passwordispassword · 4 months
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looooove her
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spiderprincess-suffet · 3 months
@cementarybf I bring a Sully and her proxies as well as a few other folks meheheehe!
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danineedshelp · 10 months
Not so sneaky..
My dear anon here's your meal eat it while its hot
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Summery: Jax was being a sneaky rabbit snooping around in someone's room and noticed a moment to late to realize Ragatha was watching him she decides to take manners into her own hands...
Lee Jax
Ler Ragatha
Jax slowly walks down the hallway full of doors with faces on each of them . Once he spots the oak door with a doll face on its surface he gets a key outta nowhere and unlocks the locked knob . His hand pushes the door open slightly just enough for him to fit through .
Once he enters the room his ears perk up too excited he quickly finds a place to put a sweet prank ! Meanwhile Ragatha was also walking down the long hallway . When she got close to her door she saw it was opened "Who would be in my room right now?" Ragatha asked herself with confusion . When she walked in her room she noticed jax "Ja..JAX WHAT THE HECK WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY ROOM!?"
She screamed angrily . Jax heard her and turned around and looked at her with mischievous smile "Whaat can a rabbit not have his fun?" He said with a smile . "WELL APPARENTLY NO!!" Ragatha yelled . "Wait...you didn't put any centipedes in here did you?" She said with a worried look . Maybe I didn't maybe I did ? Jax replied with a mischievous grin . ARGGH JAX WHY THAT'S LITERALLY MY ONLY FEAR WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS !!! She yelled with a mad face .
Jax chucked at her screaming . "You know what just get out of my room ! " She said with 10x the anger she had before . "Whaat no I not even done ." Jax replied with a annoyed look . Ragatha couldn't take it anymore and just decided to grab Jax by his ears softly and drag him out of her room but then she heard a little tiny squeak from him . "Jax? What's wrong did I grab too hard ?" She said with a worried expression . "Nohoho imim finne " he giggled .
Ragatha didn't understand what was so funny so she decided to slowly move her hands upwards on Jax ears . He giggled more intensely when she did that . She had figured Jax was ticklish if this was the reaction he was giving to her hands touching his ears . Ragatha heard Jaxs laughter started to rise in volume when stroking her fingers up and down on his ears "Heheh Jax are you ticklish?" She asked with a chuckle . Jax tried to say no but failed miserably responding with high pitched laughter instead . "I take that as a yes!"
Ragatha said smirking . "NOHOHOHAHAAHAHARAGS STAAAP!!" Jax screamed . "Awh Jax I just found out you were ticklish and I just started tickling you I'm not gonna stop now ,how about I... tickle your sides instead hehe!"! Ragatha replied with a teasing voice .Jax was having a hard time trying to fight back the tickling it was bad enough that the doll was poking one of his weak spots and it didn't help that she was talking to him in a teasing voice . "HEHEHEHAAAHHAHAA RAGATHA PLEHAHAHASE SOMHOHOHAHAHAONE ISIS GONNA HEHEAR MEHEHEEHE!"Jax pleaded .
Ragatha just Ignored Jax and just raised her hands to his arm pits which got him squealing like crazy . "Wow Jax your really sensitive right here"! Ragatha said with excitement . She continued to tickle Jax like crazy until he was at his breaking point . Tears started rolling down Jax's face . HAAAHHHHAHAA NOHOHO MORE PLEHAHASE I CAHAANT TAHAAHKE IT ! Jax begged .
Ragatha decided to stop and give him a break . "Hehe you know Jax your laugh is really adorable!" Ragatha said while patting Jax on the head . This made him blush . "hehe noho it's not . Jax said still giggling . "I'll tell everyone that your ticklish if you don't admit it ~. Ragatha mumbled .
"Wait what !?" Jax replied ."Oh nevermind heheh ."Ragatha chuckled .
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doppelcoworker · 2 months
(OOC: meheheeh RP scenario- if it's okay with you! I love seeing these two interact 😭)
[The young boy walks into the room all sleepy like. He's hair is fluffy mess. As he greets doppel.]
(OOC: I'm too lazy to change the sprite so just imagine-)
Hey, uncle doppel...
[He yawns, having trouble keeping his eyes open. He's in his usual outfit but it looked like it was put on lazily.]
