#medical transcription service Louisville
vocisllc · 2 years
Our team gets Claims and Demographics entered into your billing system accurately and cash is posted within 24 hours.  Medical billing payment posting services USA The team analyzes the payment while posting for the partial and low payments and takes the necessary action to recover the due reimbursement for partial and low payments. We will post, review and submit all office charges, Medical billing charge entry Service USA hospital visits, surgeries, and diagnostic and laboratory tests, ensuring accuracy, completeness, and proper coding.
Our services in payment posting include
Accurate posting of payments – Manual and Electronic
Accurate management and analysis of denials
Patient statements/bills
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masterofd1saster · 4 years
CJ current events - last day of sep
A grand jury in Jefferson Circuit Court, Kentucky investigated the shooting of Breonna Taylor in Louisville on March 13, 2020.  One of the grand jurors has asked the court to release grand jurors from their oath of secrecy and to release the transcripts and recordings of grand jury proceedings in the Taylor investigation.
Kentucky’s constitution says
A grand jury shall consist of twelve persons, nine of whom concurring, may find an indictment. *** But where a verdict is rendered by a less number than the whole jury, it shall be signed by all the jurors who agree to it. KY Const § 248
So even if three jurors dissented from an indictment, it would not change the outcome.  If eight jurors voted to indict, but four did not, there would be no indictment.  
An indictment is often called a “true bill.”  When the grand jury votes not to indict, it’s called a “no true bill.”
You may read & download the motion at 
Another group begging for eternal hell fire
Connecticut list brokerage firm Macromark Inc. pleaded guilty on Friday to knowingly providing lists of potential victims to fraudulent mass-mailing schemes, the Department of Justice announced.  The fraudulent schemes tricked consumers into paying fees for falsely promised cash prizes and purportedly personalized “psychic” services.  Thousands of consumers lost millions of dollars to the schemes.  ***
The information alleges that Macromark provided list-brokerage services for more than 11 years to clients who were running mass-mailing fraud schemes.  Macromark specifically helped fraudulent mass mailers both acquire lists of potential victims to defraud and sell their lists of victims to other mass mailers.  Macromark executives and employees engaged in this conduct despite knowing that their clients were mailing hundreds of thousands of deceptive prize notifications that misled victims into believing that they would receive a cash prize or personalized services upon payment of a fee.  The potential-victim lists that Macromark brokered were essential to its fraudulent mass-mailer clients, allowing them to more effectively reach consumers who were susceptible to their schemes.  Many victims who lost money to the schemes were elderly and vulnerable.  In pleading guilty, Macromark admitted that the lists it provided to fraudulent clients resulted in losses to victims of at least $9,500,000.*** https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/list-brokerage-firm-pleads-guilty-facilitating-elder-fraud-schemes
If you suffocate a baby, she stops crying
***Angel Vanduker, 19, of Pekin was charged with involuntary manslaughter of a family member in Tazewell County court Monday.
Documentation from the court shows Pekin Police were called to a Pekin home on Monday, September 21 where they found an 11-month old Nova Tucker unresponsive. She was transported to UnityPoint Pekin Hospital and then to OSF Children’s Hospital of Illinois in Peoria where authorities say she was placed on life support. She died three days later.
Police say Vanduker originally told them the child choked on a waffle. Medical personnel say they did not find any food or other obstructions in the airway. The document says Vanduker then gave police inconsistent statements before telling an officer she was tired and attempted to get the child to lay down with her on the couch. When the infant would not cooperate Vanduker told police she wrapped her in a blanket and held the child tightly to her chest with her hand behind the baby’s head for a number of minutes until the child stopped squirming.***  https://www.centralillinoisproud.com/news/local-news/pekin-woman-charged-with-suffocating-her-infant-daughter/
Last decade, beginning in 2012, 33 states liberalized their laws on marijuana, 17 of them through ballot referenda. But voters in a few states have stubbornly refused to follow the trend, and it appears that Arizonans might well continue on that track.
