#medicare fraud attorney
brownllc · 2 years
Whistleblower Lawyer | Protecting Whistleblowers Across the USA
Connect with an award-winning whistleblower law firm with tens of millions recovered. Free consultation with the top whistleblower lawyers.
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beblessedbybella · 7 months
"When It's ALL About The 💵Benjamins💵...Black People Are Expendable!"
Please be advised, the ongoing legal matter that's depicted below is represented by the Montgomery Law Firm in Dallas, Texas; therefore, please direct your inquiries to attorney, Sadat Montgomery [and my reference to this law firm is NOT an endorsement].
#FBI: Folks, when we arbitrarily decide to remain silent about matters regarding the heinous offenses that are committed against another human being-- especially the targeted, systemic, racist, and hateful crimes committed against marginalized people of color--we have decided to intentionally allow ourselves to become complicit in our thought process, complicit in our abject failure to initiate corrective action, and/or complicit the intentional silence of our words to effect change.
I'm illuminating a bright light on a horrific, racist, egregious, and legal quagmire for the intended purpose of fervently imploring the FBI, members of Congress, civil rights organizations, and other law enforcement officials to launch a transparent investigation into the following crimes; Attempted Murder, Depraved Indifference To Human Life, Deprivation Of Medicare Care, Felony Stalking, Medical Malpractice, Legal Malpractice, Theft, Invasion Of Privacy, Various Forms Of Harassment, Hate Crimes, Acts Of Terrorism, Various Types Of Fraud, Veiled Death Threats, Color Of Law Violations, Violation Of Civil Rights, And Other Unspecified Crimes.
#FBI: First, I'm giving honor and reverence to God for His unfailing mercy, love, strength, and grace. And, for divinely ordering the steps of a supportive and compassionate group of people to arrive with some revealing intel and other invaluable resources to provide assistance in the face of this volatile situation. Thank you all for using the power of your words--the strength of your voice--to help create a positive change in this atrocious matter that have had a significant and demoralizing impact on the lives of others.
#FBI: But sadly, there are entirely too many people who're delightfully participating in this demoralizing, odious, repugnant, and hateful type of behavior for a few ill-gained dollars. I think I get it: your silence and/or complicity is for sale and you're willing to do ANYTHING for a dollar, even if your job entails attempting to kill, excessively mocking, defaming, stealing from, defrauding, slandering, destroying, hurting, or sabotaging the lives of other people. That means YOU--managing conspirator and your faithful co-conspirators--have made a conscious decision to become criminals. And, some co-conspirators have elected to chase down the 💵benjamins💵 by any means necessary, which include actively participating in the senseless attempted murder of a Black man. But mind you, some of you are Black, but you're gleefully committing crimes against your own race and/or family for hire.
NEVER forget this: ALL 💵benjamins💵 ain't good 💵benjamins💵!
#FBI: Figuratively speaking, every person that's complicit in these horrific crimes--regardless of your national origin--is guilty of pulling a Derek Chauvin on another Black man by intentionally pressing your knee on his neck with brute force to block the flow of blood to his carotid artery with the malicious intention of killing him as dead as a doorknob. He can't breathe! And, you're trying to kill him with ALLEGED immunity because you have many police officers--from multiple jurisdictions--who're advocating, encouraging, participating in, and supporting the criminality of your vile actions!
#FBI: Folks...this is a very factual, horrifying, egregious tale regarding a black man from Dallas, Texas named Bruce W. Conner [Email: [email protected] and Phone#: 1(469)630-3466 or 1(469)875-9339], a former 9-year North Texas Tollway Authority [NTTA] governmental employee [he was also a part-time security supervisor with a security firm].
Bruce was an exemplary employee who was the current, reining employee of the year before his abrupt termination, which resulted from the unrelenting, horrifying, insidious, deceitful, and heinous actions of his many treating doctors, the cruelty he endured from his employer following his work-related accidents, and the extent of his numerous life-altering, bodily injuries.
#FBI: Bruce was involved in TWO work-related, traffic accidents--while functioning within the scope of employment--and operating NTTA's company trucks that occurred approximately one week apart [he was not the at-fault-driver of either accident]. BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY, ONE OF THOSE ACCIDENTS OCCURRED WHILE HE WAS UTILIZING THE COMPANY'S VEHICLE TO PROVIDE "POSITIVE PROTECTION" FOR TWO DEFENSELESS CARROLLTON, TEXAS POLICE OFFICERS WHO WERE STANDING, EXPOSED IN HARM'S WAY ON THE NTTA'S DANGEROUS TOLLWAY. However, when Dallas Fire & Rescue responded to the accidents, they negligently failed to transport him to a hospital to ascertain if he had incurred any unforeseen internal injuries--and he had many. Furthermore, as experienced EMT professionals, they should have expected that he had incurred internal injuries due to the extent of damage sustained to both NTTA's trucks, which were totaled beyond repair.
#FBI: As a direct result of the massive amount of kinetic and brutal momentum force that resulted from both accidents, Bruce sustained the following injuries; Blunt Chest Trauma, Serious Head Trauma, Serious Neck Trauma, Partial Bilateral Collapse Of Both Lungs, (3) Stomach Herniations, Lesions On The Liver, (8) Severely Herniated Discs In His Cervical and Lumbar Regions, Clot In Pulmonary Arteries, and a Displaced/Fractured Rib. Bruce's primary worker's compensation doctor sent him to receive treatment at Medical City Dallas Hospital STAT [and medical documents will support this assertion]; however, the medical personnel ordered a full CT lab report that revealed the serious medical implications of the above-listed injuries, but the ONLY injury that was documented by hospital's treating doctor's assistant was...a fractured rib. UNBELIEVABLE...but sadly, this is the brutal reality of how many black people are treated when it's ALL about the 💵benjamins💵.
