#meanwhile they somehow manage to forget he's there despite using him as a mouthpiece
whyamihereat4am · 4 months
Death Note AU where L isn't fluent in Japanese and Light isn't fluent in English, so instead of their conversations having ridiculously long pauses due to 5 minute internal monologues, it's because every time one of them speaks the other has to discreetly whip out a dictionary and flip through it before responding (they are both pretending to speak the language better than they actually do because they're idiots)
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anjuschiffer · 6 years
Veeeeeery sorry about being a bazillion days late! 
Todorokoko, I was your SS! I really hope you you like this! 
Once again, thank you @bkdksecretsanta for the wonderful event! 
It’s been winter for a while, but it had still yet to snow. People wander through the streets in hope of the snow, wearing layers of clothing and a coat to top it off. Different mixtures of colors from the hats and scarves wandered through the busy streets of Hosu, when a large explosion interrupted the tranquil streets.
Izuku stopped in his tracks, whipping his head towards the direction of the explosion, almost dropping his boxes and bags of Christmas shopping in the process.
Even though it was a good two weeks away, there’s nothing like planning ahead and making sure everything goes smoothly. Or so Izuku thought before hearing the explosion. Izuku sighed.
Why now of all times?
Without a second of hesitation, Izuku activated his Quirk and jumped onto the nearest roof, almost dropping half of his things when he landed on top of an arcade building. His footing wasn’t off, but the amount of weight he had placed sure was.
Setting his gifts down, he took off his coat and draped it over his gifts. If it dared to snow, he wouldn’t want any to get inside the opened bags.
He did a few squats to warm up his limbs, leaning side to side to prepare himself for the fight. Once he finished that, he clapped his cheeks and smiled. Time to do some work!
Activating his Quirk once more, he jumped into the air, cool air hitting his face as he descended from the sky and landed a few buildings away from the scene of the crime. He quickly surveyed the area, looking around to see where the explosion came from, his eyes landing onto the gaping hole coming from the side of a bank. Izuku grinned as he placed a silver mouthpiece over his mouth.
He jumped off the building, landing with a swirl of cold air around him. He heard cheers of a few people in the distance while the culprit at hand stared at him with wide eyes. How did he get here so quickly?
“Everything will be okay!” Izuku said with a smile before promptly making a dash for the villain. “I’m right here!”
The fight didn’t last long. After a good 10 minutes of wrestling with the villain, who’s Quirk was something else, Izuku managed to capture him, pinning the villain to the ground with his hands pressed against his back. Izuku used some special anti-Quirk handcuffs and binding cloth that Mei had made for him the other day. With the criminal snuggly wrapped with no way out, Izuku called for some backup, even though they should already be there. Izuku sat there with the villain, huffing a bit.
Minutes turned to an hour, Izuku tapping his foot quietly against the floor. He finally turned to the criminal and said, “Why would you use your body-arrangement Quirk for robbery? You could’ve used it for undercover Hero work instead.”
The man looked at him with a look of confusion and wide eyes. Where was he all his life?
Bakugou stood under a dimmed street light, taking out his phone to look at the time.
It was late.
He huffed, a tiny stream of breath made visible. He pocketed his phone and looked up to the sky, gray clouds drifting in the wind.
“That damned nerd.” Bakugou said, a ping ringing in the silent air. Bakugo fished his phone out, turning on his phone screen to see a Reddit notification. He tapped it and frowned when he saw ‘Deku’ and ‘Capture’ in the same sentence. “Damn nerd.”
Izuku got bored quickly after he talked to the criminal about his Quirk, finding out that the man never thought about undercover Hero work until Izuku had mentioned it.
How did it not cross his mind before?
Izuku continued to sit there, waiting for backup when a shadow towered on him. He looked up, straightening himself when he saw who it was.
“What are you doing here?” Katsuki asked him, Izuku giving him a small smile, knowing what will happen if he told him.
“W-Well, there was an incident and-”
“Whatever happened to Recovery Girl’s instructions! You’re not suppose be involved into any type of fighting until your wrists recover!” Katsuki yelled, grabbing his arm and showing him his wrapped-up wrists. Izuku frowned, placing his hand over Katsuki’s.
“I didn’t do anything serious.” Izuku said, rolling his eyes. Katsuki huffed, tiny clouds forming under his nose. Izuku snorted.
“What’s so funny?”
“Nothing.” Izuku said, suppressing a laugh, his grasp on the capture cloth on the villain still tight. He gained focus when a slight series of blue and red lights made themselves known to the two young heroes.
“Yeah right nothing’s funny.” Katsuki said, seeing Detective Tsukauchi from the corner of his eye. “Seems the old man’s friend is here.”
“For the last time Kacchan, All Might isn’t that old.” Izuku said with a slight pout. Katsuki looked at him with a straight face, cocking one of his eyebrows. Izuku sighed. “Fine. He might be...old.” It was at times like these that Izuku wished that Katsuki wasn’t so blunt about All Might.
