#megalo box 2x13
solcomfortssouls · 3 years
Megalo box 2 episode 13
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Structurally speaking season 2 mirrors seasons 1. The final of the emotional arc took place in episode 10. In s1 Joe and Nanbu had to face the fixed fight in megalonia and Nanbu's betrayal and Nanbu in the end chose Joe over himself and his safety, believing in him enough so he could believe in himself too. In s2 Joe and Sachio have that first fight in which Joe absolves Sachio of his guilt, forgives him and they accept each other and their responsibility for what went wrong, reconciling.
The emotional final was episode 10. Episode 11 was a prep for the external conclusion, making what happened so far bear fruit and show us how it turned out. It's a great way to conclude the story and make it wholesome.
I loved the parallel between Joe and Mac being knocked down. Both were able to get up again because of their families cheering them on, Mac for his son and Joe for Sachio. It was beautifully poetic, how they made both of these bonds equal and moving.
It was so significant for Joe to get scared and knocked down and for Sachio being able to ground and rise him up again.
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I'm not a big fan of Mac, he seemed pretty boring to me, but I liked his final. Fighting on his own terms without Mac Time, keeping himself sane through love of his family and true friends, realizing his true potential as a boxer and being absolutely respectful and happy about the fight with Joe.
It was really just two guys with great respect for each other's skill wanting to fight. There was no hate, no emotional stakes, no need to be angry or risk your health, especially since both were messed up in different ways. Being able to do the sport they love the right way, with no hard feelings, just enjoying it, was great as a final.
Joe staying to hold the homely fort for the kids and live in peace, in light, with his family is a peaceful deserved ending. I love how he reassures them they will always have a place here, beloning but never overbearing, letting them grow while offering them a home.
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That photo is so wholesome too! The whole fam together, along with Yuri and Aragaki and the mechanic guy, with the kids and with Joe in the middle with an arm around Sachio.
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Sachio leaving at the end to follow his own path, the internship for a job he loves and will be good at is him moving forward, being free of his past and guilt.
Joe giving his beloved motorcycle to Sachio is meaningful in so many ways. It's the vehicle that made him a stray dog and nomad, what allowed him to drive alone, to drive off cliffs, to run away, at the same time true and characteristic of him and his wild untamed spirit and risk loving nature. Now Joe is settling in, not needing a risk and him driving a car, where he can transport more people, where he is responsible and loving to the gang again, makes so much sense and connects him to the future and home he chose.
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While Sachio is following his own path, going into the world alone, as a sign of independence and growing up. At the same time it's not lost on us that this is Joe's signature motorcycle that went to the hell and back with him, connecting them the two of them further.
For Joe the motorcycle was him being alone. For Sachio it's his connection to Joe, his older brother, succeeding him, but on his own path.
I think Joe wanted that exhibition match to work with the whole team again. To be supported by them. He explicitly wanted Sachio to help him and is so special for a macho prideful champion and nomad all the way. This is Joe who always fought for himself, who didn't admit needing help like ever. It's nornal to find it difficult to ask for help, but it was even more so with Joe, so I loved he asked for help and Sachio was able to give him exactly what he needed. No one could have been the second Sachio could for him.
I won't lie, I was a bit disappointed Joe lost, cause he could have gone further, he was truly enjoying himself and he is just always the burning winner in my eyes. But Sachio thought more of Joe than of the win, just like Joe was counting him to, and it was so satisfying to see Sachio concerned for Joe, asking him how he is feeling and protecting him with the towel too.
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Besides Mac didn't knock out Joe. That would have been the actiony indisputable win Joe had against Yuri. KO in the 13th round. Not a thrown towel.
But that's just my pride speaking. XD It made the perfect narrative ending for Joe's healing journey and family coming together. And Mac got his dreams come true just by being able to fight with my Joe in the same ring so. Joe was definitely satisfied with no regrets.
Megalo Box 2 was about a healing journey home despite obstacles and all characters stayed true to it.
After all the suffering and distress, being saved and encouraged by Chief and Marla, repairing past bridges, he can now just be there for the people he cares about, at peace. It made the last scene of him driving with Nanbu in the back so incredibly tranquil and calm...I felt that peace and balance and it was beautiful. This is what healing looks like and is all about.
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