NTTA's insurance provider, Texas Municipal League Risk Pool [Workers Compensation], evidently considered Bruce to be so undeserving to receive proper medical treatment, until they refused to pay the $2,091.00 bill for medical services rendered during his visit at the Medical City Dallas hospital. And, they [or some other co-conspirator] falsely submitted the bill to Bruce's insurance provider, UnitedHealthcare, to pay the bill, but evidently, they refused to participate in the act of approving the fraudulent claim. As a result, this bill went into collections.
In the face of Bruce's atrocities, I'm making an impassioned plea to everyone to kindly be a blessing to Bruce while he continues his perilous plight at navigating through this horrifying maze of unrelenting corruption, racial biases, physical and emotional distress, impending surgeries, loss of his career, loss of income, loss of health insurance, loss of pension, and loss of quality of life. You may bless him by donating to his CashApp account [$BlessBruceConner] or PayPal account [@BlessBruceConner], respectively. Thank you in advance for any consideration demonstrated during this very serious business matter.
#FBI: To cut to the chase, as a direct result of the anticipated exorbitant financial implications of those accidents, many horrific crimes have been committed, including the attempted murder of Bruce. An unrelenting, highly-organized, criminal conspiracy was executed to mitigate their gross negligence and to minimize the extent of their financial responsibility of Bruce's extremely expensive injuries [which has already amassed more than $250K, with multiple injuries left untreated].
This conspiracy was established when a large group of people--acting as known and unknown agents of their employers--collectively joined together to form an agreement to violate the law, by engaging in many overt criminal acts toward the furtherance of the said conspiracy.
Therefore, I'm publicly alleging that approximately TEN Dallas, Texas doctors did knowingly, intentionally, maliciously, and recklessly falsify most of Bruce's medical records for profit; I'm alleging that several Dallas, Texas police officers did knowingly, intentionally, maliciously, and recklessly falsify Bruce's accident reports for profit; I alleging that several attorneys assigned to Bruce's case did knowingly, intentionally, maliciously, and recklessly fail to zealously protect and pursue his legal interests for profit; and, I'm also alleging that many other medical professionals did knowingly, intentionally, maliciously, and recklessly deprived Bruce of the required proper medical treatment for profit [mind you, both Workers' Compensation and UnitedHealthcare insurance companies were ALLEGEDLY at play in this matter, and yet, the outcome has been unfathomable]. However, their nefarious plot was discovered by Bruce's wife, which lead to a legion of individuals engaging in many overt acts of organized crime against her and her seriously injured husband. Also, pertinent information relevant to this matter is being sent to some of you via other means.
The Pinkerton Rule Of Law: "Co-conspirators, do YOU realize that when YOU became an active participant in the criminality of this conspiracy, YOU are as guilty as the person who committed fraud, attempted murder and all other serious crimes? ALL members involved in the conspiracy can be convicted of substantive crimes, even if YOU did not personally commit the crime, and a conspiracy charge relieves the prosecution of the burden of even having to prove your role in the said conspiracy.
#FBI: One doesn't have to be a brain surgeon, rocket scientist, or an engineer to understand this evidentiary fact: The Dallas, Texas doctors and police officers involved in the above matter have intentionally committed a series of heinous crimes for profit against this Black family. "FOLKS, IF YOU LIVE IN DALLAS, TEXAS AND IS A BLACK PERSON...YOU SHOULD BE VERY, VERY AFRAID TO BECOME ILL OR INJURED, BECAUSE [SOME] DOCTORS WILL INTENTIONALLY ALLOW YOU TO DIE, JUST TO CHASE THE 💵BENJAMINS💵 FROM THE DEEP POCKETS OF INSURANCE COMPANIES!" Inquiring Minds Wanna Know: Shouldn't these criminals--regardless of their social status--who committed crimes be required to wear a pair of metal bracelets and/or spend time in a miniscule cage with metal bars for doors?🤔 May the silence of my voice scream loudly, with the hope that it will reverberate across the globe...let justice prevail!
#FBI: News Flash: If you're Black or Hispanic, and have and/or is currently participating in the criminality of this saga, you're truly failing to understand the real gravity of your actions! Do you fail to understand that this is a Black person's trials and tribulations today, but tomorrow it could be YOU, or your loved ones fighting for their lives? "Boo-boo, please don't be nobody's fool, because, do you really fail to understand that this level of systemic RACISM and HATE don't love nobody that look like you...NOT even YOU?" Please understand your role: YOU are just the hired help that is willing to do someone's dirty work so they can keep their hands sparkling clean! And, you're allowing hateful, racist people to pay you to behave like their obedient puppet [while they're the managing puppeteer, pulling the strings...and is using huge menacing dogs, Black monkeys, and other Black racist stereotypes to actively advocate and promote racism in this ongoing saga].
#FBI: News Flash Black People: The real subliminal message that's being promoted is: ALL Black people are Black monkeys, other races of people can sic menacing dogs on Black people with impunity, Black people should die like a diseased animal [from a denial of proper medical treatment], Black people should gladly hate other Black people, Black people should beat other Black people down when they're in the midst of their turbulent storms, and Black people should openly display abject contempt towards their own race. Do you fail to realize that everything that you do, is a direct reflection of what's already inside you? How can Black people ever expect to rise up, or elevate, when entirely too many other Black people have become extremely comfortable with pulling each other down? This ordeal epitomizes the quintessential crabs-in-a-barrel-mentality!