- @yourfavoritecousinwinnie
"Hi, kiddo…"
> [ The doppelganger doesn't bother trying to correct Winnie at this point, so he just let the kid call him whatever. ]
> [ He noticed how exhausted Winnie looked. His eyebrows furrowed as he proceeded to try and find a blanket for the little guy. ]
"You… you look sleepy, you need a place to rest?"
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I literally just sent you an ask but I'm here to send another if that's alright!
Ler sanemi, Lee genya + tanjiro
Mmmm... He may not have a chance, it's 2 vs 1 and... Who am I kidding, let's go for them!
Warning: This fanfic contains tickles. Also remind them that I don't speak English, so if they find any errors, let me know to correct it. I hope you like it!
Ler: Sanemi Shinazugawa
Lee: Genya Shinazugawa and Tanjiro Kamado
'How dare you say that to Genya?!' 'Tanjiro... There's no need... He didn't...', Tanjiro puffed out his cheeks angrily, Genya was crying because of something Sanemi told him, well, Tanjiro didn't know, Genya was crying because of something else. Accusing Sanemi was just a guess of Tanjiro's
'What are you talking about brat?! I did not say anything! I just saw it!' 'You lie! Genya is now part of the Kamaboko Squad and I won't let one of my friends cry!' Tanjiro crossed his arms, lifting his chin trying to intimidate, intimidate a Hashira
'Tanjiro! My aniki did nothing! I cried because I accidentally hit myself before seeing you! He didn't tell me anything!', Tanjiro's smile froze, feeling the furious glare of the Wind Hashira, he had screwed up.
'So. Trying to intimidate and accuse me, huh? Very good...', Sanemi cracked his knuckles while smiling. 'Tanjiro! Run!- WOAH!', Genya tried to warn, but nothing helped, both he and Tanjiro were thrown to the ground and immobilized by Sanemi
'Ahahanihihiki! Nohoho!! Spahahare meee! It was Tanjiro! Nohohot meheheeh' 'GAHAHAHA!! GEHEHENYA!!', Sanemi didn't care, they were both to blame.
Tanjiro for blaming him and Genya for not having spoken before, but of course the intensity of the tickling was different, Genya's were gentle and Tanjiro's were strong.
'Do you think I care!? You two made me angry and now you will suffer my wrath, pray to the gods that someone comes and saves you, why won't I stop!', Tanjiro and Genya believed him, he could be bitter and all, but boy did he like to torment with that game so childish
'EEEEEE!! ANIKIII!! NAHAHAHA!! PLEHEHEHAHASEEE!! NOHOHOT THE NEHEHEHCK!!' 'Hey!! WAHAIT!! HAHAHASHIRA-SAHAHAMA!! FOHOHORGIVE MY MIHIHISTAKEEE!!', Tanjiro and Genya tried to take him down with different attacks, but, Sanemi was a hashira, they had no chance and doing that only increased the tickle
'First you come and accuse me. And you think that I will forgive you and just let go? Not at all, let's see let's see. Who am I going to snort at first?', nope, no fun for them
They didn't know how much time had passed, but it was probably a long time because they were crying from laughing so much and their stomach was starting to hurt a little. Even though Sanemi had figured out who made him snort first, that didn't stop his attack.
With Genya it was subtle, because he didn't want to hurt him and because he knew how sensitive he was, and with Tanjiro, well, it was the opposite...
'Sanemi, what are you doing?', that familiar voice. Giyuu
'TOHOHOMIOKA-SAN!!! *squeals* HEHEHELP US!!! *screams* WAHAHAHA!!! *snort* PLEHEHEASE!!' 'HEHEHELP!! *screams* NEHEHEHEMI!!!*snort* ANIKIII!!!', Giyuu sighed and shook his head, he saw Shinazugawa angry, I guess he had what
'Sanemi, let them go', he brought his face closer to Sanemi's, who released them out of shame. Giyuu smiled, satisfied.
'Are you two alright?' 'Yehehehees! Thahahanks! You sahahave us!' 'Hehehehe!' Giyuu sighed and turned to Sanemi, wiggling his fingers.
