#meanwhile they talk abt the huge labour shortages w/o thinking further
transrightsjimin · 2 years
3 days later and im still mentally drained frm talking to my autism coach aka having an unwanted discussion bc she decided to bring up the usual faux concern for my mental health and how i isolate myself, after she literally made me sad and pissed off by pushing me again abt when ill stop wearing masks, and spouting the typical bullshit everyone says like 'it's proven covid is just a flu now' and when i try to refute anything that the shitty fucking dutch government and corrupted health orgs say w no proof, she went again like 'you don't have to make this about politics' and 'that's how you think about it but not everyone sees it that way' etc etc and when i talked abt disabled friends nd family nd what the effects of long covid are she pretended to understand but she DOESN'T bc she wants me to stop wearing masks 'bc it's not required anymore' and so does my other autism coach want me to and so do my doctors and colleagues and my vulnerable parents who i've regrettably now even stopped masking around bc my dad just gets pissed off and my mom got too sad we couldnt kiss e/o on the cheeks and they don't Get it and always kept asking why i wouldnt eat or drink w them at home nd i was honestly FINE MENTALLY abt al this crap bc i try not to think abt it too much and just be doube masked in public transport and go about my day but then this fucking piece of scum that plays the same record over and over like every dumb fucking dutchie who think the govt and 'being Normal' is sacred urghgh anyway good night!!!
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