seanborgla · 5 years
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So a lot of people ask me how it keep my skin looking young. Well here’s how... #thesecretisout thanks to the skilled hands of @medbeautyla @thatfacethosebrows the #results are here for you to see. This is just after one session. More results to shown soon. Here’s what they did... they prepped my skin with a light #dermaplaning Quick #powerpeptide #resurfacer followed by #TheSaltFacial This treatment is great for resurfacing the skin, allowing products to penetrate deeper and allows the full benefit of each product applied to the skin. I have to everyone has noticed the difference... so I’m looking forward to seeing the full result in a few months... #onehappycustomer #medbeautyla #myskin #notbadformyage #naturalskincare ... not bad for 52! 😮❤️ (at Medbeautyla) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3_bWpfF5Ks/?igshid=1oaqc19g564dt
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