction. it was a picture of the exact church you were in right now, taken in front of the alter.
there were two people, dressed formally, no doubt husband and wife, who were both smiling into the camera. isaacs eyes darted across the picture, searching for any kind of information, maybe this was just a joke.
"marlene and ian lawson" he read "june of 1847"
"this is a joke, right?" you asked. it had to be, because both people in the picture were looking like carbon copies of you and isaac.
"i don't think so" scott muttered behind you.
isaac's eyes were still fixated on the picture. using his finger, he gently slid over the woman's dress, the white gown easily slipping over the floor of the church. while she was looking into the camera, her husband was only focused on her, his smile so precious that you could read the love from it directly.
"it has to be" you insisted "isaac"
he looked up suddenly as his name rang out from your mouth. his body felt lighter at the warm feeling of familiarity that entered his chest. his eyes were crashing into yours and your look of anger was gone, softening your features.
"i don't think it is a joke, y/n" isaac shook his head "i think it's more than that"
isaac had never felt the feeling he was experiencing now, but it almost felt like a part of his soul was connecting to yours, intertwining them like two hands that had been searching for each other for a long time.
you furrowed your brows "you think this means something, something for us?"
"i don't know" isaac shrugged "it could"
just watching you, was like flowing in warm water, the water never rose, it was always calm, safe from every storm.
your friends turned around, not quite understanding what the two of you were talking about, going back to their initial task of searching for clues, as you took the picture out of isaac's hand. you opened your bag, slowly pushing it inside.
"i will keep it for us" you assured, before you kissed his cheek, doing the same as the others and going back to work.
isaac felt something in him sink, not in a bad way. more like an anchor that was thrown into the water, making sure that the ship would not leave the harbor, making sure that he would never leave you.
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ineedmorefanfics2 · 2 years
Teen Wolf Masterlist
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✧ Drabbles
“I want to go home to my wife.” Derek Hale X Fem!Reader
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chloe-skywalker · 1 year
Bad Brother - Scott Mccall
Scott x fem!reader sister
Warnings: none
Word count: 582
Requested:TW imagine the reader is Scott sister and you always have your drawing book sketch book and the pack take a look at it and Scott sees ur depressing art work and forbidden love work and realises he hasn't been he best brother ever. @cokecola4211
Authors Note: Thanks for liking the Mal one so much that you requested this again but with Teen Wolf
Teen Wolf Masterlist
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“Shoot! Y/n/n were gonna be late! Come on.” Maila shouted after seeing the time on Stiles' watch. She jumped up grabbing her bag and y/n’s wrist, pulling her along with her to the class they were gonna be late for.
“Wait-” Stiles called after them but they were already to far away to hear him. “Maila’s sure in a rush. Y/n forgot her sketchbook.”
“Shit. She’s gonna freak. I’ll make sure she gets it.” Scott picks it up. He could tell that a lot of the pages had been used up just by looking at the sides. Throughout the day he hadn’t been able to find his sister to give it back to her, but his will also broke when he couldn’t take it anymore and peaked. But what he found made him keep looking and the more he looked the more concerned he got. The more he realized he hadn't been a good brother.
Later that day after school once Y/n came home she entered their home and sat down in the kitchen where her mom was getting ready to leave for work.
“What's wrong, sweetheart?” Melissa asked upon looking at her daughter and seeing her mood.
“I lost my sketch book at school.” Y/n whined as she rested her head on her folded arms. Not at all happy that anyone could just look in it.
“I’m sure you’ll find it at school tomorrow. Go to the Office tomorrow and see if they found it. “ Melissa suggested hoping that it would help. Y/n was very attached to it so she was sure her daughter was very stressed.
“Yeah.” Y/n grunted that's all she could do.
“I’ll see you and your brother tomorrow.” she told her as she walked over kissing Y/n on the head before leaving to start her long night shift.
“Bye mom.” Y/n could out as her mom shut the door.
With that Y/n decided to grab a snack and headed up stairs to her room. She was alone in there for a while doing homework before Scott came knocking on her bedroom door leaning against the door jam.