Ever since Izuku let him in on the OFA secret, Katsuki had been more blunt and bold about anything with All Might. The respect was there along with the shade. “Just don’t say it in front of him. He’s still hurt about the whole-”
“-but it was true.” Katsuki said. “He has a bad sense of fashion. You would think that he would change that damn yellow mustard suit once his secret was out, but no.” Katsuki simply scowled. “He still wore it!”
“Listen, not everyone lives with a very fashionable person, okay?” Izuku pointed out. “And besides, all the girls like it.” Izuku said, hoping that Katsuki didn’t know why exactly.
“Because it’s dorky.” Izuku let out a weak laugh. So he knew. “But not as dorky as yours.”
“Hey!” Izuku said, elbowing Katsuki’s side, earning a chuckle from him.
“I’m not saying it doesn’t look good.”
“True.” Izuku said, averting his gaze from Katsuki. Katsuki simply looked to the side, seeing Agent Tsukauchi approaching the two. A odd, yet comforting silence sat between the two. Without permission, Katsuki grabbed hold of the cloth bind in Izuku’s hand, his fingertips ghost over Izuku’s hand. Izuku quivered.
“I’ll hand him over. You rest up. It looked like one hell of a fight. Also,” Katsuki took off his coat with a single hand, not losing his grip on the villain and handed Izuku his coat. “Put this on. You’ll catch a cold.”
Izuku looked at Katsuki and then at his coat, a smile gracing his lips.
“Thank you.”
“Shut up and put it on idiot. I seriously don’t want you getting a cold. You know how well that turned out last time.” Katsuki said, walking over to Detective Tsukauchi. Meanwhile, Izuku wrapped the coat over his body.
“So warm.” Izuku whispered, sinking into the warmness of Katsuki’s coat.
“So where exactly did you place these damn things?” Katsuki asked, blowing into his hands.
This is why he hated winter. While he was used to the stupid coldness, not being able to use his Quirk to warm up was a downside. He glanced over to Izuku who was shivering as he walked. Idiot. He was even wearing his coat. He should be warm by now. Unless the cold was entering through the gap at the bottom of the coat. He was smaller than him after all. Both in height and frame.
“I...I don’t actually remember.” Izuku confessed, scratching his cheek. Katsuki’s hair puffed up more than usual, causing Izuku to flinch. Ochako was right. He did look like a pomeranian when he was angry.
“What do you mean you don’t remember?” Katsuki yelled, his palms crackling. The smell made Izuku’s stomach growl. How long has it been since he’s eaten roasted marshmallows? “How long have you been outside?” Katsuki asked upon hearing the rumbling. Izuku’s face turned red.
“M-Maybe a good...6 hours?”
“I had a lot of things to buy!” Izuku defended himself with. “And with the curfew being earlier than last time, I had to forget about eating if I wanted to get the things I wanted in time!”
“That’s not a reason for neglecting food. You should know that you damn nerd.” Katsuki said, slightly regretting helping Izuku look for the gifts he had misplaced. “Are you sure you came from this direction?” Izuku nodded his head.
“Pretty sure, although I’m not sure where exactly I launched myself from.” Izuku said with a sigh, glancing at Katsuki. He was wearing a turtleneck. Just like his winter hero suit.
“Well, where exactly was the last place you remember being or shopping at?”
“Remember that place that I was talking about that sells Red Riot merch?”
“Well, that's the closest place I remember to being at, so-”
“Let's go.” Katsuki said, grabbing Izuku's hand and tugging him along as he picked up the pace.
“Eh? Why there?”
“If it's the closest place, then we don't have to waste time looking around. We'll just scan the rooftops until we see them.” Katsuki said. Izuku smiled.
“That's a great idea Kacchan!”
“Of course it is.” Katsuki said, making sure to not let Izuku see his face.
“Then let's go!” Izuku said, scooping Katsuki into a bridal carry and activating his Quirk.
“Idiot! What are doing?!” Katsuki said, trying to get down despite the tight grip Izuku had on him. Izuku laughed.
“It'll be faster this way!” Izuku said, jumping into the cold air, Katsuki’s shouts ringing throughout the dark night.
Luckily, the duo was able to find the presents, somehow able to bringing them all up to Izuku's room.
Katsuki placed the bags down on the ground while placing the boxes he carried on Izuku's empty desk. Izuku placed the boxes he was carrying on his bed, going back to close the door. He removed Katsuki's coat and places it to the side, besides his own.
“So that's everything. Sure went on a spending spree.” Katsuki said, looking at the red and green lying around Izuku's room.
“Well, there are a lot of people I wanted to give gifts to.” Izuku said, picking up a few bags, placing them on the center of the room.
“What are you doing?”
“I'm going to start wrapping them.”
“Yea.” Izuku said, walking to his closet and taking out some tubes of wrapping paper.
“What about dinner?” Katsuki said.
“I'll eat later. I want to wrap them now. Since break is around the-”
“Later? You said you accent eaten since you left this morning!”
“Yea, just let me start wrapping and then I'll head downstairs. A few more minutes won't hurt.”
“Yes it will.” Katsuki said with a growl.