#FBI: Just consider this for a moment. Once again, some people in Dallas, Texas thought so little of an esteemed, long-termed member of Congress--a Black woman--by failing to provide her with proper treatment that resulted in her dying with extreme indignity. As a Black person living in Dallas, Texas what do you think will happen to you when you're seriously ill or injured? Sadly, when it's ALL about the 💵benjamins💵, Black people are definitely expendable.
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blsm-m · 2 months
The founder, CEO and clinical president of Done Health, a digital healthcare company that provides chronic psychiatric disease management, were arrested Thursday on suspicion of obstructing justice and conspiracy to commit fraud in connection with their involvement in a scheme to distribute Adderall online. by Department of JusticeLucia He, founder and CEO of California-based Done Global Inc., and David Brody, clinical president of Done Health, were arrested on charges of submitting false and fraudulent claims for reimbursement for Adderall and other stimulants, conspiring to commit health care fraud, obstruction of justice and participating in a scheme to distribute Adderall online. "As alleged, the defendants designed and executed a $100 million scheme to exploit the COVID-19 pandemic to defraud taxpayers and increase easy access to Adderall and other stimulants with no legitimate medical purpose," Attorney General Merrick B. Garland said in a statement. According to the indictment, He and Brody conspired with others to make Adderall and other stimulants readily accessible through telemedicine and spent tens of millions of dollars on deceptive social media advertising. According to the indictment, the two men obtained stimulants, including Adderall, in exchange for monthly subscription payments, and Brody and the other men allegedly illegally enriched themselves by inflating monthly subscription revenues, thereby increasing the value of their company. "They generated more than $100 million in revenue by arranging for the prescription of more than 40 million pills," Principal Deputy Attorney General Nicole M. Argentieri, the Justice Department's Criminal Division, said in a statement. He and Brody also allegedly built the digital health platform to facilitate access to Adderall and other stimulants by requiring that a member's initial consultation with a prescriber last less than 30 minutes and by directing prescribers to prescribe Adderall and other stimulants even when members did not meet the members' eligibility requirements. It is also said to have implemented an "auto-replenishment" feature that allows subscribers to choose to automatically send out replenishment requests each month. According to the indictment, Hee and Brody continued with the scheme even after they learned how easily Adderall and other stimulants could be obtained through Dawn's platform and after seeing social media posts about Dawn members dying from overdoses. Digital Health executives also allegedly conspired to defraud pharmacies, private insurers, Medicaid and Medicare by having pharmacies prescribe Adderall and other stimulants to Done members and then paying for the drugs, while Done members continued to pay their Done membership dues. According to the indictment, Medicaid, Medicare and private insurers were allegedly defrauded out of more than $14 million. He and Brody are also accused of conspiring to obstruct justice by deleting documents and communications in anticipation of a subpoena being issued for Dorn after another telehealth company received a grand jury subpoena. The two also communicated using an encrypted messaging platform rather than company email. Brody was taken into custody in San Rafael, California, on Thursday, while He was arrested in Los Angeles. If convicted, both executives face up to 20 years in prison each. The indictment marks the first time the Department of Justice has brought criminal drug distribution charges against a digital health company. "Those who seek to profit from their addiction by illegally distributing controlled substances over the Internet should know that they cannot hide their crimes and that the Department of Justice will hold them accountable," Attorney General Garland said.
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dmitrylaw · 3 months
Crimes and Deportation in Los Angeles: What You Need to Know
Navigating the complexities of criminal charges and deportation risks can be daunting, especially for those with permanent residency or undocumented status in the U.S. In Los Angeles, the consequences of criminal offenses can lead to deportation, making it crucial to understand the laws and seek the right legal assistance. This blog will provide an in-depth look at the intersection of criminal law and immigration consequences, emphasizing the importance of expert legal representation.
Understanding Crimes Leading to Deportation In the U.S., certain criminal offenses can trigger deportation proceedings for both undocumented immigrants and permanent residents. The most common offenses include:
Domestic violence, particularly against a spouse or child Sexual abuse of a minor Drug use and trafficking Major fraud (e.g., bank, credit card, welfare, Medicare/medical, and insurance fraud) Theft and robbery Gang-related crimes Immigration Holds and Deportation Risks When an individual is accused of a deportable crime, they are often placed under an “immigration hold,” preventing them from being bailed out of jail. While this typically affects undocumented immigrants, permanent residents can also face immigration holds. Understanding the severity of these holds and the potential for deportation underscores the importance of qualified legal representation.
The Role of a Qualified Criminal Defense Attorney Hiring a criminal defense attorney knowledgeable about immigration law is critical. Pleading guilty to certain charges without considering deportation consequences can lead to devastating outcomes. Unfortunately, many public defenders lack this specialized knowledge and may prioritize quick plea deals over vigorous defense.
The Unique Approach of Dmitry Paniotto and Alex Andrushenko Our office, led by immigration attorney Dmitry Paniotto and criminal defense attorney Alex Andrushenko, provides a unique, collaborative approach to legal defense. By consulting together, they ensure that every aspect of your case is examined, focusing on avoiding deportation while addressing criminal charges effectively.
Why Choose Us? Expertise in Both Fields: Dmitry Paniotto and Alex Andrushenko possess extensive knowledge in their respective areas, offering comprehensive legal assistance. Tailored Defense Strategies: We develop personalized strategies considering your specific situation, ensuring the best possible outcome. Avoid Empty Promises: Unlike some defense attorneys who offer short jail terms without considering long-term consequences, we prioritize your immigration status. Real-Life Impact Consider a scenario where a permanent resident, accused of a minor theft, is advised by a public defender to plead guilty for a reduced sentence. Without understanding the deportation risk, the individual follows this advice and faces removal proceedings. With our team’s collaborative approach, such risks are identified and mitigated, protecting your residency status while addressing the criminal charge.
