#mecha maddness
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best iteration of this deck so far. functionally much better since i swapped potion of growth and upgrade point for personal servers and boosting elixir.
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B (@midnight-maddison-isms)
B) Muse A accidentally gropes Muse B in the midst of searching for the TV remote, but hears Muse B moan in pleasure
Orianna was just minding her own business, watching some Netflix on TV, a series about a team of paladins that form a large mecha that saves the universe. She was leaned onto Madds, munching on a chocolate bar. He wanted to change the show and she allowed him to since she did watch the show a few hundred times already.
All of a sudden, she felt a hand on her breasts, getting a tight squeeze that caused the girl to moan loudly. She looked up seeing Madds, “.. That’t not how you change the show.”
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Adult Fear: Not exactly an "adult" fear, but anyone with younger siblings whom they have felt responsible for at any time will probably feel particularly horrified when Deidy Rose is taken by the robot goblins.
Attack! Attack... Retreat! Retreat!: During the duel between Kayron and the Baroness, the others blast open the main gate and escape the castle while the soldiers give chase on foot. We then see Bombaly and the kids have turned the tables on them, with the village’s children chasing them back into the court yard.
Bad Boss: Madame LaQuta to her "family" of orphaned children.
The Baroness: Baroness Vordia. Unlike most examples, this Baroness is in fact an actual baroness. She lives in the capital of a barony.
Big Bad Ensemble: The heroes face foe after foe on their way to the Land of Milk and Honey.
Big Eater: Bombaly loves eating metal.
Big "WHAT?!": Abigail after Bitsy confesses to losing track of Deidy Rose.
Bizarre Taste in Food: Bombaly the Whomp has an appetite for all sorts of metal. He dislikes human food, especially fruit.
But Now I Must Go: Bombaly leaves the kids at the end because another kid may need his help and they are now happy and safe.
Character Development: Most of the main characters, but Kayron in particular.
Chekhov's Skill: Bombaly's ability to bite through steel helps him and the kids escape from LaQuta’s prison by eating the bars of their cell.
Cool Airship: The dirigible that the group commandeer while escaping Milain.
Cool Car: The three wheeler that the kids use to rescue Bombaly.
Conveniently an Orphan: The main characters and the kid bandits.
Curb-Stomp Battle: The Fangorian Army and LaQuta are very easily taken down by the children.
Deadpan Snarker: Banzai. Abigail and Podge also qualify.
Dem Bones: Banzai, Kayron and Bombaly face undead skeleton pirates in a frozen shipwreck.
Deranged Animation: The art style gives the film a very unique look.
Disney Death: Bombaly, near the end of the film.
Disney Villain Death: Subverted with Vordia, who botches her escape out the window and is carried off by her vultures. Given how poorly she treated them, this is probably not going to turn out well...
Disproportionate Retribution: LaQuta seems to run on this. A kid spills ambergris over a dress? She forces her to make black clothes in the dark. A Whomp eating jewelry in her store? She locks him up in her prison.
Distracted by My Own Sexy: LaQuta breaks her routine of abusing her workforce to gaze at her reflection, calling herself "the most beautiful creature in all of Nod".
Earn Your Happy Ending: After everything they’ve been through, the orphans all reach the Land of Milk and Honey, where they’re all Happily Adopted.
Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep": All of Ye Olde Bongo Inn's patrons are referred to by their occupations. They try to drag Bombaly into it as well.
Gentle Giant: Bombaly is gigantic and monstrous, but is a Nice Guy.
Happily Adopted: The orphans after reaching the Land of Milk and Honey.
Heroic Sacrifice: Banzai and Bombaly. Both turn out to be alive, though.
High-Dive Escape: Parodied. After Vordia realizes that Kayron has defeated her, she says that she has a boat waiting, adds a We Will Meet Again, and jumps out the window into the lake. Unfortunately for her, her escape boat is small, wooden, and located right under the window, so she smashes through the boat and sinks it.
Informed Deformity: Bombaly, supposedly, looks really scary, as the children freak out during their first encounter. His character design is actually quite cute.
MacGuffin: The Book of Promised Lands.
Mecha-Mooks: Vordia’s mechanical goblins.
Metal Muncher: Bombaly likes to eat metal objects. The main reason he gets captured by LaQuta is because he was eating her jewelry.
Money, Dear Boy: In-universe, the Madd brothers' motivation of capturing Bombaly for their circus is purely for money.
My God, What Have I Done?: Banzai after getting the group lost and overhearing the others talk about how they're going to die. It's this that encourages him to jump off the airship in search of a compass.
A Nazi by Any Other Name: The Fangorian Army.
Nice Guy: Kayron is heroic, kind, and honest, and Bombaly is friendly, helpful, and a Gentle Giant.
Not in the Face!: LaQuta exclaims "Not my generous face!" upon receiving her generous beating.
Offscreen Moment of Awesome: When Banzai fends off hordes of pirate zombies. And wins.
Oh, Crap!: Several throughout the film.
Opera Gloves: Cherry wears them.
Plucky Girl: Most of the female characters in this movie.
Priceless Ming Vase: Prince Milain speaks movingly about his most prized possession, a statue of himself. Naturally, it's destroyed comically shortly afterward.
The Promised Land: The Land of Milk and Honey.
Punk Punk: The film, at least, seems to straddle the line between Steampunk and Diesel Punk.
Put Their Heads Together: While Kayron and Bombaly are infiltrating a castle the latter knocks out two guards by slamming their heads together.
Ragtag Bunch of Misfits: Bombaly and the kids.
Reluctant Monster: Bombaly. The kids are scared of him first, but once they get to know him they learn he's a good-hearted and friendly creature.
Retraux: Much of the movie's style harkens back to western animated films from the 60s, 70s and 80s.
Say My Name: Vordia screams Kuckoo's name whenever something goes wrong. It's pretty funny, actually.
Storming the Castle: Kayron and Bombaly storm the Baroness's castle in order to rescue the others.
Sword Fight: Vordia vs Kayron. Neither wins, surprisingly; Kayron is obviously the better swordsman, but Vordia pulls a Villain: Exit, Stage Left and jumps out the window.
Those Two Bad Guys: The Madd Brothers.
Those Wacky Nazis: Again, the Fangorian Army.
Too Dumb to Live: The Fangorian Army seems to run on this, blindly charging into battle and never once firing their rifles as they are swiftly routed by the children and villagers.
Villain: Exit, Stage Left: Baroness Vordia pulls one of these on Kayron after the boy proves to be better than her in fencing/swordfighting. She bungles the exit somewhat, leading to her vultures attacking her.
Visual Pun: Selfish, greedy LaQuta constantly talks about how generous she is. There are only two generous things about her in this movie: her obese figure, and the beating she gets when her slaves revolt.
Walk This Way: “If any of us could walk that way...”
We Will Meet Again: Vordia: "Those who fight and run away will live to fight another day" before escaping.
World of Ham: The land of Nod is populated with strange characters.
You All Meet in a Cell: Bombaly and the kids meet in LaQuta’s prison.
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