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ontourevents · 4 years ago
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#OnTourEvents supplying a small conference stage platform for a talk in #London Also supplying wireless LED uplighters to add some colour. Planning an event? Looking for a local, trusted and reputable #AudioVisualHire company in #London or #Surrey ? Check us out and see what we can offer you here www.ontourevents.co.uk #StageHire #LEDLighting #Uplighters #EventProduction #EventServices | with over 25 years experience working in the events industry we can deliver exactly what is required at a fair and competitive price point. #Staging #Lighting #Sound #MediaScreens #LEDWalls to custom set builds to live streaming services #OnTourEvents can assist. (at London, Unιted Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/CO2VKJ4L2w9/?igshid=18rnmya7c3in8
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kadirinews · 5 years ago
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Check out @husains_bakes #cakes #desserts #adverts #mediascreen #kadiri_newsagents #kadiri_news #Leicester (at Kadiri News & Launderette) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3RNsCzn88R/?igshid=1e8gbuu6y2bzf
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mediascreen-blog1 · 8 years ago
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                                           “Decoding Spider-Man”
The latest trailer for 'Spider-Man: Homecoming" has just hit the web and we're going to be breaking it down in our new article, "Decoding Spider-Man"!
The new trailer takes us right into the action with Peter Parker suiting up in his high tech super suit created for him by Tony Stark. We then see Tony telling Peter that he should be a "friendly neighborhood Spider-Man", which is a nod to the web-slinger's catchphrase, as opposed to a full blown Avenger. However, Peter has other ideas as he attempts to take on the big threats, namely an attack on the Staten Island Ferry which leads to total disaster. It isn't until Iron Man intervenes that the ferry is safely secure.
Tony finds Peter to be reckless and it appears as though he will be taking back Peter's suit that he gave him. What is interesting to note is that this sequence appears to be the catalyst for the rest of the film. Peter will be alone without the devices of his previous suit or perhaps even Tony's guidance and must learn to be more responsible. This will spell trouble for Peter as we see that his new nemesis the Vulture, played by Michael Keaton, is ready to pick a fight with him with his only shield of defense being his ratty old handmade super suit. The trailer ends with some stunning action scenes including one that involves Spider-Man and a crashing airplane. But it doesn't end there as we've found a few easter eggs!
Very early on in the trailer we see that Chris Evans will be reprising his role as Captain America in a brief cameo which involves him in a physical educational video of sorts. Also, when looking closely, fans will recognize Keaton's outfit in the film closely resembles his character's costume from the original comic book series. The Vulture also appears to be using wings not unlike The Falcon's and is also seen using alien technology that was seen in "The Avengers". The trailers also features a company called Damage Control which is apparently owned by Stark in the film according to a news report which may contribute to one of the reasons why the Vulture is hostile towards Tony Stark. To clarify, it appears that Keaton's character wants to collect technology left behind after catastrophic superhero battles, but Stark and his new company are interfering with the his black market arms dealing by cleaning up all of the left behind weaponry before it can get taken. Finally, Donald Glover appears briefly in the trailer with fans theorizing that he may in fact be the Prowler, a Spider-Man comic book character who is the uncle of Miles Morales who eventually becomes the new Spider-Man in the series. Could this mean that we will soon see Morales? Only time will tell!
Did we miss anything? Let us know and share your thoughts down below and what you would like to see next from Media Screen!
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gloriousslimepersongoth · 5 years ago
LED triangle for club and bar. Anywhere as long as you want, we can offer you the suitable LED solution. Makes your unique project much gorgeous. #videowall #ledscreen #leddisplay #smdled #ledmodules #mediascreen #ledvideowall #mediawall #ledcurtain #ledglobal #ledbillboard #outdoorledscreen #ledproject #ledcurtainscreen #outdoorleddisplay #rentalledscreen #transparentledscreen #ledscreenadvertising #rentalscreen #stagescreen #ledrental #finepitch #stageledscreen #ledservice #circlescreen #ledfullcolor #ledcurve #hdleddisplay #ledball #ledstadium https://www.instagram.com/p/B3j411JpCj8/?igshid=197f5tdawjrxt
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modularedisplays · 6 years ago
Verwandeln Sie Ihren Bildschirm 📱in eine Verkaufsmaschine! Mit diesem handlichen Kiosk-Stand können Sie nun fast jeden digitalen Bildschirm in ein auffälliges Display verwandeln, das dynamische und anregende Inhalte genau dort liefert, wo Sie diese brauchen. Mit einer 10-Jahre-Garantie ist er auch für den verkehrsreichsten Standort ausgelegt. 📌Es ist eine brillante💡💡💡 digitale Werbe-Display-Lösung für Salons, Showrooms, Filialen, Lobbys & Empfangsbereiche. Lassen Sie Ihre Schaufenster mit unserem Ultra High Brightness Digital Advertising Screens Sortiment leuchten! 📌Mit einer Helligkeit von 2.500cd/qm, sind diese unsere hellsten digitalen Werbeschilder-die perfekte 👌Wahl für Displays im direkten Sonnenlicht🌞🌞🌞. 📌Wählen Sie aus unserem Sortiment von hochwertigen Ultra High Helligkeit digitalen Plakaten in den Größen 46 ", 55", 65 " und 75 "für hochauflösende Fenster-und Innenausstattungsanzeigen. . . . #werbetechnik #mediascreen #werbedisplays #screen #plugandplay #messedisplay #marketing #werbung #leuchtrahmen #lichtwerbung #eventmanagement #event #marketing #infodisplay #messe #schaufensterdisplays #dekoration #dekoideen #deko (at Modulare Displays) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx2RH9JF_sq/?igshid=1ai60wss3hqxz