“Hey.” he said once, getting her attention. “Found this today. You left it at lunch.”
Y/n looked up and noticed he was holding her missing sketch book. “Thanks. I was worried someone took it.” She replied as she entered her room and handed it to her.
There was a moment of silence before Scott spoke. Trying to figure out what exactly he wanted to say. “Y/n.”
“Hmmm” Y/n hummed not looking up at him.
“I know we’ve been busy the last couple years with all the supernatural stuff-”
“You looked in it didn’t you.” Y/n cut him off, holding her sketchbook tightly to her chest.
“Yeah.” Scott nodded, admitting shamefully. “Y/n, you can talk to me. About anything and everything, at any time. You know that right?”
Y/n shrugged. “We’ve just been so busy and you’ve been dealing with Alpha stuff-”
Scott shook her head as he moved to sit on Y/n’s bed next to her. “I’ve been a terrible brother and I’m sorry. Can we promise we’ll talk more when somethings bothering us?”
Y/n smiled, it was weak but it was enough to encourage Scott. So he pulled her into him, hugging her. Something they hadn’t done in a long time it seemed.
“Yeah, I think I can do that.”
Taglist: @padawancat97
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topazy · 2 months
Pairing: Liam Dunbar x reader
Warnings: Swearing
Chapter: 6.04
You were thankful Scott’s mom hadn’t returned from work yet; you didn’t want to be there when Melissa McCall discovered the large black scorch marks on her ceiling or when Liam went to a party in her house. You were collecting red cups and other trash that was scattered across the living room and tossing them into a black bag.
Realizing you’re the only one cleaning, you drop the bag and say, “I’m gonna need some help if we want this done before Scott’s mom gets home.”
Hearing multiple heartbeats racing in the next room, you go through and see Scott, Liam, Mason, and Corey staring up at the ceiling. You walk towards them and gulp down, “That’s where the ghost rider came in. It looks like it was burned.”
“Usually you'd find charred spots like that on the ground after a violent thunderstorm.”
Scott’s eyes widen as he processes Mason’s words: “That's how the Ghost Riders got in. He rode the lightning.”
Liam tenses, “If they can use lightning to pass the mountain ash...”
“We can’t hide from them. Nowhere is safe.”
“What about the others?” Corey asks. “It's my fault they're marked.”
“Hey, it’s not. We are all still learning about the ghost riders.”
“We'll find a way to protect them. All of them.”
Although Scott was determined to save everyone, you still doubted it could be done. Breaking the gloomy atmosphere, you pull two black bags out of your pockets and shove them at Mason and Liam. “Come on, we better clean this place before Melissa kills us.”
Scott gives you an appreciated nod.
Frustrated, you shove your phone into your bag before going to join Liam and Mason in the library. You hadn’t heard back from your dad in a couple of days and were starting to become worried.
The first thing you notice sitting across from Liam is the frown on his face as he stares at the book in front of him. You felt bad for Liam; he still blames himself for what happened at Scott’s party. “The k-index quantifies the horizontal component of the earth's magnetic field.” He bites on the end of his pen, looking lost in a deep thought, before asking, “What’s a k-index?”
“It’s a scale that meteorologists use to measure thunderstorm activity,” Mason explains. “So, a k-index value less than twenty meters means no activity, and above thirty-five is severe.”
“How bad is it?”
"Well, your average storm has about ten thousand lightning strikes. In the past three months, the average storm in beacon hills has been five thousand.”
“What’s it reading now?”
Mason types onto his laptop and brings up what he’s looking for: “It’s at fourteen. We’re clear.”
“If a spike in the K index means more lightning, we could know if they're coming.” Liam says, sounding unsure.
“That’s good. As long as it stays low, we’re good.”
Just as the words leave your mouth, Mason’s computer starts beeping. A few students turn and glare in your direction as he struggles to turn it off. You can’t see the screen, but sensing how anxious they are both becoming, you know it’s something bad.
“What’s wrong?”
Mason gulps down, “Oh, this is really bad.”
Under the table, Liam links his fingers with yours, attempting to comfort the both of you the best he can.