'Don't you learn, Shinazugawa?', meh, Sanemi will be fine, Giyuu, maybe not
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the-text-party · 2 years
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deathtriangle11 · 3 years
Saturday, March 13th – 10:15am – a cute bookshop – @mitzi-zhang​ ​
She had originally been stopping by mountaineering outfitters shop on her day off. They had a decent secondhand section at the back of the shop that she often bought her day-to-day wear at, and she always enviously looked on at the high end climbing spike attachments, or at the £600 all weather jacket with too many pockets to count. Greer had run her hands along the fleece coats, and the sharp edges of climbing axes, and she did start to realize that maybe some of the newer items weren’t completely out of her budget – not with the nice extra padding that war had given her bank account. But she had already been planning on saving that money for a flight and overlanding trip to Iceland, so secondhand was still the most viable option. She had meant to just pick up a new wicking t-shirt and catch the train back to her apartment, but then she had stepped outside, and the little quaint bookshop next door had a display that caught her eye.
It was stupid really – she didn’t read that often – but for whatever reason, she could never get enough of memoirs, especially the ones written by comedians. They had the surface level humor that could be swallowed by anyone, but underneath the underneath was always what had fascinated Greer, the story of broken people, of desperation to please, of hardships behind the laughs. She quickly steps into the shop and navigates towards the display, ignoring all the cutely dressed hipster and so-called dark academia wannabes, and peruses the selection.
At first, she ignores the person that moves to stand beside her. She can’t tell if the woman is actually looking at the books or just going to pass by, but as she lingers, Greer peeks up and then looks away. 
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And then she looks back. “Oh my god, Mitzi Zhang.”
Recognition ignites between them. This was the chick that had partied with her for four nights straight in Florence when Greer had been staying in a rowdy hostel that had annoyed the hell out of her. They had met casually at a bar, and decided to spend a few days together, beating a path up and down the city to the sound of music and drunken laughter. Greer also remembers uncharitably, how petty she had been sometimes, how her sarcasm was a little too much when drunk. Greer had had fun partying with her, but she could never see her being friends. And yet, here she was, standing next to Mitzi, in the middle of a god damn bookstore. “Greer Reed from Florence. How have you been?” The interest sounds fake in Greer’s own ears, but she pushes it away in lieu of frivolous conversation.
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jae-canikeepyou · 5 years
i wanna do tea asks as well!🍃 send in some 🙈
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kasey-writes-stuff · 2 years
Little space
This is for lee Dream month and specifically for the couch/ bean bag day and the comfort day a bit as well!
Dream has been sitting editing for the last five or six hours and usually he would go much much longer but he pouted crossing his arms over his tummy as he began to feel his tummy grumble and also felt his head getting cloudy… he quickly saved his work before he got too cloudy and slowly made his way out to the living room pout as big as ever blanket wrapped around him his heart rate spiked not seeing George or Sapnap… He instinctively wished to put his thumb in his mouth for comfort but stopped his self as he saw Punz sitting on the couch… The other shorter blonde hadn’t noticed Dream at first being ingulfed in his phone but Dream accidentally let a whine slip past his lips worry setting in more as his brain grew cloudier but seeing no sight of sapnap or George… Punz looked up at him “Hi Dream, woah you okay? What’s wrong?” Dreams eyes widen and he hides behind the door way slightly having not been little around Punz before he was increasingly nervous… “mm w-where where sapap and georgie?” Punz nods finally catching on.. he’s never been around Dream when he’s been little but Punz his self has had a few little moments as have some of his other friends so he knew how to take care of Dream!
“It’s okay buddy they just went to get pizza and snacks okay? They’ll be right back I promise! How old are you?” Dream feels his heart rate calm slightly now knowing where sap and George are, and he moves into the door way slightly more as he carefully holds up four fingers… “mm f-four… how old is you?” Punz smiles softly “I’m twenty five” Dream giggles softly “wohohowihiheehe yoourrheheh yooourrhwhehe ohoholldd!” Punz gasps in mock offense “I am not old! You are just very young!” Dream fully steps into the living room now but still doesn’t move to the couch just yet “mm nohoho yoouuss is very very old! And I s is not very young! Ima big boy! Sappy says so!” Punz feels himself relax farther as Dream has at least entered into the room fully now! “Oh sappy says so hmm? Well what else does sappy say?” Dream twists his foot on the floor softly as he shrugs “mm I don’t know I tink he says you’re a big Doo Doo head!”
