#meanwhile the hearts complaining because “where was this law during freshman year when i was starving in math class??”
itsrainingbubbles · 3 months
Law brings Luffy snacks everyday at school
Snacks is a bit of a loose term though because law brings anything from a whole watermelon to those pre cooked chickens you can buy at the store
It started even before they were dating, though admittedly it only got as ridiculous as it is now after they started dating
At first it was just protein bars, cora always made sure law had some in his backpack and one day when Luffy was complaining about being hungry in the locker rooms law offered it to Luffy
It derailed from there
Soon the occasional protein bar turned into a routine of law passing by Luffy's locker in the morning to drop off a bar, giving him another in the locker rooms, and one during lunch
When they started dating the pattern continued until one day law brought a whole ass watermelon to school
He carried it around all day in his backpack somehow successfully hiding it from Luffy until lunch and that's when he brought it out, and after seeing his boyfriend so happy with the watermelon law wasn't about to disappoint the following day by only having the same protein bars
Cora jokes about going bankrupt from having to feed Luffy daily 'snacks' and the occasional meals when Luffy stays over at his house and while it is true that it's putting a hole in his wallet he doesn't particularly mind since being with Luffy is the happiest law has been and it's never been easier getting law to eat
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