Steps to Take if You’re Facing Deportation Consult with a Specialized Attorney: Immediately seek legal counsel from attorneys experienced in both criminal defense and immigration law. Understand Your Charges: Be clear about the specific charges and their potential consequences. Avoid Rushed Plea Deals: Never accept plea deals without consulting your attorney about the immigration implications. Stay Informed: Keep up-to-date with changes in immigration laws and how they might affect your case. Frequently Asked Questions Q: Can permanent residents be deported for any crime? A: Not all crimes lead to deportation, but many serious offenses, such as those listed above, can trigger removal proceedings.
Q: What is an immigration hold? A: An immigration hold is a detainment order that prevents individuals from being released on bail if they are accused of deportable crimes.
Q: How can a criminal defense attorney help with immigration issues? A: An experienced attorney can navigate the complexities of both criminal and immigration law, ensuring that any plea deals or trial strategies consider the risk of deportation.
Q: What should I do if I’m placed under an immigration hold? A: Contact a qualified attorney immediately to explore your legal options and work towards the best possible outcome.
Conclusion Navigating the intersection of criminal charges and deportation risks requires expertise and a strategic approach. In Los Angeles, the legal team of Dmitry Paniotto offers the specialized knowledge and collaborative defense necessary to protect your residency status. If you’re facing such challenges, don’t hesitate to seek our expert assistance.
For more information and to schedule a consultation, visit our website or contact our office directly. Your future in the U.S. may depend on the legal choices you make today.
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arpov-blog-blog · 7 months
The mantra that Biden is too old to be an effective President is not supported by reality. He looked pretty damn effective handling the MAGA GOPers at the SOTU for the 2nd year in a row. Forget about the media coverage and get to work turning out the vote for Democrats up and down the ballots especially the Senate. We don't need Rick Scott at the Majority Leader, he wants to cut Medicare and Social Security...."The irate chorus aimed at one of America’s most storied media institutions followed finger-pointing at the legal system for failing to stop Trump in his tracks. Despite much wishful thinking, primary election results this week made clear that the nation is hurtling towards a Biden v Trump rematch in November.
That polling and media coverage are imperfect, and the wheels of justice of turn slowly, is beyond dispute. But whatever the merits of the arguments, critics argue that Democrats are at risk of playing a blame game that distracts them from the central mission: defeating Trump at the ballot box.
Tara Setmayer, a senior adviser to the Lincoln Project, an anti-Trump group, said: “Commiseration is not a strategy and Democrats need to stop throwing political temper tantrums and do the work to unify and get Joe Biden re-elected. The courts, the media, late-night comedians are not going to save us. So this whining and complaining about these aspects being unfair is not a strategy for victory.”
Among some Democrats, there has long been a yearning for a saviour who will stop Trump in his tracks. Hopes were pinned on the special counsel Robert Mueller, but his Russia investigation lacked teeth and failed to bring the president down. Two impeachments came and went and the Senate missed a historic opportunity to bar from Trump running again.
Now resentment is focused on the supreme court and the attorney general, Merrick Garland, for dragging their feet on holding Trump accountable for his role in the 6 January 2021 attack on the US Capitol. The court issued a unanimous decision that Colorado and other states do not have the power to remove Trump from the ballot for engaging in an insurrection.
A justice department case alleging that he sought to overturn the 2020 election, which had been due to begin this week, was postponed until the supreme court rules on whether he is immune from prosecution. And an election interference case in Georgia is also on hold because the prosecutor Fani Willis is dealing with allegations of a conflict of interest over a romantic relationship.
In Florida, where Trump is charged over his mishandling of classified government documents, he managed to draw a friendly judge who has indicated the trial will not start soon. That means the case likely to start first is one in New York relating to Trump paying hush money to an adult film star during the 2016 election campaign, widely portrayed in the media as the weakest of the four.
Yet such a case would have been devastating to any other candidate at any other moment in history. Allan Lichtman, a history professor at American University in Washington, said: “He’s going to be on trial for 34 felony counts in less than three weeks and the mainstream media has barely indicated the importance of this.
“‘Oh, it’s just a hush money trial.’ No it’s not. He’s not on trial for hush money. He’s on trial for election fraud, not just paying the hush money but deceiving the American people by concealing it as a business expense.”
Lichtman added: “If this was anybody but Trump, any other presidential candidate on trial, it would be the trial of the century and the mainstream media would be screaming that, if the candidate got convicted, he should be bounced from from the campaign. Instead they’ve misrepresented and trivialised this case.”
Trump has long challenged media orthodoxies. During the 2016 campaign, the New York Times used the word “lie” in a headline – a move that would have been seen as judgmental and editorialising in the pre-Trump era. In 2019, the paper changed a headline, “Trump urges unity vs racism”, after an outcry from readers and progressive politicians.
Television has also struggled to find the right approach. There was much introspection over how saturation coverage of Trump’s 2016 campaign rallies and tweets gave him $5bn in free advertising, according to the media tracking firm mediaQuant. Cable news networks have drastically reduced their live coverage of Trump’s speeches, although some commentators warm that the pendulum has swung too far in the opposite direction, contending that voters need to see his unhinged antics, verbal gaffes and extremist agenda.
With Super Tuesday’s primary elections clearing the way for another Biden v Trump clash, some accuse the media of focusing too much on polls and not enough on the stakes, treating Trump as just another political candidate rather than an existential threat. They say the intense focus on Biden’s age – he is 81 – is wildly disproportionate when set against Trump’s authoritarianism and 91 criminal charges.