In 2016, Arizona voters narrowly defeated Proposition 205, which would have legalized recreational marijuana. The final margin was less than 3 percentage points and just under 70,000 votes.*** https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/is-legal-marijuana-headed-for-defeat-in-arizona-once-again
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toldnews-blog · 5 years
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New Post has been published on https://toldnews.com/world/united-states-of-america/her-father-was-executed-for-murder-she-still-wants-to-know-if-he-did-it/
Her Father Was Executed for Murder. She Still Wants to Know if He Did It.
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LOUISVILLE, Ky. — April Alley had last spoken with her father when she was a girl of 10, so there was plenty of catching up to do when they met about 15 years later, in the noisy visiting area of a prison in Nashville.
She told him about her life as an adult: college, marriage, a home near Louisville.
Her father, Sedley Alley, talked about being a convicted murderer on death row, and the haze of his ragged years as an alcoholic and drug addict.
Near the end of their meeting, she posed the question that had shadowed her since childhood. Was he really a killer who had raped and impaled a young Marine?
“I asked him, ‘Did you do that? If you did or not, you’re still my dad and I love you,’” Ms. Alley recalled.
His reply was the same opaque answer he gave psychiatrists after his arrest in 1985, and continued to give to anyone who asked, right until his execution in 2006. He did not know.
“He said, ‘If I did do it, I deserve what I get,’” Ms. Alley said. “‘But I don’t remember doing it.’”
On Tuesday, Ms. Alley, 43, asked a judge in Memphis to grant her what the courts had refused her father during his lifetime: DNA testing of evidence from the murder. She realizes the results might cement her father’s guilt, giving her an answer that he could not — or would not — provide.
“I don’t want it to be like that — that he actually did it,” Ms. Alley said. “But it would almost make it easier. Because the thought of all of that happening for no reason doesn’t sit well with me at all.”
Mr. Alley went to his death based on scant physical evidence and a confession that he claimed he had been forced to give.
Five years after he died, the Tennessee Supreme Court said that denying his request for DNA testing had been a mistake.
Ms. Alley has become executor of his estate and “now stands in the shoes of her father, seeking the truth,” her petition for testing says.
The kind of post-mortem inquiry she seeks is “incredibly rare,” said Brandon L. Garrett, a professor of law at Duke University.
“The prisoner is deceased, the case is closed and the evidence is destroyed,” Professor Garrett said.
Sometimes, though, evidence is preserved. Ever since the Alley trial in 1987, the Shelby County clerk has kept exhibits that include the victim’s underwear, a pair of red briefs apparently worn by the attacker and a 31-inch tree branch.
Mr. Alley’s DNA was harvested while he was alive and is still in storage, according to Kelley J. Henry, a federal public defender who represented him in his last years.
If the testing goes forward and unambiguously points to someone other than Mr. Alley as the killer, it could become the first time DNA has exonerated a person put to death in the United States.
For nearly two decades after Mr. Alley’s arrest, no one disputed in court that he was the killer; his original lawyers argued that he was not guilty by reason of insanity. In 2003, new lawyers said a fresh investigation raised serious doubts about his guilt that only DNA tests could resolve.
Prosecutors said that the request was a stalling maneuver, and that even if someone else’s DNA were found, it would not clear Mr. Alley. They prevailed.
The murder occurred one night in July 1985. Lance Corporal Suzanne Collins, 19, left the barracks at Naval Air Station Millington, just outside Memphis, to take her daily 10-mile run. She had just finished nine months of avionics training.
Around 11 p.m., two fellow Marines running the other way crossed paths with her. Moments later, they dodged a station wagon swerving along the road, in the same direction that Corporal Collins had been running.
After it passed, they heard a woman hollering, “Don’t touch me! Leave me alone!” They ran toward the shouts and saw a car, which they believed was the same station wagon, stopped on the side of the road. It sped off. A second car came their way and they tried to wave it down, but the driver did not stop. They ran to the gatehouse. A guard sounded an alarm for a possible abduction.