“It won't if I go within an hour. That's all I'll take. I promise.” Izuku said, about to sit down when Bakugou grabbed his arm.
“I promise?” Bakugou looked at Midoriya straight in the eyes. “I always hear you say that to All Might and Recovery Girl and yet what to do you go and do?” Bakugou jabbed his finger at Midoriya. “You go and do the opposite of what they tell you to do.”
“We can't keep all promises!” Midoriya said, tugging his arm from Bakugou's grasp.
“Then why do you make them?”
“It makes the other person feel reassured.”
“Reassured? So apparently making broken promises is what you like to do?”
“It's part of the job whether we like it or not!”
“That's not what makes a Hero and you know that!” Bakugou yelled. Midoriya grabbed him by shirt collar.
“I know that, but you act like you don't do it yourself.”
“Your right, but at least I'm always consider about other people and their worries. I'm not the one who disregards warnings.” Bakugou said, Midoriya loosening his grip on him.
“You're wrong.”
“Remind me who went and fought despite being told to recover?” A silence. Bakugou pushed Midoriya's hand away, walking towards the door, picking his coat along the way. Before leaving, “Not everyone can have the luck you have you know. Not everyone has access to what you have.”
Izuku was left with those words hanging around him as he heard the door shut. He let himself plop onto the floor, picking up where he left off as the built up tears threatened to fall.
An hour and a half had passed while Izuku wrapped the gifts he had bought. The rumbling of his stomach interrupted his wrapping and the only reason why he bothered to look at the clock.
Katsuki was right.
He shouldn't be saying what he can't up hold.
Since he had stopped, might was well take a break.
Izuku got up, almost toppling over the small clutter of wrapped gifts around his feet. He quickly caught himself, balancing himself and stepping over his mess. He thankfully made his way towards his bedroom door without stepping on any of the precious gifts. He opened the door to his bedroom, only to be met with ruby eyes.
“No, its Santa.” Katsuki said, causing Izuku to blink before averting his gaze to the side. A small scowl made itself known across Katsuki’s face. “Hurry up and make a way for me to get in. I brought drinks and a few other things.” Katsuki said, motioning to the small tray with 2 mugs and a plate of cookies.
“You brought these for me?”
“If you want them, hurry up and make a path before everything becomes mine.”
“R-right!” Izuku stammered, looking behind himself, commencing to pick up the gifts and placing them on top of his desk or any place besides the floor. Some went to his bed while others barely made it to the bed, toppling over towards the abandoned chair in the corner. Quickly, Izuku caught the gifts, placing them down more gently than the first time. “Everything’s good.” Izuku said, even though there was still a mess on the floor.
Katsuki carefully made his way into his bedroom, careful to not slip on any loose gift wrapping or anything that can cause him to go flying. Izuku closed the door behind him, watching him make his way towards the back the room with familiarity.
Thankfully he made it to where he wanted, the middle of the room. He carefully placed the tray down and sat on the floor, his back pressed against the bed frame. Katsuki then signaled him to come over.
Izuku walked over and stood next to him, only to be pulled down into Katsuki's embrace, sitting over Katsuki's crossed legs. Izuku felt Katsuki lean slightly over, his chin resting on Izuku's shoulder.
“Sorry about earlier.”
“No, you were right. I shouldn't be saying things I can't uphold.”
“And you shouldn't be skipping meals.” Katsuki said, handing a mug over to Izuku, a waft of cocoa crossing under their noses.
“Cocoa?” Izuku said, his stomach growled with pain.
“The old hag sent some the other day. Thought I should share some with you. Since you're starving and whatnot.” Katsuki said, grabbing a cookie from the tray he brought.
“That makes sense. That's why it smelled so familiar.”
“She used to make this for us when we were kids.” Izuku said, smiling as he looked at the chocolatey drink in his hands, the warmth of it like that of a mother's.
“Guess you're right. Never realized it though. I've always drank it whenever she made it.”
“Think we can visit her over the break?” Izuku said, taking a sip from the mug. He looked over at the tray of cookies, noticing that there weren't many left.
“Why should we?”
“Don't you miss her?”
“The old hag?” A scoff. “Not really. I have you.” Katsuki said, gaining a series of giggled from Izuku. “W-what?”
“That's the corniest thing you've said to me.”
“Whatever. I meant it.” Katsuki said, taking his mug and chugged half of it down. Izuku placed his down, his stomach singing in satisfaction.
“I know you do.” Izuku said, letting out a yawn. He leaned back into Katsuki.
“Hey! You're going to make me spill my cocoa! And there isn't much after these two!”
“Sorry, just got a bit drowsy. The cocoa really hit the spot.”
“Maybe I should ask the had to teach me how to make it. I don't always want to rely on her like a kid.” Katsuki said, feeling Izuku lean more into him. “Hey.” No response.
Tiny snores filled the quiet room.
Katsuki sighed. He drank the rest of his cocoa and placed the mug down. Wrapping his arms around Izuku, Katsuki placed his head on top of Izuku's and drifted to sleep.
He'll thank his mother over the break when they go visit her.
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