Setmayer, a former Republican communications director on Capitol Hill, said: “The media has clearly not learned its lesson from 2016 or 2020 on how to cover Donald Trump. This is not a conventional horse race election. There’s nothing normal about any of this so, by covering Biden and Trump equally, it minimises Trump’s considerably disturbing behaviour, comments and plans for the future.
“The Democrats do have a legitimate complaint with the way the media is bothsides-ing this. The media should not be under any obligation to tell both sides of a lie or conspiracy theory or leading presidential candidate’s desire to tear up the constitution and become a dictator on day one. All things Donald Trump has said he would do.”
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brownllc · 2 years
Reporting Medicare/ Medicaid Fraud | Medicare & Medicaid Fraud Lawyers
We know not only how to report Systemic Medicare fraud correctly for the maximized award, but also know how your claim will be viewed within the system and the impact that it can have.
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liewithm3 · 10 months
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Born sick.
Abused by Catholic Church, family- including spouse & the children that I supported, since birth.
Being abused, murdered, NOW by healthcare, family; Business, Medicare & Social Security cheats.
I ran family business, was ASE certified Master Auto Technician, and was a former NY state DMV Inspector.
With study, modernization of business, I worked almost constantly.
Using the courts they are threatening to arrest, transport me downstate, and imprison me, which will give them even greater access to my home and contents- including evidence of my life and career, which they are erasing now.
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I have not attempted to contact or heard from the children that I supported in years.
I believe that Jessica Parrotte and Nathan Parrotte are missing persons.
Jess & Nate either want me to think this, or someone is impersonating Jessica downstate.
Jessica feared & divorced her former husbands from New York City- and Nathan was helping her to cope with her illness.
Jessica personally delivered the pictures that I posted earlier on Instagram & X(Twitter). That's the last time that I saw her.
I know who Jessica is.
She said her first husband, Anton used her student loans to finance his day trading and lost a lot of money, putting her further into debt.
Nathan was also in student debt, living in a diverse shithole with a shared bathroom, and no privacy, despite his Master's degree. He worked for the NYC Transit Authority and felt that he was being passed over promotion wise.
Jess & Nate left New York City and had supposedly recently purchased a house together.
I sleep very little because I'm being abused by the religious community in Plattsburgh NY, yet must attempt to defend myself after slaving for them my entire life.
Any attorney provided is the state's operative and would waste years just PRETENDING to attempt to understand the situation.
The New York State Courts are corrupt, incompetent or both.
I'm thinking that if Jess is alive, my siblings may be harassing her electronically, or her brother Nate may be involved- as she resented having to take care of him after school.
Their mother and I both worked.
This case is frivolous at best, and more likely an attempt to cover other criminal activity, such as my enslavement and torture, Medicare fraud, and attempted Social Security fraud.
I move to dismiss.
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avaa7944 · 1 year
Why Go To A Medicare Class?
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Attending a Medicare class or workshop can be highly beneficial, especially if you are approaching the age of 65 or are new to the Medicare program. These classes are typically offered by government agencies, nonprofit organizations, insurance companies, or community centers, and they provide valuable information about Medicare coverage, options, and the enrollment process. Here are several compelling reasons why you might want to consider attending a Medicare class:
Understanding Medicare Basics: Medicare can be complex, with various parts (A, B, C, and D) and enrollment periods. A Medicare class can provide a clear and comprehensive overview of how the program works, its components, and the eligibility criteria.
Choosing the Right Plan: There are different Medicare options, including Original Medicare (Part A and Part B), Medicare Advantage (Part C), and Medicare Supplement plans. These classes can help you understand the differences between these options and guide you in choosing the plan that best suits your healthcare needs and budget.
Navigating Enrollment: Learning when and how to enroll in Medicare is crucial to avoid potential penalties and coverage gaps. A Medicare class can provide insights into the enrollment process, including initial enrollment, special enrollment periods, and annual open enrollment.
Prescription Drug Coverage (Part D): Understanding the intricacies of Medicare Part D, which covers prescription drugs, is vital. A Medicare class can explain how to choose the right drug plan, including details about formularies, co-pays, and the "donut hole."
Coverage Options: Depending on your specific healthcare needs, you may want to explore Medicare Advantage plans, which can include additional benefits like dental, vision, and fitness programs. A class can explain these options and help you assess whether they are suitable for you.
Costs and Budgeting: Medicare costs can vary significantly, depending on the plan you select. A Medicare class can help you estimate your potential expenses and create a budget that aligns with your financial situation.
Preventing Scams and Fraud: Unfortunately, some scammers target Medicare beneficiaries. These classes can educate you on how to recognize and protect yourself from Medicare-related scams and fraud.
Updating Your Plan: Medicare classes can teach you how to review and make changes to your coverage each year during the open enrollment period, ensuring your healthcare needs are continually met.
Clarifying Misconceptions: Many individuals have misconceptions about Medicare, and attending a class can dispel common myths and ensure you have accurate information.
One-on-One Assistance: Some Medicare classes offer one-on-one counseling sessions with experts who can address your specific questions and concerns, providing personalized guidance.
Legal and Financial Implications: Understanding how Medicare may affect your financial and legal situation is crucial. Medicare classes may touch on the legal and financial aspects of healthcare planning, potentially in collaboration with attorneys or financial advisors.
Networking and Community: These classes can be an opportunity to connect with other individuals in a similar situation. Sharing experiences and insights with peers can be valuable and reassuring.