About an hour later, just after midnight, Mr. Alley was stopped near the base driving a rattling 1972 station wagon. A Navy investigator noted that he had no visible injuries.
Mr. Alley, then 29, was not in the service — he had been discharged some years earlier for drug and alcohol abuse — but his wife was in the Navy. After she was questioned, the investigators concluded that the jogging Marines had heard the Alleys squabbling, not an abduction.
At that point, no one knew Corporal Collins was missing. The alert for the station wagon was canceled. The Alleys were sent home for the night. A patrol kept an eye on their house.
The next morning, Corporal Collins’s body was found in a park.
She had been struck 100 blows and strangled. The attacker had stripped a tree branch of twigs, sharpened the tip, then drove it through her body.
Mr. Alley, who had no criminal record, was promptly arrested. Over a period of hours, he denied knowing anything about the woman and asked for a lawyer.
But then, investigators said, before consulting anyone, he proceeded to volunteer that he had sideswiped Corporal Collins while driving drunk, accidentally stabbed her in the head with a screwdriver — both details untrue, the medical examiner testified — and staged the crime scene.
Mr. Alley would later claim the investigators had turned on the tape recorder only when he said what they wanted to hear, not during the browbeating that led up to his statement. The authorities said they had merely asked him what happened.
They also said he showed them where Corporal Collins’s body had been found, but a transcript of a recording of the car ride does not indicate that he gave any directions.
Mr. Alley’s lawyers were unable to get information from him about the crime, so he was turned over to psychiatrists. One wrote that he “did not seem overtly delusional, except in his assessment of the police tactics and his belief that they would have beaten him if he had not confessed to the crime, said they could have gotten away with it because they were the police.”
The physical evidence in the case, analyzed with the primitive tools available in 1985, was suggestive but far from conclusive. On the driver’s door of the station wagon, authorities reported finding Type O blood, the same as the victim’s and Mr. Alley’s. Paper napkins from Danver’s, a regional restaurant chain, were on the floor of his car as well as near the body, the investigators said. Also in the car was proof that he had been in the vicinity of the crime: an air conditioner pump that had been installed earlier in the day at a house near where Corporal Collins had been running. Plainly, Mr. Alley had stolen it.
However, no traces of Corporal Collins — no fingerprints, hair or blood — were found inside his car or, for that matter, on Mr. Alley. No physical evidence showed he had been in a prolonged struggle with a 19-year-old Marine in excellent condition.
April Alley spoke to a reporter last month in Louisville, where she works in human resources for a hospital. As a teenager, she said, she was turned against her father by a hostile relative.
In her 20s, she reconnected with him at Riverbend Maximum Security prison. He was frank about his drug and alcohol use, she said, and told her that he had confessed under threat. She became inclined to believe him.
In 2003, an investigator, April Higuera, turned up an undisclosed handwritten note by the medical examiner estimating that Corporal Collins died after Mr. Alley had been sent home and kept under police watch.
Ms. Higuera also located a romantic partner of Corporal Collins who drove a station wagon and was about the same height, 5-foot-8, as a man seen near the abduction. Mr. Alley was eight inches taller.
Citing these discoveries, Ms. Henry, the lawyer, said: “We tried every way possible to get back into court and to get DNA.”
Across the country, views on post-conviction DNA testing have changed as more wrongful convictions have come to light. All 50 states now give prisoners some access to DNA testing, though the hurdles vary.
If the evidence is tested, the results could be compared to a national registry of DNA collected from offenders and unsolved crimes, and to genetic genealogy databases, said Barry C. Scheck, a founder of the Innocence Project.
The case was reopened by the organization after Mr. Scheck received a tip that a man charged last year with murder and rapes in Missouri had also been stationed at Millington base for some of the time Corporal Collins was there. (Military records show that the man had been sent to a base in California before the murder.)