Punz gasps again even more dramatically as he lightly smacks his hand to his chest “no! He doesn’t does he?!” Dream giggles nodding “mhm mhm hehe hehehe dohoehehsss!” Punz smirks softly as he sits up “Does sappy really say that or do you say that?” Dream shakes his head “Mm mahayybhehe” Punz rises slowly and softly “Maybe what?” Dream backs away slightly but instead of a nervous feeling his eyes are filled with anticipation and excitement “m-maybe I s-say it…” Punz’s mouth drops open “So you lied about sappy calling me a Doo Doo head it was really you all along?” Dream nods giggling “mhm hehehe waahahasss meheheehe!” Punz shakes his head tsking softly “Well you know what happens to liars don’t you?Dreamie?” Dream shakes his head “no I on’t know what happens!” Punz snickers stepping closer to Dream “They… get…tickles!” He lunges for Dream but Dream is deceptively fast even in his little state and escapes! But he only makes it a few feet into the hallway before his giggles and his little state catch up to him and he trips over his own feet and falls to the ground…
He whimpers softly and Punz stops just before running into him and sits down next to him “Are you okay Dreamie?” Dream shakes his head sitting up bending his left leg and pointing to his knee “mm boo boo on my knee” Punz pouts softly “Anything I can do to make it better?” Dream has teary eyes and a wobbly voice as he says “Kissie it better?” Punz smiles softly “of course buddy” he leans his head down slowly before blowing a big raspberry! Dream squeaks giggling “EEK HEheheheyyy! Thahattt nohohotttt ahahaha kihihissssihihehe!” Punz snickers softly “oh I’m sorry you said kissie not berry?” Dream nods “kissie! Nohohot berry!” Punz nods “okay okay kissie for real this time” and true to his word he leans down and blows a very soft kissie on his knee and Dream smiles softly “tahahannkksss!” Punz nods “anytime Dreamie, wanna go lay down on the couch for some tickies or no tickies?” Dream puts a finger to his chin “mmm otay only soft tickies tho?” Punz nods “whatever you wish!” Punz begins walking away but Dream whines and he turns around “what’s wrong?” Dream pouts again “mm knee still urts… can you carry me?” Punz’s smile widens and brightens as he nods “of course!” He walks back over to Dream and swiftly picks him up allowing Dream’s head to rest on his shoulder as his legs wrap around his middle..
He carrys Dream to the couch with relative surprising ease carefully setting him down before he lays down behind him opening his arms, Dream smiles wide as he crawls into Punz’s arms “mm tank you punzie…” Punz cards a hand through dreams hair sighing softly “you’re welcome dreamie, where do you want your tickies?” Dream blushes softly giggling “mm mhihyyy tuhuhmmmyyy pwweheheaahahsssehehe?” Punz nods softly as he gently wiggles his fingers on Dreams tummy! Dream squeaks falling into giggles “eek! Ehehehhahahhaa puuhuhunnnzzzihihiehehehe ihihittt tihihicckklkihihieehehesss!” Punz giggles “Wehehelll thahhatsss whhahatt you asked for silly!” Dream nods “ihihi knohohowww ihihihi knnohohohoww!”
