blazekill · 11 months
Megatronus x Orion
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Cute smut, first meeting
(this is not the full story but just the nsfw part because the whole thing is MUCH longer then this, on my Wattpad evkala_cream)
He traveled his servo from Orion's hips to his open panel. „Meantime I will streach you out for me a little okay?~" He used two fingers to playfully spread his valve apart. Orion closed his optics and shiwered at the sudden touch between his thighs. It was the first time anyone touched him down there. It was so exciting but scary at the same time. But he trusted Megatronus and he was sure he knew what he was doing. So he got comfortable beying bend over Megatronus's thigh and continued satisfying him with his fingers.
„Good mech~" Purred Megatronus and stroked his lower torso with the free servo making Orion bend it his back. „Don't worry little one. I will be gentle~" He used Orion's energon leaking from his valve on his finger so it would be more comfortable. Then he placed it right next to his clit. „May I?" Orion was so emberresed at how easily dominated he was by Megatronus so he simply nodded. Megatronus smiled and started gently rubbing him.
Orion gasped as he felt a rush of bliss fun through his frame. Megatronus groaned and lifted Orion's hips with just one servo to his face so he could kiss them. „That's it love. Mm let me hear you. You don't have to be shy around me~" He was never this gentle with any mech or femme before. There was something so innocent about the archivist. He couldn't help but to care for him ever so carefully as if he was made of glass.
Orion was whimpering and moaning with every touch. He opened his optics so he could see Megatronus's huge spike again. „Oh...t-this feels so good~" It were a quiet high-pitched moans followed by a wet noices that were driving Megatronus insane. „Ah Primus. I've been waiting for this for so long. To have you squarming and whimpering in my servos Orion~" He went a little faster making Orion's legs tremble.
He squeezed Megatronus's spike again but this time used his salivating mouth as an exause for him to lick and suck on his tip. Megatronus twitched as he felt a warmth and soft tongue oh his tip. He looked at the little archivist holding his spike with both servos and trying his best to fit as much on him in his mouth as possible. He never saw something as adorable as him so desperately wanting to satisfy him. „Careful cupcake. I would hate for you to get hurt~"
Orion's spark almost melted at what he just heard. „Did he just really called me that?" He was used to bots nickmaning him because of his tiny frame but never has he heard someone to call him this cutelly. „C-cupcake?~" He purred with a little happy smirk. Megatronus leaned closer to him. „Yes. You are so tiny. As a cupcake. And I am sure you are also sweet like one~" He slipped the tip of his finger in his enterence and then pulled out sucking off his energon.
„Oh my Primus~" Purred Orion and went back to taking care of his spike. Megatronus chuckled amuzed at his reaction and playfully patted his hips. "May I?~" "Y-yes~" Orion whimpered still a little nervous tho. I was used to be doing this to himself but that is so much easier and much less stresfull. "That is my brave little archivist~"
Smiled Megatronus and pulled him closer so he could rub his cheek againt his hips. Orion appraised these little moment so much. Megatronus licked his finger and then very gently pressed back againt his enterence. "This will maybe hurt sligtly at first. But I'll make the best of it okay love?~" But before Orion could even respond he slownly pushed the first finger in his valve and started moving.
Orion's optics swing open and he let out a adorable little whine. That made Megatronus blush even more and sigh in delight. "Does it hurt cupcake?" He asked lovingly and pauzed. "N-no...It just feels...so good coming from you~" Megatronus smirked and started immidietly moving his finger again. "Mm good. You'r doing so great for you'r first time~"
He leaned closer and whispered teasingly. "One has to wonder...what were doing that you'r taking me so easily? I bealive you'r not as innocent as I thought~" Orion's face turned red as he remembered all the times he was playing with himself while thinking about the gladiator. He covered his face with one servo emmberessed. "Hhh~" Megatronus chuckled amuzed with a low sexy tone and continued pleasuring him.