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amirkarim · 8 years ago
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MEDIA SCREENING - GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY VOL 2. Ini review saya ... 1. Filemnya - I am Groot 2. Soundtrack - I am Groot 3. 3D effects - I am Groot 4. Berbaloi? - I am Groot 5. Cameo Stan Lee - I am Groot. KESELURUHAN - I AM GROOT #GOTGvol2 #RockMyGalaxy2 #Marvel #Iamgroot #MediaScreening (at TGV I-MAX 3D , One Utama)
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interviewclassroom-blog · 6 years ago
There are four ways to associate styles with your HTML document. Most commonly used methods are inline CSS and External CSS :
1.Inline CSS
2.Internal Css
3.External Css
4. Imported CSS
You can put your CSS rules into an HTML document using the <style> element. This tag is placed inside the <head>…</head> tags. Rules defined using this syntax will be applied to all the elements available in the document. Here is the generic syntax −
Following is the example of embedded CSS based on the above syntax −
<!DOCTYPE html>
     <style type = “text/css” media = “all”>
        body {
           background-color: linen;
        h1 {
           color: maroon;
           margin-left: 40px;
     <h1>This is a heading</h1>
     <p>This is a paragraph.</p>
Attributes associated with <style> elements are −
typetext/cssSpecifies the style sheet language as a content-type (MIME type). This is required attribute.
mediascreen tty tv projection handheld print braille aural allSpecifies the device the document will be displayed on. Default value is all. This is an optional attribute.
You can use style attribute of any HTML element to define style rules. These rules will be applied to that element only. Here is the generic syntax −
<element style = “…style rules….”>
stylestyle rulesThe value of style attribute is a combination of style declarations separated by semicolon (;).
Following is the example of inline CSS based on the above syntax −
     <h1 style = “color:#36C;”>
        This is inline CSS
The <link> element can be used to include an external stylesheet file in your HTML document.
An external style sheet is a separate text file with .css extension. You define all the Style rules within this text file and then you can include this file in any HTML document using <link> element.
Here is the generic syntax of including external CSS file −
  <link type = “text/css” href = “…” media = “…” />
Attributes associated with <style> elements are −
typetext cssSpecifies the style sheet language as a content-type (MIME type). This attribute is required.
hrefURLSpecifies the style sheet file having Style rules. This attribute is a required.
mediascreen tty tv projection handheld print braille aural allSpecifies the device the document will be displayed on. Default value is all. This is optional attribute.
Consider a simple style sheet file with a name mystyle.css having the following rules −
h1, h2, h3 {
  color: #36C;
  font-weight: normal;
  letter-spacing: .4em;
  margin-bottom: 1em;
  text-transform: lowercase;
Now you can include this file mystyle.css in any HTML document as follows −
  <link type = “text/css” href = “mystyle.css” media = ” all” />
@import is used to import an external stylesheet in a manner similar to the <link> element. Here is the generic syntax of @import rule.
  <@import “URL”;
Here URL is the URL of the style sheet file having style rules. You can use another syntax as well −
  <@import url(“URL”);
Following is the example showing you how to import a style sheet file into HTML document −
  @import “mystyle.css”;
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mywiseshopping-blog · 7 years ago
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kadirinews · 5 years ago
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Check out @husains_bakes for delicious cakes #Mediascreen #Adverts #husainsbakes #Leicester #London #Cakes #Desserts (at Kadiri News & Launderette) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2WTRLIHbMZ/?igshid=17x2tmhq61r8d
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kadirinews · 6 years ago
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Check out @3for10pizza #Mediascreen #Adverts #Pizzas #Leicester (at Kadiri News & Launderette) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0ByA2gH9ey/?igshid=17rtcygjdm209
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kadirinews · 6 years ago
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@big_wax123 representing @moneymotivated.tm near our media screen. Show your support to this new brand #mediascreen #adverts #Moneymotivated #new #brand #clothing #big_wax #moneymotivated (at Kadiri News & Launderette) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzhAylYH-wW/?igshid=1m8gnzl5uoovz
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kadirinews · 6 years ago
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Check out @moneymotivated.tm clothing for the latest gear. #newkidsontheblock #fashionlabel #mediascreen #advert #Leicester (at Leicester, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByvoCZyHjHI/?igshid=14dtai2xvuli2
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kadirinews · 6 years ago
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We have two spaces left on our Media for next month. Direct message us If you wish to place an advert on our screen. #Kadiri_news #Mediascreen #Highfields #Evington #Leicestercity #LCFC #Leicester (at Kadiri News & Launderette) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtERSElHb8m/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=2hvqht2ay8o7
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