You pace back and forth up the hallways of Beacon Hills High School. You keep glancing back over your shoulder, waiting to see someone standing there. You didn’t know how to describe it, but you just had a feeling that you shouldn’t be there alone. Someone else was supposed to be with you, helping you.
That could maybe be the answer if you knew who Stiles was.
Liam and Hayden had managed to get everyone who was at the party, aside from three lacrosse players, into the underground tunnels. Your uncle Chris and Malia were staying with them underground to keep them safe.
Since the majority of the lacrosse team and coach were in the boys locker room, you couldn’t go in to help try and persuade the players to leave. Hearing familiar footsteps, you turn and see nobody, yet you have the feeling someone is standing right in front of you.
“Stiles,” you whisper. “Stiles, can you hear me?”
“Lu, who are you talking to?”
“No one,” you mumble. Turning back around, you met a confused-looking Mason’s eye. “Where’s Scott and Liam?
“They are playing the game.”
You sit beside Mason on the bleachers, cringing as coach becomes more and more angry. The Bulldogs had scored three times, and your school's team hadn’t had one goal all game. You weren’t happy about Liam being out on the lacrosse field, but they reasoned it was the only way to keep the other players safe.
“What are you doing out there?! i'm gonna kill the three of you!”
“Look how red coach’s face is,” you whisper. “He looks like he’s gonna blow.”
“This is the worst ga—“ Mason doesn’t finish his sentence when he notices Scott and Liam looking at him from across the field. “But of course we have bigger things to worry about.”
Over the cheers and boos of the crowd, you hear someone saying your name; they were calling for you. Suddenly sensing who it was, you stand up, and Mason takes your hand to gain your attention. “What is it? What do you hear?”
“My dad's here; he’s with Parrish. He needs to talk to me.”
“Want me to come with you?”
“Find Hayden first, and then I’ll meet you inside. Liam and Scott will call if anything is wrong.”
You sprint from the bleachers towards the high school just as the light rain becomes heavy, soaking your clothes almost immediately. You burst through the doors. “Dad, dad?”
Derek appears behind you and pulls you into him. “We need to go.”
“Kate’s coming. We need to go now.”
“But I—“
“The ghost riders are afraid of hellhounds, which is why I called Parrish.” Placing his hand on your back, Derek starts moving you towards the exit. “I’m parked outside. Soon as Liam is here, then we are leaving.”
“Liam is coming?”
He pushes the main doors open and says, “Liam will stay with you while I come back and help Scott and Chris with the ghost riders.”
On the opposite end of the hallway, you hear Hayden and Mason’s voices; they sounded panicked. You spin back around, “Somethings wrong!”
A brunette woman overtakes your friends while running in the hallway but is shot by one of the ghost riders bullets and disappears. Turning into his hellhound form, Parrish is shot by one of the ghost riders. The flames surrounding his body turn green, and he falls back, but is only momentarily stunned before getting back up.
The ghost rider turns its body to face in your direction and aims its gun at you. Growling, Derek shoves you forward just as the bullet skips past where you stood seconds before.
Parrish grabs the ghost rider from behind, giving Hayden and Mason a chance to run by it without being attacked.
You go to run outside but are pulled back. “There’s more out there, fuck.” Being faster than you, Derek takes hold of your hand and keeps you beside him. “Go to the nearest classroom and lock yourselves in.”
Mason’s eyes were widened with feet and adrenaline; he looked as if he were going to throw up. “The science lab is just down the next hall!”
The four of you make it to the classroom. Mason slips and falls. Derek, let’s go of your hand to help him up. Just as you’re about to step inside, a black cord tightens around your ankle. You sink your claws into the side of the door to fight against the ghost rider trying to pull you backwards.
You let out a piercing scream, “Dad!”
The ghost rider pulls on the whip, dragging you along the floor. Expecting to be shot, you squeeze your eyes shut, but they quickly open when the pressure around your ankle disappears. Derek had cut the cord with his claws before lunging on top of the ghost rider.
Hayden yanks you backwards into the classroom. There’s a bright flash of lightening, then the ghost rider disappears.
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