grenewoden · 1 year
@meiquene asked: i know what you’d do, given half the chance.
ㅤRobin had his hands to his face as he listened to her speak, grief and anger churning something awful in his gut. His fingers were pressed over his eyes, and perhaps if he pressed hard enough, he would not want to shout at her anymore. I know what you'd do, given half the chance. Fingers slipped, then, to the bridge of his nose, his eyes still shut tight as he bit back the urge to say something unkind.
ㅤA week ago, he had almost left Guy to die in the Derwent. It would have been the easiest thing in the world. A far sight easier than dragging him up onto the riverbank and rattling him back to consciousness. All for Marian's sake. And what good had that done, in the end? Marian was pleased, but Guy had learned nothing of mercy or decency. The ever-loyal hound had gone straight back to his old ways, desperate to please his master's cruelty. And now Marian sought to blame him for his anger.
ㅤ“ God above, ” he sighed and dropped his hands, finally turned from her window to look at her. Only Marian could inspire such love and hate in him, in equal measure. Tonight, he was sick of her. Of her mercy. Of the promise he did not wish to keep. “ I had me chance, lady. I could've drowned t' bastard -- should've and all! But I held me hand, which he never has and never will. And now look. ”
ㅤHe crossed over the room to her, half so that he might keep his voice low and half so she might see the clear anger on his face. “ There is nowt in that man's heart but cruelty. And I am tired of playing these silly games, saving a devil who cannot be saved. I reckoned thi to be smarter than this, Lady Marian. I reckoned it a more selfless heart that beat in tha breast. ”
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dolcesuono · 1 year
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" if you wish to make a full escape now, i promise your secret will be safe with me... " there was a knowing smile on her lips when the other young woman appeared on the terrace. the party inside was sweltering - too stuffy, too crowded, too full of those fine members of the ton hetty had only the flimsiest ounce of patience for. she would not be expected to sing again for another hour, so she'd beaten a hasty retreat outside to find a moment's peace. she was paid for her musical talents, after all, not her social ones... perhaps this young lady's thoughts ran along a similar line... " whatever you choose, i shall have seen nothing, " she added, making a mock toast with her glass of wine. she'd made off with some her hostess' fine vintage - as much a part of her fee as the coin itself...
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@meiquene --> 𝚂𝚃𝙰𝚁𝚃𝙴𝚁 𝙲𝙰𝙻𝙻
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elusivefop · 1 year
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@meiquene said: a man in your position should not listen to gossip.
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" sink me! a dreadful thought, that! " he exclaimed, fixing her with a disbelieving look through his elegant lorgnette. " not listen to gossip? perhaps your ladyship would then be so good as to tell me what a man in my position ought to do instead? " but there was a gleam of mischief behind his sleepy gaze and a tease lurking beneath the outrage in his words. he let out a dismissive tsk and waved the idea aside with one long-fingered hand. " egad! that would spoil all the fun - to be in the precise position to hear all the best gossip, only to be obliged to ignore it? " he suspected, of course, that the gossip she wished him to avoid was that which came with her own name attached. " 'tis a dreary existence indeed that you'd wish upon a poor chap like myself... "
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nursc-a2 · 1 year
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Which Nymph Are You?
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Meadow Nymph   (   elysian   )
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congrats on being known for roaming the land of flowers and herbs just to avoid your own responsibilities. meadow nymphs can easily be known for their heavy hearts and their love shown towards animals from all walks of life, you give and give until there's nothing left. take breaks and make sure you're recharging. 
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Celestial Nymph      (   main   )
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how do you do it? constantly radiate energy with purest intentions. too bad mankind constantly disappoints you, leaving you feeling used. don’t give up, we can all see your intentions are pure. Celestial nymphs are in charge of the unknown energy that causes everything to work out for the better. Continue to radiate pure intentions and keep singing and dancing amongst the cosmos
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tagging:    @patternsrhyme​  ( uhura ),  @beneviolencia​   ( janice ), @meiquene​, @whenthisstoryends​
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covrroucer · 1 year
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@meiquene gets a one-liner.
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"you pretend to understand, my lady, but you do not, and you never shall." with perfect gallantry, he kissed the tips of her fingers. "i shall leave the matter at that."
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grenewoden · 1 year
ㅤ“ I've not seen thi here before, ” he smiled, half-squinting into the sun as he stood with his hands on his hips. Robin was certain he would remember a face like hers. Even if he hadn't been in the area for all that long at all. He carried on walking beside her, back facing the direction they were strolling through the meadow, with that damn grin on his face. “ Is tha from t' village? ”
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grenewoden · 1 year
@meiquene asked: “Close your eyes. Just close them.”
ㅤRobin offered a rare mistrustful look, though it was not entirely serious. Narrowed eyes and furrowed brows never seemed to last -- at least, not for long -- around Marian these days. He did as she asked, chin held high as if he were trying very hard to make a point of playing along with her.