Access to Resources: Medicare classes often provide attendees with written materials, resources, and contact information for local agencies and organizations that can assist with Medicare-related matters.
Peace of Mind: The complexity of healthcare and insurance can be overwhelming. Attending a Medicare class can give you the knowledge and confidence to make informed decisions and ensure you receive the healthcare coverage you need as you age.
In conclusion, attending a Medicare class can empower you to make well-informed decisions regarding your healthcare coverage, ensuring you choose the most suitable plan and avoid common pitfalls. It's a valuable investment of your time, especially if you are new to Medicare or approaching eligibility.
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ledenews · 1 year
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mystlnewsonline · 1 year
Elizabeth Hernandez - Convicted - $200M Healthcare Fraud
Nurse Practitioner Elizabeth Hernandez, Convicted of $200M Health Care Fraud Scheme (STL.News) A federal jury in Miami convicted a Florida nurse practitioner yesterday for her role in a scheme to defraud Medicare by submitting more than $200 million in false and fraudulent claims for expensive genetic testing and medical equipment that the Medicare beneficiaries did not need. According to court documents and evidence presented at trial, Elizabeth Hernandez, 45, of Homestead, signed thousands of orders for medically unnecessary orthotic braces and genetic tests, resulting in fraudulent Medicare billings in excess of $200 million.  As part of the scheme, telemarketing companies would contact Medicare beneficiaries to convince them to request orthotic braces and genetic tests and then send pre-filled orders for these products to Hernandez, who signed them, attesting that she had examined or treated the patients.  In reality, she had never spoken with many of the patients.  In 2020, Hernandez ordered more cancer genetic tests for Medicare beneficiaries than any other provider in the nation, including oncologists and geneticists.  She then billed Medicare as though she were conducting complex office visits with these patients and routinely billed more than 24 hours of “office visits” in a single day.  Hernandez personally pocketed approximately $1.6 million in the scheme, which she used to purchase expensive cars, jewelry, home renovations, and travel. The jury convicted Hernandez of one count of conspiracy to commit health care fraud and wire fraud, in addition to four counts of health care fraud and three counts of making false statements relating to health care matters.  She is scheduled to be sentenced on Dec. 14.  She faces a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison for conspiracy, 10 years in prison on each healthcare fraud count, and five years in prison on each false statement count.  A federal district court judge will determine any sentence after considering the US Sentencing Guidelines and other statutory factors. Acting Assistant Attorney General Nicole M. Argentieri of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division, Assistant Director Luis Quesada of the FBI’s Criminal Investigative Division, and Deputy Inspector General for Investigations Christian J. Schrank of the Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General (HHS-OIG) made the announcement. The FBI and HHS-OIG investigated this case. Trial Attorney Andrea Savdie and Assistant Chief Kate Payerle of the Criminal Division’s Fraud Section are prosecuting the case. The Fraud Section leads the Criminal Division’s efforts to combat healthcare fraud through the Health Care Fraud Strike Force Program.  Since March 2007, this program, comprised of 15 strike forces operating in 25 federal districts, has charged more than 5,000 defendants who collectively have billed federal health care programs and private insurers more than $24 billion.  In addition, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, working in conjunction with the Office of the Inspector General for the Department of Health and Human Services, are taking steps to hold providers accountable for their involvement in healthcare fraud schemes.  More information can be found at www.justice.gov/criminal-fraud/health-care-fraud-unit. SOURCE: US Department of Justice Read the full article
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occupyhades · 1 year
Southern District of Texas | Harlingen business operators charged in multi-million dollar power wheelchair fraud scheme | United States Department of Justice
BROWNSVILLE, Texas – The operators of a durable medical equipment company have been charged with defrauding Medicare, announced U. S. Attorney Alamdar S. Hamdani.
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Want A Worry-Free Retirement? Hire Elder Law Attorneys!
Are you looking forward to your retirement? Do you want to enjoy your golden years without any stress or anxiety? If so, you plan and make sure your legal and financial affairs are in order. That's where estate planning and elder law Grand Rapids Michigan come in. These are two areas of law to help you protect your assets, health, and legacy. Here are some ways how elder law and estate planning can help you live a worry-free retirement: Get Medicaid and benefits: Elder law can help you qualify for Medicaid and other benefits. Medicaid is a federal and state program that pays for long-term care services, such as nursing home care or home health care. You have to meet some income and asset limits to qualify for Medicaid. Elder law attorneys can help you plan and use legal strategies to preserve your assets and qualify for Medicaid. Avoid probate and taxes: Estate planning can help you avoid probate and estate taxes. Probate is the legal process of settling your estate after you die. It can be costly, time-consuming, and public. Estate taxes are taxes that the government imposes on the value of your estate when you die. This can reduce the amount of money that you leave to your heirs. Estate planning attorneys can help you avoid probate and estate taxes by creating a will, a trust, or other documents. Protect your rights and interests: Elder law can protect your rights and interests as a senior citizen. Elder law attorneys can help you deal with issues that affect your quality of life as a senior citizen, such as elder abuse, neglect, exploitation, discrimination, or fraud. They can also help you access various programs and services available for seniors, such as Social Security, Medicare, veteran’s benefits, senior housing, or transportation. Elder law and estate planning are two areas of law to help you live a worry-free retirement. You can take the help of an estate planning attorney Grand Rapids MI to advocate for your rights and interests and resolve any disputes or conflicts that may arise. About Castle Wealth Group Legal: Castle Wealth Group Legal is a prominent name for the best estate planning lawyers East Lansing services. They can help you with your estate planning and elder law requirements. You can trust them to provide reliable services so you can enjoy your retirement worry-free. Visit https://michiganestateplanning.com/ to know how they can help you. Original Source: https://bit.ly/46r2KNa
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brownllc · 2 years
The Largest Whistleblower Awards - Brown, LLC
The more the government spends, the more the taxpayers are victimized by fraud, in the form of Medicare Fraud, Medicaid Fraud, and Defense Contractor Fraud.