As Mr. Alley’s execution approached, he tried to forbid April and his son, David, from attending. They insisted, and just after 1:30 a.m. on June 28, 2006, took seats at the front of the witness room.
Blinds were still shut on the viewing window, but audio was already being piped in. They heard him coming.
“Chains clanking,” Ms. Alley said.
When the blinds opened, Mr. Alley lay on a steel gurney. An intravenous line ran from a wall into his right arm. He turned to his daughter and son. They stood and pressed their hands to the glass.
Someone yelled that they were blocking the view.
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vocisllc · 2 years
Medical Billing And Revenue Cycle Management
We provide personal one on one billing services for your office and save you big $$$. Medical credentialing Louisville Vocis has extensive experience in providing comprehensive billing services for just about every specialty. We provide end-to-end medical billing services, including following-up of pending claims, initiating collections, finding out reasons for denials of claims, and tracking outstanding receivable balances. With a relentless commitment towards providing high quality and cost effective billing and coding services to health care providers around the nation, VOCIS promises a higher level of service and value, as compared to any of our competition.
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Increase revenue through improved collection process
Give you the confidence your practice needs to grow
Our services backed by our 24 X 7 support operation, ensure that your questions are addressed any time of the day or night with a 100% commitment towards excellence in service. References of clients will be provided on request.
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vocisllc · 1 year
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Quality, Precise, Virtual QuickBooks Services for your  VOCIS Company! Reduce your Overhead TODAY by 50%.
We specialize in Virtual QuickBooks Bookkeeping and tailor our services to fit your company’s specific needs.
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vocisllc · 2 years
Streamline Your Revenue Cycle with Our Top-Notch Medical Billing Services in the USA
Medical marketing can provide several benefits to healthcare providers, including: Increased patient volume: By effectively marketing their practice, VOCIS INC healthcare providers can attract more patients, practice management services Louisville which can lead to increased revenue.
Brand awareness: Medical marketing can help to build brand awareness and establish a healthcare provider as a trusted and reputable source of medical care.
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vocisllc · 2 years
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VOCIS Medical marketing and search engine optimization (SEO) are critical components of a successful healthcare practice in Louisville. Medical marketing involves promoting healthcare services, medical devices, or products to potential customers through various marketing channels. Medical billing service provider USA SEO involves optimizing a website's content to rank higher on search engine results pages, increasing visibility and traffic. Effective implementation of VOCIS INC medical marketing and SEO strategies can help healthcare practices attract and retain patients, increase revenue, and establish a strong online presence.
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vocisllc · 2 years
Medical Billing And Revenue Cycle Management Mountainside New jersey
VOCIS LLC offers reliable Medical Coding and Billing services to healthcare providers and medical practices. Our experienced team of professionals ensures accurate coding, timely billing, and maximum reimbursement, while minimizing errors and compliance risks. We use the latest technology and industry best practices to deliver quality solutions that optimize revenue cycle management and improve cash flow for our clients.
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vocisllc · 2 years
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VOCIS INC Medical billing in Louisville, USA refers to the process of submitting and following up on claims with health insurance companies to receive payment for medical services provided to patients. This process typically involves coding the services provided using standardized Medical coding Louisville, medical codes, submitting claims electronically or on paper to insurance companies, and resolving any denied claims or inaccuracies in payment. The goal of Medical billing Louisville USA is to ensure that healthcare providers receive accurate and timely payment for their services.
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vocisllc · 2 years
Virtual Medical Scribe Services
The introduction of a Medical Scribe is a revolutionary concept in the modern medical field. Medical transcription service provider Louisville USA Due to the introduction of the Electronic Health Record (EHR) Physicians is overloaded with documentation and data entry work. Our Virtual Medical Scribe service can help Physicians they can spend more time focusing on direct patient contact and care, rather than on clerical work and documentation of a visit.
