flxwinghair · 3 years
“I’m only doing this because I love you.”
[Megaera's yandere] ; from HERE
♛ --
         ❝ You-- ❞ He tried to start, but the words simply couldn't escape from his mouth, the scene too horrifying in front of him to even be able to comment fully.
        The woman had always seemed like an extremist -- and this seemed to take the cake. Oh gods, why?
        He would have DROPPED is cane if he hadn't had the sense enough to keep it close by him and held onto tight. His body was shaking. his muscles tight, unable to move.
        Coldness had desperately tried to cling to his form -- but it couldn't have been properly done, even if it had been ingrained into his very being since a very, very young age. No. He was completely shattered, and rightfully so.
        His eyes trailed up to hers -- almost unable to meet them, as he seemed suddenly shy when it came to such a woman.
        Trying again--
        ❝ W - Why? ❞ His voice unable to hold back the crack forming within it, almost to indicate that she had effectively caused him to break into two.
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primpingpatriarch · 2 years
“Trouble in Paradise, Lucius?” Megaera purred, her thin fingers trailing down his shoulder as she leaned over his shoulder to whisper in his ear. “That old cow not giving you the heir you need, or the affection you deserve?”
Lucius reached up with his cane, not particularly gentle as he forced her hand away from his shoulder with the snake's head, taking a step forward and then turning to look at the inferior woman because that was what she was to him; desperate and inferior to his beautiful wife in every single way. If Lucius felt the desire to experience other vintages, then he would certainly not have chosen her. She was in no way appealing to him.
"I deserve the devotion of a woman who will be loyal to me for longer than the course of an orgasm; something you would clearly be unable to provide."
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