Punz snickers “what about this does this tickie?” He begins softly scratching around Dreams tummy making him giggle louder “EHEHEhehehehe YHEHEhhehhsssss tihihicckkkihihehehesss lohohotttsss!” Punz smiles “Not too much tho right?” Dream nods “nohohohttt TOHOHO muuhuhucccxh EEEP NO TUM BUTTON!” Punz pulls his hand away quickly having accidentally dipped a finger into Dream’s tum button “sorry sorry no tum button I promise!” Dream shifts and faces Punz “pinky pomise?” Punz nods affirmatively “Pinky promise!” They link pinkies and Dream’s smile widens as does Punz’s and after a few seconds they break off the pinky promise… Dream yawns softly and Punz tilts his head “tired Dreamie?” Dream pouts shaking his head
“Mm mm not tired!” But he yawns again fully disproving his argument “otay maybe I sweepy just a wittle!” Punz snickers “okay just a wittle! Do you want me to take you to your bed so you can nap?” Dream’s eyes widen and he clings to Punz wrapping his arms around his middle and back as he buries his head in his chest “no I anna stay with you!” Punz grunts softly at the squeeze before gently petting Dream’s hair “okay okay we can sleep here and by the time we wake up Sappy and Georgie should be back with the pizza!” Dream raises his head softly “Otay! Tank you!” Punz nods adjusting his grip on Dream slightly “you’re welcome” and so in a matter of minutes the two were fast asleep! The door opened and Dream and Punz stirred softly, George and Sapnap walked in and just as George was about to yell for Dream Sapnap stops him and points to the couch.. the two coo softly setting the pizzas, drinks and candies on the coffee table “aww having a little cuddle session hmm?” George coos softly as Dream raises up mind unclouded and back to his normal state he glances at Punz and backs away softly as he stands up “mm sorry Punz…” Punz shakes his head sitting up smiling softly “it was no problem it was fun honestly” Sapnap tilts his head confused slightly but then connects the dots “ooh little space?” Dream nods shyly “mhm I’m out of it now though…” George nods “okay so are you idiots ready to eat?” Dream nods “I’m starved! Punz what about you?”
Punz is zoned out staring at his thumb Dream waves a hand in front of his face and Punz’s head snaps up “hm?” Dream tilts his head “I was asking if you’re ready to eat?” Punz nods slowly “oh mmhm” George tilts his head glancing at Punz who’s looking back at his thumb again “Punz it’s okay if you wanna go into little space you know that right? You’re safe here” Punz looks at George softly slight nerves in his eyes “I… but I ont I don’t wanna be trouble…” this didn’t happen often but I suppose the seeing Dream little and how long it’s been since he was little made Punz subconsciously want to be little as well now since he was done taking care of Dream… Dream grips his shoulder comfortingly “You took care of me so now let me or I guess rather us take care of you” Punz glances at Dream softly a smile
working it’s way onto his face “t-tanks…” Dream nods “You’re welcome punzie” Sapnap smiles softly “want some pizza little guy? We got cheese and sausage and pepperoni and one with all kinds of meat!” Punz nods “mhm! Yes pwease mm pepporinis!”
And so the pizza hang out quickly turns into a sleepover! Filled with plenty of giggles and laughter
The end
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mheyrmedia · 4 years
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Lo & behold, my money magnet perfume! Yup, it smells sooo good. Even @venusjoym could attest to that! I used the ABUNDANCE essential oil that my SILVER beshie gave me! YL members know how expensive this oil iz and it’s always OOS. And the other ingredients will be kept as secret. Meheheeh! This will be MnM - one of the two blends that will make up #YLana. Watch out for the kick off on Dec. 8! Join the #MHEYRevOILution now and get discounts on the pioneer powet blends of YLana. Yay! 💕🌱 (at Mangagoy, Surigao Del Sur, Philippines) https://www.instagram.com/p/CIYLXYdnFYa/?igshid=1h75cj8k1v5id
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notababy-babygirl · 7 years
Sa mga nagPM.
Bawi ako sainyo lateeeeer. Meheheehe. May tinatapos lang na report ang ate nyong dyosa. Mwaps.
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garbageshark · 7 years
rileyomalley replied to your post “rileyomalley replied to your post “I need to draw my stand Debating...”
ahhh!!! RLY? /w\ I wanna get him drawn, I just gotta figure out if I want him gangly and creepy or big buff and sorta creepy 
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indonesianslut · 10 years
who wants to talk to me in indonesian must write in the old verse
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mheyrmedia · 4 years
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Unta ani ko kahamest always. Hahaah! Would u believed it took me almost 3hrs to shoot my cover which will premiere later at 9PM? Kaya parang awa nio na, manood kayo. Charlie! I’m really having problem shooting a video using my phone. So effort kung effort ito just to shoot all the frames. 🤣 I actually haven’t started it yet. Ngayon palang. So sana, it will turn out just fine. Ngayon pa po mgsstart edit. Meheheeh! ☺️ So while waiting, why don’t you check my #PAUBAYAcover? ☺️ https://www.instagram.com/p/CHSCp5hH4qg/?igshid=klmt60h0htbm
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lion-mckinnon-blog · 12 years
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