A Medical Scribe is essentially a personal assistant to the physician who takes notes and helps in the documentation in the EHR. Our Virtual Medical Scribe service works in a similar fashion. A Virtual Medical Scribe works remotely through secure internet connections. Medical transcriptionist in Louisville KY They listen to the patient’s complaints, History, and Exams and transcribe the notes onto EHR. We also input ICD and CPT codes and assist with Prescriptions. Our Scribes allow doctors to focus on patient care and not on data entry. At the end of the day, the doctor reviews the charts and signs off and the charts are complete.
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vocisllc · 2 years
Virtual Medical Assistant / Appointment Scheduling
Let Vocis’s Appointment Service answer all your calls and schedule all your appointments by phone. HIPAA Compliant Medical Transcription USA
Remote Medical Receptionist/ Appointment Service will act as a direct extension of your medical practice by connecting you with your patients and callers, regardless of your location. Your dedicated assistant will answer your phone and assist your patient or transfer the call to the appropriate personnel. We will work with your practice to evaluate your current appointment management system and use it, virtual medical transcriptionist Louisville or use our own appointment management software that allows us to schedule online appointments, send confirmation emails, and reminders, and provides you with instant access to all of your patient’s appointments.
7 Advantages of hiring a dedicated virtual medical receptionist:
No need to increase your office space
No need to buy any hardware/software
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vocisllc · 2 years
Provider Enrollment And Credentialing
We at Vocis provide effective and efficient enrollment and credentialing services to our clients. legal medical transcriptionists Louisville We can quickly credential you with the required payers and always ensure our clients receive fair payments from the insurers. Hiring Vocis for your enrollment and credentialing needs allows you to focus on patient care – while we deal with the headaches that come with the credentialing process.
Whether you are opening a new practice, Remote HR staffing services in Louisville  adding a new healthcare provider to your existing practice, contracting with the new health plans, or trying to ensure an existing provider’s ability to be paid, We can help.
Whether you are a Hospital, a multi-specialty group, or a solo practitioner, let our team help you expand your business or start you off on the right foot.
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vocisllc · 2 years
Medical Accounts Receivable Analysis (AR Follow-Up)
Quick and timely accounts receivable follow-up helps hospitals, clinics, and medical practices to speed up cash flows and improve their overall collections recovery. Provider medical transcription Louisville Sending claims to insurance companies does not guarantee that your claims were received and thus will be processed. Therefore, it is important to track and follow up on claims that have not yet received any payments
We have an experienced team of professionals who can identify patient accounts that require follow-up and take necessary action to collect unpaid claims and underpaid claims. Medical transcription louisville Our expert follow-up team aggressively pursues all unpaid insurance claims with the insurance company on all accounts, at any stage of the aging bucket. With a robust system and impeccable delivery model, we can provide you with:
Improved cash flow & Increased Revenue for the Provider.
Timely Claim Submission
Higher collection ratio
Superior customer satisfaction
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vocisllc · 2 years
We provide personal one-on-one Medical billing service provider Louisville for your office and save you big $$$. Vocis has extensive experience in providing comprehensive billing services for just about every specialty. We provide end-to-end medical billing services, including includione-on-oneng-up of pending claims, initiating collections, finding out reasons for denials of claims, and tracking outstanding receivable balances.
Our services Medical billing USA backed by our 24 X 7 support operation, ensure that your questions are addressed any time of the day or night with a 100% commitment towards excellence in service. References of clients will be provided on request.
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vocisllc · 2 years
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Get a free marketing service and plan for your Medical Practice. virtual medical transcriptionist Louisville Our expert medical marketing team will review your goals, competition, online presence and then provide you the best online marketing plan to increase the patient volume. Medical billing service provider USA We have helped, and continue to help, a multitude of Medical Practices of various fields reach their business goals! Call US: 973 727 0444 or email [email protected] today to find out how you can start attracting more patients.
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