Read more: https://ifightforyourrights.com/blog/record-government-spending-record-fraud-and-some-of-the-largest-whistleblower-awards/
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jhapalitimes · 1 year
US Government Unveils Charges in Massive Healthcare Fraud Takedown Worth $2.5 Billion
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Washington, D.C. - In a significant law enforcement action, the US Justice Department unveiled federal and local criminal charges against 78 defendants across 16 states, alleging involvement in healthcare fraud schemes totaling $2.5 billion. The schemes targeted vulnerable populations, including elderly and disabled individuals, HIV patients, and pregnant women. The charges encompass a wide range of fraudulent activities, such as false billing of the Medicare insurance program for elderly and disabled Americans, illegal kickback payments, diversion of expensive prescription medications, and improper dispensing of highly addictive opioid painkillers. Among those facing charges are 24 doctors, nurses, licensed medical professionals, and healthcare executives, including the current and former CEOs of a durable medical equipment online platform accused of fraudulently billing $1.9 billion. "US Justice Department Charges 78 Defendants in $2.5 Billion Healthcare Fraud Crackdown" Of the alleged fraudulent claims, approximately $1.1 billion was paid out to the fraudsters by Medicare, state Medicaid programs, and private insurers offering supplemental Medicare insurance. Attorney General Merrick Garland emphasized the Justice Department's commitment to apprehending criminals who defraud Americans and exploit taxpayer-funded programs. He stated, "The Justice Department will find and bring to justice criminals who seek to defraud Americans and steal from taxpayer-funded programs."The charges, which were filed or unsealed between June 12 and the present, involve a series of cases with similar fraudulent schemes. Some cases revolve around the illicit acquisition and resale of expensive HIV medications. In contrast, others involve deceptive practices targeting low-income pregnant women for prenatal care services that were never rendered. Typical Medicare fraud schemes often exploit elderly or disabled patients who are persuaded by telemarketers to provide their personal insurance information. Physicians unrelated to the patients then falsify orders by certifying their medical necessity, enabling fraudulent reimbursement claims to be submitted to federal or state insurance programs. Each participant in these schemes typically receives illegal kickbacks or bribes. Fraudsters tend to focus on medical services with high reimbursement rates, such as durable medical equipment, genetic testing, and lab diagnostic services. These schemes exploit the most lucrative areas of healthcare reimbursement. The US Justice Department's crackdown on healthcare fraud aims to protect vulnerable individuals and ensure the integrity of healthcare programs. Read the full article
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chasenews · 1 year
Cambria County Woman Charged With Conspiracy To Commit Health Care Fraud
HARRISBURG – The United States Attorney’s Office for the Middle District of Pennsylvania announced that Florentina Mayko, age 39, of Cambria County, Pennsylvania, was charged by criminal information with one count of conspiracy to commit health care fraud for defrauding Medicare and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services between 2017 and 2019. According to United States Attorney Gerard…
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stockplaner · 1 year
Appeals Lawyers In Atlanta Georgia
Atlanta Appeals Attorneys
The Atlanta appeal lawyers of Brownstone Law are experienced professionals in the field of Atlanta Georgia appellate law. Appeal cases in Atlanta Georgia can be significantly more complex than trial court cases and require special experience to handle. Our appeal attorneys in Atlanta Georgia are experienced in the preparation of Georgia appellate briefs and offer compelling oral arguments for your case. Our Atlanta appeals lawyers are client-focused and we know that we succeed when you succeed. All of our passion for what we do is invested in each case. If you are considering appealing a case, contact us today at 1-(770) 284-3147 for your free and confidential consultation. We can provide the legal support for your appeals case. Brownstone is known for its innovative and thorough work and will fight for justice for you. We also handle Atlanta criminal appeals, as well as appeals throughout all Atlanta Courts of Appeal.
The Atlanta appellate law firm opens at 7:30 a.m. Monday – Friday. Contact our Atlanta GA Appeals Lawyers at (770) 284-3147.
Appeals Lawyers Atlanta Georgia
One of the main types of cases that can be handled by our Atlanta appellate attorneys are federal criminal cases. Our firm handles a wide variety of criminal appeals in Atlanta, including drug crimes, drug trafficking, conspiracy, and firearm enhancements. Our Georgia appeal lawyers also handle health care fraud appeals which includes a wide variety of practices that take place in the health care profession, carried out by or for Medicare and Medicaid, by doctors, hospital, nursing homes, medical suppliers, and research laboratories. Health care fraud consists of things such as: billing for services that not actually completed or provided, billing for unnecessary medical services, double billing, upcoding, bundling, fraudulent cost reporting by providers, and kickbacks.Return to our main Georgia appeal lawyers page.
Connect with Robert Sirianni our Atlanta GA appeals attorney today (770) 284-3147.
Your Appeals Lawyers in Atlanta, Georgia
At Brownstone Law, we specialize in appeals law and have a team of experienced lawyers that can help you with your legal needs. We are committed to providing superior service and personalized attention to every case.
Expertise You Can Trust
Robert Sirianni is one of the most experienced appeals lawyers in Atlanta, Georgia. With more than 25 years of experience representing clients at all levels of the appellate process, Robert and our team are committed to providing the highest quality legal services.
