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Mediterraner Duft und cremig weicher Käse: Wer kann bei gebackenem Feta schon widerstehen? Eine ganz besondere Kombination, die wunderbar in die Herbstzeit passt, ist Baked Kürbis mit Feta. Das tolle daran, ihr braucht gerade mal eine Auflaufform und 30 Minuten Zeit, schon steht das Essen auf dem Tisch.
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magdasabs · 2 years
Bye, Bye. I'm off to "Ärzte ohne Grenzen," in the Meditteran Sea. Idk if the wifi is good there, when not, see you all in six month.
oooh that's cool! that's such a great thing you're doing, I hope you enjoy it. bye :)
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First-World Problems (Venting)
Disclaimer: I respect every blogger's point of view regarding this Gillovny drama. This is merely me, venting on my own blog. Feel free to disagree. In no way am I attempting to shame or judge anyone else's opinion. I own there feelings and feel like expressing them here. Why would Gillian Anderson be anyone's victim of choice? I have read many posts about her that gush about the injustice, as if she had lost a loved one, been the victim of terrorism, is starving and lives in poverty, or has had her life ripped to shreds at the hands of a madman. No one has been beaten, she is wealthy, gorgeous and as far as we know, is happy and healthy. There are so many people who would benefit from this degree of public empathy; she is NOT one of them. She, and many others in the public eye, have been caught in their skivvies. They deal with it...it is the downside to living with fame and fortune. Look what David endured and his kids seem amazingly well-adjusted due to his consistent and boundless effort to turn things around. Will this indiscretion (if it really is an indiscretion) end her career, push her to live on the streets, cause her or a family member to suffer from a terminal illness, force her to experience racial discrimination, gun violence, or be shot by the police? Will her children be taken away, will she end up in North Korea in a coma? No. She may get some flack from Mark, (if I were Mark, I would have a thing or two to express) but she will learn from it. I have seen worse from Prince Harry. If I had her lifestyle, I would voluntarily do the same. Nudity in the Meditteran is not a crime. I do not care for these two together AT ALL, but the reason I am frustrated has everything to do with the fact that she trolled us hard for so long and the guy in the pics is not David. I have no idea what happened between D and G, but am fairly certain that, at some point, something did indeed happen. I hate that the tiny nagging feeling in my gut that hinted this may be a true romance was right, but to me the pictures are benign. I hate them, but do not feel sorry for anyone. Gillian is an adult, played with fire, got burned. She is still rich, beautiful, popular, in love, and has wonderful family and kids. David is her friend, as are many others. She will be fine. Call me if something truly horrible happens over which she had no control. In the mean time, no person or animal died or is hospitalized. It is all about perspective.
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moderne gartengestaltung blaue meditterane akzente
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Meditterane of 'gewoon' Hollandse tuin: ruime keuze bij Kwekerij G. Meijer, Heiloo aan zomerbloeiers, vaste planten, handgemaakte terracotta potterie
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grau weiße Keramikfliesen deko meditteraner boden
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