#megumi doesn’t move an INCH it’s actually scary
missmeinyourbones · 1 year
how does your fictional man sleep? like does he hog the bed? does he not move a muscle all night? does he snore? does he kick?
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jujutsubabe · 3 years
Being friends with Megumi💜💜
A/n: here’s everyone’s other fav boy 😌💖
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This man is THE!!! Most loyal person to ever exist 😌
If u were to leave the country for a year and come back, this man would still welcome u with open arms for the best friend position (only if u would do the same of course)
He will defend ur name so quickly, you won’t even b in the same room as him and he will compliment a good trait about you!! (We see this with how he is with Itadori))
FaceTime ✨✨
I imagine you showing off your dorm and all your cool decorations late at night, “Okay so I actually thrifted this frame for like ten bucks...”
And this guy would scroll through his phone while throwing out occasional “mhm’s” as you talked.
It doesn’t seem like he’s interested, but he is! He finds your voice relaxing and falls asleep to it sometimes.
You do the same, he will talk about a class subject and try to explain it, but the combination of a school lesson and his soothing voice just lulls you to sleep.
Lots of times you guys fall asleep on the phone together, you’ll wake up to the soft voice of Megumi telling you to Wake up.
It’ll take a few of those before he hears you grumble awake, “Hello...Did we fall asleep on the call...?”
He nodded, “I forgot you were on the line until now.”
(When he doesn’t care you’ll just wake up to the sound of the FaceTime call ending 😐)
He def loves cooking, especially with other people who can cook really well.
Like listen if he can have a full day of uninterrupted cooking with either you or Itadori?? His inner chef is pleased.
(He hates having you two cook together tho cause then it just gets noisy and messy and he cannot retain any information😐)
You and Itadori will be throwing sauces at each other and laughing/being immature while Fushiguro is just 😐 haha food fight😐 very cool😐😐😐
(He disappears whenever you two are in the kitchen at the same time)
He likes learning new things though, like if you tell him a new tip on how to spice his food? He kinda gets a little excited... like you may see him lightly smile as he stirs a pot full of new flavors.
He also enjoys the quality time to unwind and relax with you. Silent working with occasional conversation about the food makes him feel warm and comfy inside.
He likes it when you taste test his food and give a good reaction, makes him feel very confident in his cooking abilities😌
Sitting at the table and eating food with you is fun, the two of you chomp away with him occasionally peeking to see your happy facial expressions.
You continue to compliment him on the food as he brushes them off, but inside he’s loving your praise.
(Make him lunch and he will melt! This guy is so into acts of service, so if you surprise him with a well decorated bento box he will be very proud to call you his friend 😌)
I’m sure he would make them for you too! He would put so much time and care into them😭(if he makes some for Itadori and Nobora he will have you deliver it to them so he doesn’t get teased for it)
- Uhm so like🤔 I feel as though once again team Tokyo would want to watch a movie and chill
But after a while Megumi would be over social interaction and just wants to hang out with you.
So as the movie comes to an end he would tap your shoulder when no one is looking and gesture toward his dorm.
Cue you almost making an excited noise but he hushes you
The two of you sneak out that room so fast, Nobora and Itadori don’t even notice your disappearance.
“Hey what did you say you wanted for a snack...?” Nobora would turn around to see you gone. Along with Megumi. “Those jerks...”
Megumi likes your company, you don’t even have to talk he just enjoys you. When you talk it’s a win cause you guys always have fun conversations.
And when you don’t it’s not awkward, you guys do other things in each other’s company.
Sometimes Megumi and you sit side by side on his bed as he talks about his day while you nod along and ask questions.
“It was only a third grade but I was surprised there would be one at a pet store...”
You nodded, sleepily trying to follow along as he spoke. “Maybe...negative feelings from the fish...”
He hummed, continuing to talk in short sentences until he felt a thump on his shoulder.
He flipped his head to your drooped face, and before he could help it he was already smiling down at you.
He liked how calm you looked as you slept, it let him relax even more around you. (It’s a little hard for him to be vulnerable around everyone still, so baby steps)
You can count on him to not move an inch the whole time you’re laying on him cause he will not be the cause of waking you!!!
He’ll kinda fall asleep with his head fallen forward to avoid waking you
Scary times😰😰
On days the mission went pretty badly, everyone got hurt, and something depressing happened?
You can count on everyone holding back their tears until they get privacy😀!
Eventually you guys get to the dorms, about to seperate but you’re on the verge of tears and really need to hold something.
Before he can walk any further you hold his pinky back. He turns to you and analyzes the situation.
Once he sees you seconds away from bursting, he slides his hand into yours and gives it a squeeze. A “we’ll be okay’ squeeze.
You nod, wiping away any stray tears, too choked up to talk. He wasn’t the best at expressing himself with words, but little actions like these helped him out. It was like you were his little “words to actions” translator.
You looked down as you started to cry a little more, from a mixture of gratefulness you had him there and the release of your emotions.
And in a once in a life time event, Megumi willingly!!! Wraps his arms around you, for a hug you can hide your crying face in.
You stuff your face into his chest, making him stumble a bit before relaxing his head onto yours.
And the two of you stayed like that for a little while
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