faofinn · 1 year
Day 25 - Shaking
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Soon enough, his pressure began to stabilise as the bleeding stopped, and Fao could close, though decided on putting a drain in, just to keep everything the way he wanted it. It could come out in a couple of days, once things were settled. He left Tai in the very capable hands of his girlfriend, murmured reassurance to Hars, and headed out to sort paperwork. 
It was reassuring for Fao to sit and do the paperwork, documenting everything and making sure everything was as it should be. He was just glad the case had gone well, that Tai had stabilised and was going to come out the other side. They’d agreed he’d stay in their ITU/HDU bay for a while, just to make sure he stayed stable, where they had more advanced monitoring. Ely was more than happy for that, as she began to bring him round and extubate him. He was tolerating everything well, as well as could be expected, and she fussed with pain relief and antiemetics to keep him comfortable. 
He was groggy, though had worked out Ely was fussing over him, and that he was safe. Hars was there too, the rough hand in his, the gentle brushing through his hair. It wasn’t that he was uncomfortable, but he'd grown bored of lying on his back, and so he shifted himself across, barely on his side, but happier than he'd been.
Ely shook her head fondly as Tai struggled onto his side, and gently tucked a pillow behind him to make him more comfortable. 
“Tai, sweetie?” She asked gently, a hand on his shoulder. “How are you feeling?”
He blinked at her, giving a quiet groan. "Shit."
“Surgery’s all done now, you did really well.” She told him. “Are you in pain?”
“Feeling sick?”
He thought about it. "Yeah."
“I’ll get you something.” She said, squeezing his shoulder. She topped up his antiemetics and pain relief, hoping to keep him comfortable, and then adjusted his blanket. 
As much as Tai (and everyone else) hoped to just fall back asleep, life wasn't fair. There was an itch to his bones he couldn’t settle with, and he kept shaking, despite his attempts to stop it.
Ely watched him carefully, sat next to his bed. She of course noticed his fidgeting, the way he couldn’t stop shaking, and draped another blanket over him, hoping that would help. 
"Ely." He whined. "Fix it."
“What’s wrong, are you cold?” She asked softly. 
“Try and take some deep breaths?” She soothed. “In and out.”
Harrison squeezed his hand, trying to reassure him. "You're alright."
"I'm not." He grumbled,rubbing his face in frustration. "It's wrong."
“It’s okay.” Ely murmured. “Take a nice deep breath for me, you’re alright.”
"I can breathe." He whined. "It's just wrong."
“I know. Do you want a sip of water?”
"No, I want you to fix it." His lip wobbled. "Can Hars lie wit' me?"
Ely hummed. “So long as he’s careful.” 
"Are you sure?" Harrison asked. "I don't want to hurt you. Maybe it's best I stay here?"
“Go on, he’ll be asleep in a minute.” She encouraged. “Hop up behind him, move that pillow.”
"Alright, okay." He carefully shuffled Taidgh around, slipping in behind him. He pressed a kiss to the top of his head, his fingers running through his hair. He was so grateful that Tai was still there, that he could hold him in his arms. Of course there was the recovery to come, they all knew that, but he was still alive. 
"Mm? Thought you were gonna nap?"
"I love you."
"I love you too, Tai. C'mon, try shut your eyes, get some rest. It'll help stop the shaking, make you feel better when you wake up."
Ely belongs to @epochandeons
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