#mei changsu like 'but of course jingyan will never regard me as a friend so he can safely trust that i will not betray him! it's perfect!'
neuxue · 1 year
Xiao Jingyan: 你一定要把自己做的事都说得如此狠绝吗?// Must you speak so ruthlessly of everything you do? Mei Changsu: 我本来就是一个狠绝之人。人素来只会被朋友出卖,敌人是永远没有出卖和背叛的机会的。// I am a ruthless person. One can only be sold out by a friend; an enemy will never have the opportunity to sell or betray you. Xiao Jingyan: 这个我信。但你可知,你若如此待人,人必如此待你。先生如此聪慧,这个道理不会不懂吧。// That, I believe. But you must know that if you treat people this way, that is how they will treat you. With your intelligence, surely you must understand this. Mei Changsu: 我明白……可是我不在乎。殿下尽可以用任何的手段来试探我、考验我,我都无所谓。因为我知道自己心里忠于的是什么。我从来都没有想过要背叛。// I understand… but I don’t care. Your Highness may use any method you like to test me, examine me; it doesn’t matter. Because I know where my own heart's loyalties lie. And I have never held thoughts of betrayal.
anyway let's just add this to the 'conversations that are going to fucking haunt Xiao Jingyan once he realises who he was having them with' list
(it's like the langya list but with more knives)
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