Comprehensive Representation
We handle a wide range of appellate matters including criminal appeal cases in Fulton County, Deakalb County, and throughout the state of Georgia. Our comprehensive approach includes research and analysis, briefing, oral argument preparation and presentation, and post-argument follow-up.
Our appeals attorney handle cases in  Cherokee, Clayton, Cobb, DeKalb, Douglas, Fayette, Forsyth, Fulton, Gwinnett, Henry and Rockdale.
Personalized Attention
At Brownstone Law, we understand that every case is unique and requires personalized attention. We work closely with our clients to ensure that their needs are met throughout the entire process.
In addition to complex cases like health care fraud, Brownstone’s appeals lawyers in Atlanta can also manage civil cases regarding medical malpractice, foreclosures, business law, environmental litigation, labor law, and more. Most of our work is done for a flat rate, and we can negotiate a payment plan that is right for you. Our appellate law firm can represent clients in the federal appeal courts of Georgia and the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals, as well as the United States Supreme Court. By striving for excellence, our firm has become one of the most experienced federal appellate law firms in the nation. We did so by creating value for our clients. We can represent large banks, individuals, corporations, and insurance carriers. Brownstone Appeals in Atlanta Georgia The experience of a Atlanta appeal attorney is essential, simply because appellate procedures are often very complex. We developed a winning approach to federal appellate litigation. Our Atlanta appeals lawyers are some of the most experienced litigators in the nation. Our roster includes former law clerks, former prosecutors, and members of the Order of Coif. Brownstone’s team of outstanding federal appeal lawyers serves clients across the United States and in Georgia. Most appeals in Atlanta start at the Court of Appeals in Fulton County Georgia.
Georgia Court Appeals are a sophisticated area of legal work. We provide a full range of appellate consulting services and appellate practice consultation.
Atlanta Georgia Criminal Appellate Law Firm
We maintain a strong reputation for representing clients on appeal in all appellate courts in Georgia, including the Supreme Court. Criminal charges in Atlanta are not the same as state charges. It is important that you find an attorney who is skilled and experienced with appellate law, sentencing guidelines for appeals and the rules of appellate procedure. Contact our Atlanta appeals lawyers to review your case today. We can also handle civil appeals in Atlanta and appeals in Savannah. Connect with our criminal appeals attorneys in Atlanta (770) 284-3147.
Our firm has a reputation for appellate advocacy in state and federal courts. We write briefs for clients that are designed to win the argument on appeal. The civil appellate attorneys at our Atlanta, Georgia appellate law firm handle a wide variety of civil appeals in state courts including property, commercial disputes, contracts, torts, business disputes, family law, and corporate cases. Criminal appeals may mean the difference between obtaining a lower sentence, getting a new trial, or vacating a case. Choose the right law firm that has the background to win the argument on appeal. The appeal attorneys at our law office are experienced in all types of post-conviction relief, Georgia habeas corpus and federal writs. The appeals attorneys at our firm seek to represent clients in criminal cases and appeal a conviction or sentence
Atlanta Criminal Appeals Attorneys
Our criminal Atlanta appeals lawyers know that facing unfavorable legal decisions can make you feel as though your whole life is over. The truth is, that is certainly not the case. The United States justice system has policies in place to make sure that you get the justice that you deserve – the appeals process. You can appeal on grounds that the sentence was excessive, the trial court made abuses of discretion, or legal mistakes or there were wrong jury instructions. Contact Brownstone’s Atlanta appeals lawyers to explore all of your options. We can handle criminal appeal cases including drug trafficking, insurance and financial fraud, business torts, copyright infringement, Medicare fraud, improper solicitation of patients, internet pharmacy violations, HUD appeals, customs enforcement and international trade commission appeals. In all these cases we may be able to secure new trials, reduced sentences or even acquittals.
Georgia Appellate litigation is often a complex matter that should be handled by appeals attorneys in Georgia. At Brownstone Law, we focus solely on appeals in Georgia to ensure our clients receive the representation they deserve when fighting for their rights following a conviction or sentence. Our Georgia appellate experience has prepared us to represent clients on difficult appeals in Georgia.
Contact Brownstone Law at (770) 284-3147.
Brownstone’s appeals lawyers, and Robert Sirianni have argued hundreds of appeals before various courts of appeal, including the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals and United States Supreme Court.
Contact our Georgia appeals lawyers (770) 284-3147.
Why Hire an Atlanta Appeals Attorney?
Error of law
If an error of law was committed at the trial could have substantially altered the verdict, then you must appeal in a Georgia appellate court. Errors can be anything from an incorrect interpretation of a Charter right and wrongful admission of evidence to providing wrong directions to the jury on an important question of law.
Unreasonable verdict
To pursue grounds of unreasonable verdict, a persuasive brief explaining the weakness of the evidence must be presented. This approach, is however, less taken (unless there are strong reasons to consider it) as appeal courts are neither interested in nor in a position to assess all the evidence presented at trial.
Brownstone Law handles appeals across Georgia. Our Atlanta appeals attorneys will passionately and vigorously pursue justice on your behalf and provide you with the best possible outcome. Our team of experienced appellate lawyers can tackle your appeal from every angle. We are dedicated to giving your case the personal attention it deserves and ensuring your legal rights are fully protected. Our knowledgeable and experienced Atlanta appeals attorneys can analyze complex issues and work diligently to achieve the best outcome for you. We understand how important it is to have the right counsel on your side and are committed to providing superior legal representation. With Brownstone Law you will have experienced attorneys advocating on your behalf and fighting to make sure your rights are not infringed upon. We take a comprehensive approach to litigation and provide comprehensive legal guidance throughout the entire process so that our clients’ interests are fully represented and their case is given the attention it deserves.
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