"Oh my...I think I can even go faster right away. Hhh Orion...~" He purred in a very teasing way leaning closer to him. "Please...stop it Mega. J-just..just get to it already." He said shyly not able to even discuss it. Megatronus rised one eyebrow. "Oh impatiant are we. Hhh sorry. I wouln't tease you like this anymore. I just couldn't help myself. You are so adorable like this cupcake~"
He very gently used another finger. "Uh! N-no it's alright. I...I actually like when you do it. It's making me have butterfies in my stomach~" Orion purred and bend in his back as he felt much more presure in his valve. Megatronus smirked and stroked Orion's belly. "Hhh...I've told you I'll make the best of it~"
He used his two fingers to gently spread them in his valve to streach him faster. Orion gasped and his frame shiwered. "Uh Primus..Mega mh~" He whimpred more desperately then before. "Uhm? What is it dear?~" Orion raised his head and looked at Megatronus's servo doing all the work. He completly forgot about his now lovers spike.
"I...I actually think I am ready...for more?~" He said shily. But Megatron didn't stop. He actually started moving his fingers faster. Much faster. "Huh! Uhh~" Orion's frame jumped a little in shock and the sudden dose of intense pleasure. He rolled his optics back and let his head fall onto Megatronus's thighs. Megatronus chuckled and used his free servo to hold him by his chest and pulled him closer to him.
"Hhh not yet love. I can see how intense is this for you. Imagine if I instead my fingers used something else. I think you'r little overheated frame would go online~" Orion whinned and stroked Megatronus's servo that was holding him with his own shaking servo. "Nh t-then what huh..what are you planing on doing t-to me till then?~" He asked so desperete. Megatronus could see it on his optics that he wanted more so badly. But he was not gonna let him have him so soon.
"Shhh. First we need to make you overload like this. Nicely all over my fingers. And then you will be ready for more. I promise cupcake~" He kissed the back of his head and went faster. Orion was too busy whimpering he just nodded with adorable expresion on his face. "Oh my sweet Primus. I've never been with someone who would look as gorgeous as you while me taking care of them. You trully are aspecial cupcake~"
Orion's spark skipped a beat. Him calling him special ment a world to him. "W-well. I-I am not the only bot that is special in here." I smiled cutelly. Megatronus blushed a little. "Oh. Hm thank you Orion." But suddenly Orion gasped for air and squeezed his lovers thigh tightly and cried out loudly in pure delight. The big gladiator gave him a suprised and a little worried look.
"Is everything okay Orion?" Orion leaned with one servo against his thing and bend in his back with his head hanging down. "Ahh my...y-yes~" He needed to take a deep breath in between his whimpering. "Just that. Nhh please there. R-right there~" Megatronus blinked a few times. He was just so impressed by Orion's reaction it made him speechless for a second.
But then a big grin apeared on his lips. "Oh. Is my little archivist that close?~" He couldn't express how turned on he was by this fact. And that Orion made him know it such an intense way. "Mh..uhm!~" Orion hummed under his servo covering his mouth. Megatronus reached for his shaking servo and gently moved it away. "No no no bug. We don't have to be doing that. I want to hear your every little adorable sound~" He purred right into his audio receptor. He lovingly stroked his belly and went just a little bit faster.
"A-as you w-wish. Nh I..I think I will overload now~" He whined desparetly with his optics full of desire. "Mm I know my little archivist. You may. I'm waiting for you. Do you like me touching you like this mh?~" He purred more seriously then before. Like he was so eager to hear the unswer. "Nh p-please Mega. D-don't!~" Orion's body shiwered as he felt Megatronus's low demanting tone. He felt his insides twitching and pulsing. "Don't what? Tease you until you overload all over my fingers? Tease you so much you will cry out my name?~"
He whimpered and squeezed him slighty in his servo. This awoken in Megatronus something almost refal. He wanted. He needed. He demanded to see hear and feel his little Iacon boyfriend finnish so badly. He went as fast as he could pressing his warm chest against Orion's poor overheated shaking frame. "You'r such a good little mech. Come on. Make you'r hero proud~" That was a last straw for Orion. It was just too much for poor little cleark.
He gasped for air few times keep incrising the volume. He never thought he could be this expressive. His whole frame was building up to this moment up until the most desperete and loud whimper finally left his body. He automaticly threw his head back with one loud and gragged out moan. His valve tighten up around his lovers fingers. It made him so weak that if Megatronus wasn't holding him he would colapse on the bed. Megatronus was watching the whole time breathing heavily. He couldn't do anything but purr and enjoing every second of it.
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