ㅤ“ If you'll be running away, thinking you're reet clever, I shall be chasing thi. Keep that in mind, now, Lady May. ” He was smiling. Easy as owt. “ 'Mon then. Don't keep us waiting. ”
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grenewoden · 1 year
ㅤHe made in through her window quiet as a cat, well versed by now in the art of not alerting Bess -- or any other soul that might be around -- to his presence in Marian's quarters. Robin had hardly promised anybody back at camp that he would take care not to be noticed this evening, but for all the great acts he put on, he wasn't that much of an idiot. Though, he certainly wore an idiot's grin as his eyes settled on Marian, a look upon her face as if she'd known he was going to be here. “ My love... ” were the only soft words to leave his lips as he crossed to embrace her.
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grenewoden · 1 year
ㅤ“ Apologies, lady. ” He was grinning in that way that suggested he was not sorry in the slightest -- which was, of course, completely true. Robin hopped up to the window of her carriage with all the ease of a man who knew her guard would not touch him, for there was never a soul safer in Robin's presence than Marian. “ I've come to rob thi. Tha's in outlaw country, dun't tha know? ”
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grenewoden · 2 years
@meiquene asked: come in and get warm.
ㅤ“ Lady Marian -- ” His laughter came in a cloud, warm breath against the icy Nottinghamshire air. Robin's face was pink with cold, his fingers near-frozen as he hoisted himself through her window. Silently, as ever, but for once with a wince, brief as anything. Quickly did he raise his hands to his mouth, trying to warm them with steady and full breaths as he stepped further into the room. This did not cease his usual teasing, however, and readily did he pipe up again with a, “ What would good Bess say if she knew you so readily invited an outlaw into your bedchamber? ”
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grenewoden · 1 year
@meiquene. call.
ㅤ“ Here! Here! ” The words were hissed out between the bars he was currently trapped behind. Robin had rushed to them at the very first sound of her voice, while David was only just now pulling himself to his feet and moving toward the bars. Robin felt his hand upon his shoulder, gripping tight, as he pushed his own through the gap in the bars to try and catch Marian's attention.
ㅤHow easy, how unbothered he looked when she came into view. And of course, that flirtatious grin flickered across his face. As if he were not to die in the morning. “ My, fancy meeting thee in a place such as this. ”
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grenewoden · 1 year
@meiquene. call.
ㅤ“ I want tha word, ” was spoken gently, as Robin squared his shoulders and bent his head, for once, to look Marian in the eye as he spoke. “ Tha'll follow us orders, as I give 'em. Swear it, lady. ”
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grenewoden · 1 year
@meiquene asked: ❝ what will you say if i asked you to make me your lady? ❞
ㅤ“ I thought tha was me lady. ” A playful smile was set upon Robin's lips, as if to tell her that he understood her meaning plainly but that wouldn't change anything. She should have asked, if she didn't want to play his games. But was that not why she asked such a question of him in the first place?
ㅤHe turned his gaze from her and back to the fire, prodding at the burning wood with a stick and frowning slightly. There was a smile fighting to find a place at his lips, though he was determined not to let it show. What would he say? She already knew the answer. This was, however, another part of their game.
ㅤ“ I reckon... if tha did ask, I'd remind thi that tha'd only be t' Lady o' t' Greenwood. ” He let himself smile. And he looked at her, discarding his little stick in the fire. “ T' Lady Wolfshead. Which is a bonny moniker, but all I could truly offer thi. ” A moment was spent, then, watching her face. This was no easy life, it was true, but Marian knew that well enough by now. Her hair was still shorter than it had been before. It was a testament to hard-learned lessons at the hand of hard-hearted people. She already was the Lady Wolfshead. The smile faded from his lips, just so. “ Does tha want that? Nowt but t' greenwood and t' love of a fool outlaw? ”
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grenewoden · 2 years
#GRENEWODEN. an independent roleplay blog for ROBIN HOOD of english folklore. set in the fourteenth century, largely inspired by legend and english history. written by MARTY (he/him, 25+). affiliated with @meiquene.
please read my rules before following / interacting. any memes i reblog are always open & accepting! this blog is new editor & iconless. i do write robin's dialogue in west riding dialect, but i will write in standard english for anyone who wants me to! you just have to ask, i won't mind at all.
rules. about. verses. current verses of interest are: canon, dragon age, modern.
as a general note: i do have some memory issues & this does impact my ability to run this blog. i may sometimes forget about drafts or plotting/starter calls or anything along those lines, so please feel free to give me a nudge if you think i might have forgotten about something! i won't be irritated by it at all and actually appreciate the reminder if it's been more than a week or so.
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covrroucer · 1 year
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@meiquene asked: ‘ how are you this evening,  mr. chauvelin ? ’
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chauvelin, if he was not mistaken, detected a hint of mockery in her voice that he did not entirely appreciate. she was far too clever not to have known what would ensue when she introduced a french revolutionary to the english king's knight. civility alone had kept the two of them from devolving into blows, and after reining in his temper for a little too long, chauvelin was in a less than stellar mood. after downing his glass of wine in one swallow, he twisted his lips and sucked a breath in through his teeth.
"better than sir guy, i hope."  
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