#meet the ravinstills - an uber dramatic family
meekmedea · 2 months
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House Motto: Vive Sine Ulla Paenitentia (Live without any regrets)
This is a 'small' snapshot into Felix's immediate family. Yeah...he has a lot of cousins/uncles/aunts but I'm not listing them all for my own sanity.
I was going to originally release this with the Dovecote and Beauchamp one, but couldn't finish it till now.
Note: All siblings are listed from left to right showing eldest to youngest. And you may have noticed that I used to refer to certain houses as 'major' and 'minor' within the old guard, but I replaced major with 'noble' since it sounds a bit more pretentious haha.
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meekmedea · 4 months
first kisses & allergic reactions
This doesn't really have a set time that it happens, but since Clemensia has reincarnated to a time where her friends and classmates aren't the most mature (though she admits that some of them as adults were still far from mature), it leaves room for certain...hijinks
Like the one suggested in the title...
Let's imagine this: Clemensia has a strawberry allergy - and it's far from mild
In her original timeline, she'd have found out sometime as a kid when offered one at school
In this timeline, she just avoids strawberries - less hassle and all. And who knows maybe she can use it to avoid meeting Dr. Gaul
Consequence: nobody else knows of her allergy yet
Around this time, these kids are up to no good - the boys are currently menaces (yes, this includes Felix) to the girls
It's really just them daring each other to do things that annoy the girls - steal a thing from them, pull their hair, the works.
Someone nearly lost a pigtail (Vipsania's glare was too scary for them to try again)
Because of the game, Sejanus is the only boy that the girls will interact with nowadays (to the ire of all the other boys in their class) He got dared once - felt so bad stealing Clemmie's ruler that he like spilled the beans like 5 seconds after the act
It comes to a culmination on Iphigenia's birthday:
Nia brings chocolate covered strawberries to celebrate her birthday
Clemmie manages to avoid eating it (Offers it to Festus if he switches seats with her so she can be by the window)
The game is still a thing amongst the boys during recess.
When it's Coryo's turn, maybe he's been a little too boastful lately and because of that Festus dares him to steal a kiss from the next girl that walks through that door
It's Clemmie (womp womp) - Coryo conveniently ignores the fact that Iphigenia is there too, right beside her
Coryo has his pride at stake and has decided to commit
Here's where things go off the rails:
When stealing a kiss, had Clemmie not moved, that kiss would have landed on her cheek
Except she had moved. It landed on her lips instead.
And guess who had a strawberry earlier? Hint: It wasn't Clemmie
Anaphylactic shock is not a pretty sight at recess, but she gets help pretty quick and the adults are like "Oh, she'll be fine. It's just an allergy."
Except these kids are UBER dramatic. (I pity their teacher)
Nia is convinced that it means Clemmie is going to die and is inconsolable
Felix hadn't thought Coryo would go through with this, and is like spiralling between - "Is this my fault for not stopping him??" and "This is Coriolanus' fault!!" And if he wasn't busy consoling Nia, he'd be down to throw hands with Coriolanus
Coryo is reeling from it all
Livia is like, "we should blame Coriolanus if anything happens to Clemmie" - she's like maybe 5 seconds away from starting a riot (Felix would 100% back her)
Someone (Arachne?) thinks allergies are contagious and now the class is in hysterics - are we all going to die???
During this time, Felix and Nia slip away to go find Clemmie
There's (some) panic when the teacher notes Felix and Nia's absence. Nobody has ever felt so much relief when they find those 2 in the nurse's office with Clemmie
Let's face it, nobody wanted to make that call to the Ravinstill family and be like "Hey...your kid's missing (again)."
Masterlist of other rambles/hcs
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